Day 1 of Kareer Success

Kareer Success Leadership Mentality & Presentation
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This presentation corresponds to Day 1 of 3 for Kay Nikookary's Kareer Success program presented at Hult International Business School, Dubai campus, United Arab Emirates.

Transcript of Day 1 of Kareer Success

Page 1: Day 1 of Kareer Success

Kareer Success

Leadership Mentality & Presentation

Page 2: Day 1 of Kareer Success

Job Vs. Career

We have all heard someone say– “Oh, this is just a job–it’s not my career.”

So what is the difference between a “job” and a “career”?

• According to Webster’s, a “job” is:“A regular activity performed in exchange for payment; a position in which one

is employed; a task that must be done.”

• Alternatively, the definition of “career” is:“A chosen pursuit, a profession or occupation; the general course or

progression of one’s working life; A path or course, as of the sun through the heavens.”

Doesn’t the word “career” sound much more exciting and fulfilling than the word “job”?  Come on…a path or course as of the sun through the heavens….versus…a task that must be done?  I don’t know about you, but I hate to imagine myself chained to a Kafka-esque desk, forever laboring over some task that must be done for the rest of my days.

Is the idea of career a myth?  Is it possible to find a job that embodies the concept of career? 

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Advantages of Planning

1. The process of objective setting forces you to, among other things, think clearly about your future career, and consider in detail the field in which you wish to work, the position you would aim to hold, the skills you need to acquire, and the work you need to plan.

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Advantages of Planning

2. By going through such a detailed thought process, you may identify before it is too late that a particular career is not for you, or you may in fact reinforce your decision to follow a particular career path. Either way, you are more likely to end up in a career that suits you, at least for the time being.

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Advantages of Planning

3. Once you have set your career objectives, they give you a structure on which to pin your career development. You can put together a career plan based on these objectives, and then monitor progress and carry out regular reviews of the way your career is developing.

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Advantages of Planning

4. Establishing career objectives, and writing them down, shows you are somebody who has clearly thought deeply and into the future about your career, and what you want to achieve. Not only will this help you to keep track of your career progress, it will also impress employers and potential employers.

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Advantages of Planning

5. Regular monitoring of your career objectives will help you to discern when you are not making sufficient progress, and help you to pinpoint why that is so. That can enable you to take corrective action to put yourself back on target for your goals, or to reassess the goals and make them more achievable.

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Advantages of Planning

6. Having career objectives may also help you decide that a certain career is not for you, if you have set reasonable objectives and then found you could not reach them and felt no further motivation to do so. You may therefore be in a position to switch to another career sooner than someone who was not monitoring their progress against objectives.

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Formulating a a plan

• Choose 25 companies you want to work for.• Choose the top 5 companies from this list.• Why would you not be qualified to work for them.• 3, 6, & 9 months plan to strengthen weaknesses.• How would each of these use your skills.• What are top things they want in their candidate.• Why you are qualified for this job.• How should you present that to them.

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Multi-prong Approach

• Resume• Cover Letter• Online social Networks• In person referrals• Networking• Websites• Powerpoints• Articles/Publications• Video Presentations• Speaking Engagements• Blogs

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Using the Right Mix

• Highlight your strengths• Differentiate yourself• Entertain your subject• Remove Objections• Address preconceived notions• Add personal touch• Address questions they can’t ask• Document & advertise for future use• Create a new revenue source

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Resume: The structure

• Don't just update your old résumé You have now completed an MBA. Start from scratch with the old resume as a drawing board. List only jobs, activities & accomplishments of your NEW caliber.

• Consider your form A chronological résumé, has long been the standard format that job seekers use. But in a downturn it may not be the best style for showcasing your skills and experience. If you have frequent or large gaps in your employment history, use a combination résumé instead. A combination résumé places the most emphasis on your skills and accomplishments, downplaying your previous positions and dates of employment. A combination résumé also could be a good choice if you are hoping to switch careers. If you don't have experience that relates directly to your new path, this format allows you to highlight transferable skills that are applicable to the position you seek.

• Focus on the bottom line Companies today are looking for ways to reduce expenses and increase efficiencies. Mention how you've helped boost a former employer's bottom line.

