Data link mamut_magento

User Manual Web DataLink for Mamut Enterprise (Magento) Version 1.0.1

Transcript of Data link mamut_magento

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User ManualWeb DataLink for Mamut Enterprise

(Magento)Version 1.0.1

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Table of ContentsAbout this manual.......................................................................................................................3Customer support........................................................................................................................3Purpose of the software..............................................................................................................3Installation...................................................................................................................................6Settings and Configuration..........................................................................................................8

Mamut Details.........................................................................................................................8Site Options..........................................................................................................................18General Options....................................................................................................................23

Synchronization operations.......................................................................................................25Synchronization of Categories..............................................................................................26Synchronizing Products........................................................................................................27Synchronizing Product Images.............................................................................................30Product Data Synchronized..................................................................................................31Downloading Orders.............................................................................................................41Order ID Number..................................................................................................................44

Inventory....................................................................................................................................46B2B............................................................................................................................................54Multi Store.................................................................................................................................57

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About this manual

This guide will explain how to connect your copy of Mamut Enterprise E5 (as well as Mamut Enterprise E3) with Web DataLink for Mamut. This will enable the transfer of products from Mamut to your website, and the transfer of downloaded order information from website to Mamut. This guide assumes you are already familiar with Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3).

Compatibility: Web DataLink for Mamut will work with the Mamut Enterprise E5 and other versions of Mamut. Web DataLink for Mamut supports transfer of Stock, Orders, and Customer transactions.

Customer support

DataLink provides telephone and email support from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm UK Standard Time (GMT) (excluding UK Public&Bank Holidays). For UK customers, please call DataLink on 0800 011 2569.

Please note that on calling DataLink a member of our customer support team will always ask if you have sent us a copy of your Log file, so send an email to [email protected] and attach a copy of the Log file and your support inquiry.

It is advisable that you do this before you call. We will then investigate your support call and let you know the solution or refer it to our Development team. In most cases extended time to amend an issue is less than 6 hours as it is quite involved to check log files and make sure all is setup correctly.

Purpose of the software

Web DataLink for Mamut Enterprise can be used to synchronise a Magento-based online store with your Mamut Enterprise software.

This includes:

• Orders and customers accounts download from Magento to Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3)• Products download from Magento to Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3)• Products upload from Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3) to Magento• Products groups upload from Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3) to Magento as products categories

While running, Web DataLink for Mamut “sits” in the system tray as an icon.

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Right mouse clicking on the icon displays a pop-up menu containing the following items:

Synchronize orders now downloads orders from Magento to Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3).

Synchronize new products from Site downloads products from Magento to Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3).

(This feature is useful for systems that have newly installed the Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3) software with an empty product database. If you already have your product catalogue online, you can download it into Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3) and at a later date, if you wish to upgrade your software, you can then upload and manage your online catalogue through Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3).)

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Synchronize products to Site uploads products from Mamut to Magento.

Show Log opens Log Explorer window demonstrating information about Web DataLink's activity.

Options opens the Web DataLink Options window.

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Web DataLink for Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3) consists of two parts. The web part is pre installed to the Magento website by DataLink UK team. Please note Web DataLink for Mamut must be installed onto the same computer as Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3).


Notes:To install a web part of Web DataLink for Mamut, a user should have the following information:

1. What category is Default on site at the moment.2. ID of the Default Category on site.3. Web Services User Name and IPI Key. have the full rights to manage all the data that is supposed to be synchronized.

If the user is not provided with access to website Admin Panel for some reasons, then it should be provided with details described above.


The software itself is installed as any other MS Windows based software onto your PC, following the instructions of a specially designed Installation Wizard.

These procedures apply when the Web DataLink software is delivered to the Customer via email or via a web download with a Web DataLink's ZIP file as an attachment and by using the popular WinZip software, or when the installation is delivered as an executable file.

Contained in the installation are the following documents and files:

– Setup.exe (install file for Web DataLink for Mamut Enterprise E5, E3)– License Agreement– Detailed installation Manual– Readme File

Now unzip your program and install it to your PC:

(a) Firstly, save the ZIP file to your computer by either right clicking on the ZIP file attachment in theemail or clicking on the website URL given to you in the email, and then click “SAVE AS”. Save the fileto “MY DOCUMENTS”.

