Db2 10 Webcast #2 Justifying The Upgrade

DB2 10 for z/OS Justifying The Upgrade The Information Management Specialists Julian Stuhler Principal Consultant Triton Consulting

Transcript of Db2 10 Webcast #2 Justifying The Upgrade

DB2 10 for z/OS

Justifying The Upgrade

The Information Management Specialists

Julian Stuhler

Principal Consultant

Triton Consulting

Triton Migration Month

• Series of DB2 10 Webcasts

� DB2 10 Overview - Get Ready to Plan your Migration

3rd November 16:00-17:00 GMT

The Information Management Specialists

3rd November 16:00-17:00 GMT

� DB2 10: Justifying the Upgrade

10th November 16:00-17:00 GMT

� DB2 10 - The Secrets of Scalability

1st December 16:00-17:00 GM


• Introduction

• Justifying the Upgrade – An Overview

The Information Management Specialists

• Justifying the Upgrade – An Overview

• CPU Cost Savings

• Productivity Savings

• Availability Savings

• Summary and Questions


• Director and Principal Consultant at Triton Consulting

• 24 years DB2 experience, 19 as a consultant working with customers in UK, Europe and the US

• IBM Gold Consultant since 1999

The Information Management Specialists

• IBM Gold Consultant since 1999

• IBM Information Champion

• Former IDUG (International DB2 User Group) President

• Author of IBM Redbooks, white papers and more recently “flashbooks”

• Designer of IBM’s new “DB2 10 Business Value Assessment Estimator Tool”

• All figures and charts within this presentation are illustrative only, and should not be used as an indication of your environment

DB2 10 for z/OS Highlights

The Information Management Specialists

DB2 10 for z/OS

• Extensive beta program running throughout 2009/10, with customers from all around the world

• Generally available since October 2010

• Support for skip migration from V8 as well as DB2 9

The Information Management Specialists

• Support for skip migration from V8 as well as DB2 9� Will make cost case for upgrade even more compelling

• Excellent uptake� First customers now running DB2 10 in production

� Compared to DB2 9 at 12 months after GA

► 3 x number of customers running DB2 10

► 4 x number of DB2 10 licences

► 3 x total number of MSUs

� Many customers are planning their DB2 10 upgrades now, with most intending to begin real work in the next 6-18 months

Why Upgrade?

• Financial

� CPU Savings

� Productivity Savings

The Information Management Specialists

� Productivity Savings

� Availability Savings

� (Upgrade Costs (people, hardware))

• Non-Financial

� Stay in support (V8 out of support April 2012)

� Business requirement for new functionality (e.g. new audit functionality)

How Do I Assess The Financial

Savings?• Just use the generic IBM “typical savings” quoted in

many presentations etc.� CPU reductions of 5-10% for traditional workloads

� Up to additional 10% CPU savings using new functions



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The Information Management Specialists

� Up to additional 10% CPU savings using new functions

� CPU reductions of up to 20% for new workloads

• Perform a quick evaluation of your specific workload� Use the information in this presentation

� Ask your IBM representative about the new “DB2 10 Business Value Assessment Estimator Tool”

• Run a full benchmarking exercise� Weeks/months of effort



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CPU Cost Savings

The Information Management Specialists

CPU Savings Overview

• Single biggest headline item for DB2 10� Lower CPU usage = lower MLC (Monthly Licence Charge) fees to IBM

� Can also help with deferring mainframe upgrades

• Many of the CPU benefits are available in Conversion Mode (with

The Information Management Specialists

• Many of the CPU benefits are available in Conversion Mode (with REBIND) so you can claim savings earlier in the upgrade project

• Need to understand how sub-capacity workload licencing works� Based on 4-hour rolling average MSU utilisation

� Highest rolling average figure for each month used to calculate software charges for all MLC products (IBM and non-IBM)

� Provided DB2 forms a significant component of the total MSU usage during peak period, any MSU savings will translate directly to MLC savings

Sub-Capacity Charging

The Information Management Specialists

Charts courtesy of Cristian Molaro, taken from White Paper: Getting the financial benefits of DB2 10 for z/OS

Sub-Capacity Charging

The Information Management Specialists

Charts courtesy of Cristian Molaro, taken from White Paper: Getting the financial benefits of DB2 10 for z/OS

CPU Savings – Major Items

• Conversion Mode� Base savings

� Reduced Data Sharing Overhead (due to increased scalability)

� High performance DBATs

The Information Management Specialists

� High performance DBATs

� More use of persistent threads with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE)

