Dead Cold by Louise Penny (Grades 9-10) - Janet Somerville

1 Dead Cold by Louise Penny Guided Reading by Janet Somerville Chapters 1-8 GETTING TO KNOW THREE PINES A) Character Development List point form details about each of the following characters you meet in the opening 8 chapters of the novel: C.C. de Poitiers Ruth Zardo Richard Lyon Emilie Longpre Crie Lyon Kaye Thompson Saul Petrov Beatrice Mayer a.k.a. Mother Clara Morrow Chief Inspector Armand Gamache

Transcript of Dead Cold by Louise Penny (Grades 9-10) - Janet Somerville

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Dead Cold by Louise Penny Guided Reading by Janet Somerville


A) Character Development List point form details about each of the following characters you meet in the opening 8 chapters of the novel:

C.C. de Poitiers

Ruth Zardo

Richard Lyon

Emilie Longpre

Crie Lyon

Kaye Thompson

Saul Petrov

Beatrice Mayer a.k.a. Mother

Clara Morrow Chief Inspector Armand Gamache

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Peter Morrow

Reine-Marie Gamache

Myrna Landers

Robert Lemieux

Gabri Dubeau

Inspector Jean Guy Beauvoir

Olivier Brule


B) Why are each of the following relevant? a) The Christmas pageant at Miss Edward’s School for Girls b) Be Calm c) Li Bien d) I’m FINE e) Emilie Longpre’s reveillon on December 24/25

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f) Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto in D major C) Descriptive Detail (use of 5 senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) Copy THREE short passages that you believe contribute to the convincing setting that Louise Penny creates. Include the page number. Explain how each passage contributes to the atmosphere/ mood/ theme. Page # PASSAGE CONTRIBUTION

D) List evidence of C.C. de Poitiers’s intentional cruelty. It builds the case for her murder. 1) 2) 3) 4)

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5) E) Deconstructing Poetry Consider each of the following excerpts attributed to Ruth Zardo in her collection I’m FINE. What might each reveal about character/ plot/ theme? 1) Who hurt you once so far beyond repair that you would greet each overture with curling lip? It was not always so. (Chapter 3) 2) ‘Well, all children are sad but some get over it. Count your blessings. Better than that, buy a hat. Buy a coat or pet. Take up dancing to forget. Forget what? Your sadness, your shadow, whatever it was that was done to you the day of the lawn party when you came inside flushed with the sun, your mouth sulky with sugar, in your new dress with the ribbon and the ice-cream smear, and said to yourself in the bathroom, I am not the favourite child.’ (Chapter 5) 3) Here it is then, the dark thing, the dark thing you have waited for so long. And after all, it is nothing new. (Chapter 7) 4) Long dead, and buried in another town, my mother hasn’t finished with me yet. When my death us do part Then shall forgiven and forgiving meet again Or will it be, as always was, too late? (Chapter 8)

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Reading for Detail Quiz #1 (Chapters 1-8) Each correct answer is worth ½ mark. /6 marks 1. What is Saul Petrov’s job? 2. What is the name of Crie Lyon’s private school in Montreal? 3. What is the title of C.C. de Poitiers’s book? 4. What does Saul retrieve from the trash can in his hotel room he shares with C.C.? 5. What costume does Crie wear in the Christmas pageant? 6. Why did C.C. and her husband Richard get the Hadley House in Three Pines for such a good price? 7. What is Li Bien? 8. Who is the author of the poetry book I’m FINE? 9. What is the name of Emilie Longpre’s dog? 10. Name one mean thing C.C. says or does. 11. What gift does Clara give her husband Peter this Christmas thanks to her inheritance from her friend Jane? 12. Who is Elle?

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Chapters 9-14

THE INVESTIGATION BEGINS A) List the police officers involved in the murder investigation of C.C. de Poitiers. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) B) Chief Inspector Gamache interviews each of the following characters to reconstruct the day of the murder: December 26th. What useful information does he learn from each?

