Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup Global market place for investors

Transcript of Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

Page 1: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

Deadly mistakes to avoid before you

launch your startup

Global market place for investors

Page 2: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

“Using sign-ups as the only


Global market place for investors

Page 3: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

Global marketplace for investors

“Not planning your media strategy before launch”

Page 4: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

“Not asking for help before launch”

Global marketplace for investors

Page 5: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

“Thinking of a launch day as a 24 hour event”

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Page 6: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

“Being cheap about marketing”

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Page 7: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

“Waiting too long to launch”

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Page 8: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

“Choosing inappropriate location, for launch”

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Page 9: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup


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“Not hiring an event manager”

Page 10: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup


“Failing to set performance goals and track metrics”

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Page 11: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

Global marketplace for investors

“Sending out confusing messages before launch”

Global marketplace for investors

Page 12: Deadly mistakes to avoid before you launch your startup

Global market place for investors

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