(b) Open “MY DOCUMENTS” in the computer Desktop, and then locate the Web DataLink ZIP File. Right click on the ZIP file, and then on GO TO “Extract DataLink …”, and then click on “EXTRACT TO”. Double click on the folder that you have unzipped and double click on the “setup.exe” file. Thiswill launch the “SET UP Wizard”.

(c) Follow the instructions in the “SET UP WIZARD” and accept the “Web DataLink LicenseAgreement”.

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Create the Desktop icon:

and the Quick Launch icon:

You will then be able to commence using the software by clicking the Web DataLink icon in the system tray or the icon on the computer Desktop.

NOTE: After installation please make a backup of your DB in Mamut. Open Mamut > File > Backup > Create Backup.

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Settings and Configuration

Mamut Details

Before starting to synchronize product and customer information using Web DataLink for Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3), you must verify the Connection Details because it’s necessary for successful connection to your Mamut database. You must check if the paths to Database and System Database folders are correct.

1. Click the Mamut tab to switch to the Mamut details page.

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Under Connection specify the path to Mamut Database. Click the “browse” button adjacent to the Database field and select a directory. Default directory is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Public Mamut\Mamut\Data\System0001\Client\000\00<DB number>\, where <DB number> is the database folder name (actually it is the Company Number in your Mamut). For example, browse for the “003” directory...

...if the Company number is “3”:

In the System Database field specify path to the System folder located on your PC. Default path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Public Mamut\Mamut\Data\System...\. Click the “browse” button adjacent to the System Database field and select a directory.

NOTE:You can find an exact path to System Database in the Mamut.ini file. A default path is as follows: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Public Mamut\Mamut\Mamut.ini.

You will find the path at the bottom of the file, for example:

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The DataLink for Mamut Enterprise is provided with the Host field, where the following data should be specified, for example, GROM\MAMUT:

You can find this data in Mamut.ini, too (see Server and Instants data and put them via back slash in the Host field):

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In case you can not find the Mamut.ini file anywhere on your PC, AND at the same time Mamut was installed on your local PC, you can use the following way to find out your PC name:

Go to your Desktop, click in the My Computer icon with right mouse button. In the popup menu select Properties. Then, open the Computer Name tab and find information in the Full computer name: line.

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3. After specifying the paths, click the Test Connection button in order to confirm the system can connect to the database.

The “Test connection succeeded” message will appear on the screen. That means you have made the proper settings and can continue working with Web DataLink for Mamut.

(If connection fails, please check the folders you've selected once again).

5. Under Synchronization Options, show a path to the backup folder. The software uses this folder to store temporary files. Click the “browse” button adjacent to the BackUp folder field and select the correct folder. Default backup directory is D:\Local\Connectors\Data\Mamut\SOURCES\BackUp\.

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6. Images Folder is temporary directory storing product images. It is set by default.

7. Click the down arrow adjacent to the Def. output VAT field and select default VAT in the dropdown list. This VAT will be assigned to the orders downloaded from site to Mamut and will be calculated on delivery.

You can edit taxes using the Edit button below the Products taxes box.

Please make sure you set the tax on site according to the tax in Mamut.

8. Click the down arrow adjacent to the Def. department field and select Default Department name in the dropdown list. This department will be assigned to the orders downloaded to Mamut.

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9. Click the down arrow adjacent to the Price level field and select price level in the dropdown list.

10. In the Def. Language field, specify default language used on your website by two capital letters. For example, NL (means “Dutch”). This is necessary for correct display of the Product Information in Mamut.

Payment Terms

Please create Payment Terms in Mamut first, then add them into DataLink for Mamut. Go to Mamut > Sales > Order section:

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Click in the Payment terms field with the right mouse button:

...and click the Change in properties register item:

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In the Payment terms window, create payment terms:

Then, go to Connector and add the same payment terms there.

Make sure you are adding quite the same payment methods in DataLink as the y are in Mamut at the moment.

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11. Please pay special attention to the Mamut is master option.

With this option selected the Product Price, Name, Description, Image and Category fields in Mamut will remain unchanged, even if they are changed on the website. And vice versa - with this option unselected this product data remains unchanged on the website, even if it's changed in Mamut.

