Day 1 we met sharavathi 1st time-River RouteStudents presentation -Peepals Grove School

TARLE! TARLE! Let’s get started…

Transcript of Day 1 we met sharavathi 1st time-River RouteStudents presentation -Peepals Grove School


TARLE! Let’s get started…


Tired and groggy, we reached Suhas. However, as soon as we saw our rooms and the museum, we lost our weariness and began exploring!

TING! TING! Time for breakfast!The revived traditional recipe of kotte idlis with iravata (khatta meetha) was unique.

A rich antique collection at folklore center !

Trying our hands at Traditional Food

Learning together!

The Gudimane!: Relating to Nature

The Gudimane has a very soothing atmosphere. We all have a soft corner for this place because it was here we learned, worked together and understood all people around us.

Her words struck us,She got us thinking!

•At the Gudimane, all the peepal groves students were exposed to how important the culture of the tribes are and How convenience has led us astray from our roots. Moreover, We realized the true sense of education seeing Padmavathi,nugli and Hanmi and how learned they were in their own way.

Hanmi…A tresure trove

Hanmi is from the Gomakkulu tribe. What is striking about her is her warmth, openness and ease with mingling. She wanted to teach us something and made sure we did in spite of language barriers.

Inspired by Hanmi, the students

of PGS paint up the floor!

Community art…

The ingenious method of using Arakanut peels to make brushes was fascinating!! The speed of her strokes, the songs she sang and the the enthusiasm she taught us with is remarkable!


Her vivacious and loud nature instantly brought us together. Her song on the story of Kunti was very simple yet intense. It showed what true education is!


The hyperactive, funnily angry ,crazy Nagraj won us all over instantly. His hesitation to teach us his dance soon turned into enthusiasm…and we learnt SAMBRANi! We are sure none of us shall ever forget his dance and him!



ko ko ko,


doko!! :D

And we were all chickens!

Sambrani ko ko ko,

Haletha doko!! :D

That evening we

planned together for

the next 4 days most

waited river journey..

At Cloud nine!

Breath taking SPEED!

Our first wobbly trip

This was the first time we met a boatman and went on a ride on the river. We all, in our own ways, began to sense the presence of the river.



The island somehow made us all take

a corner for ourselves, to reflect

over ourselves.

This made many of us closer to the

water around us and the quiet time

calmed us. This had different effects

on each of us.

The Journey back

AN END To a good start! AN END To a good start!