Dark to Light - The Covid Virus and Vaccine 3

Dark to Light: The Covid-19 Virus and Vaccine Steve Beckow Editor-in-Chief Golden Age of Gaia Vancouver: Golden Age of Gaia, 2021 Copyright declined. Copy freely For maximum distribution, this booklet is free. of 1 48

Transcript of Dark to Light - The Covid Virus and Vaccine 3

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Dark to Light: The Covid-19 Virus and Vaccine

Steve Beckow Editor-in-Chief

Golden Age of Gaia

Vancouver: Golden Age of Gaia, 2021

Copyright declined. Copy freely

For maximum distribution, this booklet is free.

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Table of Contents

⌘ Introduction ⌘ 5Introduction 6Bibliography 7

⌘ The Nature and Purpose of the Virus ⌘ 8What is the purpose of the virus? 9How is Covid-19 spread? 9What keeps the virus going? 10Is the cabal causing pandemics because they’re not allow to cause any more wars?11

⌘ The Dangers of the Vaccine ⌘ 12Vaccines have been rushed into production. What are they making? 13Do foreign substances injected into the body affect the soul, separate us from Source, or affect Ascension? 13Are the crystalline cells of our light body affected by the vaccine? 13Do vaccines prevent diseases? 14What are the programmed nanochips designed to do? 14There are so many rumors 15

⌘ What is the Mainstream Media’s Role? ⌘ 17How can it be that medical people would not know the truth? 18The mainstream media seem to be publishing bloated Covid statistics 18Why are the mainstream media keeping Coronavirus in our face? 18

⌘ The Public Response ⌘ 20How are the world’s people responding to the restrictive measures? 21Are masks beneficial? 21Do you see mandatory vaccinations materializing? 22Will vaccination passports catch on? 22What questions should we be asking? 22

⌘ The Use the Alliance and Company of Heaven are Putting the Virus and Vaccine to ⌘ 26

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Is there a purpose to what is presently going on? 27What is the role of the Coronavirus? 27Is President Trump aware of the truth about this pandemic? 27Did the dark ones win this round? 28How have the Illuminati been reacting? 28I’ve heard this described as part of a battle to oppress the feminine. Is there truth to that? 29Is the Divine Mother putting Covid-19 to good use? 29What is the Pause being used for, Mother? 29You’ve called this a “Major Reset in Consciousness.” Can you explain how it is that?29Will legal proceedings result? 30Why are we waiting? 31What does Earth’s field of potential look like now? 32

⌘ The Defeat of the Virus ⌘ 34As of late 2020, early 2021, are the problems we’ve been experiencing through Covid-19 now finished? 35When will factual information begin to emerge? 35How will the virus be defeated? 36What have we learned from the virus? 36

⌘ How Should Lightworkers Respond? ⌘ 38Can you address the awakened - what is their assignment? 39What might we be doing? 39Are there other things we can do to respond to the events of this moment? 40

⌘ What Does the Future Look Like? ⌘ 42Well, there’s nothing about what’s happening right now that’s business as usual 43What will we see in the future? 44Will the economic aftermath be rocky? 45Will things will go back to as the way they were? 45Are there any encouraging aspects to our situation? 46Do many people believe in off-planet messengers? 47Where can those people go for information? 47

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In around 2020 a severe pneumonia like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again years later, and then disappear completely. (Psychic Sylvia Brown, End of Days, 2012, at https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/2317936-end-of-days-predictions-and-prophecies-about-the-end-of-the-world.)

The purpose of the virus itself and the substances in the solution is two-fold: decrease the population by billions and technologically control survivors and subsequent generations. The diabolical minds behind this crime against humanity failed to achieve the intended death toll, and they will fail in the other goal, too. (Matthew’s Message, April 2, 2021.)

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⌘ Introduction ⌘

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There’s so much misinformation and disinformation, ignorance and confusion on all matters relating to the Covid-19 virus and vaccine that it seems impossible to wrap our heads around the subject.

So we seek information and guidance. Usually that means going to whistleblowers, citizen journalists, insiders, intel gurus, etc.

Here we do something different. We turn to the channeled communications emanating from off-planet galactic and celestial beings. All of these beings are higher dimensional than we are. If they weren’t they couldn’t help us.

Help us in what? Help us in turning back the most extensive, the boldest, and the most serious attempt at world domination we’ve seen since the Second World War.

Given that our star family forbids and will prevent world war, the deep state had to kill Plan A as a means of eliminating billions of useless eaters and keeping the rest of us as their servants. Plan B called for a pandemic.

Meanwhile, that same pandemic offers the Alliance of military officers and civilians, determined to “drain the swamp,” an excellent cover behind which to make sweeping arrests. With the public off the streets, the Alliance’s machinery is running full tilt to end cabal rule and make the world safe for freedom.

Provided our sources are whom they say they are, they come from regions of life where lying is impossible, harm is never contemplated, and harmony is the natural condition.

They live in the full enjoyment of divine states like love, bliss, and peace, which means that all their felt needs are always-already satisfied.

Therefore what do they have to say about the virus and vaccine? Who is responsible for them? What are their dangers? And what does the future hold?

Let’s listen to the Company of Heaven give us a perspective that we would not be able to achieve on our own.

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⌘ The Nature and Purpose of the Virus ⌘

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What is the purpose of the virus?

Matthew Ward: The purpose of the virus itself and the substances in the solution is two-fold: decrease the population by billions and technologically control survivors and subsequent generations. The diabolical minds behind this crime against humanity failed to achieve the intended death toll, and they will fail in the other goal, too. …

Matthew: What is not publicized because it is known by only a few is that the intention of the coronavirus was to decrease the world’s population by billions. That will not happen because [star] family members reduced the laboratory-designed virus’s potency to the greatest possible extent. …

Matthew: Energy is what everything is about, and attention focused on Covid-related issues produces it in abundance. Fear about contracting the disease. Bitterness about forced separation from loved ones and grief about those who died. Stress about masks and depression about isolation. Anxiety about loss of income. Anger about closed businesses. Resentment about the proposal that authorization to travel and enter specific areas requires a “vaccination passport.” (1)

You seem to think that all of this was planned?

Matthew: All aspects of this “pandemic” agenda of the dark ones—let us call them Deep State, the term now commonly used—were meticulously planned years ago, after their attempts with SARS, avian flu and other laboratory-designed viruses failed to produce the pandemics that, like the coronavirus, were intended to kill billions. (2)

How is Covid-19 spread?

