DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean...

Friday 11th September 2020 DEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training Weve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover our safeguarding and child protection procedures, this is a statutory duty for all schools to deliver. Some of our support staff have taken part in a full day of Paediatric First Aid Training. Our support assistants who work with children with EHCPs took part in an afternoon of training with Mrs Bowling, the Deputy Head for Inclusion from Beech Hill, to look at targeted interven- tions. Our teaching staff met with Miss Fudge on Wednesday to look at our curriculum and each subject leader outlined the intent for their subject this year. Dear Parent/Carers, Once again Id just like to pass on my thanks to you all. The systems in place to enter and exit school are now well embedded and children, parents and school staff have fed back that they are running smoothly. Please continue to contact teachers on Seesaw if you need to speak with your childs class teacher or contact the office staff who can arrange a telephone appointment for you to discuss anything. I continue to be impressed by our pupils. Their resilience throughout the pandemic has been admirable and the way they have settled back into their learning is very impressive. School doesnt quite feel like school was as we cannot hold whole school assemblies and of course we cannot have parents in school currently; these special moments we are missing. In the coming weeks we will contact you about parents evening appointments which will take place during the week of the 9th November. These will have to take place as telephone appointments and you will be able to book an appointment at any point after school during this week with your childs class teacher. More details on this to follow. Finally, Ive heard the weather is set to pick up over the weekend so hopefully you can enjoy some time outside before the autumn weather kicks in. Have a great weekend! Mrs F. Pether

Transcript of DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean...

Page 1: DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover

Friday 11th September 2020


Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover our safeguarding and child protection procedures, this is a statutory duty for all schools to deliver. Some of our support staff have taken part in a full day of Paediatric First Aid Training. Our support assistants who work with children with EHCPs took part in an afternoon of training with Mrs Bowling, the Deputy Head for Inclusion from Beech Hill, to look at targeted interven-tions. Our teaching staff met with Miss Fudge on Wednesday to look at our curriculum and each subject leader outlined the intent for their subject this year.

Dear Parent/Carers, Once again I’d just like to pass on my thanks to you all. The systems in place to enter and exit school are now well embedded and children, parents and school staff have fed back that they are running smoothly. Please continue to contact teachers on Seesaw if you need to speak with your child’s class teacher or contact the office staff who can arrange a telephone appointment for you to discuss anything. I continue to be impressed by our pupils. Their resilience throughout the pandemic has been admirable and the way they have settled back into their learning is very impressive. School doesn’t quite feel like school was as we cannot hold whole school assemblies and of course we cannot have parents in school currently; these special moments we are missing. In the coming weeks we will contact you about parents evening appointments which will take place during the week of the 9th November. These will have to take place as telephone appointments and you will be able to book an appointment at any point after school during this week with your child’s class teacher. More details on this to follow. Finally, I’ve heard the weather is set to pick up over the weekend so hopefully you can enjoy some time outside before the autumn weather kicks in. Have a great weekend! Mrs F. Pether

Page 2: DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover

Dates for your diary Monday 14th September—Year 2 to Beech Hill Pirate Day Tuesday 29th September—Year 1 to Beechwood Park Thursday 1st October—Year 3 trip to Piece Hall Monday 5th October—Grandparent’s Day Monday 5th October—Virtual Family Learning Event Thursday 12th November - Flu immunisations R-Y6


Back to School Routine Tips to Help Your Family Get Ready Create a Morning Routine. Set a wake up/

get ready routine

Establish Zones in Your Home for homework and leisure activities.

Take Time to Meal Plan. Make life easier for yourself

Establish a Bed Time and Stick to it.

Plan Ahead the Night Before, make the morning go smoother. ...

Simplify Your Routine.

Remember we all need routines and children develop better with good routine.

The National Sleep Foundation’s recommendations

for nightly sleep are broken down into nine age


Netball Opportunity

Trinity Academy are hosting a netball training

programme which is a great opportunity to get involved in the sport.

If you would like to attend this, please

check the relevant time for your child. Training will be at Trinity Academy

on FRIDAY EVENINGS starting 11/09.

The timings are: - 5pm-5.40pm years 1, 2 & 3 5.45pm-6.30pm years 4 & 5

6.35pm-7.20pm year 6 For more information con-

tact:[email protected]

Please ensure your child has a coat in school everyday.

Even if we have a blue sky in the morn-ing it could be raining by playtime.

