DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM And Consultant to Nutramedix For More Info: Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014


Page 1: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


Presented June 2014 byWilliam Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H)Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIMAnd Consultant to Nutramedix

For More Info: www.acimconnect.comCopyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 2: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

EMOTION & CANCER STUDIES• Y Gidron & A Ronson, “Psychosocial factors, biological mediators &cancer prognosis: a new look

at an old story,” Current Opinion in Oncology, 20 (2008): 386-92.

• J Courtney et al., “Stressful life events and the risk of colorectal cancer,” Epidemiology, 4 (1993): 407-14

• K Lillberg et al., “Stressful life events and risk of breast cancer in 10,808 women, a cohort study,” Am.Journal of Epidemiology, 157 (2003): 415-23.

• S Sephton, R Sapolsky, H Kraemer, and D Spiegel, “Diurnal cortisol rhythm as a predictor of breast cancer survival,” Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 92 (2001): 994-1000.

• L Thornton, B Andersen and W Carson, “Immune, endocrine, and behavioral precursors to breast cancer recurrence: a case-control analysis,” Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 57 (2008):1471-81.

• E Reiche et al., “Stress and Depression-induced immune dysfunction: implications for the development and progression of cancer,” International Review of Psychiatry, 17 (2005): 515-27.

• E Reiche et al., “Stress, Depression, the Immune system & Cancer,” Lancet, 5 (2004): 617-25.

Thanks to Brenda StockdaleCopyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 3: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

CHRONIC STRESS EFFECTS• Increases proinflammatory cytokines

• Shrinks Hippocampus

• Lowers antioxidant levels

• Reduces Natural Killer cells

• Shrinks telomeres

• Negatively affects insulin sensitivity

• Increases platelet aggregation

• Adversely affects endothelium

• Reduces Nitric Oxide levels

• Degrades bone

• Adversely impacts genetic expressionCopyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014 Thanks to Brenda Stockdale

Page 4: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


• Chronic exposure to stress hormones (produces proinflammatory cytokines)• Adverse Childhood Experience (The ACE Study)• Lack of control • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)• Depression • Alexithymia (inability to express one’s emotions)• Lack of meaningful connections/ Social isolation

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014 Thanks to Brenda Stockdale

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• ACE study:• Felitti, V., Anda, R., et al. (1998). Relationship of

childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14, 245-58.

• Brown DW, Anda RA, Felitti VJ, Edwards VJ, Malarcher AM, Croft JB, Giles WH. Adverse childhood experiences are associated with the risk of lung cancer: a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health 2010; 10: 20-32.

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014 Thanks to Brenda Stockdale

Page 6: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER26% of cancer survivors exhibited criteria for current or

lifetime diagnoses of PTSD: Stukas, A., et al. (1999). PTSD in Heart Transplant Recipients and Their Primary Family Caregivers. Psychosomatics, 40, 212-221.

ALEXITHYMIA (Inability to Express One’s Emotions)De Timary, P., Roy E., Luminet O., Fillee C. & Mikolajczak, M.

(2008). Relationship between alexithymia, alexithymia factors and salivary cortisol in men exposed to a social stress test. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33, 1160-1164.

Guilbaud, O., Corcos, M., Hjalmarsson, L., Loas, G. & Jeammet, P. (2003). Is there a psychoneuroimmunological pathway between alexithymia and immunity? Immune and physiological correlates of alexithymia. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 57, 292-295.

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014 Thanks to Brenda Stockdale

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• Left-prefrontal brain activity (happy brain) associated with best immunity (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/ pnas.1534743100)

• Women who believed that they were prone to heart disease were nearly four times as likely to die as women with similar risk factors who didn't hold such fatalistic views (Voelker, Rebecca. "Nocebos Contribute to a Host of Ills" JAMA 275 no. 5 (1996): 345-47 )

• Dr.Cowden finds people who think they are going to die from cancer are more likely to do so (nocebo)

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014 Thanks to Brenda Stockdale

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D Spiegel et al. “Effect of Psychosocial Treatment on Survival of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer”Lancet.1989,2:888-91

Breast cancer patients who entered support groups (along with oncology care) lived two times longer than those who did not attend a support group

Patients who received oncology care, but did not attend a support group were dead within five years

Speaking in a support group often causes some “Ah-Haa” moments that result in a “recall healing”

• B Andersen, et al., “Distress reduction from a psychological intervention contributes to improved health for cancer patients,” Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 21 (2007): 953-61.

