Daytona Beach Chapter “Dedication To Freedom Of The Road...

ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC Daytona Beach Chapter Daytona Beach Chapter Daytona Beach Chapter “Dedication To Freedom Of The “Dedication To Freedom Of The “Dedication To Freedom Of The Road” Road” Road” REMINDER !!!!! NEXT CHAPTER MEETING March 3, 2016 7:30 PM Volume 100 Issue 3 March 2016 DAYTONA BEACH 75th Anniversary BIKE WEEK IS HERE !!

Transcript of Daytona Beach Chapter “Dedication To Freedom Of The Road...


Daytona Beach ChapterDaytona Beach ChapterDaytona Beach Chapter“Dedication To Freedom Of The“Dedication To Freedom Of The“Dedication To Freedom Of The



March 3, 2016 7:30 PM

Volume 100 Issue 3 March 2016

DAYTONA BEACH75th Anniversary


President Geno Lessig 610-507-4119 [email protected]

Vice Pres. Alfye Fyock 386-566-6112 [email protected]

Secretary Kathy Holland 386-673-8893 [email protected]

Treasurer John Banta 386-441-6533 [email protected]

Sgt. At Arms Deninis (Grog) Snyder 419-902-2883

Legislative Officer John Banta 386-441-6533 [email protected]

Membership Steve Fritze 386-677-1550 [email protected]

Safety Director Mike Knezevich 352-508-1305 [email protected]

PR/Communications Ken Holland 386-673-8893 [email protected]

Products Frank Roush 386-290-3025 [email protected]

Newsletter Editor Kathy Holland 386-673-8893 [email protected]

Webmaster Kathy Holland 386-673-8893 [email protected]

State Delegate Gene Lessig 610-507-4119 [email protected]

State Delegate Alfye Fyock 386-566-6112 [email protected] Contact Geno Lessig 610-507-4119 [email protected]


FULL PAGE $42.60 $463.28HALF PAGE $21.30 $234.30QUARTER PAGE $15.98 $170.40BUSINESS CARD $10.65 $90.53ONE ISSUE SPECIAL EVENT FLYER $42.60 (full pageonly) Full and half page ads get one month free


The Daytona Beach ABATE newsletter

is the official publication of Daytona Beach Chapter

ABATE of Florida , INC.

Published monthly (12 times a year)

ABATE of Florida, Inc. Daytona Beach Chapter

Full payment must accompany Ad Copy. All ads mustbe camera ready. Advertisements will receive one (1)copy of each issue of the newsletter which their adver-tisement appears. All “Special Events” advertisementswill be billed on an individual basis.

Contact Ken Holland Public Relations/Communications386-673-8893 or [email protected] if you would liketo advertise in the Daytona Beach ABATE newsletter.



Wow, I can't believe another month has past us by, Race week is done and Bike Week is upon us.Looks like the 75th year is going to be a huge turnout for the annual Bike Week event and crowdsare expected to be heavy. Please be safe and try not to have too much fun. Look out for ridersthat may be a bit rusty from the long winter up north and many people that are new to the areaand not 100% sure where they are going, add that to the all the extra traffic and it can add up toa dangerous situation, so please be careful and watch out for others. Now would also be a goodtime to look over you bikes and make sure they are in good running order, if not we have some ad-vertisers that can take care of your needs. The weather is getting warmer and the days are get-ting longer, summer will be on us again before we know it. Hope to see everyone at our next meet-ing at the Eagles on Nova in Ormond March 3rd... Until the next time ride safe!!!

AlfyVice PresidentABATE of Florida, Inc.

March Madness is here in the Daytona area with the 75th anniversary of Bike week. It is pro-jected to be the biggest one yet so please ride safe and responsible and have a great time..don'tforget to "Look Twice" and save a just might be your own!! Don't forget our next chap-ter meeting is on Thursday March 3rd at 7:30pm. Ken and Kathy Holland went to the StateMeeting and I'm sure have lots to tell so come on out and support your local Daytona BeachAbate..the oldest chapter in Florida. Everyone is welcome to join and be one of the 1% of themotorcyclists fighting for their rights in the great state of Florida!! Still only $20 a year. SYLA(Support Your Local Abate) The Red, White and Blue \m/

GenoPresident of the best Abate Chapter in Florida Daytona BeachAbate of Florida


Daytona Beach ChapterChapter MeetingFebruary 4, 2016

Fraternal Order of Eagles7:30 p.m.