• Peter and Clara Morrow (Chapter 10)

• Ruth Zardo (Chapter 11)

• Gabri and Olivier at the Bistro (Chapter 12)

• Richard Lyon (Chapters 12 and 13)

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4 conditions necessary for C.C.’s electrocution: 1) water on the ground 2) take off her gloves 3) touch something electrified 4) wear boots that have metal on the bottom (current will travel through her body) C) Quotable Quotes Consider what each of the following contributes to plot/ character development/ theme. 1) Just hours ago this place had been full of happy people. Except one. One had been so unhappy, so wretched and dis-eased, he’d had to take a life. 2) It was the most repulsive thing he’d ever had to do, all the more so since he’d found her pretty repulsive in life. Death hadn’t improved her. 3) ‘The monster is dead and the villagers are celebrating.’ An allusion to Frankenstein. But in that story the villagers weren’t just celebrating the death of the monster, they’d killed him themselves. Was it possible this sleepy, lovely, peaceful place had banded together and killed C.C. de Poitiers?

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4) Three Pines was not diminished by her passing. She’d left behind a stink but even that was lifting. Three Pines felt lighter and fresher and better for its loss. 5) Sitting in front of them were the carcasses of two babies. Animals, certainly, but all senseless killing appalled Gamache. What sort of woman wore the bodies of dead babies shaped into boots, with metal claws imbedded in them?

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Reading for Detail Quiz #2 (Chapters 9-14) Each correct answer is worth ½ mark. / 5 marks 1. Name the 2nd person murdered in the novel. 2. How does the coroner think the victim died? 3. What annual sporting event was taking place? 4. Name one of the two female Surête officers who joins Gamache’s team. 5. Ruth takes charge on site as the volunteer Fire Chief. What does she order Peter Morrow to do? 6. How many chairs were set up near the heat lamp? 7. What is Agent Robert Lemieux’s 1st murder case? 8. What animal is the logo of C.C.’s company? 9. Name one of the things that the coroner finds under Elle’s fingernails during the autopsy. 10. What were C.C.’s boots made from?

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Chapters 15-20

A) Make a list of possible suspects in the murder of C.C. de Poitiers and explain what motive you believe each might have.


Possible motive

B) Historically, who are Henry and Eleanor de Poitiers? Why do you think C.C. would take their name?

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Reading for Detail Quiz #3 (Chapters 15-20) Each correct answer is worth ½ mark. /5marks 1. Name two of the conditions necessary for C.C. de Poitiers’s murderer to be successful. a) b) 2. What caused the puddle near the chairs? 3. What has Richard Lyon invented that could be useful to the US military? 4. Why does Gamache send Lemieux to Montreal? 5. Who is Henri? 6. Explain what it means to “clear the house.” 7. What is the title of the movie that Gamache found in C.C.’s garbage? 8. What is the name of “Mother” Mayer’s meditation centre? 9. Who are the real Henry and Eleanor de Poitiers?

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Chapters 21-25

A) List the clues you’ve been given so far about C.C.’s murder. B) List Crie Lyon’s attributes: C) Describe Clara Morrow’s paintings.

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D) Quotable Quotes What do each of the following contribute to plot/ character development/ theme? a) There’s nothing dangerous about niacin. Uncomfortable, yes, but not dangerous. If the person was hoping to kill her, he got it wrong. b) There was no Uncle Saul. No slaughter at the hands of the communists. No noble and valiant flight across the frontier. c) “Mostly it’s about imperfection and impermanence. There’s a crack in everything.” “That’s how the light gets in.” d) Eventually, for better or worse, our childhood fantasies disappear or are replaced by others. But not CC. That’s the difference. She seemed to believe them, even to the extent of choosing the name de Poitiers. We don’t even know what her real name was. e) What a perfect moment for murder. Who was going to tear their eyes from the spectacle? And who would hear the screams of a woman being electrocuted? It was perfectly timed. f) He looked at the roll in his palm, walked over to the fireplace, and threw it in.

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Reading for Detail Quiz #4 (Chapters 21-25) Each correct answer is worth ½ mark. /6 marks 1. Who is Dr. Sharon Harris? 2. Why is niacin a clue? 3. What does the acronym FINE stand for in the title of Ruth Zardo’s poetry book? F __________________ I __________________ N__________________ E __________________ 4. What movie starring Katharine Hepburn and Peter O’Toole does Gamache bring by to watch at Peter and Clara’s place? 5. What is Agent Yvette Nichol’s father’s secret about his past? 6. What is the title of Clara’s painting that features Mother as “Faith”, Emilie as “Hope” and Kaye as “Charity?” 7. Where did Peter find the Li Bien ball to give to Clara for Christmas? 8. How did Emilie’s husband Gus and son David die in 1976? 9. Why is “clearing the house” in curling a perfect opportunity for murder?

