December Messenger 2011 · Please take an...

DECEMBER 2011 The Messenger FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) Pastors and Elder Page 2 FCC News and Events 3 FCC News and Events 4 Missions 5 Children’s News 6&7 Associate Pastor 7 Inside this issue: Demonstrating and proclaiming God’s joyful, unconditional love and providing an inclusive environment of spiritual growth and nurturing for God’s children! WOW Ministry Supports Our Youngest Children In Worship Wow—children have their own way of worshipping. Through sight, touch, repetition of sounds and stories, manipulation of objects, drawing, and creating, children internalize biblical concepts and learn to respond to them in their own ways. In recent years, FCC has adopted the Wor- ship and Wonder program for children in the post-toddler age group. The curriculum and sto- ries in Following Jesus follow our children as they journey toward “big church.” Now, in recog- nition of the special ways our youngest children worship, the WOW ministry (Worship our Way) will replace the concept of the nursery. Not only is it important for our babies and tod- dlers to understand that they have a time and place for worship, but also it’s important for our adults and older children for the following reasons: Our children’s space, the nursery, will be arranged to accom- modate this ministry, and we hope others who use this space will respect it as they do the other worship spaces in our church. The tools our children use for worship should be cared for and replaced as they are used. Continuity and structure are especially important to our babies and toddlers. Instead of thinking about dropping children in or taking them out of the nursery, think instead about helping them to participate in WOW by repeating the stories and asking questions when you get home. You can help with this important new ministry. This winter, the beautiful Chrismon tree in the Great Hall is also an angel tree. The angels are printed with needs for the WOW ministry. Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The presents will be opened by the children during the Christmas Day Service. In the next few months, we will host several WOW Work Days to facilitate painting and readying the space, putting together new cribs, and reorganizing. If you are interested in volunteering, please let Beverly Williams or Pastor Trudy know. Please look for more WOW news on Page 6.

Transcript of December Messenger 2011 · Please take an...

Page 1: December Messenger 2011 · Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The


The Messenger









Pastors and Elder Page 2

FCC News and Events 3

FCC News and Events 4

Missions 5

Children’s News 6&7

Associate Pastor 7

Inside this issue:

Demonstrating and proclaiming God’s joyful, unconditional love

and providing an inclusive environment of spiritual growth

and nurturing for God’s children!

WOW Ministry Supports Our Youngest Children In Worship

Wow—children have their own way of worshipping. Through sight, touch, repetition of sounds and stories, manipulation of objects, drawing, and creating, children internalize biblical concepts and learn to respond to them in their own ways. In recent years, FCC has adopted the Wor-ship and Wonder program for children in the post-toddler age group. The curriculum and sto-ries in Following Jesus follow our children as they journey toward “big church.” Now, in recog-nition of the special ways our youngest children worship, the WOW ministry (Worship our Way) will replace the concept of the nursery. Not only is it important for our babies and tod-dlers to understand that they have a time and place for worship, but also it’s important for our adults and older children for the following reasons:

♦ Our children’s space, the nursery, will be arranged to accom-modate this ministry, and we hope others who use this space will respect it as they do the other worship spaces in our church.

♦ The tools our children use for worship should be cared for and replaced as they are used.

♦ Continuity and structure are especially important to our babies and toddlers. Instead of thinking about dropping children in or taking them out of the nursery, think instead about helping them to participate in WOW by repeating the stories and asking questions when you get home.

You can help with this important new ministry. This winter, the beautiful Chrismon tree in the Great Hall is also an angel tree. The angels are printed with needs for the WOW ministry. Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The presents will be opened by the children during the Christmas Day Service. In the next few months, we will host several WOW Work Days to facilitate painting and readying the space, putting together new cribs, and reorganizing. If you are interested in volunteering, please let Beverly Williams or Pastor Trudy know. Please look for more WOW news on Page 6.

Page 2: December Messenger 2011 · Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The

God’s Garden




The Best Christmas Ever!

A few weeks ago, I was asked to participate in the production of an Advent video for our denomination. For thirty minutes, I was videotaped as I responded to questions about what Advent means to me. Since there were three of us moderators who were inter-viewed for 30 minutes each, and the video will be less than 5 minutes, I’m sure most of what I shared won’t find its way past the cutting room floor!

