Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being



On December 21st, 2011, a group of explorers discovered a mysterious diary buried within a hidden vault contained within Pluto's cave, Mount Shasta, California. The diary contains symbols that do not resemble any known Earth language. Through unexplained means, the twelve explorers have the ability to translate the content within the diary. The diary tells the story of an extraordinary human woman adopted by extraterrestrial star beings. Through her upbringing, the woman known as Anadriya shares her perspectives based on interacting within a vast galactic community. From the translation of the diary, insights on the extraterrestrial presence is conveyed unlike any other material discovered in human history.

Transcript of Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

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Copyright © 2012 Brad Johnson

All rights reserved.

ISBN-10: 1478179333

ISBN-13: 978-1478179337

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This book is dedicated to my family and friends around the world as well as everyone else who respects, appreciates and understands that life is abundant everywhere on the Earth and beyond. Our journeys

are infinite and forever transforming and I dedicate this book to those who have the passion to evolve and expand beyond any


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Brad Johnson is an author, public speaker, psychic, healer, conscious channeler and metaphysical practitioner/researcher living in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He is the father of two beautiful children, Larisa Cassidy Johnson and Hayden Cameron Johnson. Brad has always appreciated the allure of science fiction as a boy, but has developed his spiritual knowledge into practice by involving his way of writing through the genre of visionary fiction culminating with non-fictional elements. Brad has written two other visionary fiction novels entitled “Citizen of Atlas” and “New Human.” Day Zero has been an idea that has been within Brad’s conscience for over four years now. Brad is immensely excited to release this book as his third official novel. Brad wishes to acknowledge that even though the characters portrayed in this book are fictitious, the knowledge shared through the journeys outlined in a diary format within this book hold a great deal of truth and vision on what the future can hold for us as a civilization. This is Brad’s greatest intention for the reader to experience personally through this book. Brad’s official website: With love and appreciation, Brad Johnson

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This is a book that has been presented by

not just one individual, but by many. We are what

you could consider to be a consortium of twelve

average people whose lives dramatically changed

simultaneously on the evening of December 21st,

2010. This is something that we will discuss in just a


Firstly, we want the reader to understand that

this is not your average book of research. This is

information that has been retrieved through the

twelve of us working together in unity for the past

two years. The content contained within this book

is simply a translation from our perspective, based

on our understanding of the original language, of

the events following a human female known as

“Anadriya.” She is indeed a part of us genetically.

Her knowledge and wisdom expands to that of the

stars as she defines herself in this book as a “star


How did the twelve of us get involved in this

other-worldly experience? The twelve of us (the

translators of this book) come from every region of

the planet. We all had different jobs and were

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completely aware of one another before this

project began.

Introduction of the 12 Translators

Our introductions shall be kept brief as the

information contained within this book is not about

our own personal lives and history, but our

combined commitment to work together in unity

to make this book available to you in the hopes

that it may very well change your life as it has ours.

Terrence Hartman

Terrence is a 49 year old father of 3 who

was a New York City taxi driver for 19 years. He is

happily married and lives within Brooklyn, New

York. He is a non-religious man who kept to

himself, yet was willing to give a helping hand to

anybody who needed it.

Mellissa Alvarez

Mellissa is a 27 year old wardrobe designer

living in Guadalajara, Mexico. She is a single

woman with no children who was only married to

her work. She was raised Christian by her parents

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but had left the faith in her teenage years. Mellissa

once suffered a severe case of asthma that had

nearly ended her life on multiple occasions. It

wasn’t until her awakening through the quest to

pursue this project that her illness dissolved prior

to the discovery of this work.

Jesse Cartwright

Jesse is a 25 year old club DJ from

Vancouver, BC, Canada. He was married at the age

of 21 and divorced at the age of 23. Through

intense situations with battling depression, Jesse’s

only escape was his love for music. It is through his

gift of the adept understanding of sound that much

of this work in its complexities was able to be

pieced together successfully.

Beverly Eleanor McGregor

Beverly is a 70 year old gardener from Bath,

England. Mother of 5 and grandmother of 10,

Beverly retired as a former dance choreographer in

1993 for a majority of large scale musical

productions internationally. Beverly returned to

her love of her garden growing her vegetables and

feeling a genuine completion in life. Throughout

our working together, Beverly was a strong

foundation for moral support as she knew like the

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rest of us why we had all come together for this


Sade Akenzua

Sade is a 34 year old investigative reporter

born in Gauteng, South Africa. After serving

voluntarily as a field journalist in Afghanistan, Sade

was shot in the leg and rescued by a platoon of

American soldiers. Two months had passed and

Sade returned to his hometown working

passionately with educating homeless children. It

was what he had seen in Afghanistan regarding

thousands of children out in the open suffering and

near death that literally shattered his heart, yet

opened it to the commitment of making a

difference through his educational determination.

Monica Ashley Jones

Monica is a 20 year old woman working as

an intuitive healer in Denpasar, Bali. She was

adopted at the age of 3 months after she was

abandoned by her Mother leaving her in an alley

tucked inside a straw bassinette. She was rescued

by a kind elderly Muslim man known as Taymullah.

Throughout her later years, she became a

proficient pranic healer and intuitive life coach for

hundreds of indigenous Balians that have

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supported her spiritual journey and presence

amongst the island since the day of her adoption.

Simon Edward McPherson

Simon is a 38 year old lifeguard born in

Brisbane, Australia. He’s been married for 18 years

and has four children. He often hosts sightseeing

tours by bus part time throughout Brisbane. Simon

is of the Catholic faith and never has been one to

follow intuition so deeply as he has done to come

upon this quest, yet through the loving support of

his wife to meet with each of us, it gave him the

strength to begin this project with the rest of us.

Kyung Loeng

Kyung is a 77 year old Hong Kong

entrepreneur, a widowed father of 9 and

grandfather of 17 that runs a successful chain of

men’s formal clothing shops. With his immense

success, experience in travelling all over the world

and deep understanding of intuitive abilities, Kyung

assisted in being the first to contact all of us

individually and arrange our very first meeting

together at Mt. Shasta on December 21st, 2011.

Vladimir Govrilov

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Vladimir is a 45 year old Russian Physics

professor teaching at the Moscow Institution of

Physics and Technology. Born in Reutov, Russia,

Vladimir was an exceptional child growing up

where he was able to calculate advanced

mathematics beginning at the age of 4. He also was

able to communicate very openly with spirits as he

spoke to the spirit of his Mother before her passing

just after Vladimir’s 14th birthday. It was through

his fascination of both mathematics and

consciousness that he decided to pursue both

aspects intensely. It is through this fascination that

Vladimir is setting new ground in Moscow with

indoctrinating consciousness together through his

teachings of advanced physics.

Hayden Morrison

Hayden is a 30 year old ex-marine living in

San Diego, California. After being injured in the line

of duty after nearly being shot in the heart, Hayden

had used his recovery time beginning to take up his

art and literature studies that had excited him as a

boy. At the age of 27, he left the army and has

successfully published several poems on adopting

peace and ridding war that has appeared through

multiple newspapers and magazines across the

United States.

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Seth O’Leary

Seth is a former pub bartender from Dalkey,

Ireland. Divorced twice and distant from his family,

31 year old Seth had a very fiery temper at times as

well as a heavily negative outlook on life. Prior to

his involvement with this project, he was on his last

legs as he had felt that his whole life was filled with

bullies, cheaters and liars. As this project began,

Seth’s outlook on life has dramatically improved

and is much closer to God, his family who he has

re-kindled his relationship with and mother nature


Priscilla Rasmussen

28 years of age and born in London,

England but raised in Christiana, Jamaica, Priscilla

has been known as one of the most top Capoeira

artists in the world. Married to a very popular

Jamaican concert drummer, Priscilla’s entire life

has revolved around the art of dance and

movement. As we are transcribing this book,

Priscilla is 3 months pregnant with her first child

and has admitted that her pregnancy so far has

been absolutely painless with no symptoms or

sicknesses whatsoever.

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The Beginning of the Journey

We were all completely unaware of each

other before the beginning of our commitment

towards this journey that started on the evening of

December 21st, 2010. It was on that night where all

twelve of us literally had the same dream as we

slept. We each saw our own perception of a very

dark cave where light was being shined on a

particular rock that had a symbol embedded within

it. This symbol is what’s known as a vesica piscis: a

circle overlapping with another circle. It is widely

used in many cultures today as it serves a variety of

meanings: the womb of the divine mother and the

joining of the God and Goddess for example.

Through each of our perspectives in the

dream, we went up to the rock and brushed our

fingers over the symbol. It was in that moment in

the dream where a flooding of information came

through that distorted the dream. Each of us

experienced it differently. Hayden recalled that he

could feel his physical body shake in bed as he felt

mathematical algorithms enter his mind. Vladimir

was seeing stars move past his field of vision and

was easily able to calculate their mass, volume and

trajectory within an instant without having to

think. Both Priscilla and Monica were literally

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speaking what could only be defined as “tongues”

out loud in their sleep for several minutes straight.

We all received what is known as a download

through our minds. It was in the instance of that

dream where not only our abilities were becoming

heightened and re-calibrated, but we were

becoming aware of each other from where we

were in the world.

We all recall the dream being very short.

Most of us remained asleep that night but couldn’t

recall any other memory as far as additional

dreams were concerned. Terrence stated that he

needed to get up to get a glass of water, take a

deep breath and then went straight back to bed

and literally slept an additional 12 hours.

The weeks ahead were all very synchronous

for the twelve of us. We were literally having

telepathic dialogue with each other without us

even realizing it. It was a feeling as if the mind was

wandering, but it was in that moment where we

were having a conversation in regards to how each

of us was looking forward to meeting each other.

As we talked to one another in our minds, we saw

each of our faces clearly and felt each other’s

memories. It was like we had known each other for

years and we knew that we were already family.

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More visions followed during our dreams at

night. We were in each other’s dreams for months:

all twelve of us. We kept seeing the sight of this

beautiful mountain where light would radiate upon

its surface. Our dreams were telling us that this

mountain was the holiest of holy lands – this

mountain was Mount Shasta. Beverly recalled

hearing angels singing as she saw the mountain in

her sleep. The song had only one word repeating in

her mind in the most beautiful and majestic choir

performance one could hear: “Shasta!”

Synchronicity was continuously on our side.

Nine months after we all received our first “dream

of awakening” as we had called it, Kyung began to

call each of us. His connections reached vastly both

in the physical and in the spiritual world. Kyung

was able to go deeply inwards and retrieve our full

names, addresses and phone numbers literally

through his years of experience working in

harmony through intuitive training involving the

Akashic records: known by many as the cosmic

library, causal realm or universal mind.

It was shortly before his contact where we

were being summoned in our dreams to meet at

Mount Shasta. More specifically, we were being

summoned to meet around the northern end of

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Mount Shasta in its outskirts to the entrance of

Pluto’s cave. This particular cave has nearly

200,000 years of ancient history and there have

been several documented cases of individuals

having intense spiritual sightings within the depths

of the cave. We knew that this summoning to

Pluto’s cave was going to be something special and

Kyung’s phone call could not have come at a better


Kyung spoke to each of us as if we were

members of a family, as indeed we are. He was

able to accurately know everything about us and

we were able to know much about him without

him saying a word. Each of our conversations with

Kyung was positive, enlightening and insightful.

Kyung wanted to fly each of us out to Redding,

California and we would all take a rented van out

to Mount Shasta leading to Pluto’s cave. We were

all excited to hear this. Kyung was a man of action

and wanted to have everything organized. God

bless him as it was his passionate organization that

got all of us together to meet in Redding,

California’s Municipal airport of the morning of

December 21st, 2011.

As we all got together and met physically

for the first time, we were somewhat oblivious to

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any type of expectation. We knew we had come to

Redding and that we were going to go to Mount

Shasta and enter Pluto’s cave, but that was it. We

literally had no concern of what we’re all doing

here. No one was worrying about so many of us

leaving our family and our homes to meet up with

a bunch of strangers who we’ve all had telepathic

exchanges with for the last year of our lives. Each

one of us was in such amazingly high spirits. Our

journey to Pluto’s cave involved each of us laughing

and sincerely enjoying each other’s company. It’s

as if all the bad things that have happened to us in

the past or dramas that we know could ignite a big

group debate were tossed out the window. It was a

journey of peace between people who understood

each other as well as they understood themselves.

Who’d of thought a single dream could have

brought twelve people, each of different walks of

life from every corner of the planet together like

this? It was truly nothing short of a divine miracle

in each of our eyes.

As the rented van pulled up alongside the

gravel road leading to a small hike that would get

us to the entrance way of Pluto’s cave, each of us

stared at the almighty energetic presence that

Mount Shasta conveyed. The day could not have

been a more perfect one: the sun was shining and

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the sky was completely clear. We saw the beauty of

the mountain that stood so ominous in its

gracefulness and splendor. The snow covered

Shasta’s surface as if it was painted by angels. We

were in awe of the amazing view and each of us

could begin feeling the mountain calling for us as if

it was telling us to enter Pluto’s cave and retrieve

something that belonged to us.

With haste, we acted upon the feeling of

the mountain and made the hike up the gravel trail

with all of our gear consisting of food, water, first

aid and extra survival supplies leading to the open

entrance of Pluto’s cave. The moment we stood at

the entrance to the cave, each of us had a

simultaneous vision followed by a very large

energetic “tug”. It was a tug that felt like the cave

itself wanted to gently pull you inside of it. Much

similar to how a kind grandmother would tug at

their granddaughter’s arm to show them what

present awaits them inside their house. The vision

we had shared represented the symbol we all saw

through our dream of awakening: the vesica piscis.

The vision showed all twelve of our hands touching

the symbol embedded in the rock. The symbol

began to glow and a very large extruding box was

literally coming out of the rock. It was then when

the vision ended for all of us. We all interpreted

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this vision as a form of confirmation to tell us what

was in store and we were excited to have received

it. Nobody had even the slightest glimpse of fear

going into Pluto’s cave, there was only peace

flowing through our souls.

Kyung was at the head of the line. He

turned back to us with a smile on his face: “Be

careful as you go in and remember to watch your

step.” Terrence patted Kyung on the back with a

friendly smile and we all partnered together two by

two: Kyung and Terrence, Mellissa and Priscilla,

Beverly and Jesse, Vladimir and Simon, Seth and

Hayden, Monica and Sade.

As we went inside the large mouth opening

of the cave, we could all feel the energies picking

up intensely as we ventured in. We each knew the

way to the symbol and where it lied. Our direction

is driven solely on our intuition. One might say that

could be risky business, however; with the purity of

our phenomenal connection with each other, the

twelve of us knew exactly where we needed to go.

We were determined to find this symbol. We have

come this far and there was no way we were going

to stop now.

The cave was completely empty of human

presence that day. Given the age of a couple of us,

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we all handled climbing the cave quite well. It’s as

if all of us were literally being guided step by step

internally by our own inner child. We were actually

enjoying ourselves laughing along the way as we

were never out of step and never lost a sense of

direction. We continued our way through Pluto’s

cave with a path of certainty in our anticipation to

see the embedded symbol of the vesica piscis.

As we ventured deeper into the cave, past

one-hundred meters from the entrance, we all

began to hear a very pleasant humming sound that

felt like it was being carried on the wind. We

looked around us, yet saw no other emanating this

sound. We all smiled as we knew this was a

blessing from the environment. We were meant to

be here and Pluto’s cave would see to it that we

would receive what we came here to retrieve.

The humming sound became longer and it

began to sound as if a beautiful woman was

attempting to sing a glorious hymn with her angelic

voice that reverberated throughout the walls of the

cave. It was a heavenly experience. We could each

feel our souls lifting as the hum became far more


We were at 250 meters past the point of

the entrance and we had noticed several symbols

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that had been marked throughout the cave rocks

both from tourists and natives alike. But the

symbol we were looking for was unlike any other

marking that filled this cave. As we had seen it in

the vision, the symbol itself felt like it was

embedded inside the rock, almost as if one had

taken a laser and scribed it deeply into the rock. Its

brightness would illuminate the cave no matter

how much darkness covered us. We had a feeling

that we were getting closer.

We came through another hefty cave climb

and at nearly 300 meters past the point of the

entrance, we saw something ahead that was briefly

masked by a hanging cave rock. We ventured

further a few steps and Kyung was the first to see


“Look! There’s the symbol!” Kyung said. He

started to laugh with excitement and was thrilled

to see the vision we had all seen for the past year

to come to life before him. All of us laughed with

him. Mellissa hopped in excitement and cupped

her hands over her face. She started to cry tears of

the purest joy as did Jesse and Vladimir. It was very

emotional for many of us. This discovery was such

a magical moment. It felt through all of us that we

were about to discover something that has been

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here for so very long. It was a feeling of living an

echo that had been preserved throughout the ages.

As we all looked at the symbol, it felt as if we have

all been here before within the cave of Shasta

thousands of years ago. This was such a strong

feeling which was that profound which we all

shared in this moment together.

We all huddled amongst the bright white

luminescence of the embedded vesica piscis.

Without a thought entering any of our minds, we

immediately put our right hands amongst the

symbol. As we did, we each felt this intense

warmth. It felt as if each of our hands were being

scanned in a way. As we all had our hands on the

symbol, it began to glow a white luminescence. It

grew so bright that we no longer needed to have

our flashlights on. The symbol grew bright enough

to illuminate the entirety of the environment

where we stood. Our faces were in awe as we

peered at the beauty of the vesica piscis as it

shined so brightly, yet without blinding light. The

light was accompanied with a sound as well. As the

light shined amongst the rocks within the cave,

there was a harmony of beautiful sound harmonics

that reverberated throughout the surrounding

structure, similar to what we had heard earlier,

only with so much more overtones and clarity. It

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felt as if we were listening to an orchestra that

descended straight from heaven. The melody was

the most beautiful sequence of sounds any of us

had ever heard. Our eyes were wide sparkling with

the glow of the vesica piscis. Our mouths were

wide open and formed a smile of joy with awe

combined, and each of our hearts was singing as

beautifully as the melody of the light.

The light protruding from the symbol began

to dim slightly and the melody produced from it

began to become quiet. Within the center of the

symbol of the vesica piscis emerged a small flash

that briefly illuminated the entire cave and then

settled back into the background light. As we

continued to gaze at the beautiful luminescent

symbol, we each felt as if a presence was directly

behind us. It was as if something wonderful and so

inviting was gently rubbing us on the shoulder. As

we turned around, we saw a woman standing

directly behind us. This was a woman that each of

us was able to instantly recognize even though we

had never met her in the physical before. She was a

woman that had been part of our dreams. Likened

to a second reflection seen peripherally through a

mirror where you gaze into the reflection of

yourself. This is how she was remembered with

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each of us. Her name was Anadriya: she was a

human star being.

Anadriya was absolutely beautiful. She

stood at six feet tall and wore a full body suit that

looked similar to a thick spandex, yet the material

appeared to be animated as it moved with

different shades and reflections of silver. She had

very light blond hair that went all the way down to

the middle of her back and her eyes were as

hypnotically blue as our own sky: highly angelic in

appearance. At the center of her chest, she wore

the symbol of the vesica piscis and it too glowed in

luminescence just as the symbol embedded in the

rock did.

Anadriya slowly approached us with a very

wonderful smile on her face. She walked with

confidence and love where each step she took had

a distinct purpose of observation behind it. She

looked into the eyes of each of us from left to right

showing us how much she absolutely loved us as

her gaze continued. Anadriya first approached

Kyung and gave him a deep embracing hug. Kyung

was overwhelmed with such joy as the tears

flooded down his face. Anadriya whispered in his

ear and said “Kyung, I love you.” Kyung brought

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himself into composure and replied with an

enormous smile: “Anadriya, I love you too.”

Anadriya continued down the line

embracing each of us with the warmest hug one

could possibly ever receive. It was as if her soul was

literally hugging our own souls. As she hugged us,

she replied with each of our names first followed

by “I love you.” We were each enriched as she

blessed us with her touch and her voice. Each of us

was in tears as we were so happy to see her. It’s as

if an angel came down from heaven to share with

us her unconditional love to warm and enrich our


Anadriya stepped back from us and smiled

as she continued to look each of us in the eye.

“Kyung, Terrence, Mellissa, Priscilla,

Beverly, Jesse, Vladimir, Simon, Seth, Hayden,

Monica and Sade…each of you is a part of my

family as I am yours. You have been summoned

here in this place as it was my last place on Earth

before I was called 22 years ago of your time. I

leave you behind a gift that has been dear to my

heart for so long. It is a diary. But, this diary is

something that can only be interpreted by all of

you. I do not mean only one of you, or only some of

you, but all of you. Through the holographic

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language contained within my diary, you each

possess the abilities within you to translate aspects

of it. Every symbol upon its page is a form of

activation for each of you. It is required through

the twelve of you, in unity, to fully translate this

diary to the languages of your people. What is

contained inside my diary holds my personal

experiences throughout my galactic upbringing.

You will learn of other beings and other worlds.

You will learn about the forefront of galactic

society just as I had to before being able to become

a part of it once again. You will understand the

purpose of why so many of us are here together

now. There is a deeper meaning to it than you may

realize. You will see my hardships and challenges

that I needed to overcome to be who I am now. As

you begin amongst the cosmic journey, challenges

will come forward. You will learn this in the years

ahead, my dears. And most importantly, you will

learn about what is taking place now upon your

world. You will learn about what has been termed

by many civilizations living within and above your

world as Day Zero.”

Anadriya held her hands together in a

prayer posture at the center of her sternum. “My

family, I am with you always. This is not good bye

as no such meaning truthfully exists. You only need

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to become what you wish to see. And I look

forward to becoming your reflection to smile along

with you as much laughter and love awaits all of us.

In sah’t ma’yin, et’ kan’ a’la so’ut.”

As Anadriya closed her eyes, her projection

dissolved back into the light of the vesica piscis. It

was presumed that Anadriya’s presence was that

of an advanced holographic projection encased

with her own consciousness. After what we had

just witnessed, the entire environment where we

stood was stilled with our silence for moments.

What broke the silence was Jesse as he murmured:

“In sah’t ma’yin, et’ kan’ a’la so’ut. That means our

lives are the extension to our love creation.”

We all looked back at Jesse and just knew

that he was right as it was ringing truth through all

of our hearts. It’s as Anadriya had said, each of us

hold parts of the translation and all of us hold all of

the translation.

We looked back at the vesica piscis symbol

and saw that the rock containing the symbol had

extruded out a good foot in length. It was as if

somebody budged out the rock with incredible

force like it was a type of compartment. We all

noticed this and began to investigate as we

scanned the area of the rock. Kyung placed his

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hand gently on the rock. Upon doing so, the rock

tumbled off the wall and to the ground leaving the

rock undamaged. As we all stared down at the

rock, we each raised our heads back up to the

empty space where the rock once occupied and

saw a wide shaft that was hollowed out. The wall of

the shaft felt metallic in its texture. Kyung took out

his flashlight and shined it into the shaft. We saw a

shiny silver metallic box with a “U” shaped handle

embedded into it. Together, Kyung, Jesse and

Beverly put their hands over the handle and

yanked the box out of the shaft. As the box was

exposed, we each took a look at the box and saw a

lid at the top of it. We carefully opened up the lid

and saw Anadriya’s diary inside. A gasp from all of

us filled the cave. We were amazed to see such a

beautiful book left behind from a star being that

was now in our possession and our job was to

translate it for everyone on Earth to read.

The diary looked like something one would

find on Earth. It was a cordbound book with a

beautiful turquoise cover that had several symbols

imprinted on its surface. Drawn on the surface on

the center of the cover was the symbol of the

vesica piscis colored in black. What was also

surprisingly interesting was that there was English

that was written on the cover near the bottom of

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the diary. The English writing read “Cassidy

Freedman”. Below Cassidy Freedman was a set of

five symbols:

This was later revealed to be the spelling of

the name of Anadriya in her native dialect. The

origin of what the substance was that formed the

markings and writing of the book was not ink, but

more like holographic light embedded upon the

cover and pages in the diary. We were amazed as

we gazed at the cover to see the markings reflect

the surrounding light.

With the rock that was embedded with the

vesica piscis symbol, we decided to take it back

with us. It was not meant to be taken back for

scientific exploration, but for the sentimental value

it holds deeply with all twelve of us.

For the record, none of the material

consisting of the rock, the box or the book has

been submitted for scientific scrutiny. To us, these

articles represent sacred artifacts and they will

remain treated as such. There is no information

that we will convey within this book as to their

current locations.

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After the expedition concluded, we all

decided on a location to begin work on the diary. It

was decided that we would have a space

designated for our work within Negril, Jamaica.

Priscilla was able to facilitate usage of a private

resort that was owned by her Uncle. After we had

presented her Uncle with our Pluto’s cave

encounter and showed the gifts brought back first

hand, he had offered us full stay within the resort

for as long as we desired.

Priscilla was so excited to have us so close

to her home that she surprised us the first day we

all came together. As we walked into our meeting

room, Priscilla had a large canvas positioned on an

easel with a gold drape covering it. As we all came

into the room, Priscilla shouted with excitement: “I

have a surprise for you guys!”

Priscilla quickly pulled off the drape

covering and we saw a beautiful painting of

Anadriya1. The whole room was silent, yet filled

with so much love as we gazed at such a beautiful

piece of art that literally brought all of us to tears.

It was the energy we needed to have within the

space to begin our work on translating Anadriya’s

beautiful book.

1 Art painting of Anadriya by Priscilla is on the next page.

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Page 35: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

The Diary

With the conclusion to our introduction of

our journey and discovery of Anadriya’s personal

diary, we now present you with the content that

has been translated through the twelve of us

together that will make this book that you have

purchased our most cherished gift to you.

It is through all the insight and personal

experience that Anadriya has shared so openly with

us that it has transformed our very way of life

based on all the aspects that can be expressed. We

are but twelve people as common as anyone else

that have been blessed with being a part of this

most surreal experience. After five months of

intense translation through all of the knowledge

we have been bestowed, this information has been

made available for the public. Anadriya has said

that she is in no way a deity. All information

brought through this diary is a form of her own

perspective. It is only we ourselves who are

capable of changing us. No one else can change

anyone. Therefore, with all the information that

shall be provided in this book, it’s your decision to

determine its value. Nonetheless, we hope you

enjoy what you are about to read as we can only

speak on our account in stating that it most

Page 36: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

certainly has allowed us to look at reality and

existence in a whole new way never before


With Blessings and Appreciation,

Terrence Hartman

Mellissa Alvarez

Jesse Cartwright

Beverly Eleanor McGregor

Sade Akenzua

Monica Ashley Jones

Simon Edward McPherson

Kyung Loeng

Vladimir Govrolov

Hayden Morrison

Seth O’Leary

Priscilla Rasmussen

Page 37: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

The following content is the translated workings

from the diary of the Human star being known as

“Anadriya.” Some of the translations may consist of

additional footnotes to assist in the context of the

dialogue that could not be fully expressed through

the English language.

Images contained within the translation remain

authentic to the genuine article.

Page 38: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

1st Dawn of Armens - Trie

(Title Translation “First Dawn”: Day of introduction.

Armens: Journal of activity. “Trie” in the sub-heading is

defined in translation as “beginnings.”)

I write these words now knowing that these

words are being read at the same time by

extensions of my being in pondering. My family,

what is it we ponder today together? Do we

separate ourselves through experience, yet not

realize our relationship in expression is always

connected? I lay here amongst the grass of the

world called Handarr to share with you an idea.

The idea to share is the idea itself. How many ideas

have you come across today, my family? Hold true

what means the most to you, and it is an answer

only conceived and acknowledged by you.

Therefore the idea itself holds the essence

to all moments that lead to what can be found that

patternizes to that which was once unthought. Yes,

my family, it may seem unclear. But let your mind

make sense of the words. Think not of how the

idea can come, think only of the idea itself that

now emerges to thought from unthought. Where

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was that thought before? Did it cease to exist? No,

my family, as nothing can. You simply didn’t align

to the thought to make it so. See how easy it

becomes when the idea you seek becomes the

thought born into the mind?

It is of my nature to lubricate your body,

mind and spirit with the wisdom of unlearning and

re-gaining. I shall speak now to my extensions

unfamiliar with my experiences that have led me to

this moment on Handarr. You may ask: am I a

Pleiadian? Handarr is after all the third planet that

exists within the star known as Atlas, which is also

popularly known as part of the “Seven Sisters” as

my human family calls them on Earth. No, I am not

a Pleiadian in this form, my dears. This body I

occupy is 100% human of Earth. It was Earth where

I was born and where I had lived for 3 ¼ orbits

around her sun.

My human Earth mother, who I still talk to

frequently in spirit, was known as Megan Felicity

Freedman. Megan was an absolutely beautiful

human being. She endured her pregnancy with me

completely alone without any assistance from

another. My father was someone I had never met

during my time of Earth. My mother and father had

met briefly making arrangements on occasion.

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During one night after being very intimate amongst

the campgrounds around Mount Shasta, my father

had mysteriously disappeared the morning after. It

was not a matter of simply walking away

afterwards. To my mother, it was literally as if my

father disappeared from existence. People who

had seen him the previous evening had no

recollection of him whatsoever even with

photographs taken through my mother’s camera.

This was a very difficult time for my mother as she

had felt that she had finally found someone who

had understood her.

My mother decided to take a lone hike into

Pluto’s cave. She had always enjoyed caves ever

since she was a little girl as her father would take

her into caves amongst other regions of the world

from California, to Mexico and Hawaii. There was a

feeling inside her to go inside of Pluto’s cave and

explore the surroundings as she had felt something

was calling to her.

As she ventured deep into the cave, she

could feel a warming sensation touching her

shoulder. There was this wave of energy that

passed through her body that felt comforting and

familiar. As she turned around, she had saw a very

beautiful orb of light directly floating in front of

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her. The orb transformed into the shape of a

crystalline human surrounded by white light. It

began to speak to her internally telling her of the

gift that she was carrying inside her. The being

revealed that she would be mother to Anadriya.

The earth name my mother would give me would

be Cassidy Anna Freedman. What was unique was

that the word “Anadriya” could be spelt through

the letters contained in my full Earth name.

The being told my mother of the great

importance Anadriya has and that I had chosen my

mother to nurture me and to be my guide while on

the Earth plane. Through the unconditional love

that the being radiated, my mother broke down in

tears and hugged the being to embrace the

support. She had asked about my father and what

happened to him.

“The one whom you speak of was not of

this world, Megan.” The being responded. “He

simply returned where he needed to be. And in

time, past this life you a part of now, you will meet

with him again.”

Even though it was something my mother

did not expect to hear, she knew in her heart that

this was true. How else could such a man literally

disappear from her life without a trace of

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familiarity from anyone who had previously met


The being concluded in saying: “Your

daughter will be speaking to you, Megan. Open

your mind and do not dismiss it as imagination or

hallucination. She has much to share with you

before coming upon this plane.”

The being transformed once again back into

the appearance of a white bright orb. Before

departing, it stated boldly in my mother’s mind,

“Remember, Megan, our lives are the extension to

our love creation.”

The orb began to dim until it was no longer

existent and my mother dried her tears, raised her

head to the top of the cave and said in a whisper

with her hands clasped: “Thank you, God, for this


As my mother discovered her pregnancy

through the crystalline being In Pluto’s cave, it was

confirmed several weeks later by her doctor.

During this time as well, my mother began to

receive guidance from my spirit. I was in constant

contact with her throughout her entire pregnancy.

I have complete clarity of this entire experience

watching her from afar, yet so near.

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My mother took time away from her work

selling homes to have alone time through the

privacy of her summer cottage in Redding,

California. It was there where my mother had put

many of my suggestions into practice relating to

her diet and her state of mind. My mother had

never become an artist before her pregnancy, yet

she painted a different portrait every day filled

with colors and abstract designs. These were her

personal definitions of beauty. Elements of the

universe channeled through her consciousness

created on canvas. These paintings filled her walls

and brought her peace as she worked on getting to

further understand herself.

