DAVIDSON The Seventh Sunday UNITED after Pentecost

The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost July 11, 2021 All who are able, please stand. Opening Voluntary Southern Hymn Samuel R. Hazo The DUMC Instrumental Ensemble © 2009 MUSICWORKS Words of Welcome Rev. Jim Humphries Opening Hymn, No. 154 (vs. 1, 5 and 7) All Hail the Power of JesusName coronation words: Edward Perronet, 1779; alt. by John Rippon, 1787 music: Oliver Holden, 1792 DAVIDSON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WE WILL BE THE BODY OF CHRIST IN OUR COMMUNITY THROUGH WORSHIP EDUCATION FELLOWSHIP SERVICE

Transcript of DAVIDSON The Seventh Sunday UNITED after Pentecost

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The Seventh Sunday

after Pentecost

July 11, 2021

All who are able, please stand.

Opening Voluntary

Southern Hymn Samuel R. Hazo

The DUMC Instrumental Ensemble


Words of Welcome Rev. Jim Humphries

Opening Hymn, No. 154 (vs. 1, 5 and 7)

All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name coronation

words: Edward Perronet, 1779; alt. by John Rippon, 1787 music: Oliver Holden, 1792










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Prayer of Confession

Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you

in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done,

and by what we have left undone.

We have not loved you with our whole heart;

we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.

Through your Son Jesus Christ,

have mercy on us and forgive us;

that we may delight in your will,

and walk in your ways,

to the glory of your name. Amen.

Song of Forgiveness

Kyrie have mercy

© 1990 Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Words of Assurance

Pastor: Hear the good news: Christ died for us while we were yet sinners;

that proves God’s love toward us. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.

People: In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.

All: Glory to God. Amen.

Scripture Reading Ephesians 1:15-23

I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, and for this

reason I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. I pray that the

God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and

revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you

may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious

inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us

who believe, according to the working of his great power. God put this power to work in

Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly

places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that

is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come.

And he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the

church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.

Lector: This is the Word of God for the people of God.

People: Thanks be to God!

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Sermon Rev. David Hockett

Affirmation of Faith

We believe in God,

who is love, whose love is manifest in all Creation,

in our lives, and in all people.

We follow Christ, who embodied God’s love.

In his life and ministry, his death and resurrection,

and his granting to us of his Spirit, he filled us with that love as well.

We live by the Spirit, the presence of God’s love in us.

In that love we participate in the Church, the Body of Christ,

in loving God by loving our neighbors

through our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service.

Love is our faith, and it is a gift from God.

We thank God, and ask God’s blessings,

that we may love in the name of Christ

and the power of the Spirit, to God’s glory. Amen.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Gloria Patri virginia

Lesser Doxology, 3rd - 4th cent.; music: Michael E. Ekbladh, 2011

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Prayers of the People

The pastor will end each petition with: Lord, in your mercy,

to which the congregation responds: Hear our prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

forever. Amen.

The Offering of our Gifts

Thank you for your generous support of the ministries and mission of Davidson UMC.

You may give to the church’s General Fund by texting 704-457-5083 with the amount you

would like to contribute, online at www.davidsonumc.org/finances, or by placing your offering

in the Offering Collection Cabinets located at the doors of the Sanctuary.


A Saint-sational Trio! Traditional/arr. Michael Story

The DUMC Instrumental Ensemble

© 2013 Belwin-Mills Publishing Corporation

Doxology gladly we praise you

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Closing Hymn, No. 709

Come, Let Us Join Our Friends Above forest green

words: Charles Wesley, 1759 music: Trad. English melody; arr. by Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906

Our Mission We will be the Body of Christ in our community through worship, education, fellowship, and service .

Benediction and Response

Closing Voluntary

Toccata in Seven John Rutter

Jane Cain, organ

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Welcome to Davidson United Methodist Church! Thank you for choosing to worship

with us today. If it is the first time you are worshipping with us, it is a joy to introduce you to

our church; our doors are open to all. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we’d love to

walk alongside you. Our mission statement captures our desire “to be the Body of Christ

in our community through worship, education, fellowship, and service.” It is our

commitment to live out our Christian faith in fresh and relevant ways.

Let us hear from you; we would like to encourage you on your faith journey. Whether

you are a spiritual seeker who’s just starting to ask questions about God or a committed

Christian who wants to dig deeper, you will find a home here at Davidson United Methodist

Church (DUMC). Check out our ministries, listen to a sermon, and read about what’s

going on at DUMC on our website at: www.davidsonumc.org.

Thank you for being a part of our worship! The Peace of Christ be with you!

The flowers are placed in the Sanctuary today to the glory of God

by Maia and Britt Setzer in celebration of the birthdays of Britt’s mother, Jean Setzer,

and their sons, Joe and Ben Setzer.

We Welcome Jane Cain as our Guest Organist.

Jane retired last year after 41 years as the Director of Music at Davidson College Presbyterian

Church (DCPC). Over the years DCPC frequently collaborated with various music programs at

DUMC. In her retirement she is enjoying volunteering for Habitat for Humanity.

Those Serving Today

Lectors: (9:00) Beckie McCall (11:00) Laurann Patterson

DUMC Instrumental Ensemble

Director: Chris Brown

Flute: Cori Bryant

Oboe: Brielle Wagner

Clarinet: Peggy Aspland, Beverly Brown, Hailey Davis, Aaron Hoffman,

Ike Reinhardt, Lauren Walker

Saxophone: Don Clark

Trumpet: Josh Belvin, Bob Mason, Don Peach, Kaleb Reavis

Euphonium: Tom Stapleton

Trombone: Thad Salvage

Tuba: Lily Darr

Percussion: Matthew Cvach

Today’s music selections are reprinted by permission through OneLicense.net #A-714792 and CCLI #2958800.