Note, that stock levels are always taken from Mamut. It makes sense to disable stock subtraction feature on the website.

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Site Options

Web DataLink for Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3) needs to be configured only once. It stores configuration settings in the MS Windows registry of the local PC.

1. For successful work Web DataLink for Mamut requires access to your website. Go to Site Options window: right mouse click on the icon in system tray and select Options item.

2. Click the Site tab to the left.

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The image above demonstrates test data in the fields. Actually, the fields are pre-filled with the default links and settings already, so you only need to press the Test Connection button to make sure the local PC actually can connect to the Magento installation.

Due to the license restrictions only FTP username and password can be changed, but not the URL and host.

(Please note that all standard installations of the program are hardcoded with your FTP details to ensure that if you connect every time. If you have requested that we leave your username and password fields so that you can change these as you update your FTP login details, please make sure that if you change your FTP you also change options in Web DataLink for Mamut.)

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3. Orders from option allows for a specific order ID on the site. If you don't want to synchronize all online orders, you can set the Order ID in the Orders from field, so only orders with greater IDs will be synchronized.


a) Open Administrative Panel of the Magento web-store. You can use the Go to site (admin) link for quick access to site.

Note: The Go to site link drives to the web-store front end (user part), while the Go to site (admin) link – to the web-store back end (admin part).

b) Search for the Orders on site.

c) In the Orders list, choose a record.

d) Find a Order # and copy it. For example, the order # is 100000001.

a) Then, go to Web DataLink for Mamut > Site Options window.

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b) In the Orders from field, paste the order's ID. All the new orders with IDs greater than set in this field will be downloaded to Mamut.

4. Under Secure to scripts fill the Login and Password fields in: specify login name and password provided to you by Web DataLink developers. This will protect the scripts necessary for Mamut's proper work from using these by other people.

Note: The Buy Now button allows for buying a new full version immediately!

After you have finished with settings on this screen, please click the Test Connection button to check connection to your site.

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Then, click the OK button on all the message dialogs appearing on the screen.

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General Options

Click the General tab on the left to open General Options page. The General Options page contains options making Web DataLink for Mamut to run automatically.

You can set up the Schedule at the top of the page in order to synchronize orders automatically.

1. To synchronize your data only once a week you should choose any one day. If you want to do this every day, you should select all days of week. To disable automatic Synchronization, simply unselect all days options.

2. Then, you set up time of the day for Web DataLink to run on. If you want Web DataLink to run once a day, you can select the Every day option, and then set the time, for example 9:00:00 PM.

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3. Also, you can synchronize your data several times during the day. To set that, you should select the Ongoing between option, and then set a time range, for example, 8:00:00 AM and 5:00:00 PM, and then set up an interval, for example, every 10 minute(s). So, with such settings Web DataLink will run every 10 minutes between 8:00:00 PM and 5:00:00 AM on the days specified.

4. The the Run on Windows startup option here. If this option is selected, Web DataLink will run on Windows startup. Please note that it doesn’t mean the Synchronization process will start immediately when you switch your PC on. It will start on time according to Scheduler settings.

5. We strongly recommend you to select the Store Log checkbox. If it is checked, detailed information about all Web DataLink's activities is stored in the log file. It will help us with solving some problems in Web DataLink's work, if any.

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Synchronization operations

After setting up the Options, you may start Synchronization operations using the buttons at the bottom of the Web DataLink options window.

• Click the Products from site button if you wish to download products from Magento to Mamut Enterprise E5.

• Click the Orders from site button if you wish to download orders from Magento to Mamut Enterprise E5.

• Click the Products to site button if you wish to upload products from Mamut Enterprise to Magento.

Web DataLink updates product price, description, model, stock, pictures and categories. Web DataLink also creates customer accounts and sales orders in Mamut.

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Synchronization of Categories

If you already have data (products and categories) in your Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3) database, it will be uploaded to your website during synchronization. At that, all the categories from Mamut will be uploaded to the “parent” (root) category on site (which is default at the moment) as its “children” sub-categories. For example, go to Catalog > Manage Categories section of website Admin Panel. For example, the root default category on site is “Default Category”:

... and the “Product group 1” is a category in Mamut:

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Synchronizing Products

1. Click the Products from site button at the bottom of the Web DataLink options window.

2. The downloading process will take for a few seconds, please wait. Then, right mouse click on the Web DataLink icon in system tray and select the Show Log item.

