
How to enrol on Studielink How to enrol on Studielink ...................................................................................................................... 1 Step 1: Create a Studielink account ........................................................................................................ 4 Step 2: Login to Studielink and choose your own password ................................................................... 6 Step 3: Add previous education .............................................................................................................. 7 Step 4: Enroll yourself in a TU Delft course ............................................................................................. 8 Step 5: Submit payment details ............................................................................................................ 10 Step 6: NetID and Campuscard ........................................................................................................... 11 Step 7: How to change your address in Studielink............................................................................ 11 You have now finished..................................................................................................................... 12 Attention ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Questions? ............................................................................................................................................ 13 More information about using STUDIELINK is available via: http://info.studielink.nl/en Select “I have a question”. How to enroll Studielink First year student 2015-2016 1



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How to enrol on Studielink How to enrol on Studielink ...................................................................................................................... 1

Step 1: Create a Studielink account ........................................................................................................ 4

Step 2: Login to Studielink and choose your own password ................................................................... 6

Step 3: Add previous education .............................................................................................................. 7

Step 4: Enroll yourself in a TU Delft course ............................................................................................. 8

Step 5: Submit payment details ............................................................................................................ 10

Step 6: NetID and Campuscard ........................................................................................................... 11

Step 7: How to change your address in Studielink ............................................................................ 11

You have now finished. .................................................................................................................... 12

Attention ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Questions? ............................................................................................................................................ 13

More information about using STUDIELINK is available via: http://info.studielink.nl/en Select “I have a question”.

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Step 1: Create a Studielink account Go to www.studielink.nl You can change the language into English (see top left, red oval)

You have two options to login. 1) If you already live in the Netherlands use the button “Log in with DigiD” 2) If you do not have an address in the Netherlands, select the option “Log in via Studielink” For new users choose link: “Apply for user name and password” (see blue oval)

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Create Studielink account: Fill in all the details. Personal details: If you do not have specific Family names/surnames please enter all your names (exactly as mentioned in your proof of identity) as your surname. Enter a full stop (.) for your official first name in this case. Address details: Use your current home address. Please note: As soon as you arrive in the Netherlands you need to change this address into your Dutch address. Contact details: You need to give at least one telephone number (mobile or home/landline). If all the details are correct read the general conditions carefully and tick the box “I have read and approved the general conditions”. Press “Confirm”. An email with a password will be send to your email address. Check your e-mail.

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Open the e-mail with the title “Apply for access to Studielink”:

Step 2: Login to Studielink and choose your own password Return to the welcome page of Studielink (www.studielink.nl).

Select “Log in via Studielink” to log in with your username and password. (If you already have a DigiD, use “Log in with DigiD”.

Enter your username and received password and press “Login”.

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Choose a new password and press “Confirm”.

Step 3: Add previous education

Select “Add previous educ” at your “My To Do list” or select “Add previous education” at “My previous education”.

Select your diploma or if your diploma is not listed, please select “ – overige-“ Enter the name(s) of the study programme(s) that entitles you to continue your study at the TU Delft. Press “Confirm”.

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You have added your previous education. Select “Go to “My Studielink” page” If you want to add another previous education, just select “Add previous education” again at your “My To Do list” or select “Add previous education” at “My previous education”.

Step 4: Enroll yourself in a TU Delft course

Select “Enrolment application” at “My To Do list” or “Add new enrolment” at “My study programmes” Attention: During this process you will receive an e-mail with the request to submit a copy of your diploma and grade list and a copy of your passport. If you already sent this information to the TU Delft please ignore this message.

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Fill in the first part of this page. Select the required Academic year, University (NOT University of Applied Sciences) and your type of programme: BSc or MSc. Educational institution: you can start typing “Delft” to select Technische Universiteit Delft (Delft University of Technology) or select it in the list. Study programme name (institution): you can start typing your study programme or select one in the list. Select “Confirm study programme”.

Fill in the second part of this page. Study starts from month: At the TU Delft you can only start courses in September (for exceptions see www.csa.tudelft.nl; change to English and select Enrolment). Select “Confirm starting date” and wait for the extra questions to appear.

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Select the programme you want to follow (regular bachelor, master, exchange etc.) and answer the other questions.

Fill in the registration number (5 digits) that you received when TU Delft confirmed receipt of your application. It’s not possible to continue without this registration number. Please contact [email protected] if you didn’t receive your 5 digit registration number.. TU Delft needs your explicit permission to forward your contact details tot these TU

Delft related, but independent (student) organisations. Ticking a box only means that you allow this organisation to contact you. Select “Confirm”.

Step 5: Submit payment details

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Please ignore this To Do action. You have already paid or will pay the tuition fee to the TU Delft by international bank transfer according to the specifications mentioned in your admissions e-mail (payment deadline is 1 July). Studielink offers EU bank account holders the opportunity to pay the tuition fee in monthly (12) installments by authorizing TU Delft to debit fee from their bank accounts. However, this option is only available if you do not require services (Accommodation, VISA/Residence permit, ABN AMRO bank account) from TU Delft. If this is the case you may enter your payment details and pay the tuition fee in installments.

Step 6: NetID and Campuscard

1) By mid-July you’ll receive an e-mail from the TU Delft with your NetID. 2) After this please upload your passport photo in OSIRIS – student. (see Delftulip for details).

Step 7: How to change your address in Studielink

1) After arrival in Delft you will need to register your new Dutch address. This is ususally done during the Central Registration days which are part of the Introduction Programme. The municipality will put your adress in the ‘Municipality Records Database’ (Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie or GBA).

2) If you do not participate in the Introduction Programme or if you do not live in Delft you need to go to the municipality yourself to register your address.

3) The municipality will send you a notification that you are registered in the ‘Municipality Records Database’ (GBA) and send you your ‘Citizen Service Number’ (Burger Service number = BSN number), usually within 10 working days. This BSN number is a unique personal ID number that will be used by all government organisation.

4) Go to www.digid.nl to apply for a DigiD (you will need your BSN number for this) You will receive a DigiD within 5 working days. DigiD stand for Digital Identity. With DiGiD users can assess a great number of on-line services offered by Dutch government organisations.

5) You have to change your address in Studielink into your Dutch address (see manual below) by logging in with your DigiD.

6) The DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs) will check your addresses in Studielink and in the GBA. If they match you will receive a notification in Studielink stating that your enrolment is approved. If the addresses are not the same you will need to change one of them (most likely the one in Studielink) in order to finish your enrolment.

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Go to www.studielink.nl and Log in with your DigiD Click on the + before “My details”

Click on the button “Change mail address” to change your postal address in the Netherlands.

Fill in the country (The Netherlands), street, postcode and city And “Confirm”. Your address has been changed.

You have now finished. You can see/follow the status of your request on your Studielink home page

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Attention During the process the system automatically generates emails. You can ignore all emails asking for information you already have sent to us.

Questions? For questions on enrolment procedure, tuition fee etc. visit the website: www.csa.tudelft.nl For questions about Studielink visit the website: info.studielink.nl

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