(Dated: July 20, 2018) arXiv:1702.00104v1 [cond-mat.mes ... · PACSnumbers:...

arXiv:1702.00104v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 1 Feb 2017 Competition of the Coulomb and hopping based exchange interactions in granular magnets O. G. Udalov 1, 2 and I. S. Beloborodov 1 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University Northridge, Northridge, CA 91330, USA 2 Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Science, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia (Dated: October 9, 2018) We study exchange coupling due to the interelectron Coulomb interaction between two ferro- magnetic grains embedded into insulating matrix. This contribution to the exchange interaction complements the contribution due to virtual electron hopping between the grains. We show that the Coulomb and the hopping based exchange interactions are comparable. However, for most sys- tem parameters these contributions have opposite signs and compete with each other. In contrast to the hopping based exchange interaction the Coulomb based exchange is inversely proportional to the dielectric constant of the insulating matrix ε. The total intergrain exchange interaction has a complicated dependence on the dielectric permittivity of the insulating matrix. Increasing ε one can observe the ferromagnet-antiferromagnet (FM-AFM) and AFM-FM transitions. For certain parameters no transition is possible, however even in this case the exchange interaction has large variations, changing its value by three times with increasing the matrix dielectric constant. PACS numbers: 75.50.Tt 75.75.Lf 75.30.Et 75.75.-c I. INTRODUCTION Granular metals posses complicated physics involving size and charge quantization effects which interplay with complicated morphology of these systems [1–10]. Many- body effects play crucial role in granular metals. Elec- tronic and thermal transport properties of granular met- als are broadly studied both theoretically and experimen- tally. These properties are defined by conduction elec- trons in the systems [2]. The situation becomes more complicated in granular magnets with magnetic metal- lic grains being embedded into insulating matrix [11–14]. The magnetic state of granular magnets is defined by three main interactions: magnetic anisotropy of a sin- gle grain, magneto-dipole interaction between ferromag- netic (FM) grains and the intergrain exchange interac- tion. Magnetic properties of granular magnets were stud- ied in many papers. Numerous papers were devoted to magnetic anisotropy and magneto-dipole interaction [15– 22]. Much less is known about the exchange interaction between magnetic grains [23–27]. The influence of the in- tergrain exchange coupling on the magnetic state of the whole granular magnet are currently understood, how- ever the microscopic picture of the intergrain exchange interaction is still missing. Note that the intergrain ex- change coupling is related to the conduction electrons. The theory of such a coupling extends the theory of con- duction electrons in granular metals. In most experimental studies the exchange coupling between magnetic grains was explained using Slonczewski model [28], developed for magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ). Usually, the coupling between grains was esti- mated using this model by taking into account the grains surface area. Recently, it was shown that the intergrain coupling differs from the exchange coupling in MTJ [27]. In granular system the exchange coupling depends not only on the distance between the grains and on the insu- lating matrix barrier, but also on the dielectric proper- ties of the matrix. Such an effect appears due to charge quantization and the Coulomb blockade effects in FM nanograins. The intergrain exchange coupling studied in the past was due to virtual electron hopping between the grains and can be associated with the kinetic energy in the sys- tem Hamiltonian. However, it is known that the many- body Coulomb interaction also leads to the magnetic ex- change interaction [29 and 30]. Recently, the Coulomb based exchange interaction was considered in MTJ [31]. It was shown that this contribution to the magnetic inter- action between magnetic leads separated by the insulat- ing layer is comparable and even larger than the hopping based exchange coupling. In this paper we consider a competition of the Coulomb and the hopping based exchange coupling in the system of two spherical magnetic grains embedded into insulating matrix. In contrast to the layered system the screening of the Coulomb interaction in granular system is differ- ent due to finite grain sizes. This leads to the appearance of additional terms in the total exchange interaction be- tween grains. Also, the hopping based exchange interac- tion in granular and layered systems is different. Thus, the competition of hopping and Coulomb based exchange interaction in granular system results in essentially dif- ferent total coupling. In Ref. [31] it was shown that the Coulomb based cou- pling strongly depends on the insulator dielectric con- stant. For granular system both the hopping and the Coulomb based exchange depends on the matrix dielec- tric susceptibility. In this paper we calculate the Coulomb based exchange interaction between FM nanograins and study the com- petition between two mechanisms of exchange interac- tion. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we in-

Transcript of (Dated: July 20, 2018) arXiv:1702.00104v1 [cond-mat.mes ... · PACSnumbers:...











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Competition of the Coulomb and hopping based exchange interactions in granular


O. G. Udalov1, 2 and I. S. Beloborodov1

1Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University Northridge, Northridge, CA 91330, USA2Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Science, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia

(Dated: October 9, 2018)

We study exchange coupling due to the interelectron Coulomb interaction between two ferro-magnetic grains embedded into insulating matrix. This contribution to the exchange interactioncomplements the contribution due to virtual electron hopping between the grains. We show thatthe Coulomb and the hopping based exchange interactions are comparable. However, for most sys-tem parameters these contributions have opposite signs and compete with each other. In contrastto the hopping based exchange interaction the Coulomb based exchange is inversely proportionalto the dielectric constant of the insulating matrix ε. The total intergrain exchange interaction hasa complicated dependence on the dielectric permittivity of the insulating matrix. Increasing ε onecan observe the ferromagnet-antiferromagnet (FM-AFM) and AFM-FM transitions. For certainparameters no transition is possible, however even in this case the exchange interaction has largevariations, changing its value by three times with increasing the matrix dielectric constant.

PACS numbers: 75.50.Tt 75.75.Lf 75.30.Et 75.75.-c


Granular metals posses complicated physics involvingsize and charge quantization effects which interplay withcomplicated morphology of these systems [1–10]. Many-body effects play crucial role in granular metals. Elec-tronic and thermal transport properties of granular met-als are broadly studied both theoretically and experimen-tally. These properties are defined by conduction elec-trons in the systems [2]. The situation becomes morecomplicated in granular magnets with magnetic metal-lic grains being embedded into insulating matrix [11–14].The magnetic state of granular magnets is defined bythree main interactions: magnetic anisotropy of a sin-gle grain, magneto-dipole interaction between ferromag-netic (FM) grains and the intergrain exchange interac-tion. Magnetic properties of granular magnets were stud-ied in many papers. Numerous papers were devoted tomagnetic anisotropy and magneto-dipole interaction [15–22]. Much less is known about the exchange interactionbetween magnetic grains [23–27]. The influence of the in-tergrain exchange coupling on the magnetic state of thewhole granular magnet are currently understood, how-ever the microscopic picture of the intergrain exchangeinteraction is still missing. Note that the intergrain ex-change coupling is related to the conduction electrons.The theory of such a coupling extends the theory of con-duction electrons in granular metals.

