Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Transcript of Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature

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quidquid dicam, cut erit aut now HORACE

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Second Printing, July 1052

Copyright, 1952, by lUnehan & Company, toe*

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Page 11: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature

PREFACENo one can understand English literature unless he knows

something about classical myths, for our writers from the Middle

Ages to the present have used and still use classical myths in

their stories and poems* Handbooks of mythology are nothingnew; but today, when small Latin and less Greek are taught in

our schools and when very few people are able to interpret

references to classical myths from their own knowledge of Homeror Virgil or Ovid, a book of this kind is essential to most readers.

In the last hundred years a number of such books have been

written, but they do not fully meet the needs of a reader of

English literature because they focus on the myths themselves

and pay little or no attention to the symbolic use of the myths in

English literature* Ours is a new kind of handbook designedto answer the questions that the ordinary reader is likely to ask.

The problem, as we see it, is twofold. First, it is necessary to

retell the myths and to retain, as far as is possible in a brief

summary, the elements of individual character and concrete

situation that give them life. These stories have lasted a longtime because they are interesting, and we have tried to keep them

that way.

Any handbook must retell the myths, but we believe that our

arrangement of the material has special advantages. The reader

wants to be able to find without difficulty a particular character

or situation (for example, Procrustes or the stratagem of the

wooden horse) and also to see this character or situation in its

proper context. We have therefore grouped the material around

great figures and great actions (Theseus and the Trojan War,

for example), but we have arranged the book alphabetically

and have provided cross references that make the lesser persons

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and actions in each large myth easy to locate1

. (The mechanics

arc explained in "Mow to Use This Book.") \Ve hope that in

this way we have avoided the shortcomings both oi the meie

dictionary method, which chops the muh into fragments, and ot

the method oi extended narrative, which gives the texture oi

the myth but makes the icaclci search the inde\ loi a panic ului

chaiacter 01 situation.

The second pan oi the pioblem in this soil oi hook is to show

the relation oi the myths to English Hieiaune. \Ve aie as imuh

conceincd with the symbolic value ol the myth in English lima*

ture as we aie with the myth itself. Out aim is in show the

typical ways in which each myth ha.s been used bv KngliMi and

American wntcis We have not, ol course, attempted in collm

all the leferences to classical myths in English literature, nut

have we allowed oin selves to become m\ol\ed with ;uithvopoloj?v.

Had we clone so, our work would fill many volumes and would

not serve the puipose foi which this book is designed.

Since out intention is to leiaie the mvihs to Knglish literature,

our guide in dealing with variant forms of the myths has usually

been English literaiy us-age rather than classical stotv. When a

myth has variant forms, we aie apt to give the versions used by

English and American writers and to ignore the other versions.

All the material in this book belongs to Creek, Roman, Knghsh,and American writers. But we have paitiruiar debts to u< knowl-

edge. Professor Charles Crosvenor Osgood in our happy ;tssn<ia

tion with him, Km as his students and then as his friends, 1mdisappointed us only by not writing this book himself. He has

read our manuscript and offered many helpful Miggestiom, andhe has contributed a distinguished imrodurtoiy ev;y on the

values of Greek myth to later writer*. We have made use ol his

Classical Mythology of Milton's Rn%li\h /^<"///,v and of a similar

work prepared under his direction, Henry Cibbons LotHj*etch\Classical Mythology in the Poetry of Edmund SpMMr, Anotiwr


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scholar to whom we are obligated is Professor Douglas Bush,

whose Mythology and the Renaissance Tradition in English

Poetry and Mythology and the Romantic Tradition in English

Poetry have been our constant companions. If he glances throughthis book, he will recognize many of his own ideas. His work,

however, is intended for scholars; without his two volumes our

job would have been more difficult, but we think that for the

common reader our book in the hand is worth two of the Bush.

We owe something to earlier handbooks, but with handbooks

one never knows where obligations begin. The writers of a hand-

book may be indebted to another handbook in the vulgar sense

that they have copied whatever it says, but they may also be

indebted to other handbooks in the field in a way that is complexand puzzling. Everyone who has examined a number of handbooks

on any subject will agree that, no matter whose names appear on

the title pages, most of the books seem to have been written by the

same gray inexorable force, a force smaller than any individual

author and quite inhuman. We have sacrificed hecatombs to this

anonymous force in the hope of escaping its influence.

Our special thanks are due to Professor James S. Constantine,

who has generously given us the benefit of his knowledge of

Greek and Roman literature. He has read the book in manu-

script and in proof, and has saved us from many errors and

suggested many improvements. He also has advised us on the

appropriate forms of classical names. The key to pronunciationand the pronunciations themselves are the work of Professor

Archibald A* Hill, whose skill in linguistics is widely known and

whose kindness we gratefully acknowledge,

We are thankful to Professor John Canaday for drawing the

handsome map that appears as the end papers of the book. Our

late colleague Professor Walter Montgomery and Mr. Jack

Dalton have assisted us with encouragement and good advice.

To Professor WHlard Thorp we are indebted for his authorita-


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tive article on Priupus, the only article in the book that is not

our own work. Finally, we owe a debt* both culinary and

schohuh, to Kathryn Noiton, who has feel us iu our labors and

checked otu woik lor us.

Siiue we do homage to the Muses and the Graces in this book,

it is sad to observe how often they deserted us while we were

writing. And we try not to think xvhat our natural talent for

error may have done with the almost unlimited opportunity for

error offered by our subject matter. At one point we hoped that

we might not be banished from the republic of letters for telling

lies about the gods. Hut later we reali/ed that this was only half

of our dilemma. It was a mortal-- a native oi Athens - who wished

to punish men for telling lies about the g<xls, but the gods them-

selves sometimes punish men for telling the truth about them (sec


a s. N.


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe numerous quotations Irom English and American poets

and prose writers are all from standard editions. A complete list

seems unnecessary, but we wish to thank the editors and pub-

lishers of the numerous editions for which permission to reprint

is not required, and we are grateful to the iollowing publishers

and editors for permissions to reprint: to Cambridge University

Press, for excerpts from Abraham Cowley (in The English Writ-

ings, ed. A. R. Waller) and from Giles Fletcher (in Poetical

Woiks of Giles and Phmeas Fletcher, ed. F. S. Boas); to the

Clarendon Press, for excerpts from Herrick (in Poetical Works,

ed. F. W. Moorman), from Keats (in Poetical Works, ed. H. W.

Garrod), from Lovelace (in The Poems, ed C. H. Wilkinson),

and from Marvell (in The Poems and Letters, ed. H. M. Mar-

golioiuh), and for the sonnet by Thomas Resell, "Suppos'd to

B<* Written on Lenmos," in The Oxford Book of Eighteenth

Century f'rrse, ed, D. N. Smith); to Columbia University Press,

for excerpts from Milton (in The Works, ed. F. A, Patterson and

others); to Ginn and Company, for excerpts from Shakespeare

(The Complete Wor.ks, ed. G. JL Khtredge); to HoughtonMiffiin Company, for excerpts from Byron (in The Complete

Poetical Works, ed. P. E, More), from Chaucer (in The Complete

Works* ed. F. N. Robinson), and from Wordsworth (in The

Complete Poetical Works, ed. A. J, George); to the Johns Hop-kins Press, for excerpts from Spenser (in The Works, a Variorum

Edition, ed Edwin Greenlaw, C. G, Osgood, F. M* Padelford,

Ray Heffner, and others); to The Macmillan Company, for ex-

cerpts from Tennyson (in The Works, ed. Hallam, Lord Tenny-

son); and to The Ronald Press Company, for excerpts from Pope

(in The Rest of Pope, rev. ecL, ed. George Sherburn, copyright

1939 by The Ronald Press Company).


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How to Use This Book xiii

Key to Pion initiation xv

(tuvk Myth and the Pods, an introduction

by Chinlcs Gtosvcnoi Osgood 1

The Myths 13

Genealogical Tables

The Royal House of Athens 80

The House of Aliens 8(5

The Families ol Odysseus, Penelope, and Helen of Troy 247

The Family ol Perseus and Heracles 294

Cods, N'ymphs, and Monsters of the Seas J520

The Royal Family of Thebes 350

The* Royal Family of Troy 379

The Family of Peleun, Achilles, ami Aias 380

The Gods ol Olympus 412

Literary References 425

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I/~\\Y/ TV^v II HCrlOW 1 USE

The material is arranged alphabetically, and the titles of the

entries are printed in boldface capital letters-for example,APOLLO* There is a separate entry for each important character

and situation and for some important places and things.

The entries are of two kinds: articles and cross references.

If you look in the A's for Apollo, you will find a long article

under his name. But if you look in the M's for Marpessa, youwill find under her name a brief statement that she "chose for

her lover the mortal Idas instead of the god APOLLO." This

refers you to the article on Apollo. In every cross reference the

title of the article to which you are referred is printed in lightface

capital letters, as the title Apollo is in this example. You can

find the story about Marpcssa quickly by turning to the article

on Apollo and running your eye down the pages until you find

Marpessa's name printed in boldface capital and lower-case

lettenr-Marpem. Except that the common nouns are not capi-

talized, the title of every cross reference appears in this way in

the article to which it refers. Usually a cross reference sends you

to only one article, but occasionally to two or three.

For the god or mortal who has both Greek and Roman names,

we use chiefly the Greek name* Therefore the article on the king

of the gods, for example, is found under the name Zeus. But his

Roman names are also given in the article (it opens "ZEUS (*cJ6s),

or Jupiter, or Jove . */')

and in addition these Roman names

appear in the J's as cross references to the article* In general,

Greek names are used without being identified as Greek, whereas

Page 20: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature

now ro rsE mis BOOK

Rom, ui names air said to be Roman in eithei the aitiYIe 01 the

tioss leieienee 01 both.

'Iheie ate luo obvious evepliom lo the rule that the Greek

name is pi Hen eel we use Roman names in Roman stories (lleia

is Juno in the tale oi \eneas, lor e\ample) and in quotations and

paiapluases iiom I'li^Iish literatim* in which the authots have

used Roman names. One iunhei exception of a diileient

kind is that, in auoidame \vith custom, a lew personages aie

leletml to thielK by then Knglish names, and the unities about

them appeal tmdei the Knglish jathei than the (iieek titles.

The tu tide on the Crates, tor example, wilt be ioumt tuulei

rh.u nameiathe) ;han nndei the name Cllunies.

In its own entiy, each (ireek and Roman name is followed bv

IK pioninjriainm in patentheses lor example, ODISSEI'.S

to-dis'7c>s|, 1 htis th (Jieek name oi this hero is prononwed at

the br^inning ol the 1 artide about him, but \w Roman name,

rUvs<*s, is pifinoim<ed in the I hsses enii\, which is* a rtoss

jrletrntr* f* ihr* ailif le.

I'iniessor \ulnbald A. Hill, who is an expeit in th<*se matters,

has ^uppbed I he Ke\ tf> piowin* iatuw and the pronuni iations

thrinseUr-s, Hr |oins us tit milking the ioHowtn^ stat<*ment,

1 be piomineiarioMs;m* <<r iheuatvenienreoi readers who haxc*

not alieadv d^< uled how tbr\ want ro pionoutue these name^. Tos.i\e i|e, onlv niir putmiiutati'm is t[tve?i for eaih name. Wean 1 well awaie, hovvrvft, that most o) these natttt's ha\e at IVJNI

two u'idclv auepred pionunt iafions, and we hate no feefin;? tb;if

the* ptomitKMtions useil hete au* better than those not u>rd, Wemake oidv one ttaim lot flu* ptothinriations \on will find heie,

they aie all a<c eptabk' and the\ aie all widrK used, l^noie them if

von wish, use them ii \<>u xvish, but never think oi ihnn as what

calls "The ami) oi unalttiable l;uv/f


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Symbol Examplesa pate, pay3. bat, man, can

a arm, pot, paa bath, la?/gh, can't (This symbol represents a sound

that may vary in the Middle West and New Eng-land between the & of bat and the a of arm.)

a, , !, 6, u adjust, silent, perceptible, apron, locust (Thesefive symbols all represent the neutral unstressed

vowel. They usually all sound the same, but they

may vary slightly and unimportantly in different


l<wtsc, lea

$il<mt (The neutral unstressed vowel See a above.)

I height, high

I pm, hit

1 percept/ble (The neutral unstressed vowel See a


6 throat, throw

6 wash (Thin symbol represents a sound that mayvary in different dialects between the a of arm and

the Sot awl)6 mourning (This symbol represents a sound that

varies in different aialects between the 6 o throat

and the 3 of awl)5 awl, law

6 apron (The neutral unstressed vowel See d above.)

oi choice, boytf?> stool, boo

<fa bull, book

<w cowed, cow

u beauty, butte, pew& cut, cud


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u locust (The neutral unstressed vowel. Sec a aix>ve.)

b ftut, a&out, ca&

ch r/Krsc, itchy; eac/J

d day, radio, rcerf

1 philosophy, foot, rough

g #eose, ago. ragh Aonus a/* a

j ;uinp, agent, ed/f<?

k roal, an<s har/c

1 /oaci, a/fow, jK>of

in 7;iean amount^ tram

n no, any, trai

ng sing, si?i^*r, sink

ngg linger

p p*tf apathy, cafr raa?> <*arry^ car

t <ablt% ca/(y, cat

th fArow, <^/u*r,

v wil, ot'cry, stcwc

w win, aayy ya<-!it, ys/ zoo, blascT, day*/h mc9*vurc% rou^r (unless ptonounced with j)

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Many readers or students oi poetry in this latter day undoubt-

edly consider the use ot Greek myth by English poets merely an

annoyance. A poet's rcteienccs to untamihar and rather absurd

tales and persons as il they weie known to every reader may serve

to exhibit his erudition, but they are a hindrance to the lull

enjoyment of his poetry. Either they interrupt the music until

they can get themselves explained, or they are passed over and

discounted as unintelligible. Or so it may seem.

