Nurturing arts professionals Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365 DANDARE ARTS DEVELOPMENT TRUST It’s a private administration which fights for disability rights, stigmatization and does community development projects, through development, guiding and promoting all forms of arts to the less- privileged and mainly those with disabilities. It welcomes participants and members of all ethnicities, culture, creed race and faith Relevant aspects of mission/corporate strategy or plan/objectives Encouragement, support and empowerment for individuals and groups to achieve collective goals. To foster trust between individuals and groups through training in common sense, ethical conduct and using The Way To Happiness, Drug-free World To promote the business of visual arts, performing arts, literature and science. To help training of actors/actresses, models, musicians, dancers, writers, cultural practitioners and other related technical personnel and to promote public and private entertainment, recreation and to construct, acquire, manage and provide suitable accommodation thereof. Providing for grants, scholarships, fellowships and other forms of financial assistance to deserving youths for pursuing education, vocational training, and skills development etc. in the field of arts industry. Granting of financial assistance to any educational institution for granting scholarships, prizes, medals, awards for excellence in studies, research, and distribution of books to deserving youths pursuing entertainment related studies. Providing financial and/or material assistance to the disabled youths directly and through other institutions. Providing for or contributing to education and scientific research and development in arts industry. The Trust will not carry out any activities with the intention of earning profit and will perform with service motive only. Networking with mind like organizations, nationally, regionally, and internationally in fighting disability rights and promoting democratization of arts. Working with relevant government departments and other social structures in implementing the objects of a trust including schools, churches, community leaders (chiefs and headmen). Continual enhancement and improvement of services for disabled people is a priority and work on equality and inclusivity is a primary focus. Valuing external partnerships and collaborations that enrich the society and the wider community Associated.



Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365


It’s a private administration which fights for disability rights, stigmatization and does community

development projects, through development, guiding and promoting all forms of arts to the less-

privileged and mainly those with disabilities.

It welcomes participants and members of all ethnicities, culture, creed race and faith

Relevant aspects of mission/corporate strategy or plan/objectives Encouragement, support and empowerment for individuals and groups to achieve collective


To foster trust between individuals and groups through training in common sense, ethical

conduct and using The Way To Happiness, Drug-free World

To promote the business of visual arts, performing arts, literature and science.

To help training of actors/actresses, models, musicians, dancers, writers, cultural practitioners

and other related technical personnel and to promote public and private entertainment,

recreation and to construct, acquire, manage and provide suitable accommodation thereof.

Providing for grants, scholarships, fellowships and other forms of financial assistance to

deserving youths for pursuing education, vocational training, and skills development etc. in the

field of arts industry.

Granting of financial assistance to any educational institution for granting scholarships, prizes,

medals, awards for excellence in studies, research, and distribution of books to deserving youths

pursuing entertainment related studies.

Providing financial and/or material assistance to the disabled youths directly and through other


Providing for or contributing to education and scientific research and development in arts


The Trust will not carry out any activities with the intention of earning profit and will perform

with service motive only.

Networking with mind like organizations, nationally, regionally, and internationally in

fighting disability rights and promoting democratization of arts.

Working with relevant government departments and other social structures in

implementing the objects of a trust including schools, churches, community leaders

(chiefs and headmen).

Continual enhancement and improvement of services for disabled people is a priority

and work on equality and inclusivity is a primary focus.

Valuing external partnerships and collaborations that enrich the society and the wider community Associated.


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365

Organizational functions

Organizational functions targets

Governance and management

Society and widening participation office


Induction and other publicity events

Reason for choosing these areas These were chosen to involve a wide range of staff, disabled students

and service areas across the institution, incorporating both practical service areas and research activity.

Governance and management: Report on actions required following consultation with students and


Society and widening participation office: Train and support a new group of disability’ representatives

to fulfil their role in increasing the involvement of their peers

Estates: Work with the results of society’s feedback to plan improvements to buildings and facilities

Induction and other publicity events: Give presentation opportunities to existing disability ambassadors

about their experiences which help to raise awareness of the services available.


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365

These are some of the ministries we will engage to:

Ministry of health as we are going to work with youths with certain disorders, physically and mentally.

And be able to channel free health care for those who are in need of medical attention whether they are

HIV+ or suffering from TB or suffering from cancers or other diseases which require medical treatment.

Under this very ministry we are going to engage medical aid societies and funeral aid societies in the

event that our prime target lost a loved one or he/she died we will need funeral aid to cover up that as

well as, in the event that he/she has been admitted in the hospital.

Ministry of Women Affairs we aim to elevate the girl child in the arts industry, our study reviles that

many disabled girls are exposed to unwanted pregnancies or drug abuse due to lack of guidance and

proper living standards. And the empowerment of women through arts.

Ministry of Youth since our main target to promote the youths and empowering them.

Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education we are going to operate mostly in primary schools and

high schools because that’s where youths are being misled and that’s where real talent is tested. We will

channel them to choose the right career. And try by all means to prevent drug abuse, stigmatization and

hatred within the society.

