DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000...


Transcript of DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000...

Page 1: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally




RO b e RT D. S m I T h

Page 2: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally


About the Author Page 4

Introduction Page 6

Section 1: The 20,000-Day Mindset Page 7

• 20,000 Days and Counting Page 8

• 5/5/55 Page 9

• The Little-Known Story of William Borden Page 15

• Living Each Day as if It Were Your Last Page 16

• If We Can Learn How to Die, We’ll Know How to Live Page 27

• The State of Intensity Page 28 • Eat Dessert First Page 30

Section 2: Beating the Clock Page 32

• Motivation Is a Myth Page 32

• You Only Have Two Choices Page 33

• The Real Challenge Page 34

• Focusing Your Morning Vision Page 35 • Doing What You Know Page 37

• How to Conquer Rejection Forever Page 35


Page 3: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

• Ripples Page 41

Section 3: Today Is Day One Page 44

• Seven Questions to Seize the Essence of the Day Page 44

• Ten Things You Can Do Now Page 45

Affirmation Cards Page 50

Notes Section Page 52


Page 4: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

For more than three decades, Robert D. Smith has spent his career in the place he loves most—behind the scenes and away from the spotlight. He has overseen, from its inception, the career of Andy Andrews, a New York Times best-selling author and in-demand speaker.

He has served as a private consultant to numerous best-selling au-thors, speakers, entertainers, and organizations, educating them on the methods he has employed to sustain massive success across multiple industries for the past thirty-plus years.

His unique lifestyle, magnetic personality, and uncanny ability to get the best out of those with whom he works make him the ideal person to convey the proven strategies described in 20,000 Days and Counting to an eager and awaiting audience.



Page 5: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

A B Ou T T H E R E A DE R’ S G u I DE Au T HOR

Deborah King is a former elementary school teacher who is now a stay-at-home mom. She loves to take care of her fami-ly, including her husband of nearly 17 years, 13-year-old son, and 10-year-old daughter. She enjoys volunteering and serving the community. Ironically, her father, Richard H. Cope, died of pancreatic cancer on 10-11-12, while she was working on this companion journal. He lived exactly 23,502 days. He touched many lives throughout his 64 years of life, and Deborah plans to continue his legacy of service to others by raising awareness of pancreatic cancer.

Working on this guide was a gift during the seven months her family watched her father die right in front of their eyes. All the while, he fought hard, stayed strong, never complained, and was ready for death when it came.


Page 6: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Robert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 Days and

Counting so we could read it quickly. He feels this is an urgent

message, and he doesn’t want us to waste any time before put-

ting it into practice in our own lives. He wants us to do as he has

done and use every last second to its maximum potential. Why,

then, should we use precious time to fill out this guide? Well,

like Andy Andrews says in his foreword, Robert is a master of

self-discipline. What he is teaching us has become part of his

very behavior and habits.

We all know that creating habits takes time and practice, and

that is what this journal will help you do. So let’s not waste any

more time—let’s get started!



Page 7: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

SECTION IThe 20,000-Day Mindset


Page 8: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally


If you’ve read the book, then you have probably already done this, but let’s get a recent count. Go to and find out how many days you have been alive as of today.

Today’s daTe:

days alive:

Robert says, “To this point, my life has slipped past so quickly I can hardly believe it.” Do you feel the same way? I think most people do. Take inventory. What have you done in your life so far? What experiences have prepared you for your future?

lisT The educaTion, jobs, and Significant Experiences ThaT have

helped you prepare for whaT lies ahead:

We may not all be able to check into a hotel and take 48 hours to plan out our next 20,000 days, but this journal can be your planning tool. We want to live with intense purpose, constant joy, and lasting influence!


Page 9: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

name 5 goals ThaT you Think can help you do ThaT:







wriTe abouT a significanT experience ThaT was a “pivoTal poinT” in your life. did someThing happen To a friend, a loved one, or maybe

To you? describe The experience and The impacT iT had on your Thinking below.

Pages 11-17

My 5 Goals

In this chapter, Robert tells us about his friend, 14-year-old Paul Kartlick, who died suddenly simply playing basketball in gym class. Robert describes being stunned, shocked to his core, recognizing that he, like any of us, could actually die at any moment. This is a startling realization.


Page 10: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Do you think the answers you gave will be the same tomorrow or a week from now? How about five years from now? Maybe not. The important thing is that you keep asking yourself those questions.

whaT is Next?