Earlier poets might have rctoitcd rathei obviously that when

they sang, the myths were a matter ot common knowledge,

common to them and to their audiences. Pieseut-day poets, how-

ever, cannot oiler this retort because, lor some unhappy reason,

the knowledge has ceased to be common. The twilight oi the gods

has deepened into almost total darkness.

In the sophisticated Roman days o the Emperoi Tiberius

theie came an Egyptian sailor to Rome \vith a tale that on his

voyage he had heard a strange voice oil the islands ol Paxi calling

on him to proclaim: "The great god Pan is dead!" What ii, in

tins our more sophisticated day, preoccupied as we aic with

stii'mc and maieiial things, great Pan really is (load?

Yet Pan was still alive to the poet Kcuts, who prays to him:

Be them the unimaginable lodge

For solitary thinkings; such as dodge

Conception to the very bourne of heaven,

Then leave the naked brain: be still the leaven

That spreading in this dull and clodded earth

Gives it a touch ethereal a new birth:

Be still a symbol of immensity,

A firmament reflected in a sea;

An element filling the* apace between;

An unknown.

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And even today, though a witty scholar observes that "there is

sufficient evidence that Pan is dead in the almost annual asser-

tions that he is not/'* he still lives in Kenneth Grahame's Dieam

Days, just as Hermes still lives in Housman's The Merry Guide.

Certainly, whether or not we believe the gods are dead, what

we unluckily have come to call "myth," or, worse, "mythology," is

not dead. It can perish only with the human spirit itself, tor we

are all inveterate makers and partakers of myth. We may have ex-

changed the glorious Athene for the Powerful Katrinka, or Zeus

and Hera for Joe and Vi Green, but we must have our mythology.

One bright morning a little boy ran out to play, shouting,

Sun a-calling, Wind a-calling;

Coming, Wmdl Coming, Sun!

Happy young mythmaker, all unconscious of the primitive, per-

ennial instinct that moved him to song! This is what the learned

call animism. It is really myth in its genesis. Who is not at times

beguiled or bewitched or baffled or rebuffed by that form of life

other than ourselves that we call Nature so alluring, so evasive,

so inscrutable? We instinctively try to break down the barrier, or

rend the curtain, by giving her forms like our own anything to

make her more familiar, more friendly, more companionable.

But we are like the clumsy, oafish Cyclops on the beach, pining

in love for the beautiful, milk-white Galatea (sea foam) leaping

and playing beside him. "She flies when thou art wooing her;

when thou woo'st not, she pursues thec/'t

So would we clothe the mystery in human shape in vain hopeof exploring it sun, moon, stars, night, day, storm, sea, moun-

tain, streams, spring, autumn.

*Douglas Bush, Mythology and the Romantic Tradition in English Pottoy

(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937), p. 396.

t Theocritus, Idyll 6.

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Yet other mysteries confront us, too, more intimate and often

more terrifyingthe mysteries concerning life and death, and the

compelling instincts, such as love, hate, greed, hope, despair, and

the sense of justice; and the other mysteries concerning the manyactivities and occupations that spring from these first mysteries

and take possession of us, such as wooing, homemaking, war, arts,

government, and reform. These, too, assume human, even divine,

shape in man's imagination. Hence in time there is an accumula-

tion that we call a mythology; hence Aphrodite, Ares, Athene,

Themis, Prometheus, Orpheus, and Zeus.

All peoples with any trace of civilization have thus tried to

cope with the mysteries of Nature and life, sometimes grossly

and crudely, to be sure. At first local and scattered, the storiesor

the best of them tended to grow and improve and merge with

the growth of a people or nation. Our good old stories are a sur-

vival of the fittest, that is, of the most beautiful and most expres-

sive myths. The poorer stories fade from man's memory.

As children we wanted our favorite stories repeated always

without variation, and this conservative instinct survives in us

all Yet every good storyteller will try to improve his stories every

time he tells them, if only with an added or altered detail, or

tone of voice, or timing here and there. Between these two un-

ceasing contrary forces, conservative and progressive, each surviv-

ing legend has been ground and polished like a bit of quartz in

a glacier until it has emerged in perfectly rounded form. Thus the

story fit to survive loses nought by the telling, except what is not

worth keeping, and through generations of repetition grows

refined and charged with accretions of truth from its conveyors

until it becomes a myth that man does not willingly let die

In this matter of polishing, the Greeks of all peoples have been

the most successful. Greek myth embodies the genius and wisdom

of a most enlightened nation with a vast experience in living-a


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balance oi elements in lile both grave and gay. It is charged with

high literary potentialities that have been expressed in epic,

dramatic, and lyric iorms and that are still capable ot high expres-

sion. Thus the Greeks' endeavor to clothe the mysteries ol Nature

and lile in human lorm and event their mythology has survived

not only the Greeks themselves but all tumults ot civilization to

our own day and has saturated the imagination and poetry oi the

centuries. And it has survived, not primarily because the stones

are beautiiul or quaint or entertaining, but because they impartsome essence of vital truth. Says Milton:

'Tis not vain or iabulous,

(Though so esteem'd by shallow ignorance)What the sage poets taught by the Heavenly Muse,

Storied ol old in high immortal verse,

Ol dne Chimeras and enchanted isles,

And rilted rocks whose entrance leads to Hell,

Foi such theic be, but unbelief is blind.

No doubt in earlier stages oi culture people grew up with a

belie! in the literal truth oi' these stones. How much they realized

of the original truth and the power oi mystery that had first

insphcd the myths, who shall say? But as a nation or people

grows more sophisticated and the old literal bdie fades, intelli-

gent men still discern the original elements o truth and beauty

in the myths and cling to them as vehicles of truths ar more

compelling and acceptable than mere abstract statements. Indeed,

these myths in time become universal symbols.

To the poet, though, whether he is ancient or modern, a mythis not static and fixed. In his mind it takes new root and

blooms again. He keeps up the old practice of mythmaking.

The story of Circe in Spenser's or in Milton's hands, the stories

of Prometheus or Arethtisa in Shelley's, of Endymion in Keats's,

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of Atalanta in Swinburne's, undergo transmutations that to the

old intrinsic truth add new significance distilled in the poet's

genius. The old legend receives new life from his handling.Thus by the very vitality of its inherent truth and beauty the

best of the old lore has survived.

At least it survived until the last hundred years or so. Thenthe mystery that inspired and clothed the old tales evaporatedunder the literal sunlight of science, and in the pride of our new

knowledge we discarded them as mere superstitions and super-

cargo. What part, we ask, can they take in the pursuit of science,

theoretical or applied, in economics, or in the currently fash-

ionable "social" studies?

Oddly enough, this question is not new. It has been asked in

one form or another for hundreds of years. And the answer is

always the same, for there is only one. The old myth, even the

Nature myth, is primarily concerned with human life with those

eternal aspects of it that will elude scientific scrutiny for ever and

baffle us with their mystery. Further, it is concerned with humanlife in a competent way. The perennial issue between youth and

age, between radical and conservative, with all its confusion

of folly and wisdom, of suffering and defeat, of wrong and right

on both sides, is grandly intrinsic in the story of Prometheus.

In Ulysses Tennyson reads the unquenchable and tragic thirst

of the human soul for knowledge, and in Prometheus Shelley sees

the agony of genius confined in a conventional world he sees,

in fact, his own agony. This habit or instinct of a man steeped in

ancient myths to identify his own plight or career with a mythical

instance is not uncommon. Milton, composing in his blindness,

in one of his grandest passages sees in his own fate the common

fate of ancient poets, blind Homer and others more mythical,

and in this sense of community with them he is raised to highest


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nor sometimes forget

Those other two equalled with me in fate,

So were I equalled with them in renown,Blind Thamyris and blind Maeonides,

And Tiresias and Phineus, prophets old.

Then feed on thoughts that voluntary moveHarmonious numbers.

A story that embodies the composite telling by thousands from

generation to generation must gather unto itself a heavy freight

of truth refined from the many minds that it has touched. Thefiction thus becomes not individual, but communal to a group,to a nation, to the entire world; and though it may vary must

vary in its meaning to various poets and listeners, it contains an

essential and constant soul of truth that is common to all whohear or repeat it.

Dr. Johnson defended quotation from classical authors as

making for*

'community of mind/' The phrase applies even more

to Greek myth; for it is a medium, refined and assayed, for the

use of poets in the traffic of their precious merchandise. It helps

to establish, chiefly through poetry and art, not only communityof mind but community of imagination, and in fact communityin the entire spiritual life of man.

Of course earlier poets were well aware of this community with

hearers who had assimilated a knowledge of the old myths almost

with their mothers' milk. Most people appropriated their knowl-

edge of Greek myths from reading Ovid and Virgil in school, but

we who have put away such reading are more or less disqualified

from this community, Hence we need handbooks of mythology.

Yet in all times, even in old Greek days, there must have been a

use and a demand for such handbooks, because they have been

compiled in almost every age, and run, I suspect, into hundreds.

Most of them are dull, but when they are pleasantly indited, a*

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by that master of tales, Boccaccio, or by Hawthorne in his Wonder

Book, or by William Morris in The Earthly Paradise, or in the

present epitome, qualification for the community becomes most


We sometimes speak of a big assignment as a Herculean task

or of a brawny football guard as rearing the shoulders of Atlas.

Hercules and Atlas are familiar superstandards of prowess and

strength, much more telling than mere statistics and physical

measurements; for they at once stir and release the imagination

and carry it back along the course of an age-old human tradition

to a transcendent human being at the other end. Thus Hercules

and Atlas have become communal symbols with an invariable

value. Certain modern poets have tried arbitrarily to establish

their own symbols, valid only in their own verse, but these

symbols, by the very limitations of their newness and individual

origin, prove weak in contrast to the incalculable power of

traditional, communal symbols.

Many are the poets' uses of ancient myth. An obvious one

is the simile. A maiden roves free and fearless in the wild


Such as Diana, by the sandy shore

Of swift Eurotas, or on Cynthus green,

Where all the nymphs have her unwares forlore,

Wandreth alone with bow and arrows keen

To seek her game.

Thus Spenser rounds off a detailed portrait of Belphoebe, cloth-

ing it in the traditional and dateless beauty of the mythical

instance an instance that has gathered beauty from use by

both Homer and Virgil, and, needless to say, also from the in-

imitable music of Spenser himself. Milton, too, added his varia-

tion. Eve

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Like a wood nymph light,

Oread or Dryad, or of Delia's train,

Betook her to the groves, but Delia's self

In gait surpassed and goddess-like deport. . . .

To Pales or Pomona, thus adorned,

Like&t she seemed, Pomona when she fled

Vertumnus, or to Ceres in her prime,Yet virgin of Proserpina from Jove.

Such clustering of allusive and undeveloped similes is charac-

teristic of late Alexandrian poetry. In the overripe, sophisticated

latter days of Greek civilization, when Alexandria had become

the center and clearinghouse of Greek literary culture, the well-

worn but still cherished myths tended to appear in poetry by

allusion, not explicitly, because the reader presumably was

familiar with the story and found a certain pleasure in recog-

nizing it by the allusion. Milton, in the autumn of the Renais-

sance, when the old myths were again a matter of everyday

knowledge for the cultivated reader, practiced this same Alex-

andrian manner of allusion. To us, less familiar with the myths,

such allusiveness is often baffling and unenjoyable. Yet, whether

or not we recognize the myths, any of us with an ear can appre-

ciate Milton's wizardry in turning them to pure poetic delight.

He knew how to weave them into cadences the more enchanting

for -the very mystery of the allusions. Hear this lovely Alexandrian

passage from Comus or, better still, get it by heart, until its

perfect music, mingled with its dim, far-off magic hints of old

legend, rings daily in your ear:

Listen and appear to us

In name of great Oceanus,

By the earth-shaking Neptune's mace,

And Tethys' grave majestic pace,

By hoary Kerens' wrinkled look,

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And the Carpathian wizard's hook,

By scaly Triton's winding shell,

And old sooth-saymg Glaucus' spell,

By Leucothea's lovely hands,

And hei son that rules the strands,

By Thetis' tinsel-slippered teet,

And the songs oi Sirens sweet,

By dead Parthenope's dear tomb,

And tair Ligea's golden comb,

Wherewith she sits on diamond rocks,

Sleeking her soft, alluring locks,

By all the Nymphs that nightly dance

Upon thy streams with wily glance,

Rise, rise, and heave thy rosy head

From thy coral-paven bed ....

It will not so much matter whether you can explain all the

allusions, although the music may haunt you until it drives you

by its very enchantment to look them up But I doubt that you

will enjoy the passage much more for your efforts. In cither case,

you have felt the power of the old myth in the hands of a great

artist; such appreciation is perhaps enough both for you and for

the poet. In this art of enchantment by musical allusion Milton

was the grand master, equaled by none except possibly Virgil;

and he practiced it most of his life, in early poems and in some

of the finest passages of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained.

These, then, are some of the uses oi classic myths to the poet.

They serve lo establish community of mind, of imagination, and

ol life between him and his hearers. In similes they become

sumdurd measures of size, or grace, or beauty, or power, or

heroism* They draw us into closer and more sympathetic relation

with external Nature by humanizing her and thus generating

community o understanding and imagination between poet,


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listener, and Nature herself. Moreover, they also embody the

elements of great moral ideas and values invariable in humanlife. In the story of Dionysus as god of inspiration, ecstasy, and

mysticism, his conflict with the literal myopic common sense of

the human majority is highly significant to any man keenly aware

of unseen impulses. In the fate of the poet Orpheus, who sang so

ravishingly as to draw all Nature after him

Such strains as would have won the ear

Of Pluto to have quite set free

His half-regained Eurydice,

had he not faltered and looked backyet who was torn asunder

by an infuriate and stupid mob that had no ear for music, a

great neglected poet is sure to recognize his own suffering.