Ministry of Tertiary Education There is a significant number of youths with talent that fall under this

ministry and hence it is an essential part of our program. Very few youths got a chance to be exposed to

their relatively industry. Our role is to make those youths or students from higher education to market

themselves and get known within the industry. And we will engage colleges to participate in our outdoor

campaigns and awareness.

Ministry of social work as we will engage on social activities to build a safe community.

Ministry of information and publicity we will need information on relevant issues pertaining the

regulatory of the nation so that we will not do what’s not required by our national constitution, law and

as to obtain information which will not lead us into political affairs. And to publicize our organization


Ministry of media and communication we will have to broadcast our activities, projects and

achievements freely without fear of being tarnished by our competitors. We will engage newspapers,

magazines, radios stations and tv stations in fight for stigmatization, or spreading the message and

fulfilling our mission to be heard


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365

Drive behind the formation of Dandare Arts Development Trust

A survey showed that most people fail in life because they lack proper guidance and are forced to do

what they never dreamt of doing. In the end we found those people not happy, living a life they never

wished to, exposed to dangers be it drugs, human trafficking, kidnapping, terrorism, unwanted

pregnancies, family disputes, squatter camps, thieves etc.

The most affected people are youths from less-privileged communities and mainly those with

disabilities. Without education life seemed to be unbearable for some of the youths, so my move was to

proof them wrong and make them have a happier life with/without education. Before anything I have to

figure out the root cause of all this drama revolving within the societies, the bible proved it. We need

love as a solution to end all this misery. So the move was to make people happy so that they will

love….”how?” was I going to make people love each other? People can only be happy if they do what

they really want in life (passion) without someone let them down. I discovered that the only way to be

happy is to express what you feel inside and make it your career. Only in arts that’s where people can

express their feelings freely whether visual art, performing art, literature or science.

As someone who is multi-talented, I decided to use my poetry to spread the message about love,

fighting stigmatization between privileged and less-privileged. This couldn’t do enough as the message

was only read by the privileged ones so it couldn’t make an impact.

Then I founded this organization on 18 March 2014 with help from Kirkpatrick Chidamba and Samson

Mdzingwa. Using our own strength in arts, we decided to gather several youths from different

backbones to help us to put up with this program. From our study we manage to have a strategic

approach to the engagement of people with disabilities and less privileged ones. We managed to get

experience of identifying and implementing effective mechanisms to further the involvement of less

privileged and disability ones across a range of social departments and services as well as offering

practical ideas and information for other societies wishing to advance their work in this area.

The studies show that successfully engagement of people with disability depends less on the particular

method chosen and more on the provision of a range of methods, with consideration given to the

context and implementation of these methods. Consequently it is necessary to use a variety of methods

and consider a number of contextual factors, such as accessibility, location and timing, to maximize

society participation. Through the experience we learnt that we need to consider the cultural, strategic

and individual dimensions of approach to enable the successful engagement of the society. Our strategic

approach embeds the agenda and engages staff to develop inclusive and reflective practices to ensure

society engagement becomes a joint responsibility and a key driver for cultural change.


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365


About Dandare Arts Development Trust

The Dandare Arts Development Trust is founded on the conviction that people of all faiths can, and

must, work together — across boundaries of religious institutions and spiritual practices — to improve

the lives and well-being of all youths. Dandare calls upon the thousands of faith communities to put

their faith in action and bring their compassion and commitment to the fight against social inequities

that threaten our youth’s ability to realize their potential. Dandare has created a comprehensive, action-

oriented, results approach to advocacy. Through its projects, Dandare focuses on eight work areas that

affect the well-being of all youths: Poverty, Education, Health Care, Juvenile Justice, Child Care/Child

Protection, Parental Nurture, Child Advocacy (Public Policy) and Immigration. Out of these work areas,

Dandare advocates on behalf of Zimbabwe’s youths at the services level and at the policy level by

engaging faith communities in servicing the needs of youths.

How we are going to continue this work and ensure the sustainability

of the interventions/developments implemented

Continue to function as a working group and lead on change culture

Put key learning outcomes into a long-term strategy

Invite other key functional areas that did not contribute to the current project to join the

working group (eg library and computing)

Use the project as a template and mirror successes in other equality and diversity areas (eg the

race equality group)

Run a follow-up event to feedback the outcome of the project to disabled youths

Embed participation and look at long-term objectives

Run workshops to consult on other key areas of concern not addressed by the initial project

Explore mechanisms for the dissemination of project outcomes across the sector

Set up a website (all social-media platforms) to further disseminate information to students and

staff key


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365


Youth empowerment


To ensure a just, accessible and inclusive community in which rights, citizenship, contribution and

potential of youths from less privileged community and those with disabilities are respected and

celebrated through arts


1. Access and participation

Goal 1: Improve physical access to arts organizations and cultural facilities for youths with a disability.

Goal 2: Information on access to arts and cultural facilities is widely available and in a variety of

accessible formats.

Goal 3: Youths have access to quality arts and cultural experiences.

Goal 4: Promote the value of participation in creative activities and encourage the involvement of

youths with a disability in arts and culture.