In most experimental studies the exchange couplingbetween magnetic grains was explained using Slonczewskimodel [28], developed for magnetic tunnel junctions(MTJ). Usually, the coupling between grains was esti-mated using this model by taking into account the grainssurface area. Recently, it was shown that the intergraincoupling differs from the exchange coupling in MTJ [27].In granular system the exchange coupling depends notonly on the distance between the grains and on the insu-

lating matrix barrier, but also on the dielectric proper-ties of the matrix. Such an effect appears due to chargequantization and the Coulomb blockade effects in FMnanograins.

The intergrain exchange coupling studied in the pastwas due to virtual electron hopping between the grainsand can be associated with the kinetic energy in the sys-tem Hamiltonian. However, it is known that the many-body Coulomb interaction also leads to the magnetic ex-change interaction [29 and 30]. Recently, the Coulombbased exchange interaction was considered in MTJ [31].It was shown that this contribution to the magnetic inter-action between magnetic leads separated by the insulat-ing layer is comparable and even larger than the hoppingbased exchange coupling.

In this paper we consider a competition of the Coulomband the hopping based exchange coupling in the system oftwo spherical magnetic grains embedded into insulatingmatrix. In contrast to the layered system the screeningof the Coulomb interaction in granular system is differ-ent due to finite grain sizes. This leads to the appearanceof additional terms in the total exchange interaction be-tween grains. Also, the hopping based exchange interac-tion in granular and layered systems is different. Thus,the competition of hopping and Coulomb based exchangeinteraction in granular system results in essentially dif-ferent total coupling.

In Ref. [31] it was shown that the Coulomb based cou-pling strongly depends on the insulator dielectric con-stant. For granular system both the hopping and theCoulomb based exchange depends on the matrix dielec-tric susceptibility.In this paper we calculate the Coulomb based exchange

interaction between FM nanograins and study the com-petition between two mechanisms of exchange interac-tion.The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we in-




spin up




2ax=0, y=0

U +U +U +U1 2

E <0F


gy sc





AFM ordering



h = -EF


spin down




d aM1 M2a




FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) Two FM metallic grains with ra-dius a and intergrain distance d embedded into insulatingmatrix with dielectric constant ε. M1,2 stands for grain mag-netic moment. (b) Schematic picture of potential energy pro-files for electron with spin “up” (red line) and “down” (blueline) states for AFM configuration of leads magnetic momentsM1,2. Red and blue lines are slightly shifted with respect toeach other for better presentation. Zero energy corresponds tothe top of energy barrier for electrons in the insulator. Sym-bols FM and I stand for FM metal and insulator, respectively.All other notations are defined in the text.

troduce the model for granular system. In Secs. III andIV we underline the main results for the hopping basedexchange coupling in granular systems. In Sec. V wecalculate the inter-electron Coulomb interaction and theintergrain exchange coupling. We discuss and comparethe Coulomb and the hopping based exchange interac-tion in Sec. VI. Finally, we discuss validity of our theoryin Sec. VII.


We consider two identical FM grains with radius a (seeFig. 1). The Hamiltonian describing delocalized electronsin the system can be written as follows

H = H0 + HC, (1)

where the single particle Hamiltonian H0 =∑


U1(ri) + U2(ri) + H1m(ri) + H2m(ri)) has the kinetic en-

ergy Wk, the potential profiles of grains U1,2 and the ex-change interaction between conduction electrons and ionsH1,2m [30] in each grain. HC is the Coulomb interactionbetween electrons.We assume that the single particle potential energy

is Ui = −UΠi, where Πi = 1 inside grain (i) andΠi = 0 outside grain (i). We consider only FM andAFM collinear configurations of the grains magnetiza-tions M1,2. According to Vonsovskii s-d model the ionsinfluence the delocalized electrons through creation ofspin-dependent single particle potential of magnitudeHsp

1,2m(ri) = −JsdσzM1,2Π1,2; where M1,2 takes only twopossible values ±1.Note that we choose the zero energy level at the top

of the insulating barrier (see Fig. 1). This leads to thenegative Fermi level, EF < 0.We introduce a single particle Hamiltonian for each

separate grain, Hg1,2 = Wk+U1,2+H1,2m, with the eigen-

functions ψsi in the grain (1) and φsj in the grain (2). The

subscript i stands for orbital state and the superscript sdenotes the spin state in a local spin coordinate systemrelated to magnetization of corresponding grain. Dueto grains symmetry the wave functions are symmetricψsi (x, y, z) = φsi (x, y,−z). The energies of these states

are ǫs1i = ǫs2i = ǫsi .The creation and annihilation operators in grain (1)

are as+i and asi , and in grain (2) are bs+i and bsi . Thetotal number of electrons is given by the operators n andm in grain (1) and (2), respectively. The whole system isneutral. The total charge of ions in each grain is −en0.We introduce the zero-order many-particle wave func-

tions ΨAFM0 and ΨFM

0 for AFM and FM configurationsof leads magnetic moments M1,2. These wave functionsdescribe the non-interacting FM grains (d → ∞). Allstates ψs

i and φsj with energies ǫsi < EF are filled andall states above EF are empty (we consider the limit ofzero temperature). The wave functions of coupled grains,when d is finite, are denoted as ΨFM and ΨAFM for FMand AFM configurations, respectively.We split the Coulomb interaction operator into two

parts, HC = HdC + HiC. Here HdC describes directCoulomb interaction of electrons in the grains. It hasthe form [2 and 3]

HdC = Ec(n−n0)2+Ec(m−n0)



(2)where Ec = e2/(8πε0 εeff a) is the grain charging energyin SI units with εeff being the effective dielectric con-stant of the surrounding media. In general εeff can differfrom the dielectric constant ε of the insulating matrix.In granular magnets the effective dielectric constant de-pends on properties of insulating matrix and grains [2].In inhomogeneous systems, such as layers of grains lo-cated on top of insulating substrate, the charging energy,Ec, is a complicated function depending on the grain den-sity, dielectric properties of the substrate and geometricalfactors [32 and 33]. In Eq. (2), Cm is the mutual grains


capacitance.The second part of the Coulomb interaction describes

the indirect spin-dependent Coulomb interaction - theexchange interaction [29]

HiC = −∑


U sij a

s+i asi b

s′+j bs

j , (3)


Usij =

∫ ∫


s∗i (r1)φ


j (r1)UCψsi (r2)φ

s′∗j (r2).


Here s′ = s for FM and s′ = −s for AFM configurationof grain magnetic moments; and UC is the operator of theCoulomb interaction between two electrons. In Eq. (3)we keep only diagonal elements of the indirect Coulombinteraction with repeating indexes. We do this assumingthat electron wave functions have random phases due toscattering on impurities. In this case only matrix ele-ments with repeating indices survive. Also we omit theindirect Coulomb interaction between conduction elec-trons in the same grain. On one hand this contributiondoes not produce any interaction between grains and onthe other hand it leads to spin subband splitting whichis much smaller than the s-d interaction (and may beincorporated into constant Jsd).Recently the exchange interaction between magnetic

grains was considered using the Hamiltonian H0 +HdC [27]. However, later it was shown [31] that the indi-rect Coulomb interaction may also lead to magnetic cou-pling between the FM contacts. In particular, this wasdemonstrated for MTJ with infinite leads. The indirectCoulomb based interlayer exchange interaction was foundto be comparable with hopping based exchange interac-tion. In the present paper we calculate the intergrainexchange interaction based on the indirect Coulomb in-teraction of electrons, HiC. We denote the hopping basedexchange interaction as Hex

h . It is given by the followingexpression

Hexh = 〈ΨAFM|H0+HdC|ΨAFM〉−〈ΨFM|H0+HdC|ΨFM〉.