• Customize your contentCustomize your résumé so it speaks directly to a potential employer's unique needs.

• Highlight different accomplishments or go into greater detail about certain contributions.

• Doing so might take a little extra time and effort, but it shows your knowledge and interest.

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Resume: The format

• “Summary” not “Objective”• Professional Experience- “function” or “job”• Job description typically with company & title• Only positions that are relevant to this job• List ACCOMPLISHMENTS not “duties”• Number of bullets stay the same or decline• Titles and salaries should increase• Dates may or may not be necessary• Max 2 pages-hard copy, 3 pages-online submital

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Resume: Submittal Source

• Online– Key words– No limit – No format (easy to read when transferred)– Disqualifying process– 3 pages maximum

• In Person or Hard Copy– Look like a self portrait (boxes, lines, font, pictures)– Organized & easy to spot highlight– Qualifying process– 2 pages max

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Resume: Accomplishments

• Show diversity of skills• Cover a gamut of things at EACH job• Based on FAB• Particular to job you are seeking• Particular to corporate culture of receiving Co.• Impressive• Going above and beyond job duties• Covering more than product knowledge• 4 to 5 max for each position held

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Resume: Other Categories

• Affiliations• References• Skills (in addition to the ones covered in bullets)• Personal information – (pros/cons)• E-Portfolio and/or web presence

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Key Words that kill Resumes

1: "Strong communication, customer service and organizational skills.“2: "Introduced new products.“3: "Track record of success.“4: "Possess leadership, communication, motivational & inspirational.“5: "Exceeded all productivity goals for the department.“6: "Go-to person.“7: "Team player.“8: "Served as company spokesperson.“9: "Partner with others.“10: "Spoke with existing customers on a daily basis.“11: "Expert presenter, negotiator and businessperson.“12: "Managed cross-functional teams.“13: "Resolved customer difficulties quickly and tactfully."

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Cover Letter: Opener

• Your first paragraph should also make it clear why you are writing. Are you confirming a scheduled meeting, applying in response to an advertisement, or being referred by a mutual acquaintance? Don't be mysterious! Share this information up front so that your reader can place your letter in the proper context.

• Follow these tips and your next letter might go from making the hiring manager yawn to making him or her pick up the phone and ask you to come in for an interview.

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Cover Letter: Opening Line

• 1. Refer to a prior conversation with the hiring manager. Example: "Thanks for taking my call last Thursday and discussing your available mechanic position. I am very interested."

• 2."Drop" the name of the person who referred you. Example: "At the suggestion of Dana Whitman, I am contacting you to express my interest in the open position of principal pianist with the Omaha Pops."

• 3. Lead with one of your most startling and relevant successes. Example: "Under my leadership as sales and marketing vice president of MoneyMakers, market share grew from 10 percent to 24 percent on a shoestring budget. I'd like to speak with you about opportunities where I can deliver this level of sales results for Acme Funds."

• 4. Quote your contact directly. Example: "In your recent interview in the Chicago Tribune you said, 'Companies succeed by hiring the right people -- people who want to make a difference, not just do a job.' When I read this I knew that General Widget was a great fit for my energy and passion as well as my skills as a machinist."

• 5. Quote a recent industry statistic or relevant article. Example: "I was interested to read in Business Monthly that San Marcos Manufacturing plans to expand its Asian operations to Vietnam and China. With seven years of experience launching production (both plant start-up and supplier development) in both of these countries, I can help make this important venture successful for you."

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Cover Letter: Body & Content

• Asks for something at beginning and at the end• Write to show your communication skills• Be Brief and cover more topics• Or pick one or two things and explain in detail• Use short and concise sentences. • Use big words to impress and small words to connect• Try to write something about the reader, department, function• Provide soft skills and personal appeal to reader• People make decisions not computers• Typically 4 to 5 paragraphs

– Purpose, company needs, why you and next steps

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Cover Letter: Purpose

• Convince them to look at resume• Highlight other abilities not in resume• Evidence some of the claims made in resume• Connect the two documents into “one story”• Connect some dots not obvious from resume• Address objections in advance• Provide reasons to meet for interview• Show your knowledge of THIER needs/desires• Express how you resolve these needs/desires