Matthew: Keeping in mind that most national borders are closed to travelers, you may ask how that disease reached countries that had been free of it. It happened the same way it did in China’s Hunan province—the virus was released by drones, or, in the new countries, perhaps, by crop-dusting as well.

Although the two areas differ greatly, both were prime targets for the Illuminati to unleash their virus. Along with dense air pollution, Hunan is saturated with 5G technology whose emissions are damaging to bodies; both conditions compromise immune systems and render the residents susceptible to contracting a contagious respiratory disease.

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People in the countries where Covid-19 was more recently introduced are equally vulnerable. They have low immunity due to existing health issues caused by malnutrition and other substandard living conditions. (3)

Ashtar: Through respiration so it can survive in the air for longer periods of time.

Your "super bugs" are simply viruses that have been fashioned to eliminate more and more of the population. Your weakened states as a result of the poor foods you eat, mind control and the spread of lower frequency EMFs work together with these bugs to kill you. It's all a plan where one part will complement the other.

Your vaccinations, your flu shots, all prepare you to be susceptible to these viruses that are spread.

This is how they become pandemics - because your bodies can't fight them. Unfortunately, you are being engineered to die off. The more you partake of your poisonous foods, vaccinations and unhealthy products, the more likely it is you will become diseased or die. It is being engineered; … these things are all interrelated and deliberate!

You understand that fear attracts negativity, so the spread of disease is caused by your fear of it. Not fearing this virus will leave you immune to it. Fear lowers your resistance. That's why the deep state spreads it all over the news and creates panic. You have to be one step ahead of them, Sharon. Fear lowers your vibration, which makes you more susceptible to the virus. The dark can only affect you if you're in a lower vibratory state. ...

Practise the best hygiene possible and stay away from infected areas. There is a war on and these psychopaths are attempting to kill you. So you have to be cautious - not fearful, just cautious. (4)

What keeps the virus going?

Matthew: Dear ones, the energy of the mind-boggling number of reactions, positive and negative, to everything related to the “pandemic” is what keeps it going. You are divine sovereign beings and need not be subservient to this heinously-contrived scourge. ...

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Make it more quickly run out its course by switching your thoughts and feelings to what you do want for yourself, for persons dear to you and for your world. Visualizing Earth in golden-white light, remembering to breathe deeply, living from your heart, and asking for protection from all darkness also will add immeasurably to your wellbeing and the world’s. (5)

Is the cabal causing pandemics because they’re not allow to cause any more wars?

Ashtar: Your postulation … is correct. They're not allowed to use nuclear devices because they will then incur immediate consequences from our Light forces for doing so. We have most of their weaponry disarmed so they aren't usable. But I say most, not all. Those that have already fired upon others on your planet, nuclear or not, have incurred consequences for doing so. (6)


(1) Matthew’s Message, April 2, 2021. (2) Ibid., June 4, 2020. (3) Loc. cit.

(4) "Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart," 1/24/2020, at https://voyagesoflight.blogspot.com/2020/01/corona-virus-ashtar-sheran-via-sharon.html.

(5) Matthew's Message, April 2, 2021. (6) "Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart," ibid.

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⌘ The Dangers of the Vaccine ⌘

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Vaccines have been rushed into production. What are they making?

Matthew: Originally, “experts” said that developing a vaccine would take at least two to three years. Maybe that wait time didn’t produce the fear energy that was expected or maybe the dark ones didn’t want to wait that long to annihilate you. Now, a few laboratories are being so successful in developing a vaccine that it might be available before the end of this year.

Indeed it will be! Vaccines laden with a deadly amount of pathogens and the programmed microchips that also would be the inoculation were ready well before the coronavirus was released. (1)

Do foreign substances injected into the body affect the soul, separate us from Source, or affect Ascension?

Matthew: Foreign substances injected into a body do not affect the soul. The soul is love-light energy, which is indestructible and impervious to issues that affect physical bodies. The etheric body—the “light body” in which a person transitions from physical lifetime to a spirit world—is affected because the two bodies are attached until death of the physical. (2)

Matthew: Vaccines cannot separate you from Source or prevent personal ascension, the evolvement in conscious and spiritual awareness that continues until the immortal soul returns to its Beginnings within the pure love essence of Creator Source.

What does affect that journey is the energy of thoughts, feelings and intentions. When those are fear, greed, brutality, betrayal, dishonesty or any other low-vibratory sensation or intent of an action, the energy generated decreases light within the body.

Light is bodies’ life force. It is what transforms carbon-based cells into the crystalline structure that strengthens immune systems and enables physical viability in the higher vibrations of fourth and fifth density planes where Earth is heading. (3)

Are the crystalline cells of our light body affected by the vaccine?

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Matthew: Crystalline cells don’t interact with incompatible substances, and they leave via bodies’ elimination systems. However, even though scientists in extraterrestrial special forces reduced potency of the virus and decreased viability of the genetic material, bodies with weakened immunity and/or carbon cellular structure have much less ability to resist foreign substances. That is why some persons die after being inoculated and others develop serious health issues or their existing conditions worsen. (4)

Do vaccines prevent diseases?

Matthew: The society has been conditioned to believe vaccines prevent diseases. They don’t—what they do is introduce diseases into individuals with weakened immunity, damage bodies’ healing mechanisms, and cause autism-like symptoms in young children. Nevertheless, time and time again medical “experts” say Get him/her/yourself vaccinated!

Thus, solutions containing the virus that was laboratory-designed to cause the influenza called Covid-19, nanochips programmed to track and control individuals, and foreign tissue that can change bodies’ DNA are claimed to be vaccines.

Medical establishment members who are urging everyone to get vaccinated don’t mention it actually is an experimental gene therapy with potentially dire effects, that won’t be apparent for a year or two or more, and manufacturers bear no liability whatsoever for death or other harmful reactions. (5)

What are the programmed nanochips designed to do?

Matthew: Those scientists also erased the chips’ programming, but it isn’t the chips that cause death and medical problems. They are in the solution for a different sinister reason and the rapid rollout of 5G is part of it. By intent, the devices’ emissions damage bodies’ electrical systems, but it is the technology itself that is of more importance to those who conceived the idea to inject bodies with programmed nanochips.