(5)The contribution to the exchange coupling from the in-direct Coulomb interaction is given by

HexiC = 〈ΨAFM

0 |HiC|ΨAFM0 〉 − 〈ΨFM

0 |HiC|ΨFM0 〉. (6)

For Coulomb based exchange interaction it is enough toaverage the operator over the ground state. The totalexchange interaction is defined as follows

Hex = Hexh +Hex

iC . (7)


Consider single spherical metallic grain with radius a.We will follow the approach and notations of Ref. [27].

In the absence of spin-orbit interaction the spin and thespatial parts of wave functions are separated. The spinparts are (1 0)T and (0 1)T for the spin up and spin downstates, respectively. We introduce the following coordi-nates: z is along the line connecting grain centres; z = 0is the symmetry point between the grains; x and y are

perpendicular to z, r⊥ =√

x2 + y2. Grains surfaces areclose to each other around point (x, y, z) = 0. In general,the wave functions are the spherical waves with quantumnumbers (m,n, l). For d ≪ a and Sc = πa/κ0 ≪ πa2

(κ0 =√

−2meEF/~2 is the inverse characteristic lengthscale of electron wave function decay inside the insula-tor) we approximate the electron wave functions in thevicinity of grain surfaces with plane waves. We changequantum numbers (m,n, l) with (kx, ky, kz). In the vicin-ity of grains contact area we use the following expressionsfor wave functions

ψsk(z, r⊥) ≈







2+ z +




eik⊥r⊥ ,

φsk(z, r⊥) ≈







2− z +




eik⊥r⊥ .


This expression is valid in the insulator region out-side the grains. Here τs

k= 2kz


is the am-

plitude of the transmitted electron wave, k⊥ =(kx, ky, 0), r⊥ = (x, y, 0), Ω = 4πa3/3 and κ



2me(U − s Jsd −~2k2z/(2me))/~2 is the inverse decaylength written in new notations. We neglect the surfaceinterference effect and the penetration of electron wavefunction beyond the grain in determining the normaliza-tion factor.

Below we will use the symbols i and j (instead of k)to describe a set of quantum numbers characterizing theorbital motion of electrons. The overlap of wave functionsof electrons i and j located in different grains exists onlybetween the grains in a small region in the vicinity ofr⊥ = 0. The in-plane area ((x, y)-plane) of the overlap

region is Sijc = π(λij

⊥)2, where λij


2a/(κi + κj). Theintroduced above area, Sc = πλ2

⊥, is the contact area for

electrons at the Fermi level (size λ⊥ =√


For electron wave functions inside the grains we obtain

ψsk(z, r⊥) ≈







+ ξske−ikz







eik⊥r⊥ ,

φsk(z, r⊥) ≈eikz






+ ξske−ikz







eik⊥r⊥ ,


with ξsk=



. Below we will use Eqs. (8) and (9) to

calculate exchange interaction between the grains.




This mechanism was considered for grains in Ref. [27].We split the expression for the hopping based exchangeinteraction into two parts

Hexh = Hex

h0 −Hexhε, (10)






∫ ksF


dk((ksF)2 − k2)V s

k −

− a




∫ k−sF



∫ ksF


dk2δs(k1, k2)T

−ss12 (P−ss

12 )∗−

−∫ ks




∫ ksF


dk2δs(k1, k2)T

ss12 (P







= − a


∫ k−




∫ k−



dk2ξ−(k1, k2)|T−−

12 |2~2(k2


2me+ ǫc



∫ k+max



∫ k+up


dk2ξ+(k1, k2)|T++

12 |2~2

2me(k21 − k22 + 2Jsd) + ǫc



∫ ksmax


∫ min(k1,ksF)


dk1dk2ξs(k1, k2)|T s−s

12 |2~2(k2


2me+ ǫc



For simplicity we change all different squares Sijc in the

integrals with characteristic contact area S0 = πa/κ0.This change does not influence the resulting exchangeinteraction a lot. We introduce the following functions

δs(k1, k2) =

(k−sF )2 − k21 , 2sJsd + k22 < k21 ,

(ksF)2 − k22 , 2sJsd + k22 > k21 ,


δs(k1, k2) =

(ksF)2 − k21 , k2 < k1,

(ksF)2 − k22 , k1 > k2,


ξs(k1, k2) =

(2sJsd + k21 − k22), k1 < ksF,((k−s

F )2 − k22), k1 > ksF,(15)

ξs(k1, k2) =

(k21 − k22), k1 < ksF,((ksF)

2 − k22), k1 > ksF,(16)

and notations

ksup = min(

k21 + 2sJsd , k−sF ). (17)

ksmax =√

2me(U − sJ)/~2, (18)

ksF =√

2me(EF + U − sJ)/~2, (19)

Jsd = 2me Jsd /~2. (20)

We introduce the charging energy ǫc = 2Ec − e2/Cm,which can be estimated as ǫc = e2/(8πaǫǫ0) for d ≈ 1 nmand a ∈ [1; 10] nm.The matrix elements T s

12, Ps12, and V

sk in Eqs. (11) and

(12) are given by the following expressions

V sk = −sJsd

(|τsi |)2(κs

i )e−2κs

i d,

T ss′

ij = −(sJsd+U)τs∗i τs

j (κsi+ κ


j )

((ki)2 +(κs′j )2)


j d,

P ss′

ij =τs∗i τs

j (κsi+ κ


j )

(k2j +(κsi )


sid +

τs∗i τs′

j (κsi+ κ


j )

(k2i +(κs′j )2)


j d+

+2τs∗i τs

j e−(κs


j ) d2 sinh((κs

i − κs′

j )d2 )

(κsi − κs′

j ).


For semimetal with only one spin subband occupied(EF < Jsd −U) we sum in Eqs. (11) and (12) only overthe occupied spin subband (s =“-”).