Think fast! Answer these questions Robert poses to himself to help fulfill his life’s purpose. Write the first thing that comes to mind!


Page 11: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

“I know I will die, but I do not know how long I will live.”

We must live like there’s no tomorrow because there very well may not be

one. upon the realization that 20,000 days of his life had already passed,

Robert was compelled to write “the e-mail.” He sent it to 48 of the most

important people in his life.

lisT The mosT imporTanT people in your life.consider Them The people who would geT your e-mail.


Page 12: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

In Robert’s e-mail, he revealed 5 Benefits of Remembering That My Life Is Short. They are found on pages 14-17 in his book. You may like to revisit them before you continue. Look at each one and think about them as they apply to your life.

1. i will gain criTical wisdom. Thinking of our lives in such a different way causes us to prioritize what is most important. When we develop a sense of urgency for our lives, we are motivated to gather as much good information as possible. Gaining wisdom allows us to avoid many potential setbacks in all areas of life.

make a lisT of The Top Five Sources of wisdom ThaT you willconTinually use To enhance your decision-making abiliTy.

2. i will be pushed To maximiZe my relaTionships.

Can you think of some relationships that you have taken for granted? Everyone is guilty of this, though usually not intentionally. When you live like every day could be your last, you think, “Tomorrow I may not get to see my mother or father, my wife or husband, my son or daughter.” And when you think like that, your words get a little sweeter and even every-day events seem more special.







Page 13: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

How many times do we feel compelled to serve others and then find an excuse not to follow through?

“I feel compelled to serve at the homeless shelter, BUT I do __________ on Saturday morning. I feel compelled to work on that project I’ve been mean-ing to do, BUT I don’t have enough time for it. I feel compelled to pick up the phone and call an old friend, BUT I don’t want the conversation to be uncomfortable.”






3. i will dedicaTe 100% of my life To god daily.

These are just a few of the numerous scenarios that may play out

in your mind each day.

make a lisT of The relaTionships you Think are mosT imporTanT, ones you may be Taking for granTed, and lisT aT

leasT one Thing you will do This week To enhance each relaTionship.


Page 14: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

is There one Particular Action you feel called To acT on forwhich you always have a good excuse?

write about it below.

whaT do i feel compelled To do ThaT i am doing noThing abouT?

whaT is my excuse?

whaT sTeps do i need To Take To make doing iT a realiTy?

4. i will possess a crysTal-clear vision for my life.

whaT is your vision for your life?

Robert says, “To make your dreams possible, act on them with open eyes.”

Your vision helps keep you on track. It keeps you focused.


Page 15: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

5. i will realiZe life’s True value.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your

words, your words become your actions, your actions become your

habits, your habits become your values, your values become

your destiny.”

—Mahatma Gandhi

Robert tells us that “life is preparation for eternity.” That is very profound. If we were to spend eternity based on what we did just today, where would that be? This is why we must ask ourselves, “What am I doing that will count 200 years from now? For eternity? Robert also reminds us not to measure our true value by yesterday’s successes or failures. Today is what counts!


William Borden lived life with “no retreats, no reserves, no regrets.” This en-abled him to, as Robert wrote, fulfill his purpose without necessarily fulfilling his goals. Consider these questions in the context of your own life:

whaT Positive Things come ouT of regreTs?whaT abouT Negative Things?

Pages 21-23


Page 16: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Living without regret enables us to keep our eyes focused on the future in front of us.

are your goals moving you Toward fulfillingyour Life’s Purpose? why or why noT?


Isn’t it ironic that James Dean, author of this very quote, died at age 24, exactly 9,000 days? I don’t think anyone anticipates dying at age 24, but it happens all the time. Not one of us is guaranteed 78.7 years, the average age of death in the u.S. in 2010.

whaT are some dreams you had when you were liTTle?

Pages 27-32

whaT regreTs do you need To leT go of in your life?



“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.”

—James Dean


Why Not:


Page 17: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

did any of Those dreams become realiTy?

Yes No

did any of Those dreams become realiTy?

wriTe abouT some of The dreams ThaT you have realiZed.

Yes No








whaT are some dreams you had in your Teen years?


Page 18: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

name one or more dreams ThaT you are Thankful did noT work ouT.

name some current dreams for your fuTure.