Not only can they transmit to a designated source individuals’ location, communication, purchases—almost nothing one does can be withheld—but they can send signals to the brain to perform whatever task is specified. We hasten to assure you none of that ever will come to pass because the programming was eliminated. The scientists also reduced 5G’s emissions’ impact on bodies. (6)

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Matthew: Extraterrestrial scientists among you have greatly reduced the toxicity of that vaccine supply and erased the chips’ programming. (7)

Matthew: Extraterrestrial special forces scientists are neutralizing to the extent possible the toxins in vaccines; nevertheless, continued opposition to vaccinating children as a prerequisite for their attending school is necessary to end this practice that has caused an autism-like condition in many children.

Bodies’ chemistry and immune systems are stressed by mercury, and youngsters who are especially vulnerable sustain neurological damage that results in symptoms very similar to autism, which is a very rare condition. Opposition can be reinforced by declining inoculations advised by healthcare professionals who are rewarded by vaccine manufacturers or believe the false claim that “preventive” flu shots and a raft of others are necessary public health measures.

We add that vaccines, like the first pharmaceuticals, were developed for beneficial purposes. Any innovation that is designed to be of benefit can be adapted for malevolent purposes, and that is what the Illuminati have done at every stage of the civilization’s progress. (8)

There are so many rumors

Matthew: The passport and other aforementioned situations are factual. Not everything related to the “pandemic” is, but they are gathering energy from your thoughts and feelings about them. ‘Tests for Covid contain fibers of Morgellon’s disease’ is but a dark concoction to cause worrying.

The baseless claim that people who have been vaccinated will “shed” the disease and infect people who haven’t been inoculated adds to the worrisome mix. Another of those claims is, the virus is mutating, vaccinated people aren’t protected from new strains, and waves of the disease could go on for years.

Some scientists now contend that Covid did after all come from an infected bat. The implication is that humans have no way to prevent pandemics because they start by means that are uncontrollable. The coronavirus-19 is patented—how did a sick bat manage to do that?

Many people are rebelling by refusing to wear masks and not staying six feet away from everyone else, and the numbers who are vehemently denouncing “the shot” are growing. But millions are eager to get it. They are relieved and grateful when it

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is their turn, and with that comes the satisfying feeling of being a good citizen by fulfilling what they have been told is their “public safety responsibility.”

And last, if we knew when the truth about the “pandemic” will come forth and when it will meet its end, we would shout it with such exuberance that you might even hear us. What we can tell you is, the end is assured—rising vibrations will see to it. (9)


(1) Matthew’s Message, June 4, 2020.

(2) Ibid., April 2, 2021.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) Loc. cit. (6) Loc. cit. (7) Ibid., June 4, 2020. (8) Ibid., October 17, 2018.

(9) Ibid., April 2, 2021.

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⌘ What is the Mainstream Media’s Role? ⌘

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How can it be that medical people would not know the truth?

Matthew: The Illuminati’s control of life on Earth includes education from first grade through university and doctorate degrees, and no information is in standard medical and pharmacological curricula that could interfere with that secret society’s adding to their fortunes via the medical establishment and Big Pharma. Those are part and parcel of their goal to eliminate most of the world’s population and be served by survivors. (1)

The mainstream media seem to be publishing bloated Covid statistics

Matthew: It is by intention that vastly bloated Covid statistics and claims that only worldwide vaccinations can end the “pandemic” have been front and center of daily “news” throughout the past year. The individuals who planned and devised the “pandemic” control mainstream media, where information is fabricated, factual happenings are distorted or omitted, and fearful information is emphasized because they know fear weakens immune systems.

They control the Internet, where truthful information about all happenings is taken down as soon as it is discovered. They know how the universal law of attraction works, that thoughts and feelings about something bring back more of the same. They know nothing can last without energy to sustain it. (Matthew's Message, April 2, 2021.)

Ashtar: The media takeover [by the Alliance] is one of first priorities because they are primarily responsible for spreading fear and panic around your world. … To spread the REAL news and not incur mass pandemonium.

Your news is fake. Most of it is just blatant lying, and the focus on insipid subjects such as the lives of movie actors is downright ridiculous and an insult to the viewer. … [The real news would encompass] the truth that the Corona Virus, for example, is being spread as a means of wiping out humanity on your earth. (2)

Why are the mainstream media keeping Coronavirus in our face?

Matthew: Why [are the] mainstream media … keeping the coronavirus “in your face,” so to say[?]

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This is the mind control part of the dark ones’ agenda, and they combine it with the universal law of attraction—they know the energy of thoughts and feelings brings back what matches them. The extent to which they are using that combination to deceive and manipulate the populace is mind-boggling.

Their TV media repeatedly air films of patients with respirators so you will be fearful about contracting Covid-19 and feel angry, scared and resentful about its adverse impact on your life and livelihood. The dark ones require the low vibrations of those negative reactions to sustain themselves and keep their “pandemic” going.

Their medical experts claim that testing, mask-wearing and social distancing are essential; and that crowds gathering, not wearing masks, and businesses reopening too quickly are endangering you and your loved ones. In addition to keeping the populace on edge by reporting that some test results are incorrect or inconclusive, they tell you again and again that disregarding CDC guidelines makes it even more likely that another wave of the disease, which could be worse than the first, will hit in a few months.

Those “experts” know that masks prevent normal inhalation and exhalation, normal respiratory functioning, and that weakens immune systems. Their “stay at home” mandate is creating stress, and stress also weakens immune systems. A populace with compromised immunity is very susceptible to illness, and that would result in more deaths—the second wave of Covid-19. Like the false statistics that have been fed to you almost daily, deaths from any cause would be attributed to that disease or “a complication thereof.”

You are told that the virus will continue its killing spree until the entire populace is vaccinated. The dark ones need the public’s positive response to a vaccine ending this “pandemic” so the energy of those thoughts and feelings will bring to fruition their mandatory vaccination plan. (3)


(1) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 3, 2020. (2) "Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart," 1/24/2020, at https://voyagesoflight.blogspot.com/2020/01/corona-virus-ashtar-sheran-via-sharon.html.

(3) Matthew’s Message, June 4, 2020.

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⌘ The Public Response ⌘

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How are the world’s people responding to the restrictive measures?

Saul: As governments worldwide are enforcing or attempting to enforce a new lock-down on their citizens, fear and anger is intensifying.

This is a very natural result when people feel that the ways in which they live their lives are no longer allowed to be self-determined but will, instead, be decided by various government organizations that ‘claim’ to be doing so purely for the benefit of their citizens.