The Log Explorer window demonstrates detailed information about all Web DataLink's actions. All records have the “Type”, “Result”, “Date” and “Details” fields.

The “Type” field contains an operation type. The following types of operations can be displayed here:

• Synchronization products from site• Synchronization orders from site• Synchronization products from Mamut to site

The “Result” field contains an operation result. This can be either Ok, Error or Begin.The “Date” field contains operation date and time.The “Details” field contains additional information: how many products/orders were processed.

Note: ✔ You can filter the log by operation type, operation result and date. If you click on the column's

header all data will be sorted in the alphabetical order.

✔ You can delete any log entry by using the Delete button at the bottom of the window.

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3. For more details about an action you can select an item in the list and press the Open button. Or, double-click the “Synchronization products from site” item. You will be shown the operation details in a popup window.

4. After reading the information about Web DataLink's activity, close the Log Explorer window by clicking the Close button.

5. Go to Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3).

6. If the Product window was open before, please close it and open again, in order to refresh the data. If it wasn't open please click the Product button. Or, press the Ctrl+Shift+F1 hotkeys on your keyboard.

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Review new product(s) downloaded to Mamut Enterprise database.

In the Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3):

You can go to the website and preview product(s) in the Catalog > Manage Products section to make sure all the product details were downloaded to Mamut properly.

On the website:

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Synchronizing Product Images

If you have product's images in your Mamut Enterprise, these will be uploaded to website along with the products.

Important note:

For successful uploading of products to site the WWW field in Mamut (Products > Miscellaneous tab) must contain '1'.

For successful uploading of Small Image to site the Picture field must contain a path to the image, for example, D:\Local\Connectors\Data\Mamut\sources\BackUp\Images\lilyred_small.jpeg

For successful uploading of Large Image to site the Local picture field must contain the path to the large image, for example, D:\Local\Connectors\Data\Mamut\sources\BackUp\Images\lilyred-big.jpeg

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Product Data Synchronized

The following data is synchronized during DataLink for Mamut activity:

● Product Name



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● Product Weight



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● Product Model



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● Product Price



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● Tax Class



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● Product Quantity (Stock)



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● Product Description



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● Product Short Description



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● Product Small Image



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● Product Large Image



NOTE: If there are old product images on site, these will be replaced with new product images during synchronization.

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Downloading Orders

1. Click the Orders from site button at the bottom of the Web DataLink options window.

2. The downloading process will take for a few seconds, please wait. Then, right mouse click on the Web DataLink icon in system tray and select Show Log item.

3. Double-click the “Synchronization orders from site” item in the grid to display the Operation Log Details. Or, select an item from the list and press the Open button.

4. After reviewing the information about Web DataLink's activity, close the Log Explorer window by clicking the Close button.

5. Go to the Mamut Enterprise E5 (E4, E3).

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6. Click the Order button to view details of new order(s) downloaded to Mamut. Or, just press the Ctrl+ Shift +F3 hotkeys on your keyboard.

7. In the Sales and Invoicing window you can see a new order details.

In Mamut:

8. You can go to the Magento site (Administrative part) > Sales > Orders section and preview the order to make sure synchronization process was done properly and all the order details were downloaded to Mamut Enterprise.

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On the website:

Go to order's details page on site (click View):

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Order ID NumberPlease pay your attention to Order ID number in Mamut. Remember that it can differ from

Order ID number on the website. Order ID used on the website is displayed in the Reference field in Mamut > Sales and Invoicing window.

In Mamut:

On the website:

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When you have finished finish working with Mamut Web DataLink, right mouse click on the Web DataLink icon in system tray and select Exit item.

Answer “Yes” in the message appeared on the screen to confirm exiting of the program.

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Since now our customers get a possibility to buy an additional feature for their Web DataLink Connector for Mamut: the Inventory module.

The Web Settings tab for products is not used in the Connector version supporting Inventory - the Mamut doesn't support simultaneous use of the Web Settings and Variation. Hence, the web description of the product is stored in the Product Information section of the Web Settings tab. The product's Image is downloaded to the hard drive, and it's full local name is stored in the Picture field of the Miscellaneous tab.

