Dark Eldar Raiders Rules.doc (Wp)

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  • 8/6/2019 Dark Eldar Raiders Rules.doc (Wp)





    All Dark Eldar ships add +1 to the Leadership score generated on page the Leadership

    table on page 10 of the Battlefleet Gothic Rulebook, giving them a leadership value of

    between 7 and 10.


    Dark Eldar ships move in their movement phase and in their ordnance phase. Note

    they do not move in the enemys ordnance phase.

    Unlike Eldar, Dark Eldar move very much like other races; move a minimum of _

    speed, escorts may turn once immediately (or at any one point during their

    movement) and cruisers may turn once after 10cm (or at any one point after this

    during their movement). Dark Eldar movement has nothing to do with the sunward

    edge (Unless there is a Solar Flare!).

    Come to New Heading and Burn Retros

    Dark Eldar vessels are incredibly sleek and agile, bearing arrays of delicate fins and

    operating sophisticated manoeuvring systems, allowing them to turn with an ease

    horrifying to the crews of Imperial vessels, leaden by comparison. Because of this,

    Dark Eldar ships do not need to pass a Command check in order to use Come to New

    HeadingorBurn Retros special orders.

    All Ahead Fulland Come To New Headingspecial orders will have the normal effects

    for the first movement only but the drawbacks remain through the 2nd movement

    (Ordnance Phase) until the next Dark Eldar turn. Eg If youAll Ahead Fullyou will

    travel an extra 4d6cm in the movement phase only but will not be able to turn during

    both movement phase and the 2nd movement phase (Ordnance Phase) and will have

    half weapons strength. SimilarlyLock-on will effect both movements turning.Burn

    Retros is different, as you must remain in the same location for the 2nd movement

    (Ordnance Phase). As usual all special orders should be declared before movement.


    Unlike Holofields, Shadowfields are a form of stealth crossed with physical shield

    rather than an illusion or projection. This shield is very tightly woven, almost like a

    second hull and so cannot repel damage as a normal shield, instead it increases the

    armour value from 4+ to 6+, representing its stealth qualities as well.

    Weapons using the Gunnery table suffer no additional Modifiers from the

    Shadowfields, they require a 6+ to hit. Note: Bombardment Cannons will still hit on a


    Other weapons like lances require a 6+ to hit, as the vessels are hard to track.

    Nova Cannons, the Armageddon Gun and Star Pulse Generators will ignore the

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    Shadowfields as they are blast weapons. Note: Star Pulse Generators will hit on a


    Ordnance hits on a 6+. Bombers suffer no modifier for attack runs. Torpedoes will hit

    on a 6+. A-boats will only attack on a 6+, if they succeed they attack as normal, if

    they fail they will remain where they are, ending their movement on the ships base

    where it may attack again in the next ordnance phase.


    Blast Markers and Gas/Dust clouds only slow Dark Eldar vessels by 5cm as usual.

    There is no roll for damage on a 6+ (unless the Shadowfields have been destroyed).

    Dark Eldar may avoid damage from the Solar flare by passing a leadership check, if

    passed they will be blown 2D6cm away from the Sunward edge. In the case of a Star

    Pulse Generator, the vessel is blow away from the firing ship.


    The Dark Eldar are furious and brutal pirates, fanatical in the pursuit of violence and

    the hunt for captives. Their all-consuming blood lust can often overcome them, leaving

    them in an uncontrolled frenzy. Dark Eldar receive a +1 in the first round of any

    boarding action and a -1 in any subsequent rounds. Note: Dark Eldar and Eldar may

    board in the 2nd movement (after the shooting phase!).


    A Dark Eldar vessel equipped with mimic engines is able to assume the apparent

    dimensions of enemy ships, thus allowing the Dark Eldar to sneak up on their preyunseen. The Dark Eldar are able to mimic Imperial, Eldar, Ork and Chaos ships, but

    not Tyranid or Necron vessels, so the mimic engine has no effect against either of

    these fleets. Any other fleets not mentioned here, will state if they ignore Mimic


    A Dark Eldar ship equipped with mimic engines approaches closer to the enemy

    before the threat is realised and so may make one normal move immediately after

    deployment, but before either side has taken a turn.

    In addition, if a mimic engine-equipped vessel is more than 30cm from the enemy atthe start of the game (after making its extra move) it may NOT be targeted by enemy

    ships at all during the first turn of the game, until it itself has attacked another vessel.

    In the second and subsequent turns it is assumed that the exchange of information

    between vessels in the opposing fleet will uncover the impostors, meaning the Dark

    Eldar can be targeted normally.

    +40pts per cruiser, +15pts per escort.


    Weapons Batteries

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    Dark Eldar Weapons Batteries have the same properties as Eldar Batteries; they count

    all targets as closing on the Gunnery table.

    Phantom Lance

    This is the Dark Eldar equivalent of the pulsar, using dark matter powered lasers. Roll

    a dice for each point of the Phantom lances strength when firing, with the following


    D6 Effect

    A. No hits.

    1. 1 hit

    5-6 2 hits

    Leech Torpedoes

    Dark Eldar ships armed with torpedoes may use leech torpedoes at no extra cost.

    These must be loaded with a specific Re-load roll, although a ship may start the

    scenario with them in the tubes by writing a note on the ship sheet. Leech torpedoes

    cause no damage other than a single, automatic critical hit. Do not roll for the effect of

    this critical hit, instead the leech torpedo causes a -10cm speed reduction on its target,

    nor may any All Ahead Full special orders may be executed by the target. Only one -

    10cm speed penalty applies regardless of the number attached the effect is not

    cumulative. However, all leech hits on a ship must be repaired before the movement

    penalty is removed (e.g. if a ship suffers 5 leech hits, it remains at a reduced speed

    until all 5 hits have been repaired).