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Chapters 26-32

A) Provide Saul Petrov’s account of December 26th. B) Explain how each of these wise words attributed to famous men add to plot/theme of Dead Cold. 1. We live in a world of guided missiles and misguided men. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior 2. Your beliefs become your thoughts Your thoughts become your words Your words become your actions Your actions become your destiny. ~ Mahatma Gandhi C) Sketch the symbol for Eleanor of Aquataine and for C.C. de Poitiers’s business.

D) QUOTABLE QUOTES 1. We become our beliefs, and Crie believes something horrible about herself. Has heard it all her life, and now it haunts her, in her own mother’s voice. It’s the voice most of us hear in the quiet moments, whispering kindnesses or accusations. Our mother.

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2. You stink, love Ruth 3. It was a mundane list, except for the video. And the bracelet. 4. Icicles hung from their helmets and clothing and the unscorched parts of the house looked like glass. It was something out of a particularly macabre fairytale, both spectacularly beautiful and horrible. 5. Think of someone you love….Imagine we’re here to save them. 6. Let it go. You have your own life…You can’t live in the past and you certainly can’t undo it…Bury your dead. 7. Same blood type, of course. Blah, blah, blah. Then he stopped. Same blood type, but not the same blood. It wasn’t L’s blood on the leather. 8. She’d have hesitated to destroy it. It’d become a symbol of her family, her philosophy, her fantasies. That’s probably why she couldn’t bring herself to just throw it away, but placed it gently in the dumpster.

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Reading for Detail Quiz #5 (Chapters 26-32) Each correct answer is worth ½ mark. /5 marks 1. What did Saul Petrov confide to Gamache and Beauvoir? 2. What did Kaye’s father’s soldiers shout as they went over the top into the trench to their certain deaths? 3. To whom did Ruth inscribe “You stink, love Ruth” in a copy of I’m FINE. 4. What is the symbol on the prow of the barge belonging to Eleanor of Aquitaine in A Lion in Winter? 5. What is C.C.’s corporate emblem for Be Calm? 6. What did Saul Petrov destroy? 7. Who was C.C.’s mother? 8. Why does Gamache offer police protection to Richard and Crie Lyon? 9. Who do Beauvoir and Gamache save from the fire? 10. According to the forensic report, whose blood was on the necklace stolen from Elle?

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Chapters 33-38 A) Who is “God” according to Emilie Longpre and Armand Gamache?

According to Emilie

According to Gamache

B) List details you learn about the Arnot Case that haunts Gamache. C) What does Emilie tell Gamache about Eleanor Allaire’s past that leads to Emilie’s comment “El was like sunshine, bright and loving and kind. But she gave birth to darkness. CC didn’t live in her mother’s shadow, she was her mother’s shadow.”

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D) Provide the details that Emilie’s letter to Gamache reveals about C.C.’s murder. E) What were the contents of Saul Petrov’s card to Richard Lyon? F) What does the 5 o’clock “beer walk” reveal about Ruth Zardo? G) Explain why Billy Williams is important to the story.

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Reading for Detail Quiz #6 (Chapters 33-38) Each correct answer is worth ½ mark. / 5 marks 1. What does Emilie feel guilty about not having done on Christmas Eve? 2. What was “God” eating when Gamache met him? 3. What was the message on the sign that Emilie’s “God” was carrying? 4. Who is Eleanor Allaire? 5. Which characters do each of the letters symbolize in B KLM? B ______________________ K ______________________ L ______________________ M ______________________ 6. How are Kaye and Emilie and “Mother” behaving like Inuit elders? 7. What was missing from Emilie’s letter of confession to Gamache that made him realize they were lying to protect Crie?

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Dead Cold Reading Blog A) Find a quotation that describes each of the following characters: C.C. de Poitiers, Ruth Zardo, Clara Morrow and Inspector Beauvoir. Copy down each quotation and write a sentence describing what it reveals about the character. B) Write a paragraph about either Chief Inspector Gamache or about Crie Lyon in which you comment on their characteristics and what motivates them. Include specific excerpts from the novel to support your points. C) Crime novelists often use humour to break the tension. Copy down two examples of Louise Penny’s use of humour and explain why they work in the scene.

