
Elizabeth Solayao M16-17:30

Transcript of Dance

Elizabeth SolayaoM16-17:30

Brief History about Dancing

From the beginning of time, sacred movement, song and story have brought people together - at times of seasonal ceremony and celebration, as part of everyday life and life passages, in daily renewal and meditation, etc.

Elements of Dance

• Time, Space and Force

Dance, as with all the arts, has its own language. We need to learn this language in order to fully understand and appreciate the world of Dance.

TIME: The relationship of one movement or part of a movement to another. Includes pulse,

speed (or tempo), duration, rhythm, and phrases.

SPACE: the area of space occupied by the dancer’s body; includes direction, size,

pathways, levels and shapes.FORCE: (energy) degree of muscular tension and

use of energy while moving.

Dancing as an Art

•Dance is a rhythmic and expressive movement of the body in successive movement usually accompanied by music. It has been said to be the mother of the arts, for it’s the oldest of the art which actually reflects man’s age old need to communicate different emotions such as joy, grief, excitement and others. • Dance provides the three components of any well-rounded fitness program: stretch, resistance training and aerobics.• It also combines utilization of the body, mind and spirit. If you are looking for it all,dance is where you can find it.

Styles of Dancing

• Ballet: a classic form of dance growing out of the French nobility. Its root is court dances.

• It is known for its:• standardized dance movements• specialized leaps and lifts• French terminology to describe each standardized

movement• Pointe shoes for women• slippers for men• costumes---tights, tutus