Through deep states of meditation, mother

communicated with my grandfather to conclude

years of unsettled frustration between them. As

they were both part of a religious faith known as

Christianity, their debates about what God was

between them had led to each other “hating” the

other. To this very moment, I could not understand

the necessity of competition in regards to the

creator that resulted in conflict with others. I had

attempted to ask my mother more about this and

posed the question: “Mother, why do so many of

you compete with each other over the imagery of


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It was through questions like this where my

mother had the opportunity to step outside of

herself and realize that all the years of debating

with her father over what God was didn’t signify a

resolution. It was simply going back and re-visiting

the basic question: “What is God?” The moment

where that question entered her mind, all she felt

was love throughout her entire being. God was

always interpreted through the means of form that

represented an almighty one. But look not towards

God, but towards creation. Creation was neither a

he nor a she. It was the totality of form and

formlessness that existed beyond the image of

what was conceived and worshipped as God.

Creation simply is…what is. It was in that statement

where my mother had felt peace inside her heart.

She could feel the allure of guilt and anger over my

grandfather dissolve as she truly felt humbled and

could love him again without the sensations of

conflict re-emerging.

My mother was going through a

detoxification during her pregnancy. She was

purging herself physically, mentally, emotionally

and spiritually. Her environment was now perfect.

Her state of being was now perfect. All that

resembled pain and hardship was no longer

present within her life. She felt completely free and

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boundless. It was through this where she was able

to give birth to me by herself without any pain felt.

It became a birth of beauty as I had emerged

through her birth canal, come between her hands

and embraced her in the physical for the first time.

I was very quiet as I allowed the energies to work in

the ways they must so that our bond could be

complete. My mother softly started crying tears of

joy as she had felt that she had given birth to an


The months passed and my mother was so

amazed at how fast I was picking everything up. I

was able to begin walking at three months of age. I

understand this is a rarity through most children on

Earth, although my body literally appeared as a six-

month old body at the age of three months. I

began speaking and understanding the English

language at around the same time. There were

times where I was beginning to “scribble” as my

mother had put it, where I drew several algorithms

resembling holographic language. At earlier ages, I

was told by mother that I was rich in baby talk,

although, my intent was not to speak gibberish, but

to summon energies through holographic language

to enrich our environment and to bless both myself

and my mother.

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On my first year of birth, which is heavily

celebrated on Earth, I was taken to Pluto’s cave

with my mother. Most of the way, I was carried

through, but there were times where my mother

had allowed me to climb on top of some of the

rocks. I was enjoying myself so much. I began

laughing and twirling my way through the cave and

with my mother seeing this in me, she enjoyed it

even more. We went very deep within the cave

until we came to a very large wall where there

were crawlspaces leading to other areas that would

go deeper through the cave. My mother sat down

to have a rest and passed me my drink of water. As

I sat down with my Mother, I had seen a part of the

wall that had been getting my attention. The

nature of its design and appearance was very

compelling to me. Without a thought, I pulled a

piece of chalk from my pocket where I had been

drawing hearts on the cave walls earlier, and as I

approached the wall, I began to draw one large

circle as perfect as I could make it. After I finished

drawing that circle, I drew another circle right

beside so the two circles overlapped with each

other. This is a symbol that is familiar on Earth

known as the vesica piscis. To me, this was my

personal symbol that represented the bond of love

that connects all things. All circles of life must join

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to see the enrichment of all that is shared and

created together. I saw myself and my mother as

two circles of life sharing in our experience creating

together with love.

It was this very symbol that had remained

in this cave for so many years. It is through this

very symbol, dearest ones who have been chosen,

that you are able to access this diary. Live this

symbol within your hearts each day knowing that

all of our circles connect and we each share and

create in our experiences together.

After I had reached my third age, I had

noticed that my mother was becoming very ill. At

the time, there was neither a diagnosis nor

treatment of this disease. My mother had a hard

time getting in and out of bed. I spent a great deal

of time with my Aunt during this period. She had

been taking care of me during the time of my

mother’s doctor’s visits. My mother wanted to

have me by her side as she said that my presence

gave her so much strength to continue. My mother

would only paint if I was in the room with her.

Together we would paint portraits, let them dry

and hang them on the wall of my mother’s room.

My mother would make smaller portraits for me in

my room and being surrounded with that much

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love allowed me to have deep sleeps every single


A month had passed and my mother had

grown even weaker. She had reached the point

where she could no longer speak or feed herself.

My Aunt had hired a personal nurse to be by my

mother’s side during this time to help her even

though my mother had objected to it, but had no

strength to argue.

There were times where I was crying alone

in my room as I knew my mother was going to die. I

had such a hard time letting her go as I couldn’t

imagine a day without her. I could feel my mother’s

heart in my own chest pumping slower and slower

every day. I knew that night would be the last night

my mother’s heart would stop working.

I went out onto my balcony and said a

prayer amongst the stars. I wished that the stars

could make my mother better again. I didn’t want

her to die and I didn’t want to live my life on Earth

without my mother by my side. There was a very

long silence outside as if the whole world remained

quiet for those few minutes. I walked down the

steps of my balcony into my backyard looking up at

the stars with tears coming down my face. “Please

do not take my mother.” I begged. I buried my eyes

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in my shirt sleeve wiping away my tears. As I did, I

heard a voice of a man that appeared right beside


“Anadriya.” The man said.

I turned to the man and he looked very

strange. He was human, with dark hair, but he

wore a type of silver uniform that was filled with

reflections. I looked upon his chest and I had seen

my symbol upon it. The vesica piscis was shown. As

I looked at it, I smiled.

“Anadriya, do you know who I am?” The

man asked me.

I looked into his eyes. My guidance was

telling me exactly who he was, but I didn’t want to

admit it. I said back to him: “You’re a stranger and

my mommy said I shouldn’t be talking to


The man smiled a grin of joy. He briefly


“Anadriya, I’m not a stranger.” He replied.

I looked at him directly in the eyes as he

approached me slowly and started to bend down

to look into my eyes.

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“Who are you?” I asked.

“I’m your father, Anadriya. I’m the one who

was with your mother until I was called away.”

I looked closer into his eyes and saw the

sincerity that was behind his words.

“You’re my daddy?” I asked.

“That’s so cute,” the man stated, “but yes,

Anadriya. I am.”

“Why are you calling me Anadriya? My

name is Cassidy.” I explained to him.

Anadriya was a name I only heard in my

dreams. At the time, I didn’t understand what it

meant, or why I was being called it. But as my

father was about to explain:

“It’s your star name, my dear. You are like

me. We’re both from the stars. I am not someone

who has been born upon the Earth. I’m from up

there, Anadriya.”

My father pointed up to the stars. But as I

followed his finger, I saw the star that he was

pointing to. I smiled as I saw him point to the star

and I looked back at him with a big smile on my


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“That’s my favorite star!” I said excitedly.

“Yes it is. Because it’s the star you had a life

with before you decided to come to Earth. That

star is called Sirius. It’s the brightest star in the

Earth sky. That’s where I’m from Anadriya. And

that’s where you’re from too.”

A spontaneous question entered my mind

that I stated out loud without thinking about it.

“Is my mommy from Sirius too?”

My father looked at me and shook his head.

He pointed further away from the star into an area

of the sky that didn’t have any stars.

“You can’t see it from here, but your

mother came from a star called Alcyone. It’s part of

a constellation called Taurus. In a star cluster called

the Pleiades. Alcyone is considered one of the stars

of the seven sisters. But your mother hasn’t been

back there for quite some time, although the

opportunity is about to present itself to her. Your

mother is returning to her spirit and she will be

able to function as whatever she chooses.” My

father said.

“Mommy’s leaving me.” I said with my head


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I recognized my mother’s voice and I saw

her walking amongst the grass of our backyard.


I ran over to my mother and gave her a big


“Mommy! You’re better!” I said while more

tears came down my eyes.

“In a way, my angel. I’m no longer in my

body anymore. My body has died, but I have not.”

“But Mommy, I can hold you.” I said to her

still hugging her tightly.

“Because our will makes it so, sweetheart.”

My mother said in such a loving tone.

I turned back around to my father. He was

standing there smiling at both my mother and I.

“Is that man really my daddy, Mommy?”

My mother nodded her head and smiled.

“Yes he is, Anadriya. And your life is going

to change in a way you can’t even imagine yet. This

is going to be your last night on this world as you

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are going to be moving into a new one. Your father

is going to be your guide to helping you embrace

your new life.”

“My new life?” I asked.

My father stepped forward. “You have been

chosen to perform a task, Anadriya. It’s a task that

has been offered to no human before you. You are

going to live among us. You’re going to be part of a

galactic community. You are going to be a part of a

very large group of star beings that are going to

help you in all the ways they can so that you can be

trained as the official ambassador for the Earth

human race. As you learn, Anadriya, humanity will

learn. You are going to be an example to help

humans along their path so that one day, they may

enter a galactic community as a mature, thriving

civilization. This will happen as they begin to

understand day zero within themselves, but…”

I interrupted my father: “What’s day zero,


My father sat down on the grass cross

legged. He pointed his index finger out and drew a

wide circle in the grass.

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“It’s the balance point of a scale. It’s the

center of a new beginning. It represents a time

where the human race is given the chance to start

anew in a direction that represents a change

leading to balance. It’s at the point of day zero that

your society begins making the choices that

become beneficial for themselves and for the

Earth. You will literally work together as one

organism. You will function for the blessing of what

life offers. You will be receivers to ideas, not

servants to stagnation. Day zero brings you the

opportunity to become what it truly means to be a

human being: the ability to explore all possibilities

that enrich experience.”

I sat down beside my father and hugged his

arm. My father turned to me and kissed my

forehead and he began to rub my blonde hair.

“So where are we going to go, Daddy?” I

asked him.

“Well, I’m going to be showing you your

new home for a while. It’s going to be on board a

spacecraft where you’re going to meet a lot of old

friends who are going to help you with your


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I jumped up excited and started shaking my

hands amongst the air laughing. I was absolutely

thrilled about this and started circling around my

parents. They simply looked back at me and smiled

with absolute love. Both of my parents held out

their hands. I came to both of them and held my

father’s hand with my left and my mother’s with

my right.

“On the count of three.” My Father said.


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1st Twilight of Armens – Au Seshuad

(Title Translation: Time elapsed from morning to

sunset of the same day. “Au Seshuad” refers to the sub-

heading defined as “The Visit”)

I decided to wait until the twilight before

continuing with my introductory story as the next

phase of my life falls upon a different theme. What

I discussed before was my life leading up to my last

moment on Earth. What I am about to discuss with

you now are my beginning experiences off planet.

After my father counted to three, I found

myself still in my pajamas and in bare feet looking

above the Earth through a wide oval window that

showed my once beautiful world that I occupied. I

could see the North American continent clearly as

it was the only continent in view at the time. It was

absolutely stunning to me to see the Earth from

this distance. I felt like I was saying good bye to my

family that was solely the Earth. I blew a kiss to

Earth thanking her for my life on her surface. As I

turned to my left I saw my father still holding my

hand, but no one was holding my right. My mother

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was gone. I was starting to panic, but just then, I

heard her voice in my mind.

“I am not gone, my dear. I am with you

always. Speak to your father more on how to

communicate with me and he will show you.” She

assured me.

My father looked down at me. “Anadriya,

this is our ship. It contains over 2000 different

beings aboard from Sirius, Cygnus, Centaurus, Wolf

359, Regulus, Ceti, and even some visitors from the

Pleiades. This ship is what’s known as a mirror

vessel. It forms to the décor of your own

preference and brings about surroundings that you

feel the most comfortable in.”

“Every room is different?” I asked while

holding my father’s hand.

“That’s right. We all perceive the rooms

differently, yet they hold similarity as everyone is

on this ship based on their own passionate

choosing to do so. Let me show you the grand

center of the ship.”

My father took me by the hand as we

walked down a long hallway that to me, was

covered in beautiful white light. The floor

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illuminated in a brighter white essence as you

stepped upon it. My father was able to tap into my

frequency and could see the hallway as I did. He

loved it and smiled at me as he was so happy to see

such wonderful inner peace in my mind.

We entered through a door that was similar

to passing through liquid. No doors opened or

closed on this ship. As I stared at the grand center

of the ship, I saw a lush forest with an open blue

sky where the sun was bright and a rainbow was

present in the sky. I felt grass beneath my feet that

was healthy and green. It felt like I was back on

Earth with the beauty of the environment that

surrounded me.

As I looked into my father’s eyes, I saw the

environment change. The sky became stars and the

floor became filled with mist. It was equally

beautiful as I enjoyed looking at the stars that he


As I brought my focus back to the grand

center, my vision of it returned. I saw other people

who were in the center as well. My father and I

walked up to a small group of beings called the

Azurites. At the time, I didn’t have a clue to their

race’s name but I was amazed by their appearance.

They were human in form, but were blue-skinned.

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Their skin naturally glowed. I was amazed by their

presence and ran past my father to say hello to


The four of them bent down and smiled at

me. They began speaking an alien language in my

mind that I couldn’t understand, however, there

were sensations that I could recognize after a

sentence they spoke.

The blue beings wore tight spandex-like

black uniforms covering their entire body. Their

eyes glowed with a darker blue and their ears were

slightly more rounded and smaller. The being at

the front of the group rubbed his finger across my

forehead and felt these sparkles of colors racing

across it. I could feel the energy go inside my skin

and it felt like a fizz of bubbles was racing inside

your head and was tickling you. It was the most

exciting sensation I had felt and I couldn’t stop

giggling. The others started painting my body with

these fluorescent colors that were coming out of

their fingers. I was laughing so hard that I literally

felt I was going to go out of my body. The joy was

so intense and the love so strong, I could barely

keep my energy together. This was an attempt for

the blue-skinned beings to take you out of your

body so you could play with them in their astral

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form. This was something I learned later on in my

years and some of the most amazing experiences

are playing together with the Azurites in the astral


I was laughing so hard, I couldn’t focus to

allow the energy to take me out of body. Instead, I

just laid on the grass laughing and kicking around.

It’s very similar to how an Earth child would have

too much sugar and end up getting extraordinarily

overactive. I was too pre-occupied using the energy

for my own benefit rather than surrendering it and

allow it to channel through me.

My father saw me on the ground and he

placed his right hand on my forehead and held his

left hand up to the sky. He dispersed the energy

and I was beginning to calm down. I could feel my

father telepathically explaining to the Azurites

about me. They were nodding their heads in

understanding and helped me up from the ground.

Each of them gave me a loving hug and concluded

with a quick bow. My father took me by my hand

as I waved good bye to them.

“In time, you’ll learn how to utilize their

energies for play, Anadriya. Right now, I believe

you’re just as curious to them as they are to you.

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This is the first time those particular Azurites have

ever met an Earth human.” My father explained.

My father went on to tell me about a game

he once played with the Azurites. It was a game to

strengthen your manifestations. In the astral realm

with the Azurites, you would attempt to manifest

objects that pertained to a similar theme. When

there was a change of theme, you needed to find a

way to represent the current manifested object

that matched the newly appointed theme. It would

be similar to the human game “charades” except

with actual object manifestation involved.

Throughout the grand center, my father

and I came across other groups who I was unable

to interact with as they were more puzzled by my

presence on board. There were beings that were

mantis-like, thin-limbed, long-neck humanoids,

sasquatch-like beings and various other humanoids

that had different types of skin tone: green, violet,

orange and jet black.

“Who are these people, Daddy? Where are

they going? What do they do?” I asked. My father

was very attentive and patient, so he was happy to

answer all the questions I provided.

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“These people are part of our efforts,

Anadriya. They’re volunteers here to assist with

many different tasks from across the galaxy. Some

are journeying to the outer rim territories to begin

their voluntary tasks assisting with planetary

engineering, others are going to help out worlds.

Either disembodied or while still in body depending

on arrangement. There’s a lot that needs to be

explained to you, Anadriya… and it won’t be done

in a day. It will take time. But that’s exactly why

you’re here on this vessel. You’re going to be

trained. I’m going to be introducing you to three

very special friends of mine, who are also friends of

yours. That is, when you were in your Sirian form.”

I had a vision of the three beings that my

father spoke of when he mentioned them. The

beings were part human, part feline. They were not

furry, but their eyes and nose appeared very cat-

like. Many of them were without any hair. I later

learned that they were called the Handari. They

were indigenous to the world of Handarr: the third

planet in the star of Atlas contained within the

Pleiades. They would be best understood in

similarity to the Earth human monk. There is no

form of technology on their world whatsoever.

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Handarr is one of the most beautiful worlds

I have visited. I now lie here broadcasting my

thoughts holographically imprinting them upon the

pages of this book gazing across from the Valley of

the Omen2. This valley is called that because it

contains a V’retet’za3.

This geometry is used in sacred fertility

rituals where the male occupies the top triangle,

2 Valley of the Omen: Translated as Se-in zet k’sen ta. It would

be defined as one of the most sacred, holy lands on the surface of Handarr. 3 V’retet’za: Translated as a form of sacred geometry where

within a large circle, twelve overlapping circles form the center circle with a circular opening on the inside containing two opposite facing triangles (Octohedron) in the nexus of the structure.

Page 64: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

and the female occupies the lower triangle where

they meditate on the love they have for one

another that amplifies through the vortex and

spreads throughout the planet. This ritual lasts

thirteen Sera’ipi4, and the couple are separate for

the same amount of time to ground the energies

being sent to them from Gizen5 where they meet

immediately afterwards as they have been purified

by Gizen. Once they return to each other, they

engage in intercourse to conceive new life.

A large part of my life has involved being

amongst the Handari people. With my father about

to introduce them to me for the first time, this

would be the first large step into a whole new

universe where I would get to understand myself in

all the ways my extensions could reveal to me.

We stepped beyond the grand center and

entered into a type of lift. It was not like an

elevator that some of you may be familiar with on

Earth. This lift had more to do with materializing

and de-materializing your physical body to other

regions of the ship instantaneously. You could refer

4 Sera’ipi: A measurement of time that is approximately 1.3

Earth days in duration. 5 Gizen: Handari word meaning “one infinite creator.”

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to it as a teleportation lift. Father explained to me

how it worked.

“As you enter the incline, simply state your

destination inside your mind and we will be taken

there. We are going to the sanctuary chambers. So,

Anadriya, think ‘sanctuary chambers’ in your


I squinted my eyes shut and repeated the

words in my mind. When I opened my eyes, my

father and I were in front of a very large wall

decorated with moving mandalas. The energy on

the wall felt like it was breathing just as we were.

There were glorious designs of flower-petals and

spiraling vines comprised within a glowing

turquoise diamond. The wall’s energy would

change form based upon the energies it was

observing before it. I was smiling as I gazed at the

magnificence of what appeared before me.

Father smiled with me and gestured me by

the hand to continue forward. We walked through

the liquid wall and entered the sanctuary

chambers. Before my eyes, I saw a room

completely comprised of crystals of every shape

and size. A violet plasmic energy was flowing

through the structure of every crystal inside the

room. The room itself was very dim with pale white

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light emanating strongest in the center of the


At the center of the chambers, the floor

was inclined in a circular formation where at the

absolute center, there was a large crystal bowl that

was filled with enchanted water. Seated amongst

the bowl in the grooved circular floor that

contained a triple helix DNA spiral embedded

within it appeared three individuals. These were

the Handari 1st Chenn6 and the friends that my

father had talked about earlier.

They were completely silent. They wore

long white robes with hoods and their brows had a

painted golden circle with a dot made out of a

specific gem in the center of it. These three all

wore the gem of violet amongst their brow as it

signified the level of the high priest within a 1st

Chenn. Their faces all looked identical. Their eyes

were shut and they were seated cross legged in the

6 Chenn: A sacred triad that comprises a Handari priesthood.

There are Chenn that occupy every village on Handarr where they function as the keepers of wisdom for the village as well as sacred healers. The 1

st Chenn represents the highest order

of Priesthood that assists in the spiritual governance of Handarr that can also carry the responsibilities of a galactic council as well.

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formation of a triangle with their hands resting on

their knees with palms open facing outwards.

I looked at my father as I was not sure what

to do. I didn’t want to disturb them as my Mother

told me about showing respect to those in

meditation. My father simply gestured for me to

walk forward toward the Handari with a peaceful

grin on his face. I looked him in the eyes in a glance

that said “how could you do this to me? I’m your

daughter. I hope I don’t embarrass myself.” Where

at times I knew I was only 3 years of Earth age, I

felt like I was 3 times that age most of the time.

And as I was deeply empathic, I had considered

people’s feelings far too often at that age and I

would get embarrassed easily.

Nonetheless, I listened to my father and

slowly started to take a step forward as quietly as I

could not to disturb the Handari. I paused for a

brief moment and took another very quiet step

forward. Still no sound. Good. I was in the clear. As

I was taking another step forward, I could hear in

my mind so clearly: “Her politeness is the way of

the Goddess emanating so strongly within her.

Welcome, Anadriya, daughter of Lar.”

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I turned slowly over to my father as I was

surprised to hear his star name. My father

answered back in my mind:

“Yes, Anadriya, my star name is Lar. It

needed to be revealed from the Handari, my

guardians, before I could reveal it to you.”

“When we found him among us, he was the

same age as you are now, Anadriya. Gizen gifted us

with his star name. Lar represents the name of a

sacred shield sworn to uphold and protect the

innocent from danger. And as Lar came to us all of

those ages ago, you come to us now with your love

to complete the circle of harmony.” The voices

spoke together as one in my mind. There was no

way to individuate who was speaking as what was

being relayed to me was coming from the three.

“Our dearest, come sit with us amongst the

chamber. We have much to share with you.”

I went over to the circular groove and sat

beside one of the Handari elders. I looked over to

my father and he politely bowed to me and the


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“I shall return later on, Anadriya. And yes, I

will teach you how to commune with your mother

as well.” My father said to me in my mind.

“She is beautiful. So beautiful.” The Handari

voices said all together in my mind.

“I hear you so loud in my mind.” I said


“Yes, our child. This is what is known as

telepathy as you call it amongst your planet. The

Handari never speak aloud. We are mind speakers,

Anadriya.” The Handari nearest to me spoke to me

in my mind with a single voice. He looked upon me

with a wide smile.

“We have trained your father the speech of

mind at an early age, although he still prefers to

speak aloud at times.” The Handari to my right


“Why is that?” I asked within my mind.

“He has grown accustomed to the company

of humans.” The Handari ahead of me stated. “His

work has involved much interaction with them in

an attempt to better understand their culture and

instruct others who require to operate on the

surface of the planet.”

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“Why would other people want to work on

Earth?” I asked curiously.

“When your world requires assistance and

cannot receive it from humans, others stand ready

to assist her. This is all about working alongside the

nature of your world. As she grows, evolves and

expands, areas of her body require assistance so

that she is able to expand to prevent danger from

the people on the planet.” The three spoke as one

in my mind in a pleasant, jovial tone.

For several minutes, the wise Handari spoke

to me about the ways of my world and how openly

communicative she is as long as you are willing to

listen. They proceeded to tell me that she has

spoken to her human children since their

beginnings on Earth.

In the beginning, humanity listened to the

Earth and worked together in harmony. Then, the

troubling times came as other beings from another

world came onto the planet claiming they were

cosmic masters when in fact they were only

students. These students were trained into the

belief of control and deception. Over time, they

deceived many of the original caretakers upon the

planet unleashing a great war between these

beings and the rest of the planet.

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The war was completely out of control as

the students were looking to use all of the Earth’s

knowledge and life forms as weapons for their own

means. Guardians who cared for the Earth on other

levels of consciousness warned these false masters

not to pursue this path of control and had decided

to place a veil made from the radiation of the Earth

known as the Van Allen belt to surround the planet

and protect it from further intrusion. The false

masters did not listen to this warning and grew

angry about the newly appointed quarantine shield

that sealed further intrusion or escape from the

planet. This warning and action from the realm of

the Guardians only fueled the false masters’ anger

to create an intention of pure global control.

Through utilizing the strength of crystals on

Earth, a portal weapon that would be triggered

through specific alignment areas of the planet was

created that would attempt to crack open the

Earth’s quarantine. The alignments were incorrect

as they had mistaken the alignments of their

former home planet of Mars with the Earth and the

weapon backfired. The use of the crystals that

were meant to establish an escape instead led to

the demise of the false masters. They literally

destroyed themselves and everyone else upon the

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surface of the world. This led to the great

cataclysm that ceased the era of Atlantis and MU.

After the great disaster, there were still

some of the false masters who had survived. They

migrated to Egypt and slowly began their rule there

in an attempt to rebuild their old empire.

Throughout the centuries, the histories of great

kings, emperors and priesthoods were the

hierarchies of these false masters that lead up to

the present day of Earth. Now these false masters

are dying along with their systems as humanity will

no longer submit their freedom for a second time

only to be deceived and destroyed by those who

hold the might of false power through the illusions

they create.

This is what the Handari had shared with

me that accompanied my mind along with shared

visions as they told the story of Earth. I was amazed

that I was part of a planet that had such a rich and

powerful history behind it. It was greater than any

movie that could be told or any book that could be


“Now is the time, dearest Anadriya, that

Earth receive the assistance she needs so that she

may meet her upliftment before the time of day

zero.” The Handari shared with me.

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“My daddy told me about Day Zero. When

is Day Zero?” I asked in my mind.

“Day Zero can only be measured through

the way of alignment. A great planetary

conjunction will be occurring within the next

twelve creth7 that will create an alignment causing

the dimensional planes to come together and

synchronize with one other allowing a great

advancement to occur not only on this world of

Earth, but on other worlds as well that meet the

dimensional planes’ synchronicities to uplift. It has

been prophesied by your great teachers of your

past that the plane to venture toward day zero on

a collective level shall begin its first stages upon

your Earth date of December 21st, 2012. The times

ahead after this moment will eventually lead your

culture to the understandings of timelessness as

they operate together in unified maturity.” The

Handari nearest to me stated.

“Keep in mind, child, that much is still to be

done on your former world before crossing the

threshold toward day zero. As you prosper through

your training functioning as a member of the

7 Creth: An intergalactic measurement of time. Exact

measurements are uncertain but they range between the cycle of 4 – 4.75 Earth years in duration.

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galactic community, you will know what to do and

who to appoint to assist you as you make personal

contact with the Earth and its people when the

time is right. We have much more to tell you,

young one, but this revealing will come to you at

the appropriate age for you to fully realize its

message. Meet with your father outside as we

prepare to return to our world of Handarr where

you shall begin within your school for formal

training.” The Handari at the front stated to me


I got up off the floor and gave all three of

the Handari a big hug. They all chuckled jovially as

they thoroughly enjoyed the love that flowed

through me.

When I stepped through the wall of the

sanctuary chamber, I saw my father crouched

down in front of me holding a beautiful sapphire

crystal pendent in front of me. I smiled as my eyes

locked with the beauty of the sapphire crystal. As I

looked deeper into it, I could see the crystal sparkle

as it said to me in my mind, “I am yours.” My face

lit up and the smile I had on my face was one that I

would never forget.

“This is how you’ll be able to connect with

your mother, Anadriya. Anytime you want to talk

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to her, simply close your eyes and think of her, and

when the timing is perfect, she will answer.” My

father said as he placed the pendent over my head

and onto my neck. I gave my father a big hug and

whispered a “thank you” into his ear.

“I have another present for you as well,

Anadriya. It’s a new garment for you. Let’s find a

place for you to try it on.”

My father had instructed me how to create

a silver uniform for me to wear. There was no way

to “put” the uniform on. The uniform is literally

embedded onto you using a holographic laser

device that scans your body and the clothing is

manifested onto you. I now wore a beautiful silver

reflective overall suit with the vesica piscis

imprinted on the center of it. I looked just like my

father as he was excited to see me wear the same

uniform as him.

We went up to the main operations room of

the ship. As we walked through the wall, we saw

four beings dressed in blue overall uniforms. They

looked very similar to the beings that had been

commonly referred to on Earth as the Greys,

except they were not grey in appearance. Their

skin was a bright orange and their necks were

slightly longer. They took one look at us and then

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completely ignored us as their mentality is very

similar to that of a worker bee. They will only

answer you if there is a complication occurring.

This race too was highly telepathic yet was devoid

of any form of emotion. These beings were known

as Acryla and their home star was Regulus.

The Acryla walked amongst the room

touching certain panels with their hands where

parts of the wall would change color from green, to

red to blue. After all walls remained with the color

of blue, the four Acryla sat down on their chairs

that formed a half circle in the center of the room.

My father turned to me and held my hand.

“Get ready, Anadriya. You’re about to see

Handarr for the first time.”

I held my father’s hand and squeezed it as

hard as I could as I felt the anticipation growing

stronger in my stomach.

On the screen in the operations room, I saw

Earth up close. The next thing I remember is a jolt

where the colors had transformed into streaks of

light briefly only to snap back to normal and what I

saw on the screen next was a whole new world

that looked slightly similar to Earth, only much

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larger with more land than water and a small hue

of a halo of turquoise rings that indicated the

planet had an axis tilt of eleven degrees. The planet

was absolutely beautiful as I could see several small

craft coming to and from the planet. This was the

world of Handarr: my new home where my first

day of galactic education was about to begin.

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2nd Dawn of Armens – Skril’tri

(Sub-heading Translation: Skril’tri refers to being

educated by the wise.)

I awake to this beautiful morning to bid all

of you the most wondrous and exciting moment for

you to experience. Our lives are based upon the

one moment, as there is nothing else within all of

creation. The past and the future, my family, are

nothing more than the side effects that we live

through as we grow accustomed to continuity.

What has yesterday brought me? Shall I live in it?

What will tomorrow bring me? Shall I live in that?

You cannot create in yesterday or tomorrow. You

can only live now. Let this moment be the most

cherished to you and feel the possibility of creation

of what is directly in front of you now. It is now

that is all we have.

As I had discussed in my previous entry, I

was about to come upon the surface of the planet I

am on now in this very moment. My father piloted

a small shuttle pod that was completely

transparent where you could see everything

around you. The only color throughout the pod was

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a beautiful sparkling violet aura that encompassed

it. This had to do with the consciousness of the pod

itself as it was indeed alive. My father would pilot

the vessel with two transparent spheres that were

stationed on a panel directly in front of him. He

was telepathically linked to the shuttle and all

information pertaining to pitch, acceleration, hull

integrity, etc., was being displayed in his mind as

this is why he piloted with his eyes closed. I am

sure that on standard flight vessels on Earth, this

would frighten a human immensely if they found

out that the pilot was flying with their eyes closed.

However, through this telepathic interface, the

best pilots that fly are the ones with their eyes

closed as their focus is pure and they can see

beyond what their physical eyes deliver.

The pod contained me and the three

Handari priests. They were seated amongst three

transparent chairs at the rear of the pod and were

in deep meditation. As we descended down to the

planet, I was in sheer amazement of the beauty of

Handarr. The world was so clean, lush and

beautiful. The trees of Handarr looked very similar

to Earth maples except that the leaves were fluffier

and furrier. They appeared more to the color of

indigo and the bark was much more of a lighter

auburn. Some of the trees that I saw literally stood

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over three vertical miles in height. I had never seen

something so beautiful where the forests were so

alive and prosperous.

As we made our descent, I went over to my

father and touched his shoulder.

“This place is so beautiful, Daddy.”

My father turned to me and smiled as he

seemed to enjoy the fact that I would enjoy


“You’re looking at the most beautiful planet

in all of Atlas, my dear.” My father said with great


“What’s Atlas, Daddy?” I asked.

“Atlas is the name of the star here. At least,

that’s the name that humans call it. The Handari

call it Sharat’tu. It means bearer of light. But

whatever you wish to call it, Anadriya, is

completely fine. The Handari are a very loving

people and everything that takes place on this

world are elements of expression.”

Spontaneously, I asked: “Are there any bad

people on this world, Daddy?”

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My father shook his head. “No. Handarr is a

world of peace. It’s protected by a shield that

works on a certain vibration. It’s like a filter that

keeps out unwanted beings. If a being isn’t able to

vibrate to the settings of the shield, they simply

won’t be able to make it past the atmosphere of

the planet. Their ship will literally bounce off the

shield like a wall and they’ll be denied entry until

they’re willing to work on themselves through the

nature of love. Only until you match the frequency

of the shield, can you pass and enter Handarr. Your

Earth has a similar form of shield in place as well,

my angel.”

