Day 3 - MLM Leaders Take Massive Action!

{ My 30 Day Challenge Day 3 - MLM Leaders Take Massive Action!

description Here we are at day 3 of my 30 day video challenge. Today I discuss what all MLM leaders do and that is TAKING MASSIVE ACTION! To find out what more MLM Leaders do to get results, visit my blog:

Transcript of Day 3 - MLM Leaders Take Massive Action!

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{ My 30 Day Challenge

Day 3 - MLM Leaders Take Massive Action!

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Hey guys! It is Kevin Lau here.

Today I want to talk about something that is fundamental to any type of MLM leader or anyone who is trying to build a business.

It’s about taking action.

I think a core problem is that we get inundated and overloaded with information. Then we decide not to do anything. That’s the worst thing you can do.

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The first step to make anything revolutionary for your business is always taking some type of massive action.

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I’ll give you a personal example. When I was transitioning and trying to decide what I wanted to do, I ultimately decided on social media. I was at a turning point in my life, struggling and broke. I was so defeated. I worked pay check to pay check. Everything I made went to paying off bills. This repeated for months, almost to the point that I was desperate. I needed to get to a point where I could get out of this hole and see light at the end of the tunnel. I had to take a leap of faith.

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As I’ve mentioned previously, I spent $50,000 studying and researching, and found myself spinning my wheels. It wasn’t until I found the right mentor, whom I could relate to and trust, that things started to look up. I could tell him what I wanted to do, and ask him to teach me how to get there.

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Luckily this person was open to do it. It was a point in his life where his business was about to take off. If I didn’t take this step, I knew I wouldn’t be able to go anymore. I would just be spinning my wheels to this day. However, the one thing that was holding me back was the fact that in order to do a coaching course with this person, it was going to cost me $20,000. Even today that’s a huge sum of money. The fact that I had to shell out my hard earned income was hard.

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Have you ever had two sides of your brain that are telling you two completely different things? Kind of like those Loony Toon commercials or cartoons where they have the devil and an angel on each shoulder.

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{ { The angel says,

“You should do this because you will learn so much and advance your career.”

But the devil says,

“Do you want to get yourself further in debt? Is this just going to be another one of those courses that has no impact on you?”

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I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired. You realise you need to have some kind of breakthrough to continue. I can tell you that if you want to have a breakthrough, you need to take action-whether you’re starting to advertise or making your blog post or video. Whatever the case is, you need to decide for yourself to do it.

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When I was sitting back there at that moment in time, I had a decision to make. I could swipe my credit card and make the first transaction or I could sit back and do nothing. I kept playing it over in my mind.

What is the next step? What do I need to do?

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Ultimately I got the guts and said to myself,

“Kevin, you need to fill out this information and take action. Just get it done. Take that leap of faith and make it happen.”

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It revolutionized the way I conduct my business today. The types of consulting clients I’ve had in the last couple of months and my personal business have all changed by taking that course. Honestly if you’re at that point in your life right now, and you’re trying to decide what to do next, the answer is always going to be taking action. Do something.

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Often times we think, “Well, the cool thing to do is just to learn and not do the work.”

Be that cool person who doesn’t want to roll up their sleeves and work, based on my personal experience and the people that I have worked with, no great breakthrough is ever going to happen if you’re not willing to sacrifice. You have to take the necessary steps and put in consistent action to get what you want.

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Wherever you are in your business, if you’re playing around and deciding what to do, or if you want to sit back and wait for things to happen, then it’s the perfect time to do something.

The times that you don’t feel like doing work, are the times where you will have some type of victory if you stick with it.

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What often happens once you take action is you figure out that getting over that little hump is the biggest hurdle. But once you start, it all becomes a lot simpler; more transparent and clear. Now you’re not afraid anymore; all the fear and worries disappear.

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So my homework for you today is, whatever you’re currently doing, do it!

Decide for yourself that you will make some type of revolutionary change!

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Hopefully this was inspirational and helpful to you. I hope you stay tuned tomorrow.

Again, if you want to learn more about me and what I’m doing check out my website:

Take care!