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Welcome Receptions

The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is hosting welcome receptions this morning

after the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. services in the Fellowship Hall. Light refreshments will be served,

observing our current COVID protocol. The receptions will provide an opportunity to meet all the

staff members who have joined DUMC over the past year: Rev. Dianne Lawhorn, Rev. Brad Hinton,

Brittany Viehmann, Brian Abe, Scott Howell, Diane Jordan, Evan Nester, and Rev. David Hockett.

The Missional Prayer Focus for this week is the Community Back-2-School Breakout.

This annual event is a collaboration of Gethsemane Baptist Church, Lake Forest Church-Davidson,

St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, and Davidson United Methodist Church. This year’s drive-thru event,

which is free and open to the public, will take place at Gethsemane Baptist Church, 565 Jetton Street,

Davidson, on Saturday, August 14 from 10:00 a.m. – noon. Students in grades K through college will

receive free book bags filled with supplies and some fun extras. Students must be registered by

August 1 in order to receive a bag. You can help by donating NEW school supplies (composition books,

two-pocket folders, scissors, and personal pencil sharpeners) to our July MAD collection.

$2,500.00 of the 2021 DUMC missional impact budget supports this ministry.

Missional Impact Opportunities

Make-A-Difference (MAD) Collection for July is for NEW school items for the August

Community Back-2-School Breakout. The organizers will need the items by the first week of August.

Needed are: composition books, two-pocket folders, scissors, and personal pencil sharpeners. Place your

donations in the MAD baskets in the Gathering Space or in the bins in the lobby of the Church Office.

Habitat Opportunities Paint days have started and there are spots for six volunteers, while trim days

have spots for four. The location is at the Mills Avenue townhome project located at 362 E. Mills Ave,

Mooresville, NC 28115. Register at www.davidsonumc.org under Registrations.

Men’s Shelter DUMC provides a meal for the Men's Shelter the first Sunday of every month. Our

next date is Sunday, August 1. Sign up at www.davidsonumc.org under Registrations to serve a meal,

make a sausage or vegetarian casserole, or purchase fruit cocktail or green beans. You may notice that

the amount of food required has been adjusted due to the increase in their needs. Thanks to all of you

that have so faithfully provided to this ministry; your passion for it is a gift.

Spiritual Formation Opportunities

Sanctuary Days and Quiet Space Fridays are ecumenical retreats for all people. Encounter God in

community, yet alone, in the beauty of nature and the healing rhythm of sacred quiet. Sanctuary Days are

monthly guided retreats on the second Monday. Quiet Space Fridays are monthly silent retreats on the

second Friday. Cost per day is $25. Register online at www.thelydiagroup.com.

Centering Prayer continues to meet every Monday at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom. We come together for a

time of prayer, devotional readings, and 20 minutes of silence. Everyone is welcome, and experience in

Centering Prayer is not needed to join us. Contact Mary Taylor at [email protected] for the

Zoom link and for more information.

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Congregational Care and Support Groups

Summer Book Study: A Grief Observed While many of us may be going on much-needed vacations this

summer, we know that grief does not take time off. If you are mourning the passing of someone dear to you,

or perhaps grieve in other ways, please join us for our Summer Book Study of the C.S. Lewis classic A Grief

Observed. Join Rev. Jim Humphries on Thursdays on July 15 and 22 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 212/214. Please

purchase the book independently ahead of class. Register on the church website under Registrations.

The LGBTQIA Family and Friends Support Group will host Rev. David Hockett on Tuesday, July 13

at 6:30 p.m. in Room 220. Rev. Hockett will be answering questions and listening to our stories. RSVP to

Beckie McCall at [email protected].

Ally Button The LGBTQIA Family and Friends Support Group welcomes you to take an Ally button to

support our LGBTQIA youth. Research shows that knowing that others support and accept them can signifi-

cantly reduce the suicide rate among LGBTQIA youth. Consider being an ally and wearing a button as a

reminder for these youth of Christ’s boundless love for them. Buttons are located in the Gathering Space.

Cancer Care Support Group will meet in-person and on Zoom on Thursday, July 15 at 7:00 p.m. in

Room 212/214. The topic will be a continuation of the discussion understanding our feelings. Contact

Sherry Carpenter if you are interested in joining us at [email protected].

Youth, Children, and Family Ministry Opportunities

Vacation Bible School Registration The VBS Elementary session on July 13 -15 is FULL for

participants and the VBS Preschool session on August 3 -5 is also FULL. Email Susan to be placed on a

waitlist at [email protected].

Save the Date! Camp Tekoa, located in Hendersonville, NC, is a churchwide family camp. Come join

other DUMC families September 24 - 26, 2021 for a weekend of fun and fellowship. We have space for

three more families! Register on the church website under Registrations. Contact Menita Mercuri for more

information at [email protected].

Weekday Preschool Registration 2021-22 class options and tuition info is available on the church

website at davidsonumc.org/weekdaypreschool or contact Diane Jordan at [email protected].

Other Opportunities

2021 Sanctuary Flowers Schedule A Signup Genius schedule is available on the church website under

Registrations. We have open dates on July 18 and 25; August 8; September 5, 12, and 26; and more in

October and November. Contact Jonna Eichorn at [email protected] or 704-892-8277, ext. 221

with any questions.

Davidson United Methodist Church Rev. David Hockett, Senior Pastor

Rev. Kevin Turner, Rev. Jim Humphries, Rev. Dianne Lawhorn, Rev. Brad Hinton • Associate Pastors Post Office Box 718 • 233 South Main Street, Davidson, NC 28036

704-892-8277 • www.davidsonumc.org