What could the Muse herself that Orpheus bore,

The Muse herself for her enchanting son,

Whom universal Nature did lament,

When by the rout that made the hideous roar

His gory visage down the stream was sent,

Down the swift Hebrus to the Lesbian shore*

The struggle of Prometheus for the enlightenment of mankind,

with the static paralysis of things as they are, his sufferings, his

ultimate if partial triumph what is this but a supreme exampleof the course of human progress in all generations? As such it

has been rehearsed by poet after poet, in dramatic, narrative, and

lyric verse.

That so many poets have read into the myths their own stories

suggests another possible origin of the myths in the region

between myth and history called legend. It is a fairly reasonable

view that the myths sprang, not from animism of Nature, but

from actual human instances. Hercules, Samson, Beowulf, notable


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huskies of their time, have become glorified with the heroism

that thrives on tradition. Even our "strong boy of Boston"

within, or in spite of, two generations of science and enlighten-

ment has already gathered a bit of legendary glamour. This view

of ancient myth, or of the origin of certain myths, is called

"euhemerism," after the ingenious Greek who first proposed it

some 2,200 years ago.

Two other theories of ancient Greek myth may be worth

noting. The early Christian fathers, in their struggle with pagan-

ism, devised out of Holy Writ, especially the history of Israel,

the idea that the pagan deities, including even the glorious gods

ol Greece, were merely the hosts of the fallen angel Satan, seeking

to seduce and pervert mankind by their alluring disguises as

Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, and the rest. Of this theory Milton

makes use in Paradise Lost, where he lists "the Ionian gods"

among the rallied army of Satan:

Titan, Heav'n's first born

With his enormous brood, and birthright seized

By younger Saturn, he from mightier Jove.

His own and Rhea's son, like measure found;

So Jove usurping reigned: these first in Crete

And Ida known, thence on the snowy top

Of cold Olympus ruled the middle air,

Their highest heav'n; or on the Delphian cliff,

Or in Dodona, and through all the bounds

Of Doric land.

This demotion of the Greek gods has always seemed to me a bit

ungrateful of Milton, who owed them so much of his poetic power

of expression. He may have thought so, too, for he has mentioned

them, though in a brief and inconspicuous manner, at the end of

a long and gorgeous catalogue of Semitic deities.

The other explanation of myth finds little room in English


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poetry, though it is basic in Dante. By this interpretation the

Greek deities were the angelic agencies of God, the divine

"Intelligences*' through which God works his will on mankind.

The ancients iccogni/ed these influences ot Intelligences in

Aphrodite, the agent ot human love, in Ares, the agent ot human

contention, and in otheis, but they failed to discern the OneDivine Will that actuated them. Hence the astrological influence

of the planets, Mars to war, Venus to love, Jupiter to rule.

To us the import ot all these theories is then insistence on

the essential truth at the heart of the myths; only with the poet's

sense of this truth can they come alive again.

O antique fablesl beautiful and brightAnd joyous with the joyous youth of yore:

O antique fables! tor a little light

Of that which shineth in you evermoie,

To cleanse the dimness Irom our weary eyes,

And bathe oiu old world with a new surprise

Of golden dawu entrancing sea and shore.



February, ,


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AABSYRTUS (ab-sir'ttls) was the brother of Medea. See ARGO-NAUTS.ABYDOS (d-bl'd&s) was the home of Leander, lover of HERO.ACETES (d-se'tez) was a sailor who befriended DIONYSUSACHAEANS (d-ke'dnz), one of the chief Greek tribes, migratedfrom Thessaly to the Peloponnesus and were the ruling people

there in early times. Because of the importance of this tribe, the

poet Homer often calls all the Greeks Achaeans.

ACHELOUS (k'W6'As), a suitor of Deianira, was defeated by

HERACLES.ACHERON (ak'$r-6n) is a river of HADES.ACHILLES (d-kil'ez) was the chief Greek hero in the TROJANWAR.ACIS (a'sls) was the lover of GALATEA.ACRISIUS (d-krlsl-tis) was the grandfather of PERSEUS.

ACROPOLIS (d-kr6]y6-lls) is the citadel of Athens. See

ATHENE.ACTAEON (SLk-te'&n), a hunter, by chance saw Artemis naked.

She turned him into a stag, and his own hounds killed him.

See ARTEMIS.ADMETE (ad-m^te), the daughter of Heracles' master de-

manded the girdle of Hippolyta, which was obtained for her by

HERACLES.ADMETUS (ad-me^tis) was the husband of ALCESTIS.

ADONIS (d-da'nis), a vegetation god, is beloved by APHRO-DITE.

ADRASTUS (d-draVt&s) was one of the Seven against THEBES.


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AEACUS (e'd'kus), a son of Zeus and the grandfather of Achilles,

is a judge in Hades. See HADES, ZEUS.

AEAEA (e-e'a) is Circe's island. See ODYSSEUS.

AEETES (e-e'tez) possessed the Golden Fleece sought by the

ARGONAUTS.AEGAEON (-je'6n) was a Hecatoncheire. xSee TITANS.AEGEAN (-je'dn) SEA. See MEDITERRANEAN SEA.

AEGEUS (e'jus) was the father ot THESEUS.

AEGIALEUS (e'ji-ai'oos) was one of the Epigoni. See THEBES.

AEGINA (^ji'na) was one of the mistresses of ZEUS.

AEGIS (e'jls) is the shield or breastplate ot ATHENE.AEGISTHUS (^-jls'thus), a son of Thyestes, was the lover of

Clytemnestra. See ATREUS.AEGYPTUS (S-jIp'tus) had fifty sons, forty-nine oi whom were

murdered by their wives on their wedding night. See HADES.

AENEAS ('ne'ds) was by mythical tradition the founder ot the

Roman race and a man whose epic adventures paralleled in

Roman mythology the career of Odysseus among the Greeks. As

the story ot Odysseus' life was given poetic torm by Homer in

the Odyssey, so the account of most of Aeneas' life is embodied

in a long poem, the Aeneid, by the Roman poet Virgil. In the

Odyssey Homer collected the myths of his people and made of

them a poem that gave not only pride of race but a code of

morals to his posterity in classic Greece. Impressed by this

accomplishment, Virgil, writing in the reign of Augustus at

about the turn of the Christian era, set out to achieve the same

sort of legendary origin for the Roman race; his work therefore

was consciously imitative of Homer's, and he borrowed manyincidents and situations from Homer's poems and invented

episodes for his hero that are recognizably similar to those of the

Odyssey. The Aeneid, though an excellent poem, is an imitative


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and a derivative one, but it was enormously successful in its own

day and continuingly popular with later generations.

Aeneas, the epic hero of the poem, was the son of Anchises of

Troy and the goddess Venus. Of sernidivine origin, he was fated

to survive the fall of Troy to the Greek armies and to find his

destiny in faraway Italy after many adventures. While the city

was going up in flames after its capture by the Greeks, Aeneas

took his aged father Anchises on his shoulders and his youngson Ascanius, or lulus, by the hand, and with his wife Creusa

following him, set out to escape. In the confusions of that woeful

night Creusa was lost, but with his father and son Aeneas reached

a group of other Trojans who had escaped and who then ac-

cepted him as their leader in seeking a new life elsewhere.

After a period of preparation, the band of Trojans embarked in

twenty ships and soon came to the land of Thrace, not far away,

where they thought to settle down. But they were warned by a

remarkable event not to do so. When Aeneas, who was about to

make a sacrifice, had broken off several twigs from a young

sapling, he was astonished to see the broken parts drip blood.

A voice from the ground then informed him that he was

standing at the grave of the young Trojan prince Polydorus,

whom Priam had sent away to be safe from the hazards of war.

This young man had been murdered for the wealth he had

brought with him, and the saplings were the shafts of the spears

or arrows that had killed him, grown into living plants. To the

divining mind of Aeneas this circumstance was a bad omen, and

he and his companions sailed away. This incident Edmund

Spenser adapts to his own use in The Faerie Queene (1.2 30-43),

The Red Cross Knight, making love to a false and deceiving

witch named Duessa, breaks off the twigs of a tree to make her a

garland; from the broken twigs blood flows, and from the tree

itself comes a voice that identifies the tree as the enchanted


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form oi a man named Fradubio, a victim ol Duessa's baleful


The Trojans came next to the island of Deles, and there

Aeneas consulted the oracle of Apollo, which told him to seek

the land oi his forefathers. He remembered that Dardanus, the

founder of the Trojan royal family, was said to have come from

Crete, so the Trojans set sail for that island. There, however,

they met with crop failures and disease, until Aeneas' family

gods advised him in a dream that he should move on to Hesperia,the western land, which had been the original home of Dardanus.

This land was Italy, and for Italy the refugees now set their


Their next stop was the island of the Harpies, where they were

attacked by these violent and malicious birds of prey, who

prophesied that before the end of their travels the Trojans would

have occasion to eat their own tables as well as the food on

them (see Harpies tinder SEA GODS). The Trojans then went to

Epirus, where they were hospitably received by other Trojans

who had escaped, and later they passed the island of the Cyclopes,

where they saw the dread Cyclops Polyphemus, who had been

blinded by Odysseus; but they escaped injury. By not sailing

through the terrible strait they also escaped misfortune at the

hands of Scylla and Charybdis, who had wrought such destruc-

tion on Odysseus' men.

As they were sailing along the coast of Sicily, Juno, as im-

placable an enemy to Aeneas as Poseidon had been to Odysseus,

persuaded Aeolus, the god of the winds, to stir up a terrible

storm, which blew them off course toward Africa. Fortunately,

before the ships were destroyed, Neptune, annoyed at Juno's

intrusion into his realm, rose above the waves and ordered them

to subside. Thus the Trojans were able to land safely at



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In Carthage they found a peaceful welcome from Queen Dido

and her subjects. Dido herself had had to flee from Tyre, where

her husband, Sychaeus, had been murdered for his wealth, and

she had founded Carthage as a refuge, bargaining with the

aborigines of the place for as much land as a hide would enclose,

and then having the hide cut into long strips that, tied end to

end, enclosed enough ground for a comfortable city. Thus she

was disposed to be kindly to other refugees.

And kindly did she receive the Trojans; she gave a splendid

banquet in their honor and especially in honor of their hand-

some prince, whose godlike form greatly attracted her. The rich

munificence of Dido's banquet and the luxury of her house

appear in ironic echo in The Waste Land (91-93), when T. S.

Eliot describes the wealthy but neurotic woman who is the

central figure of A Game of Chess; her synthetic perfumes

. . . fattening the prolonged candle-flames,

Flung their smoke into the laquearia,

Stirring the pattern on the coffered ceiling.1

Here Eliot consciously parallels Virgil's description (Aeneid,

1. 726).

Since he was a son of the goddess Aphrodite, Aeneas was always

deeply moved by beauty and love, and he responded ardently to

Dido. The affair became so serious that at length Jupiter thought

it wise to send Mercury to remind Aeneas of his destiny and to

suggest that the quest for it be resumed. Aeneas accepted this call

to duty, bade farewell to Dido in spite of her protests, and set

sail for Italy. The rejected queen, in despair at the loss of her

lover, committed suicide on a funeral pyre. The departing Tro-

jans saw the flames but did not know their meaning.

i From "The Waste Land," by T. S* Eliot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-

1935, Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company. Reprinted with

their permission.


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The fatal love of Dido and her operatic demise have naturally

attracted the attention of poets. Borrowing most of his ideas

trom Virgil and Ovid, Chaucer tells her story in The Legend of

Good Women. In The Merchant of Venice (5. 1. 9-12) Shakes-

peare has Loren/o allude to her death:

I n such a night

Stood Dido wuh a willow in her hand

Upon the wild sea-banks, and wait her love

To come again to Carthage.

Dtdo and Aeneas by the seventeenth-century composer, HenryPurceJl, is an excellent English opera, and Dido's farewell lament,

"When J Am Laid in Earth," is one of the most moving of all

operatic compositions.

Diana, arguing against Venus in John Gay's light poem The

Fan (95-104), proves man's unreliability by citing the fate of


. . . Dido there amidst her last distress,

Pale cheeks and blood-shot eyes her grief express:

Deep m her breast the reeking sword is drown'd,

And gushing blood streams irom the purple wound.

View this, ye maids; and then each swain believe;

They're Trojans all, and vow but to deceive.

To Alexander Pope, in equally frivolous mood, Aeneas becomes a

symbol of man's immovable firmness of purpose. The Baron, hero

of The Rape of the Lock (5. 5-6), refuses all pleas to return

the stolen lock:

Not half so fixed the Trojan could remain,

While Anna begged and Dido raged in vain,

(Anna was Dido's sister.)


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After leaving Carthage, the Trojans completed the remainder

of their voyage to Italy almost without incident, for Venus ob-

tained Neptune's promise to allow no further misfortune except

the loss of one more man. A faithful but unfortunate steersman

named Palinurus was accordingly washed overboard during the

night. His fate so impressed Cyril Connolly, editor of the nowdefunct English magazine Horizon, that for his book, The

Unquiet Grave, he adopted Palinurus' name as his pseudonym.The ship that Palinurus was steering, guided by Neptune, reached

the shore of Italy safely, near a place called Cumae.