President: Geno called meeting to order at 7:32 PM. March meeting the day before Bike Week starts.

VP: Alfy wants to know who will ride over to Port Charlotte for the next State Meeting. Talking about ways for thestate to be saving money, possibly no Lobbyist for one year to be able to save funds. Need to submit letter to State forus to talk about this.

Secretary: Kathy H. stated that last month’s minutes were printed in the newsletter. Motion made to accept minutes asprinted. Motion passed.

Treasurer: John Banta read the treasury report regarding the Chapter finances for the month of December. Motionmade to accept report as reported. Motion passed.

Membership: Steve – 3 renewals February. After last month’s meeting Ken called Steve and they talked about not rais-ing our Membership and leaving $20.00 and still give the state their $.15.00. Our board voted on this so we have re-funded anyone that paid $30.00. Since that time, Steve rec’d a letter from Doc stating the raise in the Membershipdone the way it was, was against the by-laws. As of now, we are back to $20.00 monthly dues and Life time is $150.00.Products: We have products here at the EaglesLegislative: See John’s report in newsletter – no Rights Rally this yearNewsletter: Kathy Holland – Newsletter is on the website and printed copies for anyone that would like the newsletterhard copy. Printed newsletters are left at various places throughout Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach and Deland.PR Communications: Ken sent out the bills to advertisers and money is coming in. Tickets for the bike draw, John hastickets and they have to be turned in at the state meeting in February.Safety: Mike Knezevich - absentSgt. At Arm: Nothing tonightState Reps: Ken and Kathy Holland are going to State meeting in Port Charlotte.Webmistress: Kathy Holland. The website is up and running - see the newsletter for new advertisers.Old Business: NoneNew Business: NoneGood of the Order: Nothing for tonight50/50: Jerry MoldrikMeeting adjourned: 8:30

MEMBERSHIPFeb membership 4 RenewelsDue March -Steve Whitfield, Ralph Schular, Will Porter,T om Calderone, Carl Childress, Real Deguire, Ken Hanes,John Johnson, Paul Mallet, and Chuck Moore.Due April -Terry Angle and Robert Goodrich

Please renew a month early to avoid expiring.Dues can be paid at the Iron Horse, ask for Steve or at the Eagles on Nova Rd. at our meeting on the first Thursday ofthe month.You can also mail your membership check to : PO Box 263198 Daytona Beach FL. 32126-3198.

Thanks,Steve Fritze

Legislative Report February 15, 2016 John BantaOut of date as soon as I write it

Go on to the ABATE of Florida Website , Click on the Legislative Information Center and subscribe toemail list. Ideally you would get the latest legislative news and press releases. Contact the State Legislative Trustee, DarrinBrooks, to get on his email list for email alerts when bills are in committee. At that time we can contact legislators outside ourdistrict. He sends news reports of legislative activities on a myriad of topics, not necessarily those that ABATE is involved in.Consider signing in to the MRF or AMA alerts. Sometimes issues do move quickly. Sometimes the alerts actually give the billnumbers. There are many interesting bills that affect us; however, I try to report only on motorcycling and our life style.

TALLAHASSEE The State organization is supporting HB253 & SB332.