� Buffer pool page fixing (if not already on V9 and using it)

� 1MB Page Frames (z10 or z196 only)

� Increased zIIP offload for complex query and utilities (RUNSTATS, prefetch, deferred write)

� SQL PL Enhancements (mainly if coming from V8)

� Utility enhancements (mainly if coming from V8)

� CM INSERT enhancements (Space search enhancement, parallel index I/O, log latch contention reduction, faster commit, additional index lookaside, mainly batch workloads)

CPU Savings – Major Items

• New Function Mode� Improved dynamic statement caching with literals

� NFM INSERT enhancements (improvement for universal table spaces, LRSN spin

The Information Management Specialists

� NFM INSERT enhancements (improvement for universal table spaces, LRSN spin

avoidance. INCLUDE index columns)

� Inline LOBs (needs SLOBs)

� Hash Access (big impact, limited sweet spot)

CPU Savings – Major Items

The Information Management Specialists

CPU Savings – Final Step

• Having estimated possible MSU savings at peak period, ask your IBM representative to run Workload Pricer tool to get new MLC figures under DB2 10

The Information Management Specialists

Pricer tool to get new MLC figures under DB2 10

� Different figures for CM and NFM

� Consider using a “range” of total savings and running Workload Pricer for both minimum and maximum

• Overall benefit is old MLC price - new MLC price

� Will probably increase slightly at NFM as new benefits kick in

Productivity Savings

The Information Management Specialists

Availability Savings

The Information Management Specialists

Productivity Savings

• As software/hardware costs continue to reduce, staff costs form an ever-increasing part of overall IT budgets

• Improving productivity and “doing more with less” is becoming a key differentiator

The Information Management Specialists


• Calculating productivity savings is much simpler than for CPU savings� Agree an hourly rate for Systems Programmer, DBA, Developer resource (most

organisations have a standard rate)

� Estimate number of hours saved per month/year with each productivity line item

• CM Productivity Savings� Subsystem Consolidation (reduction in sysprog time due to fewer subsystems to

manage following scalability improvements)

� Plan Stability (DBA time saved through enhanced plan stability options - full AP repository, APREUSE, APCOMPARE)

Productivity Savings

• NFM Productivity Savings

� Temporal Tables – Developer & DBA Savings

The Information Management Specialists

� Autonomic RUNSTATs

� Enhanced Dynamic Schema Change (ALTER for to universal

table space, page size, data set size, segment size)

� MEMBER CLUSTER for UTS tablespaces

� Enhanced Audit – Developer & DBA Savings

� Compress on INSERT

Productivity Savings

The Information Management Specialists

Availability Savings

The Information Management Specialists

Availability Savings

• Most DB2 for z/OS sites store “mission critical” data within DB2� If this data is unavailable for whatever reason, it usually has a significant

and quantifiable cost to the business

• DB2 10 introduces further enhancements which can reduce

The Information Management Specialists

• DB2 10 introduces further enhancements which can reduce planned downtime and therefore deliver direct business benefit

• Need to be able to put a “cost per minute” to the business for critical data being unavailable

• CM Availability Enhancements� None…

• NFM Availability Enhancements� Enhanced dynamic schema change (ALTER for universal table space, page

size, data set size, segment size)

� Online REORG for LOBs

Availability Savings

The Information Management Specialists


The Information Management Specialists

The End Result

The Information Management Specialists


• DB2 10 is one of the easiest ever releases to justify from a business perspective

• Treat “headline” saving figures with caution, as every

The Information Management Specialists

• Treat “headline” saving figures with caution, as every customer runs a unique DB2 workload, with unique MSU patterns across a 24-hour period

• If you need to provide a formal business case, consider making use of the DB2 10 Business Value Analysis Estimator Tool – see you local IBM representative

• If you’re still on Version 8, get the management buy-in quickly – clock is ticking on V8 end of support in April 2012

Further Information

• White Paper – DB2 10: A Smarter Database for a Smarter Planet

� https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/signup.do

The Information Management Specialists

� https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/signup.do?source=sw-infomgt&S_PKG=wp-z-db2-smarter

� Also available as part of a “flashbook” - ISBN: 1583473610

• New Flashbook: DB2 for z/OS Planning Your Upgrade: Reduce Costs. Improve Performance (ISBN 158347345)

Feedback / Questions

Julian Stuhler – [email protected]

The Information Management Specialists

Julian Stuhler – [email protected]