While the others made camp, Aeneas went to seek the Cumaean

Sibyl, a priestess of Apollo who possessed the gift of prophecy

(see Sibyl of Cumae under APOLLO). His purpose was to make

his way down into the underworld of Hades to consult his father

Anchises, who had died during their travels, and he needed the

help of the Sibyl. The aged mystic lady told him first to find mthe forest a tree with a golden bough that he must pluck as a

present for Proserpina, the queen of Hades. When he brought the

bough back as the Sibyl had directed, she conducted him to

the terrible cavern of Avernus that led to Hades, and she guidedhim through many perils and past many terrible scenes. (For

Virgil's description of the underworld, which is more detailed

than that of any other classical poet, see HADES.) Aeneas met

the shade of Dido, who refused to answer his greeting and

hurried by without speaking to him. At last he found the shade

of old Anchises, safe in Elysium, and received from him a

prophetic account of the wars that he must still fight and of the

great civilization of which he was to be the founder.

When Aeneas returned to the upper world, he and his followers

set sail again and landed farther up the coast in the mouth of

the Tiber river. Here the prophecy of the Harpies that the

Trojans should one day eat their tables was fulfilled when they


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had nothing left to eat except the hard bread on which theyhad placed the rest of their food. Conscious of destiny fulfilling

itself, they set about to find themselves a home. The land to

which Aeneas had led them was called Latium, and us aged

king Latinus, who was the grandson of Saturn, welcomed the

Trojans in peace when they made themselves known to him. In

fact, he offered Aeneas the hand of his daughter, Lavinia, in

marriage, for it had been foretold to him that she should take as

a husband a stranger from overseas.

The old king's generosity, however, became the cause of

trouble, for the king of the neighboring Rutulians, a fierce

fighter by the name of Turnus, had long been a suitor for

Lavinia, and he objected to her marrying Aeneas. Furthermore,

Juno resumed her troublemaking at this point: she caused

Latinus' wife to become antagonistic to Aeneas, and she arrangedfor the accidental killing of a pet deer, an event that provokeda conflict between Latinus' herdsmen and a group of Trojans.

Incited by Juno, war thereupon broke out, in spite of Latinus'

unwillingness to fight. Agamst Aeneas were ranged the Latians,

the Rutulians under King Turnus, a cruel warrior named

Mezentius, and a swift and skillful feminine warrior named

Camilla about whom Alexander Pope composed a well-known

couplet supposed to illustrate swift movement (Essay on Crit-

icism, 372-373):

. . . when swift Camilla scours the plain,

Flics o'er th* unbending corn, and skims along the main.

Aeneas, however, also had an ally, for to his side came the

Arcadian king, Evander, who had long been at war with Turnus

for his own reasons. In the conflict that followed, many warlike

events took place, but in the end the Trojans were victorious,

and Aeneas himself slew Mezentius and Turnus. With the death


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of Turnus the Aeneid ends unfinished. Other Latin poets took

up the story to tell how Aeneas married Lavinia and founded a

city named Lavinium for her. His son lulus built another city

called Alba Longa where in a later day were born Romulus and

,Remus. Romulus became the founder of Rome (see ROME)

For the tradition that Brutus, a great-grandson of Aeneas, was

the first king of Britain see TROJAN WAR.AEOLIA

(e-o'li-a) is the island of the WINDS.

AEOLUS (e'6-lus), the king of the winds, befriended Odysseus.


AEROPE (a-er'6-pe) was the wife of ATREUS.AESCULAPIUS (gs'ku-la'pi-us) is the Roman name of the god

of medicine, Asclepius. See APOLLO.AESON (e'son) was the father of Jason, the leader of the


AETHRA (e'thnz) was the mother of THESEUS.

AGAMEMNON (^d-mSm'n&n), who was commander in chief

of the Greek forces in the Trojan War, was murdered by his wife

Clytemnestra when he returned home. See ATREUS, TROJANWAR.AGANIPPE (ag'a-mp'e), a spring on Mount Helicon, is a home

of the MUSES.

AGAVE (a-ga've) was a daughter of Cadmus. See THEBES.

AGLAIA (d-gla'yd) is one of the three GRACES.

AIAS (a'yas), or Ajax, was (1) the son of King Telamon of

Salamis, a great Greek hero in the TROJAN WAR; (2)the son

of King Oileus of the Locrians, a lesser Greek hero in the

TROJAN WAR.AIDES (al-dez) is another name of the god HADES.

AIBONEUS (ai-do'nus) is another name of the god HADES.

AJAX (a'j&ks) is the Roman form of Aias, the name of two

^Greek heroes in the TROJAN WAR.


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ALBA LONGA (Wbd long'ga). See ROME.ALBION (al'bi-6n) is an English sea god invented by Spenser*See SEA GODS.

ALCESTIS (al-s&'tls). The story of Alcestis and Admetus, like

the later story that Chaucer tells of patient Griselda and her

lordly mate, glorifies the self-sacrificing devotion of the wife but

leaves the character of the husband in doubt.

When Zeus killed Asclepius with a thunderbolt for the sin of

restoring Hippolytus to life, Apollo, Asclepius' father, was in-

tensely angry. He dared not attack Zeus himself, but he killed the

Cyclopes who produced the thunderbolt. For this murder he was

banished from Olympus for one year and condemned to be the

slave of a mortal. Fortunately for him, he became the herdsman

of King Admetus of Pherae, who treated him kindly, and Apolloin gratitude caused Admetus' farm to be extremely prosperous.

This pleasant pastoral year is described by George Meredith in

Phoebus with Admetus.

Admetus fell in love with Alcestis, daughter of King Pelias of

lolcus, but Pelias declared that the man who won his daughter's

hand must arrive at his court in a chariot drawn by wild beasts.

Admetus, who was no animal trainer, despaired of success, but

Apollo solved the problem for him by hitching a well-behaved

lion and a tractable boar to his chariot. Admetus married

Alcestis and they lived happily together.

Admetus seemed to be a remarkably fortunate man, but Apollo

discovered that, according to the decree of the Fates, his mortal

friend must soon die. The god, carrying with him a gift of wine,

went to beg the Fates to spare Admetus. After they had drunk the

wine, the Fates agreed to let him live if he could find someone

else to die for him on the appointed day. Admetus was confident

that one of his friends would be glad to take his place, because

all of them had often said that Admetus' happiness was their chief


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pleasure. But when he told them what they might do for him,

they were all suddenly reluctant to oblige. He therefore went

to his mother and father, who were, after all, not only extremely

fond of him but extremely old and close to death anyway Theylistened to him with sympathy, but they said that neither of

them wanted to die, not even for him. At last Alcestis offered

her life. Admetus had not suggested that she save him, but he

made no great objection when she volunteered. The appointedmoment came, Alcestis died, and Admetus wept at the loss of so

dutiful a wife.

On the burial day the great hero Heracles, who was on his

way to capture the man-eating horses of Diomedes, arrived to

spend a few days with his friend Admetus. When he found

Admetus and the other members of the household in mourning,he offered to go away; but Admetus, remembering the sacred

law of hospitality, told Heracles that the dead person was merely

a woman of the household. He took the hero to a remote room

in the palace where he would not hear the sounds of the funeral,

and he sent a number of servants to wait on him. As was his

custom, Heracles ate and drank until he was full of cheer, and

then he roared out some bawdy songs. The sad, shocked faces

of the servants annoyed him. He demanded to know what

was wrong with them, and finally they told him that Alcestis

was dead.

Then Heracles called himself a great blundering idiot, mar-

veled at the virtue of his friend Admetus, and wondered what

he could do to excuse his bad manners. The plan he hit uponwas characteristic: it called for action and it required strength

and daring that only Heracles possessed. He knew that Thanatos,

who is Death, would come to take Alcestis from her tomb. He

lay in wait for Death, wrestled with him, and made him give

Alcestis back to life. Leading the veiled woman, he came to the


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weeping Admetus and said, "Do you know this girl?" Admetus

muttered something about a ghost, but Heracles said, "No, she

is Alcestis. I wrestled for her with Thanatos, and I won."

In English literature many poets have praised Alcestis. In The

Legend of Good Women Chaucer makes Alcestis the queen of

the god of love because she is the most virtuous woman the

world has ever known. Milton, in one of his most moving sonnets,

uses the return of Alcestis to Admetus as the central image to

describe a dream he had about his dead wife, Katherine Wood-

cock. He never saw Katherine, because he went blind two or three

years before they met, and he lost her in childbirth two years after

they married (Sonnet 23).

Methought I saw my late espoused Saint

Brought to me like Alcestis from the grave,

Whom Joves great Son to her glad Husband gave,

Rescu'd from death by force though pale and faint.

She came, he says,

. . . vested all in white, pure as her mind:

Her face was vail'd, yet to my fancied sight,

Love, sweetness, goodness, in her person shin'd

So clear, as in no face with more delight.

But O as to embrace me she enclin'd

I wak'd, she fled, and day brought back my night.

To the early Greeks who invented the story of Admetus and

Alcestis, Admetus was doubtless an admirable person. They con-

sidered a man to be much more valuable than a woman, and

Admetus was also a king on whom the welfare of his country

depended. It was right for him to accept Alcestis' sacrifice, and

his observance of the law of hospitality in spite of his great grief

proved him worthy of the redeemed Alcestis. However, in the

fifth century before Christ, when Euripides wrote his tragic drama


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Alcestisj the Greek view, or at least the Eunpidean view, was not

so simple and straightforward. Euripides presents an Admetus,

who must have troubled the Greek audience and who is variously

interpreted by modern critics. As Douglas Bush observes, certain

scholars maintain that the Euripidean Admetus is an ideal kingwhose actions are fully justified by ancient standards, while others

hold that he is a selfish coward who finally reforms because he is.

made to realize his own baseness. Most critics are closer to the

second opinion than to the first.

In Balaustion's Adventure Browning creates a Greek girl in his,

own image the result is hardly Greek who gives a good transla-

tion of Euripides' play but adds a running commentary and

interpretation that reveal Admetus as Browning's favorite kind

of hero, the weak man who through suffering achieves goodness.

According to Balaustion's interpretation, Alcestis as she dies sees,

through Admetus' selfishness, and after her deatn Admetus is,

miserable in the knowledge that his weakness has betrayed her.

Gradually he realizes how little he has gained and how much he

has lost, and in this painful discovery he achieves moral stature.

Heracles, returning with the veiled Alcestis, tests Admetus until

both he and Alcestis are satisfied that her husband has become

worthy of her. In Balaustion's version, also, Heracles is much

more than the brave, good-natured, but blundering Greek hero;

he is the personification of unselfish service, whose mere presence

moves men to a desire for goodness.

Balaustion, however, is not satisfied with this interpretation.

"Could we too make a poem?" she demands, and proceeds to*

do so. In her version Admetus, the perfect king, prepares without

fear for death but questions the justice of the gods. Alcestis then

reveals that she has made a secret agreement with Apollo that

she will die to save her husband's life. Admetus passionately pro-

tests, but the bargain has been made and Alcestis dies. Yet whent


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she reaches Hades, Persephone says wryly that a death is not a

death which doubles another life:

"Two souls in one were formidable odds:

Admetos must not be himself and thou!"

And so, before the embrace relaxed a whit,

The lost eyes opened, still beneath the look;

And lo, Alkestis was alive again,

And of Admetos' rapture who shall speak?

If the reader is disappointed in Balaustion (and her creator

Browning) for simplifying and sentimentalizing an interesting

story, he should be reminded that William Morris, who wrote

The Love of Alcestts in 1868, three years before Balaustion'$ Ad-

venture, and all other writers since Browning who have produced

versions o the story have, in one way or another, prevented

Admetus from easily accepting his wife's sacrifice.

ALCIDES (Sil-si'dez) was another name of HERACLES.ALCINOUS (fcl-sin'o-us) was the Phaeacian king who befriended


ALCMAEON (Slk-me'dn) was one of the Epigoni. See THEBES.

ALCMENE (aik-me'ne) was the wife of Amphitryon and the

paramour of ZEUS.

ALCYONE (ai-sl'6-ne), or Halcyone, was the wife of CEYX,

ALCYONEUS (ai-si'6-nus) was one of the GIANTS.

ALECTO (d-lSk'to) is one of the three FURIES.

ALECTRYON (d-iek'tri-bn) was a servant of Ares. See APHRO-DITE.

ALEXANDER was another name of Paris, a prince of Troy. See

TROJAN WAR.ALOEUS (d'Wobs) was one of the GIANTS.

ALPHEUS (l-f'us) is a river god who pursued Arethusa, See



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ALTHAEA (&lthe'a) was the mother of Meleager, the hero of

the CALYDONIAN BOAR HUNT.AMALTHEA (am'al-the'a) was the goat whose milk fed the

infant ZEUS.

AMAZONS (anj'a-zonz), or AMAZONES (am'a-zon'ez), were

a tribe of warlike women who made constant forays into the

battle scenes of Greek mythology. They are often said to be the

children of Ares, god of battle, and they appear to owe their

origin to the worship of the feminine characteristics of the moon,

for which see ARTEMIS. As a tribal custom, they permitted

only female children to survive, either killing their male children

or sending them away to an early and permanent exile. For their

females they provided the warlike disciplines of the Greek fighter,

a course of study that began for the Amazons with the amputa-tion of the right breast in order to permit a greater freedom of

movement to the fighting right arm.

The Amazons, both as defenders of their own realm and as

invaders, fought heroically but unsuccessfully against the Greeks.

Bellerophon was victorious against them. Theseus joined

Heracles in his task of obtaining the girdle of Hippolyta, the

Amazonian queen; from this project Heracles returned with

the girdle, and Theseus with a wife (either Hippolyta herself

or her sister Antiope, according to varying accounts). A retalia-

tory raid against Attica was repulsed by Theseus.

A band of Amazons led by their later queen, Penthesilia,

fought against the Greeks at Troy; but Achilles overcame Pen-

thesilia herself, and her army was routed. See HERACLES,THESEUS, TROJAN WAR.AMBROSIA (am-bro'zhd) is the food of the gods.

