Data Structures

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Answer the followingPART - AUNIT - III LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES - LINKED LIST1. What do you mean by dynamically allocated array?2. Give getnode() function for doubly linked list.3. Mention the advantages of array implementation of queue.4.Differentiate between linear and non - linear data structure.UNIT - IV LINEAR DATA STRUCTURE - STACK AND QUEUE1. What is abstract data type? Give any two examples.2. What is stack datastructure and discuss its applications.3. What is the advantage of linked list over arrays?4. Convert the infix expression (A-B/C)*(D/E-F) into postfix.5. Write any four applications of stack.6. Convert the following infix expression into prefix expression.a-(b+c)*d^e^f.7. Give any two application of queue.8. What do you mean by dynamically allocated array?9. What is a linked stack? Give illustrations.10. With reference to circular queue, is there any possibility of having ISFULLQ() operation? Why?11. What is role of stack in the implementation of recursive algorithms?12. Obtain the expression tree from the following post fix representation ab+cde+**.13. What is meant by underflow and overflow condition in a stack?14. Draw a expression tree for the given infix expression : (a/(b*c/d + e/f*g))15. Write an algorithm for converting Infix Expression to Postfix expression.16. Transform the given Expression to Postfix (Using stack)((a+b)+c*(d+e)+f)*(g+h).17. What are postfix and prefix forms of the expressio. A+B*(C-D)/(P-R).17. Differentiate between stack and queue and give its applications. 18. Convert A*(B+D)/E-F*(G+H/K) into postfix.17.List any four application of stack.18. What is meant by rehashing?19. Write down a function to insert an element into a queue, in which the queue is implemented as an array?20. List out the areas in which data structure are applied extensively.21. Convert the expression ((A+B)*C-(D-E)^(F+G)) to equivalent Prefix and Postfix notations.22. Draw an expression tree for the expression (a+b/c)+((d*e-f)/g).(A+B)*(C+D-E)*EA+(B-C)*D*(E+F)UNIT - V SORTING AND SEARCHING ALGORTIHMS1.What is meant by primary addressing?2.What do you mean by hashing? Mention any one hash function.3.Define open addressing. 4.Define Hashing.5. List the features of a good hash function.6. Insertion sort is faster than bubble sort - Justify the statement.7. Differentiate stable and unstable sorts.8.Give some applications of hashing.9. What is linear hashing? Specify its merits and demerits.10. What is the objective of bubble sort?11. What is internal sorting?12. Why is external sorting needed?PART - BUNIT - III LINEAR DATA STRUCTURE - LINKED LIST1.Explain the following operations in a doubly linked list.(i) Insert an element.(ii) Delete an element.2.Discuss the algorithm for push and pop operations on stack.3.Write an algorithm to insert and delete a key in a circular queue.4.Write an algorithm to merge two sorted linked lists into a single sorted list.5.Explain the operation of inserting an element at the first, middle and last in a doubly linked list.6.Give the algorithm for deleting all nodes whose information field contains the value x in a list.7.Describe the primitive operations on circular list.8. How are linked list used for polynomial addition? Explain.9. Write algorithm for insertion and deletion in linked stack. UNIT - IV LINEAR DATA STRUCTURE - STACK AND QUEUE 1.Write and explain an algorithm to display the contents of a stack with an example.2.Briefly exaplain the operation of queue with examples.3. Write an algorithm to push an eleement to the stack and pop an element from the stack.5. Write an algorithm to evaluate postfix expression.4. What are circular queue? Write an ADT for circular queue to perform insertion and deletion operations.5. Write an algorithm to insert a node in the beginning and in the end of the linked list.6. Write an algorithm to evaluate a postfix expression. Execute your algorithm using following postfix expression as your input: AB+CD+*F-->7.Write an algorithm to convert an infix expression into postfix expresion. Use the example epression ((A+B)*C-(D-E))+(F+G) for analysis.8. Give the algorithm/Program for Dynamic implementation of Queue insertion and removal of an element.9. Write an algorithm to convert infix expression to postfix expression with an example of (A+(B*C-(D/E^F)*G)*H).10. Write down algorithm to convert infix to postfix expression. Using it convert ((A+B)*D)-->(E-F).UNIT - V SORTING AND SEARCHING1. Briefly describe linear probing and quadratic probing collision resolution strategies.2. List the advantages and disadvantages of various collision resolution strategies.3. Explain the common collision resolution strategies in open addressing hashing.4. What are the types of collision resolution strategies and explain the methods used in each of the type.5.Describe the different hashing functions with example.6.The following values are to be sorted in a hash table 25,42,96,101,102,162,197. Describe how the values are hashed by using division method of hashing with a table size of 7. Use chaining method of collision resolution.7. What are types of Collison Resolution Technique and the methods used in each of the type? Explain the different types of collison Resolution Technique.8. Explain the algorithm and program of selection sort.Explain the analysis of linear search is done using a suitable illustration.9. Distinguish between quick sort and Merge sort and arrange the following numbers in increasing order using merge sort:(18,29,68,32,43,37,87,24,47,50).10. Trace the steps of Merge sort for the elements 122, 25, 70, 175,89,90,95,102,123.11.Explain the following hashing:1.Folding method.2.Division method3. Linear probing8. Consider the given 4 digit numbers { 4371, 1323, 6173, 4199, 4344, 9679, 1989} and a has function h(x) = X (mod 10). Find the hash address of each number using seperate chaining.9. Consider the given 4 digit numbers { 4371, 1323, 6173, 4199, 4344, 9679, 1989} and a has function h(x) = X (mod 10). Show the resulting (1) Seperate Chaining. (2) Open addressing hash table using linear probing.10. Explain shell sorting with program code. Trace your code with following data.81,94,11,96,12,35,17,95,28,58,41,75,15.11. Explain in detail external sorting.