Page 19: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally happen overnight. Robert tells about the book he read, The Greatest Salesman in the World, by Og Mandino. The book contained a story about 10 scrolls, each having insights on how the lowly camel boy could live a life of abundance.

Robert described how he read one scroll per month, three times per day, for five years. That takes dedication and discipline. If you want to change your thinking so you can live a life of abundance and significance, then that is what it will take.

Are you ready? Robert provided us with three things we can do to get started.

1. creaTe a life sTaTemenT

Robert gave us three simple sentences he says changed his life for 35 years. In order to create a habit, it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days, or an aver-age of 66 days of repetition, according to John M. Grohol, PsyD. You will find some blank affirmation cards in the back of this guide for you to fill in with affirming quotes or statements that you might want to keep close.

wriTe a challenge you are facing in The space below.

say your affirmaTion aloud. how does iT change The way you see This challenge?

briefly describe below:



Page 20: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

2. imporTanT people: conTacT Them

You made a list of the most important people in your life on page 11.

compleTe The following exercise wiTh four people from your lisT:

1. name of imporTanT person:

why are you graTeful for This person?

how can you show This person graTiTude Today?

2. name of imporTanT person:

why are you graTeful for This person?

how can you show This person graTiTude Today?

3. name of imporTanT person:

why are you graTeful for This person?

how can you show This person graTiTude Today?


Page 21: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

You will find space on the next two pages to write a letter of gratitude to each of your parents. Whether you know your parents or not, whether you have a close relationship or not, whether you have already lost them or not—write the letter. Send it to them if you can. If not, remember that the process alone can be a magical, healing, and empowering experience.

4. name of imporTanT person:

why are you graTeful for This person?

how can you show This person graTiTude Today?


Page 22: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally


Page 23: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally


Page 24: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Robert encourages us to applaud everyone we can today. Have you ever received a standing ovation? Odds are, you probably haven’t. But wouldn’t it be nice? Wouldn’t unloading the dishwasher or taking out the trash take on a whole new meaning if we were given a standing ovation when we finished? You can’t force someone to give you a standing ovation, but you can give one to others. Once you start, others may catch on before you know it.

once you have given a Standing ovation or Two, record Thembelow. afTer you fill up These blanks, you may wanT

To sTarT a sTanding ovaTion journal.

Today i gave a sTanding ovaTion.

Their reacTion was

i felT

Today i gave a sTanding ovaTion.

Their reacTion was

i felT


Page 25: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Today i gave a sTanding ovaTion.

Their reacTion was

i felT

Today i gave a sTanding ovaTion.

Their reacTion was

i felT

3. number your days, daily!

Today’s daTe:

days alive:

Robert reminds us, “You have been dying since the day you were born.”

With this in mind, what are some “worthless or worldly tastes” that you

can remove from your life? These are things that can hold you back and

stand in your way of fulfilling your purpose.


Page 26: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

fill in The blanks:

• Today i will geT rid of because iT is

keeping me from whaT is Truly imporTanT.

• Today i will sTop because iT is

holding me back from fulfilling my purpose.

• Today i will remove from my life

because iT is sTanding in The way of my fuTure.

• Today i will change so i can

move forward wiTh a purpose.

What kind of life do you want to leave behind? What do you want your legacy to be?

lisT four Things for which you wanT people To remember you.






Page 27: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Take some time to meditate on these. Revisit them often. It is okay if they change. Celebrate as you make accomplishments.

If we CAN LeARN hOw TO DIe, we’LL KNOw hOw TO LIve.

Robert says, “The best preparation for living well is to be prepared to die at any time.” If you haven’t already done so, get on YouTube and watch the video Robert suggested, “When I Die: Lessons from the Death Zone.” It’s less than nine minutes long.

whaT impacT did philip gould’s sTory have on you?

How does Philip Gould’s description that life “screams at you with its intensity” only when you are aware of death compare with this line from The Moviegoer: “The search is what anyone would undertake if he were not sunk in the everydayness of his own life.”

You may have already followed Robert’s instructions and found your purpose in life.

Pages 35-38


Page 28: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

if so, condense iT down To a few senTences and wriTe iT below.

if noT, Take 20 minuTes To do ThaT now. (SEE P. 37 OF THE bOOk FOR INSTRUCTIONS.)

Remember—expect it to work and it will.Write your purpose on one of the blank affirmation cards so you can keep it close. Read it often as a constant reminder.


circle your general sTaTe of inTensiTy. on a scale of 1-10, where do you fall?