• F Fawzy et al., “Malignant Melanoma: Effects of an Early Structured Psychiatric Intervention, Coping and Affective State on Recurrence and Survival 6 Years Later, “ Archives of General Psychiatry, 50 (1993):681-89.

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014 Thanks to Brenda Stockdale

Page 9: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


3 Essential Components:1. Scientific Evidence (non-individualized & often refuted by later research)

2. Clinical Experience (ie. Cardiomyopathy)

3. Patient Values (ie. Jehovah’s Witness)Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Sackett D, et al. British Med J 1996,312:71-72

Page 10: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


• Study Design: All original clinical research studies published in 3 major general clinical journals or high-impact specialty journals in 1990-2003 and cited more than 1000 times in the literature

• Results: Of 49 highly cited original clinical research studies, 45 claimed that the intervention was effective.

• Of these 45 studies, 7 (16%) were contradicted by subsequent equal-or-better-controlled studies, 7 others (16%) had found effects that were stronger than later studies, 20 (only 44%) were replicated, and 11 studies (24%) remained largely unchallenged.

• Nine of 39 (23%) highly cited randomized controlled studies were later contradicted or had found stronger effects than later studies (P=.008) vs 5 of 6 (83%) nonrandomized trials

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

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• Observations by Dr. Cowden & doctors in China:

• The body holds onto physical toxins in specific areas because of specific toxic emotions & associated beliefs trapped there (anger in GB, fear in UB+Ki, worry in ST)

• Releasing toxic emotions will cause release of physical toxins from specific areas of the body (24hr.urine metals)

• Releasing physical toxins from organs will start a physical healing of the organ

• When toxins are released from an organ, microbes no longer grow there easily and inflammation, pain & disease there will resolve

• Therefore, resolving emotions, often quickly resolves a severe illness, even cancer (Ryke Hamer, C.Sabbah, G.Renaud)

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 12: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

Health is like a Bathtub

“Dirty-water” faucets =Nutrient depleted foods,Electromagnetic fields,Radiation pollution,Toxic relationships*,Toxic emotions*,Heavy metals,Polluted air,Antibiotics,Pesticides,Biotoxins,Allergens.

“Clean-water” faucets =Healthy foods & nutrients,

*Purpose & will to live,Sunshine & exercise,*Good relationships,

*Peace, joy & love,*Great attitude,

Restful sleep,Pure water,

Fresh air

“Drains”= Bowel Liver Kidneys Lymphatics

Disease is aBathtub full ofDirty Water =Hi Total Load

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 13: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


• In the 1950s, Rheinhold Voll, MD developed electronic instruments to identify acupuncture points and their relative conductance (EDS)

• He discovered that a very high conductance correlated with inflammation of the associated organ and very low conductance with organ degeneration (compared blood tests, x-rays, etc.)

• He discovered that placing a vial of the correct homeopathic on the patient would normalize a high or low conductance of acupuncture points

• Giving the patient that correct homeopathic would then often resolve the patient’s illness

• ElectroDermal Screening is like quantum lie detectorCopyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 14: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

30 EDS REFERENCES1) Baker DW: An introduction to the theory and practice of German electroacupuncture and accompanying medications. Am J Acupunct 1984, 12(4):327-3322) Chen KG. The Science of Acupuncture—Theory and Practice: II. Electrical Properties of Meridians, With an Overview of the Electrodermal Screening Test. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 1996; 15(3); 58-633) Chen KG. The Science of Acupuncture—Theory and Practice: III. Applying Quantum Interference to EDST Medicine Testing. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 1996; 15(3); 64-664) Jingyu F, Shiyuan X, Zhe L, Zhemei W: The role of gap junctions in determining skin conductance and their possible relationship to acupuncture points and meridians. Am J Acupunct, 18:163-170, 1990

5) Kenyon JN: Modern Techniques of Acupuncture, a practical scientific guide to electroacupuncture, vol. I, II and III. New York: Thorsons Publishers Inc., 1983-1985