But I have a feeling that a particular quote will find its

way into the video. One of the most wonderful memories I have of Advent came from last year, when many of us were out for our annual Christmas caroling to the sick and home-bound. My caroling group stopped by to see Sonja Tay-lor. We had a wonderful time of singing together and hearing little Anna Colson share a solo or two, much to Sonja’s de-light. When we finished sing-ing, I remember Sonja saying, “This is the best Christmas EVER!”

And THAT’S what Advent

means to me: preparing to celebrate “the best Christmas ever”—EVERY YEAR.

Somehow—I think that quote will find its way into the video…and hopefully into your heart and mine. Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ ... again and again. As we journey to Beth-lehem, let us pray and sing and listen once again to the ancient story that reminds us of God’s greatest gift—Love Incarnate!

Blessings, Susan

A Word

from our


When I meditate over the past three years of my service as an elder at First Christian, the word that comes to mind is growth.

Thanks be to God that we can continue to grow and to be nourished in our Christian lives just as God’s bounty continues to grow and nourish us.

I love gardening and working in my yard … God’s garden. The church is like God’s garden to me. However, what is not plant-ed cannot grow. The bag of bulbs I forgot that lingers in my garage will not grow in the bag. They may sprout, but they will not flourish.

Helping the church flourish is a labor of love - a tending of the garden in one season of life that brings life to another. It is a rhythm. As we reap one har-vest, we are preparing and planting the next. We are now enjoying God’s bounty of ap-ples and pumpkins while we are planting collards and next year’s bulbs. This is the beautiful rhythm of life we have come to expect.

The church is like the commu-nity garden, some of us plant and others water. We are called to pay attention, to notice, to invite, to encourage, to nurture and to prepare others to hear

and to see God’s call to them as well. Come and help God tend His garden! Come, the ground is fertile and waiting to be tilled! Come and grow into God’s love for you! Come and give thanks!

This season for me is ending, but here at First Christian I have been equipped for what God has in store for me in the next. Praise God for a church whose bounty is spread for ALL!

Deborah Batson, Elder Chair


Worthy As many of you know, a gener-ous donation was made in memory of Sonja Taylor for the purchase of tone chimes for the FCC music division. If you are interested in being a part of the tone chime players, please let Betty Nolan know. While it will be easier if you already read

music, we believe we can help non-music readers learn to play also, so don't let that stop you! The tone chimes have been ordered and are expected to be received soon after the first of the year. We look for-ward to using this new aspect of worship in our services. We

will try to set a practice schedule so that all who may be interest-ed can learn. Several of the choir's anthems call for bell parts, which will be a wonderful instrumental addition to our special music. Betty Nolan, Music Director

New Addition to our Worship Services!

Page 3: December Messenger 2011 · Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The

Page 3 DECEMBER 2011

Humility, Gratitude and Generosity: Reflections on Abundant Living, by John P. Mobley, Regional Minis-ter

Cost: $11 (includes shipping, order forms available at Information Desk)

Great Christmas Gift Ideas!

The Daily Grind: God With Your Coffee, by Pastor Susan Diamond

Copies available for signing by Pastor Susan on Sunday, Decem-ber 4 and 11

following 10:30 a.m. service Cost: $15

Diaconate Orientation

New members of the FCC Diaconate will receive training Saturday , December 10 , at 2:00 p.m. During this time together, we will review scheduling and responsibilities of the diaconate ministry and how this important group enhances FCC’s mission and ministry. Please contact the church office at 270-1320 o r b y e m a i l a t jlongshore@fccmontgomery to RSVP by Monday, December 5.

AUM NLA 9th Annual Christmas


Saturday, Decem-ber 10, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., the Auburn Mont-gomery Chapter of the Nonprofit Lead-ership Alliance will host its 9th Annual

Christmas Program for Disadvan-taged Kids. We will host approxi-mately 125 children from the Mont-gomery area who will each need help with getting food, creating crafts, meeting Santa, and picking out toys, and we would love for volunteers of all ages to come out and help! Please contact Travis McGough at (334) 669-0609 for more infor-mation.

