Dec. 9 - Teaching Plan

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  • 7/29/2019 Dec. 9 - Teaching Plan


    Rebuking Destructive Behavior -Hosea 4:1-6, 12-14

    Lesson Outline

    1. Spiritual Decay (Hos. 4:1)

    2. Lawless Society (Hos. 4:2-3)

    3. Failed Leadership (Hos. 4:4-6)

    4. Sick Religion (Hos. 4:12-14)

    Biblical Truth - God has clearly revealed to His people sinful attitudes and behavior they are to avoid.

    Life Goal - To help adults name specific attitudes and behavior God condemns and commit to strive to avoid

    such attitudes and behavior

    Before You Teach

    A recent visit to a poverty-stricken, third-world country gave me a new appreciation for basic laws of health

    and safety. Gone were the orderly traffic rules, food safety requirements, and building codes I had always taken

    for granted. I had never thought to be thankful for the relative safety of my everyday world.

    As much as these differences unsettled me, I observed that the folks who actually lived there didnt mind at all.

    They didnt seem to realize that their food was likely tainted with bacteria. They hadnt noticed that there

    should be structural beams holding up the ceiling. I learned a powerful lesson in flexibility that day, but the

    experience also caused me to think.

    In Hoseas day, Gods people were living with no regard for the Law, unaware of the danger they were in. Their

    society, apart from God, was full of spiritual decay, lawlessness, failed leadership, and corrupted religion. Towhat extent is this true of our modern secular culture?

    As you prepare to teach this lesson, first ask the Lord to examine your own life and reveal any blind spots in

    your own obedience. Pray that through this lesson on sin and its consequences, your learners would renew their

    commitment to obey the Lord and would renew their appreciation for the amazing grace of the salvation we

    find in Jesus Christ.


    Invite learners to discuss in groups of three to six: Imagine that all of our state and local law enforcementofficials decided they would no longer enforce any traffic laws. Which laws would you continue to observe?

    Which ones would you ignore? How do you think things would change if nobody was concerned about

    following traffic laws?


  • 7/29/2019 Dec. 9 - Teaching Plan


    Gods message through Hosea the prophet challenged the people of Israel and Judah. They were living as

    though all of Gods laws had been repealed. And their so-called leaders were the worst of the lot. The people

    gave no thought for divine judgment, and had little regard for their fellow citizens.

    God did not stand idly by while Israel spiraled toward destruction. As this lesson shows, He grieved for this

    abandonment and for the rippling consequences their choices had on Israels families, the community as a

    whole, and even in their environment. The Lord warned them about the danger of their destructive behavior

    and encouraged them to return to Him.

    This message is a timely one for our culture, when many people are making the same dangerous choices as the

    people in Hoseas day.

  • 7/29/2019 Dec. 9 - Teaching Plan


    1. Spiritual Decay - Hosea 4:1


    The Lord had a case (KJV, controversy) against His people. This word suggests a grievance or formal

    complaint. The specifics of the complaint are given in the second half of the verse. The people were living

    without integrity, without compassion, and without any evidence of a personal relationship with God.


    Get one of the learners to read Hosea 4:1.

    What was the Lords complaint against the people of Israel and Judah?

    Who gets hurt when there is no truth, no faithful love, and no knowledge of God in the land?

    What does faithful love look like in our relationship with God? What does it look like in our relationships withother people?

    What does it mean for an individual or a nation to have no knowledge of God? Is this just a lack of information?


    If the Lord brought a complaint like this against our nation today, what do you think He would say?

    What are some ways that believers today may allow their relationship with the Lord to fall into neglect?

    How can we take these negatives from Hosea 4:1 and turn them into positives? To please God, what should we

    be doing?


    The Lord is not pleased when people live for personal gain, with callous disregard for others or for God. God

    made us to live in relationships and expects us to show compassion and respect. When we fail to do so, He calls

    us into account.

    If God built a case against you, would He find that you fail to live truthfully, fail to demonstrate faithful love, or

    fail to consider His ways as you make choices?

    What steps will you take to stand against the lack of truth and love in your world? What will you do to show

    faithfulness and compassion to those around you?

  • 7/29/2019 Dec. 9 - Teaching Plan


    2. Lawless Society - Hosea 4:2-3


    With only a few words, Hosea charged the people with violating nearly every one of the horizontal or

    interpersonal points of the Ten Commandments. He didnt need to address the first four Commandments, as he

    had already pointed out that there was no knowledge of God in the land (v. 1). Having abandoned the Lord,their civil life also disintegrated.1


    Invite a volunteer to read verses 2-3.

    In verse 1, the Lord had a complaint against the people for their lack of integrity, compassion, and knowledge

    of God. Now in verse 2, what behaviors did He say these character flaws had led to?

    In your opinion, is verse 2 an accurate description of our modern society? Why or why not? Are any of thesebehaviors actually acceptable today?

    What does this passage suggest is the root cause for widespread problems like lying, murder, stealing, and

    adultery? In view of this, do you think stricter laws and harsher punishment can bring these problems under

    control? Explain.

    In verse 3, how did the Lord say the people were experiencing the consequences of rampant sin and

    disobedience in their society?

    Have someone read Isaiah 24:4 and Jeremiah 12:4. What was meant by the phrase, the land mourns?