Create product's attributes on site.

Open the Admin Panel > Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes screen:

...and add product's attributes.

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Products and orders downloaded form site.

Mamut allows using two attributes for each product only. You can use as many attributes as you wish in general, but for ONE product you can use TWO attributes only.

Before synchronizing products from site, it's necessary to synchronize attributes in Mamut manually. To do that, do the following steps:

1) Open View->Product->Product Register and click the OK button (it doesn't matter what the options are selected for Company – the target is the Product Register screen);

2) From the Product Register window click the Variation tab.

3) Select the Product has variations checkbox (if it's not selected yet);

4) Click the Variation settings button;

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5) In the dialog window open on the screen, right mouse click on the Variation attribute 1 dropdown;

6) In the window open on the screen, add the necessary attributes names.

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7) Click the OK button in this window, and in the Time codes per project window too;

8) Do not save the product's data changes.

It's necessary to make some settings in Connector. To do that, do the following steps:

1) Right mouse click on the Connector icon in System tray and select the Options item in the popup menu;

2) Click the Mamut tab;

3) Set the Def Language in NL.

(See detailed description of Connector settings above)

After synchronizing products from site, in Mamut the parent products appear containing all the Inventories which will be displayed in the Variation tab.

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Create products attributes (Inventory) in Mamut.

To create a product in Mamut, do the following steps:

1) Open View->Product->Product Register and select the Company options. Then, click the OK button;

2) In the Product Register, create a parent product: specify the unique Product No., Product Name, group and other data;

3) Open the Variation tab.

4) Select the Product has variations checkbox.

5) In the Settings for variations that belong to active product, select the Information that varies for each variation items.

6) In the Structure dropdown, select the Description item.

7) Specify the Variation attribute 1 and Variation attribute 2 values.;

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8) Click the OK button;

9) If you wish to correct the values, use the Variation settings button;

10) To create the Product Inventory, click the «page» icon:

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11) In the window open on the screen, specify the Product No., Product Name, and attributes values;

12) In the Price tab, specify the price for the current product's modification;

13) In the Warehouse tab, click the «page» icon:

14) Answer «Yes» to confirm saving of product.

15) In the Stock list, select the necessary Warehouse and click OK.

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16) You can type the product description in the Product Information tab if you wish.

17) In the Variation cart window, click the OK button to save the data.

18) Mamut doesn't allow using of Variation and Web Settings simultaneously, that's why the full path to the parent product Image located on the hard drive must be specified in the Miscellaneous tab > Picture field.

Update products to site.

After synchronization of products on site, all the necessary products attributes will be added.

WARNING! The unnecessary Inventory items and products attributes links will be deleted from site. Only those will remain which are in Mamut.

While buying a product, a customer will be able to choose the products attributes. The price will be changed dependently on the data selected (see Step I).

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One more additional module for Web DataLink software is available since now: the B2B module.

Go to Mamut > Product Register screen:

Open the Discount tab:

In the Category tab > Category column you can see so called “customers groups”, for example, there are two test groups now: “Customer” and “Partner”.

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You can specify a discount for each group – either a percent discount or a fixed price.

Click Save.

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Another additional feature here is Quantity Discount.

You can add a discount in the Quantity tab depending on product's quantity purchased:

Click Save and go to the website > Catalog > Manage Products > Product Edit page > Prices screen:

In the Tier Price fields, you can see the customers groups discounts and quantity discounts as well.

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Multi Store

One more additional feature for Web DataLink software is available since now: Multi Store.

Go to Mamut > Product Edit > Miscellaneous screen:

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In the WWW field, there are semicolon separated numbers.

These are webshop frontends' IDs. They are specified here in order to setup frontends which the product should be sent to.

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How to define a frontend's ID?

Go to website > System > Manage Stores screen:

Here you can see an order of stores' display: the most top store is a Main Website (main frontend) and by default it has number 1.

Other stores below are displayed by the date of their creation: the oldest one is on top, and so it has the least number. For example, Site 1 has number 2, a new shop being created in the future (say, Site 2) will get number 3, etc.

NOTE: All additional features and modules are paid extra!