6) Khoe WH: Homeopathic detoxification combined with electroacupuncture according to Voll. Am J Acupunct, 9: 319-325, 19817) Lam Jr. F, Tsuei JJ, Zhao Z: Studies in bioenergetic correlations—bioenergetic regulatory measurement instruments and devices, Am J Acupunct, 1988; 16(4): 345-98) Lam Jr. F, Tsuei JJ, Zhao Z: Studies in bioenergetic measurement of acupuncture points for determination of correct dosage of allopathic or homeopathic medicine in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, Am J Acupunct, 18: 127-33, 19909) Lam Jr. F, Tsuei JJ: Case findings from a family practitioner’s office using electroacupuncture according to Voll, Am J Acupunct, 1983; 11(1): 23-9

10) Milburn MP: Emerging Relationships Between the Paradigm of Oriental Medicine and the Frontiers of Western Biological Science. Am J Acupunct 1994; 22(2):145-157

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

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PAGE 2- ADDITIONAL EDS REFERENCES11) Motoyama H: Before polarization current and the acupuncture meridians. J Holistic Med 1986; 8(1&2):15-2612) Royal FF, Royal DF: A review of the history and scientific bases of electrodiagnosis and its relationship to homeopathy and acupuncture. Am J Acupunct 1991; 19(2):137-15213) Royal FF, Royal DF: Homeopathy and EDT: Upheld by Modern Science – With Case Histories. Am J Acupunct 1992; 20(1):55-6614) Schuldt H: The application of nosodes in electroacupuncture according to Voll. Am J Acupunct 1981; 9:161-164

15) Schuldt H. Bioenergetics in Acupuncture. Am J Acupunct 1978; 6(1);17-22.

16) Thompson J: Energetic remote effects of odontons on organs measured by electroacupuncture. Am J Acupunct 1981; 9:63-6717) Tiller WA: Explanation of electrodermal diagnostic and treatment instruments, part I: electrical behavior of human skin. J Holistic Med 1982; 4(2):105-12718) Tiller WA: On the evolution of electrodermal diagnostic treatment instruments. J of Advancement in Med 1988; 1(1):41-72

19) Tiller WA: What do electrodermal diagnostic acupuncture instruments really measure. AJA March 1987; 15(1): 12-23

20) Tsuei JJ, Chung C, Lam Jr. F, Mi M: Studies of bioenergy in healthy subjects. Am J Acupunct 1988; 16(2):125-134

21) Tsuei JJ, Lam Jr F, Mi M, Zhao Z. Studies in bioenergetic correlation—study on bioenergy in diabetes mellitus patients. Am J Acupunct 1989;17(1):31-8

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

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PAGE 3- ADDITIONAL EDS REFERENCES22) Tsuei JJ, Lam Jr FMK,Chou P. The Science of Acupuncture—Theory Practice:IV, Clinical Applications of the EDST, With an Investigation of the Organ-Meridian Relationship. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 1996;15(3):67-75.

23) Tsuei JJ,Lehman CW,Lam F,Jr,Zhu D. A food allergy study utilizing the EVA acupuncture technique. Am J Acupunct 1984;12(2)105-16.

24) Tsuei JJ. The Past, Present, and Future of the Electrodemal Screening System (EDSS). Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1995;8(4):217-232.

25) Tsuei JJ. The Science of Acupuncture—Theory and Practice: I. Introduction. IEEE Engineering in Medicine AND Biology Magazine 1996;15(3):52-57.

26) Reichmans M., Marino A. and Becker R. Electrical Correlates of Acupuncture Points. IEEE transactions, 1975; 533-535.

27) Sullivan S: Evoked electrical conductivity on the lung acupuncture points in healthy individuals and confirmed lung cancer patients. Am J Acupunct 1985; 13:261-6

28) Voll R: The phenomenon of medicine testing in elecroacpuncture according to Voll. Am J Acupunct 1980; 8(2):97-104.