Page 3: DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover

This Weeks Attendance

Congratulations to USA class who had the highest attendance in the school this week. Also well done to Poland class who came second! I am seriously concerned of classes who are below 96%. We will be having meetings with parents of children who are of concern. If your child is absent from school please contact the school office on 01422 258258 before 9.00am. It is important we are aware of the reason for your child/children’s ab-sence. This becomes a safeguarding concern if parents do not inform school when their child/children are absent. Please contact the school office on the first day of absence before 9am stating reasons for ab-sence. This will avoid any absences being recorded as unauthorised. If you have any concerns or questions surrounding your child/children’s attendance please do not hesitate to contact me. Many Thanks Loraine Stansfield, Pastoral Manager

Group % Attendance

Mexico 93.1%

China 92.3%

Poland 97.5%

Kenya 93.0%

Brazil 96.3%

USA 98.0%

Ireland 97.2%

Totals 95.5%

Accelerated Reader Results The winners are …..

Time Table Rock Stars! The class winners this week are…

Well done to everyone who took part! We can’t wait to see who wins next week.

Group % Score

USA Y5 93%

Ireland Y6 91.9%

Poland Y2 90.4%

Kenya Y3 89.9%

Brazil Y4 79.4%


Group TTRS Winner

Poland Y2 Abi C

Kenya Y3 Layla Mc

Brazil Y4 Riley D

USA Y5 Jessica M

Ireland Y6 Elise M

Page 4: DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover

A huge welcome to some of our other new and re-turning children who have started this week in

Mexico and Antarctica class, they have all settled in really well!

Page 5: DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover

What to do if... Action Needed.. Return to school when…

…my child has Covid-19 symptoms

-Do not come to school -Contact school to inform us -Self-isolate the whole household - Get a test - Inform school immediately about test result

…the test comes back negative

…my child tests positive for Covid-19

- Do not come to school - Contact school to inform us - Agree an earliest date for possible return. Minimum of 10 days - Self-isolate the whole household

…they feel better. They can return after 10 days even if they have a cough or loss of taste/smell. These symptoms can last for several weeks

…my child tests negative -Contact the school to inform us - Discuss when your child can come back (same day/next day)

…the test comes back negative

…my child is ill with symptoms not linked to Covid-19

-Do not come to school -Contact the school to inform us -Ring on each day of illness

…after 48 hours following the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. As per attendance policy.

…someone in my house-hold has Covid-19 symp-toms

-Do not come to school - Contact school to inform us - Self-isolate the whole household - Household member to get a test - Inform school immediately about test result

…the test comes back negative

…someone in my house-hold tests positive for Covid-19

-Do not come to school -Contact school to inform us -Agree an earliest date for possible return. Minimum of 14 days - Self-isolate the whole household

…the child has completed 14 days of isolation.

…NHS test and trace has identified my child as a close contact of somebody with symptoms or confirmed Covid-19

-Do not come to school -Contact school to inform us -Agree an earliest date for possible return. Minimum of 14 days

…the child has completed 14 days of isolation.

…we/my child has trav-elled and has to self-isolate as a period of quar-antine.

- Do not take unauthorised leave in term time. - Consider quarantine requirements and FCO advice when booking travel Returning from a destination where quarantine is needed - Agree an earliest date for possible return. Minimum of 14 days from return date - Self-isolate the whole household

…the quarantine period of 14 days has been completed.

…we have received medi-cal advice that my child must resume shielding

-Do not come to school - Contact school to inform us - Shield until you are informed that restrictions are lifted and shielding is paused again.

school inform you that restrictions have been lifted and you child can return to school again.

…my child’s bubble is closed due to a Covid-19 outbreak in school.

Do not come to school - At home support your child with remote education provided by school - Your child will need to isolate for 14 days.

school inform you that the bubble will be reopened.

Covid-19 related pupil absence A quick reference guide for parents

Page 6: DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover
Page 7: DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover

School Council Elections

On Thursday we held our school council elections! We set up a polling station in the hall and the children took it turns to go and vote for their new school

councillors. Before doing this, the children that wanted to run for councillor, wrote and presented a manifesto to their class. They did an excellent job! Next

week will you let you know who our new councillors are. Watch this space!

A big thank you to Miss Hussain for organising this and running our School Council again this year.

Page 8: DEAN FIELD NEWSDEAN FIELD NEWS Staff Training We’ve had lots of staff training this week at Dean Field. All staff have received their annual safeguarding refresher training to cover


All of class For settling in so well in their first couple of days in school.


Isaac P Achieving an outstanding reading age in your ac-celerated reader test.

Pippa B For settling into Year 1 so well and completing all of your tasks.


Sarah A For taking to ticks and flicks writing almost instantly after being shown, and wonderful presentation in her science book!

Abigail C Returning to school with an amazing attitude to learning and always following rules a role model pupil!


Joel G For an amazing role model and always doing the correct thing.

Layla M For producing brilliant writing in your English lesson.


Molly C For an exceptional start to Year 4.

Oliver F For an exceptional start to Year 4.


Salah-Uddin For having an excellent attitude to work and acting as a role model to the rest of the class.

Jessica M For being an ‘always child’ this week. Excellent across the board.


Joel B Amazing results in your reading assessment week.

Dainton W Fantastic confidence and talent during swimming lessons.