Data Mining – Credibility: Evaluating What’s Been Learned Chapter 5.

Data Mining – Credibility: Evaluating What’s Been Learned Chapter 5

Transcript of Data Mining – Credibility: Evaluating What’s Been Learned Chapter 5.

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Data Mining – Credibility: Evaluating What’s Been Learned

Chapter 5

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• Performance on training data is not representative – cheating – has seen all test instances during training

• If test involves testing on training data KNN with K=1 is the best technique !!!!!!

• Simplest fair evaluation = large training data AND large test data

• We have been using 10-fold cross-validation extensively – not just fair, also more likely to be accurate – less chance of unlucky or lucky results

• Better – repeated cross validation (as in experimenter environment in WEKA) – this allows statistical tests

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Validation Data

• Some learning schemes involve testing what has been learned on other data – AS PART OF THEIR TRAINING !!

• Frequently, this process is used to “tune” parameters that can be adjusted in the method to obtain the best performance (e.g. threshold for accepting rule in Prism)

• The test during learning cannot be done on training data or test data– Using training data would mean that the learning is being checked

against data it has already seen

– Using test data would mean that the test data would have already been seen during (part of) learning

• Separate (3rd) data set should be used – “Validation”

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Confidence Intervals

• If experiment shows 75% correct, we might be interested in what the correctness rate can actually be expected to be (the experiment is a result of sampling)

• We can develop a confidence interval around the result

• Skip Math

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Cross-Validation• Foundation is a simple idea – “holdout” – holds out a

certain amount for testing and uses rest for training• Separation should NOT be “convenience”,

– Should at least be random

– Better – “stratified” random – division preserves relative proportion of classes in both training and test data

• Enhanced : repeated holdout– Enables using more data in training, while still getting a good test

• 10-fold cross validation has become standard• This is improved if the folds are chosen in a “stratified”

random way

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Repeated Cross Validation

• Folds in cross validation are not independent sample– Contents of one fold are influenced by contents of other folds

• No instances in common

– So statistical tests (e.g. T Test) are not appropriate

• If you do repeated cross validation, the different cross validations are independent samples – folds drawn for one are different from others– Will get some variation in results – Any good / bad luck in forming of folds is averaged out– Statistical tests are appropriate

• Becoming common to run 10 10-fold cross validations• Supported by experimenter environment in WEKA

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For Small Datasets

• Leave One Out

• Bootstrapping

• To be discussed in turn

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Leave One Out• Train on all but one instance, test on that one (pct correct

always equals 100% or 0%)• Repeat until have tested on all instances, average results• Really equivalent to N-fold cross validation where N =

number of instances available• Plusses:

– Always trains on maximum possible training data (without cheating)

– Efficient to run – no repeated (since fold contents not randomized)– No stratification, no random sampling necessary

• Minuses– Guarantees a non-stratified sample – the correct class will always

be at least a little bit under-represented in the training data– Statistical tests are not appropriate

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Bootstrapping• Sampling done with replacement to form a training dataset

• Particular approach – 0.632 bootstrap– Dataset of n instances is sampled n times

– Some instances will be included multiple times

– Those not picked will be used as test data

– On large enough dataset, .632 of the data instances will end up in the training dataset, rest will be in test

• This is a bit of a pessimistic estimate of performance, since only using 63% of data for training (vs 90% in 10-fold cross validation)

• May try to balance by weighting in performance predicting training data (p 129) <but this doesn’t seem fair>

• This procedure can be repeated any number of times, allowing statistical tests

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Comparing Data Mining Methods Using T-Test

• Don’t worry about the math– You probably should have had it (MATH 140?)– WEKA will do it automatically for you – experimenter

environment– Excel can do it easily

• See examplettest.xls file on my www site• (formular =TTEST(A1:A8,B1:B8,2,1)

– two ranges being compared– two-tailed test, since we don’t know which to expect to be higher– 1 – indicates paired test – ok when results being compared are from th

same samples (same splits into folds)– result is probability that differences are not chance– generally accepted if below .05 but sometimes looking for .01 or better

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5.6 Predicting Probabilities

• Skip

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5.7 Counting the Cost

• Some mistakes are more costly to make than others• Giving a loan to a defaulter is more costly than denying

somebody who would be a good customer• Sending mail solicitation to somebody who won’t buy is less

costly than missing somebody who would buy (opportunity cost)

• Looking at a confusion matrix, each position could have an associated cost (or benefit from correct positions)

• Measurement could be average profit/ loss per prediction• To be fair in cost benefit analysis, should also factor in cost

of collecting and preparing the data, building the model …

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Lift Charts

• In practice, costs are frequently not known• Decisions may be made by comparing possible

scenarios• Book Example – Promotional Mailing

– Situation 1 – previous experience predicts that 0.1% of all (1,000,000) households will respond

– Situation 2 – classifier predicts that 0.4% of the 100000 most promising households will respond

– Situation 3 – classifier predicts that 0.2% of the 400000 most promising households will respond

– The increase in response rate is the lift ( 0.4 / 0.1 = 4 in situation 2 compared to sending to all)

– A lift chart allows for a visual comparison …

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Figure 5.1 A hypothetical lift chart.

