Day to night

Test 1 Hue = -70 Master Light = 0 I don’t like this edit as I think that I have reduced the hue so much that it almost looks black and white and therefore unrealistic for what the night time really looks like. Test 2 Hue = -40 Master Light = -22 I like this test as the colours (e.g. of my actors coat etc.) still show up and it doesn’t look black and white, however I don’t think that it is quite dark

Transcript of Day to night

Test 1

Hue = -70 Master Light = 0

I don’t like this edit as I think that I have reduced the hue so much that it almost looks black and white and therefore unrealistic for what the night time really looks like.

Test 2

Hue = -40 Master Light = -22

I like this test as the colours (e.g. of my actors coat etc.) still show up and it doesn’t look black and white, however I don’t think that it is quite dark enough to be completely realistic, but this is the most accurate of all of the tests that I have done.

Test 3

Hue = -50 Master Light = -18

When changing from day to night, I add a blue tint to the film to make it look like the reflection of the moon and make it look realistic, however I think that there is too much blue added to this one so it doesn’t give the illusion of the moon, it just looks unrealistic.

Test 4

Hue = -60 Master light = -20

I also really like this test as it doesn’t look black and white but it does look dark, the sky in the background still looks white but when I now know that when I film my real piece then I will have to try and avoid filming the sky.