Danaos for Dummies

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Transcript of Danaos for Dummies

  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


    Danaos. How to

    1. How to find the overdue jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 2

    2. How to prepare the Job Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3

    3. How to close and approve the job card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6

    . How to create the re!uisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page "

    #. How to send the re!uisition to the office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 1$

    6. How to use re!uisitions which were prepared before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1$

    %. How to prepare deliver& on board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11

    ". How to update the 'unning Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12

    (. How to prepare the chec) list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12

    How to find the overdue jobs?

    *pen Danaos+ login there+ choose the ,echnical


    ,hen *nboard 'eport - Jobs cheduling -

    *verdue Jobs /0atri. ic 1.

    4 1 4

  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


    elect all in the Crew ,&pes 5ist and clic) to the run report.

    ,hen &ou will screen li)e on the pic 2 with nubers of overdue jobs for each departent. Double clic) on the nuber

    will give &ou list of overdue jobs.

    ic 1

    ic 2

    How to prepare the Job Card?

    *nboard 'eport - Jobs cheduling -Jobs lanning elections. Clic) 7elect

    8ll9 on the list of locations+ choose the

    date in the 8s of Date field and clic) to

    the run report. 8s on the pic 3.

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  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


    ,ip: ;ou can choose the an& future date+ for instance date of the end of &our trip+ to see and plan all jobs till the end of the


    ;ou can also select onl& job for &our departent in the field Crew.Jobs assigned for the Dec) departent < Dec) and af*ff

    Jobs assigned for the =ngine departent < =ngine and Chief =ng.

    ,hen &ou will see picture li)e ic .

    ign of overdue jobic 3


    Highlight desired jobs b& clic) on it /pic # and press prepare report.

    4 3 4

  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


    ic # ign of the critical job+ should be done 88

    >ill up the fields li)e on the pic 6. 'ole? =' *@A 08B@,=@8@C= C'=+ erson? ran) on boards that will carr& this job.

    Clic) o). *n the page which will open &ou can onl& write the Chief=ngineer coents /if an& and then save the Job Card. ill pop4up the

    widow Job Card /ic %

    Tip!In the Job Card field enter the job card number according to Rank onboard as perinstruction job card numbering (12 characters are possible !here"

    RR#$$mmdd (see also belo!RR # is for Rank %nboard(&aster'&R Chief )ng'C) C*%'C% 2nd )ng'2) 2nd %ff '2% )lectrician')+,rd )ng',) -afet$ %fficer'-%.$$mmdd # is for $ear. month / da$ (e0g0 2 3ecember th ' 12

    ic 6

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  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


    o to the *nboard ,opics - Job Cards Epdate /Job lanning election. Clic) on the desired Job Card

    Clic) to 8pprove


    icture above show for &ou opened Job Card. ,he &ellow fieldsare andator& for fill up. ign 7B@ '*'=9 eans

    that the Job Card still open. >or e!uipent with aintenance running hours+ 7running hours9 filed andator& as well.

    8lwa&s tr& to fill up also not andator& fields. rite soe coents if an&. 8fter that+ if &ou are not a chief engineer orchief ate+ clic) to the save. ;ellow !uare will change the color to the hite and Job Card status will changed fro

    7B@ '*'=9 /1 to 7C*05=,=D9 /2 infor head of departent that job done.

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  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies



    *nl& Chief =ngineer and Chief 0ate can 8pprovethe Job Card. 8fter approved the Job Card is closed. 8fter that the

    &ellow s!uare will changed color for green and Job Card will loc)ed. ;ou canFt change it an& ore. lease loo) on thenet picture.


    was ver& short eplanation how to do the jobs fro aintenance progra. 0ore inforation &ou can find in Danaos

    *nboard 0anual page 6 and furtherore.

    How to create the requisition?

    4 % 4

  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


    5ogin to the Danaos. Clic) to the upplies and then @ew 'e!uisition.

    ill appear for with re!uisition properties. Chec) the 7@oral9 or 7Ergent9

    Departent 5ist &ou can find in

    the Danaos anual+ page %#.Double clic) on this sign give for

    &ou soe inforation as well.Clic) to the arrow on 'e!uisitioncode+ and &ou will get re!uisition

    code autoaticall&. lease fill up all

    other fields+ if &ou have inforation.,hen open coents tab. rite

    there short info regarding re!uisition

    and necessar& details on &our point

    of view.Clic) 7*)9. ill appear re!uisition

    for. ee net page.

    4 " 4

  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


    Bf &ou are use the B08 catalogue+ write to the Bte 'ef. Code B08 cat nuber and product description will appear


    Bf the Danaos didnFt find the nuber+ progra will offer &ou to insert @*, Defined ites.

    rite to the product description inforation i.e. if &ou use soe other cataogue+ write thenuber and description. lease ention the catalogue which &ou use in the coents on the

    re!uisition properties page. ee one page above. >or the net line clic) to the Bnsert button.8ter copleete re!uisition+ if &ou are not a Ch.=ng or Ch.*ff press to the 7end for8pproval9+ for Ch.=ng or Ch.*ff press to the 78pprove 'e!uisition9.

    @ot approved re!uisition loo)s li)e below. ,ip: Double clic) here

    will show the coents

    for re!uisition.

    8fter approval green dot here.How to send the requisition to the office?

    4 ( 4

  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


    *nl& Ch.=ng+ Ch.*ff and 0aster has a right to send re!uisition to the office.

    *pen Control panel in the upplies application. >ind the re!uisition. Chec) >ro Date and ,o date and then press 7earch9

    Double clic) on there!uisition nuber will

    open re!uisition status in

    the upper side. 'ightclic) on the re!uisition

    nuber will open theenu with line BnforGend to *ffice. 8fter that field with date will change color fro red to blue.

    ,he final view of re!uisition is below. ,wo fields are blue and green spot.,ip:'e!uisition will appear

    in the offices coputers

    *@5; after data transfer:

    0ore inforation &ou can find in Danaos *nboard 0anual page %3 and furtherore.

    How to use requisitions which were prepared before?

    ith tie &ou have to order sae things as before /food+ consuables. ;ou can use the old re!uisitions to save the tie.>irs open &our old re!uisition for li)e on the pic ". ,hen go to the >ile - ave as and save this file as .tt on &our

    coputer. ,o prepare the new re!uisition using the old one+ open new re!uisition - 8ctions - Bport saved re!uisition /ic

    (. 8fter iport &ou will see &our old re!uisition. ;ou can change it as &ou wish.

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    ic "

    ic (.

    How to prepare delivery on board?

    B canFt do it here+ so please read 7Danaos on board 0anual9 pages (# < 1$2. ,here &ou will find ver& good eplanation how

    to do it.

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  • 8/12/2019 Danaos for Dummies


    How to update the Running Hours?

    ,echnical application - *nboard ,opics - 'unning Hours Bnput.

    Bnsert &ste

    Hours and Date'ead. ,hen press

    Epdate lan.lease: Do it onwee)l& basis in

    unda& evening:

    How to prepare the check list?

    ,he new chec) lists now in progress /2$.$1.2$$(. lease when it will read&+ chec) the 0anual+ page 61.

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