Integral in Eq. (4) includes the operator of the

Coulomb interaction UC. For homogeneous insulator ithas the form UC = e2/(4πε0ε| r1 − r2 |), where ε is themedium effective dielectric constant. In our case the sys-tem is inhomogeneous and the Coulomb interaction isrenormalized by screening effects due to metallic grains.There are two regions contributing to Eq. (4): 1) The

region inside the FM grains Ω1 (Ω2) where the Coulombinteraction is effectively screened and is short-range [3and 34]



2δ(r1 − r2) + 2Ec+



aδ(|r1| − a) +


aδ(|r2| − a),


where ∆ is the mean energy level spacing, Ω∆ =6π2EF/((k

+F )

3 + (k−F )3). In metals the Coulomb inter-

action is screened on the length scale of the order ofThomas-Fermi length, λTF ≈ (

e2k3F/(4πε0)EF)−1 ≈

0.05 nm. The characteristic length scale of the electrondensity variation is κ−1

0 ≈ 0.5 nm. Thus, we can use thelocal approximation for decaying electron wave functionssince λTF ≪ κ

−10 .


The Coulomb based exchange coupling between infi-nite magnetic leads was considered in Ref. [31], where itwas shown that the Coulomb interaction inside the FMleads also contributes to the total interlayer exchangecoupling. However, for infinite leads the last three termsin Eq. (22) disappear. In the present paper we take intoaccount these terms appearing due to finite grain sizes.2) The second region contributing to Eq. (4) is the re-

gion between the grains where screening of the Coulombinteraction is weak and the interaction is long-range.However, due to metallic grains, the electric field of twointeracting electrons is finite only inside this region. Wedenote the renormalized Coulomb interaction inside theinsulating layer as U I

C.In our model electrons inside the insulator and elec-

trons inside the grains do not interact with each other.The right hand side of Eq. (4) can be considered as

the Coulomb interaction between two effective charges,

ρ(1)ij = eψs∗

i (r)φs′

j (r) and ρ(2)ij = eψs

i (r)φs′∗j (r). Here s′ =

s for FM and s′ = −s for AFM ordering. One can see

that ρ(1)ij = ρ

(2)∗ij = ρij .

We can write the matrix elements of the indirectCoulomb interaction as a sum of two terms

Usij = Ls

ij + Isij ,

Lsij =

∫ ∫





Isij =

∫ ∫






where Ω1,2 = Ω is the grain volume and ΩI is the volumeof the insulating layer. The index s stands for spin indexof electron wave function in grain (1). The spin stateof electron in grain (2) is the same (s) for FM and −sfor AFM configuration. We can split the total Coulombbased exchange interaction into two contributions

HexC = Lex + Iex. (24)

Below we consider these two contributions to theCoulomb based exchange interaction separately.

A. Contribution to the exchange interaction due to

the insulating region, Iex

To calculate the contribution to the exchange interac-tion due to the insulating region we will follow the ap-proach of Ref. [31] where exchange coupling was calcu-

lated for MTJ. In this approach the electric field Eij1,2

created by effective charges ρ(1,2)ij inside the insulating

region was calculated by taking into account the screen-ing produced by the FM leads. The leads were treatedas ideal metal with zero screening length. The energy ofthis field (the part corresponding to the mutual interac-

tion) Iij = (ε0ε)(∫


1 Eij2 ) gives the estimate of the

matrix element of indirect Coulomb interaction. In MTJ

the charges ρ(1,2)ij are periodic functions in the (x,y) plane

and decay exponentially along z direction. In the case ofmagnetic grains the geometry of the system is more com-plicated. We will use the following approximation: theregion of interaction of electrons in states i and j is re-stricted by the area Sij

c . The linear size of this area ismuch larger than the Fermi length for large enough grains(√

πa/κ > 1/kF). In this case we can model the interac-tion region as two leads with parallel surfaces neglectinggrains curvature. In the region of interaction we calculate

the electric field created by charges ρ(1,2)ij as if we have

the infinite parallel leads. The matrix element of the in-teraction is given by Iij = (ε0ε/2)(


1 Eij2 ), where

ΩI is the volume restricted by the inequalities |z| < d/2,r⊥ < aκij . In practice, we multiply the area-normalizedmatrix elements in Ref. [31] by the contact area Sij

c . Fol-lowing Ref. [31] we derive the following expression for theCoulomb based exchange interaction

Iex = ˜Iex − I+ex − I−ex, (25)


˜Iex = − e2a


∫ k+



∫ k−



dk1dk2|(τ+1 )∗τ−2 |2κ+1 + κ


e−d(κ+1 +κ

2 )×

×∫ kmax

2 +kmax1



∫ (kmax2 +kmax

1 )/2


kζ(k, q)dk.


Isex = − e2


∫ ksF


∫ k1


dk1dk2|(τs1 )∗τs2 |2κs1 + κs




×∫ kmax

2 +kmax1



∫ (kmax2 +kmax

1 )/2


kζ(k, q)dk.


The maximum value of perpendicular momenta are

kmax1 =

(ksF)2 − k21z and kmax

2 =√


F )2 − k22z, where

s′ = s in expression for kmax1 and kmax

2 in Eq. (26), ands =“+”, s′ =“-” in Eq. (27). We also introduce the fol-lowing functions

ζ(k, q) =

0, (φ2 < φ3) or (φ1 < φ3),φ1 − φ3, otherwise,



φ1(k, q) =

0, k > kmax1 + q/2,

π+πsign(kmax1 −q/2)2 , k < |kmax

1 − q/2|,arccos


k2+q2/4−(kmax1 )2



, otherwise.


φ2(k, q) =

π, k < kmax2 − q/2,


k2+q2/4−(kmax2 )2



, otherwise.



φ3(k, q) = π − φ2(k, q). (31)

The reduced matrix element ωI(q) is given by the expres-sion

ωI(q) = ωIx(q) + ωIz(q), (32)


ωIz =

(α21 + α2


q+ α2



q+ 2α1α2d+

+4α1α3sinh((∆κ + q)d/2)

∆κ + q+ 4α2α3

sinh((∆κ − q)d/2)

∆κ − q


ωIx =

(α21 + α2


q+ α2



q+ 2α1α2d+

+ 4α1α3sinh((∆κ + q)d/2)

∆κ + q+4α2α3

sinh((∆κ − q)d/2)

∆κ − q



where ∆κ = κs1−κ


2 and functions αi and αi are definedas follows

α1= e−qd

2 σ2 −e(∆κ−q)d


q −∆κ, α1= −e− qd

2 σ2 −e(∆κ−q)d


q −∆κ,

α2= e−qd

2 σ1 +e−(q+∆κ)d/2

q +∆κ, α2= e−


2 σ1 −e−(q+∆κ)d


q +∆κ,

α3 =2∆κ

q2 −∆κ2, α3 =


q2 −∆κ2.


