December ll, 2020, 10:00 AM - ...BS"014-20ZO: Supply′ Delivery and Testing of Varlous IT Equipment...

Republic of the Philippines Na髄Onal Irrlga髄On Admさnistration Central O鯖ce Minutes of Meeting Pre"B量dding Conference BS"014-20ZO: Supply′ Delivery and Testing of Varlous December ll, 2020, 10:00 AM classroom A, 3rd Floor, IEC Building′ N-A Complex・ ED Present: BAC-R Ailyne C. Agtuca-Selda Marty P. Cachapero Delsy事, Revellame Rogelia C. Dela Torre Lydia S・ Esguerra Technical Working Group Rommel V. Guzman ーChairperson - Vice-Chairperson - Member - Member - Member . Member Edilberto L. Chavez (Via Google Meet主Member Ob§erVer Glenn C. Ortega Yanley T abayaay Bidder§’Representatives O】 Salazar (Via Google Meet) Joyce Melendez (Via Google Meet〕 Nicole Francis A. Pua Absent: TWG Isidora M. Camaya Nastassja Nicole I. FIores ーIAS Representative - COÅ Representative _ DCI Intemationa=T Solutions & Serv - Ioneco Tech Marketing - MOTMM Marketing 一Cha正person - Member Matters discussed: I, The BAC-B Chairperson formally presided the 014-2020. She acknowledged the presence of Secretariat, Observer and prospective bidders’repr 重量. The BAC-B established that no bidder bought the being・ The BAC-B then explained that the purpose is for the o鮪cial and prospective bidders to ask technical and financial parameters regarding the PrOCeSS" N競IonaI eovemment Cenle「事EDSA, D削man, Ql]eZolI C請y, PhiIi巾yines Trlln剛ne Nos言(O2) 8 929 6071 to 78. Telefax Noふく02) 8 928 9343 Webs船:没幽艶則主題里と出潮嘉acebo典型V虫 丁IN: 000916415 回国 はo筒のとめ11 議▲(競教

Transcript of December ll, 2020, 10:00 AM - ...BS"014-20ZO: Supply′ Delivery and Testing of Varlous IT Equipment...

  • Republic of the Philippines

    Na髄Onal Irrlga髄On Admさnistration

    Central O鯖ce

    Minutes of Meeting

    Pre"B量dding Conference

    BS"014-20ZO: Supply′ Delivery and Testing of Varlous IT Equipment for NIA Centra1 0飾ce

    December ll, 2020, 10:00 AM

    classroom A, 3rd Floor, IEC Building′ N-A Complex・ EDSA′ Diliman・ Quezon Cfty



    Ailyne C. Agtuca-Selda

    Marty P. Cachapero

    Delsy事, Revellame

    Rogelia C. Dela Torre

    Lydia S・ Esguerra

    Technical Working Group

    Rommel V. Guzman


    - Vice-Chairperson

    - Member

    - Member

    - Member

    . Member

    Edilberto L. Chavez (Via Google Meet主Member


    Glenn C. Ortega

    Yanley T abayaay


    O】 Salazar (Via Google Meet)

    Joyce Melendez (Via Google Meet〕

    Nicole Francis A. Pua



    Isidora M. Camaya

    Nastassja Nicole I. FIores

    ーIAS Representative

    - COÅ Representative

    _ DCI Intemationa=T Solutions & Services Corp

    - Ioneco Tech Marketing

    - MOTMM Marketing


    - Member

    Matters discussed:

    I, The BAC-B Chairperson formally presided the Pre-Bidding Conference for BS-

    014-2020. She acknowledged the presence of the BAC-B members・ TWG′

    Secretariat, Observer and prospective bidders’representatives.

    重量. The BAC-B established that no bidder bought the bidding documents as ofthe time

    being・ The BAC-B then explained that the purpose ofhaving a pre-bid conference

    is for the o鮪cial and prospective bidders to ask their queries and clarify the

    technical and financial parameters regarding the project for a good procurement


    N競IonaI eovemment Cenle「事EDSA, D削man, Ql]eZolI C請y, PhiIi巾yines

    Trlln剛ne Nos言(O2) 8 929 6071 to 78. Telefax Noふく02) 8 928 9343

    Webs船:没幽艶則主題里と出潮嘉acebo典型V虫丁IN: 000916415

    回国はo筒のとめ11     議▲(競教

  • Republic of the P皿ippines

    Na髄Onal Irriga髄on Adm血Stration


    III. The Secretariatpresented the details ofthe project.

    IV. Subsequently′ the BAC-B asked the prospective bidders ifthey have any questions

    or clarifications:

    Secretariat’s ResBIDDER′S CONCERN

    Mr. OJ Salazar from DCI International IT Solutions &

    Services Corp・:

    1. Would you consider our oifer of 23.8inch

    monitor for desktops that require a 24inch

    mo nitor?

    2. We want to clarfty if a11 the items require

    War ranty

    3, Do we need to notarize the Swom Statementfor

    the After Sales Services?