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Generating a lift chart• Best done if classifier generates probabilities for its predictions

• Sort test instances based on probability of class we’re interested in (e.g. would buy from catalog = yes)

• to get y-value (# correct) for a given x (sample size), read down sorted list to sample size, counting number of instances that are actually the class we want

•(e.g. sample size = 5, correct = 4 – on lift chart shown, the sample size of 5 would be converted to % or total sample)

Rank Probability of Yes Actual class

1 .95 Yes

2 .93 Yes

3 .93 No

4 .88 Yes

5 .86 Yes …

Table 5.6

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Cost Sensitive Classification• For classifiers that generate

probabilities of each class

• If not cost sensitive, would predict most probable class

• With costs shown, and probabilities A=.2 B= .3 C= .5

• Expected Costs of Predictions =– A .2 * 0 + .3 * 5 + .5 * 10 = 6.5

– B .2 * 10 + .3 * 0 + .5 * 2 = 3.0

– C .2 * 20 + .3 * 5 + .5 * 0 = 5.5

• Considering costs, B would be predicted even though C is considered most likely

Costs Predicted



A 0 10 20

B 5 0 5

C 10 2 0

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Cost Sensitive Learning • Most learning methods are not sensitive to cost structures (e.g. higher

cost of false positive than false negative) (Naïve Bayes is, decision tree learners not)

• Simple method for making cost sensitive –– Change proportion of different classes in the data

– E.g. if have a dataset with 1000 yes, and 1000 no, but incorrectly predicting Yes is 10 times more costly than incorrectly predicting No

– Filter and sample the data so that have 1000 No and 100 Yes

– A learning scheme trying to minimize errors is going to tend toward predicting No

• If don’t have enough data to put some aside, “re-sample” No’s (bring duplicates in) (if learning method can deal with duplicates (most can))

• With some methods, you can “Weight” instances so that some count more than others. No’s could be more heavily weighted

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Information Retrieval (IR) Measures• E.g., Given a WWW search, a search engine

produces a list of hits supposedly relevant

• Which is better?– Retrieving 100, of which 40 are actually relevant– Retrieving 400, of which 80 are actually relevant– Really depends on the costs

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Information Retrieval (IR) Measures

• IR community has developed 3 measures:– Recall = number of documents retrieved that are relevant

total number of documents that are relevant

– Precision = number of documents retrieved that are relevant

total number of documents that are retrieved

– F-measure = 2 * recall * precision

recall + precision

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WEKA• Part of the results provided by WEKA (that we’ve ignored so far)

• Let’s look at an example (Naïve Bayes on my-weather-nominal)=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===

TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure Class

0.667 0.125 0.8 0.667 0.727 yes

0.875 0.333 0.778 0.875 0.824 no

=== Confusion Matrix ===

a b <-- classified as

4 2 | a = yes

1 7 | b = no

• TP rate and recall are the same = TP / (TP + FN) – For Yes = 4 / (4 + 2); For No = 7 / (7 + 1)

• FP rate = FP / (FP + TN) – For Yes = 1 / (1 + 7); For No = 2 / (2 + 4)

• Precision = TP / (TP + FP) – For yes = 4 / (4 + 1); For No = 7 / (7 + 2)

• F-measure = 2TP / (2TP + FP + FN) – For Yes = 2*4 / (2*4 + 1 + 2) = 8 / 11

– For No = 2 * 7 / (2*7 + 2 + 1) = 14/17

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In terms of true positives etc• True positives = TP; False positives = FP• True Negatives = TN; False negatives = FN• Recall = TP / (TP + FN) // true positives / actually positive• Precision = TP / (TP + FP) // true positives / predicted

positive • F-measure = 2TP / (2TP + FP + FN)

– This has been generated using algebra from the formula previous– Easier to understand this way – correct predictions are double

counted – once for recall, once for precision.denominator includes corrects and incorrects (either based on recall or precision idea – relevant but not retrieved or retrieved but not relevant)

• There is no mathematics that says recall and precision can be combined this way – it is ad hoc – but it does balance the two

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Kappa Statistic

• A way of checking success against how hard the problem is

• Compare to expected results from random prediction …– with predictions in the same proportion as the predictions

made by the classifier being evaluated

• This is different than predicting in proportion to the actual values– Which might be considered having an unfair advantage

– But which I would consider a better measure

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Kappa Statistic

A B C Total

A 88 10 2 100

B 14 40 6 60

C 18 10 12 40

Total 120 60 20



Actual Results

A B C Total

A 60 30 10 100

B 36 18 6 60

C 24 12 4 40

Total 120 60 20


Expected Results with Stratified Random Prediction

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• For many occasions, this borders on “too much information”, but it’s all there

• We can decide, are we more interested in Yes , or No?