The functions σ1,2 are defined as

σ1(2) =σ01(2)e

qd + σ02(1)

eqd − e−qd, (35)


σ01 =


q −∆κ


e(q−∆κ)d/2 − e−(q−∆κ)d/2)


σ02 =


q +∆κ


e−(q+∆κ)d/2 − e(q+∆κ)d/2)



B. Contribution to the exchange interaction due to

grains, Lex

In this region the operator of Coulomb interactionis defined in Eq. (22). The operator consists of fourterms. The last three terms contribute only in the case ofnanoscale grains. These terms vanish for infinite metallicleads.First, we consider the last two terms describing single

particle potential uniformly distributed over the grainsurface. This potential is zero inside the grain. Con-sider the interaction between an electron in some stateψsi located in the left grain and an electron in stateφsj located in the right grain. Consider the interior of

the right grain. The charge ρij is non-zero only in thesmall area Sij

c in the (x,y) plane and penetrates intothe grain by the distance κ

−1. Therefore the potential2Ecλ


a δ(|r2| − a) interacts with the charge ρij only in

the small area of the surface Sijc ≪ 4πa2. Therefore

this potential gives a small contribution to the intergrainexchange interaction in comparison to the contributioncoming from the first term of Eq. (22), Ω∆

2 δ(r1 − r2).The direct calculations show that the small parameter is(aκ0)

−1(akF)−1(EF/Ec) ≪ 1. For this reason we neglect

the last two terms in Eq. (22).

The matrix element calculated using the second termin Eq. (22) is given by


∫ ∫



ij(r2) = 2Ec|τsi |2|τs′

j |2×


i + κs′

j )2



j dSs′

j Sinc(qxλj⊥)Sinc(qyλ


(ksi )2 + (κs′

j )2+

e−κsi dSs

i Sinc(qxλi⊥)Sinc(qyλ



j )2 + (κsi )





Here Ssi = πa/κs

i is the surface area and λi⊥


Ssi is

the linear size, and q = k1⊥−k2⊥ is the momentum. Thecontribution to the intergrain exchange coupling due tothis matrix element is





∫ ksF


∫ ksF


dk1dk2|τs1 |2|τs2 |2δ(k1, k2)×

× (κs1 + κ




(k22 + (κs1)




(k21 + (κs2)





(k22 + (κs1)

2)(k21 + (κs2)



− e2


∫ k+



∫ k−



dk1dk2|τ+1 |2|τ−2 |2δ(k1, k2)×

× (κ+1 + κ

2 )2

e−2κ+1 d

(k22 + (κ+1 )



2 d

k21 + (κ−

2 )2)2κ−



e−(κ+1 +κ

2 )d

(k22 + (κ+1 )

2)(k21 + (κ−

2 )2)max(κ+1 ,κ

2 )



The first term in Eq. (22) gives the following contribution


to the intergrain exchange interaction

Lexloc =

−3a(U + EF)

26π((k+F )3 + (k−F )3))


γ(s, s′)×

×∫ ks



∫ ksF



F )2 − k22)((ksF)

2 − k21)×


e−2dκs1 |τs1 |2



1 + |rs′2 |22κs





2 )∗

κs1 + ik2



|τs′2 |2e−2dκs′




1 + |rs1|22κs′





κs′2 + ik1




we introduce the function

γ(s, s′) =

1, s = s′,−1, s 6= s′.


C. Total exchange interaction

The total intergrain exchange interaction is given bythe following expression

Hex = Hexh0 + Lex

loc +Hexhε + Iex + Lex

Ec, (41)

where term Hexh0 is given by Eq. (11), Lex

loc by Eq. (39),Hex

hε by Eq. (46), Iex by Eqs. (25-27) and LexEc

by Eq. (38).


There are several contributions to the intergrain ex-change interaction in Eq. (41). These contributions havedifferent physical nature and different dependencies onsystem parameters. In this section we will discuss thesecontributions and compare the intergrain exchange cou-pling with the interlayer exchange coupling in MTJ.

A. Granular magnets

First, we discuss the influence of intergrain exchangeinteraction on properties of granular magnets with manygrains forming an ensemble of interacting nanomagnets.The exchange interaction between the grains leads to theformation of long-range magnetic order appearing belowa certain temperature [3, 23–25], which is called the or-dering temperature Tord. For Ising model [24 and 35] theordering temperature in granular magnets with FM cou-pling is related to the intergrain exchange interaction asTord = znH

ex, where zn = 6 is the coordination numberfor three dimensional cubic lattice. Below we will plotthe exchange interaction multiplied by the coordinationnumber, zn = 6, to show the temperature where couplingovercomes temperature fluctuations.

Note that we do not consider the intergrain magneto-dipole (MD) interaction [17–22, and 36], which competeswith the exchange interaction and leads to the formationof super spin glass state. The influence of MD interactionon the magnetic state of GFM was discussed in Refs. [17–20, and 36].

B. Comparison with layered systems

Both, the hopping and the Coulomb based exchangecoupling were considered for layered structures such asMTJ in the past. There are at least three essential dif-ferences between granular and layered systems.The first difference is related to the morphology of

granular system. Due to spherical grain shape the effec-tive area of interaction is small and it linearly dependson the grain size, a. Therefore the intergrain exchangeinteraction in granular systems grows linearly with a incontrast to the MTJ, where interaction grows as a2.The second difference is the essential influence of the

Coulomb blockade effect on the hopping based exchangecoupling. In MTJ the Coulomb blockade is absent whilein GFM the Coulomb interaction suppresses the FM con-tribution to the hopping based magnetic intergrain cou-pling.The third difference appears due to finite grain sizes.

The Coulomb based exchange interaction has an addi-tional contribution, Lex

Ec, appearing due to the second

term in Eq. (22). This contribution does not depend onthe grain size a. On one hand the interaction area growslinearly with a, and on the other hand this term is pro-portional to the charging energy Ec ∼ 1/a.Thus, the total exchange interaction between magnetic

grains can not be extracted from the known result of in-terlayer exchange coupling in MTJ by simple multiplica-tion of the later by the grain or effective contact area.

C. Comparison of different contributions to the

Coulomb based exchange coupling in granular


The Coulomb based intergrain exchange interactionhas several contributions. The first contribution, Iex, isdue to the region between the grains. In this region theCoulomb interaction can be considered as a long-rangeinteraction. The electric field of a point charge pene-trates over the whole volume of the insulator between thegrains. This field is reduced by the dielectric between thegrains. Thus, the electron-electron interaction betweenthe grains depends on the dielectric constant of the in-sulating matrix, ε. The second contribution appears dueto the Coulomb interaction between electrons inside thegrains, Lex. It consists of two terms: 1) the short-rangeterm in Eq. (22), Lex

loc, and 2) the size effect term, LexEc.

Terms Iex and Lexloc linearly grow with the grain size a.


1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.21E-4






1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Bh (eV)

d = 1 nm(K


h (eV)B

J = 4.5 eVsd

U = 5 eV








J = 3.8 eVsd

a = 1 nm





FIG. 2. (Color online) The intergrain exchange interaction(multiplied by the coordination number) as a function of in-sulating barrier height hB for U = 5 eV, ε = 4.5, d = 1 nm,a = 1 nm and (a) Jsd = 4.5 eV, (b) Jsd = 3.8 eV. Black linesshow |Lex

loc| (Eq. (39)), blue lines are for |Lex

Ec| (Eq. (38)) and

red lines are for |Iex| (Eq. (25)). The y-axis has logarithmicscale. Dashed parts show the region where functions L




Ecand I

ex are negative.

