Data Types

July 8 th , 2009


Data Types. July 8 th , 2009. Overview. Expressions Data Types Arithmetic operations Logical operations. Bits and Bytes. The basic building block of ram, harddrive, etc is the bit. A bit can hold either a 0 or 1. Bits are grouped into bytes: 1Byte = 8 bits 1024 bytes = 1 Kilo byte - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Data Types

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July 8th, 2009

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Data Types

Arithmetic operations Logical operations

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The basic building block of ram, harddrive, etc is the bit.

A bit can hold either a 0 or 1.

Bits are grouped into bytes:◦ 1Byte = 8 bits◦ 1024 bytes = 1 Kilo byte◦ 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Mega byte◦ 1024 Megabytes = 1 Giga byte

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Binary (base 2): 0101010 = 42 Octal (base 8): 10742 = 4578 Hexadecimal (base 16): AF01A = 44862 Decimal (base 10) : 51,000 = 51,000

10234 in base b

+ + + + 4 * b^0

3 * b^1

2 * b^2

0 * b^31 * b^4

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Variables are symbolic names for specific memory locations which can store data.

int x = 5;int y = 2;






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Must begin with letter or _ The rest of the name can be any

combination of letters, 0-9 or _ All variable names are case sensitive:

◦ X and x are separate variables

◦ Invalid variable names: $patrick return 51A my variable

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Variables can be at most 63 characters long, however only the first 31 characters will count.

It is often necessary to convey some meaning with variable names◦ variable1 – conveys very little meaning for how

this variable is used.◦ sum - tells the programmers that this variable is

used to sum up values.

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auto const double float int short struct unsigned break continue else for long signed switch

void case default enum goto register sizeof typedef volatile char do extern if return static union while

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Composed of terms and operators. Variable declaration: int x; Assignment expression: x = y; Arithmetic expression: x + y; Logical expression: x == y;

◦ Variable declaration and assignment: int x= 5;

◦ Variable declaration, assignment, and arithmetic: int x = y + z;

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Variable = expression;

Where the type of value and the type of expression are equal.

Examples:◦ int x = 5;◦ int y = x;◦ char c = ‘c’;◦ char d = c;

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Variables are symbolic names for specific memory locations which can store data.

int x = 5;int y = 2;y = x;






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int : whole numbers -534,2,1200,-1110

float: decimals: -1.2, 4, 1200.5024

double: same as float but twice the precision

char: a single character: ‘a’, ‘1’, ‘;’, ‘\n’

_Bool: represents true or false: 0 or 1

void: No type

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Literal numbers, character strings are constants

return 0; 0 is a constant

printf(“Welcome to CPS 196!\n”); “Welcome to CPS 196!\n” is a string literal

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int x = 023; //Is in octcal (leading 0).int x = 0xA4F01; //Is in hexadecimalprintf(“x in base 10: %d ”, x);printf(“x in base 8: %o ”, x);printf(“x in base 8 (with leading 0): %#o ”, x);printf(“x in base 16 %x ”, x);printf(“x in base 16 (with leading 0x) %#x ”, x);printf(“x in base 16 (with leading 0x and capital

letters) %X ”, x);

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Fractional values are

float x = 1.5; float y =2.0e3; //2.0 X 10^(-3) = 0.002

//2.0 is the mantissa, 3 is the exponent.

printf(“x as a float: %f”, x); printf(“x in scientific location %e”, x); printf(“x lets printf decide: %g”, x);

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Same as floats except have twice as much precision (takes up twice as much memory).

To make 1.0 a float rather than a double we use 1.0f (or 1.0F)

%f,%e,%g the same as float are used in printf.

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A character is a single a character in single quotes ‘’. Can be displayed using “%c”.

‘0’ is not the same as 0. \ is a special symbol:

◦ ‘\n’ - is a single character◦ ‘\t’ - tab◦ ‘\a’ – audible alert◦ ‘\b’ – backspace◦ ‘\r’– carriage return◦ ‘\v’ –vertical tab

‘\\’ – backslash‘\”’ - double quote‘\’’ – single quote‘\?’ – question mark

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To use this you should include stdbool.h

_Bools have value of either 0 (true) or 1 false)

Display with %i.

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Program 4.1

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long long long





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long int x = 50000000000L; printf(“x as a long: %li”, x); May extend the range of an int

Long double y = 1.234e+7L; printf(“y as a long double %Lf”, y);

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Long long int x = 101010101000035135L;

printf(“x as a long long %lli”, x);

Guaranteed to be 64 bits

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short int x = 5; printf(“x as a short int: %hi”, x);

No way to make constant a short. Uses less room. Will be at least 16 bits.

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unsigned int x = 5u; //(5U)

An unsigned int can only store positive numbers.

Since we don’t worry about negative numbers we can represent twice as many positive numbers given the same number of bits.

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If a variable is marked as signed, the most significant bit is used to indicate a + or – and the other bits are used to indicate the value.

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A const variable is can not be changed.

Both orders are acceptable int const x = 5;

const int x = 5;

x = x + 1; // Will throw a compiler error.

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- (binary) Subtraction x - y 5 - 3+ (binary) Addition x + y 5 + 3 ++ (unary) Increment x++-- (unary) Decrement x--* (binary) Multiplication x * y 5 * 3/ (binary) Division x / y 5 / 3% (binary) Modulus x % y 5 % 3( ) Parenthesis (arithmetic expression)

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Program 4.2 Program 4.3 Program 4.4

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In groups of 2 or 3 (or individually)Indicate the the order of execution of the

individual operators within the expression.1.X2

2.X3 – X2 +13.1 - X / Y / X *34.X - Y *(1 – (X/Y *5) +1) 5.X * Y – 2 * X/(1 + Y) * Y

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Operators with higher precedence are executed first.

Operators with the same precedence are executed left to right.

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! Not !T = F, !F = T== Equals T==T : F==F != Not equal T!=F : F != T&& And T && T = T|| Or F || F = F& Bitwise AND| Bitwise OR^ Bitwise XOR

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|||| TT FF



==== TT FF






&&&& TT FF



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Let p = T, r = F, q = T and s = TEvaluate the following expressions1 !(p || r) && q2 !(p && r) || !(s == q)3 (p || !p) && (s || !s)• Which of the above three will always be true

regardless of the value of the variables involved?

• Using &&, || and !, (do not use ==) create an expression of two variables whose truth table evaluates to:




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p = T, r = F, q = T and s = T

!(p || r) && q = !(T || F) && T = !T && T = F &&T = F!(p && r) || !(s == q) = !(T && F) || !(T == T) = !F || !

T = T||F =T(p || !p) && (s || !s) = (T || !T) && (T || !T) = (T||

F)&&(T||F)= T &&T = T

(3) Is a tautology (always true).

(p && !q) || (!p && q)(p ||q ) && ( !p || !q)(p||q) && !(p && q)

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1 0 0 1& 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

1 0 0 1| 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 1^ 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

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We can convert from one type to another type float x = 1.5; int xi = (int)x; //.5 will be dropped

What will the output of the below text be? const int x = 50;

char c = 'c'; int cint = (int)c; char d = (char)x; printf("%i\n", cint); printf("%c\n", d);

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Program 4.5

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int x = 0; x += 5; // x = x + 5; x -= 5; // x = x – 5; x *= 5; // x = x * 5; x /= 5; // x = x / 5;

These short hand notations are easier to read, easier to write, can execute faster.

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Real work with complex numbers: √(-1)

These are optional types (not all compilers recognize these types).

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int, double, float, char Expression &&, ||, ! , == +,-,*,/, %