AMOR (a'mdr) is a Roman name of EROS.

AMPHIARAUS (Sm'fi-a'ra'iis) was one of the Seven against



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AMPHION (am-fi'6n) was the husband of Niobe and the

brother of Zethus, with whom he ruled Thebes, See ARTEMIS,THEBES.AMPHITRITE (am'fHri'te) is the wife of Poseidon, the kingof the SEA GODS.

AMPHITRYON (am-fit'ri-6n) was the husband of Alcmene.


AMULIUS (fl-mu'li'us), the usurping king of Alba Longa, was

killed by Rernus and Romulus. See ROME.AMYCUS (fl'im'kus) was a famous boxer defeated by Poly-

deuces, one of the ARGONAUTS.ANADYOMENE (an'a-dz-6m'-ne) is a surname for APHRO-DITE.

ANCHISES (2in-ki'sez) was the father of AENEAS.ANDROMACHE (an*dr6m'0"ke) was the wife of Hector, the

chief hero of Troy in the TROJAN WAR.ANDROMEDA (an-drftrn'^da) was rescued from a sea monster


ANTAEUS (n-te'us), an earth Giant, was killed by HERACLES.ANTEIA (an-ti'0) loved BELLEROPHON.ANTENOR (n-te'n6r) was a Trojan councilor during the

TROJAN WAR.ANTEROS (Sj/tft-r&s), the god of mutual love, is the brother

and attendant ol EROS.

ANTICLIA (an'trkli'a) was the mother of ODYSSEUS.

ANTIGONE (an'tlg-'i-ne) wa$ a daughter of Oedipus, king of

THEBES.ANTINOUS (&n-t!n'6-wus) was the most insolent suitor of

Penelope, the wife of ODYSSEUS.

ANTIOPE (an-tl'frpe) was (1) the sister of Hippolyta (see

AMAZONS, THESEUS); (2) the mother by Zeus of Amphionand Zethus, regents of THEBES,


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APHRODITE (af'r6'di'te), or Venus, is the goddess of beautyand the patroness of love of all kinds, animal and human,

spiritual and sensual. According to Homer, Aphrodite is the

daughter of Zeus and Dione^ but her name is more appropriateto the account given by Hesiod that she rose from the foam of

the sea where the bits of Uranus' genitals fell when he was cas-

trated by Cronus, 'for Aphrodite means "foam born." Those whobelieved in Hesiod's story of her origin often called her Aphro-dite Urania, and under this title she was thought to embody the

great universe-moving love of the gods, whereas under the name

of Aphrodite Pandemos she represented the love of mortals and

of animals. In later times these titles changed meaning until

Aphrodite was called Urania when she represented spiritual love

between mortals, and Pandemos when she represented carnal or

sensual love.

When Aphrodite arose from the foam she was wafted amongthe islands of the Mediterranean, arriving first at Cythera or

Cyprus (accounts vary), for which reason she was often given the

surnames Cytherea and Cypris. She was also called Paphia after a

city on Cyprus where she performed a miracle (see PYGMA-

LION). One of the most famous Renaissance paintings is Bot-

ticelli's Aphrodite new-risen from the foam, and floating in a

great scallop shell. Her best-known surname among the Romans

was Erycina from a famous shrine dedicated to her at Mount Eryxon the northwest coast of Sicily. Her other nicknames included

Anadyomene, which means "she who came out o the sea," and


When Aphrodite arrived on Mount Olympus she was warmly

received. Her presence was so lovely that insatiable Zeus fell in

love with her, but she refused to grant him her favors. In a fit

of pique, he compelled her to marry Hephaestus, his lame son.

Aphrodite, however, was not content with Hephaestus, and she


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became involved in a love affair with Ares The relationship

produced five children: Eros; Anteros, a lesser god of love,

Deimos and Phobos, or Pavor, lesser gods of fear, who attended

Ares, and Harmonia, who became the wife of Cadmus, founder

oi Thebes Aphrodite and Ares began their love affair in secrecy,

having set Ares' servant Alectryon as a sentry, but Alectryon fell

asleep, and the lovers were discovered by Helios, the sun god.

Ares punished Alectryon by changing him into the rooster, which

must always crow at the approach ol dawn In the meantime

Helios reported the intrigue to Hephaestus, Hephaestus made a

great net of metal and threw it over the unsuspecting lovers,

imprisoning them together, and summoned the other gods to

laugh at them in their shame. But who was most embarrassed

the unfaithful wife, the trapped lover, or the deceived husband

is still doubtful. Chaucer wrote a poem called The Complaint

of Mars, which gives the thoughts of the god of war

. . . atte departyngeFro fresshe Venus in a morwenynge,Whan Phebus, with his firy torches rede,

Ransaked every lover in hys drede,

Chaucer, however, has rearranged the entire myth to fit the

medieval idea of courtly love, and he omits the boisterous end-

ing described here. In John Peale Bishop's When the Net Was

Unwound Venus Was Found Ravelled -with Mars Aphrodite's

affair with Ares becomes a more general symbol for an illicit

love experience between a soldier and a prostitute.

Aphrodite also had a less successful love affair with a younghuntsman named Adonis, a personage who originated in myth-

ologies older than the Greek, in which he occupied the position

of a vegetation god, that is, a god connected with the return

of life to plants in the spring and with their decay in the fall.


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According to Ovid, Eros one day accidentally wounded his mother

Aphrodite with one of his love-provoking arrows, and as a con-

sequence Aphrodite fell in love with Adonis, a handsome youngman and an ardent huntsman. Unfortunately for her, Adonis

did not return her love in spite of her endearing advances but

continued to prefer the excitement of the chase. Aphrodite be-

sought him to take care of himself for her sake, but in spite of

her warnings Adonis was killed by a wild boar. Aphrodite, in

her grief, transformed Adonis' spilled blood into a flower, the

anemone. In the meantime Adonis' spirit went down to Hades,

where Persephone, the queen of the underworld, also fell in love

with him. Aphrodite's pleas to Zeus to restore Adonis to her

were therefore firmly countered by the pleas of Persephone to be

allowed to keep him. Caught in this feminine crossfire, Zeus

decided that Adonis should spend six months in Hades with

Persephone and six months in the upper world with Aphrodite.

When Adonis is with Persephone, nature languishes and appears

to die, and fall and winter are at hancl;' but when he returns

to Aphrodite, her joy brings life back into the world, and spring

and summer ensue. (For another myth about the annual death

and rebirth of nature see Persephone under EARTH GOD-

DESSES.)The myth of Aphrodite and Adonis has been used many times

in English poetry. One of the most richly ornate poems in the

language is Shakespeare's long narrative Venus and Adonis, in

which he plays up the reluctance of Adonis to gratify Venus, as

well as the extreme ardor of Venus balked of her desire. Spenser

also uses the myth, though more symbolically, in The Faerie

Queene (3. 1. 35). He describes

. . . with what sleights and sweet allurements she

Entyst the Boy, as well that art she knew,

And wooed him her Paramoure to be

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as the subject of a tapestry hung in the Castle Joyous, which is

one of his allegories of loose living. In this passage Spenser makes

of the affair a symbol of lust in action. Later in the same book

(3. 6. 29-54) he uses the story as a symbol of the natural order.

Here he describes at length a place that he calls the Garden of

Adonis, where are accumulated all human spirits waiting to re-

ceive the habitation of a body. In the center of this garden is a

pleasant arbor of trees grown closely together to form a covert

in which Venus is able to delight in

Her deare Adonis loyous company,And reape sweet pleasure of the wanton boy,

no longer troubled by misfortune. Their love here is the symbolof the continuance of life in the world.

Haxdly less famous is Aphrodite's love for Anchises, a member

of a branch of the royal house of Troy. Aphrodite appeared to

him as the daughter of a Phrygian king, and she subsequently

bore him a son whom they named Aeneas. He grew up a prince

of Troy, and his wanderings after the fall of that city to the

Greeks are the subject of Virgil's Aeneid (see AENEAS). Aphro-dite was in no small degree accountable for the Greeks' war

against the Trojans. For her part in provoking that great struggle

see the article on the Trojan War.

By Hermes, Aphrodite had a son named after both of them

and called Hermaphroditus. For the story of his curious involve-

ment with a river Nymph named Salmacis, see HERMES,In these myths Aphrodite appears in her many manifestations

as the great, complicated love instinct of human nature. In her

actions are found the deepest motives and the most complexinvolvements of love* For the Greeks she was associated with

many personal symbols, including the swan, the sparrow, the

dove, the apple, the rose, the myrtle, the linden, and the cypress.


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She was supposed to have a girdle or cincture of great virtue,

which represented her chastity. Spenser makes considerable use of

this symbol in The Faerie Queene where he relates how

Hephaestus wrought it "in Lemno with unquenched fire" for

Aphrodite and how a beautiful and chaste young lady named

Florimell, who had been fostered by the Graces, found it one

day in Aphrodite's secret bower where it had been left for the

nonce. Florimell took it for her own, and the fifth canto of Book

Four relates how, when Florimell had temporarily lost it, the

girdle was the subject of an argument among several light ladies,

none of whom it would fit because of their lack of chastity. As

to how Aphrodite herself, who was certainly not addicted to

austere virtue, could comfortably wear so demanding an article,

Spenser candidly relates (4. 5. 3):

That girdle gaue the vertue of chast loue,

And Wiuehood true, to all that did it beare;

But whosoeuer contrarie doth proue^

Might not the same about her middle weare,

But it would loose, or else a sunder teare.

Whilome it was (as faeries wont report)

Dame Venus girdle, by her steem-ed deare,

What time she vsd to hue in wmely sort;

But layd aside, when so she vsd her looser sport.

Aphrodite is the loveliest of the goddesses and the favorite of

poets in all languages. Her attributes and her person are referred

to in many poems of Spenser's, including the Epithalamion and

Prothalamwn, and his poem An Hymne in Honour of Beautie

is addressed to her. Donne alludes to her in the opening lines

of his Elegie 12. In The Rape of the Lock(5. 135-136) Pope

writes of Belinda's lock, transformed after its rape into a shooting

star, so that it


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. . . the blest Lover shall for Venus take,

And send up vows from Rosamonda's lake,

Pope's suggestion being that fond lovers will be unable to dis-

tinguish between a shooting star and the planet of Venus. In

Don Juan (1. 55) Byron describes Donna Julia,

. , . whom to call

Pretty were but to give a feeble notion

Of many charms in her as natural

As sweetness to the flower, or salt to ocean,

Her zone to Venus, or his bow to Cupid,

(But this last simile is trite and stupid) .

Here the "zone" is Aphrodite's girdle.

Aphrodite is the subject of a later myth in which she lured

a knight named Tannhauser into a cave and lived with him for

seven years, a story that Swinburne made the subject of his poem,Laus Veneris. For Dante Rossetti, in Venus Victnx, she is still

the conquering force in life. In our own times W. H. Auden has

called one of his poems Venus Will Now Say a Few Words, in

which the procreative principle is personified to describe the

origin of man.

Astarte, or Ashtoroth, is the Phoenician name for Aphrodite,

especially in her function as the productive power of nature.

Under this name she was particularly well known among the

Greek islands, where the trading of the Phoenicians carried her

fame. Several English poets have preferred this name. Lord

Byron, for example, in Manfred, uses Astarte as the name of

Manfred's dead lover- Manfred, suffering remorse for a terrible

but unnamed crime, lives alone in the Swiss Alps. He calls upa number of spirits of the universe in search of foigetfulness and

at last calls up Astarte, who forecasts his death on the next day.

In this poem Manfred is clearly Byron himself, and Astarte is


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Augusta, his half sister, with whom his reputed incestuous rela-

tions led to his exile from England.Dante Rossetti wrote a sonnet called Astarte Syriaca.

APOLLO (a-p61'6). The first god of light was Hyperion, a

Titan. His majesty is recalled by Hamlet when he says that his

father, compared to Claudius, was as "Hyperion to a satyr"

(Hamlet, 1. 2. 140). In English literature Hyperion is occasion-

ally regarded as the reigning sun god, as in Thomas Gray's The

Progress of Poesy (53); and at times his name is used merely as

another name for Apollo: in Henry V (4,1. 289-292), for ex-

ample, the King speaks of the common laborer who

. . . from the rise to set,

Sweats in the eye of Phoebus, and all night

Sleeps in Elysium; next day after dawn,

Doth rise and help Hyperion to his horse.

Hyperion, however, lost his powers to younger gods.

His son Helios became the god of the sun in its physical aspects.

Each morning in his palace in the east, the four horses of the

sun are harnessed, the gate is opened by Eos, goddess of the dawn,

and Helios drives his flaming chariot across the sky. Because he

is one of the few Titans who retained their godhead under Zeus,

Helios is simply called "Titan" in Spenser's Prothalamion (4)

and Robert Herrick's Corinna's Going A-Maying (25). For a sun

god, however, he lives a rather shadowy existence because the

stories connected with him and even his position as heavenly

charioteer were eventually attributed to Apollo. Only a few ac-

tions of Helios are important: he observed, for example, that

Aphrodite was unfaithful to Hephaestus and informed the lame

god, he told Demeter who had abducted her daughter Per-

sephone, he required that Odysseus' crew be punished for killing

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and eating some of the cattle of the sun, and he was the father

of Circe. H. D. describes him in her poem Helios.

Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto, replaced Hyperion as godof light and gradually usurped the lesser powers of Helios. He is

also called Phoebus, which means "shining"; Pythius, which

reiers to his slaying of the Python (see ORACLES); Lycius,

which is thought to mean "wolf god"; and Cynthius and Delius,

which refer to the mountain and the island on which he was

born, Paean, which means "healer," is another name sometimes

given to Apollo, Originally Paean was an Olympian himself, the

physician of the gods, but he was little more than a personified

abstraction, and his name was soon attached to Apollo and later

to Asclepius. Songs oi praise or triumph addressed to Apollo the

preserver are called paeans.

The mother of Apollo was Leto, or Latona, a Titaness. WhenZeus's wife Hera learned that Leto was with child by Zeus, she

demanded that no people and no place give her refuge. Leto

wandered in despair until Poseidon sent a dolphin to carry her

to the floating island of Delos, which Zeus or Poseidon anchored

tor her in the Mediterranean. There on Mount Cynthus she

gave birth to twins, Apollo and Artemis, goddess of the moon.

In The Faerie Queene (2. 12. 18) Spenser refers to Leto's flight

from the anger of Hera and to the anchoring of Delos, and

Milton in I Did But Prompt the Age recalls the rude Lycian

peasants whom Zeus transformed into frogs because they refused

to let Leto drink from their lake when she was weary from travel-

ing with her "twin born progeny."

Apollo and Artemis were as devoted to their mother as she

was to them. When Tityus, a Giant, insulted Leto, her children

subdued him with their arrows, and he was then hurled into

Tartarus, where his huge bulk covers nine acres. Vultures eter-

nally eat his liver and his liver is constantly renewed; thus his


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torment never ceases. In English literature he appears, with

Tantalus and others, as a great sinner who has received a well-

deserved punishment; he is used in this way, for example, in

Ben Jonson's Catiline (4. 2. 294). Apollo and Artemis also took

swift and terrible vengeance on Niobe, who boasted that she

was superior to Leto (for details, see ARTEMIS).

Apollo is the god of light, archery, medicine, and poetry and

music. Because he is the god of light nothing is hidden from

him, and he is therefore a prophet and a speaker of truth. As

an archer he is a destroyer; his arrows bring sunstroke and fever.

During the Trojan War the daughter of a priest of Apollo was

captured by the Greeks and given to the Greek leader, Agamem-non, who refused to release her. The priest prayed to his god,

and Apollo sent a pestilence on the Greeks.

The story of Hyacinthus symbolizes the destructive power of

the summer sun on young people, animals, and plants. Hya-

cinthus was a handsome youth whom Apollo loved. One day

when they were throwing the discus together, Apollo threw, and

Hyacinthus, running forward to retrieve the discus, was struck

by it and instantly killed. Apollo turned the blood of Hyacinthus

into a purple flower on which he put the Greek exclamation

of sorrow, "Ai, Ai." The hyacinth thus became a flower of

mourning, which Milton refers to in Lycidas (106) as "that

sanguine flower inscrib'd with woe."

Although the sun sometimes kills, it also causes growth and

preserves health. To the Greeks and Romans, Apollo was the

ideal of handsome and vigorous youth and the father of medi-

cine. In one of the battles of the Trojan War Diomedes stunned

and would have killed Aeneas, but Apollo rescued him and with

the aid of Leto and Artemis healed his wounds. Later the god

performed a similar service for Hector, who had been wounded

by Aias.H *


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Asclepius, or Aesculapius, the first physician, was the son of

Apollo by Coronis, the daughter o King Phlegyas of Thessaly.

Before Asclepius was born, Apollo was informed by his messenger

the crow (which then had white plumage) that Coronis had a

mortal lover. Apollo killed her at once; but later repented, pun-ished the crow for faithfulness by turning its feathers black, and

saved his unborn son. Asclepius was trained by Chiron, the wise

Centaur, but he far surpassed his tutor in the art of healing.

He became famous throughout Greece, so famous that when

Hippolytus was killed, Artemis, who had been his protector,

offered Asclepius a large fee to restore him to life. Asclepius did

so, and for this impiety he was killed by a thunderbolt of Zeus.

The Greeks and Romans worshiped Asclepius as a god.

In Shakespeare's Pericles (3.2)Thaisa appears to die in child-

birth and is buried at sea by her husband, Pericles; but her

coffin is cast up on shore and Cerimon, a nobleman who has skill

in medicine, is able to revive her. "Aesculapius guide usl" says

Cerimon. When the Red Cross Knight strikes down Sansjoy in

The Faerie Queene (1. 5. 12-44), Duessa hides Sansjoy in a magic

cloud and later she and Night carry him, almost dead, to hell.

There they persuade Aesculapius to heal his wounds. At his

shrine at Epidaurus Asclepius often appeared in the form of a

serpent, and Ben Jonson in Bartholomew Fair (2. L 5-6) and

Milton in Paradise Lost (9. 504-507) refer to this story.

As the god of poetry and music, Apollo is closely associated

with the Muses, who dance and sing to the music of his lyre at

the banquets of the gods. In English literature Apollo is referred

to most frequently as the sun itself and next as the patron of

poetry, Spenser calls him the "god ot Poets" (Faerie Queene,

7, 7. 12), and in the Epithalamion (121-128), his own marriage

song, he describes Apollo as the father of the Muses and

a&ks his blessing on both the wedding and the poem. When

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Milton in Lycidas (64-84) questions the value of the poetic


Alas! What boots it with uncessant care

To tend the homely slighted Shepherds trade,

And strictly meditate the thankles Muse?

Apollo replies and gives what seems to Milton a satisfactory

answer. In Keats's sonnet On First Looking into Chapman's

Homer the "realms of gold" literature itself are the demesnes

"which bards in fealty to Apollo hold'*; and Callicles in the

final song of Matthew Arnold's Empedocles on Etna sings of the

god and the Muses:

Tis Apollo comes leading

His choir, the Nine.

The leader is fairest,

But all are divine.

The lyre, a stringed instrument which the god Hermes in-

vented and gave to Apollo, is a symbol in English literature of

beautiful music. In Love's Labour's Lost (4. 3. 342-343), for

example, Berowne says that love is

... as sweet and musical

As bright Apollo's lute, strung with his hair.

Terpsichore in Spenser's Teares of the Muses (329-330) laments

that the spawn of Ignorance have usurped the places of the true


Mongst simple shepheards they do boast their skill,

And say their musicke matcheth Phoebus quill.

This sort of boast never went unpunished, for Apollo was

intensely jealous of his reputation as a musician.


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Pan, who was vain of his skill on the pipes he had invented,

once challenged Apollo to a contest. Tmolus, a mountain god,

acted as judge, and King Midas, a friend of Pan's, was the audi-

ence. The rustic god played well, as Shelley imagines in his

Hymn of Pan (12-23):

Liquid Peneus was flowing,

And all dark Tempe lay

In Pelion's shadow, outgrowingThe light of the dying day,

Speeded by my sweet pipings.

The Sileni, and Sylvans, and Fauns,

And the Nymphs of the woods and the waves,

To the edge of the moist river-lawns

And the brink of the dewy caves,

And all that did then, attend and follow,

Were silent with love, as you know, Apollo,With envy of my sweet pipings.

But Apollo drew music from his lyre that only the Muses

could equal, and Tmolus awarded the prize to him. Midas, who

didn't know anything about music but knew what he liked,

said that the judgment was unfair, and Apollo in contempt

gave him a pair of donkey's ears*

Midas concealed his disfigurement under a specially designed

cap, but he could not hide it from his barber, whom he swore

to secrecy. Barbering has always been a garrulous trade, and this

barber almost burst with his secret. Finally he eased his pain

by digging a hole in the ground and whispering into it, "King

Midas has ass's ears/* Reeds grew on the spot, and when the wind

blew through them they whispered softly (but loud enough for

everyone to hear), "King Midas has ass's ears." Chaucer's Wife

of Bath, who got this tale from her fifth husband, a great critic

of women, says that it was Midas' wife who revealed his secret


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(Canterbury Tales, III. 950-982) Pope alludes to this version

of the story in the Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (79-82) when he

gives his reason for writing The Dunciad:

Out with it, DUNCIAD! let the secret pass,

That secret to each fool, that he's an Ass:

The truth once told (and wherefore should we lie?)

The Queen of Midas slept, and so may I.

The poor taste of Midas is proverbial. In Of the Courtier's Life

(48-49), for example, Sir Thomas Wyatt, describing the flatter-

ing lies that are expected of a courtier but that he himself is not

willing to tell, declares that he cannot

. . . say that Pan

Passeth Apollo in music manifold.

And John Lyly in Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit describes his.

knowledgeable young hero as one who "could easily discern

Apollo's music from Pan, his pipe." (For another story about

Midas see DIONYSUS.) .

The goddess Athene invented the flute and played it until she

discovered that she looked absurd when she puffed out her cheeks.

Then she threw it away, and Marsyas, a Satyr, found it and

learned how to make excellent music on it. Like Pan, he believed

his own tunes irresistible, and he finally demanded a trial of

skill with Apollo, Apollo agreed on one condition: that the

winner should do what he pleased with the loser. When the

decision went against the foolish Marsyas, Apollo had him flayed

alive. This story, like those of Niobe and Arachne, is intended to

show the dreadful punishment that falls on one who defies a god.

From bis oracles at Delphi and elsewhere, Apollo foretold the

future to his worshipers (see ORACLES), and he granted the

gift of prophecy to two women whom he loved. Cassandra,


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daughter of King Priam of Troy, accepted the gift but refused

to yield to Apollo, and he took a terrible revenge: he made all

mortals disbelieve her prophecies. The Sibyl of Cumae also

suffered because she would not become the mistress of Apollo.

He gave her prophetic power and promised, if she would love

him, to make her immortal. She took a handful of sand and

begged him to grant her a year of life for each grain of sand.

He agreed, but she forgot to ask for continuing youth, and this

he would not give because she refused his love.

The Sibyl lived for a thousand years in her cave at Cumae;

she was seven hundred years old when she helped Aeneas, the

Roman hero Usually she wrote her prophecies on the leaves of

trees, and the wind blew them about her cave so that manywere lost and the rest were in complete disorder. The title of

Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem Spelt from Sibyl's Leaves alludes

to the difficulty of making sense out of her jumbled foretellings

o the future. Once, however, she wrote nine prophetic books

and offered them to King Tarquin of Rome. He said the price

was too high. She burned three of the books and told him that

he could have six for the same price. When he still refused to

pay, she burned three more and offered him the last three books

for the same price. This time he gave her what she asked, and

thereafter the Sibylline Books were guarded bj priests and con-

sulted at moments of crisis. John Donne writes ironically in

Upon Mr. Thomas Coryats Crudities (71-72), an extravagant

book ot travels,

As Sibyls was, your book is mysticall,

For every peece is as much worth as all.

The Sibyl told Aeneas that her body was shrinking as she grew

older. According to one story, toward the end of her thousand

years she was a tiny shriveled thing that was kept in a cage, In


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the Satyncon of the Roman writer Petronius one of the charac-

ters says, "I myself with my own eyes saw the Sibyl of Cumae

hangirtg in a cage, and when the boys shouted at her, 'Sibyl,

what do you want?' she used to answer, 'I want to die.'"T. S,

Eliot uses these lines as the epigraph, or motto, of The Waste


It is easy to understand why a mortal maid might be reluctant

to become mistress of a god. He would not be faithful to her,

but he would kill her, as Apollo killed Coronis, if she took

another lover. A jealous wife like Zeus's Hera would persecute

the girl, and if she became pregnant she would be harshly

treated, probably put to death, by her own family. Even the

most religious father was skeptical when his daughter confessed

that she was about to bear the child of a god.

Marpessa was aware of these disadvantages when she was forced

to choose between Apollo and a mortal lover. Apollo tried to

take her away from Idas, one of the Argonauts, but Zeus inter-

vened and declared that Marpessa must make the decision. She

chose to marry Idas because he would grow old as she did and

because he promised to remain faithful to her. Stephen Phillips

retold this story at the end of the nineteenth century. In his

Marpessa Apollo offers the girl immortality if she will have him,

but she prefers the humble love of Idas and the opportunity to

live a full mortal life with its sorrows as well as its joys. Thetheme unfortunately is too much for Phillips' sweet vagueness.

The most famous of the girls who refused Apollo was Daphne,the daughter of the river god Peneus. She was a huntress who

scorned love, but one day Apollo met her in the woods and

determined to have her at once. She ran, and he ran after her,

shouting that he loved her and telling her who he was, which

frightened her even more. With the god just behind her, she

burst through the trees at the edge of the Peneus and cried,


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"Father, help me!" The river god transformed her on the spot,

and Apollo found himself embracing not a lady but a laurel.

He decreed that the laurel should be sacred to him, and 'there-

after poets and conquerors were crowned with wreaths of laurel,

or bay (often called the bays), since the tree has both names.

The word "laureate," which has had a doubtful value -since the

British crown established the post of poet laureate, means

"crowned with laurel/' In The Rehearsal, a famous burlesque of

the heroic drama of the Restoration, the leading character is an

absurd playwright. He is name4 Bayes because he is intended to

represent Dryden, who was made poet laureate shortly before

The Rehearsal was first acted. Dryden, one of the greatest English

satirists, took this satire on himself in good part and often referred

to himself as Bayes.

Daphne's story has been used in many ways in English litera-

ture. Some writers have been impressed chiefly by the vivid picture

of the chase, as was Spenser in The Faerie Queene (3. 7. 26 and

4. 7. 22). To others the story has symbolized unattained love-

liness. Before Crcssida becomes his mistress, Troilus prays, in

Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida (1,1. 101-102),

Tell me, Apollo, for thy Daphne's love,

What Cressid is . . . ,

and Lacy in Robert Greene's Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay

(2. 3. 50-51) compares the girl he thinks he cannot have to

Daphne, the damsel that caught Phoebus fast

And locked him in the brightness of her looks.