These sensations are extremely unsettling because they disturb the “status quo” to which most people had become accustomed, the ‘relatively’ unchanging circumstances of their daily lives. Change is, of course, constant; nevertheless, people resist it unless the circumstances of their lives are experienced as unacceptable, but it often remains unseen because most people follow regular daily routines which confirm for them the sense that change is not occurring.

Now, in this time of confusion and apparent chaos that appears to be largely due to the pandemic, people feel very threatened and unsettled because their normal daily routines have been closed off by authoritarian decree, and there is no indication that this unhappy state of affairs is going to end any time soon.

It is no wonder that people are feeling fear and anger, because they are totally unaccustomed to the uncertainty that has now been established, and is apparently intended in their own best interests, if they choose to believe the reasons that are being promulgated by all the mainstream media.

And, of course, fear is very divisive, so trust in one’s neighbors is collapsing as negative judgments of one another arise, and confusion over the validity of the measures being imposed leads to disagreements, sometimes fierce disagreements within neighborhoods and within families over how serious and dangerous the situation has become. (1)

Are masks beneficial?

Matthew: Masks prevent normal respiratory functioning and that severely affects immunity. Stress also adversely affects immune systems, and a great deal of stress has been caused by “stay at home,” mass unemployment, economic hardships,

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child care for people who must work, and the exhaustion of hospital personnel and first responders.

The ones behind this pandemic want you to believe otherwise, so the finger-pointing is at people who are not wearing masks or “social distancing” and businesses opening too quickly. Another aspect of the rising numbers is that cases and deaths from numerous medical issues are falsely reported as due to Covid-19 or complications thereof. (2)

Do you see mandatory vaccinations materializing?

Matthew: We don’t see mandatory vaccinations materializing, but if they do scientists in extraterrestrial special forces will reduce the vaccine’s potency and erase the chips’ programming. And, as vibratory rates on the planet rise, all viruses will lose viability.

Nevertheless, please loudly protest vaccines until they are destroyed and protest 5G service until devices are modified so their frequencies are compatible with bodies’ electrical systems. (3)

Will vaccination passports catch on?

Matthew: The concept came from the dark ones who caused the “pandemic” and profit handsomely from the sale of vaccines, but only governments can mandate the requirement. While it is possible that some may do that, in this moment the concept doesn’t have enough momentum to become probable; however, that can change abruptly if sufficient energy is directed into what now is only consideration. (4)

What questions should we be asking?

Matthew: The larger society is joining individuals who already were questioning how that virus suddenly popped up in China. Why did speculation that it originated in a bat—and how was it traced to that bat anyway?—switch to an accident in a laboratory in Wuhan province? Why did a virus that can cause such a contagious disease come to be in a laboratory in the first place?

The populace has been programmed to believe that information labeled “conspiracy theory” is worthless, merely ideas springing from addled minds. But this question is logical: Why is the possibility that the coronavirus was made in a

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laboratory in the United States and taken to China simply dismissed as conspiracy theory instead of being investigated?

Society is questioning why “experts” say most people won’t get Covid-19, most of those who do get it recover, most who die had preexisting health issues, and symptoms of the disease can be so mild that many people aren’t aware they have it or have had it. Yet those same experts claim Earth’s entire population needs to be vaccinated.

That leads to this question: Why isn’t there the same interest in ending preventable deaths due to malnourishment, diseases caused by substandard living conditions, opioid addiction and suicide when the number of those fatalities greatly exceeds the number of deaths due to Covid-19?

Questioning minds also are “following the money.” Who benefits financially when millions of people around the world are being treated for a disease that requires purchasing tests, pharmaceuticals, hospital equipment and protective items for medical personnel?

The extent of that questioning is exactly the opposite of what was intended by the dark ones, who designed and patented AIDS, SARS and all other viruses in a laboratory in the United States and several months ago released in China one called coronavirus.

And its effects aren’t what the dark ones intended, either. They wanted an authentic global pandemic with billions of deaths. They need the energy of survivors’ grief and fear and a world in total chaos to produce the low vibrations they require for their very existence.

The failure to achieve that aim led to Plan B. That is why “experts” have been talking about the likelihood that a second wave of Covid-19 will come after the first ebbs, and that kind of rollercoaster can continue as long as three years or until every person in the world has been tested for antibodies and vaccinated.

Beyond enriching the companies that produce the tests and develop the vaccine, the intention—again—is a vaccine that will be lethal to most of the world’s population. But also, inoculation will insert a programmed microchip that will interact with 5G emissions to cause physical and emotional trauma, damage brain cells and enable the tracking of individuals who survive.

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Society is right to question what is underlying this “global pandemic”! (5)

When will people begin to reclaim their individual sovereignty?

Jesus: People will begin to reclaim their individual sovereignty as it becomes apparent that there is, and has been for a very long time, tremendous corruption in governments – whether supposedly democratic ones or powerfully authoritarian ones – all across the world that can no longer be hidden from public view.

The pandemic has led people to question more freely and deeply the motivation of those in authority, and has given them the time and the opportunity in which to do so. Much of a nefarious nature is being revealed daily as investigative journalists, who are not directly employed by any of the main media organizations, academics, and whistle-blowers make their inquiries and then make the resultant findings available to all on the world wide web. ...

Truly humanity has entered into a moment of enormous creative possibility, a moment when, by letting go of fear-filled egotistical drives, and by the dropping of masks that so many have been wearing – through fear of being seen as the inadequate people that they have totally unrealistically come to believe themselves to be – and instead allowing themselves to be themselves, the beautiful beings that they actually are, then the changes which are essential for human survival on Planet Earth can be realized and put into effect. Now is a moment of pivotal potential, a potential that needs to be seen, recognized, and developed – NOW! (6)


(1) "Saul Through John: Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening," November 23, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/11/23/saul-through-john-truly-words-cannot-even-begin-to-suggest-to-you-the-joys-that-await-your-awakening/

(2) Matthew's Message, July 2, 2020.

(3) Ibid., May 4, 2020.

(4) Ibid., April 2, 2021.

(5) Ibid., May 4, 2020.

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(6) “Jesus through John – Truly, even in These Unsettling Times, There is Enormous Reason for Hope and for Joy," April 22, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/22/jesus-through-john-truly-even-in-these-unsettling-times-there-is-enormous-reason-for-hope-and-for-joy/

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⌘ The Use the Alliance and Company of Heaven are Putting the Virus and Vaccine to ⌘

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Is there a purpose to what is presently going on?