I smiled and gave my father a big hug. I held

onto him as I continued to look out at the gorgeous

scenery of the planet. In the distance, I could see

that we were approaching a landing pad that was

literally manifested from stones. The pattern of the

landing pad was extraordinary. There were so

many stones of different shapes and colors that

comprised the pad to look very smooth and color

coordinated that stood out strongly even during

nightfall. My father also told me that the stones

colored in fluorescent pink and purple would light

up during nightfall so pilots could always make

their landings safely. The fluorescent stones were

outlined in a series of rings comprising of ten

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circles together. It looked very similar to a target

sign, only far more beautiful. The landing pad

extended to 20 grets8 in diameter.

My father set us down on the center of the

landing pad, and as we touched down, the back

door of the pod opened and extended outwards as

a ramp that hit the ground. The ramp started to fill

with the auric color of violet making it easier for us

to watch our step as we departed the pod. The

Handari priests awoke from their trance and rose

from their chair and followed my father and I from


I was so excited to see this beautiful world.

The air was like nothing I had breathed before. It

was as if you were breathing in a meal of fruitful

aromas with each breath. It was later revealed to

me that the Handari do not eat. They sustain

themselves completely from the breath. They were

not against anyone who enjoyed their fruits and

vegetables for nourishment, but would never taste

them through their own accord. It’s to this very day

where I have yet to eat any of the fruits and

vegetables on Handarr as the breath has sustained

me well.

8 Grets: A form of measurement where one unit is equal to

approximately 18 of our meters.

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Before I was passionate in running off and

exploring the planet, my father called my name

telepathically. I turned myself to him and ran over

to him. He held me by my shoulders and bent


“Anadriya, I will need to leave for a little

while as I am needed back on Earth to complete

more ambassadorial tasks I’ve promised to

complete.” My father told me through a sincere

tone I heard in my mind.

This was news that had started to upset me.

I had barely known my father and I was hoping he

was going to stay here so we could spend time

together. I slowly started the signs that I was about

to cry. My father could sense this and quickly gave

me a hug.

“My angel, this is your new life. You are

going to learn so much here beyond your wildest

dreams. What a beautiful, intelligent young woman

you are going to become.”

I wrapped my arms around my father’s neck

and began to sniff as the tears came out.

“But I don’t want you to leave me, Daddy.

Mommy left me. And I don’t want to lose you too.”

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My father broke the hug I gave him and

looked me in the eyes with his deep blue eyes

meeting my gaze. He simply smiled at me and said:

“Anadriya, let me tell you a story about the

universe. The universe is an infinite machine filled

with the mechanics of perfection. Every situation

that exists in the universe is bound with purpose.

We are the very gears of this infinite machine that

occupy the universe giving every situation

meaning. We do this as a way of bringing purpose

in our lives. There is never anything that happens

without purpose as we are built to give meaning to

situations. You have given yourself meaning

coming with me, boarding your first spacecraft and

coming onto another world. I am one of your

extensions, Anadriya. I fulfill a certain purpose in

your life, as did your mother. But the extensions

are always ever-changing, sweetheart. Themes of

new experiences are being birthed all the time at

every moment you and I exist. It is simply the way

of the universe.

There is a theme here on this planet that is

meant for you and only you to explore. You are to

define the extensions that associate with you here,

Anadriya. My extension will always exist, it is

simply not meant to exist in this current theme. Let

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this theme reveal itself to you and live within it.

Embrace the moment, my beautiful daughter, and

you will find surprises in store that you thought

could never exist.”

My father always had the stories that were

capable of cheering me up. I smiled as he explained

this to me. I was excited to hear about new themes

in my life and new extensions that would make up

those themes. It made it easier for me to

understand my father’s departure as I explored this

new world and began my educational training. He

knew how bright I was and knew I would


My father reached onto the side of his arm

and pulled off a thin silver cylinder. He held it up to

me to show me what it was.

“This is a device where you can

communicate with me. It’s called a holo-display. All

you do is hold it up to your face, close your eyes

and repeat in your mind the person you wish to

contact through it. You will see a holographic

image of that person that will appear through the

lens of the holo-display, and they will see an image

of you. If ever you need to urgently talk to me,

Anadriya, use this. When I want to get in touch

with you, your suit will notify you through a

Page 86: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

telepathic calling. Keep the device attached to your


I took the device from my father. It felt like

a thin cylinder of plastic simplistic in its design. I

attached it to my right arm of my uniform. I gave

my father another hug and a kiss on his cheek. He

gave me a kiss on my cheek and rubbed my back.

“I want you to contact your mother tonight

before sundown. She will be within the alignment

to speak to you, alright?” My father reminded me.

“I will.” I said nodding my head.

My father smiled at me and gestured me to

go with the Handari priests. He waved good bye

and re-boarded the shuttle pod. I ran over to the

Handari priests and looked back at my father as the

pod ramp re-sealed itself closed. I saw the shuttle

pod lift up from the platform and make its ascent

past the sky of Handarr. In that moment, I could no

longer visibly see the pod and I knew my father was


As I walked with the Handari priests, they

could sense my mild discomfort with my father

leaving me behind.

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“Your thoughts dwell strongly on your

father, young Anadriya.” The voices of the three

Handari said in my mind.

“Yes, I miss him.” I replied.

“To miss another that never leaves you

does not have to bring you into a form of loss,

dearest one.” They stated with smiles across their


That statement was very strong and I was

greatly intrigued.

“I never thought of it that way before. I

guess it’s just seeing them that make me happy.” I


“It is seeing them all the time that can

preserve your happiness. Energy is all around us. It

is part of us, and we a part of it. We are never

apart from the field of energy, dearest Anadriya.

Our loved ones are always amongst us even if we

feel they are not. It is to see past the fog of

confusion and come into the light of

understanding. This is a knowing that we shall

teach you.”

I didn’t quite understand at the time, but I

had a rush of excitement coursing through me that

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was due to the energy around me. I understood

what they meant by the energy filled my loved

ones surrounded me always. I wanted to harness

that energy and allow myself to utilize that energy

and create with it. I started to giggle and hugged

one of the three priests. He returned my hug and

picked me up off my feet to cuddle with me. In the

arms of the Handari priest, we walked into the

village where I would meet my future teachers to

educate me in the galactic arts.

Across the village, I had met several of my

teachers. As the Handari did not have names

appointed to them, they were only known for what

they did that indicated a label which one could call

them. I had met the elder Q’ue’set-at9 who was

knowledgeable in regards to all life forms that

existed on Handarr: from the plant life to the

animal kingdoms. He would teach me in the ways

of botany, gardening, harvesting crops to feed the

animals, and teach me more about the cycle of

nature on Handarr.

9 Q’ueset-at: One who has a full understanding of the ways of

all life within nature on Handarr: botany, herbalist and animal guide.

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I had met the elder Ven’dren10 who trained

her students to help design clothes and fabrics for

the village. I had also met with Oos’tet11 where a

guild of elders consisting of five would instruct the

young children how to build homes and public

foundations using the materials of stone, Handari

prairie vines and earth. I concluded my day by

meeting my teacher that was labeled by the

Handari as a Yi’ser’ah.12 The elder Yi’ser’ah was of

the same age as the Handari priests spanning over

300 a’ipi13.

After meeting with the people of the village

and the teachers, I remember falling asleep in one

of the Handari Priest’s arms. They took me home to

their hut and laid me down softly on a large Ren-

yer14. They covered me up in a beautifully colored

blanket as Handarr nights during the time of

season could be very cold.


Ven’dren: A clothing maker. 11

Oos’tet: A consortium of builders/stone masons. 12

Yi’ser’ah: A master teacher of language, symbols and mathematics. 13

A’ipi: A measurement of time where one unit would equal to 2.4 Earth years. 14

Ren-yer: A large bed made from firm stuffings sewn into a circular mattress. The stuffings are a type of padded moss called jeen’ta found commonly within the forests of Handarr.

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As I slept, my sapphire necklace began to

twitch on its own and illuminated itself brightly. A

slight warm breeze came into the room and was

brushing my hair back. I was being visited by my

Mother through my dreams.

In my dream, I was surrounded by a void of

luminescent white light. I could see outside of my

body as it too was luminescent. I was dressed in my

silver uniform wearing my sapphire pendent and

my hair was braided into a beautiful pony tail. In

the distance, I could see my mother approaching.

She was absolutely beautiful. She wore a gorgeous

white dress with a long train and beautiful white

fabric hung down from her arms. My mother’s hair

was long and free flowing accompanied with a

wonderful smile on her face. She was the epitome

of an angel through her remarkable appearance.

I ran over to my mother and gave her the

biggest hug I had ever given her. My mother

embraced the hug and held me tightly. She gently

kissed my cheek and rubbed the back of my head

as she always did when she was alive.

“I am so happy for you, my angel.” My

mother said.

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I didn’t know what to say as I was so

captivated in the moment to feel my mother’s

presence. I missed her so much; I didn’t want to

say anything else.

“You are beginning the journey few humans

will ever experience. From the time before you

were born, you communicated with me. You taught

me how to be a wonderful parent and how to look

after myself so that you could be born into the

world. This is not something that every mother

goes through, my dear. I knew from the moment I

first made contact with you, that something

extraordinary was going to happen with you

throughout your life. And here you are now. On

another world learning from the Handari fulfilling

your purpose to embark on a journey that will

exceed your wildest imagination.”

I pulled myself back from my mother as the

curious thoughts were starting to flow through my


“What do you mean, Mom? What am I

going to be?”

“A woman of divine wisdom, Anadriya. You

are literally going to be of service to an entire

galaxy. You are part of a galactic prophecy that had

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been prophesied for thousands of years through

the galaxy’s greatest sages and mystics. You are the

beginning step of an example that the human race

is meant to be.”

My mother stood up and put her right hand

upon my shoulder and looked down at me with an

expression of absolute love.

“Anadriya, this may not seem clear to you

at first, but in the times ahead, you will

understand.” My mother assured me.

“The human race contains the most

advanced genetics of any other race in the galaxy.

Our people were engineered by a galactic

consortium of volunteers that consisted of twenty-

two different races. Combined together, our race

was created through the combination of one-

hundred and forty-four DNA strand helixes. These

raw strands became compressed into groups of

twelve and fused together to be assembled into

what is known as the twelve DNA helix archetype.

Three of our DNA strands inside our bodies are

visible with the human visual spectrum, the

remaining nine are not as they are composed of a

higher spectrum of holographic light coded

sequences that cannot be seen by the naked

human eye. Anadriya, you are one of the few

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humans that have reached the point of the fourth

DNA helix activation. It is through this activation

that you are a natural conduit to the universal

mind. This will unfold and will be more apparent to

you as you reach your fifth year of age. Your body

is literally transforming now, Anadriya, and you will

have access to knowledge that even the greatest of

mystics present among you cannot access. You will

be the living example of an incarnation pure to the

mind of the universe. This is your destiny, my


When I was in the dream state hearing my

mother speak these words to me, one might think

that a young girl at the age of 3 wouldn’t be able to

understand what was being discussed here as it

seemed very advanced for a child, but surprisingly,

it was not. It was as if I could easily understand and

integrate everything that was spoken from my

mother before the words formed. I knew exactly

what she was talking about and I knew how

important the human race was. I literally felt like

my soul was dialoguing with me as I took in the

concepts that my mother spoke of so that

everything shared with me made perfect sense. I

knew my mother was right about what awaited

me. I could feel that there was a path unfolding

before me where I didn’t quite know specifically

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where it would lead, but I knew that it would be


I placed my right hand on top of my

mother’s hand where she touched my shoulder

and began to rub it. My curious mind sparked once

again and I asked: “What about these new people

I’m with mommy? Are they my new family?”

“They are indeed.” She replied with loving

confidence. “You are going to learn a great deal

from the Handari 1st Chenn and from many others

upon the world of Handarr. You will also explore

other worlds and befriend others who will be

beneficial for your own development. There will be

times where you will be challenged, my dearest,

but understand that challenges only exist to help

you discover what is truly pure inside your heart.”

My mother wrapped her right hand around

mine and stepped back to extend our arms fully.

“I want to show you something, Anadriya.”

She said with a wide smile on her face.

We began to levitate off the ground of the

white void and began flying past the surface and

into a new realm filled with a variety of different

colors that were manifesting into images of people,

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planets and stars. As I turned to my right, I saw an

image of my father smiling back at me.

“What you’re seeing Anadriya are images

that will hold experiences dear to your heart

throughout your life. You will explore a great deal

of new territories no human has ever explored

before. You will meet new people you could not

have dreamed existed.” My mother said raising her

voice as we flew through the realm of color and


We halted for a moment and I saw the

image of myself aged 25 years in the future. I was

in my silver uniform and looked very tall:

approximately six feet in height. My hair was very

long and flowed all the way down to my lower

back. I saw myself in front of audience of

thousands as I was appearing in front of an

immense gathering of people contained within

spheres in a large spherical chamber. My eyes

appeared bright and I was levitating off the ground.

No words were spoken, only the language of the

mind. I felt I was not meant to hear it at this time.

But what I did notice was the love of the beings

that were with me in this gathering. Their hearts

were singing with truth as they did not see me as

someone superior to them, but as someone who

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was simply confirming what they knew to be true

all along. I was a living mirror that was reminding

them of their own greatness within. After I finished

speaking through this gathering, I saw myself

remaining still as I was tapping into the collective

consciousness of the gathering and breathed out a

sigh of fulfillment as the people in the room who I

honestly loved so dearly felt the completion within

themselves. We had healed each other within this

gathering. Our hearts were no longer tied down

with conflict, they were now unbounded and we all

knew what we were capable of in this moment.

I saw myself in the vision stepping down

from the podium and was embraced by the love of

the wide assortment of beings that had travelled

far from many different worlds to be with me in

this moment. The image of myself began to fade

out and I could feel the reciprocating effects of love

that was shown before me. I began to smile as my

heart itself felt uplifted. My mother floated over to

me and looked me in the eye with a gaze of a

mother who had such unconditional love for her


“The amount of hearts you will touch,

Anadriya, will be the very form of fulfillment that

helps you see the best of you.”

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“Mommy, I look so pretty. I look like you. I

love who I’m going to be!” I replied with such

unbridled excitement.

“it’s the love of who you are now that will

echo across the ripples of time manifesting who

you will love to be, Anadriya. Let your love be the

fuel for all the actions you take in this life.”

The environment around me began to

dissolve and my mother slowly disappeared with

the environment. Within the next moment, I awoke

to the morning on Handarr with the sun shining

brightly through my nearby window. As I rubbed

my eyes to wipe away any leftover fatigue, my eyes

became wide and I grinned looking forward to

what awaited me throughout this day with my new


As I got up out of bed, I could hear the

telepathic calling of the Q’ueset-at approaching my

door. I opened the door and there he stood

dressed in his work poncho covered in stains of

dirt. He smiled at me as he spoke in my mind

“Anadriya, are you ready to come with me?

I’m going to tell you all about the plants today and

we can also observe many animals in the western

forest of Handarr. And if we have enough time

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before dusk, I will show you how we prepare

feedings for the Al’go.15”

I nodded my head in excitement as I took

the Q’ueset-at by the hand and we left the hut

heading directly toward the village.

Throughout my beginning times of Handarr,

I was able to pick up on everything fairly quickly.

Within fifteen Trai’a’ipi16 I gained the basic

understanding of the plant life of Handarr. As we

ventured out into the wilderness, I was able to

name every plant we came across. The Q’ueset-at

was such a wonderful teacher as he not only taught

you how to identify plants by sight, but by scents as

well. Through the scent of each plant, I was able to

diversify each one from another. I was taught how

to understand their herbal properties and healing

benefits and also knew which plants the animals

ate and which ones they would leave alone.

The Q’ueset-at and I would also venture out

into the forests and we would observe the


Al’go: A type of animal similar to that of an Earth pig. They possess a trunk similar to an elephant and are covered with a thick black coat of fur. 16

Trai’a’ipi: A measurement of time that represents a standard day on Handarr that is the equivalent of 27 earth hours.

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abundance of wildlife that existed. He would

explain to me the function of each animal that we

would encounter and how they are able to keep

balance within the forest. We saw a wide variety of

animals as well as insects. There are particular

insects that appeared in combination to fireflies

and hornets I found very fascinating that would

literally pollenate the branches of a very unique

tree called a Si’hee’tal. Its structure was more

similar to a seed plant rather than a tree as its

branches were made up of pollen. Every third

season, the Si’hee’tal would be in bloom and the

aroma of the large trees would literally whet an

appetite of sweetness as their scent smelt sweeter

than sugar plums.

Most of my days for the past 30 trai’a’ipi

were spent in understanding the nature of

Handarr. It fascinated me immensely on how the

plants and animals functioned as well as their role

in maintaining a harmonious balance within the

natural cycle of life on Handarr. Throughout the

rest of my times, I had spent learning other aspects

of life on Handarr relating to home construction

and the creation of clothing and fabrics.

Through my grand exploration of the

education I was learning, I was always pleased to

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tune into telepathic conversations of the people of

the village as they expressed what a delight it was

to have me around. They had never met anyone so

young who was so attentive and so quick to pick up

the education being shared. They especially did not

expect to see this occur so quickly within a human

as what they had heard about humans was not

always so positive. Nonetheless, the villagers were

absolutely thrilled to have me around and deeply

loved me from the bottom of their hearts.

As I got up each morning and said hello to

everyone in the village, I was often greeted with

my fair share of warm hugs and blessings from

Gizen. My feline human extensions to this day are

dear to my heart as I honor the privilege of being a

part of their world and their acceptance of me to

learn the ways of the Handari.

It is said that many beings in the galaxy had

hard times learning from the Handari as the

Handari felt uncomfortable in having to teach

lessons a second time to one who is not willing to

pick up on it quickly. Although they are a very

loving race, they are very direct towards their

sharing of education. It is the Handari way to learn

quickly or to not learn at all. This has to do with the

advanced form of Handari discipline that every

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child goes through. No mistake is ever met with

cruelty in any form as the Handari do not believe in

such a system. Their method of learning is if one is

not passionate enough to learn a skill the first time,

it is the belief that the individual is not yet ready to

fully understand the lesson. Another lesson must

be discovered through the individual where their

attention is at its sharpest to adapt to the learning

the first time around. It is often where the

individual discovers their gift through what they

can focus their ability and energy on passionately.

It is through this method that becomes their

primary trait for life where they eventually become

masters of the craft and happily pass the

knowledge onto others.

What was my favorite activity on Handarr at

this time? I honestly did not have one as I was in

love with everything I was learning.

The first day I met with the Yi’ser’ah, I felt a

little intimidated because I had always overheard

the frustration of some of the Handari children as

they had felt the ways of mathematics shared by

the Yi’ser’ah was too much for them to

understand. In Handari culture, very few are

appointed the master role of Yi’ser’ah as the

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passion must lie deeply with language, symbols and


On the forty-fifth day of my life on Handarr,

as I approached the Yi’ser’ah’s hut to learn my first

day of math, language and symbols, the Yi’ser’ah

answered the door with a rather unimpressed look

on his face. His facial expression turned very blank

as he looked upon me as another who would not

be able to master the trait of language, symbols

and mathematics.

“You are Anadriya: the human.” The

Yi’ser’ah stated within my mind with a rather

unenthused tone.

I simply smiled at him and gave him a big,

warm hug and replied: “Yes, Yi’ser’ah. I am

Anadriya. I wish to learn more about mathematics,

language and symbols.”

“Hmm.” The Yi’ser’ah muttered vocally.

“Very well, young one. We shall begin.

Come inside.”

As I stepped inside his house, the Yi’ser’ah

made up his mind to test me on the spot.

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“How many fully grown Va’cor’al17 did you

see outside before coming to my home?” He asked


With a brief pause, I answered, “seventeen

fully grown Va’cor’al where three others are

beginning to expose their stems past the soil.”

The Yi’ser’ah barely nodded his head and

went to sit down on his wide chair created from

sculpted earth clay.

“En chanu co’mez a’yen set el iz com’atra.”

The Yi’ser’ah said to me telepathically with no

expression as he projected the words in my mind.

“What did I just say, Anadriya?”

“You dislike the lack of interest from young

ones regarding mathematics, master Yi’ser’ah.” I

replied telepathically.

“So, you have recalled our ancient language

that was once spoken aloud centuries past. Good,

Anadriya. Many are simply content with telepathy

and the generic translation for all to understand

through the beams of consciousness we project.

For one to research our language is the indication


Va’cor’al: A beautiful flower mixed with colors of orange, yellow and violet through its petals with a very sweet aroma.

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of a great Yi’ser’ah master one day.” The Yi’ser’ah

pronounced confidently.

“I have not studied the Handari language,

master. The words present themselves to me with

meaning I already understand.” I replied truthfully


The Yi’ser’ah’s eyes widened as he received

my telepathic response. He sat up straight in his

chair with his mouth wide open.

“You have never read the sacred language

texts of the Handari people?” He asked.

I shook my head while still smiling.

The Yi’ser’ah sat back in his chair

bewildered at my reaction. The thoughts occurring

in his mind were that of awe and unspeakable


“Master?” I questioned.

He was silent for a moment and then

replied: “Anadriya, I have never encountered

anyone like you. The ability you possess has always

been proclaimed as myth or a trait that a Handari

could never achieve. But you are proving that this

trait exists. You respond with the gift and light of

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GIzen—Anadriya, I have a final test I wish to show


The Yi’ser’ah got up from his chair and went

over to his chalkboard that hung on his wall. He

pulled out a piece of chalk and wrote down a very

sophisticated formula on the chalkboard. The

chalkboard became filled with a lengthy Handari

mathematical equation that I could sense the

Yi’ser’ah was having trouble with for many a’ipi.

After he wrote the equation, he gestured

me over to the board and asked:

“Anadriya, can you assist me with this

equation. This relates to the process…”

“Of the convergence of tachyon particles to

be harnessed and initiated for the passage of the

physical body to engage light travel transference

appointed to the mass to any point in space.” I

finished his sentence telepathically.

The Yi’ser’ah’s jaw nearly dropped as he

was amazed that I was able to finish his sentence


“…Yes, that Is correct, Anadriya. Where do

you see the incompletion in this formula?” He

asked me.

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The Yi’ser’ah passed me the chalk and I

looked over the equation. Without any thought in

my mind, I was simply guided by my intuition that

resulted in erasing several parts of his formula that

fed back not on integration of the tachyon, but

only on integration to the mass of an incomplete

constant involving the speed of light. I replaced the

former equation with a new equation that related

to the constant of harnessing the tachyon particle

through the means of a space/time stasis field

capacitor, commonly used by several races existing

within Sirius B. This technology was capable of

stilling the faster than light particle to be harnessed

and integrated together through the

dematerialized breakdown of a being’s atoms. The

capacitor would be configured to control the

output materialization where the mass could travel

to any point in space through the speed of tachyon.

As I completed the essence of this formula

mathematically on the chalkboard with my

intuition guiding me through it, I could feel the

Yi’ser’ah’s excitement rising as he saw the formula I

was completing.

I finished writing the last portion of the

equation and placed the chalk on the ledge dusting

off my hands. “All done, master Yi’ser’ah.”

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The Yi’ser’ah slowly approached the board

and was astounded by what he was reading. After

all the time it took him to attempt the formula for

faster than light being travel, the equation was

now completed right in front of his face by a three

and a half year old human child.

Minutes passed by and I found myself

holding the Yi’ser’ah’s hand as we walked together

quickly to the hut belonging to the 1st Chenn. The

Yi’ser’ah knocked loudly on the door and one of the

Handari priests answered. He was very pleased to

see the Yi’ser’ah visit him.

“This human child is…a gift from Gizen!” the

Yi’ser’ah exclaimed telepathically to the Handari


We went inside and the three priests

remained seated on their clay couch. The Yi’ser’ah

was too excited to sit. I was busy playing on the

floor attempting to assemble one of the priest’s

three-dimensional peg puzzles.

“This is beyond anything I have an answer

for, my friends,” the Yi’ser’ah explained

telepathically. “She knows the answers to

questions so many of us have pondered for ages.

She is attentive and it is as if Gizen is speaking to

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her directly. The mysteries of the universe can be

answered through Anadriya. I have never seen a

child, let alone a human child, so in touch with the


With such joviality and contentment, the

three priests replied in one telepathic voice:

“Yi’ser’ah, we know of Anadriya’s abilities. That is

why she is here with us. It is of the nature of the

one infinite creator for Anadriya to be blessed in

this place where she is loved by many. It is through

the spirit of fellowship and community that

Handarr offers where Anadriya will receive the

necessary education on all the levels she can learn

to fulfill her destiny through the divine blessings of


Yi’ser’ah nodded his head in understanding.

He looked down at me as I was nearly finished

putting together the pegged puzzle and for the first

time in a long time, he smiled as he looked at me.

“She is beautiful, and she is a blessing from

divine creation.” He stated as he looked at me with

such love in his eyes. I turned my head to him and


“I love you, Yi’ser’ah.” I said telepathically

and gave him another hug.

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“It is important that you teach her

everything you know, Yi’ser’ah. It is through the

passionate gifts you offer where they will meet the

benefit of one who will be equally passionate in

passing them onto beings beyond our world.” The

Handari priests said together in one telepathic


The Yi’ser’ah bowed in respect which also

represented his intention to depart. As he left the

home of the 1st Chenn, the Handari priests got up

from their couch and approached me.

“Anadriya, would you like to take a walk

with us?” They asked me telepathically.

“I would love to.” I replied.

As we walked outside the hut, we ventured

down a long dirt path that led to a nearby pond

where several Handari children were playing

nearby. They were throwing around a large

transparent ball and running off towards the

mound laughing as they enjoyed the sunshine and

each other’s company. The Handari priests seated

themselves by the pond with their legs crossed and

postured in a meditative position.

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“Sit with us by the pond, Anadriya.” The

Handari priests invited.

I sat across from them feeling the grass

around me. It felt like it was the perfect spot to sit

on a day that could not have been more wonderful

with the weather as perfect as it was and the

environment completely serene.

“Anadriya, we want you to let yourself relax

and go as deeply into yourself as you possibly can.

Allow yourself to be as comfortable as you can be.”

The telepathic whispers of the Handari priests

projected into my mind.

I lied back on the grass completely sprawled

out and closed my eyes. I felt absolutely relaxed as

I was under the sensation of being a part of

Handarr herself. I could feel the planet and all the

life on her surface. I was aware of the entire

presence of the planet. I stepped outside of my

physical being and was omni-present in my

awareness as I entered deeper into my own inner

being where my conscious self began to slip away.

“Very good, Anadriya. We want you to

continue to relax and just let yourself be where you

wish to be. Allowing yourself to hear our voice, but

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become present everywhere.” The priests said

softly through their telepathy.

“I am everywhere and I am everyone.” I


“Wonderful. We want to ask you some

questions, Anadriya. And feel free to respond in

your comfortable state of mind.”

“Alright.” I said.

“What can you tell us about the world of

Handarr, Anadriya?” The priests asked.

Without a thought in my mind, I answered

naturally: “Handarr is a world bred for the teachers

to share wisdom through an open library of life for

students seeking knowledge to form equilibrium

with their own divine selves. After 12,000 a’ipi

when Handarr was rescued from the tyranny of the

Orion syndicate, your people began to rebuild the

planet away from technocratic functionality and

restored its natural beauty. To ensure that such a

takeover would never occur again, the Handari

sought the assistance of the Sirians to construct a

vibratory quarantine shield using crystalline fractal

trees. The trees became tuned to the precise

harmonic that resonated in correspondent energies

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of the pure ones that were designated by the

collective consciousness as the safekeepers of

knowledge upon Handarr’s surface.”

“Thank you, Anadriya. Through your

viewpoint, what is the purpose of serving others?”

The priests asked.

“Service to others is the representational

state of acting genuinely with the self by

acknowledging contentment with all facets of the

self’s extensions termed as others. It is the

recognition and acceptance of the self upon all

degrees of being through conscious/super-

conscious states of awareness.”

“And what about the polarity of service to

self, Anadriya?”

“In the nature of fulfillment, it is the

requirement of harmony in all degrees of

contentment to note all expressions and

circumstances enacted through the self as facets of

expressions to align the self into balance past a

positive or negative polarity context achieving the

mindfulness of the entire spectrum. Upon the state

of balance comes self-fulfillment which then

harmonizes with the tranquility of service to others

which is the achievement to full self-balance as all

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is portrayed in love attained to knowingness of

oneness convergence.”

“Well done, Anadriya. And please tell us, is

it becoming easier for you to access this


“With the assistance of the present higher-

vibratory energies of this world, this instrument’s

functionality for instantaneous reception of

increased universal contemplation rapidly

increases allowing this instrument to be an open

resource for an abundance of knowledge-based


“We thank you, Anadriya. As we count to

three, we wish for you return to your conscious

self, your physical body and return to the present

moment amongst Handarr retaining all information

that you have shared with us through this

conversation. One…two…three.”

I opened my eyes and instantly retained all

the information that I had shared when I was in the

altered state of consciousness. As I awoke, I had

felt as if my body was lighter than air. Every part of

me was tingling pleasantly. I sat up and smiled as I

looked at the Handari priests as I had felt

absolutely wonderful.

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The priests smiled back at me. “You are

doing very well, Anadriya. We have much to share

with you within these times ahead. Return with us

to our home as we have errands that we would like

your assistance with.”

“Okay!” I replied excitingly.

Over the several trai’a’ipi that passed, I

gained an immense amount of insight from the 1st

Chenn Handari priests as I was becoming regressed

on a daily basis to assist in the increasing of my

connection to the universal mind.

The times passed leading to my sixth year of

age. Amongst that time, I had stayed in contact

with my father as he contacted me frequently

asking how I was adjusting to life on Handarr. He

had told me of the exciting travels he has had

attending several sacred ceremonies he assisted in

performing with three different tribes existing

within Polynesia, Hawaii and South Africa. My

father was also spending a large amount of time on

several orbiting mother ships instructing other

beings that were classified as the “ground crew” of

Earth on areas of the planet that required

‘purification.’ I was happy to see my father meet

his work with so much passion and I was looking

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forward to the time where I would see him in

person once again.

The 1st Chenn priests had assisted me

through meditation to engage the energies of my

parents to fuse into my being. To miss another was

a concept that was foreign to every Handari as not

a single soul is ever “lost” to them. Through

meditation, I could feel the essence of both my

mother and father together with me as if they were

sitting right beside me as I drew their energy into

me. This was a practice I had learned to do every

single night before going to sleep. Over time, I felt I

no longer missed my parents as I could feel their

energy and love around me all the time now. It

grows the strongest when my passion emerges. My

very spirit of determination is my sacred

connection to the heart of my parents. The Handari

priests noticed this change in me and they labeled

the state of being I had achieved as Sis’mas’en

Heilt. This term in Handari referred to one whose

mind is clear and devoid of distraction.

I had also become fully acquainted to the

skill level of the masters of Handarr. I had become

a full initiate in all the areas of my assigned

teachers: Yi’ser’ah, Q’ueset-at, Ven’dren and

Oos’tet. I was able to speak the three dialects of

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the Handari language and draw the symbols of

their alphabets. I had also reached the advanced

level of mathematics which enabled me to become

far more familiar with the basic understanding of

galactic physics.

Through the learning of the Q’ueset-at, I

had memorized all the form of life from the plants

to the animals that existed on Handarr. My master

was a phenomenal teacher with an adept

knowledge of the life forms of Handarr. His support

of my accomplishments meant a great deal to me

as I had astonished him with all that he had taught

me nearly every day of my life on Handarr.

As a Ven’dren student, I had nearly re-

decorated my shared hut with the Handari priests

with an abundance of fabric I had created. I quilted

my very own comforter for my ren-yer, I had sewed

ponchos together for the Handari priests and

several of my child friends that worked alongside

me, and I had sewn curtains together for my hut

and for my neighbors. They were decorated with

the brightest colors of orange, blue and purple.