29) Voll R: Twenty years of electroacupuncture diagnosis in Germany: a progressive report. Am J Acupunct 1975; 3(1):7-17

30) Voll R: {Collection of Articles} Special EAV Issue, Am J Acupunct , 1989.Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 17: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

QUANTITATIVE SEMI-AUTOMATED ELECTRO-DERMAL SCREENING (QS-EDS) • QS-EDS delivers 3 frequency challenges per second & measures

galvanic skin response after each

• QS-EDS testing done on 200 Chinese patients on the same day as they had many blood tests, X-rays, etc. demonstrated 87% correlation (John Diamond, MD - unpublished)

• Testing for the toxins, allergens, nutrients, microbes and emotions can each be done in <10 minutes using the QS-EDS device

• Technician can learn device operation in <1 hr

• Doctor can learn the “basics” about how to interpret & implement into practice in about 2-3 days

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 18: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2011


Jaw Area Vertebrae Joints Organs Glands Tissues PrimaryEmotions

Lower Incisors

C1,2;L2,3; S2,3,4,5;Co


Kidney,Blad der,Genitals

Adrenal Pharyng. Tonsil

Fear, Fright

Lower Canines

C1,2; T8,9,10

Hip,Knee, Ankle

Liver, Gall- Bladder

Gonads Palatine TonsilEye


LowerPre- molars

C1,2; T11,12;L1

Hip,Jaw, Ankle

Spleen,Pan- creas,Stom.

Gonads BreastTonsil Lymph

Worry, Sadness

Molars, lower1&2

C1,2,5,6,7; T2,3,4 L4,5


Lung,Colon Bronchi



Grief,Fear of Death

Lower3rd Molar

C1,2,7; T1,5,6,7; S1,2,3

Shoulder Elbow,Hand Sacro-iliac

Small intest Heart

Anterior Pituitary




C1,2; T11,12; L1

Hip,Ankle, Knee,Jaw

Spleen,Pan- creas,Stom.


SkinBrest Circulat’n

All Emotions

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014Modified from J.Gleditsch, D.Klinghardt & TCM

I have foundTruth in the workof Westin Price& George Meinig

Page 19: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2011


Dental Vertebrae Joints Organs Glands Tissues PrimaryEmotions

Upper Incisors

C1,2;L2,3; S2,3,4,5;Co



Pineal Pharyng. Tonsil

Fear, Fright

Upper Canines

C1,2; T8,9,10

Hip,Knee, Ankle

Liver, Gall- Bladder

Pituitary Mid.Lobe

Palatine TonsilEye


UpperPre- molars


Foot,BigToe RadialHand

Lung,Colon Bronchi

Thymus, Post.Pituit

Tubal tonsil

Grief,Fear of Death

Molars, upper1&2

C1,2; T11,12;L1

Lateral knee

Spleen,Pan- creas,Stom.



Worry, Sadness

Upper 3rd Molar

C1,2,7; T1,5,6,7; S1,2,3

Shoulder Elbow,Hand Sacro-iliac

Small intest Heart

Anterior Pituitary




C1,2; T11,12; L1

Hip,Ankle, Knee,Jaw

Spleen,Pan- creas,Stom.


Skin,CNS Circulat’n

All Emotions

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014Modified from J.Gleditsch, D.Klinghardt & TCM

Consider Cavitat orConebeamCT scan ofMaxillae &Mandibles

Page 20: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

DEALING WITH EMOTIONS- OVERVIEW1) Develop goals & positive attitude(dwell on positives)

2) Visualize great health daily & replace old bad beliefs

3) Forgive self & others (after visualizing & shouting)

4) Let go of guilt & feelings of worthlessness

5) Use meditative prayer, Emotional Freedom Technique, REMAP, Evox, Journaling ; Either the patient does these or their parent does if the patient is a child

6) Do Recall Healing - Name it, claim it & dump it

(Do Recall Healing with adult patients or parents of an ill child)

7) Avoid negative thoughts/words esp. from doctors

8) Choose not to take on a victim mentality

9) Never say or think “healing is not possible” Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 21: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

DEVELOP LONG-TERM GOALS & DWELL ON POSITIVES• Meditate often on your vision of your own future so that vision

can pull you forward into a better place

• Take the steps each day to realize the future vision

• Look for the positives in every situation

• If you catch yourself dwelling on a negative, stop immediately & think of a positive to dwell on

