DATES TO REMEMBER - Brentwood Park · Term 2 Week ending 30th April 2015 FTL Hayley For trying her...

Volume 21 Issue 11 Thursday 30 April 2015 A NZAC COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE Last Friday 24 April, we held our school’s annual ANZAC Commemorative Service. The School and House Captains presented the service admirably, with each school captain having a significant role to undertake. Raphaella and Jayden spoke about the significance of the day and the sacrifices made to provide us with the freedom and Australian lifestyle which we enjoy today. Tim read the Prayer of Remembrance and following the laying of a wreath on behalf of staff, students and parents of Brentwood Park Primary School, by the house captains, Jemma, another of our school captains, recited the ANZAC Ode. The Last Post was played, followed by an observance of silence by all assembled. The flag was raised during the playing of Reveille and upon it reaching full mast position, all assembled spoke the words LEST WE FORGET. The children then listened to the choir as they sang the song “Lest We Forget”. and in conclusion, we sang the National Anthem. The respect the children demonstrated throughout the service was highly commendable and as teachers, parents and a community, we can be justifiably proud! Three of our school captains, Tim, Jemma and Raphaella along with other student representatives also attended the ANZAC Commemorative Service in Berwick, in the official capacity as representatives of our school. Given the number of floral tributes, our wreath, from the Brentwood Park Primary School Community, was laid at the cenotaph prior to the march commencing, however, we were acknowledged with our name being called along with the other schools and organisations who also had laid wreaths in memory of the ANZACS. DATES TO REMEMBER TERM DATES 2015 TERM 2 13 APRIL - 26 JUNE TERM 3 13 JULY-18 SEPT. TERM 4 05 OCT - 18 DEC. 30 APRIL FOUNDATION EXCURSION TO SCIENCEWORKS ($16.00 DUE 22ND APRIL) 05 MAY SCHOOL COUNCIL 07:00 P.M. 07 -08 MAY MOTHERS DAY STALL 08-14 MAY BOOK FAIR: THEME - KINGS, QUEENS & CASTLES 11 MAY GRADES F-2 DRESS UP DAY: THEME - KINGS, QUEENS & CASTLES 12 - 14 MAY NAPLAN ASSESSMENT PERIOD 19 MAY DISTRICT CROSS COUNTRY 9 JUNE YEAR 5 EXCURSION TO SOVEREIGN HILL($51.00 DUE 29TH MAY) JIM BELL, PRINCIPAL JENNY REID, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL

Transcript of DATES TO REMEMBER - Brentwood Park · Term 2 Week ending 30th April 2015 FTL Hayley For trying her...

Volume 21 Issue 11 Thursday 30 April 2015

A NZAC COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE Last Friday 24 April, we held our school’s annual ANZAC

Commemorative Service. The School and House Captains presented the service admirably, with each school captain having a significant role to undertake. Raphaella and Jayden spoke about the significance of the day and the sacrifices made to provide us with the freedom and Australian lifestyle which we enjoy today. Tim read the Prayer of Remembrance and following the laying of a wreath on behalf of staff, students and parents of Brentwood Park Primary School, by the house captains, Jemma, another of our school captains, recited the ANZAC Ode. The Last Post was played, followed by an observance of silence by all assembled. The flag was raised during the playing of Reveille and upon it reaching full mast position, all assembled spoke the words LEST WE FORGET. The children then listened to the choir as they sang the song “Lest We Forget”. and in conclusion, we sang the National Anthem. The respect the children demonstrated throughout the service was highly commendable and as teachers, parents and a community, we can be justifiably proud! Three of our school captains, Tim, Jemma and Raphaella along with other student representatives also attended the ANZAC Commemorative Service in Berwick, in the official capacity as representatives of our school. Given the number of floral tributes, our wreath, from the Brentwood Park Primary School Community, was laid at the cenotaph prior to the march commencing, however, we were acknowledged with our name being called along with the other schools and organisations who also had laid wreaths in memory of the ANZACS.


Grade 1 Incursion – Zoo to You On Thursday 23rd of April, students from 1MM, 1MB and 1HG were visited by a se-lection of furry, scaled and feathered friends, during the much anticipated ‘Zoo to You’ incursion. This incursion was cho-sen to support our current Science unit, ‘Animal Safari’.

Kara, our knowledgeable ‘Zoo to You’ presenter, exhibited several native Australian animals including ‘Bobby’ the rainbow lorikeet, ‘E.T.’ the brush tail possum, ‘Olly’ the echidna, ‘Casper’ the python and a crocodile called ‘Julius.’ Kara enthusiastically immersed the Grade 1 students in a wealth of interesting animal facts.

Who knew echidnas have 18cm long tongues? Or, pythons have 220 stomach mus-cles to compensate for their lack of limbs? The students had an opportunity to pat the animals, ask questions and pose for photos with their new animal friends. The incursion proved to be a very educa-tional and entertaining experience for all students and teachers. Information gained from the incursion will assist stu-dents to complete requirements

2/3C’s Kambrya College Visitors

On Wednesday 29th April 2015, Year 11 students from Kambrya College visited Brentwood Park Primary School to gain field experience as part of their psychology course. The children from Kambrya College were well-organised and warmly welcomed. They conducted three tasks resembling puzzles and problem solv-ing activities. These tasks formed part of their studies relating to the conservation of mass, volume and length.

