Dark ages PowerPoint By Annly Perez

The dreary, dark days of feudalism in the Dark Ages 500 A.D. 1000 A.D. Feudalism in the Dark Ages


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Transcript of Dark ages PowerPoint By Annly Perez

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The dreary, dark days of feudalism in the Dark Ages

500 A.D. – 1000 A.D.

Feudalism in the Dark Ages

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A definition of feudalism:

• Feudalism was a way of life based upon the ownership and the use of a piece of land. This system of the Middle Ages (Dark Ages) concentrated on the fief – a piece of land that is owned by one man who allowed another person to use it and to have in return certain promised services or duties.

What is Feudalism?

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• Charles Martel: Charles Martel was a Mayor of the Palace. Mayors of the Palace take over the duties of the king. He was one of the most famous of the Mayors of the Palace.

• Pepin: Pepin, or Pepin the Short, became, after his father’s death, Mayor of the Palace in 741 A.D. He believed that he should be king, and he wanted to say that God wanted him to be king. He had success with this theory, when the pope claimed that God wanted Pepin to be king.

• Charlemagne: The son of Pepin, born with the name Charles, commanded respect and “looked” the part of a king. His many accomplishments earned him the name Charlemagne, French for “Charles the Great”. By the year 800 A.D., Charlemagne ruled the largest area in the West since the Roman emperors of 300 A.D., and eventually became the emperor of Rome in late 300 A.D.

• Louis the Pious: Louis, Charlemagne’s son, is remembered in history as “the Pious”, because of the role the priests in his childhood and upbringing. Through most of his reign, his sons fought civil wars over how the empire should be divided among them.

Rulers of the Dark Ages

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Structure of the KingdomKing/Queen




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The Power Structure of a Kingdom






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Coat of Arms



Motto Design


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Castle life in the medieval times was not pretty. Castles mainly had small windows for protection, and that made conditions inside wet, damp, and dark. Not many people lived in these castles. It was a harbor for disease. Only people important to the king lived in these castles for a short amount of time. It wasn’t like the airy, open castles in fairy tales. They were solely for protection during times of war.

Castle Life

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Mission Introduction:

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My plane landed at 8:00 the next day in Athens, Greece. I had no idea where I was going to go, but I had a desire to eat something. I went inside a breakfast restaurant (or at least I hope, considering Greek is not my best language, even though Ispeak about 20 languages). It was a pastry/breakfast bar. That was good. I saw Galaktoboureko, a sweet Greek dessert. I saw Kourabiedes, another Greek dessert. What do Greeks have for breakfast? I wondered randomly. I finally asked someone. Almond Sweets, Moustokouloura, and other stuff. I chose Moustokouloura with sesame seeds. When I had paid for everything, I noticed a man staring at me from across the “café”. I recognized him, but from where, I didn’t know. I sat down at a table. I thought about who it was for about a minute. Then it hit me! Agent X! We had met when the agency accepted him as an ally. I had to exterminate him, and fast. I looked at my table. There was a note on it. I looked to where Agent X was sitting. He wasgone! I took the envelope and opened it up. “Dear Agent Annly, We meet again. I hope you decide that I am just a friend, not your foe. You will never know the location of the most powerful weapon on earth. Get out of this mission, or you will regret it…painfully. – Agent X” … I quickly ate my breakfast and ran outside to see if he was still there. The sidewalk was empty. I called for a cab to take me to the airport. Time for my next location. Agent X – 1. Agent Annly – 0. That’s how the scoreboard stands… so far.

Location 1:Athens, Greece

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Location 2: Gothenburg, Sweden

My mission is getting dangerous. My boss called me again to warn me that Agent X was not kidding when he said to back out of the mission. But I persisted that I was going to defeat him. I am now in the 2nd biggest city in Sweden. Gothenburg, Sweden. The Swedish language is the most easiest for me to learn and speak. I walked to a park in Gothenburg. There were not many people there. I saw a man in a black cloak watching me near a streetlamp. I had no trouble identifying him right away. I lunged for him, but he ducked and jumped away. He held out a knife, twisting the blade for the light to catch it. I kicked him in the gut, but he didn’t react. He lunged for me this time, and I almost got nicked but the knife. I yelped and reached behind my back for the dagger I carry, but it wasn’t there. Agent X took advantage of my distraction and ran away, screaming, “You’ll never find me! Never! NEVA!!!!!”… As I stood there bleeding from a wound I never even felt him inflict. I needed to defeat him… And fast.