• If Life deals you lemons, make lemonade

• At bedtime journal: Write negatives on a piece of paper, then destroy it; next write the blessings of that day in your Good Dairy to keep & re-read forever

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 22: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


• Daily “visualize” yourself healthy physically, mentally, emotionally,relationally,spiritually(doing your calling)

• When we experience an emotional trauma, we often develop a bad decision/belief (“I will never…”)

• The emotional trauma & its bitter-root decision gets trapped in an organ or tissue & attracts physical toxins

• Physical toxins in organ/tissue stimulate “bug”growth• Microbes attract white cells, which cause inflammation• Identifying & resolving old traumas & assoc. beliefs causes physical

toxins to release from organs/tissues• Then microbes leave & inflammation/disease resolves

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 23: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


• The most destructive emotion is anger toward self

• This causes autoimmune disease & eventually cancer

• If you are ill because you are angry with yourself, decide to stop punishing yourself, forgive yourself & release the pathologic guilt you hold onto

• Anger toward anyone causes disease of gall bladder & liver bile ducts, neck pain, headaches, eye trouble

• Protracted anger causes hard-heartedness & heart dz.

• Easier to forgive others if we shout at them first

• Visualization-raging is best choice, ending with self

• If a person that causes anger is still in your life, you should read “Boundaries*” & establish boundaries

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014 *by Townsend & Cloud

Page 24: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


• Second most destructive emotion after self-anger• Causes heart disease, cancer & many other diseases• These feelings can start because of hypercritical parent• Can also start because of parent who fails to praise their child• Most often starts because of parent praising the wrong way• NEVER praise this way: “I am so proud of you because you…. (did

something well).”• Praise this way: “Good job, excellent, good choice…”• Wait until the child is doing nothing that deserves praise & say, “I am so

proud of you because you are my child…because of who you are.”Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 25: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

NIGHTLY JOURNALING• The average child hears 1 YES for every 100 NO’s• Most people enter adulthood very negative• At bedtime, write on a piece of paper all things that happened that

day you never want to think of again• Then tear the paper in tiny pieces or put in shredder• In a bound blank notebook labeled “Good Diary”, write everything

good that happened that day• You must write at least one good thing each day• On bad days, read previous entries to be uplifted• In this journaling, you dump the NO’s & focus on the YES’s (out with

the bad & in with the good memories) Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

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• Homeopathic flowers work in animals, kids & adults (not placebo)

• Bach Flower Remedies can resolve many emotions• Australian Bush Flower Remedies resolve others• North American & South American Flower Remedies resolve still other

emotions• Some quantum-imprinted remedies are very helpful as well• Dosage is usually 5-8 drops once or twice daily in adults• Some flower or quantum-imprinted remedies taken at bedtime appear

to cause subconscious emotions/beliefs to resolve during the dreams

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

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• Roger Callahan, PhD tapped with his fingertips on acupuncture points while patient spoke affirmations (Thought-Field-Therapy)

• Callahan’s TFT more effective than pharmaceutical or cognitive-behavioral therapy in a study in Argentina

• Gary Craig,PhD had clients tap acupuncture points while speaking positive affirmations (Emotional Freedom Technique)

• Reed-Eye-Movement-Acupressure-Psychotherapy includes EMDR & tapping entire paired meridians while patient speaks positive affirmations

• These work best for fear (UB & Ki meridians), worry (ST meridian) and inadequacy (Ht & SI meridians)

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

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Tx Method TIR NLP EMDR TFT REMAPDistress 1-10Before Tx

6.5 4.75 5.0 6.3 9.4

Distress 1-10After Tx

3.4 5.25 2.0 3.0 1.2


3.1 -0.5 3.0 3.3 8.2

% Better 47.7% -10.5% 60% 52.4% 87.2%Tx Time 254 min 113 min 173 min 63 min 77.5 min

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

TIR = Traumatic Incident Reduction TherapyNLP = Neuro-Linguistic Programming (or Visual / Kinesthetic Dissociation)EMDR = Eye Movement Desensitization & ReprocessingTFT = Thought Field TherapyREMAP = Reed Eye Movement Acupressure PsychotherapyJ.Carbonell,C.Figley; Promising PTSD Treatment; Traumatology 5:1Article4,1999