Through my understanding of learning

under the Oo’stet guild, my talent was

understanding the structure of how foundations

were built. There were certain tasks that I did not

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have the physical strength for, but I assisted in

gathering supplies such as barrels containing earth,

stones and collecting the durable Handari prairie

vines to reinforce the foundation. The projects

ranged to certain structures being created from

stone and certain structures built of earth and vine.

There was a group pyramid project led by the

Handari 1st Chenn priests and assisted by the

Handari orbital supply station to coordinate exact

measurements for the placement of the pyramid’s

apex. This was a project I was extremely excited to

be a part of as it was known as the Western village

pyramid that would be constructed in the heart of

town. It stood over five grets in height aligned

precisely over a planetary ley line. This pyramid

was completed shortly after my fifth birthday and

is the epi-center for meditation across the village.

Over the time that I had successfully

accomplished the basic knowledge of the Handari

skillsets, an initiate’s skill level never reaches a

point of completion as one is always learning,

however; the knowledge I had obtained met the

ability for me to teach others of the ways of the


Yet, through all that I had accomplished

throughout this time, I felt there was a skillset that

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I was not being subjected to on Handarr. In my

dreams at night, I felt the calling of a particular

Handari that lives in isolation amongst the central

plains of the Eastern continent. It is as if he was

calling to me as there was something I was to learn

from him relating to my natural empathic abilities.

His appearance in my dreams matched that of

someone desperate to contact me, yet he was

contained behind a transparent wall that he could

not pass. When I approached the Handari priests in

regards to this dream, they were unwilling to assist

me as if to prevent me from knowing of this being’s

existence. They suggested I looked into other

matter to devote my attention toward, yet I could

not ignore the message I was receiving in my

dream state. It were as if I was meeting a

contradiction from my elders as they had always

taught me the importance of the interpretation of

one’s dreams, and for it to be sought out to

understand its message.

I had made the decision to seek out this

being that existed within the plains of the Eastern

continent. The Handari are never ones to prevent

one from seeking their soul journeys, however;

they were not assisting in helping me discover who

this being was. As far as this person living in the

eastern continent was concerned, the villagers

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displayed a vow of silence where no information

would be shared with me telepathically in regards

to his existence.

When dawn arose, I made my way to the

landing pad and summoned down an orbital

shuttle from the orbiting supply station of Handarr.

A young Handari pilot opened the ramp of the

shuttle and I came aboard with the request to be

taken to the central plains of the Eastern continent.

The Handari nodded in acknowledgement and I

took a seat in the shuttle eager to meet this being

who had spent so many nights to summon me to

him. I trusted in my intuition that I would know

where to go once I reached the central plains.

The shuttle departed from the landing

platform and I looked out the window as we

ascended to the sky en route to Handarr’s eastern

continent. I felt a sensation of adventure arising as

I left the western continent. It excited me that I

was acting on my instincts to find someone who I

had a feeling was willing to teach me something

important that no other Handari was willing to

teach me.

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3rd Dawn of Armens – Anga’q’uay

(The sub-heading refers to an ancient Handari word that

roughly translates to the term of a “psychic master”)

Good morning to you, my beloved soul

extensions! Where I left off last day, I spoke of my

journey to the eastern continent to meet a being

who felt willing to teach me a trait no other

Handari was willing to teach or even share with


As the orbital shuttle pilot docked with the

landing pad amongst the central plains, the winds

began to pick up and I exited the shuttle shivering

as the weather was nowhere near as warm as the

western village. It was in that moment where I

recalled a technique that the priests had taught


As the orbital shuttle departed, I sat upon

the grass of the central plains calming my mind and

felt the internal heat of my body rising as I called

upon the atoms in my body to ignite and expand

like a candle. Through my quick, intense breathing,

I imagined as if each in-breath sparked a flame in

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my atoms and each out-breath strengthened every

flame ignited. Within moments, the shivering had

stopped and I was immune to the cold of the

chilling wind.

I looked around the environment to see if

there were any homes or structures in sight. There

was nothing but barren land all around me. As I

started to look around to get a feel for a direction

to take, I felt a telepathic signal emitting from my

holo-display: it was my father.

I took the holo-display cylinder off of my

arm and held it up to my face. The holo-display

activated and my father’s face appeared. He was

dressed in his silver uniform and was calling from a

mother ship orbiting Earth. His face seemed very

serious as he seemed displeased.

“Anadriya, the Handari priests have told me

that you have ventured off to the eastern

continent alone. Why?” My father asked.

“Daddy, I had to go to the eastern

continent. I was following visions I have had in my

dream of someone who is hear who can teach me

something that no other Handari can teach.” I


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“Listen to me, Anadriya. I know who you are

attempting to find. You are looking for a hermit

that once held the title of Anga’q’uay. Ages past,

this Handari was teaching other Handari the ways

of psychic defense techniques. Many of these

Handari were undisciplined enough to understand

it and the tactics that the Anga’q’uay had taught

led to the fatality of a student because another

underestimated the power of their own psychic

ability. His ways were considered forbidden by the

Handari people and he was not permitted to teach

another Handari the techniques he knew. The

Handari would not prevent you from seeing this

hermit, because you are human. Every Handari

already knows not to learn the skills of the

Anga’q’uay. Any Handari whose teachings have

cost a life, their teachings will not be learned by

any Handari as they are branded as a danger. With

this accident that occurred, the Anga’q’uay

departed to the central plains of the eastern

continent and lived in exile away from the

population of other Handari. Anadriya, I beg you.

Do not seek the teachings of this Handari. If

anything were to happen to you…”

I interrupted my father: “Daddy, I know you

are worried, but you don’t need to be. These

visions in my dreams have been constant and I

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cannot ignore what I have felt every night. My

guidance will not lead me in vain. It never has. I

understand that an accident had occurred from

times past, but as the Handari have taught me, the

heart focuses upon the now, never what had

occurred yesterday or what may occur tomorrow. I

know the Anga’q’uay has summoned me for a

reason and that he has something important to

share with me. I give you my word that I will not be

in danger and I am being divinely guided. Please,

Father, trust me.”

My father took a moment to think of the

words I shared. He nodded his head and looked

back into my eyes.

“I love you, Anadriya. And if there is any

trouble, please contact me immediately.” He said

in a protective manner.

“I will, Daddy. And I love you too.”

The holo-display shut off and I placed the

cylinder back onto my arm.

After I had placed the holo-display away, I

heard a voice echoing within my mind. The voice

was calling me: “Anadriya… walk directly ahead. In

the distance, you will see my home. Come to my

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front door. I wish to meet you. We have a great

deal to discuss.”

I knew this was the telepathic calling of the

Anga’q’uay. I got up from the ground and began to

walk directly ahead.

After minutes of walking, I could see an old

earth hut in the distance. The land surrounding it

was bare with no vegetation in sight. It was

isolated among an empty plain where no life

flourished. I continued to walk toward the hut and

withstood the chilling wind as my energy continued

to maintain my body heat strongly within and I was

still not fazed by the cold.

As I approached the old wooden door, out

of politeness, I knocked on it a total of three times.

I heard no footsteps approaching the door or no

sign of response. The telepathic flow was quiet.

With the silence present, I felt it was evident that I

enter the hut myself.

As I opened the door, I saw the hut of the

Anga’q’uay in poor maintenance. Much of the

items inside were covered in dust: tables, cabinets,

candleholders. In the corner, I saw a Handari

crouched in silent meditation. He wore a black

cloak around himself with the hood drawn over his

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head. I stepped inside his hut closing the door

behind me. The Anga’q’uay remained still, yet was

aware of my presence.

“Master Anga’q’uay?” I projected


I saw the head of the Handari rise up


“It is you, Anadriya. The human who has

won the respect of the elders of Handarr?”

“I have learned from them and they have

taught me a great deal, Master Anga’q’uay.”

The Handarri nodded his head slowly.

“They have taught you a great deal,

Anadriya, but what has been primarily shared with

you lies through the understandings of knowledge,

but not wisdom. What they have taught you, you

already know. You are no stranger to simple

errands, or dogmatic beliefs that only keep you

imprisoned within a larger box. You are capable of

so much more. To be wise is to be observant

through the learning of your own experiences and

surpass pre-conceived elements. You will at some

point reach this mentality... few beings succeed to

understand what this means. Even the 1st Chenn do

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not fully understand the essence of this nor what

you are completely capable of, dearest child.” The

Anga’q’uay’s telepathic flow spoke with natural


He knew greatly of what I was capable of

even more than I did. I could feel him at home with

my thoughts and he understood why the thoughts

were there. Unlike any Handari I had ever met, the

Anga’q’uay knew me better than I knew myself.

The Anga’q’uay rose up from his corner but

with his back still to me.

“Are you aware of the destiny that has been

bestowed before you, Anadriya? Do you know

what awaits you, child?”

I smiled and responded: “I have a very

bright future ahead of me, master. I help a great

deal of beings open their hearts. I become one who

is driven by the heart to fulfill…”

“Anadriya,” the Anga’q’uay interrupted

telepathically, “those are romanticisms luxurious to

the self no doubt. But still, you do not realize the

importance of your existence in this life. You are

literally the first of your human race that has

reached an untouched level of consciousness. This

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is both a blessing and a curse. As many hearts as

you feel you will touch, you will attract those

committed to silencing you by any means

necessary. Like your planet Earth, the galaxy

remains in conflict with beings that hold a strong

love of the self and for each other, and also for

those who wish to keep their illusions of power

preserved. So far, you have gained learning from

pacifists and mystics who have only scratched the

surface of what you truly possess. Their ways are to

reflect the role of safe-keepers keeping you secure

under a bed of philosophies that they do not even

understand. Typical teachings all comprise of

musings of the self and fail to touch the alignment

to Isness. It is communion with Isness, not the self,

that will bring you into balance.”

“And you understand these philosophies,

Master Anga’q’uay?” I asked out of curiousity.

The Anga’q’uay removed his hood to

expose the back of his head that carried a large

scar diagonally that nearly encompassed one side

of the head to the other.

“Through my experience, philosophies are

the result of thought dialogue created through

beings who wish to deem their knowledge vital for

advancement. This is nothing more than a

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distraction, Anadriya. It is the actions we take in life

that allows us to gain the experience of wisdom

that we can profess to.”

The Anga’q’uay turned around and I saw his

face. His eyes were wide with a deep tone of hazel.

His snout possessed another small scar that ran to

the top of his lip. His cheeks and forehead showed

great signs of age as they were deeply wrinkled.

The Anga’q’uay showed a smirk as he gazed at me.

“I have summoned you here, Anadriya

because your mind is filled with dogmatic thinking

and needs to be freed. In time, you will have the

ability to access whatever you need through the

universe as you learn my ultimate lesson. And that

lesson is… experience. There is only experience

from what you take action upon. One who is

passionate in learning will always strive towards

perfection with what they seek. Do you


I was somewhat bewildered by the

statement he made. I was always under the

impression of rules and set principles to follow to

work toward an achievement. We have masters

who have taught the ways of what we know to

help pass on knowledge through experience. As I

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thought this, the Anga’q’uay simply nodded his

head and replied:

“There will always be masters, Anadriya,

but what you do not yet realize is that you are the

master upon yourself. You feel you need another

soul to teach you lessons you are not aware of. For

many this may be true in their thinking, but for

you, it is not. You cannot evolve to what you have

been designed to evolve to by thinking in the ways

of beliefs that confine you, not free you. It was

through this understanding where I had shared this

idea with other Handari. It was not subtle enough

for them to grasp.

Upon the sharing of my experiences that I

had learned through my own actions, the sharing

transformed into disaster as those who had

attempted to understand it distorted it with

beliefs. This led to a fellow Handari losing their life

because they could not think beyond the dogma

they had implanted inside. You know this story as

your father had told you it before you came to me.

And your father is correct. I have been deemed as

an exile to the Handari people. No other Handari

would ever consider learning from one so ‘reckless’

as I. But you are different, Anadriya. You follow

your intuition. It is your strongest ally, and it is

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something the Handari have not learned to do,

even though they preach it to death. They cannot

step past the shells of their own limitations… but

you can.”

The words he spoke rang so true to me. As

he told me this, my thoughts dwelled on the

pondering of why the Handari would be

contradictory to their own teachings. Why the

Handari would banish one who simply thought

differently. One’s own imposed departure to the

spiritual realm is never the fault of another. Why

would the Anga’q’uay be blamed for a death he did

not cause? The very nature of blame was not a

Handari concept. The Handari were a race of

problem solvers, not of blamers. Much of these

actions that led to the Anga’q’uay’s exile confused


“You mustn’t waste time concerning

yourself of matters that have already been set,

Anadriya. The heart is always aligned to the now,

never to the then. Let me show you your own

capabilities, Anadriya, that is not censored by belief

or confining through limitation. If you will allow

me, I will help to show you what you are truly

capable of. Do you accept this offer I present to

you, child?”

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There was not a doubt in my mind that this

is what I wanted to understand. I wanted to know

what I was capable of in all the ways it could be

expressed. I sensed the sincerity of the Anga’q’uay

as he was passionate in helping me unlock myself.

“I accept your offer, master Anga’q’uay.”

The Anga’q’uay nodded his head in


“The only thing I shall say, Anadriya, is to

dispose of the master title. You are the master and

the student just as I am. Always understand how

the polarities complement each other and must

work in alliance to understand the relationship of

balance that will lead to your unlimited self. “

Minutes passed and we both sat amongst

the floor of the Anga’q’uay’s hut in meditation. We

dove deeper and deeper intertwining together with

each other’s thoughts. We were creating an astral

realm together as I ventured deeper into our

dreamweaved reality, I could see the central plains

of the eastern continent in my mind. As I looked

around, I saw the Anga’q’uay appear directly

behind me with his hands grasped at his back. He

began to walk around me as I watched his

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movements. He began to study my posture, my

thought process and my mindfulness.

In this realm we had created, the wind

began to pick up and I could feel the chill again like

I had before. I attempted to warm myself up as

before, but the Anga’q’uay approached me with a

curious expression. In this realm, the Anga’q’uay

spoke through his vocal chords:

“Why do you create protection upon that

which you could cease?” He asked me.

“I know how to draw warmth from cold

conditions. This was taught to me by the 1st

Chenn.” I replied.

The Anga’q’uay shook his head in

disapproval and placed his right hand on my left


“Anadriya, that is your instinct because it is

programmed into you by belief. It is not your true

natural instinct.” The Anga’q’uay advised.

I couldn’t fathom what he meant. Confusion

splashed upon my face.

“My true natural instinct?”

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“Have you ever considered stopping the

wind yourself if it causes such discomfort?” He


Stop the wind? How was this possible? I

couldn’t stop the wind any more than I could stop

the sun from rising or setting.

“Your thoughts become plagued with

dogma, young Anadriya. The very notion that one

suggests an idea, you rationalize it to make it

feeble or impractical. Thinking in this way will only

create your illusion of living inside a confined box

of control orchestrated by programming.”

I defended my action: “But Handarr exists

within a collective consciousness. Our ground rules

are made up by what has been forged through

collective agreement.”

“You are not in a collective consciousness

now, Anadriya. We are together in each other’s

mind and this is no different than interacting

amongst the awoken world. I am not asking you to

change the world, I am only asking you to change

your world. When you exist among Handarr, you

live in your world. You walk in your world. You talk

in your world. As this is your creation, are you

suggesting you have an inability to change it?

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Remove the barricades of belief from your mind

and consider the possibility of stopping the wind.”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I

set aside anything that I considered to be

impossible and imagined the central plains

completely calm and silent where the wind was

fully dissipated. As I slowly opened my eyes, the

wind became calm and the cold ceased. I smiled as

I was amazed at what I had done. A realization had

struck me and I looked into the Anga’q’uay’s eyes

with deep sincerity.

“I only operate in my reality where

everything else within it, you, the 1st Chenn, my

friends, my family are just… reflections of myself?

So that means anything in my reality can be

altered?” I asked.

“Only if you know it to be true through

naturalness, Anadriya.” The Anga’q’uay replied. “So

many beings attempt to control their reality and

this brings them further apart from living within it.

Do not seek control. Seek naturalness. Do not

attempt to bend rules as there are no rules to


“There are no rules?” I asked.

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“What are rules, Anadriya? Rules are

creations manifested through the mind to establish

a form of control. What is control? Boundaries

created by another with an attempt to impose that

illusion onto others fed through a craving of

superiority. Do you not see that you are enacting

within a system of manifested illusion? Don’t try to

change yourself, just be yourself that exists within

the change. There is only your reality. There is only

you. Experience the naturalness of you.”

What the Anga’q’uay shared with me felt

more authentic than anything I had ever learned: it

was teachings without borders. It was the

realization of the true potential we all hold within

ourselves. I thanked myself to the very depths of

my soul of meeting up with the Anga’q’uay as I

knew he was going to teach me so much about

becoming what I have always strived to become:

unlimited and unconditional.

The Anga’q’uay began to walk around me in


“Anadriya, what I say to you to now is only

that of truth and not that of harshness. What I shall

do to you now is not out of cruelty, but out of

preparation. You are going to experience

reflections of what you are about to witness within

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the years ahead of your life. Whereas you will

experience those whom you will touch very deeply

with a bond of compassionate love, you will meet

others who do not wish to seek your love, but who

only wish to stop what you are passionate in


“Why would anyone wish to stop what I’m

doing when it comes to love?” I asked.

“Why is there black and white, Anadriya?”

The Anga’q’uay asked me.

“We live in a universe where expression is

endless. The spectrum never ends and the contrast

is full of limitless possibility. Among that limitless

continuum exists beings who are not ready to

embrace love: they fear it. And they fear it because

they are compelled to function in a reality of

control, not equality. There are those beings that

exist throughout this galaxy. They are diluted to

exist in illusion as that is what they feel exists

through the programming they have succumbed

to. These beings believe in the illusion so blindly,

that they will go to the lengths to end the life of

another to maintain their illusion of control. You

will encounter beings like this throughout your

journey in the times ahead, Anadriya. It is not

about entering into fear, but into resolve. That is

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what will bring us to the next phase of your


The Anga’q’uay stopped his circular pacing

around me and vanished from the central plains. I

attempted to look around for him but did not see

him anywhere. I heard a very loud noise of what

sounded like a large metal foot stomping upon the


I turned around and saw a giant covered in

metal with eyes glowing red. There were long,

razor sharp talons protruding from his shoulders

along with red glowing lights throughout the top of

this wrists and the center of his chest. This being

was very menacing. All that existed in his mind was

the desire to hate and destroy. I stepped back and

my mouth was wide open panicking as I stared at

the horror that this being represented. It was as if a

demon had come alive and existed only to torment

me. I had never felt a sensation like this before. I

was frightened and was frozen in shock. The being

reached to his back and pulled out a weapon that

extracted into a double bladed spear that

emanated green toxic plasma around the blades.

The blades were long and serrated and an eerie

buzzing tone emanated from the toxic plasma

covering them. How could a being filled with so

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much hate possibly be involved in my life within

the times to come? I felt I was in a nightmare with

no escape. My hands clasped around my mouth as

the tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched this

metal monster walk closer and closer with the

intent to kill raging in his mind.

I closed my eyes and held my hands out

yelling “Please don’t hurt me! Please!”

There was silence…

As I opened my left eye, I saw that the giant

was frozen entirely. His weapon raised high above

his head about to end my life with a vicious fatal

strike. His body was completely motionless as if he

was literally incapable of moving in this dimension.

I lowered my hands as my heartbeat started

to reduce. I stared into the relentless, sadistic

glowing red eyes of this giant mechanical man and

slowly started to walk around him in a clock-wise

direction. My mouth still wide open as the sheer

presence of him continued to cause me to shiver in


“How did this happen?” I asked myself.

“It was you who made it happen.”

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I heard the voice of the Anga’q’uay as he

appeared directly behind me. I turned my head to

look into his content eyes. There was no shock

upon his face. It was as if he wasn’t even surprised

that I had literally frozen this sinister being.

I asked curiously: “I was the one who

rendered him motionless?”

“Anadriya, he is you. This being is someone

whom you will meet as you travel upon your life’s

journey. You brought him into manifestation here

and now to learn the lesson of overcoming your

fear. If you overwhelm yourself with the vibration

of fear, you will lose your focus of everything that

exists around you. You will literally bring your

connection with the universe to dormancy. It

cannot communicate with you if you are unable to

listen to yourself. Fear is the very impulse of what

keeps you contained in the drama of life. It is what

contains you in focusing yourself within the

projection of reality. You cannot see within yourself

or within the universal mind if you reach that


“But I was able to render him motionless.” I


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“Only because it was the thought that was

strongest within you at that moment. The

strongest thought focused through intention with a

mind as powerful as yours shall be the thought to

pattern your reality. This is the realization for you,

Anadriya. Your mind is open and it holds potential

few physical beings can even imagine. Harness the

power of yourself to create an outcome to a

situation that you resolve through observation.”

I lowered my head to attempt to grasp what

he was saying. Within the moments that past, I felt

as if a very large block of energy crammed itself

into my head to gain insight on the words of the


What was shared with me through this

insight, I shall share with you all reading my words

here and now.

Humans on Earth contain themselves

heavily through their reality based on the

projection side of the illusion. It is only through the

nature of involvement that they rely on the

impulses of the ego where they function in a world

that they believe is controlled by something

outside of them. By embellishing the ego, the

humans live in a painted concept of rules that are

nothing more than illusion. The fear we humans

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encounter keeps us as confined to the proverbial

corner as possible. If we give into the demands of

the ego that relate to fear, desire, anger,

aggression, pain, suffering, lust, pride… we contain

ourselves in the bubble that the projections cast

through ourselves.

From the words of the Anga’q’uay: “harness

the power of yourself to create an outcome to a

situation that you resolve through observation.”

Yes, this made perfect sense to me. Only through

the perspective of objectivity, can one truly see the

dramas they carry with them as they are connected

to Isness rather than just the self. It is only through

observation that one can resolve these dramas as

they step outside of themselves and disconnect

from involvement. If we can do this, we are flowing

in harmony through the stream that flows through

the universal mind. The universe will speak to you,

and you will notice the signs that is shows you

through your reality.

It was this trait that the Anga’q’uay was

passionate in sharing with me. All situations,

circumstances and events contain meaning through

the one who perceives them. Through perception,

we create signs for ourselves that are a direct

symbolism being shared by the universal mind.

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These signs contain traits about who we are as we

attempt to understand the enigma of the self. Our

reality is telling us portrayed through the

projections we experience at every moment. Few

beings don’t potentially realize how much the

universe is talking to us. As you stay in the state of

observation, you train yourself to listen to the

Isness as you function in every second of your

reality. It was this understanding that opened me

up to new messages I did not realize were there

before. And it was through this training of de-

programming myself where I learned that the

universe was my ally, my best friend and my family.

These meditative sessions with the

Anga’q’uay continued daily and I began to sharpen

my abilities that complimented my understanding

of allowance working together with discernment.

One might think that acceptance and discernment

cannot co-exist, yet it is my understanding that

they can. It is through the acceptance of

observation regarding all paths that await one’s

decision and discerning them based on the highest

levels of experiential benefit. By becoming mindful

of what the universe is manifesting before you, you

examine the nature of the circumstance that

magnetizes the attraction of your direct

involvement relating to it. Through this, I felt a

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stream of balance I was not able to feel before. The

Anga’q’uay showed me imbalances that I carried

based on my impulses of being timid or confused.

Though I had learned much through my assortment

of teachers, there were pondering questions that I

knew I could not ask as I know I would not receive

any answers. It was the teachings that kept me

within boundaries of my knowing. But as the

Anga’q’uay helped to explore the points where the

boundaries existed, those limitations were

rendered obsolete and my own field of expansive

awareness continued to grow.

I remained within the presence of the

Anga’q’uay for a little over nine cora’a’ipi18. Most

of my learning did not come from physicality, but

through astral experiences that elevated my

perception of reality, revealed aspects of my

abilities that could not be shown in physical reality

and readied my mind for intensive psychic training.

The Anga’q’uay showed me ways of defending

myself from attempted psychic attack that involved

astral holographic intrusion from masterful astral

operatives highly utilized within the Orion

syndicate. The greatest tactic was the ignition of

love frequency. It was through the mechanics of 18

Cora’a’ipi: A measurement of time on Handarr that is an equivalent to 35 Earth days.

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light color frequency fused together through the

upliftment of natural love that would cause any

bombardment of psychic intrusion to be rendered

harmless. The more we are able to love and stay

within such a frequency, the less we attract the

ramifications of fear and hate. Two opposing

frequencies cannot co-exist. As love operates on a

higher spectrum of reality and exists within realms

consisting of less density, the two realities draw

each other apart allowing love frequency to

become more malleable with creation. Fear is the

densest of energies and aligns to stagnation based

on concepts of limitation fed through a tainted ego.

My relationship with the Anga’q’uay was

something that I could not put into words. He was

more than a friend, a teacher or a family member.

He simply was a deep part of me that transcended

identity. He existed as an extension of me to reflect

the teachings of balance. I never looked at him

through a concept of polarity. He was neither

positive nor negative. His teachings were of the

Isness. His presence was of the Isness. He

represented the very existence of the Isness to me.

Throughout the conclusion of another day

of intensive astral training, I awoke from my

meditative state to feel the sapphire crystal around

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my neck glowing a bright radiance of blue light that

filled the home of the Anga’q’uay. I removed the

necklace around my neck and held the crystal

tightly closing my hand containing the light. I

closed my eyes and tapped into the light that

emanated from the crystal. I could feel the energy

bonding with me communicating through a

language of light. Within a moment, I had received

a download from the crystal itself.

I opened my eyes to see the Anga’q’uay

smiling out of appreciation. He received the

message just as I did. The crystal told me of

wonderful news relating to my mother: she had

acquired a new incarnate form encapsulated within

the sacred crystal of Alcyone. She had requested

my presence to be with her as a “friend” was

coming to retrieve me from Handarr to take me to

Alcyone III.

I rose from the floor, bowed in respect to

the Anga’q’uay that had also signified my intent to

depart, and left his home. As I stepped outside of

the Anga’q’uay’s house, I saw through the

spectrum of the astral the approaching craft that

would retrieve me to take me to Alcyone. The

being on board was unlike any entity I had

previously met and possessed a great intelligence. I

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made my way toward the docking platform to

await the arrival of this new friend and smiled in

delight as I looked forward to my first trip to the

Pleiades star cluster to visit the realm of the

galactic teachers amongst the star of Alcyone.

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4th Dawn of Armens – Alcyone

This entry is special to me as I feel such

excitement to share an experience that forever

changed my perspective on the nature of

incarnation and re-birth.

As I stood upon the beautifully constructed

landing pad manifested from rock and earth, I

gazed up at the sky as I could see a spacecraft

approaching. The craft appeared in a silver arrow

design and was no longer than sixty enpi19. The

silent craft gracefully descended down while

hovering with its shadow cast upon the center of

the landing pad.

As the craft landed upon the pad, I saw the

pilot of the vessel walk through the wall of the craft

similar to how I passed through the walls of the

mother ship I was on when I was three years old.

The pilot of the craft was one of the most beautiful

beings I had ever set eyes on. He stood at nearly

eleven en’pis in height and was comprised entirely


En’pi: A form of measurement where one unit represents an equivalent of approximately seven inches.

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of a clear crystalline shell humanoid in shape. The

transparency could be compared to a clear Earth

quartz crystal. More amazing than that, colors

formed from clouds of plasma swirled throughout

his entire body. As he stared back at me, swirls of

bright indigo blue and violet filled his entire being.

I was unable to read this being whatsoever.

His mind was completely clear and I was not able

to establish a telepathic connection with him. He

was not a complete mystery to me, however; as I

was told of his race by the Handari.

They’re known as the Sxanacovas: a race of

crystalline beings literally grown from the caves of

their world named Sxixevi. It is the sixth planet

surrounded with twelve golden moons located in

Gamma Centauri. The Handari were never able to

establish direct telepathic contact with these

beings. A liaison that spoke in verbal dialect would

need to be present with the Handari to function as

a telepathic to vocal translator to convey thoughts.

Although the Sxanacovas are able to speak

telepathically, such conversations are one-sided as

the receiver could not communicate back through

mutual means.

Throughout the entire galaxy, the only race

that could speak telepathically with the Sxanacovas

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was another Sxanacovas themselves. Due to this

telepathic prevention, many races within the

galaxy learned the ability to read the Sxanacovas’

plasma cloud patterns as a language. This form of

communication is taught widely among many

different associations across the galaxy as part of

the basic language teaching shared across twelve-

hundred worlds.

As the Sxanacovas’ thought patterns are

impenetrable by natural means, many councils

utilized the Sxanacovas through their keen

intentions to be of assistance to act as messengers

and safe-keepers of sacred information. It is not at

all surprising to me that one was sent to

accompany me to Alcyone. As I had never seen one

physically before, what amazed me was the sheer

awe of this being’s magnificent appearance.

The Sxanacovas remained completely still

and awaited me to approach. I smirked as I walked

towards the spacecraft and stared with my eyes

widely dilated as the captivation of the beings’

internal plasmatic aura was spellbinding: it was

enough to nearly engage me into a trance state.

“You are the Anadriya.” The Sxanacovas

spoke with a deep masculine voice emanating from

his solar plexus.

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It had been so long since I had spoken any

English. It also felt strange as I was resorting to

vocal dialogue as telepathy was completely natural

to me.

“Yes, and you are my liaison to accompany

me to Alcyone?” I vocally replied.

“Yes. I am Xel. If you will come aboard, we

will make our departure.” He said in a monotone

expression. The Sxanacovas are notorious for their

somewhat mechanical personality. Although they

understood the nature of emotions, they were

incapable of expressing them; even at times they

tried in the most neutral ways possible. What was

also interesting about them is that they refer to

others in an objective manner.

As I bowed in respect to Xel, he could sense

that I felt like I was out of my element with the

inability to express myself telepathically.

“The Anadriya does not need to concern

herself with such uncomfortable feelings relating to

communication. The Anadriya will find that her

ability for vocal communication represents a

benefit to many different civilizations incapable of

telepathic expression. This simply provides the

Anadriya with the opportunity to rekindle this

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ability through her.” Xel assured in a more

comforting tone. As he spoke through his solar

plexus, the clouds of plasma energy filled his entire

crystalline body with a beautiful assortment of

deep blues and aqua marines.

“I appreciate your kindness, Xel. I must

admit, the knowledge of your race escapes me. I

have only heard stories of you relating to others’

personal experiences with your civilization.”

“This is understandable as much that we

must withhold is vital for the preservation of

knowledge for those who have not yet reached

maturity to attain its purity of meaning. In the

appropriate timing, we will be able to reveal more

to you.” Xel shared while he followed me through

the fluidic wall of the spacecraft.

As I entered the spacecraft, I saw the

environment transform into a spacious crystalline

chamber. I was always amazed of how a spacecraft

could appear so small on the outside, and

enormous on the inside. But as my teachings had

always reminded me, reality is the canvas we paint

with our minds. The space inside the craft was

large enough to fit nearly a hundred people

comfortably. But what was even more amazing was

watching Xel absorb light through the crystalline

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matrix of the vessel into his body to assimilate

information, instructions and assignments through

a majority of different councils from all over the

galaxy. His body filled with a plethora of different

colors ranging from all colors of the spectrum. Xel

outputted the plasma light information that

extracted from his body back into the crystalline

matrix that surrounded the entire interior of the


Once the matrix received the information

from Xel, the spacecraft began to lift off the

ground. We had set our course to Alcyone. A flash

of bright white light had filled the interior that only

lasted a brief moment. After the flash had passed,

the front of the vessel’s interior had manifested a

viewing window. I could see the beautiful violet

world of Alcyone III, otherwise known as I’mantia;

which in Handari meant “violet haven.”

I’mantia was absolutely lovely. You could

see the atmospheric violet clouds travel across the

surface of the planet. Above the atmosphere, you

could see orbital cities manifested completely out

of crystalline that shared an arc of beautiful colors

similar to a rainbow that connected across each

city. This world was majesty in brilliance and one of

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the most precious gems that existed across the


I saw several spacecraft departing the

planet as well as many other ships that had jumped

out of dimension arriving. I’mantia was a popular

place, but like Handarr, only certain beings could

actually enter her orbit or walk her surface due to

the vibrational energy shield that operated within

the violet spectrum surrounding the world.