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With my wounds bandaged tightly, I grabbed my bag and headed for the rental car. I had landed in Dublin, Ireland, but my map indicated that I needed to go to the second largest city in Ireland. Belfast. I drove there and arrived a little after noon. I ate lunch, then started on my mission to go to the location where I would meet Agent Sayoca. Agent Sayoca was a former ally of Agent X, so I want to know everything about this Agent and what she thinks of Agent X….

5 Hours Later…

Agent X is hiding something. And it’s up to me to figure out what it is. Ireland, it’s time to leave. See ya in my next location: Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Location 3: Belfast, Ireland

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Who knew it could be so super cold in Russia?! No one here seems to know any English, but luckily I knew just enough Russian to survive. That, and my winter coat. The information I received from Agent Sayoca brought me here, to Saint Petersburg, Russia, where I will find the next step to my journey. Agent X is hiding something, and I have to find out what it is, but I can’t do it alone. Here is the location of another Agent that might help me. Agent Sayoca can’t help me because she is still faking alliance with Agent X, but has already rebelled. I need more Agents to ally with me. I am at the door of another Agent. Agent Jellicasi. Agents sometimes have weird names, but since I am a very good Agent, I am allowed to keep my real name. Sometimes it comes in handy when people know who I am… But when I need to be super-secret, sometimes it is difficult. Agent Jellicasi is very nice. She gave me some stronger gloves against the cold.

Final Word: Agent Jellicasi knows where the most dangerous weapon in the world is kept. In Malaysia or Buenos Aires, Argentina. But she advices me to go to Nairobi, Kenya, first. She is going to meet me in Malaysia. What is in Nairobi, Kenya? The headquarters of Agent X. If I can get there faster than Agent X and get the files to find the exact location of the weapon, I can exterminate him in the next week. Today I received another letter: “Dear Agent Annly, I can see that you did not heed my words in Greece. I hope you are recovering from your wounds I inflicted in Sweden. There is a traitor among you. Watch your step: There is danger everywhere. – Agent X.” I ripped it up, and threw in the fire in Agent Jellicasi’s house. It’s time to move. I have to get to Nairobi, Kenya, as fast as I can.

Five hours later: I am on a plane to Nairobi, Kenya, to get to the headquarters of Agent X. According to Agent Jellicasi, there are two parts to the weapon. I will have to fight to the death to get these two weapons.

Location 4: Saint Petersburg, Russia

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In Nairobi, I found Agent X’s headquarters. I have killed two men already. I am just about to his main office. I just killed another man. I bust open the lock. He’s not there. I quickly grab the correct files and head out. I see him outside, yelling. I run. I kill another man. I run out of the building to my helicopter and jump in. I fly away as fast as I can, with Agent X yelling and screaming below me. I’m going to Malaysia now.

Location 5: Nairobi, Kenya

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I have met Agent Jellicasi. She told me the exact location, from the maps, was on a island in Malaysia, and another was in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in a casino. I head off to the island. When I arrive, I stop. It was a trap! Agent X and Agent Jellicasi and Agent Sayoca all are there, huddled in a circle. Agent X clears his throat, and looks at me.

“Well, well, Agent Annly, it seems you have stepped right into a trap. Well, we’ll exterminate you soon enough, eh?” He laughed, then stepped aside. Ten enormous guards stepped out of the jungle.

“You have to get through us to get to him!” They all yelled.

I have a long day.

I am bruised and bloodied. I have almost killed all of the guards. I have two or three to go. There. One killed, two to go. Another killed. One left. This one is slightly less bigger than the others. I finish him off quickly. I run to where our helicopter last was. It is still there. I quickly check the gas. Half -full. I can stop in Madagascar to get gas. I am headed for Argentina, hopefully faster than the Agent X trio. I snort. Time to get going.

Location 6:Malaysia

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In Buenos Aires, I find the casino before the Agent X trio, and get inside. I get the second piece of the weapon just as Agent X and the others come in.

“Weeeeeeeeellll. You have outdone yourself. I am impressed. But now you have to defeat me and the others to get the weapon!” Agent X said.

Five hours later: I have only Agent X to defeat. The weapon is glowing. I know I have only a little time left. I need to exterminate him, but how?

Location 7: Buenos Aires, Argentina

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My skills tell me to get him from behind: A quick blade through the back into the heart and back. I advance, then he gets distracted, and I finally exterminate him. It is over. The fight is over. Buzz, buzz. I flip open my phone. Of course, it’s the boss.

“Great job, Agent Annly! We’ll have your reward when you get back here. Anyways, are you ready for your next mission?”

• “Um, maybe after I get washed up and get a full night’s rest of sleep!”

The End – Finally!

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Images: Google images

Info on food and languages: Google Search

By: Annly – 7th grade