    4" Do you still requiI・e Ce賞・舶cate of exclusive

    distributorship/reseller for the tablets?

    5. Do you have any arrangement for altemative

    purchase and payment of the bidding


    6. For the submission ofbids, do you have

    electronic mode of submi咄ng the bid


    7. How many copies ofbid documents are needed

    to submit?

    1. Yes, We will consider this and wi11 be

    included in the supplemental notice.

    2, All of the items require a standard

    warranty of One (1) year'

    3. Yes, Itshould be notarized.

    4. We will take note of皿s query and

    include it in the supplemental notice if

    there will be any changes"

    5. Yes. There is an existing arrangement

    for the altemative mode of payment・

    We will inform the prospective bidders

    Of this arrangement-

    6. We still implement manual submission

    of bids.

    7. Three (3〕 sets of Eligibilfty and

    Technical Component (under Envelope

    l〕 and Financial Component 〔under




    丁胴: 000

    Gov �BIDDER’SCONCERN �BAC’s/TWG’s/Secretariat’sResponse

    Mr.JoyceMelendezfromJonecoTechTrading‥ �1.Wewilltakenoteofthisqueryand


    featureisrequired.lsthisascreenprotector? �includeitinthesupplementalnoticeif

    Canweo鮪汀amOnitorwithamanufacturer �therewillbeanychanges, 2.Alloftheitemsrequireastandard


    2.Wewanttoclarftyifalltheitemsrequire Warranty �WarrantyOfOne〔1Jyear・

    nme血Center,電DSA,Diliman,QuezonC韓y.Philippimes � �○診 一寵鞘繊琴激し霊謹話r 峰o徽動l:重●1事m(聾i �l eNos.:(02)89296071to78.TeIefaxNo.:(02)89289343 ��

    Ⅵ「剛 �nねcmvwh.Facebook.wwwfaceho面く10m佃i3nOVnh �

    916415 ��

  • Ⅴ.


    Republic of the P皿ippines

    Na髄Onal Irriga髄On Administration

    Centra1 0航ce

    The BAC-B Chairperson reminded the bidders the following:

    a. philGEPS Platinum Certifroate does not need any attachment unless a permit

    or clearance is expired. For expired pemit or clearance・ Please attach any

    proofthat the renewal f料the said permit or 。earance is ongoing;

    b. For the Statement ofAll Ongoing Contracts and Statement of Single Largest

    and Completed Contract (SLCC),皿out the prescribed fom completely and

    do not leave anything blank“ Statement ofAll Ongoing Contracts does not need

    any attachmenthowever′ for the SLCC please attach the required documents;

    c. The bidder should fill out the Bid Securing Declaration and Omnibus Swom

    statemen串ncluding the Iurat portion indicating the Government Issued ID;

    d, For the Bid Fom (Tables for Goods offdred Abroad or within the Philippines〕′

    the bidder sha胴Il this out completely and shall not leave any field blank;

    e, Bidders may ask for the softcopy of the Statement of All Ongoing Contracts

    and Statement of SLCC;

    f Audited Financial Statement sha11 be submitted as part ofthe bid proposal

    for the Bid Opening;

    g" Do not forget to indicate the Total Cost for both Statement ofA11 Ongoing

    Contracts and Statement of SLCC;

    h. Three (3) sets of Eligibilfty and Technical Component (under Envelope l〕

    and Fin弧cial Component (under Envelope 2〕 will be submitted in the Bid

    Opening; and

    i. Indicating a ・・dash′′ or ′・zero・′ for any ofthe fields in the bid price schedules

    means it is free,

    The BAC-B reminded the prospective bidders that should there be any queries′

    they can submit it in written fom until December 14, 2020 thru letter or email.

    Supplemental Notice′ if any shall be issued on December 15′ 2020.

    VII" Lastly, the BAC-B opened the floor for the queries and comments ofthe observer・

    The observer did not raise any question or comment.

    National Cove「nment Center, EDSA事Diliman, Quezon City裏PhiIippines

    T叫nk line Nos∴ xp2) 8 929 6071 to 78. Telefax N〇・: (02) 8 928 9343

    Website: W押f洞la.雪的.師. Facebook: VWVW facebook.com加a ‡】ov.Ph

    丁IN: 00091641 5 園国境○ ○001こ卿1事      戦費削

  • Republic of the Philippines

    Na髄Onal Ir冒iga髄On Administration

    Centra1 0師Ce

    There being no other matters to be discussed the BAC-B Chairperson thanked everyone present

    and adjoumed the meeting at u:00 AM.

    Prepared by:



    Noted by:


    BAC-B Vice-Chairperson


    National Govemment Center, EDSA. D漸m劃, Ouez)on C譜y, Philippines

    Trllnk line Nos.: (02) 89296071 to 78. Telefax No-: @2) 8 928 9343Webs船:'Ph t Facebook: WWW.facebook.com仙a`gOV Ph

    丁IN: 00091641 5


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