The contribution LexEc

does not depend on the grain size.Therefore the influence of this term increases with de-creasing the grain size a. However, our calculations showthat even for very small grains with a ≈ 1 nm the contri-bution Lex

Ecis much smaller than two other contributions.

Figure 2 shows the behavior of these contributions tothe Coulomb based exchange interaction as a function ofbarrier height, hB =

−2meEF/~2 (which is the differ-ence between the energies of the insulator barrier and theFermi level). The curves are shown for very small grains,with grains diameter 2a = 2 nm. Even in this case thecontribution Lex

Ecexceeds two other contributions only

when Lexloc or I

ex change its sign. However, in this regionthe intergrain coupling due to the Coulomb interactionis very small ∼ 10−2K. Thus, with a good accuracy wecan neglect the contribution Lex

Ecin most cases.

Contributions Lexloc and Iex are comparable. Figure 2

shows how these two contributions change their sign withchanging the barrier height, hB. For large barrier the in-teraction is weak and positive (FM type), while for smallbarrier the interaction is negative (AFM type). One cansee that for large barrier the contribution due to the in-tergrain region, Iex, exceeds contribution from the grains,Lexloc. For small barrier the situation is the opposite,

Lexloc > Iex.Note that the contribution due to intergrain region de-

pends on the dielectric constant of the insulator, Iex ∼ε−1, while Lex

loc does not depend on ε. Thus, changingthe matrix dielectric constant, ε one can change the ra-tio of Lex

loc and Iex. Figure 2 shows the case for ε = 4.5,corresponding to Si insulator.Figure 3 shows the dependence of three contributions

1 2 3 4 5-4





1 2 3 4 5-120







sd J (eV)

d = 1 nm(K)

J (eV)

h = 0.5 eVB

U = 5 eV








h = 0.2 eVB

a = 1 nm





FIG. 3. (Color online) The intergrain exchange interactionas a function of spin subband splitting, Jsd, for U = 5 eV,ε = 4.5, d = 1 nm, a = 5 nm, and (a) hB = 0.5 eV, (b)hB = 0.2 eV. Black lines show L


loc (Eq. (39)), blue lines arefor Lex

Ec(Eq. (38)) and red lines are for Iex (Eq. (25)).

to the Coulomb based exchange interaction Lexloc, L


and Iex on the spin subband splitting of electrons in-side the grains, Jsd, for a = 5 nm grains. In this casethe contribution Lex

Ecis negligible in the whole range of

parameters. The contribution due to grains Lexloc is nega-

tive (AFM) for small splitting and positive (FM) for largesplitting (when only one spin subband is filled). The con-tribution coming from the insulating region, Iex changesits sign twice. For small Jsd the coupling is positive (FM),for intermediate Jsd the contribution is negative (AFM)and for large splitting Iex > 0 (FM).For large spin subband splitting (when only one sub-

band is filled) and for large barrier hB the contribu-tion Iex exceeds the contribution coming from the grains(Fig. 3(a)). For small barrier the situation is the oppo-site. For small splitting and for the case when both spinsubbands are filled (Jsd < EF+U) the contribution dueto grains exceeds the contribution due to the insulatingregion (|Iex| < |Lex

loc|). In this region Lexloc is of AFM type

and thus the whole Coulomb based coupling is of AFMtype.

Note that for small barrier height the Coulomb basedcoupling |Lex

loc| can be rather large reaching 100 K. Thus,the intergrain Coulomb based exchange coupling can beobserved in experiment.

D. Coulomb vs hopping based exchange


Figure 4 compares the hopping Hexh and the Coulomb

HexC based exchange interactions as a function of the bar-

rier height hB for the following parameters: U = 5 eV,d = 1 nm, a = 5 nm, ε = 4.5 and (a) Jsd = 5.0 eV,


1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.20.01





1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

Bh (eV)

d = 1 nm(K


h (eV)B

J = 5.0 eVsd

U = 5 eV





(b) J = 3.8 eVsd

a = 5 nm




FIG. 4. (Color online) The intergrain exchange interaction(multiplied by the coordination number) as a function of in-sulating barrier height hB for U = 5 eV, ε = 4.5, d = 1 nm,a = 5 nm and (a) Jsd = 5 eV, (b) Jsd = 3.8 eV. Black linesshow the hopping based coupling |Hex

h | (Eq. (10)) and redlines are for the Coulomb based coupling |Hex

C | (Eq. (24)).The y-axis has logarithmic scale. Dashed parts show the re-gion where functions H


h and Hex

C are negative.

(b) Jsd = 3.8 eV. One can see that the Coulomb andthe hopping based exchange couplings are comparable.For large spin subband splitting, Fig. 4(a), the Coulombbased coupling exceeds the hopping based coupling. Forweak splitting (Jsd < EF+U) both contributions changetheir sign. This happens almost for the same barrierheight. Contributions Hex

h and HexC have the opposite

sign for almost all parameters. For large spin subbandsplitting Hex

h is negative, Hexh < 0 (AFM) for any hB

while the Coulomb based coupling is positive (FM). Forsmall splitting (Jsd < EF+U) the Coulomb based inter-action Hex

C is positive for large barrier, and negative forsmall barrier, while Hex

h shows the opposite behavior.Figure 5 shows the hopping based Hex

h and theCoulomb based Hex

C contributions to the total intergrainexchange interaction as a function of internal spin sub-band splitting Jsd for the following parameters: U = 5eV, d = 1 nm, a = 5 nm, ε = 4.5 and (a) hB = 0.5eV, (b) hB = 0.2 eV. One can see that both contribu-tions are comparable and have the opposite sign. Forsmall splitting the hopping based contribution is positive(FM), while the Coulomb based contribution is negative,Hex

C < 0. For large splitting the situation is the opposite.

1. A toy model

The main feature of the hoping based and the Coulombbased contributions is the sign change as a function ofthe barrier height hB and the spin subband splitting Jsd.Moreover, one can see that the dependencies Hex

h and

1 2 3 4 5-6







1 2 3 4 5-120







sd J (eV)

d = 1 nm(K)

J (eV)

h = 0.5 eVB

U = 5 eV




H exh




h = 0.2 eVB

a = 1 nm



H exh

FIG. 5. (Color online) The intergrain exchange interactionas a function of spin subband splitting, Jsd, for U = 5 eV,ε = 4.5, d = 1 nm, a = 5 nm, and (a) hB = 0.5 eV, (b)hB = 0.2 eV. Black lines show the hopping based couplingHex


(Eq. (10)) and red lines are for the Coulomb based couplingH


C (Eq. (24)).