Instead of purchasing dozens of smaller poin-settias, as has been the custom for several years, this year the church plans to purchase 9 large poinsettias for decora-tion. The plants will be

set out on Christmas Eve and Christmas Sunday. If you would like to donate to-ward the cost of the poinsettias, please donate by December 18. You may do-nate in memory or honor of someone/something special in your life. Donation forms were placed in the Sun-day bulletins November 27. After the 10:30 a.m. service Christmas Sunday, the poinsettias will be taken to our homebound to enjoy.


Advent is a season of hope and expectation set amidst the poverty, violence and injustice of the world. Since AIDS was identified in the early 1980s, the joy of advent has contrasted sharply with the reality of the pandemic that has meant daily tragedy and challenge for individuals and communities around the world. However, this global context has also inspired courageous responses to HIV, with determined and often stunning acts of leadership, compassion and grace. Therefore, beginning on World AIDS Day and up to Christmas in both Western and Eastern traditions, this advent calendar offers daily meditations to stir people of faith to reflect upon and re-commit to living out God’s promise that all might have abundant life. To access the advent calendar go to

Advent Devotionals Available

Be sure to pick up your Advent Devotional at the Front Desk. This Devotional takes you day by day on your journey through Advent. May your journey be joyful and blessed as you celebrate this Christmas Season.

World AIDS Day, December 1st

Christmas Card Mailbox

Look for a Christmas Card mailbox in the Great Hall beginning Sunday, December 4. Instead of mailing Christmas cards to your FCC family, simply place your cards in the appropriate box according to the first letter of the last name of the person or family.

Page 4: December Messenger 2011 · Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The

Page 4 NOVEMBER 2011

Sunday, Dec 4 Second Sunday of Advent

Come join us at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. as we continue our journey with Joseph of Bethlehem and consider his part in the birth of Jesus the Christ.

Wednesday, Dec 7 Intergenerational Wednesday Advent Service—led by FCC Young Adults

Fellowship Dinner (reservations required) at 5:30 p.m.

Jesus, Light of the World: A Luminary Crosswalk—6:15 p.m.

Sunday, Dec 11 Third Sunday of Advent

Come join us at 10:30 a.m. for a combined worship service as the FCC Chancel Choir presents the Christmas Cantata, Tapestry of Light: A Celtic Christmas Celebration

Wednesday, Dec 14 Intergenerational Wednesday Advent Service—led by FCC Adults

Fellowship Dinner (reservations required) at 5:30 p.m.

Experiencing Advent through Music and Film (The Little Drummer Boy)—6:15 p.m.

Thursday, Dec 15 FCC Christmas Caroling to the Sick and Homebound—6:00 p.m.

Sunday, Dec 18 Fourth Sunday of Advent

Come join us at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. as we continue our journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. We will ponder and identify the theme of journey as a metaphor for life.

Wednesday, Dec 21 Intergenerational Wednesday Advent Service—led by FCC Children

Fellowship Dinner (reservations required) at 5:30 p.m.

Children’s Christmas Program—6:15 p.m.

Saturday, Dec 24 Candlelight Communion Christmas Eve Service—5:30 p.m.

Sunday, Dec 25 Christmas Sunday—Come and celebrate Christ’s birth at a combined service at 10:30 a.m.

Special emphasis on the story with our children!

Celebrate The Journey to Bethlehem This Advent! Join us as we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child in worship, fellowship, and service.

Sunday, December 11, the First Christian Church Chancel Choir will present "Tapestry of Light," a Celtic Christmas Celebration by

Joseph M. Martin during the 10:30 worship service.

Please plan on staying afterwards for a lunch fellowship pro-vided by our very own chef Dave Wheatcroft. He will be serving ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls and dessert.