In Milton's Comus (661-662) the enchanter imprisons the Ladyin his magic chair, which he says, with unconscious irony, will

hold her fast

. * . as Daphne was,

Root-bound, that fled Apollo.

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Comus does not realize that although the Lady's body is his

prisoner, her virtue protects her from him as securely as Daphne'stransformation protected her from Apollo.

The wit of Andrew Marvell in The Garden (27-30) turns

Apollo's defeat into victory by the suggestion that the deepest

desire of men and gods is for the innocent peace of nature:

The Gods, that mortal Beauty chase,

Still in a Tree did end their race.

Apollo hunted Daphne so,

Only that She might Laurel grow.

In his Ode upon Dr. Harvey (5-10) Abraham Cowley tortures

the myth into ingenious absurdity. He says that when the scientist

Harvey made violent love to Nature, she

Began to tremble, and to flee,

Took Sanctuary like Daphne in a tree:

There Daphnes lover stop't, and thought it muchThe very Leaves of hef to touch,

But Harvey our Apollo, stopt not so,

, Into the Bark, and root he after her did goe . . . $

/But James Russell Lowell's puns about Daphne's embarkation in

A Fable for Critics (1-30) are just as tiresome as Cowley's kind

of ingenuity.

Apollo was not always unsuccessful in love. Four of his manymistresses deserve mention here. The Nymph Cyrene, who was

wrestling with a lion when Apollo first saw her, was the mother

of his son Aristaeus, a rustic deity, the inventor of beekeeping.

Also, by the Muse Calliope Apollo became the father of Orpheus,

the great musician. One of these boys brought tragedy to the

other. Aristaeus lusted for Orpheus' wife, Eurydice, and as she

fled from him one day she was bitten by a snake and died. The


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attempt of Orpheus to win her back from Hades is one o the

most moving stones in mythology (see ORPHEUS).

Clyde, a water Nymph, was deeply in love with Apollo, but he

left her for another girl. She refused to eat or take any care of

herself. All day long she watched Apollo as he traveled through

the sky, and soon she was turned into a sunflower and became

a symbol of faithfulness William Blake writes of the

. . . Sun-Flower' weary of time,

Who countest the steps of the Sun,

and Thomas Moore in Believe Me, If All Those Endearing YoungCharms uses Clytie to prove that true love never alters:

... the sun-flower tutns on her god, when he sets,

The same look which she turn'd when he rose.

Phaethon's schoolmates laughed at his boast that his father

was Apollo. When he asked reassurance of his mother Clymene,

she sent him to sec his father at the palace ot the east. There

Apollo received him kindly, acknowledged him as his son, and

swore by the Styx (the most binding oath of the gods) that he

should have whatever he desired. At once the boy asked to drive

the chariot of the sun for one day. Apollo tried to dissuade him,

telling him of the fierceness of the horses and the perils of the

road, but Phaethon would not listen to reason. The Hours

harnessed the horses, Eos opened the eastern gate, and out went

Phaethon. As soon as they realized that Apollo's hand was not

on the reins, the horses ran away. They dashed up and down the

heavens, frightening the constellations, making the clouds smoke,

and burning the tree-covered hills. Under the terrible heat the

Ethiopians turned black and Libya became a desert. The suffer-

ing earth prayed for relief, and Zeus struck Phaethon with a

thunderbolt, Phaethon fell flaming into the great and mysterious


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river Eridanus, and on its shores his sisters the Heliades mourned

for him until they were turned into poplar trees and their tears

into amber.

In English literature Phaethon usually has been a symbol of

rash presumption. Spenser calls him "Phoebus foolish sonne"

(Teares of the Muses, 7) and compares his arrogance to that of

Lucifera, ruler of the House of Pride in The Faerie Queene

(1.4. 9). Valentine in Two Gentlemen of Verona (3. 1. 154-155)

plans to elope with Silvia, the Duke's daughter. When the Duke

discovers the plot, he contemptuously compares Valentine to

Phaethon and asks,

Wilt thou aspire to guide the heavenly car

And with thy daring folly burn the world?

In Richard II (3. 3. 178-179) the King, about to surrender his

crown to the rebel Bolingbroke, speaks of himself in bitter irony:

Down, down I come, like glist'ring Phaeton,

Wanting the manage of unruly jades.

Spenser in the catalogue of trees in Virgils Gnat (198) describes

the "Sunnes sad daughters" mourning for Phaethon, and Andrew

Marvell recalls them in The Nymph Complaining for the Death

of Her Faun (99-100):

The brotherless Heliades

Melt in such Amber Tears as these.

Religious poets of the seventeenth century sometimes repre-

sented Apollo as an enemy of Christ and a servant of the Devil,

but generally the god of poetry has had an honored place in

English literature. Because he is an advanced moralist (in the

Eumenides of Aeschylus he defends Orestes, who has been puri-

fied through suffering, against the Furies, the goddesses of the


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old law of strict retribution) and because he is the god of light

and therefore of truth, Apollo was often used in the nineteenth

century as the symbol of intellectual order.

Coleridge, who in his prose writings gave his lellow Romantics

a philosophy, contrasts the intellectual Apollo with Dionysus,

the symbol ol instinctive vigor. Keats makes Apollo the hero of

Hypenon. The theme of this unfinished poem is the spiritual

progress of man, and it is represented through the fall of the

Titans and the rise of the new gods. The Titans, though far

superior to their predecessors, must yield to the greater ex-

cellence of the Olympians; and the qualities essential to progress,

greater self-control and greater knowledge, are shown in Apollo.

When in his difficult search for godhead he finally arrives at

-understanding, he says,

Knowledge enormous makes a god of me.

Shelley's Hymn of Apollo (31-36) expresses a similar concept:

I am the eye with which the Universe

Beholds itself and knows itself divine;

All harmony of instrument or verse,

All prophecy, all medicine are mine,

All light of art or nature; to my song

Victory and praise in their own right belong.

Songs of victory and praise paeans were always sung to Apollo.

In Empedocles on Etna Matthew Arnold (perhaps to his em-

barrassment, for his poetic statement is at variance with his

critical belief) shows Empedocles defeated in his attempt to find

'full satisfaction in the austere Apollonian ideal of intellectual

development. While Calliclcs m the distance sings of the defeat

and death of Marsyas (as described earlier), Empedocles commits


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suicide by leaping into the volcano. Both Marsyas and Em-

pedocles are victims of Apollo.

Swinburne, revolting against Christianity, sees Apollo in The

Last Oracle (73-76, 83-86) as the one enduring god:

Thou the word, the light, the life, the breath, the glory,

Strong to help and heal, to lighten and to slay,

Thine is all the song of man, the world's whole story,

Not of morning and of evening is thy day.

God by god goes out, discrowned and disanointed,

But the soul stands fast that gave them shape and speechIs the sun yet cast out of heaven?

Is the song yet cast out of man?

Swinburne's kind of neopaganism, however, would have amazed


APPLES OF THE HESPERIDES (hgs-per'i-dez) are golden

apples guarded by the Hesperides, daughters of Atlas, and the

dragon Ladon. Atlas was tricked into giving three of these

apples to HERACLES.

AQUARIUS (d-kwarl-us), the Water-Bearer, is a constellation

and a sign of the ZODIAC.

AQUILO (Sk'wHo) is the Roman name for Boreas, the north

wind. See WINDS.ARACHNE (a-rk'ne) was a maiden who challenged Athene to

a weaving contest. The goddess defeated her and turned her into

a spider. See ATHENE.ARCADIA (arka'di-a), or ARCADY (ar'kfl-de), is a mountain-

ous region in the Peloponnesus, the central district of the

Greek peninsula. Watered by innumerable streams, and pro-

tected in many places from the harsher features of a southern

climate by its higher altitudes and frequent fogs, it is better

suited to the pasturage of flocks than to agriculture. The summer,


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which burns many parts o Greece brown with its hot sun, leaves

Arcadia characteristically green and cool.

The people of Arcadia, therefore, remained or centuries a

simple, generally rural lolk, even after other areas of Greece had

been formed into city-states with more sophisticated civilizations.

The Arcadians tended their flocks in the fields and cultivated the

arts, music in particular. The god Pan was supposed to have

invented the rustic flute in Arcadia (see PAN); and the Arcadian

herdsman, whiling away the grazing time ol his flocks, tradi-

tionally played to himself or his fellows on his flute.

The pastoral quality of Arcadia has leit its mark on Greek

mythology, and even more decidedly on the literature of classical

times and ol later days in England. With its glens and coverts of

woods, Arcadia was supposed to have been the favorite hunting

ground of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and of chastity.

Indeed, it was claimed not only that the human race had

originated there but that the Arcadians themselves were Artemis'

descendants. Calling themselves "the bear-people," they wor-

shiped her in the form of a bear. According to another story, the

Arcadians were descended from Areas, the son of Zeus and a

Nymph named Gallisto. Callisto was a follower of Artemis, but

when she broke her vow of chastity and yielded to Zeus, Artemis

turned her into a bear. For further details see ARTEMIS. Both

Zeus and Hermes were born in Arcadia, and the rural areas were

the haunts of which Pan was most fond.

As life in ancient times became more complex, the Greeks often

turned their minds nostalgically back to the bucolic days of their

ancestors, and they naturally found in the life of Arcadia their

best symbol of escape. Arcadia became, therefore, the local

symbol for poetry that praised the pastoral life, and ultimately

it became indissolubly united with the pastoral tradition in both

classical and English literature.


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The pastoral tradition in literature begins with the work of

Theocritus, a Syracusan poet, whose Idylls show bucolic life

both as it was and as a sort of idealized existence. FollowingTheocritus' example, the Roman poet, Virgil, in his Eclogues,carries the idealization still further. In these poems the shepherdsare all exemplary young men, innocent of guile, who composemusic and poetry both for their own amusement and to celebrate

the pure shepherdesses whom they love. The weather is usually

spring or summer, the meadows are green, and the flocks of sheep

peaceful and clean. Renaissance writers imitated the classical

poets, and in 1504 an Italian poet named Sannazaro wrote

Arcadia, a collection of poetic eclogues connected by prose

passages, which became extremely popular, setting the pattern

for a number of Elizabethan writers.

Although the pastoral or Arcadian tradition spread generally

over Europe in succeeding years, its greatest exemplar in Eliza-

bethan England was the poet Spenser. To the elements of inno-

cent, sometimes unrequited, love amid the green fields and

pretty flocks, Spenser, following Italian models, added the

further element of allegory, so that his shepherds and shep-

herdesses, moving through the usual scenes of pipe playing and

love making, became the vehicles for satire and for moral com-

ment. The Shepheardes Calender and Colin Clouts Come Home

Againe remain signal accomplishments in the genre.

Arcadian pastoral life naturally found its way into prose works

as well as into poetry. Sir Philip Sidney's prose romance, Arcadia,

attempts to blend the traditional view of pastoral life with the

medieval chivalric tradition. Again, Arcadian life is the subject

of both Thomas Lodge's Rosalind and As You Like It, in which

Shakespeare uses Lodge's story, though Arcadia itself is not the

scene of either. A more direct dramatic use of the convention,

which was extraordinarily popular in Elizabethan and Jacobean


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times, is John Fletcher's play, The Faithful Shepherdess (ca.

1610), which concerns itself altogether with shepherds and

shepherdesses oi a sort much more likely to be found in fiction

than in fact.

The Arcadian tradition did not end with the Jacobeans.

Milton, for example, found it a rich field, and the best of his

shorter poems draw from it their symbolism. The shortest,

though not the best, of these is his Arcades, a masque m praise

of the Countess of Derby, in which the Genius of the Wood

appears to speak the main part:

Stay gentle Swains, for though in this disguise,

I see bright honour sparkle through your eyes,

Of famous Arcady ye are, and sprungOf that renowned flood, so often sung,

Divine Alpheus, who by secret sluse,

Stole under Seas to meet his Aretkuse.

The song that concludes the work says of the Countess herself:

Such a rural QueenAll Arcadia hath not seen.

Both Comus and Lycidas are likewise Arcadian pastoral poems.The latter mourns the death of Edward King, whom Milton had

known as a fellow student at Cambridge. King is represented as

a shepherd whose loss is mourned by the other shepherds still

in the pastures, and especially by Milton:

Together both, ere the high Lawns appear'dUnder the opening eye-lids of the morn,We drove a field, and both together heard

What time the Gray-fly winds her sultry horn,

Batt'ning our flocks with the fresh dews of night. , . .

The Arcadian idealization of country lif<? lost none of its

literary impetus during the eighteenth cewt^ry. Nymphs and


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swains, shepherds and shepherdesses, Strephons and Amaryllises

were so widely written about that the terms themselves became

unbearable cliches for later writers The tradition on the one

hand retained classic purity in Alexander Pope's Pastorals; and

on the other hand retained the pastoral spirit but found a local

scene in poems such as Oliver Goldsmith's The Deserted Village,

in which he writes:

Sweet was the sound, when oft at evening's close

Up yonder hill the village murmur rose;

There, as I pass'd with careless steps and slow,

The mingling notes came soften'd from below;

The swam responsive as the milk-maid sung,

The sober herd that low'd to meet their young.

This sort of thing provoked another poet, George Crabbe, to

write The Village, a poem showing country life in more real

colors: his purpose was to

. . . paint the cot,

As Truth will paint it and as bards will not.

Gowper in Hope also remarks sadly:

The poor, inured to drudgery and distress,

Act without aim, think little, and feel- less,

And no where, but in feign'd Arcadian scenes,

Taste happiness, or know what pleasure means.