The Arcturian Group: Know that there is a purpose to all that is presently going on. Circumstances are forcing many to reassess how they have been living their lives, what they believe is true or important, and if there may be a “better” way. Much that up to now has been simply accepted, is beginning to be more closely examined from a higher perspective.

Life as you have known it cannot return to exactly as it previously was simply because the energy maintaining and sustaining many of its three dimensional creations are dissolving by virtue of the increasing presence of high resonating energy–as collective consciousness evolves, so do its material expressions. Always remember-consciousness is the substance of form. (1)

What is the role of the Coronavirus?

Federation of Light: A decoy! Put in place to mask rescue missions of those ‘under the thumb!’ …

As with many viruses that have been concocted to cause great alarm and fear, there will always be ‘some medical situation’ that is made prominent at a time suitable for undercover agents to slip through the bar and slip away unseen.

So much that is presented in your world is that of a decoy nature. So much!

Then the fear that builds, feeds itself until this particular threat ‘dies down’ and those who created it sit happily in the knowing that once again their mission was successful. (2)

Is President Trump aware of the truth about this pandemic?

Matthew: President Trump is aware of the truth about this “pandemic.” Knowing that one of its aims is economic ruin of his country, he is acting to prevent that and derail the sinister plan for mandatory vaccination globally. He also is aware that Deep State operatives instigated the rioting and looting in what began as peaceful protests in his country.

While he could have handled these situations more skillfully and wisely, he cannot speak about his knowledge or act more forthrightly without jeopardizing what is happening behind the scenes. All dominoes in the prosecution process are being

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lined up so those who are responsible for Covid-19 and many other crimes against humanity can be arrested and face judicial punishment.

The “pandemic” is the latest step in the march for global control by the Deep State, and by going against that force, President Trump has made formidable enemies. Not only the individuals at the top of the alphabet agencies of the medical establishment like AMA, FDA, NIH and CDC; World Health Organization; Big Pharma; and medical equipment and supply manufacturers, but all their cohorts around the world that have been controlling life on Earth.

The president’s allies—the others in the international group of influential individuals whose efforts to end darkness in its entirety are undergirded by light—are more powerful. (3)

Did the dark ones win this round?

Matthew: Contrary to what may appear as the dark ones winning this round, they are not. They’re digging their graves deeper, in a manner of speaking. The truth about the laboratory-designed, patented coronavirus cannot be hidden from the public much longer.

Removing from the Internet the testimonies of individuals who know the truth isn’t preventing the posting of other truthful information, and labeling it “conspiracy theory” is not going to work on the dark ones’ behalf either.

To readers who also asked if Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci are among those responsible for the pandemic, yes, both are heavily involved. So is the CDC, whose “guidelines” often are mandated. (4)

How have the Illuminati been reacting?

Matthew: They have been seeing their once powerful global network become tattered and world domination slipping farther and farther away. They desperately needed the coronavirus to get them back on track, but instead of dying by the millions daily, people around the world are raising a unified voice about the lack of proper healthcare that the poor and people of color have long endured.

And the international group that has undertaken the monumental task of ridding your world of all dark activities is closing in on the Illuminati. We don’t know

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when arrests will be made, but as soon as they are, Covid-19 will run out its course and never again will Earth’s peoples be subjected to such a scourge. (5)

I’ve heard this described as part of a battle to oppress the feminine. Is there truth to that?

Ashtar: When you think of your wars as a battle to oppress the feminine, then you understand so much more about what is going on on your earth. There are feminine energies still present upon your earth and they are under attack as they are under attack within yourselves. Oppression of the feminine is the only way the dark ones can rule your planet. With her at full strength, they can't survive. And the divine mother is returning. (6)

Is the Divine Mother putting Covid-19 to good use?

Archangel Michael: You know, one of the ways in which the Mother is utilising the various phases of the Pause… well, She did not release the Covid, but She is certainly using the situations that have been created by humans – as error, not as Plan – to make sure that people are calm, that they are staying home, that they are evaluating, re-evaluating, and then re-evaluating again: “What is truth? What anchors the feeling of peace within your heart?” (7)

What is the Pause being used for, Mother?

What [is] this Pause is being used for?. … I have shifted the energy and the purpose of this Covid-19 pandemic, so that all of you would stop and remember that you are Angels-in-form, experiencing and expressing love. (8)

You’ve called this a “Major Reset in Consciousness.” Can you explain how it is that?

Peggy Black and the Team: We are here to support you as you experience the turmoil and the dismantling of the reality that you have known. This is the first time that your planet has come close to a full stop. It is shocking, disturbing and frightening. This is a major reset in consciousness.

This experience is offering the opportunity to observe all that was out of balance. This imbalance has been present for eons. It is global, financial, personal in its inequality. Individuals have lost their connection with nature and the consciousness of all other living things.

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This level of quietude is allowing the light that is bathing your planet to be anchored more fully within each and every individual. We invite you to hold steady in your awareness and your connection to this truth. Understand that there is going to be a great deal more disruption and struggle before this is totally complete.

There is an ascension shift that is affecting your planet; however understand that it will impact the entire universe. This magnification of light is designed to energize all that is light upon the Earth and within all humans. The power of this light has created a disturbance of fear and negativity which has been hidden, buried and locked into the earth, waiting for a time when humanity was ready to transmute the energy.

Lifetimes of abuse, negativity, and injustice are waiting to be transformed. Some people are exerting control over others using fear and wanting to suppress the spiritual awakening process that is taking place.

This virus is a product of the negative and fearful energies arising to be released and transformed. This virus and its impact upon the world are allowing humanity to recognize the presence of fear, of negative and misqualified energies, to recognize suffering and to begin to create positive shifts within their being.

So your balance and stability will assist your planet in this transition. You are in the midst of the changes. There is always discord and confusion when things begin to change. Human consciousness wants things to go back the way they were, to go back to “normal,” even if that “normal” was out of balance, unfair, harmful to others and to nature.

You and many others are observing, as well as dismantling, layers and layers of dense beliefs and old energy that is stored in your very cells. We celebrate the work that you are doing. If you could see the energy of light that your collective consciousness is expressing you would be stunned and amazed. (9)

Will legal proceedings result?

Matthew: The coronavirus scourge is their Waterloo. A powerful light force behind the scenes is charging them with crimes against humanity. The people who keep trying to kill billions of you, conduct satanic rituals, control mainstream media and adversely impact all other aspects of life on Earth include widely known and admired individuals. Their arrests will come as a shock to most of the populace.