Handarr’s vibrational shield operated parallel with

the aquamarine spectrum. The difference related

to the level of frequency a being must emit that is

closest to the level of self-humility. Through the

range of frequency parallel to violet, one would be

considered the level of a harmonious mentor or a

spiritual prodigy.

During my excitement of the visual beauty

of I’mantia, Xel sat cross-legged upon the floor with

his hands rested across his knees. As he had no

eyes, nose or mouth to speak of, it wouldn’t be

appropriate to say that he was staring at me, but

more appropriate to say he was observing me as

his energy flowed through him calmly and serenely.

A bright hue of indigo settled throughout his entire

body which was extremely pleasing to view. Almost

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as pleasant at looking at the beauty that was

outside the viewing window.

Xel rose from the floor and stood up. The

energy within his body converged strongly into his

solar plexus. The energy rippled in waves as his

voice projected:

“The council is ready to speak with the

Anadriya now. I will remain here until you are

finished. May harmony follow the soul of the


Before I could even say a word, I was

transported off the vessel and into a room that

was… unbelievable.

The room was similar to the books I read

with my mother when I was a young child. It

literally appeared like a throne room contained

within a castle except the walls were glowing with

beautiful white and violet light. Where there

should be windows, there were mandalas that

transformed into different forms of brilliant


Beyond the wall of this light filled throne

room emerged a very large crystal coated in a deep

sapphire. The crystal was approximately five times

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my size and was levitating. This was the obelisk of

Alcyone that the Anga’q’uay told me about. As the

crystal moved through the white and violet wall, I

could make out faces contained within the crystal.

Each face was apparent through each facet of the

crystal. I could view four different faces within my

field of view. One represented the image of an

elderly man with a white beard. The second

represented the image of a very attractive older

woman with white hair. The third represented the

image of a middle aged man that looked very

similar to the appearance of my father. And the

fourth represented the image of my mother. All of

the faces contained within the crystal smiled upon

me as they were pleased with the energies they

felt emanating through my being.

“You come with questions.” The four faces

spoke vocally at once.

Before I could answer, they spoke again.

“Time is not necessary to carry the inquiry

that your mind has already spoken. We represent

your family, dearest Anadriya. All of the faces here

are the images that represent your closest

caregivers throughout your ages of being. Upon

them all represents the essence of one soul. The

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soul you know to be a part of your current life, the

caregiver you term your mother.”

The crystal suddenly emitted a bright white

light that filled the entire room. The light was

neither painful nor uncomfortable to look at so I

had no need to squint. A female silhouette figure

emerged from the white light and as she ventured

closer, the details of her appearance came into

view. It was the figure of my mother encapsulated

within a sapphire crystalline body. Her long hair

appeared soft, yet comprised entirely of crystalline.

Her beautiful blue eyes remained intact through

her crystalline form. Her entire body was sculpted

in perfection through the beauty of sapphire

crystal. She approached me and embraced me with

the most heartfelt hug I had ever felt.

As she hugged me, I had felt my own body

begin to change form. I was advancing in age past

the form of a child into an adult. Energy was

beginning to fill my body and I literally had a

euphoric experience where I could feel the essence

of the universe itself envelope energy into me. I

began to illuminate as bright as the light in the

room. Within these moments, I could see the

transition of my child form into my adult form as if

I had lived years within seconds. The knowledge I

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had accumulated within this nearly instant passage

of time filled my mind and I understood so much in

regards to advanced language comprised from over

600,000 races, quantum mathematics, universal

paradox mechanics and so much more that I could

not even label.

My mother released me from her hug and

briefly rubbed my shoulders as she smiled at me.

“My beautiful girl! You are my daughter.

You look just as I did when I was your age.”

My mother’s crystalline form turned

reflective and I was able to see myself through her.

I was surprised to see the size of my body as I was

nearly six feet tall in human measurements. In the

form of age, I must have appeared approximately

twenty-one Earth years of age. What was the most

surprising for me to adapt to were my breasts as I

was not use to this much weight in my chest. I was

amazed that my silver uniform was able to

successfully adjust to the growth I had sprouted

within this short amount of time that had passed. I

was a woman, no longer a child.

Before I could even ask the question on why

this happened, my mother replied:

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“For you to carry out what you have

requested to carry out, you needed to have your

body configured to full growth. The amount of

information you have acquired can only be

contained within an adult conduit, my dear. You

had experienced the full capacity of your child

years within seconds. It was an acceleration that

was necessary. There was no time for the universe

to wait for you to naturally get there on your own.

You have much to accomplish and now is the time

for your journey to begin. You are here to be of

service to the galaxy, Anadriya, but most

importantly, you are here to be of service to your


This was a lot to take in. I knew I had the

ability to look deeper into what she was saying if I

chose to as the universe was my ally. But I felt that

could bring more confusion. The Anga’q’uay once

said: “The universe holds all knowledge, but only to

one who can maintain the connection between

human and spirit. To see too far ahead or too far

behind reduces one’s self-power. It is the now that

creates and the now where our full power lies.” I

know I had chosen this path in my life and I knew

that some great adventures and experiences were

along the way. But here I was now seeing myself in

this adult form when only a moment ago I was a

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child. How could one compare that experience to

anything else? It was exhilarating and frightening at

the same time.

My mother could sense the racing thoughts

that were coming into my mind and she knew that I

was confused. She placed her hand upon my right

cheek and smiled.

“My dear, I know this is a lot for you to take

in. You have experienced something no human has

ever experienced before. And with all of your

abilities, even this will take some getting used to.

But please believe me when I say that you are

needed, Anadriya. You are the pioneer where

humanity will eventually become. And you are here

now amongst the galactic community to blaze the

trail for humanity.”

“What do you mean, Mother? Do other

races resent my kind?” I asked seriously.

My mother lowered her head for a moment

and then looked back into my eyes with a very

somber stare.

“The Earth human is a civilization that is

greatly misunderstood. Many races don’t see the

value in the human. They believe that they are a

Page 160: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

failed experiment. They have been caught up into

the gears of a Luciferian project and have no way

of getting back on track to what they were meant

to be. But others think differently. The great

masters that span the stars have never given up on

humanity. They have been the proverbial glue that

has held the consortium of allied races together.

The Earth human is the most advanced race in the

entire galaxy. They were developed for a purpose.

And they know that once day zero approaches,

humanity will be entering an era of maturity

throughout their civilization. However, many

others disagree and believe humanity is on its way

to self-destruction.”

“And I’m here to show many races that

humanity has more potential than they realize.” I


“…In your own way, Anadriya. This is not a

determination shouldered by us. It is what you

have expressed to achieve through your own soul

plan. And it is a plan that has compatibility with

many agendas that represent sacred councils who

hold humanity in a very high light.”

I recalled what I had saw in the throne

room of light relating to my mother and the

question appeared in my mind like a spark ignited.

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“Mother, back in the throne room of light,

you appeared with four faces. One of them looked

like my father.”

My mother nodded.

“We are the same soul, my dear. You could

say that your father represents a strong masculine

extension to my soul’s expression.”

“And the other two. I recognized the faces.

They were…”

“Your parents in a previous life on Earth:

your first life on Earth.” My mother interrupted.

“Approximately 8,500 years ago in human years.

My soul represented the extensions of both

parents upon your life in Atlantis. Our closeness

was as unique as our closeness now. But that is a

story for another time, Anadriya. I must return to

the crystal as I am being called to other realms.

Please remember, my daughter. The universe is

your ally, your guide and your true caretaker. Work

alongside her and she will provide you with all that

you need.”

In a flurry of brilliant white and violet light,

my mother’s crystalline body retracted back into

the sapphire crystal and I returned to the beauty of

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the throne room of light. I had felt so humbled by

my mother’s presence and I could still feel her as I

grasped the sapphire crystal that was chained

around my neck. I kissed my crystal as I felt my

mother’s essence inside. I could hear her voice

saying to me “I love you and I am always with you.”

I felt my body transporting back into Xel’s

vessel. I appeared back in the center of the

crystalline interior where Xel stood beside me to

my right.

“The Anadriya’s experience was most

remarkable.” Xel stated confidently.

His body began to show brighter colors of

violet energy flowing thought it. He crossed his

arms and nodded.

“The Anadriya is ready to know more…I

have been summoned by the high council of

Alcyone to be the Anadriya’s personal liaison

throughout her travels. I will be pleased to guide

the Anadriya through proper etiquettes and

procedures that will aid her upon her

understanding of functioning as a delegate of


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It was at that moment where I had recalled

my vision that my mother had shared with me

when I was younger. The vision where I stood in

front of many beings sharing great insight that

caused the audience to show a great love and

appreciation for my expression.

“You’re going to help me become an official

delegate, Xel?” I asked.

“Indeed. And our journey begins by visiting

the star of…”

“Sirius B.” I added. “I need to have my own

vessel configured from my own energies to travel

to the locations necessary.”

“That is correct. This vessel can only be

operated by a Sxanacovas. The Anadriya’s vessel is

an extension of herself and must be adaptable to

the energies of the Anadriya.”

This made me smile. I was now ready to

construct my very own spacecraft where I could

travel anywhere across the galaxy. I was eternally

grateful for the excitement I had felt in this

moment as I could sense the possibilities that await

me to meet more of my cosmic family.

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“Very well, Xel,” I said with a grin stretching

from ear to ear, “set course for Sirius B. I have work

to do.”

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5th Dawn of Armens – Asamanus

Throughout this journal, you have read a lot

regarding my upbringing and education from a very

localized and secluded area within the star of Atlas.

My journey was on the verge of a massive

expansion as the universe guided me to new

worlds and realms that were necessary for my

intervention to take place.

The dreams I had at night were within my

full state of recall. I could see myself out upon the

fields of Handarr literally speaking with the stars

that represented the consciousness of this galaxy:

the Milky Way as we humans call it. The Handari

referred to it as Asamanus: The Goddess of great


As I spoke with Asamanus, she contained

great sadness within her. She was sad for her

children as they warred with each other based on

belief. This was not only apparent on Earth, but

many parts of Asamanus are recovering from a

great war that literally shattered the unity of many

cultures throughout her body. But as Asamanus

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looked at me, she began to smile again. She saw

the value of the knowledge I possess and the love

for the Earth human. We are the ones that are

destined to restore balance to the galaxy.

“Earthlings are so special, Anadriya.”

Asamanus told me. “Many of you may believe that

you are a race bred for conflict, but it is the

contrary. You face great disaster so that you are

able to resolve it. Earth is only the first step of

many within your future. My children need to

know the teachings of their early descendants.

Their ancestors held ancient texts contained

amongst planets that are now in ruin. Follow your

heart, my child, and you will find the answers that

can bring balance back to my children.”

I smiled as I looked up at the stars and told

my mother how much I loved her and how

beautiful she is to me. Her love caused the sky to

radiate with beautiful colors of green, blue and

yellow that gently coated across all that I could see.

A question entered my mind: “What was the start

of this war between the races, mother?”

“Grave misunderstandings, my child. A

failure to communicate with what had been given

to those chosen to occupy my body in the

beginning times of this realm. It was the allure to

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attain perfection with the failure to acknowledge

the necessity of advancement through experience.

Races that were calibrated to be fluent in genetic

calibration known as life blueprinters grew heavy

with their energies of desire. The children that

were masterful at building, thinking and planning

met with those masterful at life blueprinting and

forged alliances. These alliances related to the

matters of superiority as they were incapable of

attaining serenity with their spaces. Through a

flurry of impatience, arrogance developed, and

races that were never meant to interact with other

races warred due to indifferences relating to the

nature of being. Others sought harmony with the

nature that existed amongst them. Others found

nature the distraction and only action driven by

those mighty enough were worthy enough to

advance to greater realms. Distortion grew and the

contortion of energies was entangled with

misunderstanding. It led to great wars where

children fought against children all for the victory

of settling a grand argument over the delusion of


“But mother, if the cyclic plan relating to

this galaxy was to be instilled in harmony, what

went wrong in the way of energies to bring about


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“Life itself is calibration, my child,”

Asamanus told me as the stars sparkled while she

spoke aloud, “where an idea is forged, barriers left

unresolved appear through the mixture of energies

that share the space. These energies manifest

circumstance that assuages the desired result of


“And these energies emerge from other

themes of existence?” I asked.

“Yes, my child. Other universes that reach

sanctum with the Isness attain a balance where the

incompatible energy is cast out from their

experiment. This energy flourishes upon another

realm to co-create an experiment. The goal is to

attain harmony for this universe itself to uplift and

become one with the Isness. A process such as this

that you would understand literally would take

several trillion Earth years to attain.”

“So the incompatible energy takes over the

grid of this universe to attempt to create a realm of


“In a way. Intervention upon unconditional

service can apply in regards to, shall we say,

safeguards to be deposited in place to preserve the

experiment from extinguishment. Therefore,

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guardians and caretakers are called upon from

higher platforms of existence to oversee the

growth of an experiment. However, their place is

known as observers and safe keepers to prevent

the theme’s extinguishment and will never involve

themselves within the free will complex initiated

for the incarnate game players. Anadriya, you have

emerged from the planes of ether as a guardian to

interact within the game of the incarnate. In your

heart, the calibration of a guardian remains within

you, and your very theme of existence in this form

is the preservation and teachings of such

knowledge from the realms of the sacred guardians

that dwell past space and time.”

This information was astounding to me. It

thrilled me beyond measure to receive such divine

information from my galactic mother. Yet, my

thoughts dwelled upon uncertainty relating to how

I could accomplish a task that would bring an entire

galaxy back into balance. After all, I was only one

being amongst countless others. What could I say

or do which would allow the galaxy to consider the

path to harmony?

“The truth that has been omitted by

distortion.” Asamanus replied. “You are not re-

telling what is already known, my child, but what is

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unknown that opens the door for intrigue and

realization. That is what shall bring balance.”

“And all will listen to these discrepancies I

bring into the light?”

“No. Not all. Yet, for those passionate

enough to pursue and investigate past the form of

dogma will be the guiding wind that will set the

pace for change.”

This is true. The galactic council is filled with

chosen elders from all corners of Asamanus. Many

of them are arrogant and ignorant as they are bred

by formalities, dogmas and procedures that solidify

their take on reality. And to them, the thought of

an Earth human showing them the ways to balance

could be portrayed as the ultimate contradiction.

They see our civilization as disorganized,

irresponsible and childish. It was because of this

narrow thinking that the Handari withdrew their

ties from the Galactic council as delegates and

remained in isolation upon their world only for

visitors to come see them.

“You are the light to cast upon the shadows,

my dearest,” Asamanus shared with me, “Let the

purity of who you are be in the alignment of

observation, not involvement as you will only lead

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yourself to the distortion of false belief. The nature

of a guardian is based upon the principle

mechanics of neutrality. Your understandings are

the essence of paradox. Your teachings are the

ways of the infinite contained within the finite. Be

strong and steadfast in who you are beyond the

body you occupy and the reality you interact

within. But see the Isness in you and all whom you


I nodded my head in understanding, stood

up from the grass and bowed out of respect to my

galactic mother.

“I understand, mother.”

“Allow the creation of your chariot upon

Sirius and guide yourself where the ray of your

heart directs you. Be the confidence, trust and love

that you are and always shall be. With blessings to

you, my child.”

As I bowed to the stars once again, I felt a

white light fill my vision and within moments I had

awoke. I found myself back in Xel’s spacecraft. Out

the viewing window, I could see an enormous blue

world with three silver moons orbiting it. We had

approached Sirius B.

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6th Dawn of Armens – Sirius

We had entered the orbit of the third

planet of Sirius B that sustained three particular

civilizations. The first are the blue skinned

humanoids that are known by many as the

Azurites. The second are the Dolphinoids; which

are literally dolphins in bipedal form. Finally, there

are the Mammalians. Like the Handari, they

resemble a feline humanoid, yet show more cat-

like features such as claws upon human fingers,

tails and amber colored fur.

The world that we came upon is known

throughout Sirius B as Y’pen: a label defined in

many Sirian languages as a place of exchange.

What New York City is to Earth is what Sirius B is to

the Galaxy. It is one of the most populated star

systems with over 1,300 races visiting regularly.

Sirius B is known very well for its beautiful

assortment of worlds with a rich history and

culture, as well as its notorious reputation for

trouble makers, haggling traders and short

tempered mercenaries.

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One night upon Handarr, my father had

contacted me through my holo-display and told me

of his dealings with a group of Sirius B Reptoids

that attempted to project their minds into his

space. My father had a deep ocean of secrets

relating to planets of great elemental riches and

valuable genetic stalk which any ruthless trader

would love to know about. As they failed to desist

with their intrusion, he had to flash his particle

beam sidearm to get them to back off. He

cautioned me that night that if I were to ever

venture into Sirius B, I needed to “watch my step.”

Xel was preoccupied with interfacing with

the crystalline matrix of his vessel to scan for the

most appropriate match relating to my request to

construct my own vessel. As the yellow plasma

swirled through the top of his head illuminating

into a humble orange, Xel turned to me.

“The Anadriya will be pleased to know that I

have discovered a compatible match that would be

very willing to assist you with your vessel design.

The being is an Azurite and is referred to as Rorin.

He can be found within the 5th district located in

the southern tip of Y’spiin, the southern


“Thank you, Xel.”

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“My presence will be required as the 5th

district contains a wide populace of different

beings. I will retrieve information and download it

directly to the Anadriya when the timing calls for it.

Proper etiquette is required in dealing with many

that occupy the surface of Y’pen.”

I was appreciative of the help. I knew Xel

contained a vast assortment of knowledge with

thousands of different races. Even though I could

retrieve the information on my own, understanding

that knowledge and bringing it into etiquette form

could take time.

Xel began to swirl with a deep red energy

that filled his body and we were instantly

transported off the vessel.

I found myself before a great hall that was

surrounded in beautiful nature with elegant purple

foliage filling the corners of a finely polished golden

metallic structure. Throughout this great hall

contained hundreds of beings each appearing

different from the other. My mind was becoming

flooded with telepathic chatter that became

exhausting. I had to stop and close my eyes for a

brief moment to center my mind as the insecure

thoughts of so many beings was overwhelming. I

imagined the lands of Handarr upon sunset with a

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gentle breeze caressing me. I became relaxed and

was able to silence the thoughts in my mind that

were not my own. As I opened my eyes, I could see

so many different beings staring at me, yet their

thoughts were in the background and no longer

coherent through me as I was centered in my own


Xel began to name every race I was

beginning to walk by.

“That is an Oopach of Cassiopeia of the fifth

planet. The pastel orange being to your right

represents the sub-race of Alamen indigenous to

Regulus 4. The tall female being with long violet


It was bad enough to attempt to block out

the thoughts of this crowd I was in, but now I had a

crystalline being that wanted to add to the noise

vocally. I turned to Xel calmly.

“I appreciate the vocal commentary, Xel,

but do you think you could only introduce me to

the beings that I will actually interact with? This

constant vocal chatter isn’t very beneficial while

I’m attempting to concentrate.”

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“My apologies to the Anadriya. Do you

require assistance to sustain your comfort?” Xel


“I appreciate that, but I’ll be alright, Xel.

Thank you.”

“Very well. May I add that your thoughts

dwell on the unusual nature of these beings. I am

curious to understanding…”

“Xel…” I interrupted while holding my head

attempting to block out the background thoughts,

“could you please just not talk vocally. Trying to

concentrate here.”

“My apologies to the Anadriya. I could not

help but notice that you…”

“Shhh!” I said while attempting to continue

to block out the background thoughts.

I felt I was being very harsh to Xel now that

I reflect on these moments. I never held any of the

talkative nature against him personally. Sxanacovas

are very talkative beings and are highly justifiable

with their philosophies, opinions and actions.

I heard Xel’s voice in my mind:

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“Anadriya, we will need to proceed to the

eatery. Rorin is located there.”

“Yes, I sense him in that area.” I replied


I could sense something strange with the

being known as Rorin. His mind felt very closed off

to me. Obviously this represents someone who has

had extensive training in psychic defense. Most

beings are as open as a book. When I focused my

energies upon Rorin, I would only get small chunks

relating to him. He represented the feeling of an

outcast. He felt very irrational and was at the

mercy of his emotions. He had the tendency to

leave his guard up as he had issues with trusting

others. I could sense there were moments of

severe mistreatment throughout his life, but

nothing specific. The ability for him to lock his mind

so tightly was commendable. However, I did feel

that he was extremely adept at holographic design

and conveyance mechanics. It was as natural to

him as breathing. Regardless of his personality

traits, I knew he was the one to help design my

craft, and it would be created quickly and

efficiently which was what I required.

As I made my way down the great hall

heading toward a pod door located near the left

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corner, I bumped into a very wide being that

resembled the eyes of a Zeta Reticulan, but the

skin of a reptilian. His face too was very wide and

was absent with a neck. His physical height nearly

doubled that of mine. He gasped in shock as the

feeling of a human entering his space was nearly


“Eeka! Sere fae o’ buuch’em!” The being

spoke with an outraged tone.

Xel approached him and bowed with his

hands across his chest that was a representative

form of apology to his race.

“The Anadriya has angered him profusely.”

As I was able to sample his language, I

picked up that he was a Zrel that existed within the

constellation of Hercules. I replied:

“Doch, kieet sorr e tan zetal’a.”

The being gasped in offense again. He

raised his hand up high as if he were to strike me.

Xel stepped in front of me and held his hands out.

He was sending the being a telepathic message as

his plasma energy was filling his body with a rapid

appearance of different colors. The Zrel suddenly

became relaxed and dropped his guard. He walked

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off muttering to himself in a grotesque manner as

it was the most repulsive feeling having a human

collide into him. I turned to Xel and placed my hand

on my shoulder.

“I sensed his language and replied

according to his dialect.”

Xel turned to me. “The Anadriya is

mistaken. You were able to download his dialect,

but the pronunciation was in error. The Zrel

alphabet is extremely complex and one

mispronunciation could lead to a fatality. The

dialect reflected that of one who is very low in the

social class. With an untrained dialect, it would be

more offensive than the worse odor to a higher

class Zrel.”

This taught me a valuable lesson that there

is more to the assimilation of knowledge that is

attained through instantaneity. It is the process of

feeling the energies within my awareness to

complete the achievement of knowledge through

mindful action. To receive the language, for

instance, is only a portion of the matter. Tapping

into a being’s expectations of the language to

reciprocate a peaceful dialogue is the other. I was

learning as I go and the universal mind was with

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me all the way to remind me of my teachings as

they emerge through the light of action.

Xel and I had entered the eatery. The room

was enclosed with heavy brackets of metal stacked

upon each other with an emanation of yellow light

piercing through the crevices. Dozens of beings

formed lines behind the eatery’s materializer.

The materializer is an instrument that

would manifest the thought of a food item as a

being approached it. The food needed to be

constructed within one’s mind for it to solidify into

physical reality. It was connected to the realms of

the ether where the consciousness of the being

projected their thought. As they projected the

thought, through specific sound frequencies

emitted by the device, the atoms began to

manipulate material contained within its stasis field

to manifest the item from the very thought birthed

by the being.

This was a helpful technology perfected

heavily through Sirian craftsmanship, but it had

been through many dreadful incarnations

throughout the course of galactic history. It takes a

culture of great responsibility to utilize such a

device for simplistic and docile needs. Civilizations

that decide to use the essence of such a device for

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any hostile service-to-self requirements are often

infiltrated through combined intervention and the

technology is literally phased out of their reality in

totality. Not only would physical removal transpire,

but the memory to create such a device is

extracted out of the inventor’s akashic field leaving

them oblivious to develop any further devices.

I observed several unique dishes become

produced through the materializer. The majority of

food items manifested represented many gel-like

substances that could be somewhat similar on

Earth to a combination of jelly and ice cream

merged into one. Based upon the reactions of

those who were consuming it, the taste reflected

no such similarity. Many of the food items were

actually flavorless. The point was the ingestion of

nutrients, vitamins and minerals, not taste. In fact,

the idea of a food item that presented taste would

be considered inappropriate to these beings and

something that would be looked at reprehensibly.

For example, if a human decided to indulge in a

flavorful Earth dessert in front of these beings, the

human would be designated as an addict of lustful

desire and would often be frowned upon for a

disgusting lack of self-control.

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Around the room, there were thirteen

different species of humans and non-humans that

occupied the eatery tables. It was fascinating to

observe how many of them consumed their food,

yet it was considered impolite to stare. As I

glimpsed unnoticeably at the beings, some had,

what could be considered on Earth as delightful

table manners, and others would be branded as

absurd in the way of eating by human standards. A

race of I’k’sanes’taks, an insectoid race, used large,

elaborate suction instruments to funnel the food

into their snouts. The Be’har, a race that could be

referred to as a Sasquatch in their appearance,

consumed their food with dyer haste as if the

planet were about to explode in seconds and they

had to finish their meal on time. It was at this time

where I was grateful that I was one who could do

without the consumption of food as I found it very


I decided to pay no mind to the eating

habits of these beings and returned to the task at

hand: finding Rorin. As Xel and I continued further

into the spacious eatery, I had observed the

glimpse of a Azurite that was seated at the corner

of the room reading an information pad and

sipping on a nutrient beverage. As I walked in the

direction of the Azurite, I was suddenly confronted

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by two very large Orions. They were a

human/reptilian hybrid race. Their face was scaly,

yet the skin color was a pale white like a Caucasian

Earth male. Their noses and mouths were covered

with a black breathing apparatus feeding them

hydrogen. They wore thick, polished black armor

that extruded to a sharp point on both shoulder

blades. The Orions stood at over ten feet tall. They

looked down at me with a lustful stare. I could hear

the voices in my mind.

“You… Human… Far from home?”

I made no sign of a hostile thought or an

evasive action.

“You have strong mental discipline… many

abilities that could serve our purpose. Let us read

your desires, human. Perhaps we can make them

come true.” They said within my mind with a cold


I formed a crystalline light barrier within my

mind so the Orions were not able to extract any of

my thoughts. I remained neutral and stood my

ground not allowing a single thought to escape

from my mind. Xel attempted to step in front of

them to initiate a conversation to soothe the

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energies between us, but the two Orions stepped

past him and surrounded me.

“You dare to block us? Are you trying to

upset us? Do you know what we are capable of

doing to you, little human girl? Maybe we go after

your planet. Seek out your family. Put terrible

thoughts in their minds. Harm those you care

about. Is that what you want, little girl?”

I closed my eyes to tune them out as I saw

their threats as empty words.

The Orions began to growl at me in anger.

As I opened my eyes, I saw the Azurite at the

corner of the table grab both Orions by their arms.

It was Rorin. The Orions turned to him with their

intentions passionate on wanting to rip him apart.

“We have laws on this world, lizzies.” Rorin

stated telepathically to the Orions. “If you’re going

to start trouble here, it’ll be the last time you ever

set foot on this planet. Your race is walking a very

thin line and very close to violating a treaty that

was signed in mutual sincerity.”

Both Orions looked at Rorin and began to

growl. Their thoughts filled with rage as this Azurite

was humiliating them. They were compelled to

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start a fight, but as they thought about it, Rorin

motioned for his particle beam pistol he kept

holstered at his right side.

“You want to end the treaty right here, right

now and say good-bye to your Sirian mining

rights?” Rorin asked them without a glimpse of fear

within him.

The Orions dropped their guard, stared

down Rorin and slowly started to walk away exiting

the eatery. Orions are not well known for walking

away gracefully, so I knew this would eventually

not end with their intention for retribution.

Rorin watched as the Orions left the eatery

and loosened his grip on his pistol. His feelings of

aggression began to fade away. It was his hope that

the Orions tried an offensive move. There was lust

within him and that lust related to combat against

a race he personally despised.

Rorin turned to Xel and took a look at him

with a smirk on his face.

“Thanks for keeping out of the way there,

glowy.” Rorin spoke vocally in English. I was

surprised. Rorin shifted his eyes to me and his head

turned in my direction.

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“And a human on Sirius? I never thought I

would see the day. This is a moment that won’t

leave me anytime soon.”

I looked at him curiously. I never imagined

seeing an Azurite this…self-assured.

“You are Rorin, the spacecraft designer?” I

responded in English.

“Right to the point. How interesting. Well, if

you must know, constructing ships is one of the

things I do. I’m also quite the avid explorer. I’ve

even been upon your planet quite a few times, and

I must say, Earthlings are the most interesting

species I’ve ever met.”

“Really, why?”

“Are you kidding me? Each of you are so

different. You each hold your own opinions, you

create your own paths in life, and a lot of you are

just filled with ego. Your planet is a blast to be


“And this isn’t really a trait that many

Sirians wouldn’t share.” I added.

“No, not a chance. To so many of them,

you’re strange, you’re savage and you’re

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unpredictable. Any decent Sirian wouldn’t really

waste their time with an Earthling. But guess what?

I’m not your average Azurite. I enjoy the company

of humans. You may have a hard time finding a

designer that could tolerate you. But look no

further. I’d be happy to help you out. Anything for

an Earthling.”

I was pleased to hear of his interest in

helping me, but there was something more that he

was hiding behind his words. As he was an

excellent safe keeper of his thoughts, that feeling

was not clear to me. But I felt that it was something

relating to a means of exchange as if he wanted to

use me for a purpose that would benefit his needs.

“We require the expertise of the Rorin to

develop a holographic trans-dimensional cruiser

integrative with the Anadriya’s life suit.” Xel


“Alcyone technology integrative with Sirian

mechanics; I like what I hear. You’re actually

making this easy for me, Captain Crystal.” Rorin

proclaimed as he slapped Xel on the shoulder as he

showed his own way of respect.

Rorin was indeed unique. He acted more

human in front of me than Azurite. From my

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experience with them when I was younger, they

are a very telepathic race, playful and extremely

adept as builders. It is unusual to witness an

Azurite speak vocally, let alone be proficient in the

English language.

“If you two want to come with me, I’ll take

you to some other friends of mine and we can get

to work on your vessel. They’re located on the beta

moon, 17th district north…”

“Area 12 near the east omni-plex tower.”

Xel intruded. “A transport will not be necessary.

Please leave this to me.”

Xel began to swirl with bright blue colors

and placed both his hands upon my shoulder and


In the next moment, we appeared inside a

narrow, dimly lit corridor. The air tasted very stale

as there wasn’t a lot of oxygen in this location.

“We’re on the beta moon?” I asked.

“Maybe next time, you can warn me before

beaming me over here before I have a chance to

get an oxygen purifier.” Rorin stated sarcastically.

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“My apologies to the Rorin and to the

Anadriya. However, our presence must be in


“What’s the hurry? Too eager to get to a

council of squabbling old bureaucrats thinking

they’d listen to you?”

I was surprised. Rorin was able to sense my

thought, yet my ability to sense a great deal of his

still eluded me.

“You know of my intention to visit the

galactic council?” I asked.

“Hunny, it’s impossible not to know. You

want a fancy holographic ship like this similar to

your typical council delegate. You’re in haste which

means you have to conform to their deadlines for

Earth delegate approval before their next

adjournment. I’ve played these games with the

council before. Not relating to Earth, but amongst

other similarities. Frankly, I think you’re wasting

your time. Travelling all the way to Vega to attempt

to teach the ways of balance to a bunch of races

that havr been dogmatic for almost as long as the

universe has been around isn’t really that

productive. I can just imagine what your father

would say, Anadriya.”

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My eyes widened as I heard Rorin speak his

last words.

“My father… You know my father?”

“Lar and I have been friends for a very long

time, Anadriya. I may not look it, but I’m about his

age. Going on about 300 in Earth years. Why do

you think Mr. Crystal here was able to pinpoint me

out of thousands of inhabitants on Sirius? He found

me because I held the strongest resonance with

your energy. As your father and I have known each

other for so long, I’m compatible to you.”

This was something that had bewildered

me. With all my training and my ability to see the

universe as my ally, I still felt that I was involved

somehow in preventing me to see past the

moment and look deeper into energies. Rorin was

a step ahead of me and could sense that there

were leaks in my thought management.

