Dear Mr Michael McGarvie, Legal Services Board of Victoria, from BankReformNow

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The Reply said 'see our website'. Big Bank Lawyers were let off scott free even though a $1m Hush Deed looked to ordinary lay observers like a payoff ... with shareholders' wearing the loss. Not good enough.

Transcript of Dear Mr Michael McGarvie, Legal Services Board of Victoria, from BankReformNow

Dear Legal Services Board & Commission,Dear Legal Services Commisioner,At Bank Reform Now we hear horrific cases that often involve bank lawyers in national law firms. Is it true that, as battlers and farmers fight off foreclosure in Courts and the appeal courts, your bodies do not investigate in-house and external bank lawyers for misleading the Courts?AFTER the litigation is all over, the damage is multiplied many times over.Our supporters think that your ethics officials should investigate ethics WHILE the cases are underway, not AFTER people lose their homes, jobs, marriages and mental health or lives.As you will be aware, newspapers reported there are four farmers committing suicide every week on average.Bank shareholders lose out if legal fees and mortgage debt exceeds the value of the house or the farm. You were aware of that, weren't you?Some Senators are very keen to see a Royal Commission established.You know what Alan Jones, A Current Affair and many more media outlets and concerned citizens are saying about banks and their high fee foot soldiers, don't you?Your board and commission does not help battlers if it sits on the sidelines, while people lose everything.At Bank Reform Now, we think bank law firms should fully compensate the victims if the bank's lawyers are found ethically guilty of unethically misleading the Courts. We also believe you should investigate the bank's in-house and external lawyers while unethical conduct is underway.Please respond by COB 8.12.14 so that we can circulate your response to our members, the media and various Senators and other Members of Parliament.In addition - do you have any plans to expand funding for the pro bono Bar Association scheme for self represented litigants?Thank you for your time, Cheers,Dr Peter BrandsonCEO Bank Reform