P remiers’ Reading Challenge The Premiers’ Reading Challenge [PRC] has started for this year. At this stage, we have about

63% of our students signed up, so get your permission forms in and start reading! Foundation to Grade 2 need to experience 30 books while Grade 3 onwards need to read 15 age appropriate books. Don’t forget there are prizes for: the first class to bring back all their permission

forms, the first class from Grade 3 onwards to compete

the challenge the first student in each class to complete the

challenge the first student in each class to reach 100 books

B ook Fair Remember, our major book fair this year will run from 8-14 May. Our theme for this book fair is

‘Kings, Queens and Castles. For the students in Foundation to Grade 2 we will be running our character dress up day on Monday 11th May. We will have a very special visitor coming to assembly on Friday 9th to start the celebrations off!

L ibrary Helpers Needed We currently have two wonderful volunteers in the library who provide much needed assistance

– but we need more. If you have any time you could spare in the morning or before school pick up, it would be very much appreciated. Just pop in and see Annette

S chool Banking To help reward individual savings

efforts, every time a student deposits into their Youthsaver account through School Banking, regardless of the amount, they’ll receive a Dollarmites token. Once they’ve collected 10 tokens, they can redeem them for a variety of exciting reward items

L ittle Scientists Program at John Monash Science School John Monash Science School operates a Little

Scientists Program this term for four Year Five students from primary schools in the Southern Metropolitan area. The program is facilitated by Year Eleven students for two hours for four Wednesdays. Brentwood Park applied to participate in the program and we were fortunate to be accepted. Ethan, Yuvarnika, Caitlyn and Sandavi from Year Five commenced the program on Wednesday, 22nd April and completed experiments based on nanoscience and nanotechnology. ‘Nanotechnology, whose prefix "nano" comes from the Greek word "nanos" and represents one-billionth of a unit, utilizes nanoscience, the "science of the small," to manipulate systems at the level of atoms, molecules, and supramolecular structures.’ ©2013 Georgia Institute of Technology The experiments undertaken focused on the increase in surface area to volume ratio altering the properties of materials.

N APLAN The National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy [NAPLAN] continues in 2015

with all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 being assessed using common national tests in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions [Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation] and Numeracy. The testing period is 12 May to 14 May. Student attendance is strongly encouraged during the testing period in order for parents to receive a comprehensive report later in the year.

P LEASE DIRECT MONEY FOR EXCURSIONS, ETC TO YOUR CLASSROOM TEACHER - NOT TO THE OFFICE. Please hand money and permission slip in sealed envelopes to classroom teacher first thing in the morning. By following this process teachers are aware that your child will be attending the excursion and mark them

off their lists. Money is collected by office staff and processed each morning and a receipt given back to teachers along with permission slips. All money is tallied and banked daily – no money is left on the premises. If you wish to pay by credit card, a proforma is available from the office. This can be filled out with details and placed in a sealed envelope and handed to your classroom teacher

Please deliver cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and grade on the front by 9.30 a.m. If you have a number of children attending an excursion you can place all money and permission slips in the one envelope with children’s names and grades on the front and deliver to one of the children’s teachers. The office staff will be able to allocate money to the children’s particular items and distribute permission slips and receipts back to teachers. Enve-lopes are available at the office. If you have a large amount to be paid or need to process an EFTPOS transaction through a savings account you can make arrangements to pay at the office. We also have a new Qkr payment system on our Skoolbag app. If you download our Skoolbag app and Qkr payment app you can now pay for your child’s excursion on line.

All change will be delivered to the children in the afternoon. Re-imbursements will only be made under certain circumstances – they will be made by cheque (no cash transactions are made).

Notices are sent out with a final collection time – please adhere to this time. All money and permission slips are re-quired to be sent back by this date – otherwise your child will not be able to attend. This enables us to confirm book-ings and numbers with bus companies and organisations we are visiting. Also we need to send details to the Depart-ment of Education Emergency Management for all excursions, camps, etc. We also need to accommodate students who will not be attending.

We would appreciate it if parents could please follow these processes.

Term 2 Week ending 30th April 2015

FTL Hayley For trying her very best at all her learning tasks. Well done! FBV Rudhra For displaying excellent letter/sound understanding and breaking up sounds in words! FSM Ty For using his imagination and creating a detailed construction of a garbage collector. 1HG Joseph For persisting with writing a letter to ‘Julius’, a salt water crocodile. Great job! 1MB Henry For being an amazing listener during our Zoo incursion and learning lots of cool facts. 1MM Delisa For writing a fantastic letter to an animal following the ‘Zoo to You’ incursion. 2AD Ryan For great work in his maths lesson which focussed on time. The clock you made was fantastic. Well done! 2RG Kate For her recount about Coal Creek and using a variety of connectives to join her ideas. Well done! 2/3C Arliah For sharing facts about your grandma and other family members as we commemorate the ANZAC landing. 3ER Bryan For writing a fantastic, well-structured persuasive writing piece. Well done! 3LP Wyatt For creating a very detailed holiday Mind Map and presenting it to a high standard! 4SM Keegan For working diligently through all learning tasks. 4VK Tina For being able to calculate multiplication algorithms. 5CH Sonny For making a great improvement in your reading comprehension and trying your best in all subjects. 5CP Jacob For working hard to improve his maths skills. Well done! 5LF Penny For being a wonderful supportive class member. Well done! 6JA Joel For being an accident prone superstar and battling on in a humorous positive way. 6JD Tarie For a terrific presentation on Wathourong Co-op. Well done! 6TS Olivia To both for an informative, interesting and creatively presented project. Tatiana

‘SPECIALIST’ Stars of the Week

Visual Arts 6JD For their wonderful block prints. Performing Arts 5CH For great co-operation during a listening exercise and drumming activity. Chinese LOTE IMB For your excellent dancing and beautiful teamwork in the Chinese classroom.