“Believe me, kiddo, I know you’re here to

help restore what this galaxy has surely been

lacking since the first Lyran migration, but you still

have a lot of centering to do. Now, I’m not big on

your whole mystical crusade that you got going for

you. Maybe because I’ve been around awhile and I

know the personality of the galaxy. And to be

Page 191: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

honest, it’s the sound of a Mother pleading for help

only to find no one replying to the call.”

Something was bottling up inside me. The

sheer cold statement that he made brought out an

emotion I had never expressed before. It was the

emotion of anger.

“How dare you say something like that!” I

yelled. “I have made a personal promise to be one

of those who have answered the call. I know my

soul’s journey and it’s to help Asamanus in her

restoration that I will willingly work to bring back!”

“And how do you expect to do that? Let

alone a human who still doesn’t know her own

power. Have you learned nothing from the

Anga’q’uay or from the 1st Chenn? They see such

promise in you, but I say where the hell is it? You’re

too involved in everything you do. You see

everything as a quest waiting to be fulfilled and

that’s where you’ll lead yourself to a dead end,

Anadriya!” Rorin retaliated with his truth exposed.

“The way to be a true human is to stop

acting like what you think is one. It’s not about

acting on behalf of the universe as the self, it’s

about acting on behalf of the universe as the

universe! You still do not understand what you’ve

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been taught. And it’s no surprise as you are still

young and inexperienced. When you are in the

presence of your masters, you become this beacon

of unlimited potential as you are amongst the wise

who back teachings with experience. But when you

venture on your own, that potential diminishes

because you thrill for the adventure. You fall back

on excitement only and not wisdom. Excitement is

a path revealer, but it cannot walk a path. The

excitement works together with mindful wisdom to

attain stability. It doesn’t stand alone as that

represents polarity. You have adopted


“How could you know all this? Were you

trained by the 1st Chenn? By an Anga’q’uay?” I


“You think you were the first chosen one on

this mystical quest to restore balance to the

galaxy? Thousands of adepts throughout the galaxy

thought that they could do it just like you believe

you can do it. Guess what? They all failed because

they didn’t understand the principle of what it was

to be of true service to the galaxy. It is without

emotion, it is without pride, it is without the will of

the self. It is about nature. You do it because it is

you beyond the self. It is physics.”

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Rorin paused for a moment and walked

down the corridor. I was speechless on what I had

heard as it felt like the Anga’quay was speaking

through him. I knew if he were here, he would

probably say the same to me in his own way. Rorin

saw through me and he was right. This is

something I did not realize until another observed

it. But I believe this was the beginning of my

wisdom. It was to know one’s self, and sometimes

that is best achieved through the observation of


Rorin lowered his head and placed his hand

on the silver metallic wall releasing a very deep


“I thought I could understand these adepts

that were first chosen. I was so excited to help

them. I built them vessels just like what I’m willing

to do for you. They told me all about their

experiences talking to the councils: galactic logos

councils, sub-logos councils, planetary councils. All

of them were so excited to talk and preach of the

wondrous amazement that the galaxy had shared

with them in prophecy. A golden age was coming

upon the galaxy and we all had to do our part. It

filled many upon the council that weren’t

indoctrinated with close-minded belief with new

Page 194: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

hope. Races across the outer and mid rims were

becoming excited as these adepts were living their

life’s purpose. Then just as quickly as it started, it

ended. These adepts were hunted down and killed

by powers that existed to keep disorder alive. My

heart died every time I gained news of the death of

each adept…especially for one. And that one


There was a long pause. I was eager to hear

Rorin’s next words with my mouth open in awe.

“What? Who?” I asked.

“Lar never told you, did he?” Rorin asked as

he turned to me.

“Told me of what?”

There was a long pause of hesitation from


“No…I can’t. This is something your father

needs to bring up with you.”

My defense was starting to elevate more as

information was present but I couldn’t access it.

“You speak like a man with no secrets, yet

you keep them from me?”

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“It’s not for me to reveal to you, Anadriya.”

“Under whose judgment?” I replied with


“You can’t know from me…” Rorin said

trying to keep his voice calm.

“I can’t know from you, or you just don’t

want to tell me? Here I am believing you’re one

step ahead when I see through your…”

“If I tell you, it will violate everything and

you could be lost!” Rorin shouted. His words kept

me frozen in my space.

“Now I can’t tell you anymore, and as your

pal here has said, you’re in haste. We’re wasting

time, let’s get back on track and do what we came

here to do, alright?”

I stared at him for a moment pondering my

own thoughts. The idea that such information from

him could lead to me being lost perplexed me. It

didn’t make any sense.

I became mindful of my lapse and I jolted

out of my trance to bring my mind back into the

present. With a deep breath, I nodded my head in

agreement with Rorin.

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“Yes, let’s proceed.”

We walked down the corridor leading to a

large steel blast door. Rorin placed his hand on the

door closing his eyes sending a telepathic request

for the facilitators to allow him entry. The large

circular door slowly slid open only to reveal a room

kept completely in darkness. We ventured inside

only to be greeted by some truly remarkable


Page 197: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

7th Dawn of Armens – Enchee’du

(The sub-heading is a Handari definition of a

reconnection from ancestors to its children)

As I entered the next room, I stood within

an oval-shaped holographic construction

laboratory massive in size: nearly approximate to

the radius of a small Handari village. I was thrilled

to find three dolphin humanoids staring back at me

with enormous smiles upon their faces. They had

been expecting me and emanated profound love

toward me. They shared their feelings with me

telepathically and it was affection beyond measure.

They knew exactly what I was here for and have

already agreed to be of assistance.

The dolphinoids appeared very much like a

dolphin upon Earth, but were bipedal. Their skin

shined a beautiful reflective silver. They had

flippers for feet and three wide fingers upon their

hands and stood at well over seven feet in height.

They radiated a joyful playfulness that few beings

within this galaxy could fully understand. More

important than that, their intelligence equaled the

love the shared.

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“Young Anadriya of Earth. Welcome.

Welcome!” The dolphins shared telepathically

together as they moved their long snouts up and

down with joy.

I smiled back at them and gave each of

them a very long loving hug. They embraced it and

it felt like the overwhelming amount of love they

shared amplified even stronger.

“Dearest child, this moment is precious.

And we understand why you have come. You

require a conveyance. We have already begun to

design the craft of your preferences. Reflection is

key to the essence you share.”

Rorin walked past the dolphinoids and went

over to a nearby holographic control panel.

“Looks like you really didn’t need my help

after all. Dolphinoids are only a hundred steps

ahead of you at all times.” Rorin said aloud with his

unusual sarcastic undertone.

“Perspective speaks to us before the time it

exists in catches up to this very moment, dear

one.” The dolphinoids replied telepathically to

myself and Rorin.

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Rorin shrugged the perspective from the

dolphinoids away and pulled up a holographic

schematic of my spacecraft. The image

materialized directly in the center of the

laboratory. The spacecraft appeared incredible to

me. The shape was embedded in the form of a

vesica piscis where two spheres were embedded

into each other. The outer layer reflected the

surrounding environment so clearly. There were no

doors and no windows throughout the spacecraft.

The size of the craft was roughly no bigger than a

twelve foot radius.

Rorin retrieved an apparatus from the

holographic control panel. It was a small silver

cylinder that had a blue slit through its center. He

walked over to me and placed it upon my inner

right wrist that attached to my suit.

“Did your father ever tell you the benefits

of the suit your wearing, Anadriya?” He asked me


“Only that it was the only suit I’d ever need

to wear. It’s functions are multi-faceted: life

support, communication devices, metamorphic

attire capability.”

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“And spacecraft integration. As your ship is

holographic, it can materialize and dematerialize

through this interface. Your spacecraft functions

inter-dimensionally based on vibratory signature

outputs. Meaning…”

“Meaning that I can literally transport to

any area within the galaxy instantaneously.” I

interrupted with a smile on my face.

Rorin nodded. “Very good. It also aligns

magnetic time punctures upon each jump, so you

will not feel the effects of time displacement

wherever you decide to go. It’s also multi-

dimensionally adaptive as its field can appear in

higher octaves of dimensions. That may come in

handy for you as you have a lot of people in higher

places to talk to upon your journey.”

Rorin turned my wrist into my field of view.

“Look inside your craft now. Command your

remote through thought and let the request

become so.”

I looked at the small cylinder embedded

into my suit. I closed my eyes and requested to

brought inside my ship.

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As I opened my eyes, I was ecstatic as I was

the inside of the craft. It was as large as an open

field and radiated an internal spherical blending of

silver and white light. The surroundings of the craft

were somewhat transparent and I could see

everyone contained in the laboratory. I could also

feel the craft speaking to me internally. Not

through words, but through feeling. This craft was

very much alive and was literally a technological

vessel synthesized to house my very own light

body. It felt as I felt, knew what I knew and could

sense what I sensed. This spacecraft was literally

my own inter-dimensional chariot assembled

through my own higher aspect of being.

The energies were already beginning to

share their feelings to me. Through an instant, I

could feel the calling of a world funneled through

my craft that penetrated deep into my soul. My

eyes began to widen as the vision became


I could see a world that was ravaged by

war. Cities that were marvelously created with

thought, crystalline in beauty, were burned to the

ground by such hate. I could see marching feet

parading amongst the ground determined to

destroy all life upon the surface of a once rich

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world filled with ancient history. Manifestations of

great leaders formed as statues that were twelve

miles in height were laid to waste.

I saw the face that accompanied the

treading, dirty feet of a soul who wanted to inflict

such destruction to all around him. It was the face

of a reptilian warrior. I saw him roar a battle cry as

he mercilessly slaughtered defenseless human

beings that fell to the ground dead. The hate he

had for these beautiful humans could not be

measured. As he saw beauty in their eyes, he grew

even angrier. As he saw them fall to the ground, it

didn’t satisfy him enough that they had perished

from their bodies. He wanted to see everything

that represented this culture incinerated where

nothing remained but dust.

The visions I felt made my heart beat

rapidly. I was shocked by the horror I had seen. The

vision moved forward in time where the state of

the planet now was shown to me. A world so rich

with life was now lifeless. Yet, there was something

upon the planet that the invaders could not find

even with all of their technology. It was an artifact

buried deep within a vault hundreds of miles

beneath its surface. It was a vault that contained

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an indigo colored krystal20 skull. The vision showed

me the skull up close: it was completely intact with

no damage inflicted upon it. Deeper within the

vessel of the skull exists a consciousness. As I tuned

in deeper to the skull, I felt the consciousness that

was a shard of Asamanus. A shard splintered from

the soul of Asamanus once walked this planet as an

incarnate upon this world and embedded herself

into the vessel of this krystal skull through sacred

ceremony so that one day, one would be chosen.

This chosen one would be pure of heart and

determined to restore balance back to her people.

She would find this vessel and deliver it to the

councils that sought to maintain order that would

ignite the beginning of galactic restoration.

This world once existed within the star

system of the first humans seeded in this galaxy. It

existed within the constellation of Lyra. The star

that brought its warmth was known by the Lyrans

as Dessai: Giver of light. And here, the planet floats

lifeless. Annhilated for over 247,000 a’ipi (592,800

Earth years). This was the planet that was calling to

me, and I knew the time was now to answer that


Krystal – This term is defined as crystalline enchanted by the energies of Kryst: the frequency of white light representing the oneness of existence.

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call as I had now been given my chariot to travel

across the dimensions.

I saw my eyes make contact with Xel’s face.

Without a thought projected from his mind, he

nodded knowing what I had to do. While Rorin

spoke with the Dolphinoids, I activated my ship

through thought and saw it rise up further from the

ground. My vessel begin to illuminate with brilliant

white light intensifying the space around me as

ripples of sound from the dimensional distortions

produced from my chariot could actually be seen

through my human eyes. Within an instant that

passed through a flash, I was in orbit of this lifeless

world feeling the call of the skull beneath its

surface calling to me much louder than before

awaiting my presence.

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8th Dawn of Armens – Lyra

With the hydrogen-rich content upon this

world deep within the heart of the constellation of

Lyra, I decided to take my vessel into the

atmosphere. The cloud cover that filled the skies of

this world was incredible. Layers of clouds were

penetrated until I was approximately 25,000 feet

from the surface. I flew across the southwestern

continent as this is where I could feel the

entranceway to the krystal skull chamber was

located from what my intuition was telling me.

However, the journey was not an easy one. Tuning

into the entranceway, I could sense a stairwell that

descended down nearly one Earth mile before

reaching the chamber. It was evident to me that

this was a false path that would only lead to more

challenges. I felt the surroundings of the chamber

in my mind and discovered that there was a

holographic wall just to the right where the stairs

began. One would be able to pass right through

with a fair bit of resistance. I sensed that a large lift

followed past a short corridor that would take me 3

miles deep to the bottom of the chamber.

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I spoke directly to my vessel and requested the

manifestation of an oxygen production device if I

was to venture any further. Within a moment, a

swirl of beautiful white sparkles produced an

oxygen production mask for me to wear. It was a

transparent breathing mask with a small

detachable rectangular shaped box to wear on the

hip. This apparatus would convert all known

gaseous forms into pure oxygen. I gave thanks to

my vessel for her care and I was greeted with

beautiful light that reflected throughout the inner


My vessel teleported me outside. As I looked

back, my vessel was hovering several feet from the

ground. I pressed the small silver cylinder on my

wrist and my vessel slowly phased out of reality

and its energy collected back into my suit. I turned

back around and took a moment to observe the

view of a once proud and historic world.

Many travellers kept away from this world

simply on the basis of cliché superstition. Some

have said that as you walk across the sands of

Dessai, you disturb the ghosts of the past whom

are unforgiving. But with what I have come to do, I

find those beings that have been labeled as ghosts

to be very appreciative. The intention I hold would

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get the galactic council to listen to anybody that

held the krystal skull of Dessai in their hands; even

a human.

I looked up and saw an enormous monument

that was partially destroyed due to war that

occurred here millions of Earth years ago. The

monument was created through pure thought

manifestation resembling the galaxy goddess:

Asamanus. This in fact was her tomb as her krystal

skull are all that remains of her presence within

physical reality.

I remember the stories of Asamanus

incarnated upon this world. It was told to me

telepathically while gathered at a ceremonial fire

shared by the 1st Chenn. The story told of a very

special child placed upon the world of Dessai by

the divine architects. She held incredible

knowledge at such a young age and foretold

prophecies of great migration across the stars and

wars that were to come. She went by the name of

Dian’sha’mat: beloved messenger of the cosmos.

The story told how during the times of the

great invasions, she was able to defend the Dessai

from the invaders as she became one with the

elements of the world. She caused great floods,

great winds, and great tremors to remove the

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invaders. She was successful in keeping the planet

safe for over 600 a’ipi. However, there was a time

of great sorrow as she began to grow weak due to

a connection of equality she could never find. With

her fractured consciousness, her abilities could not

remain strong, so she performed a ritual that

would embody her essence into a krystal skull that

she personally manufactured that contained indigo

crystals from every open cave within the four

sacred directions of the planet. She fused the

crystals together through the means of thought

sculpting and formed the shape of her elongated

skull. With her final breaths of strength, she

performed a ritual chant that embodied part of her

life essence directly into the crystalline matrix of

this krystal skull that was solidified under the white

rays of Dessai’s sun.

And now, the legacy of her creation will be

utilized once again. Only this time it will be a

symbol of peace and unification rather than war

and separation.

As I approached the opening to the

chamber, I could sense some very strong energies

that represented some very misaligned individuals.

This tomb had attempted to be raided on dozens of

different occasions. Beings of almost every kind

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have visited this tomb over a span of several

million years. And through all the raids that had

taken place, not one party was able to retrieve

Dian’sha’mat’s krystal skull. Beyond the stairs

contained a very wide gap that was surrounded by

a vortex of energy. It was an artificial star gate

created by Dian’sha’mat and any being that

attempted to pass it would be transported back to

the mouth of the tomb opening. The obvious path

to the tomb was a paradox. It was an unbreakable

circle always repeating itself and never leading to

what lies beneath the tomb. None knew of the

secret wall beside the stairs.

I pushed through the holographic wall of the

chambers and came upon a short, pitch black

corridor. Fortunately, I was able to naturally see in

the dark as an enhanced ability that I had made

natural as a child. When in darkness, always

imagine the brightness of light around you. As you

imagine, your body molds to your will and the

ability becomes adapted.

I noticed that this very cavern was manifest

through thought as there were no discrepancies on

how the earth was shaped to form such a corridor.

Technology often leaves ripples, burns or tears

through the soil, but none of that was apparent.

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Dian’sha’mat manifested this entire underground

cavern as her final resting place within mere


I came to the end of the corridor and as I felt

the wall, I discovered the lift I had envisioned

earlier. This lift was not mechanical, but rather

controlled through de-polarized magnetic current.

It would require a being of great sensory mastery

to operate such an ingenious method to descend

miles beneath the surface within seconds. If one

could de-polarize a stone and cause it to levitate,

one could operate this form of magnetic field.

I opened the door to the lift made of solid

earth and stepped into the chute that was braced

by the magnetic field. As I crawled into the chute,

my entire body became weightless. I closed my

eyes and I could see the magnetic currents that

flowed through this field. I began to de-polarize the

currents through my mind and within an instant; I

dropped through the chute with the magnetic

current flowing with me. The acceleration was

intense, but that’s not to say that I wasn’t

thoroughly enjoying this exciting ride to the


I reached the end of the chute and dropped

out safely upon the ground landing on my feet as

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the magnetic field cushioned my drop as I re-

polarized the field before hitting the floor. Before

me, I saw a grand, spacious resting place where the

coffin that rested the body of Dian’sha’mat. To the

coffin’s right, I saw the krystal skull. It was encased

in a spherical vibratory shield. Only those of divine

intent could pass their hands through this field to

retrieve the skull.

I smiled as I walked toward the skull. I was the

first being ever to see this resting place of the once

great Dian’sha’mat. It was quite the honor for me

to be where I was now. This was a moment that I

was eternally grateful for.

I approached the krystal skull that levitated in

the center of the vibratory energy shield. I put my

hands together near my chest in the position of

prayer, sent love to Dian’sha’mat’s spirit thanking

her for allowing me to be here now. I passed my

hands through the vibratory energy shield

successfully and held the krystal skull in my hand.

Within an instant, I had felt the essence of

Dian’sha’mat as if it were a rush of excitement on

her part that I be the bearer of her krystal skull. I

could feel her entire life in my hands and in my

mind. This was a moment of moments.

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I pulled the krystal skull from the vibratory

energy shield and clutched it around my arms and

chest. The energy that it beheld was so soothing.

However, this soothing feeling would not last.

As I turned around, I had seen the monster

that I had once saw in my visions with the

Agna’quay. It was the giant mechanical man who

stood before me. My jaw dropped in awe as his

presence was overwhelmingly menacing. The hate

that he was emanating was indescribable. He

walked toward me and took ahold of my shoulder.

His grip was so tight and it was excruciating to me. I

tried to enter his mind, but it was not possible. The

dark holographic embedded armor that he wielded

made it impenetrable to sensory probing. I was in

so much agony as he was looking to crush my collar

bone. Out of pure frantic instinct, I used the energy

around me to propel him at such a velocity that he

was sent crashing through the rear wall of the


I knew this monster was not to going to be

negotiated with. I had no idea how he was able to

get down to the tomb, but nonetheless, there he

was. I felt he wanted the krystal skull, so I was able

to manifest its vibratory location into a temporal

dimensional realm that only I could access. It

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dissolved out of this physical reality and was stored


The large mechanical man with his glowing red

eyes sat up from being thrown through a thick cave

wall and rose to his feet not even dazed. He

reached around his back and acquired his lethal

weapon of choice: his toxic double-bladed plasma

spear. It became activated and the radiation levels

in the room were beginning to climb as I could feel

the radioactive heat emerging from the blades.

I attempted to contain the monster in a stasis

field, however; he was able to easily break free

from it. This being was able to bend space, time

and matter just as I could. I had no idea that

anyone else was at the level of advancement like I


As the monstrous mechanical man walked

forward, I thought I had anticipated his plan of

attack, but suddenly, he was able to teleport

directly behind me and struck me with a harsh

blow using the back of his fist against my jaw as I

flew back several feet. I could not even feel the

right side of my face and my vision had become

blurry, yet I was able to regain consciousness and

ran to the end of the tomb cornered by this


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All of a sudden, I could hear my father’s voice

in my mind.

“Anadriya! No! Don’t fight him. You will not

succeed. He will kill you!”

“Father!” I cried aloud in my mind. “I don’t

know what to do! I can’t stop him! Who is he?!

What does he want?”

“Listen to me, Anadriya, you’re only going to

end this one way, and that is not through a fight.

You need to love this being. If you can show him

love, his power will weaken and he will not be able

to harm you.”

“But Father, I don’t know how…”

“Sweetheart, trust me, please.” He assured

me. “Show him love and he will become


“There’s…so much radiation. I can barely

breathe…” I gasped as I sent my telepathic


“Draw the residual traces of oxygen from your

lungs, Anadriya. You are in control. And love, my

dear. Please love.”

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The mechanical man approached me and

grabbed me by the throat. He lifted me three feet

off the ground and stared into my eyes. In my

agony of pain, I was able to clear my mind by

letting the pain go and bonding with the spirit of

this mechanical man. No matter how much

technology was around his flesh, his spirit was

always there. I could see into his spirit and my eyes

reflected the feeling of unconditional love. The

mechanical man saw this and his grip slowly began

to loosen. I heard the being grunt in hesitation.

As I continued to reflect this love, I began to

rub his arm that held me up and pinned to this

corner, but yet, I showed him affection.

He looked at me and I could tell by his body

language that he was calming down.

“…Anadriya.” I heard him mutter in his deep

mechanical voice.

He released his grip and I fell to the ground

severely weakened barely able to stand.

“Anadriya! You’re hurt I can feel. But you’re

alive! Thank the Isness you’re still alive!” My father

projected to me telepathically.

“Father... I…” I stated out loud.

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The mechanical man turned to me with shock.

“Father?... OUR…FATHER!”

The large mechanical man retracted his

plasma spear, placed it on his back and teleported

out of the cave with a spark of red light following

from behind.

Although I could not read the monster’s thoughts, I

sensed he had the intention to seriously harm my

father. But more than that, he mentioned that Lar

was our father.

“Father,” I gasped trying to catch my breath

while I worked to heal my face from being struck,

“what did he mean that you are our father?”

I could feel great hesitation through my father. He

did not want to admit what I wanted him to admit

to me.

“It’s too dangerous to share this where we

both are. Anadriya, leave Dessai with what you

came for and meet me back with your friends on

Sirius. I will rendezvous with you there and explain

everything to you.”

While I could read my father’s thoughts, I was

bewildered that my father had kept this secret

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from me for so long. Lar obviously had highly tuned

mental training to keep this from being leaked

through telepathic probing.

I rose to my feet and my vision was coming

back. I was able to breathe easier as the

mechanical man’s plasma spear dispersed so much

radioactive heat that it nearly suffocated me.

What shocked me more was that the monster

had all of the abilities that I had. His suit felt

literally indestructible and he could predict my

movements whereas I could predict nothing from

him. This frightened me to realize that a being like

him existed and the lives he could endanger shook

me deeply.

I pressed the cylinder on my inner right wrist.

My vessel appeared levitating in the air before me.

I re-materialized the krystal skull out of the

temporary realm and held it against my chest. I felt

the healing energies of the skull as Dian’sha’mat’s

consciousness was working to heal my injuries.

Within seconds, my face felt fully healed. I kissed

the top of the krystal skull as my way of saying

thank you.

I was teleported back into my vessel. I sat on

the floor of my vessel in the lotus position placing

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the krystal skull beside me. I shared telepathically

with my vessel “let’s head back to Sirius. My father

is waiting for me.”

Within an instant, I found myself back in the

hangar bay of the laboratory where I saw Xel,

Rorin…And my father. As I looked at my father’s

face, he was filled with worry. He did not want to

tell me what he was about to reveal, yet he had

made his decision to do so.

Page 219: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

9th Dawn of Armens – Sherepp Se Na

(The sub-heading is Handarran meaning “unpleasant

revealed truth”)

This sharing of my life was very challenging

to express as it was full of deep emotional reaction

relating to my father. It was a truth that jolted me

out of reality and for the first time ever, questioned

my role as one whom Asamanus had chosen to

help restore balance to her. All my teachings of

patience, awareness, tolerance and love were at

the foundation of being shaken from what my

father was about to tell me about the mechanical

man. Xel could tell that my emotional state was

rising into instability and attempted to stabilize me

with soothing telepathic feelings.

“Father, you have some explaining to do. I

want to know why that monster said ‘our father’ to

me.” I said with raw feelings unleashed.

“Anadriya… It’s true. The man you

encountered that was trying to kill you is my son

and he is your older half-brother.”

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My eyes bulged with shock. I had emotions

so raw and untamed that had risen to the surface.

For the first time ever, I wanted to strike my father

as I was so angry at him. Rorin and Xel restrained

me trying to calm me. My anger was so great, that I

literally bent a computer panel to my right that

folded into itself.

I shouted aloud: “How could you keep

something like that from me! How could you

possibly not tell me this when I was a little girl! You

lied to me! How could that monster possibly be

related to me!?”

I was emotionally distraught. I knew

nothing of neutrality at this point. I could not

contain myself. I could not center my being. I was a

distortion of misdirected energies as everything

within the laboratory was being destroyed by my

raw emotion.

“Anadriya, please listen to me, this needed

to be kept from you until the moment when you

were ready to hear it. I could not risk you knowing

as it would taint everything you are meant to be.

But now that you know, I will tell you everything

you need to know about your brother.”

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“Don’t you dare relate him to me! He is

nothing like me! He is a murderer!” I yelled.

“Only because he is programmed to

murder, Anadriya. You felt it in him at that moment

and even the technology through his body couldn’t

hide it. He spared your life because he

remembered you and who you are inside. He did

not kill you because he loves you. That memory

returned to his mind that was once implanted only

to be triggered at the right moment.”

I was still angry at my father. I wanted him

to tell me everything, but as my energies were

scattered, he could not project the information to

me telepathically. But that did not stop him from

explaining this to me verbally.

“Your brother’s name is Cade. He is human

just as you are, Anadriya. He was born ten years

before you were. His mother chose me as I chose

her. The love we had granted an experiment to

take place. Cade was to be the original selection to

perform what you have now been chosen to

perform. But it was not meant to be in the galactic

council’s eyes. Because of the karma that your

mother and I had carried relating to the Orion

Syndicate, she was targeted by them in the astral

realm when she was younger. She was tagged by

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the Greys and was the subject of birthing two

hybrid children during her teenaged years. During

that time, she was astrally implanted with

sophisticated holographic sequence code that ran

deep into her DNA: it was a form of energetic

tracking that could not be detected by common

telepathy. Cade’s mother was compromised, and

when the Orion Syndicate learned that she was to

birth a son through my genetics, they took

advantage of this situation immediately. Cade was

implanted when he was in his mother’s womb.

They worked in shadows as Cade’s mother went

through severe forms of depression and took

medication that would leave her body open to such

intrusions. Because of these intrusions, Cade’s

future plans to be a human galactic representative

were dissolved. It was not meant to be.”

I shook my head.

“But how did he become such a monster?”

“Cade had a unique soul contract that I did

not discover until after, Anadriya. Cade’s soul

incarnate essence had been split between two

worlds: Earth and Orion. A parallel version of Cade

existing in the fourth planet of Gamma Orionis

disembodied himself to incarnate through the

window of intrusion blending into the soul matrix

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of Cade’s human body. All of the karma that the

being carried with him from Orion embodied as

part of Cade’s soul contract here. Cade’s life would

be a challenging one. With the funneled karma

bonded together with his Orion essence, Cade

would have a very disturbing set of beginnings to

his Earth existence. Everything that could represent

something foul within a child’s life from neglect by

the parent, to social instability and impulsive,

destructive thoughts was what he went through as

a boy. All of these situations molded Cade’s mind

to become self destructive without any intention

from him to change. But his Earth spirit held

moments of strength, and that strength related to

the love of Earth herself. Cade found this through

photography as he bonded with Earth through the

love of his camera. With all the poison that came

from the Orion side of Cade, he was a young man

who could be saved. And I needed to help him save


I started to calm down as I knew the

explanation that my father was giving me was true

and from his heart. As I started to center myself

more and more, my father was able to send me

images telepathically between him and Cade.

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I saw images of Lar and Cade together upon

a beach talking and smiling with each other. I also

saw Cade learn teachings shared from my father

that helped him gain understanding of his abilities.

My father spoke of me to Cade and had admitted

to him that I was his sister…yes, it was true. Cade

was indeed my brother. I continued to scan deeper

into the visions.

“Father, you funneled through time to

attempt to save Cade. But to save him from…killing

me.” I mentioned while cycling through the visions

sent to me.

“Anadriya, had I not of done that, you

would have been killed on Dessai by Cade. And I

could not live with myself if I lost you. You are too

important to the galaxy.”

I tuned into the visions further and saw the

nightmares that Cade had each night he went to

sleep. He was tortured every single night due to

the telepathic intrusions from the Orion Syndicate.

I held my mouth in shock and tears rolled down my

eyes as I saw my brother being tortured.

“How could they be so cruel, Father? Why

are they so cruel?” I asked.

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“I wish I could tell you, sweetheart. And the

last thing I would want would be your brother to

be a victim of their twisted experiments, yet this is

what happened.” My father explained


My father sent me a vision of Cade

infuriated after more information relating to me

and my journey throughout the stars. Jealousy

filled Cade’s mind and his Orion side became

completely apparent. His anger was unleashed and

it reached such a degree that he nearly destroyed

Earth along with the entire galaxy. My father had

rendered him unconscious through telepathic

suggestion to save Earth and the galaxy as Cade’s

raw power was revealed. I had never imagined

Cade being capable of such ability. But I sensed this

related to the abilities within my father.

“Father, you are a child of the Elohim.” I


“Yes, my dear. You and Cade both inherit an

ability that was considered weak in me, yet

unbelievably powerful through my children. It has

to do with the human-based genome. As the Earth

human is the most advanced model of incarnate

form in the universe, these abilities inherited

genetically are greatly enhanced through you. As

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my body is nowhere near as advanced as an Earth

human body, I only experience the raw power of

this ability in a diluted form. Anadriya, both you

and Cade have the ability equally to naturally

manipulate space, time and matter. And this is why

the Orion Syndicate wanted both of you. However,

they were not able to implant you as your mother

had no previous involvement with me on other

physical planes and was of a natural higher

vibration. You were protected well by spirit, my


“But Cade wasn’t.” I concluded.

“No, he was not. Upon my return to Earth

to help to alter Cade’s path, Cade’s intruded mind

was far too complex to reprogram through

telepathic re-wiring. Together, we sought the

assistance from the Galactic Council of the

Guardians. A non-physical realm that represented

the legion essence of Asamanus. They were not

able to alter Cade’s path as they are not to impede

on another soul’s chosen journey. Even when Cade

gave them permission to do so to save himself,

they refused. But the Goddess of Asamanus was

able to do something. She left him a trigger. It was

this trigger where she admitted the greatest quality

of the human being origin, and it was that of love.

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When Cade was taken from me off of Earth, he

transformed into the monster you saw a short time

ago. Cade does not function linearly, Anadriya. He

is a traveller that can venture anywhere in time, to

any space in time and do whatever he pleases

issued as instructions from his masters, the Orion


Rorin stepped forward and looked at Lar

with serious eyes.

“I’ve just about heard enough of this. This is

what I’ve been telling you for so long, Lar. We

should’ve launched a full scale assault against the

Syndicate. With alliances combined, they could

finally be defeated, and now you let them use your

son as an invincible weapon. How the hell do you

expect us to fight against some one that has the

powers of the ancient architects!?” Rorin snapped.

“It’s about love, Rorin,” I interrupted, “you

can’t defeat him any other way. As long as you are

on his level of hatred and fear, he will defeat you.

And on that level, you are correct. He is in

invincible. But when it comes to bringing him into a

frequency of love, he is vulnerable.”