    When not firing leeches, Dark Eldar ships equipped with torpedo tubes use the rules

    for Eldar torpedoes from the Battlefleet Gothic rulebook instead.

    Impaler Assault Module

    The Impaler is a specialised form of prow mounted attack craft, a little like an assault

    boat, but large enough to carry enough Dark Eldar assault troops to potentially

    overwhelm an entire ship. An Impaler may be launched at an enemy vessel within

    30cm of the Dark Eldar ship and attacks during the ordnance phase. If an Impaler

    encounters a fighter sqdrn on the ship it wishes to attack the Impaler has a 4+ save vs

    the fighter as if it were an Eldar fighter (If the fighter has a save of its own, it can

    remain on a successful save but the Impaler will still attack, however the fighter canstill defend its ship against other ordnance. Turrets may fire at the Impaler, in the

    same way as against ordnance, but require a 6 to hit.

    When the Impaler successfully moves into contact with an enemy ship, past turrets,

    roll a D6 on the following table (with Boarding modifiers):

    1 = Fail! (Lost for the remainder of the game)2 = Fail! (Lost for the remainder of the game)3 = H&R (+1 to roll)4 = 2 H&Rs (+1 to rolls)

    5 = Critical (Not H&R)6+ = Slave takers, the boarding party found the enemy ship to be poorly defended and couldn't resistthe opportunity to take enemy crew as slaves. Roll again:

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    Slaves takers (Roll a D6):1-2 = 10Vps

    3-4 = 20Vps

    5-6 = 30Vps (due to loss of crew the ship takes +1 damage (causing a crit on a 6+).

    Boarding Modifiers:

    *Boarding Value is irrelevant since the Impaler is an attack craft and is not involving

    its self in a full-scale boarding action.

    *Blast Markers cancel each other out.+1 if enemy is on special orders+2 if enemy is crippled- 1 if vessel is Chaos or Orks- 2 if Space Marines

    - 3 if Tyranid

    *- 1 if vessel has double boarding value

    To launch the Impaler in the next Dark Eldar ordnance phase you must reload it as

    with other ordnance. An Impaler can only be completely destroyed by a failed attack,

    which would leave it useless by the loss of its crew and so would count as run out

    for that ship only.

    Impalers against Tyranids: As Tyranids are a nightmare to fight in close combat and

    its very unlikely the Dark Eldar will make use of Tyranids as slaves, the Impaler

    cannot take slaves from Tyranid vessels, this is shown by the fact it is impossible to

    get a 6 on the Impaler table in any circumstance against Tyranids as they have a

    combined negative modifier of 4.

    Impalers against Necrons: Obviously Dark Eldar wouldn't take slaves from a Necron

    ship but they could steal valuable technology and resources so the slave taking

    Victory point rules remain the same.

    Attack Craft

    Attack craft ordnance in a Dark Eldar fleet consists of Raptor fighters, Razorwing

    bombers and Slavebringer assault boats.

    Raptor fighters have a speed of 30cm and need a 4+ to remain in play after removingordnance as with Eldar fighters.

    Razorwing bombers have a speed of 20cm and are hit by turrets only on a D6 roll of


    Slavebringer assault boats have a speed of 30cm and are hit by turrets only on a D6

    roll of 6.

    The Dark Eldar receive a +1 on Hit & Run attacks but may forgo rolling on the Hit &

    Run Critical Hit table in return for +10 Victory points. This reflects the desire of theDark Eldar for captives, often when to do so is tactically foolish.

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    Dark Eldar ships suffer a critical hit on the D6 score of a 4+ just like Eldar. When a

    Dark Eldar ship suffers a critical hit, roll 2D6 on the Dark Eldar Critical Hits table,

    rather than the normal Critical Hits table.

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    2D6 Extra



    2 +0 Mimic Engine Implosion. The Vessels appearance

    flickers and warps into many illusions of classes of

    ships of different races. The ship may not go on anyspecial order (except Brace for Impact) until the

    damage is repaired but gives the +1 Ld to the enemy

    fleet as it counts as being on a special order.

    3 +0 Keel Armament Damaged. The ships Keel

    armament (not its weapons batteries or Launch bays)

    are damaged and may not fire until it has been

    4 +0 Prow Armament Damaged. The vessels integral

    eapons batteries (or Launch bays) are damaged andmay not be fired until repaired.

    5 +0 Turning Fins Dented. The ships sleek shape is

    distorted by the damage, reducing its

    manoeuvrability. Until the damage is repaired, the

    ship may only make turns of up to 45o.

    6 +1 Engines Damaged. The ships speed is reduced by

    10cm until the damage is repaired.

    7 +0 Superstructure Damaged. Roll a dice every time the

    ship attempts to go on to special orders. On a score

    of a 1 the ship suffers 1 additional damage point.

    This damage cannot be repaired while on special


    8 +1 Manoeuvring Systems Damaged. The ships steering

    fins, turning thrusters and manoeuvring sensors are

    damaged. The ship must pass a Command check in

    order to come to new heading until the damage can

    be repaired.

    9 +0 Commanders Slain. A number of the ships

    commanders are killed in the explosions, reducing

    the ships leadership by -3. This damage may not be

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    10 +0 Shadowfield Generator Destroyed. The ships

    Shadowfields cease to work reducing the ships

    armour value to 4+. This damage may not be

    11 +D3 Hull Breach. A huge gash is torn in the ships hull,

    causing much damage.

    12 +D6 Bulkhead Collapse. Substantial portions of the ship

    buckle under the strain of increasing damage. If

    youre lucky, enough of the ship will hold together

    at least a while longer.