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Those at the peak of darkness conceive heinous plans, others are eagerly complicit, most are minions who participate because of bribes, blackmail or threats against their families. In some cases, charges are based on fabricated information, photos and videos, but the truth about every person indicted will come forth in time. (10)

Why are we waiting?


It is HUGE in its organizing/organization. There are many undisclosed citizens that KNOW what is taking place because they are part of the workings of that Plan. They know that things are really taking ‘flight’ as the Plan unfolds and yet, for most, it appears to be that one is simply cooped up inside waiting … waiting … waiting …


Keep Trusting that which you KNOW to be the Change that you have been waiting for … as you said at the beginning Blossom … for such a long time …






So, perhaps may we suggest to use this ‘quiet’ time’ … this ‘calm before the storm’ … to prepare your Beings for the onslaught that is to come. In this we mean … and please know it is difficult as always to put this into words … that the ‘outburst/outbreak’ of news … when it comes … will hit most of you like a ton of bricks.

You may take a little time to come around … yet, because of this preparation, you are in NOW… you will be more than ready to deal with it and do what you have to do.

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There will be a time … and we are not talking years and years away, we are talking … ‘in a short while’ … when ‘an Occurrence’ takes place that will shock the world. And we are not speaking of the Event at this point.

There shall be an announcement made that sends everyone into a spin. It will not be able to be kept out of your mainstream media for it will be in accordance with the Divine Plan and it will not be able to be swept under the carpet.

It will also put your media into a new position … for many that ‘present news’ will have their thoughts turned upside down and feel they have to follow the Truth.

The days are numbered, Blossom. Each new day brings your Planet closer to its New Home. (11) What does Earth’s field of potential look like now?

What we see in Earth’s energy field of potential can be likened to the excitement of unceasing fireworks. This is a reflection of activity on the planet as awakened souls are throwing off the yoke of millennia of dark domination.

The coronavirus and protest movements are primary in this activity. (12)


(1) The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Nov. 22, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/11/22/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-nov-22-2020/.

(2) The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Feb. 2, 2020, at http://blossomgoodchild.com/2nd-february-2/.

(3) Matthew’s Message, June 4, 2020.

(4) Ibid., July 2, 2020.

(5) Ibid., Aug. 3, 2020.

(6) "Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart," 1/24/2020, at https://voyagesoflight.blogspot.com/2020/01/corona-virus-ashtar-sheran-via-sharon.html.

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(7) “Linda Dillon: Archangel Michael – Peace Comes from Alignment with Truth,” September 25, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/09/25/linda-dillon-archangel-michael-peace-comes-from-alignment-with-truth/.

(8) "The Mother’s Clarion Call to All of Humanity!" April 21, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=309417.

(9) "Peggy Black and the ‘Team’ ~ Major Reset in Consciousness," April 17, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=309220.(10) Matthew's Message, May 4, 2020.

(11) “The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, April 25, 2020," at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/25/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-april-25-2020/2

(12) Matthew's Message, Aug. 3, 2020.

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⌘ The Defeat of the Virus ⌘

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As of late 2020, early 2021, are the problems we’ve been experiencing through Covid-19 now finished?

Mike Quinsey: problems you have been experiencing through Covid-19 are far from finished, and causing more problems without an end in sight. Job losses are mounting and future prospects look bleak and every day more companies are going out of business. It is a symptom of the times you are living in and the necessity to clear out that which will have no further use in the New Age. (1)

Mike Quinsey: In some parts of the world such as India the situation is dire and has not yet peaked [as of early May 2021]. It was to some extent expected as the virus is significantly more dangerous to those souls who are of Asian birth. Their immunity is not as successful for them, and in consequence more fatalities can be expected. (2)

When will factual information begin to emerge?

Matthew: Factual information is coming from growing numbers of medical specialists who are speaking out about viruses, vaccines, masks, immune systems, treatment for Covid-19 patients, and inflated statistics about cases and deaths attributed to the disease.

What we can tell you that they cannot, because they have no scientific evidence, is why the disease is surging in regions where it had notably decreased. The dark ones who released the virus in China several months ago have been releasing more; and people whose immune systems have been weakened due to stress caused by fear of getting the disease, confinement, financial burdens, unemployment and mask-wearing regulations now are susceptible whereas a few months ago they were not. Another source of stress is separation from family in hospitals or who died without the comfort of loved ones at their side.

It is not surprising that your mainstream media are crying “conspiracy theory” at the truths coming forth, but you may wonder why so many in the healthcare industry are advising adherence to “authorities’” guidelines for your and others’ “safety.” Some who know the truth are “in on” the lies, some are bribed to be silent, some are afraid to speak up, and a considerable number may not know what virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists and other scientific specialists know. (3)

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Ashtar: Understand this is part of Agenda 21, the "culling of the herd" as you call it, and understand that it is being committed as an atrocity against humanity on earth by your dark controllers. This deed as well, will not go unnoticed. There will be consequences for those spreading the virus and all involved in its inception will also be tried. All of these events, including SARS, are indictable. (4)

How will the virus be defeated?

Matthew: Light keeps intensifying throughout the planet and cells of people who are absorbing light are becoming crystalline, thereby gaining resistance capability, and many souls now incarnating came in with crystalline structure. Eventually all of Earth’s peoples will be of that makeup. (5)

What have we learned from the virus?

Mike Quinsey: People have learned a lot about themselves through having closer relationships for much longer periods than previously. They have realised that far too much time has been spent on earning a living at the expense of personal relationships. It is yet another area where changes are inevitable so that people have more time for their personal needs.

Part time working is favoured but not all operations can work that way and clearly there will always be exceptions. Working from home does not suit everyone but it is here to stay. All these things are so to say in the “melting pot” and it remains to be seen how companies re-act to these types of changes.

You are seeing changes in people’s eating habits and this is yet another result of the lockdowns. Until business returns to what you would call normal the outcome of your experiences still remains to be seen. We see the continuing trend of women coming more into jobs that normally would be done by men and so it shall continue. (Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message for April 21, 2021.)

At present you are still in a turmoil over Covid-19, but it has made you look seriously at how you should continue your lives once you can recommence them and return to normal. There is much resistance to change from those who have dominated your lives, but it will not prevent the inevitable as you cannot go back to how it was previously because much is unsuitable for the changes that are coming. (6)


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(1) Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, Dec. 4, 2020.