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Rorin scoffed at my words. His mind was

aligned to resolving this matter through war, not


“Give me a break, kid. This is has been going

way before you were born. For thousands of years,

we’ve sat back on this truce between us and the

Orions. They carry on thinking they own everything

and everyone. And quite frankly, I’ve had enough.”

My father stepped in determined to resolve

this debate. He turned Rorin around so Rorin could

face him.

“If you convince the council to go back to

war, you will be repeating history. Galactic chaos

that took over 600,000 years to cease would

return, and how many more would die, Rorin:

billions or trillions this time?

The stubbornness in Rorin was taking over.

He was not listening to us, only to what served his


“Fine, you go ahead and be in your little

love frequency. Your daughter is no different than

all the other adepts that have come and gone. She

may have extraordinary abilities as well, but it will

not save us all. They’ve developed a weapon

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through Cade, and that is the last straw. I’m going

to address the council and we are going to run the

Orions out of the galaxy for good this time and

truly bring the galaxy to peace.”

Rorin started to walk away. I wanted to him

to see reason, but my father held me back.

“Anadriya, don’t. Remember what the

Handari have taught you. Always stand aside of the

path where another chooses to walk. If he wants to

start war, that’s his journey. I know it’s not going to

be ours. Thousands will perish because of their lust

for war as they feel that’s the only way to bring


“But why doesn’t Rorin understand Cade

can’t be defeated with war? You only increase his

power if you choose to fight him.”

“Anadriya, those who haven’t walked a path

of experience aren’t able to accept another’s

viewpoint until they go through it themselves. Only

the experience of what he chooses to encounter

will give him the realizations he seeks. We must let

it be. It is his choice.”

Although my father was correct through

such teachings, I didn’t want to believe it. Through

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what I have learned based upon experience, it’s

that nothing is truly destined for one unless they

believe it. It was my intention to reach the council

before Rorin did. And as I had the ability of space,

time and matter at my disposal, I set this moment

now to appear before the council as I held the

krystal skull of Dian’sha’mat and I would get their


I walked away from my father. He could

sense what I was planning on doing, but did not

stop me.

“If you feel that this is something you can

achieve, Anadriya, I’m not going to stop you either.

Please just remember that you can’t change

another’s journey.” My father reminded me.

“I have no intention of changing another’s

journey, father. I only have the intention to offer a

better option that could replace it.”

I teleported back upon my vessel. Seated

beside the krystal skull, I summoned my craft to

take me to the first plan of the Vega star system

where I would appear before the galactic council.

It’s time they knew of me and the plan I had to

avert war and bring Asamanus back into her

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balance as I have chosen to speak for her: not as

Anadriya, not as a human…but as her.

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10th Dawn of Armens – The Council

My technological light body vessel

appeared before the great tower of the ancient

council. Amongst a world that was surrounded by

glorious structures, and ancient relics, such an

intrusion where a spacecraft would appear so near

would be considered an outrage. Yet, to me, it was

not about formality, it was about exposing truth.

I materialized myself from outside of my

vessel as I summoned the holographic matrix of my

craft back into my suit phasing it out of sight. I saw

a very long red carpet that led the path to the great

hall atop of this enormous temple that was well

over three earth miles in height. Its foundation was

chrysalis and finely polished with a captivating

aqua marine that shined gloriously across the sky.

The red carpet ran past a very large crystal

doorway that was sealed shut, but only for the


As I ventured down the spotless red carpet,

the enormous aqua-marine crystal door slid open

to reveal two ten-foot tall Council guardians with

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white polished armor carrying very heavy lances

that were as long as I was and razor sharp to the

tip. They held the upper part of the lance over their

shoulder as they slowly walked toward me. These

beings were not of the same frequency as I was

and so their telepathy was scrambled and

somewhat incoherent. It was more of a mixture of

feelings, yet nothing came together that was


As I walked toward them, I materialized the

krystal skull that appeared within my hands. Within

a moment, they recognized what they saw and

kneeled down before me leaving an opening for me

to pass through. I greeted them with love as I

ventured past them.

I walked through the enormous crystalline

door and saw a great hall. The building was a living

vessel for past clerics that once housed council

chambers with their commitment to galactic

preservation. I could feel their very presence

throughout the crystalline walls with their souls

smiling upon me.

There were sculptures of great Vegan icons

that were portrayed carved out of the living crystal

symbolizing their heroic deeds from making Vega

independent from the Orion Empire. This was an

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event that occurred well over a million Earth years

ago during times of brutal galactic warfare

between hundreds of stars. As I walked past the

hall of ancient heroes, I was before the great

chambers where the council of a thousand worlds

met. The chambers’ entranceway was a portal as

the actual chamber itself dwelled within a

dimension that was unknown to outsiders, and

even to most council delegates. Only the high

clerics knew of the location where the true council

chambers dwelled, but they were sworn to secrecy

never to reveal it to those not within their rankings.

I looked into the clear colorless portal

entrance way that casted my reflection through it. I

knew this was the moment where clarity needed to

be brought together after thousands of years of

dogmatic formality. This was causing the galaxy to

remain polarized to petty aristocratic idealisms and

star nation bureaucracies absent of any form of

unified spirit. It was this moment in time that the

day of change had arrived. I had been sent by the

universe not only to speak on her behalf, but to

become her with her words, mentality and spirit.

With a deep breath, I passed through the portal

entranceway and into the chambers housed within

another dimension of reality.

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On the other end of the entranceway, I

found myself surrounded by beings levitating

above me contained within clear crystalline orbs

that represented a spherical cluster. The council

chambers itself was spherical in its design and at

the center housed a great white light that shined

throughout the chambers, yet was encased within

an orb itself and wasn’t even paid of mind by all

who attended these chambers.

I stepped toward the bottom platform at

the lower portion of the chambers. As soon as I did,

all eyes contained in all spheres centered directly

on me. Within moments, I was flooded with

outraged thoughts. Very similar to how a homeless

girl may intrude upon the mansion only to be

discovered by its wealthy, heartless owner.

Many thoughts were enraged. I could hear

the voices of so many:

“An Earth human! How grotesque!”

“A dreaded homosapien! Our council

chambers are forever soiled with her stench of


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“Disgusting,” I heard the thoughts of a black

insectoid being, “another repulsive and impulsive

human female. Hideous!”

But as many thoughts became outraged and

offended, many others were also curious and were

eager to hear what I had to say as they were more

neutral to the idea of Earth humans.

I felt every soul collectively within these

council chambers as I could see every energetic

chord that attached to every being through myself.

I stepped forward and projected a thought to each


“I come here now not as a human, but as a

representative to Asamanus. She has chosen me to

be her vessel.”

More outrage followed as the thought was

transmitted throughout the chambers. The five

high clerics that orbited the central light in the

council chambers raised their hands to administer

silence of thought. These five beings looked at me

with curious eyes. They were beautiful beings

glowing with silver light amongst their bright

metallic looking skin. Their large almond eyes

shielded with large black lenses. Their heads

enormously large in width, height and depth.

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“Continue, my child.” One of the clerics

shared telepathically.

“I hold here in my hands the krystal skull of


Many were spellbound as they saw the

krystal skull that was in my possession. Some

doubted that I had the genuine skull. Others who

were open knew this skull to be of true origin.

“I will function now as the conduit to

Asamanus as she will address this council through

me.” I projected.

The crystal spheres containing the council

delegates spread themselves out to create a

vortecular pathway from the top of the chamber

where the great white light of the chamber

remained in the center. I set the crystal skull down

on the floor, sat down upon the floor cross-legged

and looked deeply into the eyes of the krystal skull

of Dian’sha’mat. As I did, the great white light in

the chamber began to fluctuate and expand in

greater intensity. The delegates in the chamber

were amazed as this had never happened before

through the entire existence of the galactic council.

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As I stared through the eyes of the krystal

skull, I was summoned to close them. As I did, I

could feel the coating energy of Dian’sha’mat come

through me. However, she was not the only energy

present. I began feeling the collective energy of the

stars enter through me like a funneling vortex. I

was becoming aware of all life within this galaxy as

the oversoul of Asamanus calibrated my energies

to become hers. I stood up and opened my eyes

only to be aware that my blue eyes were now

glowing softly. My silver uniform was now glowing

beautiful silver light. The vesica piscis symbol was

now glowing a radiant white light. And my blonde

hair was now vibrantly shining christed golden

light. The council was purely astounded as they

gazed upon the radiant energies that flowed

through me. My consciousness was simply in the

background, although I attained full memory of

what transpired through me, yet I was not

permitted to speak from my personality of

thoughts. The thoughts that flowed through me

now were of the oversoul of Asamanus as she was

ready to address the council.

“My children…” Asamanus projected

telepathically to all of the minds contained within

the council. “It has been so long since we have all

spoken as one... ”

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My body began to elevate itself upwards. It

levitated up to the point where the great white

light that was as bright as a star was directly

beneath my body. My face looked amongst the

council chambers and my cheeks smiled as

Asamanus looked through each of her children.

“The origin of Tritens…” Asamanus said as

she gazed towards a green skinned delegate that

spoke on behalf of his world within Alpha Centauri.

“Your dueling with your own creations will cease.

Your artificial constructs are but an extension of

the hate you still feel between yourselves. Know

the peace you have within your hearts, and the

fighting will cease. Let us remind you of what you


My right hand produced a glowing white

orb that was released from my hand’s grip. It

travelled throughout the chambers and entered

the heart of the Triten delegate. As it did, his facial

expression went from being blank, to being filled

with love. With what he experienced, he felt love

all around him no matter the alignment of the

other. He bowed out of respect and presented

Asamanus with a sacred Centaurian blessing where

he stomped his right foot twice, placed his hand to

his third eye and opened it widely with the palm

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faced inwards and fingers expanded. It was the

traditional blessing of acquiring divine knowledge

in the physical for it to return to the ethers of

creation. My head nodded as Asamanus gazed at

him with such unconditional love. My head turned

forward as the entire council were to be addressed


“My children,” Asamanus continued

through telepathic projection, “the being you know

as Anadriya is the conduit for my words. She has

been chosen because we knew that she was the

only one who could set aside her own thoughts so

that she may relay ours. The times that you have

referred to the coming of day zero approaches my

body’s alignment, and so many of you become

weary of such a tremendous gift bestowed upon us

all. For some, this has produced love and

preparation. For others, this has produced fear and

haste to take up fiery action upon your family. As

long as you continue to produce fear through

yourselves, it will be a battle that will never end.

Enemies are an illusion, my children. The hate

comes not from another individual, but only

through you. And you have allowed that hatred to

cast reflections upon others who you cannot align

with. Where their alignment is true to themselves,

to many of you, it is detestable. Only for the reason

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being that you are not able to see the creation

within yourself through such a state. My children,

being unconditional is being open to all forms of

life and creation, not to attempt to shape it to your

will. By doing so, you limit expression through

yourselves, and this is an act that will continue to

repeat through your lives endlessly until you reach

a point of unconditional love throughout


The energy shifted, and I could feel one that

was determined to ask a question. Asamanus

turned my body to the one who shared such

determination to speak. As my body turned to this

being, I saw that it was Rorin contained in a

crystalline sphere with his arms crossed.

“Your words are beautiful, dear spirit of

Asamanus…Yet there are those that do not share

your example for unconditionality. And they will

assert themselves violently in order for their

establishments to be solidified upon this galaxy:

your body. It was not long ago where a dear friend

of mine travelled through the dimensions only to

prevent his Earth-born son from becoming an

indestructible force engineered by the Orion

syndicate. The conduit that hosts your energy now

is aware of this and even helped to shape young

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Cade from transforming into his destiny. Now he is

rampant and ready to unleash a fury of destruction

in his path. How do you propose we stop him and

those who have created him?”

“Love has always and will always be the

antidote to such hate, dearest Rorin,” Asamanus

replied, “you will encounter such beings upon your

life as you transition further into a state of

acceptance and forgiveness. When your ‘enemies’

decide to raise their fists in anger, love them, and

their lust for power diminishes. When they see that

you do not share the anger they do, they become

uncertain as no one will present them with the

attention of rage they thirst for. Please understand,

dearest Rorin, war only breeds more war. Hate

only creates more hate. Look to the other path.

The path of what is genuine throughout you and all

who occupy this realm. That is the genuine quality

you all possess: it is love.”

Rorin’s face blushed a smile and a nod of

mutual respect. My head nodded as Asamanus

bowed in respect to his spirit. Rorin descended

back down to the vortex of delegates who were all

feeling the love of Asamanus through my being.

“My beloved children, a grand event awaits

you all. It is the awakening of the cosmic spirit and

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it flows through each of you. As you learn the ways

to accept, forgive and love, all will transform. You

will no longer need to live a contingency of lives

through incarnation to understand your ultimate

lesson: it is to see creation in all things. Even what

you consider to be the most hideous to you, can be

the most cherished by another. You are all mirrors

of each other. It is not about the surface, it is about

the heart of all life. Look there for truth and you

will reveal the way of love that you have felt

missing throughout your life. Accept, admit, allow,

forgive…and love, my children. As I love all of


My eyes closed and my body began to

descend to the lower portion of the chamber as I

could feel my feet touch the ground. I crouched

slowly as I landed as I felt the spirit of Asamanus

leave my body. Before she did, I could feel her

caress my shoulders as she whispered in my mind:

“you have fulfilled yourself, my child. You are

greatly loved and appreciated by all of us. We…are

always here for you.”

As I came too, tears ran down my face as I

wiped them away and smiled. Many of the

delegates came down to the lower platform to

greet me. So many of them had tears in their eyes.

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They had never heard such beautiful messages

within them since their entirety of being part of the

council. Even the insectoid beings that found me

repulsive embraced me with love as they hugged

me for such a long period of time. I even heard

them say in my mind “We are sorry, Anadriya.

Please forgive us.” I nodded out of forgiveness and

told them how much I love them.

It was an amazing time to be alive. A day

ago, who’d of thought an Earth human would be

standing amongst a council that saw them as

destructive and conflicting only to embrace them

now. This was the momentum of change that

would restore balance to the galaxy. As I was

surrounded by over a thousand beings from a

thousand different worlds, I understood how

different so many cultures are, yet how similar we

can all be brought together by the same essence

that flows through us all. The essence that love

delivers unites worlds, forms families and makes us

truly one.

It was at this moment where I had fulfilled a

vision that was brought to me by my mother. She

showed this to me and knew that this would

happen. I stand now in such deep appreciation

understanding my role in this body. It is not about

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the self as Rorin had put it. It was about putting

that aside and being part of the needs for the all as

the all. I understood this now and Rorin knew this

about me.

As Rorin began to enter my thoughts, I saw

him stand in front of me. His arms were crossed

and his blue eyes met with mine. He opened his

arms wide and said: “Come here, kiddo.” I hugged

him and we shared such a beautiful embrace.

“You were right, Rorin. I needed to let go of

myself and let go of the spirit of adventure. It

wasn’t about thrill, it was about service.” I shared


“I only told you what you already knew,

Anadriya. And I wanted you also to know that I had

no intention of going to war with the Orions. I only

wanted to bring out this reaction to you so that you

understood your duty as an adept. You are the one

that has been chosen by Asamanus, and I will

always be here to protect you at all costs to make

sure you speak through her, as her, with her

always. It is your beginning steps to move past self,

and understand what it is to be all in this body.”

“Thank you.” I replied as I kissed Rorin on

his cheek.

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Rorin stared at me and his face began to

turn serious.

“Cade?” He asked.

“Yes, I’m going to find him.” I said.

“Are you sure you want to do this alone?

Cade is very powerful.”

“Trust me, Rorin. I know how to approach

him and I know how to find him. I’m bringing him

back to us. He needs to come back to his human

side. He no longer needs to serve as a machine.”

“You see this?” Rorin asked me.

“No. But it is something the galaxy requires

me to do. It’s time to bring family back together.”

Rorin nodded in understanding. He put his

hand on the side of my face and smiled.

“Go bring your brother back to us,


Rorin turned away and made his way

towards the portal exit way of the council.

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To my right, I saw the council clerics bow to

me as they held a deep level of respect for what I

brought myself here to do.

“Young Anadriya, host of Asamanus, we

officially welcome you to the Galactic Council of

Asamanus. We are honored to have you as our

delegate representing your home of Mother Gaia.

We have felt your presence for some time and we

knew one day you would find yourself here, as it

has been foretold for eons of one who would

house the spirit of Asamanus and return to impart

her wisdom before us.”

I bowed out of respect to the spirits of the


“We know you have other matters to

attend to, but know that this is the beginning of a

great unity that will spread across the galaxy. You

have helped to heal a wound that has been open

for such a grand amount of time. And it is our duty

to let you know that the Goddess, Asamanus has

granted you such profound abilities as you housed

her spirit.”

I could feel this, but was unable to receive

insight on what was being re-organized through me

as I was within a trance state.

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“Asamanus asked us to inform you that the

vessel you used to travel is no longer necessary.

You hold the ability within yourself to materialize

to any point of space, any realm of dimension you

desire guided by your intention of thought.”

It was true. I could feel it within me. Very

similar to how one would see multiple exposed

frames within one picture, I could see other realms

as semi-transparent images throughout my vision.

All it required was my guidance to initiate the

direction of focus based on where and when to

travel. This was indeed an ability that was

heightened as I did not contain it previously.

“I give my love to you, clerics of the council,

and I will return to perform my accepted role as

official Earth delegate to the Galactic Council of

Asamanus. Bliss be with you all.”

In my mind, I searched throughout different

chords of vibration to locate Cade. I was able to

find him where I could not sense him before. He

was on board a mother ship carrying out his tasks

through the demands of the syndicate. It was a

Pleiadian vessel and Cade had slaughtered many

soldiers that attempted to retaliate against him.

The entire ship was lifeless as Cade had destroyed

all of the occupants. I could sense him standing

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upon the central control center of the vessel

looking upon the carnage he had caused.

Within an instant, I materialized myself

upon the Pleiadian mother ship directly in front of

Cade. He turned his head to meet with my eyes.

Cade extracted his toxic double-bladed plasma

spear wanting to slaughter me as he did everyone

else. I used the energy around me to take the

plasma spear from his hand, dismantled it to pieces

with my mind and rearranged the atoms to

completely obliterate its presence out of existence.

“No more fighting and no more killing,

Cade. You have me to deal with now. And I will not

leave until I feel my brother’s human heart beating

once again.”

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11th Dawn of Armens – Cade

I felt the anger so strongly in Cade. His rage

was overwhelming, yet he could not bring himself

to harm me, even though the mechanical side

wanted him to do so eagerly. It wanted him to rip

me apart, to tear out my life so that the craving to

kill was answered.

Cade took his glowing red eyes off of me

and turned his back to me.

“Why do you turn your back to me?” I asked


“…Anadriya…leave…before I change my

mind.” Cade replied with his deep mechanical voice

synthesized through his suit.

I walked over to him and stood in front of

him. Cade turned his head as he did not want to

look at me.

“Cade, you were not able to end my life

before because I showed you love where others

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would show you fear. I show love to you once

again, and you cannot accept it – why?”

Cade breathed heavily and groaned.

“You have no idea how hard it is for me not

to kill you right now. I am not able to hold this

sensation at bay for much longer. If you truly wish

to live, I demand that you leave now…my sister.”

Cade warned me.

“You remember me, Cade…That means that

you’re still human beneath that metal and altered

genetic programming.”

Cade met with my eyes.

“The brother you once knew is dead. I live

only to serve upon the rule of my masters. And I

will kill all of you that oppose the rule of the Orion

Syndicate…including you!”

“Then you do it.” I told him boldly. “I will

not allow you to slaughter any other innocent life,

because I know this is not who you are. And if I

oppose you, you obviously have no choice but to

kill me. So, why don’t you do it?”

Cade roared and his telekinetic powers

were in a fury. Cade ripped out an entire

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communication panel twice his size and imploded it

until it was a quarter of its own size. Cade hurled

the imploded panel through the wall causing an

impact crater. Cade’s breath was rapid and he was

panting with rage.

“You can’t do it, my brother, because you

love me…as I love you.”

“Shut up!” Cade shouted at me as he leaned

over looking down deep into my eyes. “Shut your

pathetic mouth, you worthless mound of flesh!”

Cade rose back to his posture. He groaned

again in rage and started to walk away from me as

he ripped the metallic door apart and hurled the

bent metal aside. He left the central control center

with each foot step echoing the anger that was

boiling over inside of him.

I materialized once again in front of him.

“I told you that I will not allow you to harm

another innocent life. This is going to stop, Cade.”

Cade halted and moved his head to the left.

“…They are coming for you, Anadriya…”

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I could sense what he meant. There was an

Orion boarding party that was only moments from

my position.

“You must leave now or they will destroy

you. I have rendered this vessel neutral so that

they may possess it. And they will not hesitate to

find you and kill you on sight.”

“And would you allow them to do that,

Cade?” I asked him.

I could feel some sympathy through Cade,

but the anger spoke again concealing his true


“What I would allow means nothing. I serve

the Syndicate.”

“Only because you’ve been programmed to,

Cade. I remember the talks we had while you were

human. Father was helping you to preserve your

humanity, and at the end, you were grateful for

everything he’s done. That’s why you couldn’t

harm him or me. We love you, and that is the

weakness to this being now encased in this

holographic armored suit.”

“You must leave now, or you will be

destroyed!” Cade warned me once again.

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“It was the Goddess of Asamanus that told

you that the greatest quality of the origins of

humanity was love. And that love would be the

monster’s weakness. Your weakness has been

exploited, Cade, and it’s time to come back to your

origins. I feel the human heartbeat in you, and now

it’s time you felt it too.”

I was able to seep through the holographic

armor of Cade that beforehand would prevent such

intrusions. But as I could see so much more, his

armor no longer blocked my communications. I

shared with him the moments of our time together

during my father’s attempt to redeem Cade. How

beautiful he appeared as a human being: the

mixture of the Caucasian genetics of my father, and

the genetics of the African from his gorgeous

mother combined to produce a young attractive

man. I showed him images of how we hugged and

how I held his hand telling him how much I loved

him. And while I was about to depart, I showed him

how he got up and wanted to tell me…how much

he loved me.

I could feel the manufactured algorithms of

his DNA becoming infused with light. Like the rays

of the sun would shine upon darkness, the

chemical programming injected into Cade’s

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genetics were becoming unwritten. His natural

human DNA was beginning to strengthen slowly,

yet prosperously.

With the unconditional love I showed Cade,

he could no longer look me in the eyes.

“Please, Anadriya…Leave…before they find


“It’s too late, Cade…”

I turned around and I saw half a dozen

Orion soldiers dressed in similar armor to Cade’s,

yet nowhere near as advanced. The soldiers stood

tall at seven feet looking down at me like I was a


“A human!” Their telepathic voices

projected in my mind.

Their images of horror filled my mind as

they were attempting to telepathically attack me. I

was able to create a barrier through my mind, but

these beings were adept at telepathic intrusion. I

could hear their repulsive voices in my mind: “you

cannot resist us!”

Their hate was becoming too much. I

became disoriented and slammed back against a

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wall as dizziness came over me. Cade simply stared

down at me as the Orion soldiers gathered in front

of him to look down at me.

“She has power, this one. She may be

worthy of experimentation.” One of the Orion

soldiers admitted.

“No. She is of no use to you. Her heart is

too strong. It is best to leave her be as you now

have what you have come for: this ship and its

artifacts.” Cade stated aloud.

The Orion soldiers’ cruelty became more


“Leave her be? No…she will be sacrificed on

behalf of our Overlord. Prepare her as we will allow

her death to be the most excruciating for the

Overlord’s feast.”

The Orions picked me up from off the floor.

One of the Orion soldiers pulled out a long dagger

with a jagged edge. The Orions began to chant a

ritual in their language that was unpronounceable

as they brought the dagger close to my abdomen.

Cade was behind them looking on what was about

to happen.

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“Yes! Her energy will be a find feast for our

Overlord…She is RICH in spirit!” The Orions

admitted together telepathically.

I began to scream in pain as the dagger

began to penetrate through my skin. An incision

was beginning to form as blood was gushing from

my wound. I began to cry as the pain was so

excruciating! The dagger worked slowly to

penetrate my organs as my face was filled with

tears of agony!

Cade looked into my eyes and I could feel

that he couldn’t bare my torment any longer! Cade

suddenly threw all of the Orions back with the

power of his telekinesis. I fell to the ground

attempting to catch my breath and heal my open

wound where a patch of blood from my abdomen

stained my suit.

I felt Cade grab the Orion that held the

knife. Cade lifted him three feet off the ground and

broke his neck. After the life left the Orion’s body,

Cade threw him to the floor.

Another Orion attempted to battle Cade as

he struck him across the face with a hard, clenched

fist. Cade was unfazed by the attack and grabbed

the Orion by the throat and dissolved him out of

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existence as he rearranged the atoms in his body to

deconstruct his physical form.

The remaining four Orions opened fire on

Cade with green particle beams penetrating his

body. The beams absorbed into his suit as he was

unaffected by their attack. Cade held out his hand

towards the four Orions and exploded their hearts

from inside their chest killing them all instantly.

The Orions fell to the ground dead as Cade stared

at their lifeless bodies.

Something changed inside of him. The

hatred he once had no longer thirsted to thrive on

his slaughtering. He did not indulge the energies of

the beings’ death to fuel his rage further. Instead,

he decided to walk away from it. Cade went over to

me and bent down.

“Anadriya…are you all right?” Cade asked

me with concern.

…My brother was back to his human side!

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged

him. For a moment, he hesitated but then

embraced me back with a hug. His glowing red eyes

were beginning to change as they transformed into

a beautiful deep blue color. My brother had

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redeemed himself as he felt no urge to kill for a

pleasurable lust, but only to defend another whom

he loved.

Cade’s mask began to phase away as the

holographic grid removed itself from his face. Cade

revealed his face that was of light black skin tone

and dark brown eyes that gazed upon me with a

look of concern. I could see my beautiful brother’s

human face fully. His dark hair was short

accompanying thin side burns. His eyes were no

longer filled with a black void feeling, they were

warm as the natural brown human eyes returned.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and helped me

to sit upwards as I was able to heal my wound and

clear away the stain of blood from my uniform.

“Come back with me, Cade. I want you to

be with me and father. It’s time for you to come

back with your family. There is so much we can

accomplish together as the galaxy requires us more

now than ever.”

Cade looked at me and shook his head.

“That is not my destiny, Anadriya. There is

something far more critical that only I can resolve.

You know your path. It’s time I knew mine.”

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The very thoughts that Cade was thinking of

were far too dark for me to fathom in my mind. All

I could sense were surface feelings relating to other

experiments. The Orion Syndicate has been

experimenting with others. Cade was only the first

or their insidious attempts to keep the galaxy

under their hierarchical order. The Orion Empire is

fighting a war against this Syndicate to stop them,

but they are seriously under-matched. I could see it

so clearly in my mind. The Syndicate was planning

something far more catastrophic. It was a plan that

Cade was originally created to lead.

“You sense the thoughts I have shared,

Anadriya. But you only understand a very small

portion of it. The Orion Syndicate is power hungry

and they have gone to great lengths to create a

manufactured psychic army. As you had felt, I was

to be their General to lead the charge – but my

sister – you’ve helped me so much. I never thought

I could return to a side I was programmed to

neglect for so long. While in this body mindlessly

obeying every order, travelling back and forth

through time, I felt I have lived centuries as this

machine. But now it’s time I turned what I thought

had been a curse into a blessing. ”

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“You are human again, Cade. And I only

hope that the human side of you will remain intact

along your path.” I wished.

“That will never leave me again. But if the

original plan goes forward, the galaxy will continue

to face darker times ahead. I have to stop the

Syndicate and prevent this agenda from happening.

They have created copies of me, but these are

copies that are nowhere near as powerful as I am.

They are nothing more than forged clones from my

genetic template. They are without soul, Anadriya,

and I am the only one who can track their

movements. They plan to take over the stars of

Bellatrix, Meissa and Betelguese encompassing

them entirely under Syndicate rule. As you said…

you wouldn’t let me harm any innocent lives. Now,

I can’t let them harm anybody else… I must stop

the one responsible for this plan of massacre… I

must face my father.”

…I sensed he wasn’t talking about Lar.

“The one who made these experiments

possible… he is known by the Syndicate as the

Overlord. These soldiers have pledged a life oath to

him as they were intending to sacrifice your body

and spirit to his twisted worship. He is a monstrous

Draconian, Anadriya. His very appearance has

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caused his victims to perish in absolute fear. He is

hideous, remorseless and could be defined as the

personification of evil. As long as he lives, this

galaxy will always have a cancer bred within it that

will never be free.”

“You plan to kill him?” I asked.

“…Yes. He will die by my hands.” Cade

responded with a serious expression on his face.

I did not want to see my brother go down a

path this dark. My face showed disgust and I

scoffed at Cade’s response. I was getting upset and

Cade felt this in me.

“Cade, resolution is not about killing others!

You take lives so easily and you show no

hesitation… why do you feel you have to kill to

create solution?”

Cade looked at me sternly. “When one as

sadistic, heartless and deceitful like the Overlord

exists, their death is the only solution for peace. If

he is to be killed, one just like him needs to do it so

it occurs. I have to do this, Anadriya.”

I heard Lar’s voice in my mind. I nodded my

head in understanding and replied:

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“Like father had told me, it’s impossible for

me to stop another from choosing their path.”

Cade helped me to my feet.

“You have changed me more than you

know little sister. But you can’t go any further

without jeopardizing yourself. You need to leave

the rest to me, and you have a destiny that will

unfold involving our home…Earth. Follow that path,

Anadriya, and let me follow mine. Contact the

Pleiadian Command and have them retrieve the

casualties aboard this ship. They deserve a proper

burial and are to be remembered honorably. It’s

the least I can suggest that could deliver some

decency from the horror I have committed.”

“You have my word that I will contact them,

Cade.” I assured him.

Cade activated his mask to come back upon

his face. His blue glowing eyes represented

someone who was imbued with compassion. I

could sense that he truly cared about those who

could not defend themselves against such

misguided souls as the Orion Syndicate and he was

going to be their protector. His human heart was

now beating stronger than it ever was.

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Cade began to walk down the corridor past

the dead soldier bodies. Cade halted and turned

back to me.

“You will see me again, Anadriya. I

promise.” He said with his mechanized voice.

With a red glow of energy that filled Cade’s

body, he dematerialized himself from my presence

and I was alone aboard this lifeless mother ship

surrounded by the energetic stench of death.

I closed my eyes and summoned the

attention of the Pleiadian task force commander.

He felt my presence and responded back to me. I

explained what had occurred here and that his

people require retrieval. It was important to ensure

all casualties return back to their home world and

be buried with love from their families. A

distraught commander concurred and informed me

that they were on their way.

Through all the carnage that occurred upon

this vessel, I flooded the lifeless corridors of the

entire mother ship with love to give those that

remained discarnate to return back to the realm of

spirit. As I sent the ship love, I could feel so many

returning to the light. Though their body lay

slaughtered, their spirit remained untarnished and

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forever pure in joy…Including those with deeds


After I had blessed the ship, I knew it was

time to rendezvous with my father. He was making

his way back to Earth on board a councilor ship

filled with Sirian passengers. He was aware of my

mental probing, felt where I was and had

something important to discuss with me. I

responded stated that I would be there


It had involved me returning back to Earth…

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12th Dawn of Armens – Hesaren

The name of the ship that my father

occupied was called the Hesaran. It is an Azurite

word which translates as the “Odyssey.” The

Hesaren was a vessel that had history as it saw

many different adventures throughout its time. It

had functioned as a rescue ship and saved

countless beings from near death encounters

involving skirmishes and celestial disasters.

