Dat onegroupdoe presentation

PYP Week 2 Assignment

Transcript of Dat onegroupdoe presentation

PYP Week 2 Assignment

According to Paul D. MacLean, The

Neocortex is responsible for the

development of human language,

abstract thought, imagination and


Frankie is demonstrating her language learning skills.

This part of the brain records

memories of behaviors and

triggers emotional responses.

Ja’Corri and Aisha

will demonstrate

an emotional


Aisha is asleep

and Ja’Corri does

not want to be


This is the oldest part of the brain. It

controls your heart rate, breathing,

body temperature, and balance.

Although you can count on it to keep

the body going it is also somewhat

rigid and compulsive.

Question 1: Using the Triune Brain Theory,

explain how each part of the brain was engaged

during your game play?

Let’s say your playing a video game, The

Neocortex, It is involved in

higher functions such as sensory

perception, generation of motor

commands, spatial reasoning, and

conscious thought. When Playing a video

game your using your hands to control the

character, Your looking at the game and

your using your conscious thought by being

aware of what is going on in the game.

While playing a video game the Limbic

system records all moves made in the

game, so if you die in the game and it

restarts you, the limbic system

memories the pervious moves that

made you die so when it reaches that

same level it knows what to do.

This part of your brain controls your

breathing and heart rate. So if your

playing a high action game and your

really into your “Flow”, your heart

rate picks up, and your breathing is


How does engaging in play help shape your brain

according to the concept of neural plasticity?

Let’s say you play with blocks, as you play, your Neural Plasticity grows it memorizes

where you put the blocks, and it also helps you to figure out where you want to add

more. It helps you develop math skills and cognitive skills.

Why is play important to

continue as you get older?

As you get older your body slowly

begins to deteriorate and shut down.

Your Neocortex basically starts to turn

to putty and you begin to lose time,

motor function, and soon memories

themselves. So in order to live longer

and keep your brain stronger you

should continue to play games and be


Take James for example he is 66 in

this photo and his play is working on

his truck. He goes outside and works

on it everyday. He keeps his mind

alert by taking apart the truck and

putting it back together. He is

constantly alerting and growing his

Neural Plasticity by keeping it busy,

he’s always thinking and brain

storming.-James Oliver Barksdale Aug 1st 1947 - Nov 18th 2014

The End

Koch, Sarah-Neena. "Brain Evolution—The Triune

Brain Theory." Evolution Formed the Human

Brain in Bursts of Expansion. N.p., n.d. Web. 10

Sept. 2014. <http://mybrainnotes.com/
