Dangers to the environment


Transcript of Dangers to the environment

Page 1: Dangers to the environment


Page 2: Dangers to the environment

10 tips for learning success In this unit you will:

1. Do activities that develop thinking skills. 2. Read authentic texts in English. 3. Use different strategies to help you understand text information. 4. Share information to help you and others understand text knowledges better. 5. Demonstrate explicit, implicit and referential understanding of the texts. 6. Work collaboratively in pairs or groups. 7. Reflect on your own learning. 8. Assess your own work and that of others 9. Work in a safe learning environment. 10. Learn autonomously.

Page 3: Dangers to the environment
Page 4: Dangers to the environment

Explicit questions:

• Which human activities can be dangerous for the environment?

• What’s pollution?

• What’s the greenhouse effect?

• What’s the global warming? Implicit questions:

• What things do we use every day that produce carbon dioxide?

• What’s happen if heat can not get out from the atmosphere?

• What would happen if food chains be broken? Reflective/ Evaluative questions:

• Do you think it is important make people aware of the importance of preserve the environment? Why?

• Think and write a slogan to make people aware of the importance of preserve the


Ex: Be cool = Love nature!!!!

• Write a mind map about dangers to the environment. Revision

Work in pairs. Are the sentences from the text dangers to the environment true or false?

• People and environment affect each other. • Agriculture, construction and hunting aren’t harmful to the environment. • Contamination of air and soil causes pollution. • Rivers and oceans can be polluted by combustion of oil or coal. • The combustion of fossil fuels helps to stop the Earth’s temperature from increasing. • When heat cannot escape from the atmosphere we are talking about the green house

effect. • Pollution on the Earth can cause some species to be in danger of extinction.

Page 5: Dangers to the environment


Work in pairs and complete the sentences using the text about dangers to the environment. We think…

• People can affect the environment because…

• The pollution on our planet can be cause for several reasons like…

• We need carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to…

• We need heat if we want to…

• The greenhouse effect is produced when…

• When the Earth’s temperature is increasing it can produce ……………………..…………………. because………………………………

• That some species be in danger of extinction is caused by...

• If all food chains be broken human beings will be ….

1. First we are going to see a video: Together we can make a difference!


2. In pairs and using the information you have seen and heard from the video and the list of words below complete the text.

Hang - bags- climate- twenty- working together- fifty- wind- books- electrical- food- leftover- compost- paper- cans- plant a tree- grow- to dry- jars- ítems- energy- solar.

3. Finally we are going to see the video again and you can check your answers. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ……………………………. changes produce by hurricaines,floods and droughts could destroy our planet.In ……………………….. years our planet would be under ………………………. centimetres of water. We can prevent this………………………………………………………………….. . ………………………. Panels,

Page 6: Dangers to the environment

……………………….. farms and underwater turbines are used to produce renewable ………………………….. . These resources can be used again and again. There are lot of things to do!!! Things that you and your family can do!!! You can reduce the amount of waste to produce, recycle many …………………………. In your home as example ……………………….., …………………………, …………………………., ……………………………. goods and ………………………… . You can …………………………………………………. In the garden, make…………………………………. with your ………………………………. food and ……………………… new food, reuse ……………………, bottles, …………… and when the weather is nice ………………………. your clothes out ……………... ………………

Page 7: Dangers to the environment

Name and surname:__________________________ Date:____________ Topic (What is the experiment about?): PROBLEM TO SOLVE OR EXPERIMENT (What we want to notice?) We want to solve________________________________________ MATERIAL: - - - - - - - - - HYPOTHESIS (what do you think is going to solve the problem?) My hyphothesis is _____________________________________ PROCEDURE (steps to follow) Steps Picture 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.-

1.- 2.- 3.- 4.-


Page 8: Dangers to the environment


• Starts work immediately and concentrates on task.

• Contributes to conversations with your partner.

• Prepares quality work. • Cooperates with your partner. • Helps your partner. • Finishes your work on time.

Always ----------

Almost always ------------

Mostly -----------

Sometimes -------------

Occasinally ----------------

Page 9: Dangers to the environment

FINAL PROJECT Pollution and global warming can cause species to become extinct. Today many species are endangered. Here you can see a list of animals endangered. Giraffe. Lion. Polar bear. Siberian tiger. Killer whale Great White shark. 1. In groups of four you must research and create a short Power Point presentation about one of the animals from the list. We are going to hold a raffle to give an animal to each group. 2.Use the next web page to find out information about your animal. http://www.animalfactguide.com/animal-facts/great-white-shark/ 3.Look for the information and create your presentation following next advices:

• Place where your animal live. • Three interesting facts about your animal. • Why this animal is endangered? • What can people do to help it? • Add photos to illustrate or exemplify your presentation.

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• Start work immediately and concentrate on task. • Contribute to conversations with the members of the group. • Prepare quality work. • Cooperate with the group. • Help the members of the group. • Finish your work on time.

Always -----------

Almost always ------------

Mostly -----------

Sometimes --------------

Occasinally --------------


5 points • The group is well prepared and organised. • Confident speaking without reading. • Interesting content explained so the children can understand. • Impressive Power Point without to much text and good exemplified by images.

4 points • The group is prepared and organised.

• Mostly confident and clear speaking. • Members might read so the children can’t understand so well. • Very good Power Point and good exemplified by images but they might have so much text to read on the slides.

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3 points • The Power Point is well.

• Speaking Ok but they need more preparation/ practice. • Interesting content but the children have problems to understand

2 points • Presentation not finished and speaking unprepared. 1-0 points • Insufficient work.

SELF-ASSESSMENT At the end of this unit I can…

Objectives. So well Well OK Read a text about “Dangers to the environment” to answer implicit and explicit questions.

Communicate key points from my reading text to other peers. Understand the video “ Together we can make a difference” to complet a text. Work with my group to créate a Power Point presentation. Speak to the class to explain my part of the presentation. Evaluate my group and my peer’s groups identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Be honest about my learning, strengths and areas for improvement

Page 12: Dangers to the environment

In this unit you have learnt…

o Do activities that develop thinking skills. o Read authentic texts in English. o Use different strategies to help you understand text information. o Share information to help you and others understand text knowledges better. o Demonstrate explicit, implicit and referential understanding of the texts. o Work collaboratively in pairs or groups. o Reflect on your own learning. o Assess your own work and that of others o Work in a safe learning environment. o Learn autonomously.