Criticized as an outdated vessel centuries old, it’s

one of the most respected spacecraft in Azurite


As I materialized aboard the vessel and felt

the energy of the two-hundred beings on board,

this vessel felt like it had lived a life similar to what

I am living. My life has been full of adventures with

both inspirational moments and detrimental

challenges. Many have seen me as a prodigy and

others have seen me as a mere child that needed

to be disciplined with experience. I found it to be a

divine synchronicity that I occupy a vessel that

shared the same fluctuation similar to what I have

received: It was replete with distinguished heroism,

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as well as ridiculed with unrelenting, harsh


The oval-shaped metallic vessel’s central

deck was completely transparent. Many beings

would find comfort viewing the stars from this

section. As I saw Earth through the transparent

opening of the Hesaren, my heart fluttered as it

had been so long since I had returned home. I felt

like an alien looking at my home planet from this

point of view. It was a feeling I had never felt


I saw my father a short distance away from

me looking at the Earth with a proud smile on his

face. He turned to me and held out his arm

wanting me to come and join him at his side. I

smiled back at my father and came over to him. He

wrapped his arm around me and gently squeezed

me with a loving hug. I placed my head on his

shoulder as I gazed upon my beautiful blue world.

“Welcome home, sweetheart. I know it’s

been a long time since you’ve seen your true

home.” Lar said aloud.

“I love Handarr, father. And I have so much

appreciation for every place I’ve been. But out of

all those worlds, this is the one that calls to me

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louder than any of them. Earth feels so much more

alive than any other world in the galaxy.” I

admitted to my father.

“There’s no other planet like it in the galaxy,

my dear,” my father replied, “it is a gem that shines

so brightly amongst countless others. Whereas

other worlds are their own jewel, you just know

that there’s something so profound about this one:

it’s one that stands out. It’s a jewel that has been

chosen and favored by the gods.”

I turned my head to my father’s eyes as I

removed myself from my father’s shoulder.

“Father, I had an encounter with Cade…”

“I know, sweetheart. You have done

something that I could not do. You helped your

brother become his human self again.”

“I saw his transformation before my eyes

and I could feel his human heart beating. But there

is still so much hate inside of him. I wanted him to

come back with me so we could share our

experiences together. I wanted him to see you, and

to see Earth.”

“But as he told you, that was not his

journey,” my father interrupted, “Anadriya, it is

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going to take some time before Cade can fully

return to his humanity. He has only begun to

realize that it still exists within him. He is exactly

where he needs to be.”

“I understand, but even though he has

come back to his human senses in some degree, he

only wishes to slaughter as a form of protection to

assist others. Why does he have to be so violent?

He kills with such ease and feels no remorse

whether being the offender or the defender. It was

difficult to observe.”

“It’s his way of understanding his own

challenges. He will continue to kill and that is

something we can't prevent.”

I shuttered as my father said that. Those

words frightened me. He could sense my


“Killing isn’t the answer, father. It never is. I

could never, ever do it. It’s savage and disgusting.”

“Anadriya, In lives’ past, we were all like

him. We didn’t realize what was considered right

from wrong and we needed to go through our own

hardships to realize that it wasn’t about being the

abuser or being abused that made a difference.

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When you hit rock bottom, Anadriya, the only

direction from there is up. Cade will realize that at

some point. Right now, he needs to pursue his path

to realize the true answer. He’s enacting the karmic

result to those that created him. With all the

destruction they cause, it is only a matter of time

before a boomerang effect returns back to them.

Cade is the essence of that boomerang that will

cause their self-implosion. Love your brother,

Anadriya, no matter the challenges he goes

through. No matter the drama one faces in life,

their love is always true in spirit. That’s what we all

are beyond these bodies, my dear.”

I nodded my head as I understood what my

father had shared with me. He made me feel so

much better as I was so attached to my brother. It

wasn’t something I was used to. I had always felt

the people around me to be my family. But to have

a part of my lineage that I had been unaware of for

so long to come into my life so quickly, emotional

attachment became so strong in me. I believe it’s

what humans had called “wearing your heart on

your sleeve.” With all of my experiences being the

conduit for Asamanus and receiving personal

mentorship from my father, this helped me to

ground understandings relating to being an

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observer. It is what the galaxy is in all her glory. She

is the epitome of hindsight.

“Anadriya,” my father said to me softly, “I

called you here because I would like you to see

your home again from the surface. It’s time you

made your return to your people.”

“But father, I was always told by the

Handari that humans aren’t quite ready for

everything I’ve been taught. It isn’t until their

collective form of maturity that they would only

begin to understand a fraction of what I have


“They were correct…at the time. Humanity

is growing by leaps and bounds every moment that

passes, Anadriya. Right now, so many of them are

confused as they are evolving past systems they

never quite realized were there in the first place.

They are entering that beginning stage of collective

maturity. And in the times ahead, we will have the

opportunity to be invited by them to assist them

further. Right now, they require a nudge. I would

like to see you be that nudge.”

I was flattered that my father had the

confidence to choose me for this task, but a part of

me was in doubt.

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“Father, I am one person. How can I be a

nudge for nearly seven billion humans?” I asked.

My father turned back to the window.

“Anadriya, when a human plants a seed in a

meadow, will that seed instantly grow a


I could see where my father was going with

this. I began to smile.

“Yes, my dear, it will take time for that seed

to grow. But as time passes, that seed will have

sprouted into a mighty tree where all nature

flourishes and adapts to the addition of what has

been grown. Through that one seed emerges

growth… and promise.”

My father turned to me and placed his

hands on my shoulders smiling down at me.

“Plant those seeds, Anadriya. You are more

in tune with the universe than anyone I have ever

known. You will know what to do. But you need to

be with your people as their souls are calling for

you to come back home. Even Cade knew this is

something you had to. The only question is…do you

feel it too?”

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“I feel it, father.” I admitted.

I could feel the Earth talking to me. She felt

like a mother that wanted her child to come back

home. She was welcoming me back with open

arms. I would not deny my mother the return of

one of her children.

Hours past as I was alone within the ship’s

projection chamber observing the thoughts of

many human’s amplified into visual projections

through this space. I was both excited and

somewhat disgusted at the same time. I felt

humans who were so loving and caring, and I felt

others filled with lust, greed and aggression. There

were moments where I needed to stop as the

feeling of such dense emotions nearly

overwhelmed to the point where I felt dizzy.

I could sense help from my own intuition

coming through:

“You will only interact with those that

require interaction, Anadriya. Observation is the

key to solution. It is the state of the purest

strength. Trust your feelings.”

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I rose from the projection chamber as I had

no further interest in preparing for human

encounters. As I had always learned from my

teachers, preparation only creates limitation. Walk

the path of your journey and adaptation will

commence through spontaneity.

With the power of my mind, I had

manifested my silver uniform into a common Earth

wardrobe. I wore a bright blue dress that went

down to my knees and wore a silver necklace with

the emblem of the vesica piscis that hung from it. I

straightened my long blonde hair that went down

to the middle of my back and tied it back into a

pony tail. My feet remained bare as I had no idea

what the purpose of shoes were at the time.

Within an instant, I materialized myself

down to a beautiful meadow that was located in

the region of Ireland. I took in the fresh smelling air

and was so pleased to be at home.

I spent so long wandering the long meadow

until I came to a small town called “Dalkey”

according to its signs. I saw several townspeople

look at me strangely as they could see me walking

amongst the streets bare foot. As my dress was

very bright, I suppose one could say I stood out

compared to others who wore colors that were

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more neutral. I could feel the thoughts of all the

people in the neighborhood. Some were quite at

peace enjoying their day at their jobs, others were

stressed beyond belief and in such a hurry to get


As I walked past a brick building known as a

bakery, an elderly man who was balding and had a

thick white beard was smiling at me.

“Did you forget your shoes this morning, my


I looked down at my feet and smiled.

“I’m afraid I’m not in the habit of wearing

shoes. I never really understood their purpose.”

The old Irish man projected an enormous

belly laugh.

“You have made my day, sweetheart.

Would you like to come in for a spot of tea and a

freshly baked scone?”

I nodded my head and entered the old

man’s bakery. It was completely empty. There

were only six wooden circular tables and two chairs

beside each one.

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“We only opened five minutes ago. I’ll be

expecting a crowd shortly before noon.” The old

man stated as he walked behind his counter.

“Your building is beautiful. It’s so quaint and

old, yet very humbling.” I said.

The old man let out a chuckle as he put on

his white chef’s apron.

“Lass, every part of Dalkey is pretty much

old and quaint. You’re obviously not from around

here, are ya?” He asked with his deep Irish accent.

I sat down at one of the nearby tables close

to the counter.

“I’m visiting.”

“Where ya from?” He asked while he

poured my tea.

“I was born in Redding, California. In the

United States of America. It’s in the western

hemisphere of this planet.”

The old man laughed again.

“Yeah, yeah, I know where the USA is, my

dear. I’ve been there several times. Buncha jokers

living over there. Don’t think I’d ever go back.”

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I could feel his memories. He opened a

bakery in New York City a decade ago. He was

bullied by many customers and a great deal of

vandalism occurred where his property was


“You had a very unpleasant experience

there. A lot of people abused your trust. ” I said.

“Yes. How did you know that?”

“…Your tone of voice told me.” I replied

covering my tracks.

The old man reached into his oven and

pulled out a large raisin scone. He used an

apparatus humans call tongs and placed onto a

white plate.

“It was very uncomfortable. So I came back

to my home town here and re-opened my

business. And it’s like God sent me a sign that

everything I went abroad to start, I could find right

here. Since that day I returned, life’s been so good

to me.”

“Yes. The universe truly is on your side,


The old man looked up at me in shock.

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“How did you know my name?” He said

with such surprise.

I didn’t really know how to respond. I took a

moment, looked up at him and smiled.

“I suppose you could say I have a gift.”

“You’re psychic, are ya?” Patrick asked


“I have always been able to listen to others

through thought rather than through voice if that’s

what you call a psychic.”

“You knew about my experience, and you

knew my name without me saying a word. You

should be working for one of those psychic hot

lines, lass.” Patrick suggested.

“I have no idea what that is.” I admitted.

Patrick placed the tea and the scone down

on the table I was sitting at and stared into my


“I have this strange feeling when I look into

your eyes, lass. Something really is different about

you. It’s like you’re reading my very soul.”

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“And a beautiful one it is, my dear.” I said

smiling at him.

Patrick straightened his posture and put his

left hand on his hip. His face was filled with

curiosity. A smirk blushed across his face.

“Of all the years I’ve been in business, I’ve

never met someone like you… What else can you

tell me about me, my dear?” He asked politely.

“You’ve been married for 33 years, you

have a son named Seth, although you wanted to

name him Kelly. He’s been divorced twice and has

been very distant from you and the rest of your

family right now, but that will change in the times

ahead. You have a fascination for trains. You love

to read romance novels, yet you keep that to

yourself. You also enjoy working with your hands.

Doing chores in your garden makes you feel truly at

peace. Your mother is still around you in spirit and

she blesses you every single morning when you get

out of bed. Many nights you have tears in your

eyes because you miss her so much. Baking is your

passion, but you’re becoming very eager to explore

Earth. Next year, you’ll win a trip to Australia and

you will absolutely love it there.”

“Sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph! How…”

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Patrick sat down next to me.

“How are you able to do that?” He asked.

I turned to him with a puzzled look on my


“Do what, my love?”

“You read my entire life. I didn’t have to tell

you a thing. I can usually spot lying cheats a mile

away, but you… you’re so pure, my dear. I can’t

find a single bad thing about you when I look at ya.

You’re as pure as you are gorgeous.”

“What I have, anyone can have through

themselves, Patrick.” I shared.

“The last time I heard anyone with such

profound abilities as you say that, he had twelve

disciples with him.” Patrick stated in a joking


“He was human just as you are.”

“Knew him personally, did ya?”

“His spirit is with this Earth, always. He talks

to all of you through nature as he is one with it.”

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Patrick smiled and he pulled the scone

closer to me.

“Enjoy your breakfast. It’s on the house.”

I looked at him curiously.

“’On’ the house? What a strange

expression.” I said while I giggled.

“You really aren’t from around here.”

Patrick said again while he smiled.

I didn’t really know what do with the scone

or the cup of tea as I had never eaten since I was a

young girl. The whole concept eluded me. Patrick

could sense my hesitation.

“Something wrong?” He asked.

I looked up at him.

“Patrick, I’ve never eaten since I was a

young child.”

Patrick gazed at me like I was from another


“What? How are you able to live without

food, lass?”

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I looked down at the plate with the scone

on it and then looked back up at Patrick.

“I live off the energy of the universe.”

Patrick started to smile again. The smile

turned into a chuckle.

“Oh goodness. Just who are you, my lady?”

“My name is Anadriya.”

“No, no, no…” Patrick waved his hands out

and shook his head.

“Who are you, dear? Where did you come

from. I don’t know any lady from California that

acts like you. You from outer space or something?”

I looked at Patrick with a serious gaze.

“You were able to understand my

thought?” I admitted to him.

Patrick’s face became confused.

“Uh… I was joking.”

I shook my head.

“No. You were correct. You only thought it

was a joke, but your intuition spoke true to you.”

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Patrick just sat down again. He rubbed his

head as he was becoming very confused. I smiled at

him again, got up from the table and rubbed his


“I should go, Patrick. But I want to thank

you very much for your kindness.”

I bent down and put my mouth close to his

ear and whispered:

“Spend this day as you would if you were in

heaven. Because you are there already, my love.”

I kissed him on the cheek. His eyes closed

for a few moments. He looked at me and smiled.

He rose from his chair excited as if he were a young

man and began to sing.

“Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, too-ra-loo-ra-li!”

I smiled widely as I saw him in the kitchen.

The energy that was pouring out of him was

channeled straight from his inner child. Little

Patrick emerged and he was re-living his

excitement as an eight year old boy helping his

mother in the kitchen baking scones.

I slowly and quietly walked out of the

bakery as I left Patrick to his excitement. As the

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street was devoid of anyone’s presence, I de-

materialized my presence away from Ireland and

materialized my body to other hemisphere of the

planet. I found myself near an alleyway in one of

the most popular areas of Earth: New York City.

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13th Dawn of Armens - Integration

My mind was becoming filled with

thousands of distracting thoughts. New York City

could be referred to as the area of white noise as it

was very difficult to center one’s self with so much

thought being broadcast in such a condensed area.

As I walked through the streets, I could

sense so much frustration through so many

humans. Many shared their dislike for their jobs,

yet they continued to go to work. There were those

whose personal mistreatment enacted misdirected

rage to everyone they came in contact with. Very

few people on this street had any form of positive


I also discovered a large amount of

holograms as I continued to venture down the busy

Main street pathway. Many of these humans were

not actually here in the physical. A lot of the people

that were walking off having no attention centered

on them were simply projections. They were

products of other beings amongst the world

unconsciously bi-locating to this area as their

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vibration suited so much of the lack of attention

others gave them. Other holograms were merely

produced through mother Earth herself. It was a

test for humanity that so many did not notice. It

was a sign to show humanity how it could break

out of trance to show compassion to each other.

New York City as well as several other populated

areas across Earth flourished with holograms. In

fact, 50% of people that are contained within the

background through a human’s daily life are not

even that of the genuine person. They are all

reflections attempting to gain the attention of the

human in question to invoke a response based on

that being’s soul contract.

It was as if I was looking at humans that

projected a very narrow beam of light that

represented a destination. If there was anything

aside from the path of the beam, it was ignored

and would be refused acknowledgement from that

person. Humanity was very much in a trance state,

and it would take a thought form of great

magnitude to break so many out of this trance

state. So many people I personally encountered in

New York City were frozen into this trance, and it

was something that truly frightened me.

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I stopped in the middle of the street. My

arms were at my side and I closed my eyes bringing

in an image of serenity. As I did, I slowly opened my

eyes and everyone on the street remained frozen. I

was able to move freely within the moment.

Hundreds of people that walked upon the

sidewalk continued to broadcast thoughts though

their bodies were motionless. Only their minds on

a sub-conscious level were operational through this

still moment.

I walked down the sidewalk looking at each

person: old men, young women, children, business

men looking at their watch and teenagers talking

into trance-inducing mobile technology. This

society was so heavily programmed that it ignored

its own power and capability. I was sad as I

continued to walk down the street staring at these

lost human beings.

There was a strong feeling that came over

to me. I walked over to an older Asian gentleman

and he was able to move. He smiled as he saw the

whole world frozen before him as if he knew that

this moment would occur. The man was well within

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his late 70’s and went by the name of Kyung21. He

turned to me knowing that I was the one who

stilled this moment. He smiled at me and

approached me.

“Asai yo teem set marus!” He spoke aloud.

This was an ancient Lyran greeting. It meant

“the echo to my spirit answers!”

As I felt this beautiful energy coming from

Kyung, I smiled back at him and we embraced with

a long hug.

Kyung’s thoughts were wide open and

expressive. Kyung has been a part of the Earth

experience for nearly fifty years now. He would be

known by the term given by many humans as a

“walk-in.” His spirit was disembodied from his

Lyran body which is contained encapsulated on

Earth’s moon. His nature of intuition was very

powerful, yet he was able to suppress it deeply to

interact daily with the human populace.


This is the same individual that is assisting to translate Anadriya’s diary. As we discovered what was about to revealed, this only brought forward a greater confirmation to the validity of our work.

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“Anadriya, it is so wonderful to see you!”

Kyung vocally shared. “I have so much to tell you

and I knew this day was coming!”

Kyung escorted me to a nearby bench that

was occupied near the busy city street. We both

sat down and smiled as we stared into each other.

“You are the official delegate for Earth. I

received the transmission based on your arrival

through the council.”

“Yes. And I’ve returned to Earth through the

request of my father. I wanted to see how far Earth

has come since my absence. It seems that not

much has changed.” I admitted.

“No, Anadriya, so much has changed since

you went off planet. The people no longer trust the

illusion of their would-be leaders. More are

realizing their self-empowerment and are taking a

role in leading their own lives. I interact with

dozens of new humans every day and I can see

their hearts becoming free. I know I do not speak

for the entire population, but the momentum is

becoming so strong within so many. And that is the

very effect needed to drive humanity into a new

stage of awareness.” Kyung assured me.

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I looked towards the people whose bodies

remained still, but minds continued to chatter.

“So many of them though are still caught up

deeply within an illusion. They allow so much

possibility to pass them by.”

Kyung nodded his head.

“I have met quite a few of those types of

people as well. But compared to the populace en

masse, it is a very small number. There is so much

love in this world now and humanity is reaching

new ground. I have been with them for over fifty

years now and during those earlier times, I was

afraid for humanity. I was afraid we would never

reach a critical mass that would surpass the

illusion. But we have. And it is a wonderful time to

be alive, Anadriya.” Kyung said to me with such joy

in his heart.

“I wish I knew of a way that I could reach

them. Share everything I know with so many of

them. But their minds are cluttered with such

irrelevant thoughts that such a projection from my

mind to theirs would be so easily dismissed.”

Kyung held me hand and patted it gently

with his other.

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“A diary is the answer, Anadriya.” Kyung

said with certainty.

“A diary?”

Kyung reached into his black leather brief

case and pulled out a cordbound notebook with a

beautiful turquoise cover. He handed it to me.

“Yes. This is for you, Anadriya. I just bought

it this morning as I had the feeling it would be

brought into use later on in the day. Let this be

your tool to document your thoughts. If you wish

to reach people, you need to come to their level.

Thought transmission is something that is too

advanced for the human race to acknowledge at

this point in their evolution. Though a select few

would be able to attain your intention, the purpose

that you are attempting to achieve would never be

understood by so many. The diary you create must

be encrypted. So may on this planet are skeptical

of how something so genuine could come into

existence. It needs to be an element that would

require an extraordinary circumstance that could

not be misrepresented obviously.”

I could sense what Kyung was leading to.

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“A transmission created through sequences

that could only be accessed through those that had

the innate quality to translate certain portions of it


“The magic number is 12, my dear. It is the

number that embodies the essence of

transformation. You must choose twelve

individuals that are of the calibration needed to be

your official translators. I would be honored if you

chose me to be the first.”

I smiled at Kyung and nodded.

“Consider yourself my first official


Kyung’s smile was so wide. There was such

a great deal of excitement in his heart that I knew

he had not felt for such a long time.

“The other eleven have already been

chosen, my dear. You have already chosen them…”

Kyung looked up at the sky and began to


“Magnificent is the magic of synchronicity.”

He said with such appreciation.

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Kyung was a very wise elder and so

adaptable to any situation. I can see now why he

was chosen amongst his group to be a volunteer

here. He accepted the role of the ground crew with

such sincerity and joy. I value so much of him as if it

were not for him, this diary would never have been


As Kyung and I got up from the bench, I

agreed to take Kyung off planet with me back to

the Hesaren so that he could meet my father. As

we de-materialized together, the time cycle

continued and everyone returned functioning

through motion.

I had so much to learn from Kyung as he

was about to give me a crash course relating to my

future interactions with humanity. As we returned

to the Hesaren, Kyung and I shared another walk

that helped me to understand my biological family

so much better than I did. It was through Kyung’s

detailed telepathic transmission that helped me to

understand integration so much better. It was also

an opportunity through him that allowed me to

speak to other members of my family…

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14th Dawn of Armens - Culmination

With a short time of a few moments with

Kyung, we shared a grand conversation that would

have taken years to have vocalized. Kyung shared a

great deal of information pertaining to his

perspective on humanity and his interactions with

them. I felt I was understanding them a little better

given everything they have gone through relating

to a very sophisticated luciferian program.

After thanking Kyung and parting with him, I

journeyed further upon Earth and went to many

different lands: Guatemala, Hawaii, Malaysia,

Indonesia, Australia and Peru. Through these

different destinations, I saw pieces of my ancient

heritages where relics remained out in the open to

give humanity an understanding of who was truly

here before their time. Every ancient form of

structure and hieroglyph was left here as a puzzle

piece for humanity to embark further upon the

meanings of their origins.

My father had joined me in some of my

travels as he thoroughly told me many of the races

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that left behind much of their history

unintentionally due to the nature of evacuation.

We went deeper into portions of the planet

through astral projection where structures yet to

be discovered remained. My father told me of the

Lemurians and their underground tunnels during

the time of great war.

Enormous vaults contained miles

underneath Earth housed many different

civilizations that still exist today keeping out of

sight from humanity. This ranged from races that

appeared as primates: sasquatch according to

humans. Other races appeared very much human

yet with very minor differentiation of physical

features: skin tones, eye socket sizes and cranial


Upon our travels on Earth, I met other

beings that existed on other worlds living amongst

the human population. These were the incognito

extraterrestrials and many of them lived very quiet

lives watching humanity from an isolated

perspective. Some of them would only come

forward for the benefit of sacred ceremony with

other indigenous groups that knew of their truth,

yet kept their origins confidential for security

reasons. The human race never has been alone as

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seventeen different ET races are present with them

on the Earth’s surface.

In linear terms, I spent about two weeks

travelling around the Earth going from place to

place. I’ve gained a lot more wisdom through

experience then the knowledge I thought I knew

through assumptive pre-cognition. What I have

learned so strongly throughout my travels is how

experience creates the greatest definition of

wisdom beyond anything we may feel we know.

But there is a grand difference between knowledge

and wisdom, assumption and true experience. This

is something that has stuck with me and I have

learned not to solely rely on what is felt only by

premonition, but what is understood through the

benefit of experience.

I had decided to return to Handarr to begin

my work on my diary. On my return, I caught up

with Xel and Rorin offering them my deepest

appreciation for the company along my journey.

Xel presented me with a crystalline tablet that he

personally fashioned that would allow me to

interact more deeply telepathically with him and

his people. It was shaped in the form of a pyramid

where a crystalline ring remained afloat above the

tip of its apex. I meditate often with this object

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and have gained a deeper understanding with the

inner mechanics of crystalline life and their

functioning as vessels for spirit.

Rorin greeted me with a great deal of love

and admitted to me that I was indeed the adept

who would help to bring balance to the galaxy. He

revealed that much of his hesitation was his way of

motivating me further. I told him he did not need

to explain as all of his actions spoke for themselves

and have helped to mold me into who I am now.

For this degree of learning, I am forever grateful to


Here I lay now amongst the open field of

Handarr about to conclude this diary. I know that

many of you who will read this may realize that

there is so much more I could speak on, and that

time will come again where more will be revealed.

This information has led to the point of culmination

where I am at the point of reflection and I have

gained a much deeper fundamental understanding

about everything has returned back to me full


A transmission was waiting to come

through to my conscious awareness. It was a

consciousness I had not previously spoken to this

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consciousness before, yet this energy was eager to

speak through me.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and

allowed the telepathic transmission to come


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15th Dawn of Armens – Paradox

Dearest Anadriya…

We speak to you now through the request

you have made summoned through the revealing

of the conduit you know as Kyung.

The twelve have been chosen to assist in

your intention to help spread your seed of

knowledge and wisdom amongst your people.

These twelve beings represent the twelve

forms of awakening expression consistent with

your energy of spirit. They have all come within

their realities to enable a convergence of harmony

as your translators. All of these representatives

have emerged as aspects of yourself throughout

different cycles of Earth realities and timelines.

They all represent possibilities of expressions that

were conceived by your soul functioning in other

realities: individuals coalescent with your algorithm

on a soul level. These other expressions of yourself

have volunteered themselves to represent you as

they journey to unlock who they are through the

volunteer work they have agreed to.

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You must complete the assignment to

achieve paradox. It is of your task now to return to

Handarr and begin on the working of your diary.

Let no thought be suppressed and no feeling be

unrevealed. This diary you will create will only be

the beginning of an endless interaction with your

people as you will help them to become integrative

into galactic society.

When you have completed your diary, bring

it into the sub-terrain region of the area you know

as Shasta as the cave deeply holds your energy

from times past and present that which will house

the preservation of this diary. The preservation of

the diary must come not from the bending of

matter, but from the bending of time. As you

create the field necessary to distort the area you

have chosen to house the diary, you will create a

bubble of time that will function upon the events

that succeeded the times of the destruction of

Atlantis. It is through this course of time that is

needed to sustain the energies that remained pure

upon that space/time period of Shasta that will

encase and preserve the integrity of your diary.

Shasta was one of the last pure beacons of

feminine energy consistent within that time. The

crystallization of the walls within the sub-terrain

will contain the energies necessary to allow those

Page 301: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

who will be your translators to feel the coherence

of its infused energies to culminate their visions of

synchronized clarity.

Humanity will greatly embrace this diary as

a return to their own self-realizations. It will be a

gateway that will hold the opportunity to become

aware of how far they have come…through your

actions. They are just as you. As you have learned

throughout your journeys, they will learn

throughout their own. You are the messenger of

the stars to them. You will be the liaison between

the galactic community and the human race as

talks begin to open up between you and your

people. Many who can tune themselves to you will

want to communicate with your personally,

dearest Anadriya. Do not deny them of that right. It

is no longer the time to contain secrets. It is now

the time to reveal them to all who may ask. Utilized

what has been released within yourself to become

this liaison for humanity.

You will know that the humans that ask for

such assistance will be in the state aligned to day

zero. For that is the only moment they can remain

coherent with your frequency.

Prepare humanity in your own way on what

is to come for their people. A glorious time awaits

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many of them. Within these next cycles of their

time, so much will change throughout the

reflection of humanity. Help them to show how

they can help each other. You are the living

example of a human star being. Humanity’s future

speaking to humanity’s past to create humanity’s


Before we leave you through this gateway

opening through your space/time nexus, we wish

to present you now with these statements to

ponder, dearest Anadriya:

Keep yourself close to your planet.

Do not refuse an inquiry from one that

requests wisdom to expand their awareness.

Show the pureness of reality to those that

know that there is more to reality.

Respect the journey of one’s free will, no

matter the alignment.

Only through the state of day zero can

mutual understanding be fully acknowledged.

We leave you now in the love and the light

of creation and all the way it has of expressing

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itself to you, through you. May the bliss day zero

brings within you be with you always.

In oneness, we bless you…

The Founders.

I was released from the trance state and came

back to my present environment. It was there that I

looked upon my diary and saw the words written

holographicly through my consciousness present

on the pages from the founders. As I channeled

them, the symbols became etched within my diary


My family of Earth, this is not good bye as I

have said, the term truthfully doesn’t exist. This

only concludes an extension of learning that I have

been so excited to share with each of you.

Your world is going to be going through such a

prosperous time within these next several years

ahead. It will be as if you are living upon a whole

new planet, which indeed you will be.

It will be the end of deceit and the birth of

truth. The end of suppression and the beginning of

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revealing. You will have the ability to bring the

dream plane into your daily lives as the

preservation of experience within a moment

outlasts the illusion of time it’s placed within. More

of reality in a grander degree will become revealed

to you all, and this is something we will all

experience together.

Until that time, my beloved family…all is now,

all is one. And remember my dears, our lives are

the extension to our love creation.

Ki’an en etch’al mi sai soto ‘ra lench.22



Ki’an en etch’al mi sai soto ‘ra lench roughly means “Preserve the experiences within that fulfills the infinite spirit.”

Page 305: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being


This is the concluding dialogue from the

twelve translators of this book.

We write this conclusion on the date of

December 21st, 2012. So much within has

transformed us to the point of culmination. We are

gathered here together for the final time as today

was the official day of the book’s public launch. Our

work throughout this past year has been


Anadriya has visited each of us personally

within our dream states at night helping us in our

own way to complete the translation of the book.

Her presence within our lives has been an


The events today have been absolutely

profound! The great pyramid of Giza within Egypt

now contains a beautiful capstone finely polished

in granite. No one is certain how this occurred as it

was literally constructed and placed on top of the

pyramid within a matter of minutes overnight.

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It was also reported today that many UFO

sightings have been seen all across the planet,

including areas considered as our ancient sacred

sites. The mainstream media has greatly ignored

these events, yet they are showing up on every

type of social media we come across. We all know

that this is a sign of great occurrences that will lead

us to a more prosperous and personal contact with

our star family within the times ahead.

Kyung has been much more open with his

personal dialogues with Anadriya. He is in

conscious communication with her regularly and

we are receiving more consistent updates from her

through Kyung that have turned out to be

completely accurate. She has told us of events that

are unfolding as well as an intention to make more

of a public appearance in person within the next

year of December 21st, 2013 as she has agreed to

speak to the committee of the United Nations in

New York City relating to the discussion of first

contact. Many committee members discovered

word of what we have been working on throughout

this past year and requested an advanced copy of

Anadriya’s translated diary as well as copies of the

original untranslated diary. We concurred with this

and the committee responded very positively to

this material.

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Through telepathic transmission between

Kyung and Anadriya, Anadriya had agreed to meet

with the committee members under the stipulation

that the entire public was to be made aware of this

meeting and that it would be broadcast around the


Where one might think this wouldn’t be

considered by the committee members, they have

agreed to the term allowing this event to be

broadcasted through every television network and

Internet social media. Times are wonderfully


As for us, we are currently setting up our

plans to commence a worldwide tour promoting

Day Zero all across the planet. Our telephones have

been ringing non-stop with convention centers all

across the world wanting to hold venues for us. We

are no strangers to synchronicity and know that

this has been all part of the hard work we have

been doing this past year that is now setting its

results into motion.

Anadriya has also shared more information

with us through Kyung relating to a second diary

that has already been completed. It contains

information that relates to our future selves and

our integration into galactic society approximately

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38 years within our future. This will be material

that she will submit to us personally on December

21st, 2013.

All of us would like to thank you, the reader,

personally for your consideration in reading this

book. We know there may still be much left

unanswered relating to Anadriya and her origins as

well as her interactions with all of us. But we know

more is to come from her and that this is only the


We conclude by saying to stay tuned to

Anadriya’s vibration and to the work that we will

continue to share through her submitted material.

We have entered the era of awareness. The times

ahead will only project a momentum of positive

transformation for our cultures to help us realize

that were are and always will be one together in


With Blessings and Appreciation,

Terrence Hartman

Mellissa Alvarez

Jesse Cartwright

Beverly Eleanor McGregor

Sade Akenzua

Monica Ashley Jones

Page 309: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

Simon Edward McPherson

Kyung Loeng

Vladimir Govrolov

Hayden Morrison

Seth O’Leary

Priscilla Rasmussen

Page 310: Day Zero - The Recovered Diary of a Human Star Being

Painting of Anadriya By:

Monika Futa

[email protected]

Cover Design by:

Brad Johnson


Chris GM

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