Pages 41-42


Page 29: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

whaT’s your level of inTensiTy?!

“It’s not what we do that matters but how much love we put into it that makes a difference.”

—Mother Teresa

whaT are some acTiviTies ThaT geT your inTensiTy level upefforTlessly? in The firsT column, wriTe The acTiviTy; in The

second, wriTe The emoTion ThaT is aTTached To iT.

acTiviTy emoTion


Page 30: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Robert says, “Deep down, you know what counts in life. Simply focus on it.”

below, lisT whaT counTs in your life. These are The Things on which you wanT To focus.

These are The Things you wanT To be inTense abouT!

now, rewriTe This lisT on one of The affirmaTion cards. Tape iTsomewhere you will see every day. sTay focused—be inTense!


Dessert is often the reward we allow ourselves when we reach a goal.

However, rewards don’t always have to be in dessert form.

lisT some ways To celebraTe ThaT aren’T considered desserT:

Pages 45-46


Page 31: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Don’t deprive yourself of the good stuff. Find ways to celebrate daily. Take advantage of every opportunity you can to celebrate your accomplishments (even the little things), as well as the accomplishments of others.

Remember, “Spreading celebration and joy is the only way to withstand the intensity of your mission.”


Page 32: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally


There are many motivational speakers out there. Have you ever heard some-one speak that just made you want to get out and do something right away?

how long did ThaT moTivaTion lasT?

Many times those feelings are short lived. Our motivation fizzles out.

When there is a task at hand, when does the good feeling come? Afterward, right? It’s the feeling of accomplishment that makes us happy.

can you Think of a Time when you had someThing To do,buT you didn’T really wanT To geT sTarTed? whaT? why?

Pages 51-52

SECTION IIBeating the Clock




Page 33: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

once you compleTed The Task, how did you feel?


wriTe The Two choices in The blanks below.


Pages 55-57

Robert poses the following question to us:

who do i have To become To achieve ?

whaT are some Things you have been Telling “no” ThaT you are now willing To Tell “yes” in order To become who

you wanT To be?

“We don’t sing because we’re happy; we’re happy because we sing.” —William James (Psychologist)


Page 34: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

The ReAL ChALLeNGePages 61-63

“Become your own problem.”

Ouch! Why would we want to admit that we are the problem? As Robert explains, when we become the problem, we receive the power. Victims are powerless. The definition of victim, according to Merriam-Webster, is: one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent, one that is tricked or duped. If you allow yourself to be the victim, you are giving your power away.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

—Eleanor Roosevelt

wriTe down a problem you are sTruggling wiTh righT now.

now, phrase ThaT problem in a way ThaTmakes you responsible for iT. use The word “i.”


Page 35: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

whaT changes will you make now ThaT you are The problemThaT you have The power To solve?

Do this exercise as often as needed. It works!


Robert’s morning routine may seem, as even he describes, intense. But, as he says, “This day is a gift. Greet it that way.”

he lisTed his four-sTep rouTine. using his basic formaT, wriTewhaT your morning rouTine mighT look like.

1. when i firsT open my eyes,

if you were TransporTed one year inTo The fuTure, how would your fuTure self advise your presenT self?


Page 36: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

2. i rise quickly.

3. i focus on my number one prioriTy of The day:

4. i will noT fail To fulfill my life’s purpose.

Changing a routine can be difficult. You may have to write out, including specific times, the new routine you want to follow. It may not be easy, but it is worth it!


Page 37: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

DOING whAT YOU KNOwPages 71-72

We all know the feeling. We say to ourselves, probably every Monday morn-ing, “Where did the weekend go?” Every day, every week, every month, every year seems to pass by more quickly. I think that is how Robert felt when he saw that 20,000 days of his life had already flown by! You too may have felt that way when you wrote your number down on page six.

make a to Do lisT. lisT your Long and Short Term Goals. addTo your lisT as needed and be sure To check off iTems you


sTarT on The following page,Then Transfer your lisT when you need more room.


Page 38: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

“To do” lisT


Page 39: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

How do you get things done? By doing them! So, when you get stuck, check your TO DO LIST, and do what you know to do.

hOw TO CONqUeR RejeCTION fOReveRPages 75-77

Robert tells us to think of each rejection as a step closer to an acceptance.We can potentially face rejection on a daily basis.

compleTe The scenarios below wiTh some possibleOpportunities for Rejection.

will my girlfriend/boyfriend say yes To ?

will my parenTs allow me To ?

will my spouse agree To ?

will my employer approve of ?

describe a Time in your life when you were rejecTed.


