Day 7 -The Most Powerful Network Marketing Success Tips: Beliefs Are Transformational

The Most Powerful Network Marketing Success Tips: Beliefs Are Transformational MY CHALLENGE - DAY 7

description What are some of the most powerful network marketing success tips I can share? The power of your own personal beliefs and how they are impacted at events. And for more network marketing success tips, visit my blog at:

Transcript of Day 7 -The Most Powerful Network Marketing Success Tips: Beliefs Are Transformational

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The Most Powerful Network Marketing Success Tips: Beliefs Are Transformational


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We’ve finished the first week!

Today I’m super pumped, excited, and energized from the event in Chicago. If you’ve read the past posts, you know we had a great time. I had a chance to master mine with some of the best leaders in the industry and my personal mentor, Jerry Chen. I really understood and got a grasp on some of the biggest fundamentals that shape the industry.

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Today I just wanted to share a couple tidbits about things I learned at this event and show you how you can have a mental breakthrough in your life and business.

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I really want to stress about the importance of events, and why they are so critical. I’ve been to over 24 different conventions and every time, I learn something new. In this particular case, it was something that was so transformational.

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You want to think about events as being transformational because of their impact and effect on you. It’s a way to have a mental breakthrough. Events aren’t something that you can just talk about or describe. It’s something that is visceral feeling. It’s so profound and powerful that it shakes you to your very core.

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At this particular event we did a lot of things based on NLP (neuro-linguistic programing). One of the things that I really learned from this was uncovering my own self. What is it that I truly want to accomplish? What is my purpose in life? This allows me to give more information and value to the people who are reading this and things I do in life. My goal at the end of the day is to provide as much value as I possibly can.

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We’re all part of one ecosystem, culture, and community at the end of the day. I honestly believe that the more we can help each other and reciprocate knowledge, the better we can all become.

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From Jerry Chen, I learned some tricks to build my brand and get traffic. At the core of it, it’s all about personal development. You want to think about it in terms of how you transform your mental attitude and mental patterns; how you persuade and come across to other people.

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Having a chance to go from multiple different events over my entire career, I can honestly say that each event has been more impactful than the last. There is always some big take away. In this case, I learned how to break through and have mental shifts. What it comes down to is do you believe in yourself, and in your calling? What is your deeper purpose in life? What is it that you want to be able to accomplish? Ask yourself.

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If you’re able to make $30,000, what would that do for you? Keep asking yourself on a deeper level, what is the root of it? I found the deepest root in everything I want to accomplish, stems from being able to make a large impact and having a significant life. This means transforming people; not just monetarily, but transforming a large audience and have some impact in their lives. That way they can transform who they are.

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Again, stemming from that belief and fundamental idea, we’re all human. We want to feel like we’re part of a community. There is something about human interaction and connections that is so fundamental. I can make a video today and talk to other people out there, but it’s not the same as if I were to have coffee with you. It’s the fact that I fly thousands of miles out of my way to spend personal time and money to connect and engage with other like-minded individuals. That’s why events are so profound and inspirational.

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I honestly believe that a great way to build your business is from event to event. Most companies or organizations do something where they track progress over 90 days. It’s a period of time where you can create a goal, be accountable to that goal, and see what kind of results you can accomplish.

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I have a personal challenge for you guys. Whatever event you’re going to next, attend it and track your record of successes over the following 90 days. You will see how it has made a direct impact on yourself, and the people you associate with.

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I have taken on a challenge myself where I want to lose 20 pounds. I always try to exercise as much as I can. By eating healthy and exercising daily, if I stick to the plan I can make sure I accomplish that goal.

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It’s the same thing with your business.

In one instance we had a kid that was 12 years old who made over $12,000 in their first 3-4 months. It shifts your mind set of what is possible. It makes you dream bigger. When you think on a higher and deeper level, more profound ideas will come into play.

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So hopefully this post was valuable to you.

Take care!