    In what ways had the peoples sin affected their environment? Do you see this as a natural consequence, as

    divine judgment, or both?

    Today, what evidence do we see of sins destructive power? Can we see sins impact both in our society and

    environment? Explain.

    How do you see people languishing and the world mourning today because society has chosen to ignore or

    redefine Gods laws?


    Sin is far more that a personal choice that hurts no one. Sin hurts others and damages our relationship with God.

    Sin brings physical harm to people, and even to the environment. These consequences should serve as a wake-

    up call, driving us back to the Lord.

  • 7/29/2019 Dec. 9 - Teaching Plan


    How have you personally been hurt by the sinful choices and actions of others? What would it look like if you

    responded not by getting even, but by calling for repentance?

    How have your sinful choices and actions hurt those around you? What steps of repentance and of restoration

    do you need to take to make things right?

  • 7/29/2019 Dec. 9 - Teaching Plan


    3. Failed Leadership - Hosea 4:4-6


    In verse 5, the phrase and I will destroy your mother seems shocking and out of place against the backdrop of

    accusations against the priests and prophets. Yet it is consistent with the overall theme of the Book of Hosea.

    Hoseas marriage to the unfaithful Gomer provided a compelling analogy for the relationship between the Lordand His people. In Hosea 2:2-13 the Lord announced His judgment, beginning with the words, Rebuke your

    mother. In context it is clear that these words apply more to Israel than they do to the prophets wife.


    Ask one of the class members to read verses 4-6.

    What group did the Lord single out in his complaint against the people of Israel?

    How had the religious leaders in Israel failed to carry out their responsibilities to the Lord and to the people?

    What had happened to the people as a result of the leaders failure to teach about the Lord and His ways?

    What did the Lord say would happen to the leaders as a consequence of their neglect?

    What does this passage suggest about the responsibilities of pastors and teachers today? How do these

    responsibilities apply to parents?

    How can those who are not in leadership take heed to the warning of this message?

    As believers, what are practical ways we can encourage our church, our community, and our national leaders?


    The people were guilty of failing to treat one another with integrity and compassion. But the Lord held the

    leaders in particular accountable for failing to teach the people. Where we have spiritual influence, we are to

    teach others by our words and our example.

    Are you doing everything you can to help people around you know the Lord, and know how to live in ways that

    please Him? What more will you do?

    What can you do to support your churchs leaders while also encouraging them to stay accountable to their

    divine calling to lead Gods people in His ways?

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    4. Sick Religion - Hosea 4:12-14


    The people of Israel and Judah adopted the idol worship, divination practices, and fertility rites of the

    surrounding pagan nations and combined these with worship of God. Their promiscuity was both spiritual,

    violating their relationship with the Lord, and literal, violating their marriage covenant by their ritualprostitution. They blended immoral behavior into their worship, breaking Gods rules and His heart.


    Get a volunteer to read verses 12-14.

    As the Lord presented His case against His people, He listed their sins against one another in verses 1-2. Now in

    verses 12-14, He lists their sins against Him. What specific actions in the practice of their religion were

    displeasing to the Lord?

    Do you think the people would have described themselves as religious? Why or why not? How does this guide

    us as we encounter religious people today who have little knowledge of the Lord and His ways?

    In what ways do people seek personal comfort and fulfillment rather than genuine worship today?

    How should we understand the phrase, a spirit of promiscuity, in verse 12? What had this spirit led the people

    to do? What can we do to recognize and resist a demonic influence that would lead us into error and sinful acts?

    Why did the Lord say He would not punish the daughters and daughters-in-law for their adultery? How does

    this help us understand the responsibility for spiritual leadership God places on husbands?

    What is meant by the final phrase in verse 14, people without discernment are doomed? How does one find


    Based on this chapter from the Book of Hosea, what do you think God wants to see in the worship we offer Him


    What other verses can you recall that teach us about what the Lord values in genuine worship? (If learners have

    no suggestions, refer them to verses such as Micah 6:8; Romans 12:1, and James 1:27)


    In the same way that unfaithfulness in a marriage breaks the relationship, spiritual disobedience and

    unfaithfulness breaks our relationship with God. We need to forsake any religious practices that dishonor Christ

    and lead us to disobey His commands.

  • 7/29/2019 Dec. 9 - Teaching Plan


    Has unhealthy religion distracted you from genuine worship? What are you willing to do to focus on God

    during your opportunities to worship and serve the Lord?

    How does your worship influence those around you? How can you encourage them to worship by the way you


  • 7/29/2019 Dec. 9 - Teaching Plan



    Sin has a destructive and long-lasting effect on people and the world. We must forsake any religious practices

    that dishonor God and lead to disobedience. We honor God by living with truth, faithful love, and knowledge of

    Him. As believers, we are brought back to God through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. Pursue a close

    relationship with God by learning and living in His ways. Encourage your leaders to live by and lead in godlyways.

    Conclude your class session by leading in a time of group prayer, asking God to help each person to recognize

    attitudes and behavior that displease Him, and to make a renewed commitment to avoid those.

    Live It

    Choose one positive action you will, with Gods power, begin implementing in your life in place of a

    destructive behavior.

    __________1. Duane A. Garrett,Hosea, Joel, vol. 19A in The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1997), 11112.