• Are we more interested in recall or precision?

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WEKA – with more than two classes• Contact Lenses with Naïve Bayes=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===

TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure Class

0.8 0.053 0.8 0.8 0.8 soft

0.25 0.1 0.333 0.25 0.286 hard

0.8 0.444 0.75 0.8 0.774 none

=== Confusion Matrix ===

a b c <-- classified as

4 0 1 | a = soft

0 1 3 | b = hard

1 2 12 | c = none

• Class exercise – show how to calculate recall, precision, f-measure for each class

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Evaluating Numeric Prediction

• Here, not a matter of right or wrong, but rather, “how far off”

• There are a number of possible measures, with formulas shown in Table 5.6

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• IBK w/ k = 5 on baskball.arff=== Cross-validation ===

=== Summary ===

Correlation coefficient 0.548

Mean absolute error 0.0715

Root mean squared error 0.0925

Relative absolute error 83.9481 %

Root relative squared error 85.3767 %

Total Number of Instances 96

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Root Mean-Squared Error• Squareroot of (Sum of Squares of Errors / number of

predictions)• Algorithm:

– Initialize – especially subtotal = 0– Loop through all test instances

• Make prediction, • compare to actual – calculate difference• Square difference; add to subtotal

– Divide subtotal by number of test instances– Take squareroot to obtain root mean squared error

• Error is on same scale as predictions – root mean squared error can be compared to mean of .42 and a range of .67, seems decent

• Exaggerates effect of any bad predictions, since differences are squared

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Mean Absolute Error• (Sum of Absolute Values of Errors / number of predictions)• Algorithm:

– Initialize – especially subtotal = 0– Loop through all test instances

• Make prediction, • compare to actual – calculate difference• Take absolute value of difference; add to subtotal

– Divide subtotal by number of test instances to obtain mean absolute error

• Error is on same scale as predictions –mean absolute error can be compared to mean of .42 and a range of .67, seems decent

• Does not exaggerate the effect of any bad predictions, NOTE – this value is smaller in my example than the squared version.

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Relative Error Measures

• Results are divided by differences from mean– Root Relative Squared Error – Relative Absolute Error

• See upcoming slides

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Root Relative Squared Error• Squareroot of (Sum of Squares of Errors / Sum of Squares of

differences from mean)• Gives idea of scale of error compared to how variable the actual

values are (the more variable the values are, really the harder the task)• Algorithm:

– Initialize – especially numerator and denominator subtotals = 0– Determine mean of actual test instances– Loop through all test instances

• Make prediction, • compare to actual – calculate difference• Square difference; add to numerator subtotal• Compare actual to mean of actual – calculate difference• Square difference; add to denominator subtotal

– Divide numerator subtotal by denominator subtotal– Take squareroot of above result to obtain root relative squared error

• Error is nornalized • Use of squares once again exaggerates

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Relative Absolute Error• Sum of Absolute Values of Errors / Sum of Absolute Values of

differences from mean)

• Gives idea of scale of error compared to how variable the actual values are (the more variable the values are, really the harder the task)

• Algorithm:– Initialize – especially numerator and denominator subtotals = 0

– Determine mean of actual test instances

– Loop through all test instances• Make prediction,

• compare to actual – calculate difference;

• take absolute value of difference; add to numerator subtotal

• Compare actual to mean of actual – calculate difference

• take absolute value of difference; add to denominator subtotal

– Divide numerator subtotal by denominator subtotal

• Error is nornalized

• Does not exaggerate

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Correlation Coefficient

• Tells whether the predictions and actual values “move together” – one goes up when the other goes up …

• Not as tight a measurement as others– E.g. if predictions are all double the actual, correlation is

perfect 1.0, but predictions are not that good

– We want to have a good correlation, but we want MORE than that

• A little bit complicated, and well established (can do easily in Excel), so let’s skip the math

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What to use?• Depends some on philosophy

– Do you want to punish bad predictions a lot? (then use a root squared method)

– Do you want to compare performance on different data sets and one might be “harder” (more variable) than another? (then use a relative method)

• In many real world cases, any of these work fine (comparisons between algorithms come out the same regardless of which measurement is used)

• Basic framework same as with predicting category – repeated 10-fold cross validation, with paired sampling …

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Minimum Description Length Principle

• What is learned in Data Mining is a form of “theory”• Occam’s Razor – in science, others things being equal,

simple theories are preferable to complex ones• Mistakes a theory makes, really are exceptions, so to

keep other things equal they should be added to the theory, making it more complex

• Simple example a simple decision tree (other things being equal) is preferred over a more complex decision tree

• Details will be skipped (along with section 5.10)

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End Chapter 5