(2) Ibid., May 1, 2021 (3) Matthew's Message, Aug. 3, 2020.

(4) "Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart," 1/24/2020, at https://voyagesoflight.blogspot.com/2020/01/corona-virus-ashtar-sheran-via-sharon.html

(5) Matthew's Message, April 2, 2021.

(6) Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 5, 2021.

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⌘ How Should Lightworkers Respond? ⌘

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Can you address the awakened - what is their assignment?

Arcturian Group: You who are spiritually awake will become the way showers, those who will be helping others open to new and more evolved ideas, solutions, and general ways of living.

Present times are making life difficult for everyone but you must realize that the cessation of "busy-ness" is an effective way to bring about activities of Oneness where it can then be recognized, experienced, and begin integrating into the collective.

Mankind is in the midst of an evolutionary experience that is about shifting from fear to love. ...

All is proceeding according to plan and your job is to allow the process to unfold without resistance. (1)

What might we be doing?

Saul: This is indeed a very confusing and unsettling time for you all, so I would, yet again, remind you how absolutely essential it is for all of you to take time out frequently during the day to go within and reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises.

That intent, consciously held and reset frequently, is extremely powerful and is greatly needed as the collective awakening process draws toward its conclusion.

Your loving intentions help so many others to deal with their arising ‘stuff,’ while not being completely overwhelmed by the general sense of anxiety that is very widespread at present.

You chose to be in human form at this time to do just this, because you knew that it would be extremely effective in driving your collective awakening process forward. However, due to the amnesiac process involved in becoming human, you have mostly lost your connection to your awareness of that knowing, and so intense doubts arise within you.

Therefore engage regularly in conversation with your upport teams in the non physical realms, ask them for reassurance that all truly is moving forward as

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divinely planned, and they will provide it because that is a major aspect of their work as your support teams.

You will feel their love and support, and you will find that your doubts and anxieties have eased, further confirming for you the value of going within to your place of inner peace where Love resides awaiting your invitation to enter into your hearts so that you can joyfully accept Its warm embrace.

Knowing, as you do, that you made a very positive and enthusiastic choice to be incarnate on Earth at this moment in humanity’s collective transition to a much higher level of spiritual evolution, you can relax with certainty into the radiant significance of this upcoming occasion. (2)

Are there other things we can do to respond to the events of this moment?

Divine Mother: There are two ways that I invite you to become ‘first responders’ to this emergent moment. The first is to send love to the virus and to all within its field of influence. This practice, with dedicated attention, can dissolve the spread of the virus, the severity of the symptoms and the death toll, because it effectively cuts it off at its roots.

The second way is to invite the download of the antibodies into your system and into the population in general. At a certain frequency, a specific light quotient, this is entirely possible, because you are crystalline and not carbon; therefore you may alter your DNA at will. The more of you who consciously invite in this attunement, the faster you will reach what has been called the ‘hundreth monkey effect’ or ‘herd immunity’.

My beloved children, you are no more a herd to me than your loved ones are to you. Each and every one of you is precious to me in a way that is beyond your wildest imaginings. For this reason, I am giving you concrete ways that you may begin today, to halt the spread of this sickness in a much briefer time-frame than the experts predict.

The experts are focusing on the 3D to make their assumptions and calculations. You are calling in and igniting the 5D. You are activating the crystalline element of the holographic matrix of your entire universe; because you are taking quantum action, your results will have exponential effects that defy the experts’ opinions. (3)


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(1) Arcturian Group, April 5, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/05/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-april-5-2020/. (2) "Saul Through John: Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening," November 23, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/11/23/saul-through-john-truly-words-cannot-even-begin-to-suggest-to-you-the-joys-that-await-your-awakening/. (3) “Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: Ask for the Antibody to be Downloaded," March 29, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/03/29/jennifer-crokaert-divine-mother-ask-for-the-antibody-to-be-downloaded/.

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⌘ What Does the Future Look Like? ⌘

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Well, there’s nothing about what’s happening right now that’s business as usual

Saul: This is not business as usual, this is the time of Humanity’s Collective Awakening.

It is a most wonderful occasion that was created for you by Mother/Father God at the very moment in which you collectively chose to engage in an unreal drama, a game of separation from Source, so that when you changed your minds – as you inevitably would because

Oneness with Source is Reality and embraces you in endless joy – and chose to return to rest in the divine Presence, from which you have never, not even for an instant, actually been separated, the path would appear, lovingly and enthusiastically inviting you to follow it Home!

Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening, because it appears to you that joy is an ephemeral state that may only be briefly experienced and then lost, as the basic survival needs of your human living conditions once again demand your full attention.

Nevertheless, deep within you there is a knowing that is now rising into your conscious awareness, a knowing that life is a most wonderful and amazing gift that is offering you a prodigious treasure of inconceivable magnificence. You just know that this is the case, although you don’t know why you know, and yet, in spite of this, you do have doubts.

Doubting God’s infinite and unchanging Love for you, and doubting if you really are blessed with eternal life in that loving Presence is an aspect of the unreal drama that you experience during temporal life as a human.

This is indeed an amazing, confusing, unsettling, and inspiring time to be present in form on Earth, and all of you reading or listening to this, and other similar channeled messages, do feel this, and are filled with eager anticipation.

I assure you that you will not be disappointed, because what awaits you when you awaken will completely dissolve any residual fears or anxieties that you may be clinging to while you wait expectantly to awaken.

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Life is about to blossom into the most glorious and delicious state, a state that you presently cannot even conceive of, and yet you do know that this is true. (1)

What will we see in the future?

Ashtar: Some are choosing to exit your earth, as it was said, using the catastrophes that befall you in these times of transition as their chosen exit points. Others who have chosen to forge on will remain alive. Understand this is part of Agenda 21, the "culling of the herd" as you call it, and understand that it is being committed as an atrocity against humanity on earth by your dark controllers. This deed as well, will not go unnoticed. There will be consequences for those spreading the virus and all involved in its inception will also be tried. All of these events, including SARS, are indictable. (2)

Divine Mother: Hate not the virus, that was not born, but constructed. It is not ‘organic’ in that sense. If you hate it, or fear it, you create negative power channels, which was the ulterior purpose for which it was created – apart from the painful loss of life.

Its secondary purpose was to create an energy for those who feed off negative energy. They believe that they are feasting now, but it is an illusion. (3) Mike Quinsey: Nothing can completely stop your progress as you must advance to be ready for greater things that will come with the higher vibrations, regardless of any attempts to hold them back. Higher powers are at work to fulfil the plans for Man’s future that have already been decreed.