“Tapestry of Light” December Wednesday Night Meals

December 7—Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Glazed Carrots, Garden Salad, Rolls and Dessert

December 14—Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Italian Beans, Salad, Dessert

December 21—Baked Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Peas, Garden Salad, Rolls, Dessert

December 28—Baked Pork Chops, Harvest Rice, Cabbage, Garden Salad, Cornbread, Dessert

Page 5: December Messenger 2011 · Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The

Mission Possible

“But the an-gel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you

good news of great joy for all the people…’” – Luke 2:10

Mark your calendar for the 2011 Christmas offering. We will receive our Christmas Specia l Offering on December 18. Your generous gift will sing God’s praise. And the many ways it strengthens our regional ministries will lift Good News of Great Joy throughout the coming year. 100% of our Christmas Special Offering will stay in our region.

Sandy Smith Missions Chair

Ongoing Missions

Page 5 NOVEMBER 2011

2011 Christmas Offering

Disciples Door to Door is a mission program providing nurture and fellowship to nursing home residents in the Montgomery area. The next mission opportunity is at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 17th. We will visit Crowne Healthcare.

To join this mission, contact Lexie Ofe at 334-590-8412 or [email protected].

Love Your Neighbor Food Ministry is an outreach ministry that provides food, clothing, and counseling services to assist families. The next mission opportunity is Tuesday, December 20, at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday, December 21 at 11:00 a.m.

To join this mission, please contact Don Grobe at 334-312-4281 or [email protected].

Family Promise is a temporary housing assistance program for displaced families. The next mission opportunity is December 4–11.

To join this mission, contact Kelly Colson at [email protected] or 334-409-2327.

HIV/AIDS Task Force is a group that meets regularly to identify ways the church can assist individuals affected by HIV/AIDS.

To join this group, contact Gary Warren at 334-272-3363 or [email protected].

Christians for Critters combines recycling with caring for all God's creatures. We also take supplies to the local animal shelters.

To help with this mission, see or contact Susan Friend at [email protected] or Sandy Smith at [email protected].

FCC Hosting Family Promise December 4-11

First Christian Church will host Family Promise December 4–11, an empowerment project that assists homeless families during their transition into sustained housing. Families will reside at First Christian during this week, offering us the opportunity to work in fellowship by extending the warmth and caring of this congregation to our visiting friends. Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks. Please sign up at the Information Desk. If you haven’t volunteered previously

and would like more information, please contact Kelly Colson at [email protected] or 334-409-2327.

Disciples Door to Door

I hope you can join Door to Door in visit-ing Crowne Healthcare,

1837 Upper Wetumpka Road, Montgomery, 36107, 10:00 a.m., Sat-urday, December 17. Small dogs are wel-come to help us meet

and greet the residents. We will pass out goody bags. If you have ques-tions, please contact Lexie Ofe at (334-409-0812).

Page 6: December Messenger 2011 · Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The

Children’s Messenger

“Let the children come to me . . . For it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” Mark

Page 6 NOVEMBER 2011

It’s no secret that there has been a lot of movin’ and shakin’ going on in the WOW Ministry (formerly the Nursery). If you’ve passed by and peeked in, you might have noticed open spaces where cribs used to be, brightly colored paper with children’s art or new notices on the wall, or even paint swatches hanging from the walls indicating what color they are soon to be. And with t h e y e a r ’ s e n d r a p i d l y

approaching, I thought this would be a good time to reflect on some of the fun we’ve had so far and what you can expect forthcoming.

I can’t believe that it is December already. I can hardly fathom that it’s been seven months since I first shared Goldfish crackers with Liam and blew bubbles with Cash. I can still vividly remember coloring with Lily and getting the biggest hug from Olive. I think Blaze and I have completed every puzzle on the bookshelf. It’s even been one whole month since Sofia and I became BFFs so I won’t be surprised if her first word is “WOW!” And who hasn’t seen, spoken to or heard of Kyndal? Even after her injury, still swollen and barely able to open her mouth, she wanted to come to church and see her friends. She thoroughly enjoys coming to church.

With that being said, everything we’ve done and will con-tinue to do is about those little faces and glorifying the Lord. In other words, getting to know all of our WOW children is just one of the many components to Worship-ping Our Way.

Here are a few others:

• We have recently added little paper angels to the Church Christmas Tree (thank you Ms. Myrna). On each of the angels is an item that is needed in the WOW Ministry to help us fulfill our growing and changing needs. If you would like to con-tribute, please select an angel (within your budg-et) and remove it from the tree. Once you pur-chase the item(s) we would like you to wrap it and place i t under the tree to be opened by the children during the Christmas Day Service.