Page 29: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

REMAP CASE EXAMPLE• 53 yo female practitioner made bad business decisions & developed

suicidal depression & severe panic attack• She did not want to be admitted b/o requirement to report to her

licensing board & have license restricted• Gave her 30 drops of stress-reducing imprint, deep breathing & TKM• Next did REMAP on UB meridian and Ki meridian• EMDR showed eye-skipping & blinking in RUQ=dad• Gave her Lizyme Forte & drainage/detox remedies every 30 minutes• Then did REMAP on PA, SP, GB, SI • In 2 hours, panic gone & no longer suicidal ; anxiety & depression

both decreased by 80-90%; hospitalization avoidedCopyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 30: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

EVOX VOICE THERAPY• Patient speaks in microphone any word(s) repeatedly while

remembering a person or an event• Microphone records voice frequencies that correspond to specific

emotions & beliefs about that person/event• Computer then displays those emotions & beliefs• Patient, seeing on computer what was subconscious, starts an

emotional healing (awareness)• Computer makes the patient’s voice frequencies into homeopathic-

like harmonics that are delivered back to patient’s hand electrode while relaxing music plays

• The voice harmonics shake loose cellular memory• Patient experiences emotional & physical healing

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

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• Releases emotions & associated beliefs quickly• Changes attitudes about people & events• Can quickly resolve anger, phobias, grief, etc. even if

acquired while in mother’s womb• Most patients should start Evox with a session for each

parent/parent substitute & their parents• Most impact on cancer & other chronic diseases if quantum

voice therapy is guided by Recall Healing principles• Evox is most effective if client is pre-treated with the

appropriate flower or quantum-imprinted remedy Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 32: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


• Patient refused surgery for large biopsy-proven intraductal CA• Treatment for 2 months guided by ElectroDermal Screening• Moved bed off geopathic & resolved EM radiation• Took enzymes 30 min. before meals (vegetarian diet)• Took Vit.C, Chinese herbs, homeopathics, etc.• Did LED, frequency therapy for miasms & EVOX• Re-eval. on the EDS showed cancer gone• End of 2nd month, she went back to surgeon who intimidated her

into doing bilateral mastectomy• On pathology, no cancer cells in either breast• Severe post-op infection threatened her life

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 33: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


• Ryke Hamer, a German MD discovered in 1978 that cancers & most dz brought on by specific emotional conflicts & cancer resolved by resolving the conflict

• 92% of cancer pts alive 5 yrs after conflict resolved

• Gilbert Renaud, PhD has expanded the Hamer concept & that of Claude Sabbah into Recall Healing

• Asking a patient the right questions will cause release of specific toxic emotions & beliefs

• Releasing toxic emotions will cause release of physical toxins from specific organs & organ healing

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 34: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

AVOID NEGATIVE THOUGHTS• Negative words from doctors, if believed, can kill

• If the doctor is not God, then he or she does not know how long the patient will live or be ill

• Family & friends can also speak death over a patient

• Word curses are best “cast out” like demons

• Never say or think that healing is not possible

• “..take every thought captive …” read Battlefield of Mind*

• 4 sources of thought: a)others, b)self from sequential thought, c)self spontaneous- God, d)self spontaneous- devil

• After rejecting negative thought, pick positive to dwell on

• Reject all ideas of being a victim; become a victor

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014 *by Joyce Meyer

Page 35: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

SUMMARY• Stress and various specific emotions have a huge impact on

development & progression of cancer & other chronic diseases

• Support-group involvement, reducing stress and resolving childhood emotional conflicts, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and alexthymia appear to improve disease outcome

• EDS, Evox & Recall Healing appear to help identify emotions causing cancer & other chronic diseases

• REMAP, Recall Healing & Evox therapy appear to be efficient tools to resolve disease-causing emotions

• Forgiving, nightly journaling, daily visualizing plus avoiding negative thoughts & the nocebo effect improve prognosis

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014

Page 36: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.

Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014



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Page 37: DEALING WITH EMOTIONS TO RESOLVE CANCER & OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES Presented June 2014 by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H) Chairman of Scientific Board of ACIM.


Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2014