D.C. Statehood Caucus Resolution

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Transcript of D.C. Statehood Caucus Resolution

  • 7/24/2019 D.C. Statehood Caucus Resolution


    Platform Resolution Proposal FormThis form is provided as an aid in recommending resolutions from Precinct Caucus attendees

    for consideration by the County Convention in which the Precinct Caucus was held. This form

    contains space for a Platform Plank, followed by the reason for the proposed plank. A preamble

    is not always necessary but it is used to provide additional information without which the point or

    merits of the suggested resolution might not otherwise be understood.


    Full democracy and statehood for the residents of the District of Columbia

    Proposed Platform Plank:

    WHEREAS, all Americans are entitled to equal rights and equal protection under the law, and;

    WHEREAS, the residents of the District of Columbia lack full democracy, equality and citizenship

    enjoyed by the residents of the 50 states; and

    WHEREAS, District of Columbia residents pay among the highest federal taxes per capita in the

    nation and more than 200,000 residents have served in the federal armed services, and yet DC

    residents have no voting representation in the United States Congress.

    Reason for the Plank, be it Resolved:

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the Nevada Democratic Party endorse and

    encourage citizens and their members of Congress to support statehood and full democracy for

    the District of Columbia that will guarantee to DC residents full congressional voting

    representation, budget autonomy and all of the rights that the people of the 50 United States


    Proposed by (Please Print Your Name):