This period of time was destined to be a prelude to what you may call your coming of age, and the first stages of your path to becoming Galactic Beings. It has always been your destiny and has approached fulfilment because you passed the marker of 2012. It has been no mean task to carry you forward in such a way as to ensure that changes necessary for your progress take place.

You may wonder how much can be achieved considering the present state of affairs. Be assured however that all proceeds well and the greater picture will suddenly become clear. Everything is in place to carry you forwards and indications of what is to come will soon show themselves. (4)

We are approaching the completion or the end point of humanity’s awakening process! That probably does not appear to be the case from your perspective as the

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news media floods the airwaves and the internet with further misinformation about the worldwide pandemic, along with news of the ensuing dramas.

However, humanity is on a roll toward a new way of living that will totally change the ways in which you relate to one another, as your perception of the meaning of life as a human evolves into spiritual awareness of the real purpose of your lives as humans in form. Memory of your true nature is returning, and therefore you are seeing your human lives in a completely new LIGHT! (5)

Mira: Soon the day will come, and you will be uplifted into the light of the Golden Age. You will be free to love each other, touch, hug, kiss, and live heart to heart as you were intended to live. You will be free from fear and darkness. You will help heal each other and the Earth in peace, love, joy, and freedom. We are aligned with you for this to happen. (6)

Mike Quinsey: It might be hard to accept that you knew the possibilities of what might happen before you incarnated upon Earth, but you also knew that the outcome would most likely be a great change in direction that would benefit all Mankind. The New Age will now commence in a way that was impossible during the earlier period. All the good things that you were promised will soon start to become your reality. (7)

Will the economic aftermath be rocky?

The economic aftermath of Covid-19 will be somewhat rocky, but far, far from what the dark ones want: a completely collapsed global economy, rampant impoverishment, hunger and desperation. Then they would pull together the fragments of their control and achieve their goal of world domination.

That will not happen. Their long reign is over.

Good will, cooperation, generosity and bartering—trading goods for services and vice versa—will serve you well until an honest global economic system replaces the corruption and greed that created the billionaires who are running and ruining everything on Earth. Dear ones, do not fear what is ahead—once past temporary confusion and brief hardship, the civilization will be on its way to justness and prosperity for all. (8)

Will things will go back to as the way they were?

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Arcturian Group: Know that things will never go back to exactly as they were because consciousness is changing, and as we have said many times, the substance of the outer is the inner (consciousness). Do not put effort and energy toward attempting to return everything to exactly as it was but rather be open to new and higher expressions of these same things. (9)

Are there any encouraging aspects to our situation?

Matthew: Let us look … at the encouraging aspects….

You are seeing and demonstrating the best qualities of humankind—love, compassion, empathy, cooperation, kindness, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, courage, and perseverance to overcome obstacles.

You are observing and participating in the outpouring of gratitude to all who are caring for the sick and helping others in need.

You are using the slowed-down pace of life for introspection, connecting with your godself, your higher consciousness, and appreciating the abundance of goodness and beauty in your world.

You are innovating ways to work, school children, study training and college courses at home, and, via telephone and computer, you are keeping in closer touch with family and friends.

The unified spirit of people around the world is bridging the chasm of divisiveness and highlighting the need to end systemic prejudice and heal the wound it has caused.

Those collective feelings and actions are generating a massive amount of light, which is evoking heightened awareness along with desire for enlightenment about aspects of the coronavirus that aren’t being reported in “the news.” (10)

Jesus: At present there is much confusion and fear as the media does its utmost to focus your attention on the negative aspects of the Coronavirus, and there do seem to be many, but, being generally isolated, as most of you are, you now have plenty of opportunities to go within and connect with your spiritual support teams or with whomever you normally choose to address or pray to in the non-physical realms.

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Doing this, and, at the same time choosing to open your hearts, allows intuitive guidance of the most beneficial kind to flow in with the Love/Life flow that is who you are, and which will uplift and inspire you as you become increasingly consciously aware that you are precisely where you are meant to be in this moment of now.

That realization will dissolve your doubts and anxieties, bringing you great comfort in knowing that your presence in form at this time [is] of inestimable potential for humanity [and] is not only essential, but is also amazingly effective, even if you are not getting the kind of positive feedback that is often received when dealing with others who, like you, are presently experiencing life as humans in form. (11)

Dear readers, in these present times of stress and confusion, allow yourselves to rejoice in the realization that everything taking place at this time is bringing in the changes you have sought, hoped for, and prayed for since incarnating into this present lifetime. (12)

Do many people believe in off-planet messengers?

Matthew: Relatively few have advanced sufficiently in conscious awareness to believe in off-planet messengers. (13)

Where can those people go for information?

Matthew: You can refer friends, family and acquaintances to the Internet, which has a treasure trove of accurate information from medical specialists and researchers about the nature of viruses and the principals behind this “pandemic.” Deep State operatives who control the Internet remove everything they can that exposes them and their diabolical activities, but they cannot suppress all of the truth that is coming to light. (14)

Footnotes (1) "Saul Through John: Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening," November 23, 2020.

(2) "Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart," 1/24/2020, at https://voyagesoflight.blogspot.com/2020/01/corona-virus-ashtar-sheran-via-sharon.html.

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(3) "Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: Ask for the Antibody to be Downloaded," March 29, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/03/29/jennifer-crokaert-divine-mother-ask-for-the-antibody-to-be-downloaded/.

(4) Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 21, 2021.

(5) Saul Through John Smallman, May 18, 2020.

(6) "A Channeling from Mira through Valerie Donner, May 1, 2020," May 3, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/05/03/a-channeling-from-mira-through-valerie-donner-may-1-2020/.

(7) Mike Quinsey's Higher Self, April 3, 2020.

(8) Matthew's Message, May 4, 2020.

(9) The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, May 17, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/05/17/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-may-17-2020/.

(10) Matthew's Message, May 4, 2020.

(11) “Jesus through John – Truly, even in These Unsettling Times, There is Enormous Reason for Hope and for Joy," April 22, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/04/22/jesus-through-john-truly-even-in-these-unsettling-times-there-is-enormous-reason-for-hope-and-for-joy/.

(12) Arcturian Group, April 5, 2020. (13) Matthew’s Message, June 4, 2020. (14) Loc. cit.

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