CS/HB253 Highway Safety PassidomoProvides criminal penalties for certain noncriminal traffic infractions that cause serious bodily injury or death to person; revisesprovisions relating to operation of bicycles; revises provisions relating to passing of vehicle; revises provisions relating to care-less driving; provides penalties for specified infractions contributing to bodily injury of vulnerable user; requires hearing forspecified offenses; directs law enforcement officer issuing citation for specified violations to note certain information on cita-tion There is a lot of redundancy in Florida statues. Law enforcement is already supposed to be noting on the citations aboutinjuries or deaths. This bill increases the fine for serious bodily injury from $500 to $2500 at the judge’s discretion, may versusshall. This bill has passed the first committee. While this bill specifically helps bicyclists, motorcyclist will benefit by saferroads and more aware motorists. Technically this bill will allow motorists to pass motorcycles in a no passing zone. They aredoing this anyway on A1A but it still infuriates me.SB332 Traffic Safety AltmanProhibiting passing and turning in front of a vulnerable user in an unsafe manner; providing penalties; providing fines and pen-alties for specified infractions contributing to bodily injury of a vulnerable user; requiring a hearing for specified offenses, etc.Increases fine for serious bodily injury to $2000

HB507 Warrantless Arrests Pilon

From reading the News-Journal, there are accidents by terrible drivers resulting in dead bodies and damaged vehicles but those driv-ers are walking out of court with no fines. This bill will allow citations for driving violations of Chapter 316 based on informationfrom a first responder at an accident scene. At this time, ABATE has not taken a position on this bill.


The following is from the AMA Website. The MRF is currently involved with seeking a replacement for former lobbyistHenne.

The AMA keeps an approval scorecard of our National legislators. However, many bills have components that some of our legisla-tors have problems with ideology. So I find such ratings flawed, but it is a start.

The sponsors of bills very important to motorcyclists sometimes do not get a high number. Such legislators are

Sen. Vitter, 100%; Rep. Sensenbrenner 77.7%; Sen. Collins 66.6%; Sen. Shaleen 66.6%; Sen. Walberg 66.6%.; Rep. DeFazio 44.4%;Rep. Young 44.4%

So take such ratings with a grain of salt.

In our area Rep DeSantis 44.4%, Rep Mica 33.3%, Sen. Nelson 33.3%, Sen. Rubio 0% (although he does not show up much forvotes); Rep. Brown 33.3%

HR 704

In an effort to prohibit the availability of E15, a gasoline formulation that contains up to 15 percent ethanol by volume, the Amer-ican Motorcyclist Association supports U.S. Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Peter Welch’s (D-Vt.) H.R. 704, the RFS ReformAct of 2015. The bipartisan bill would amend the Renewable Fuel Standard to recognize market conditions and realities. It willalso prohibit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from allowing the introduction into the marketplace of gasoline blendswith more than 10 percent of ethanol by volume.


On April 16, U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) introduced H.R. 1861, the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act. The billwould protect motorcyclists’ rights by prohibiting federal funding for discriminatory checkpoints and promote crash prevention asthe most effective use of taxpayer money to save motorcyclists’ lives.

This is still being posted on the AMA website, although the recent federal highway bill took care of that


From the News-Journal:

On Dec 14, 2015, Cierra Shaun South turned into the path of a 61 year old Georgia motorcyclist on SR415. He later died. Nocharges have been filed. Why?? Will HB253 & SB332 change anything? I am not sure. Someone is dead and nothing? Sometimesthe traffic homicide report takes months.

Elections Districts have change; where’s my card?

Both County Judges Sanders and Green are up for election. Both have withheld adjudication on cases where a motorcyclist has died.

Florida Senate

District 7 Travis Hutson

District 10Wilton Simpson Rep

District 8 No listing, currently Sen. Hukul

District 9 Audrey Gibson Dem, David Simmons Rep

Florida House

District 24 Thomas Morley Dem, Paul Renner Rep

District 25 Fred Costello (Although he has dropped out for US House), Deb Denys, Becky Reichenberg, (Fred Costello’s Aide), Allrepublicans

District 26 Michael Cantu Rep, and Patrick Henry Dem, Steve Miller Dem. Steve Miller was once Jimmy Charles campaign manger

District 27 Zenaida Denziac Rep., Donald Mair NPA

US House of representative candidates

District 6 Sandy Adams (she has dropped out), Adam Barringer, Fred Costello, Richard Dembinsky, GG Galloway, WilliamMcCullough, George Pappas, David Santiago, Dwayne Taylor

District 7 John Mica, Mark Busch Both republicans

For US Senator the list is long, some are in our corner, some are not.