Item Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Mark


20 Limited diction, limited support, not always relevant, below expectations (8-10)

Limited diction, some relevant detail, approaches expectations (11-13)

Appropriate diction, significant relevant support, meets expectations (14-17)

Appropriate diction, superb relevant support, exceeds expectations (18-20)

Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation

5 more than ten errors (2)

six to ten errors (3)

one to five errors (4)

No errors (5)


5 Communicates with limited clarity (2)

Communicates with some clarity (3)

Communicates with considerable clarity; uses varied sentence structure (4)

Communicates with a high degree of clarity; uses varied sentence structure and transition words (5)

/30 marks

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Culminating Activity Select ONE of the following topics. Your piece should be between 800-1000 words. a) Re-write the ending of Dead Cold mimicking Penny’s style and tone. b) Write a series of notes between C.C. and her daughter Crie that could be left on the refrigerator door. These notes need to move the plot forward and to show how damaged Crie has become because of her mother’s verbal and emotional abuse. c) Write an essay that traces the clues in the novel that lead Gamache to figure out who killed C.C. de Poitiers and why they felt murder was their only option.

Item Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Mark


30 Voice unconvincing or inconsistent, limited diction, limited support, not always relevant, below expectations (15-17)

Voice sometimes convincing, limited diction, some relevant detail, approaches expectations (18-21)

Voice convincing, appropriate diction, significant relevant support, meets expectations (22-25)

Voice absolutely convincing, appropriate diction true to character, superb relevant support, exceeds expectations (26-30)

Grammar and Punctuation

5 more than ten errors (2)

six to ten errors (3)

one to five errors (4)

no errors (5)


5 more than ten errors (2)

six to ten errors (3)

one to five errors (4)

no errors (5)


10 Communicates with limited clarity (4)

Communicates with some clarity (6)

Communicates with considerable clarity; uses varied sentence structure (8)

Communicates with a high degree of clarity; uses varied sentence structure (10)

/50 marks

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Creating a Dead Cold Newspaper Your group (3 – 4 members) has been assigned to publish a local paper for the Three Pines community. Your paper should be 3 – 4 pages long and include stories and ads. You must also try to format your paper in columns and include pictures and graphics. Your paper must feature at lease two components per participant. A component can be a news story, an ad, a feature, etc. News stories should be approximately 250 – 400 words and must follow the conventions of journalistic writing. Possible story ideas: Art (Clara and Peter) Sports (Curling) Travel (Visit Three Pines/Olivier’s BB) Books (Myrna) Entertainment (Review of “The Lion in Winter”) Crime (CC/Elle) Lifestyles (Be Calm) Homes (The Hadley House) Ads (Bistro/Be Calm Meditation Centre)

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Dead Cold Group Newspaper Rubric

Item Value Level 1

(50 – 59%) Level 2 (60 – 69%)

Level 3 (70 – 79%)

Level 4 (80 – 100%)


Supporting Evidence


Limited use of characters and events from “Dead Cold”. (1 – 5)

Some use of characters and events from “Dead Cold”. (6 – 6.9).

Substantial use of characters and events from “Dead Cold” (7.1 – 7.9)

Thorough use of characters and events from “Dead Cold”. (8 - 10)


10 Limited use of journalistic style (headlines, lead, interviews, etc.) (1 – 5)

Some use of journalistic style (headlines, lead, interviews) (6 – 6.9)

Substantial use of journalistic style (headlines, lead, interviews) (7.1 – 7.9)

Exceptional use of journalistic style (headlines, lead, interviews) (8 – 10)


10 Not formatted like a newspaper. Little or no use of columns, pictures, ads, graphics, etc. (1 – 5)

Somewhat formatted like a newspapers. Uses some columns, pictures, ads and graphics. (6 – 6.9)

Formatted like a newspaper, with well-formatted columns, pictures, ads, graphics etc. (7.1 – 7.9)

Exceptional newspaper formatting with professional layout of columns, ads, pictures and graphics (8 – 10)


5 More than ten errors. (2)

Six to ten errors. (3)

One to five errors. (4)

No errors. (5)



The ads are not realistic or appropriate to the content. (2)

The ads are somewhat realistic and appropriate to the content. (3)

The ads are realistic and appropriate to the content (4)

The ads exceptionally realistic and appropriate to the content (5)

/40 marks