HexC on hB and Jsd are quite similar but have the oppo-

site sign. The reason for such a similarity is related to thefact that both Hex

h and HexC are defined by the density

of states in the vicinity of the Fermi surface. Considerthe first term in Eqs. (11) and (39). The first integraldescribes one of the hopping based contributions. Thesecond integral describes one of the Coulomb based con-tributions. These two integrals are the most simple toanalyse. Due to the presence of the exponential factor,e−2κd only electrons in the vicinity of the Fermi surfacecontribute to the integrals. We assume that the matrixelements do not depend on the electron energy (besidesthe exponential factor). In this case we can estimate

Hexh0∼V −

FN− − V +F N+ − ... (42)


Lexloc ∼


γ(s, s′)

∫ ksF


∫ ks′




F )2 − k22)((ksF)

2 − k21)×


1+ Ls′e−2dκs′

2 ) = (N0−−N0


N0s =

∫ ksF


dk((ksF)2 − k2),

Ns =

∫ ksF


dk((ksF)2 − k2)e−2dκs



where V ±

F and Ls are the parameters independent of inte-gration variables. The key element of both the formulasis the integral of the form

((kF)2 − k2)e−2κddk. This

integral defines the number of electrons participating inthe exchange interaction. Equation (42) has only single


integrals because this term is the first order perturbationtheory correction to the system energy and it is propor-tional to the number of electrons in the system. Equa-tion (43) has double integrals since it describes the manybody interaction and it is proportional to the number ofelectrons squared. The different spin subbands give con-tributions to the exchange interaction of opposite sign.For semi-metals (only one spin subband is filled, Jsd >

(U +EF)) only the integrals over majority spin subbandare survived. Therefore, the majority spin subband de-fines the sign of the exchange interaction. For small spinsubband splitting, Jsd ≪ EF (and κ0 ≪ kF) we have

((ksF)2 − k2)e−2κsddk ∼ κ


dksFe−2κ0d. (44)

This result means that the spin subband with higher den-sity of states at the Fermi surface (higher kF) gives thesmaller contribution to the exchange interaction mean-ing that at small Jsd the minority spin subband definesthe sign of the exchange interaction. This causes thesign change of the exchange coupling at a certain Jsd.To estimate the transition point we estimate the integral∫

((ksF)2 − k2)e−2κsddk at small Fermi momentum k+F ≪

κ0. The estimate in Eq. (44) does not work in this limit(kF → 0). We have

((k+F )2−k2)e−2κddk ∼ (k+F )



((k−F )2−k2)e−2κddk ∼ (κ3


F )e−2κ0d. The ex-

change interaction changes its sing when the integrals forboth spin subbands are equal. This point is defined bythe condition κ

30 ≈ dk−F (k

+F )

3. Usually, κ20 ≪ EF and

therefore, the transition appears close to the point k+F =0, i.e. close to the case of semimetal (Jsd ≈ (U + EF)).This is in agreement with our calculations. The condi-tion also shows that the sign change appears with vary-ing the barrier heigh hB, which is also in agreement withour calculations. This toy model explains the behaviorof the exchange interaction and the reason for similaritybetween the Coulomb and the hopping based exchangecontributions.

E. Total exchange interaction

In granular systems the Coulomb and the hoppingbased exchange interactions compete with each other.These two contributions have the opposite sign for al-most all parameters.Figure 6 shows the total intergrain exchange interac-

tion, Hex as a function of (a) the barrier height hB, and(b) the spin subband splitting, Jsd, for U = 5 eV, ε = 4.5,d = 1 nm, a = 5 nm. The sign and the magnitude ofthe total exchange interaction depends on the value ofspin subband splitting, Jsd and the barrier height, hB.For small splitting Jsd the coupling is AFM while forlarge splitting it is FM. Depending on Jsd the couplingchanges its sign one or three times. Due to the competi-tion between the Coulomb and the hopping mechanismsthe magnitude of the total exchange interaction is smallerthan the magnitude of the Coulomb based contribution.

1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.21E-4







1 2 3 4 5






B J (eV)

d = 1 nm(K)

h (eV)

J = 4.5 eVsd

U = 5 eV


J = 3.8 eVsd

J = 5.0 eVsd


(b)h = 0.2 eVB

a = 1 nmznH ex

h = 0.3 eVB

h = 0.5 eVB

FIG. 6. (Color online) Total intergrain exchange interactionH

ex (Eq. (7)) as a function of (a) the barrier height hB, and(b) spin subband splitting, Jsd, for U = 5 eV, ε = 4.5, d = 1nm, a = 5 nm. In plot (a) the y-axis has logarithmic scale.Dashed parts show the region where function H

ex is negative.

Note that both the Coulomb and the hopping basedcontributions depend on the dielectric permittivity ofthe insulating matrix. The Coulomb contribution canbe written as

HexC = Lex

loc +Iex1ε, (45)

where Iex1 is the Coulomb based exchange coupling insidethe insulator with ε = 1. Note that Iex1 can be eitherpositive or negative depending on the system parameters.The dependence of the hopping contribution Hex

h on thedielectric constant is more complicated (see Ref. [27]).Approximately it can be written as

Hexh = Hex









(46)where γ ≈ 3.43 and Hex

h1 > 0. The dielectric permittiv-ity in this equation enters through the effective chargingenergy, ǫc ∼ 1/ε, for simplicity we omit the difference be-tween εeff and ε. The second term in Eq. (46) increaseswith increasing ε. This is in contrast to the Coulombbased coupling. Also, we note that ǫc depends on thegrain size, a. Decreasing the grain size leads to the en-forcement of the Coulomb blockade effect making Hex

hmore sensitive to variation of ε.Using Eqs. (45) and (46) we can write

Hex = Hex0 +












10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100







100 (



d = 1 nmU = 5 eV

HJ (eV) = 5.0 eV, h = 0.2 eVB

sdJ (eV) = 5.0 eV, h = 0.1 eVB

sdJ (eV) = 3.8 eV, h = 0.3 eVB

sdJ (eV) = 4.7 eV, h = 0.1 eVB

a = 5 nm


FIG. 7. (Color online) Total intergrain exchange coupling,H

ex in Eq. (7) as a function of dielectric permittivity of theinsulating layer, ε, for U = 5 eV, d = 1 nm, a = 5 nm anddifferent spin subband spitting, Jsd, and barrier height hB.The brown curve divided by 5.

The second and the third terms have opposite depen-dence on ε. Figure 7 shows the dependence of the totalexchange interaction Hex on the dielectric permittivityof the insulating matrix for various parameters. In mostcases the Coulomb based contribution Hex

C , Eq. (47), isthe largest. For positive Iex1 the total exchange couplingdecreases with increasing ε. One can see that Hex

0 canbe either positive (red curve) or negative (black curve).For positive Hex

0 the exchange coupling is always positive(FM) and decreases with increasing the matrix dielectricconstant. For negative Hex

0 the coupling changes its signwith increasing ε. For small dielectric constant, Hex

C is ofFM type, and it becomes AFM for large dielectric con-stants. The total coupling decreases three times (from100 K to 30 K) with increasing the dielectric constant.