Page 40: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

describe ThaT feeling here.

have you given up on someThing Too quickly? howdoes “eaTing nos for breakfasT” change your perspecTive?

whaT is your nexT sTep Toward geTTing a yes and making This a success sTory?

describe a Time when you were rejecTed buT didn’T give up.whaT was The final ouTcome?


Page 41: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

“I think you have to believe in your destiny; that you will succeed, you will meet a lot of rejection and it is not always a straight path, there will be detours—so enjoy the view.”

—Michael York (British actor)

RIPPLeSPages 81-82

Robert explains, “Your life will take place whether you have a plan or not.”Do you want to be in control of your life or be one who lets your life control you? Robert describes each of us as a pebble, dropped into this pool of life, creating ripples that can possibly turn to waves over time. We all have to start somewhere, and Robert encourages us to have a plan. Jim Rohn, entrepre-neur, motivational speaker, and author of Twelve Pillars, said,

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

So let’s make a plan. The more details the better. Let’s use a visualization technique. Bryan Tracy stated, “You become what you think about most of the time.” Fill in the chart on the following page. Visualize yourself doing this and being successful, and you will be.


Page 42: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

fill in The blanks on The ripple diagram sure To wriTe your name in The cenTer!

These are The ripples you creaTe!


Page 43: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

These ripples are your foundation!

who do you wanT To become?


Page 44: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally


Pages 93-94

Robert explains, “No reward can be offered to find lost hours, for they are gone forever.” Robert gave you the following seven questions to ask yourself each morning. The answers to these questions will keep you focused and intense.

1. whose life am i going To brighTen Today?

2. whaT Three Things am i mosT graTeful for Today?

3. whaT memories am i going To creaTe Today?

4. whaT challenge am i going To overcome Today?

SECTION IIIToday Is Day one


Page 45: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

5. whaT value am i going To creaTe Today?

6. how much joy can i creaTe for oThers and myself Today?

7. whaT life-changing decision(s) am i going To make Today?

and The bonus quesTion: What question am I not asking yeT Today?

TeN ThINGS YOU CAN DO NOwPages 97-98

Robert created a list of things to do to help you get started. Through your

journal experience, you may have already done some of these things, or

they may be on your TO DO LIST. If so, great! If not, here’s an exercise to

help get you started with them.

1. call a family member whom you have noT spoken To in a while. Tell Them you love Them. honor Them.

lisT The family members you can call:


Page 46: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

2. make a lisT of The Top five prioriTies in your life Today. prioriTiZe Them. now acT on Them in order, compleTing each prioriTy or making major progress on some porTion of iT.

3. inviTe a close friend To dinner.

lisT The friends you’d like To Take To dinner:

make The lisT here:


Page 47: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

wriTe whaT “ThaT Thing” is here:

5. begin your nexT big projecT, no maTTer how big iT is.

whaT is The firsT sTep you need To Take To begin?

6. if you don’T have a nexT big projecT, come up wiTh one.

make a lisT of possibiliTies:

7. sTarT reading The book you’ve been meaning To pick up.remember, “sTarTing is half finished.”

4. you know ThaT Thing you have been puTTing off? do iT.



Page 48: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

8. exercise. begin living healThily. enjoy The gifT ThaT is your body.

whaT healThy habiTs can you easily implemenTinTo your life quickly?

9. crank up some of your favoriTe music and jump around. dance. celebraTe The day! celebraTe This momenT!

whaT songs make you wanT To dance? lisT Them here so you can have a playlisT ready To go!

whaT’s on your lisT of Things To read?


Page 49: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

10. go ouTside and breaThe deeply.

be sTill.


be graTeful.

simply say,

Thank you!


Page 50: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally

Enjoy These Blank Affirmation Cards! Fill them in, cut them out, and read them often! Remind yourself of what an amazing gift each day is!

Page 51: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally
Page 52: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally


Page 53: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally


Page 54: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally


Page 55: DAYS - The Robert D · PDF fileRobert tells us in his author’s note that he wrote 20,000 ... your habits become your values, ... Changing the way we think and behave doesn’t normally