Date: in 12 pts Education and Culture «ERASMUS+« Ein Überblick.

Date: in 12 pts Education and Culture «ERASMUS+« Ein Überblick

Transcript of Date: in 12 pts Education and Culture «ERASMUS+« Ein Überblick.

Date: in 12 ptsEducation and Culture


Ein Überblick

Date: in 12 ptsEducation and Culture

ERASMUS+ GrundlegenesERASMUS+ Grundlegenes

Europäischer MehrwertEuropäischer Mehrwert


Verstetigende Auswirkungen auf Einzelpersonen, Institutionen und Systeme



Date: in 12 ptsEducation and Culture

Ausgerichtete Architektur: 3 Leitaktionen

Youth in Action Programme

Internationalhigher education

programmes:Erasmus Mundus,

Tempus,Alfa, Edulink,

Bilateral Programmes





Lebens-langes Lernen

Vorherige Programme

Gesamtbudget: € 14,5 Milliarden für 7 Jahre

EIN integrierendes Programm


Aktion 1LearningMobility

Aktion 3Policy


Aktion 2Co-operation


Specific activities:

• Jean Monnet

• Sport

Date: in 12 ptsEducation and Culture

Credit learning mobility of students (short cycles/Bachelor/Master/Doctorate) + HE Staff Mobilityfor studies, traineeships, staff teaching+training NEW: Erasmus opened to 3rd countries in

both directions (where possible from 2015/16)

1. Credit mobility: International opening of Erasmus

2. Degree mobility: Joint Master Degree Programmes

3. Student loan guarantee:to boost degree mobility within Europe

KA1Learning mobility

of individuals - Higher Education-

Grants for Joint Master Degree Programmes Continuity: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master

Master Student Loan Guarantee NEW – 330.000 students

Date: in 12 pts

Credit Mobility “Ex-ERASMUS”Studium• 3-12 Monate, Mehrfachförderung möglich (BA,MA,D)+ Außer-EU Land+ Konzentration auf Sprachvorbereitung (online D,It,Frz,Sp,Eng)Praktikum• 2-12 Monate, Mehrfachförderung möglich (BA,MA,D)+ Lehramtsassistenz an Schulen+ Graduiertenmobilität (innerhalb 1Jahr nach BA-/MA-Abschluss)Stipendien• Höhe nach Ländergruppen

Education and Culture

Date: in 12 pts

Credit Mobility “Ex-ERASMUS”

Lehre• 2d-2m, Lehre/Woche 8h• Pauschalzahlungen geprüftTraining• Mind. 2d-2m innerhalb EU• Mind. 5d-2m außerhalb EUOrganisationsmittel (OM)• Zu beantragen, ABER Aktion1 vorauss. EIN zentraler


Education and Culture

Date: in 12 ptsEducation and Culture

KA2Cooperation for innovation

- Higher Education-

1. Strategic Partnerships

2. Knowledge Alliances: structured partnerships between HEI and businesses

3. Specific support to neighbourhood countries: capacity building and student and staff mobility

4. Rest of the world: capacity building

HE Strategic Partnerships Raise HEIs capacity to modernise

Knowledge Alliances University-business cooperation for more innovation

Support to Neighbourhood countries (ENPC)Partnerships between HEIs from EU and ENPCCurriculum development, modernisation, joint degree programmes, modern teaching, upgrading of facilities, improve HEIs governance, stronger links with the world of work, ...+ INTEGRATED MOBILITY of student and staff

Cooperation with the rest of the world Mobility limited to HEI staff to achieve projects’ objectives

Date: in 12 ptsEducation and Culture

KA3Policy support

- Higher Education-

1. Support the OMC, Higher Education Modernisation Agenda, Bologna Process

2. Support development and implemenation of EU transparancy tools and EU wide networks

3. Support Policy Dialogue with third countries

Policy dialogue with selected world partners: * foster exchange between parties on issues of common interest * promote EU worldwide attractiveness * support policy developments and

modernisation efforts in partner countries * Intercultural dialogue

Date: in 12 ptsEducation and Culture




2% 2% 1%Learning mobility of individuals (63 %)

Supporting innovation and good practices (25 %)

Supporting political reforms (4 %)

National agencies (3 %)

Administrative costs (2 %)

Initiative Jean Monnet (2 %)

Sport (1 %)


Date: in 12 ptsEducation and Culture

Budget implementation architecture Decentralised Management by National Agencies: (65%65%)

Learning mobility of individuals (excluding joint master degree programmes) also for the international dimension

Cooperation for innovation and good practices: Strategic partnerships between universities or between youth organisations and/or relevant actors

Centralised management by Executive Agency: (35%35%)

Learning mobility of HE students joint master degree programmes Cooperation for innovation and good practices: Knowledge alliances, Sector Skills

alliances, Capacity building in third countries, IT support platforms Support to policy reform: Support to open method of coordination, EU transparency

tools, Policy dialogue

Date: in 12 pts

International Centre

Expected timeline at Leipzig University

Time Action

April 2013 Revision of all ERASMUS Agreements

May 2013 Application for ERASMUS Charta for Higher Education (ECHE) – general ticket for participation

Summer 2013 Proposal of a new Inter-Institutional Agreement format by the Executive Agency

November 2013 Granting of the ECHE

Fall 2013Winter 2013

- Renewal Inter-Institutional Agreements- Call for new project proposals for Key Actions

March/April 2014 Application for projects within new Key Actions

June 2014 Expected project start of the new programme generation