For some parameters the hopping based coupling isthe dominant contribution to ε-dependence of the totalexchange interaction, Hex (green line). In this case thecoupling grows with ε. For small dielectric constant thecoupling is of AFM type. It becomes positive (FM) withincreasing the dielectric constant.

For negative Iex1 the total coupling is negative andincreases (the absolute value decreases) with increasingthe dielectric constant (brown curve in Fig. 7). In thiscase both contributions contribute in the same direction.Thus, changing system parameters one can have differentdependencies of the exchange coupling on ε in granularsystems.

The fact that the total intergrain exchange interac-tion depends on the dielectric constant can be used torealize the magneto-electric coupling in granular sys-tems. This effect was semi-phenomenologically predictedin Refs. [32, 37, and 38], where it was shown that if onecan control the dielectric properties of the matrix with

external electric field than one can control the intergrainexchange coupling and therefore the magnetic state ofthe granular magnet. For example, the FE matrix canbe used for this purpose. It is known that the dielectricpermittivity of FEs depends on the electric field. Apply-ing the electric field to the system with magnetic grainsbeing placed into FE matrix one can change its magneticstate.


Below we discuss several assumptions and approxima-tions of our theory.1) Above we introduce two dielectric constants: the

real constant ε and the effective constant εeff . The con-stant ε defines the screening of electric field in the regionbetween the grains (insulating matrix). This constantgoverns the exchange coupling based on the Coulombinteraction. The electric field involved in this interac-tion exists only in the small region between the grains.The effective dielectric constant εeff describes the long-range screening on the scale of many grains. A chargedgrain creates a field penetrating into volume of manygrains. Therefore the effective dielectric constant εeff in-cludes the screening properties of both the matrix andthe grains. Thus, the charging energy and the hoppingbased exchange coupling depend on the dielectric proper-ties averaged over large volume, while the Coulomb basedcoupling depends on the dielectric properties of a smallintergrain region. A qualitative difference between thesetwo constants may appear in the system with magneticgrains being placed on a substrate with variable dielec-tric constant. Such a substrate will influence the chargingenergy (see Ref. [33 and 39]) and therefore the hoppingbased exchange coupling. However, it will not influencethe Coulomb based exchange coupling.2) We propose to use FE as an insulating matrix with

variable dielectric constant. To observe the intergrainexchange coupling in experiment the intergrain distanceshould be of the order of 1 nm. The properties of suchthin FE films are not well known at this time. However,it is known that FE properties degrade with decreasing ofFE thickness [40 and 41]. For each particular FE there isa critical thickness at which FE properties disappear. Atthe same time the mono-atomic layer FEs also exist [40and 41]. The FE properties of a dense granular materialwith magnetic inclusions are not studied at all. Thisquestion requires further investigation.3) Following Ref. [27] we do not take into account the

inelastic scattering and tunneling.4) When calculating the Coulomb based contribution

to the total exchange coupling we use the approach ofRef. [31] which was developed for infinite layered system.The grains form a capacitor with finite lateral size withelectric charge being localized in between the capacitorsurfaces (grains) and inside the grains. The charge is lo-calized in the area Sc. In our calculations we assume that


electric field is localized between the leads only. Suchan approximation is valid when the lateral size of thecapacitor is much larger than capacitor thickness. Wecalculated numerically the energy of a finite flat capaci-tor with uniformly distributed positive charge inside thecapacitor and negatively charged surfaces, such that thewhole system is neutral. The capacitor area is Sc. Theenergy of the capacitor is W fc. We compare the energywith the energy of the area Sc of an infinite flat capacitorW ic, W ic < W fc. The difference between W ic and W fc

is of order of d/√Sc, where d is the capacitor thickness.

Thus, the matrix element of the exchange interaction isoverestimated. The error grows with decreasing the grainsize.5) We also assume that the leads are perfect metals

meaning that they totally screen the electric field. In fact,the electric potential created by a point charge located ina metal decays exponentially with distance, ∼ e−r/λTF/r,where λTF is the Thomas-Fermi length. The field of apoint change outside the metal surface also penetratesinto the metal by the distance of the order of Thomas-Fermi length. The Thomas-Fermi length is of the orderof 0.05 nm and is much smaller than the characteristiclength scales of the decay of electron wave function κ0

and the insulator thickness d. Our approach is valid forλTF < min(κ0, d).


We developed the theory of the intergrain exchange in-teraction in the system of two metallic magnetic grainsembedded into an insulating matrix by taking into ac-count the magnetic coupling due to Coulomb interactionbetween electrons. The basic idea is the following: elec-trons wave functions located at different grains are over-lapped. In combination with weak screening of electricfield inside the insulator these electrons experience theindirect spin-dependent Coulomb interaction leading tointerlayer magnetic coupling. The Coulomb based ex-change interaction complements the exchange interactiondue to virtual electron hopping between the grains. Weshowed that the Coulomb and the hopping based ex-change interactions are comparable. For most of the pa-rameters these two contributions have the opposite signand therefore compete with each other.We showed that many-body effects lead to new phe-

nomena in magnetic exchange coupling. In particular,the exchange coupling depends not only on the barrierheight and thickness of the insulating matrix but also onthe dielectric properties of this matrix. In granular sys-tems both the hopping and the Coulomb based exchangecoupling depend on the dielectric constant of the insu-lating matrix. This dependence appears due to many-body effects. We showed that hopping based exchangeinteraction depends on the matrix dielectric constant dueto the Coulomb blockade effect controlling virtual elec-tron hopping between the grains. The larger the dielec-tric constant the smaller the Coulomb blockade thus thestronger the exchange coupling. The Coulomb based ex-change coupling depends on the dielectric constant ε -decreasing with increasing ε. Both the hopping and theCoulomb based exchange interactions have terms whichdo not depend on the matrix dielectric constant. Theseterms can be either FM or AFM type. The combina-tion of three different contributions to the total exchangecoupling results in a complicated dependence of the totalmagnetic intergrain exchange on ε and other parametersof the system. Increasing ε one can have the FM - AFMor AFM-FM transitions. For certain parameters no tran-sition is possible, however the exchange coupling variesby three times with increasing the dielectric constant.We showed that the intergrain exchange interaction

strongly depends on system parameters such as Fermilevel, internal spin subband splitting, the height of theinsulating barrier and the grain size. The dependence onthe grain size is almost linear due to spherical shape of thegrains. The contact area of two grains linearly dependson the grain size in contrast to layered system, where theexchange coupling increases as the surface area. Depend-ing on the Fermi level and the spin subband splitting theintergrain exchange coupling can be either positive (FM)or negative (AFM). For small barrier height the couplingcan be rather strong even for 5 nm grains reaching 100K if the spin subband splitting is large enough.


This research was supported by NSF under Coopera-tive Agreement Award EEC-1160504, the U.S. CivilianResearch and Development Foundation (CRDF Global)and NSF PREM Award. O.U. was supported by RussianScience Foundation (Grant 16-12-10340).

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