• We will host a few WOW Work Days soon in order to complete the painting process, build shelving, put cribs together and reorganize. If you are interested in volunteering, please let Beverly or Pastor Trudy know.

I must say that I am more than blessed to get to fel-lowship with you and your children each Sunday and Wednesday. I am also looking forward to all that God has in store for WOW in the coming year. I feel that He wants to use this Ministry in an awesome way and right now He is preparing us for the over-flow of blessings.

Thank you for all that you do and please continue to keep us in your prayers. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as we walk into this new season together.


Tiny Tip: Share one major random act of kindness with someone this month. Step outside of your comfort zone (and out on faith) and make someone smile. You never know who may be in the midst of a storm.

Page 7: December Messenger 2011 · Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The

Page 7 NOVEMBER 2011

Worship and Wonder Schedule December 4 The Holy Family shows the way to


Storyteller: Deborah Batson

Greeter: Adrianna Diaz

December 11 The Shepherds show the way

to Bethlehem

Storyteller: Judy Balance

Greeter: Ethan Hey

December 18 The Magi show the way to Bethlehem

Storyteller: Dawn Malkemus

Greeter: Peggy Pearson

December 25 Christmas-Meet the Christ Child

(Told in the Sanctuary)

More Children’s News Associate


4Then the Lord said to Moses, “I am going to rain bread from heaven for you,” Exodus 16:4

The people of God are traveling in the wilderness after fleeing Egypt. They have seen great miracles as God rescued them from Pharaoh, and now, in the midst of desolation and landlessness, God is still present.

God’s people longed for Promised Land, managed land that would bring security and resources. However, God’s people were in “gifted land.” God has given gifts of manna, quail and water. The desert in which they journeyed was a place that could not be managed. God’s people were completely reliant on God for the gifts that sustained their lives.

God’s people still journey today. As we begin the Ad-vent season, we remember Jesus, the bread from heav-en. We remember God has drawn close to us and pro-vided a way for God’s people to be sustained and nour-ished.

The youth (and some adults) have embarked on another journey. We have begun the journey to a mission trip in Guatemala. The first step was to ask where God was calling us to be the hands and feet of Christ. The se-cond step was the decision to hear this call and begin fundraising.

FCC H:3 Youth (and some adults) want to thank every-one who purchased cakes and gave donations. We sold 70 pumpkin rolls and we are ready to bake again!

In December we will take orders for Red Velvet Rolls and they will ready before Christmas. Also in De-cember the youth will be selling Guatemalan textiles such as change purses, hairbands, bookmarks, purses and table runners—these make wonderful gifts! These items are made by the women in the village of Santo Domingo Xenacoj; selling the items supports their fam-ilies and their village.

Your prayers and continued support will help to sustain the youth as they continue on this journey to go where God has called. This Advent season, may we all remem-ber that God has given to us the Bread of Life, which sustains and nourishes us for all our journeys.

Following Jesus Schedule

December 4 The Holy Family shows the way to


Storyteller: Kelli Day

Greeter: Karli Day

December 11 The Shepherds Show the Way to


Storyteller: Annette Thacker

Greeter: Ethan Hey

December 18 The Magi Show the Way to


Storyteller: Teresa Houser

Greeter: Trudy Betts

December 25 Meet the Christ Child

(Told in the Sanctuary)

December Acolyte Schedule

December 4 Penelope Diaz

December 11 Anna Colson

December 18 Penelope Diaz

December 25 Anna Colson

Page 8: December Messenger 2011 · Please take an angel, purchase the item printed on it, wrap it, and place it under the tree. The

Reflections from our District Meeting, Fall Festival and Love Your Neighbor Food Ministry

1705 Taylor Road Montgomery, Alabama 36117

F i rst Ch ri st i an Chu rch (D isc ip le s o f Ch ri st )

Phone: 334-270-1320 Fax: 334-270-1349 Email: [email protected]

Demonstrating and proclaiming God’s joyful, unconditional love and providing an inclusive environment of spiritual

growth and nurturing for God’s children!

We’re on the we