***************************Write Your Legislators*********************09/2015US Capitol Bill web site Governor Rick ScottFlorida Web site The Capitol, 400 Monroe St.

Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001Use to email the Governor, which is public recordUS Senate**************************************************************Bill Nelson Marco Rubio225 E. Robinson St. 716 Hart Bldg. 284 Russell Bldg. 201 South Orange Ave.Suite 410 Washington, DC Washington, DC Suite 350Orlando, FL 32801 20510 20510 Orlando, FL 328011-888-671-4091 202 224-5274 202 224-3041 1-866-630-7106FAX 407 872-7165 FAX 202 228-2183US House*******Send letters to the district office*********************District 7 District 6John Mica Ron DeSantis840 Deltona Blvd., Suite G 1000 City Center Circle 2nd FloorDeltona, FL 32725 Port Orange, FL 32129

386 860-1499 386 756-9798FAX 386 860-5730 FAX 386 756-9903

2187 Rayburn House Office Bldg. 427 Cannon House Office Bldg.Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515202 225-4035 202 225-2706FAX 202 226-0821 FAX 202 226-6299 Use this website to navigate to send an email

Florida Senate*****************************************************District 6 District 8 District10Travis Hutson Dorothy Hukill David Simmons4875 Palm Coast Pwy. 209 Dunlawton Ave. 251 Maitland AvenueSuite 5 Unit 17 Suite 304Palm Coast, FL Port Orange, FL Altamonte Springs, FL

32137 34471 32701386 446-7610 386 304-7630 407 262-7578

312 Senate Office 305 Senate Office 400 Senate OfficeAll at 404 South Monroe StreetTallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL32399-1100 32399-1100 32399-1100850 487-5006 850 487-5008 850 487-5010

Florida House***********************************************************District 24 District25 District 26 District 26Paul Renner Fred Costello Dwayne Taylor David Santiago4877 Palm Coast Pwy 209 Dunlawton Ave. 1440 North Nova Rd 849 Deltona Blvd.Suite 1 Unit 15 Suite 201Palm Coast, FL Port Orange, FL Holly Hill, FL Deltona, FL 32137-3671

32127-4458 32117-3244 32725-7175 386 446-4644 386 304-5511 386 239-6202 386 575-0387

1102 Capitol Bldg 1301 Capitol Bldg 212 Capitol Bldg 1102 Capitol BldgAll at 402 South Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL32399-1300 32399-1300 32399-1300 32399-1300850 717-5024 820 717-5025 850 717-5026 850 717-5027

Go thru the and use Representative’s or Senator’shomepage contact for email*************************************************************************

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Goals and PurposesTo become a powerful and viable force in legislative matters concerning bikers.

To promote safe riding habits without infringing on individual rights.

To motivate the biker to write letters to their legislators before, during and after the legislative session in re-gards to biker/individual freedom legislation.

To provide a monthly Newsletter to keep all bikers informed of upcoming legislation, whether it is favorableor discriminatory to the biker, and also of events, runs, parties etc. in different areas of Florida and the UnitedStates.





NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________

CITY: ______________________ STATE/PROVINCE: ________________

ZIP/POSTAL CODE: _____________

TELEPHONE: ___________________ CELL PHONE: __________________

EMAIL: ___________________________________(please print clearly) Registered Voter? YES NO (Circle One)

DUES: $20.00 (US) 1 year membership $150.00 (US) LIFETIME membership

Includes: Daytona Beach Chapter ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. Membership card

Monthly newsletter and Bi-Monthly State Newsletter

Mail application to: Daytona Beach ABATE

PO Box 263198 Daytona Beach, FL 32126


ABATE of Florida, Inc.Daytona Beach Chapter

PO Box 263198Daytona Beach, Florida 32126-3198


American Bikers Aimed Toward EducationBUT STILL

A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments


You made the decision to ride a motorcycle, now make the de-cision to help preserve the right to RIDE FREE !!!!

“We will Lobby and Educate the Government and GeneralPublic to Promote Motorcycling in a Safe and Positive Im-age.”