2. Arts and cultural practice

Goal 1: Improve access to arts and cultural funding programs and processes for youths.

Goal 2: Increase opportunities for the presentation of work by artists.

Goal 3: Artists and arts/cultural workers with a disability have greater access to mentoring and

professional development opportunities.

Goal 4: Strengthen pathways into the creative sector and employment opportunities for artists and

arts/cultural workers with a disability.

3. Audience development

Goal 1: Raise the profile of artists (youths) with a disability and disability arts in the community to

increase opportunities for audiences to experience work by artists with a disability.

4. Strategic development

Goal 1: The needs and aspirations of youths with a disability are addressed in arts and cultural policy

and program development and the impact of policies and programs on people with a disability is



Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365

Core Values

People First

We believe that all youths from less privileged communities and mainly those with disabilities

are defined by their own strengths, abilities and inherent value, not by their disability.


We believe that youths from less privileged communities and mainly those with disabilities are

entitled to the respect, dignity, equality, safety, and security accorded to other members of

society, and are equal before the law.


We believe that youths from less privileged communities and mainly those with disabilities

belong in the community and have fundamental moral, civil and constitutional rights to be fully

included and actively participate in all aspects of society.


We believe in self-determination and self-advocacy. Youths from less privileged communities

and mainly those with disabilities with appropriate resources and support, can make decisions

about their own lives and must be heard on issues that affect their well-being.


We believe that society in general and Dandare in particular benefit from the contributions of

people with diverse personal characteristics (including but not limited to race, ethnicity, religion,

age, geographic location, gender and type of disability)


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365

Guiding Principles

Participatory Democracy

We act to ensure that youths from less privileged communities and mainly those with

disabilities, their parents, siblings, family members and other concerned members of the public

have meaningful opportunities to inform and guide the direction of the organization’s advocacy,

including determining policy and positions on important issues. We strive for diversity in its

leadership, as well as in all facets of the work of the organization.

Visionary Leadership

We lead by articulating a positive vision for the future of youths from less privileged

communities and mainly those with disabilities and catalyses public and private support in

realization of that vision through carefully planned and well-executed goals, strategies and


Public Interest

We represent the public interest, supporting and acting with and on behalf of all youths from

less privileged communities and mainly those with disabilities and their families regardless of

the type of disability or membership in Dandare.


We work with individuals, organizations and coalitions in a collaborative fashion. We value and

promote effective partnerships between volunteer and staff leadership at all levels of the


Transparency, Integrity and Excellence

We conducts our business with integrity, accountability, and open, honest and timely

communication. We are committed to quality and excellence in all it does.


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365

Our Work

We are change agents and leaders working to advance all forms of arts in youths from less privileged

community and mainly those with disabilities globally.

We promote the value of disability rights and inclusion globally to people with disabilities

We are the bridge between people with disabilities and the international exchange and international

development sectors

We create opportunities to join other disability leaders in the broader cross- disability and international


We build understanding of how international exchange opportunities and international development

projects can be used to advance arts industry in Zimbabwe.

We are advocates, role models and allies for youth with disabilities.

We provide access to role models of inclusion that illustrate the way forward

We create relationships between disparate groups to create possibilities for partnership and change

We are educators.

We provide leadership training and information services on how to equally and effectively be part of

inclusive international opportunities

We conduct inclusion training and information resources to understand, responsibilities and learn

directly from youths

We organize strategy sharing events on how to increase youths with disabilities participation and

leadership in their international activities and broader social justice movements

We honour the contributions of youths with disabilities to all aspects of society through their

participation in international development and exchange opportunities

We enhance expertise, skills, and advocacy to advance the rights of people with rights of people with


We utilize all forms of print, social media, photography, story-telling and traveling exhibits to be a

catalyst for social change.)


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365

Advocacy strategies

Coalition building

Bridging communities

International exchange and disability

Inclusive education and employment

Training and technical assistance

Capacity building for disability organizations

Inclusive recreation and adaptive sports

Publications and resource development

Developing curriculum and higher education courses on inclusive development


Membership is open to every youth in Zimbabwe.

There shall be no joining fee, and membership if free

Membership application forms shall be availed to all interested parties through the organization’s

administrative staff.

Persons below the age of eighteen (18) shall not be accepted as a member without the written consent

from parent/guardian

A copy of constitution shall be furnished to every approved member

All members are eligible for monthly contributions of certain amount approved by the committee


Participate in all activities by the organization.

Advertise and promote the organization their way

Vote for committees

Apply for any position available in the organization

Only members above eighteen years of age shall be eligible to vote and hold office in the organization


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365


(1) Different fundraising events

(2) Sourcing sponsorship from different organizations and donors











Social media accounts

Facebook funpage ; dandare trust

Twitter ; @DandareTrust

Instagram ; @dandaretrust

Pinterest ; dandaretrust

Skype ; dandaretrust

Gmail ; dandare.trust

Yahoo ; dandare.trust

Linkedin ; dandare trust


Nurturing arts professionals

Website: www.dandare.org.zw Email; [email protected]/[email protected] Cell; +263 772 518 365