Although Wordsworth was not given to classical conventions,

in Michael, he has, like Goldsmith, found a native scene for an

Arcadian mood. Wordsworth, however, avoided the more elab-

orate falsities that had grown up in literary Arcadias. With his

tremendous faith in the purifying and simplifying powers of

nature acting on the human mind, and with his close observation

of human life in natural surroundings, he created an old shep-

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herd who has at once the real simplicity of a true rustic and the

ideal innocence of Arcadia.

The tradition was still so much alive in the late nineteenth

century that W. S. Gilbert made a delightful satire about it in

lolanthe, in which a shepherd, born of a brook Nymph, is

elected to Parliament. The opening scene is "an Arcadian land-

scape" with a brook running through it, but by the time

Strephon, the shepherd hero, has found his way into Parliament

and has succeeded in extricating his loved shepherdess, Phyllis,

from the toils of British chancery law, which has made her a ward

of the Lord Chancellor, the effect accomplished is something of

which Theocritus never dreamed.

In a sonnet that bears the traditional name Amaryllis Edwin

Arlington Robinson mourns the passing of pastoral life under

the modern tide of commercialism:

It made me lonely and it made me sad

To think that Amaryllis had grown old.2

Yet the pastoral tradition will doubtless survive as long as there

are poets who prefer the quiet simplicity of the countryside to

the noisy confusions of the city.

ARCAS (ar'kds), the son of Callisto and Zeus, was sometimes said'

to be the ancestor of the Arcadians. See ARTEMIS.AREOPAGUS (ar'e-6p'0-gus) is the hill of ARES.

ARES (a'rez), or Mars, a son of Zeus and Hera, is the god of war.

Dressed in magnificent armor and carrying a spear and a flaming

torch, Ares swaggers into battle attended by his sons Deimos and

Phobos, or Pavor, gods of tumult and terror; Enyo, the goddess of

battle and the destroyer of cities; and Eris, the goddess of discord*

Enyo and Ens are variously described as sister, mother, daughter,

2 From "Amaryllis," by E. A, Robinson, In his Children of the Night*

Reprinted with the permission of the publisher, Charles Scribner's Sons*


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and wife of Ares. As scavengers of the battlefield, the vulture and

the dog are Ares' favorite bird and animal.

Ares and Mars hold the same position in Greek and Roman

mythology, but their differences in character and achievement

point to a significant difference between the two cultures.

Although the Greeks were skillful warriors, they thought of

Ares as "the blood-stained bane of mortals" (Iliad, 5). He was

hated and feared by most men and disliked by nearly all the

gods, including his parents Hera and Zeus. In one of the battles

before Troy the Greek hero Diomedes, with Athene guiding

his spear, wounded Ares in the belly. The god roared with pain

and ran home to Olympus to complain to Zeus, but Zeus received

him with cold contempt. Ares often opposed Athene, who was

the goddess of victory, but she always defeated him because she

was just and wise as well as warlike.

In contrast to the brutal, cowardly, sometimes unsuccessful

Grecian Ares, the Roman Mars is brave, invincible, and glorious.

Rome was founded by Romulus, the son of Mars and a Vestal

Virgin (after his death Romulus was deified as the lesser god of

war, Quirinus); and the god's temple within the city was on

the Campus Martius, or Field of Mars, a favorite place for sports

and military exercises. The warriors in the Aeneid often seek a

glorious death in battle, and Roman generals prayed to Mars

for victory and offered him a portion of their plunder. In The

Knight's Tale by Chaucer, Palamon and Arcite fight for the hand

of Emily, and Arcite prays to Mars for victory. Ironically, Arcite

gets the victory, but Palamon, who has prayed to Venus, gets the


Like most of the other gods, Ares had several casual love

affairs and fathered extraordinary children, including the race

of warlike women called the Amazons. His only enduring affec-

tion, however, was for Aphrodite, and the most remarkable off-


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spring of this union of delight and terror was Eros, the god of

love. (For further details of the affair see APHRODITE.)When a son of Poseidon raped one of Ares' daughters by a

mortal mistress, Axes killed the boy. Poseidon accused Ares of

murder, and he was tried and acquitted by the gods, who held

court on a hill in Athens. Thereafter this hill was called the

Areopagus, the hill of Ares. It was the scene of other murder trials

presided over by the gods, notably that of Orestes (see ATREUS),and it became the seat of the highest human tribunal in Athens.

In Elizabethan times the name was applied by Gabriel Harveyto an informal group of critics who were attempting to reform the

meters of English poetry, and John Milton in the seventeenth

century called his written address to the English Parliament the

Areopagitica in recollection of the Areopagitic Oration of the

Greek Isocrates, who also composed his speeches to be read.

Although the war god is frequently mentioned in Greek and

Roman literature, there are few stories about him. When he is not

described as the lover of Aphrodite, he almost always appears

as a mere personification of war, and that is the way he is used in

English literature. Piers, for example, in Spenser's Shepheqrdes

Calender (October, 89) urges the poet Guddie to "sing of bloody

Mars, of wars, of giusts." In Richard II (2. L 41) the rhapsodizing

John of Gaunt calls England "this seat of Maxs," and Thersites

in Troilus and Cressida (2* 1. 58) describes the boastful, strong,

stupid warrior Ajax as "Mars his idiot." The favorite animal of

Ares is recalled by Antony in Julius Caesar (3- I. 273) when he

says that Caesar's ghost shall "Cry 'havocl' and let slip the dogs of


Enyo, or Bellona, receives similar treatment, Spenser (Faerie

Queenef 7. 6. 3) speaks of her as

. . . drad Bellona, that doth sound on hie

Warres and allarums vnto Nations wide.


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One of Macbeth's admirers calls him "Bellona's bridegroom'*

(Macbeth, 1. 2. 54), and this conceit is wittily developed byRichard Lovelace in his apology to his mistress Lucasta for goingto the wars:

True, a new Mistresse now I chase,

The first Foe in the Field;

And with a stronger Faith imbrace

A Sword, a Horse, a Shield.

When Eris, or Discordia, was not invited to the wedding of

Peleus and Thetis, she threw among the guests a golden apple

inscribed "For the fairest," and this shrewd and spiteful gesture

was a main cause of the Trojan War. Eris, however, is only an

abstraction. There are no other important stories about her, and

she seldom appears in English literature, although in Paradise

Lost (2. 967; 10. 707-709) she is one of the attendants of Chaos

and, after the fall, she introduces death among the beasts.

In English literature, however, another personification from

classical mythology sometimes takes Ens' place. This is Ate, the

goddess of infatuation, the cause of all rash actions and the

originator of mischief. Shakespeare, for example, makes Ate the

companion of the ghost of Caesar raging for revenge (Julius

Caesar, 5. 1. 271). Early in The Faerie Queene (2. 7. 55) Ate is

mentioned as the false spirit whose golden apple caused the

quarrel among the goddesses, and later, in the first canto of

Book Four, she takes part in the action. She and her dwelling are

described in detail. Born "of hellish brood" and nourished by

the Furies, this foul misshapen hag lives on human blood shed

in "mischieuom debate, and deadly feood." Her dwelling place,

close to the gates of hell, is hung with countless trophies of her-

victories over men.

ARETHUSA (ir'frthu'ai) is one of the NYMPHS.


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ARGIPHONTES (ar'ji-fon'tez) is another name for HERMES.ARGO (ar'go) was the ship of the ARGONAUTS.ARGONAUTS (ar'go-nots). The story of the expedition of the

Argonauts, in spite of its many supernatural elements, possibly

had its origin in the real events of some prehistoric quest that

set out from Greece to the eastward. Whatever its beginnings in

fact, however, the mythological story as we know it has the

essence of the Greek heroic spirit, with its mixture of superhumanachievements and human passions, especially as they appearedin the person of Jason, the chief and first mover of the expedition.

Jason, like other Greek heroes, came of a distinguished lineage,

for he was a great-great-grandson of Deucalion, who with his wife

Pyrrha repeopled the earth after the great flood by throwingstones over their shoulders, a method not listed in the Kinsey

Report. The line passed from Deucalion through Hellen, the

eponymous father of all the Greeks, or Hellenes, through Aeolus

(not the wind god, for whose character see WINDS), to Jason's

father, Aeson. Aeson, possibly because he was forced to do so,

gave up the throne of lolcus, a city in Thessaly, to his brother

Pelias, but on condition that Pelias return it to Jason when the

boy came of age.

Jason was reared by Chiron the Centaur until he was twenty

years old. Then an oracle directed him to face Pelias and demand

his father's throne. An oracle meantime had informed Pelias

that a descendant of Aeolus, who would appear before him

wearing only one sandal, would deprive him of the throne. When

Jason traveled to lolcus, he found that he had to cross the river

Enipeus, which was flooded at the time. On the bank there was a

poor old woman lamenting her inability to reach the other side*

He carried her across with difficulty, for the current was swift,

and he lost one sandal in the river. The old woman was Hera

in mortal disguise, and thereafter she favored Jason for his

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courtesy. When he arrived at court wearing only one sandal,

Pelias recognized him and was prepared with a stratagem.

He told Jason that his coming to the throne should be preceded

by an heroic achievement, and he suggested that Jason under-

take to bring back the Golden Fleece from faraway Colchis.

The Golden Fleece itself was the center of a colorful mythAeson's other brother, Athamas, had two children, Phrixus and

Helle, by his wife Nephele. Then Athamas tired of her, put her

aside, and married Ino, Cadmus' daughter, who developed a

traditionally stepmotherly attitude toward the two children and

began to mistreat them. In revenge, Nephele brought down a

drought on the land, and Ino retaliated by demanding the

sacrifice o Phrixus and Helle to relieve it. The children were

about to be sacrificed when their mother appeared on the scene

with a golden-fleeced ram that had been given to her by Hermes.

She placed the children on its back, whereupon the ram sprang

into the air and set course for Colchis. Helle, the daughter,

fell off into the sea at a place that was therefore given her name

and called the Hellespont; but Phrixus reached Colchis, sacrificed

the ram to Ares, and hung its golden fleece in a sacred grove,

where it came to be guarded by a dragon. Thus to Pelias the

fleece seemed both remote and secure, the recovery of it im-

possible. It seemed so to Shakespeare, too, and he borrows its

qualities for Portia, the heroine of The Merchant of Venice

(1. 1. 161-172), whom Bassanio describes thus:

In Belmont is a lady richly left;

And she is fair, and, fairer than that word,

Of wondrous virtues ....

Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth;

For the four winds blow in from every coast

Renowned suitors, and her sunny locks


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Hang on her temples like a golden fleece,

Which, makes her seat of Belmont Colchos' strond,

And many Jasons come in quest of her.

Jason was pleased with Pelias' suggestion. He first employed

Argus, the son of Phnxus (not the hundred-eyed person slain by

Hermes, for whom see ZEUS), to build a huge ship. Because

Jason's contemporaries were accustomed to boats that were

scarcely more than oversized canoes, the ship that Argus built to

accommodate fifty men seemed in itself of heroic size, and it was

named the Argo for its builder. Athene aided in the construction

of it and even placed m it a piece of oak from the tree of the

oracle at Dodona.

Then Jason invited all the heroes of Greece to join him in the

expedition, and those who accepted included Theseus, Orpheus,

Heracles, Pirithous, Castor and Polydeuces (or Pollux), Meleager,

Admetus, Peleus, Nestor, Neleus, and two sons of the north wind

Boreas, named Calais and Zetes.

When the expedition was ready to sail, Jason made a sacrifice

to Zeus and asked for an omen. Zeus responded by thunderingand flashing his lightning, a favorable sign which satisfied the

heroes. They therefore set sail. Their first port of call was

Lernnos* the Aegean isle, "where they found a situation calculated

to delight the hearts of heroes. The women of Lemnos, provokedto the act by Aphrodite, had slain their husbands and all the

other men on the island (though unknown to them their queen,

Hypsipyle, had saved her father from destruction). The heroes

thus found pleasure enough available, and the use to which

they turned it produced another race of heroes, Jason himself

had twin sons by Hypsipyle, though later, when the other

Lemnian women learned that she had saved her father's life,

they killed her sons and sold her into slavery to King Lycurgusof Nemea (for her life in Nemea, see THEBES)* Chaucer made


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a touching love story of this affair between "due Jason" and

"Ysiphile" for his collection called The Legend of Good Women.

The deserted Ysiphile writes a letter to Jason to tell him that

his two children

. . . ben lyk of alle thyng, ywis,

To Jason, save they coude nat begile. . . .

Furthermore, says Chaucer,

. . . tr-ewe to Jason was she al hire lyf,

And evere kepte hire chast, as for his wif;

Ne nevere hadde she joye at hire herte,

But deyede, for his love, of sorwes smerte.

(1569-1570, 1576-1579)

Not forgetting their quest, however, in spite of so delectable

a life, the heroes at last set sail again and landed next at Cyzicus.

As they were leaving this island, Heracles pulled too hard on

his oar and broke it. He therefore went ashore in the company of

a youth named Hylas to find another oar, and while they searched,

amorous Nymphs fell in love with Hylas and kidnaped him.

Because Heracles would not go without him, the Argo had to

leave them both behind.

The heroes stopped next in Bithynia, where they were at once

challenged to box with King Amycus, who ruled the country and

took an insolent pride in his ability with his fists. His challenge

was accepted by Polydeuces, who quickly vanquished him. The

Argo then proceeded to the entrance to the Euxine (now the

Black) Sea, where a real peril faced the heroes. This entrance was

commanded by two floating cliffs called the Symplegades, which

crashed together on any vessel that sought to pass through to the

inner sea. However, the problem of passage was solved for the

Argonauts by old King Phineus, whose kingdom of Salmydessus


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in Thrace lay close by and whom they aided in a problem of his


Phineus had got himself into considerable trouble with the

gods He had first married Cleopatra, the daughter of Boreas, the

north wind (not to be confused with the later famous queen of

Egypt) and had two sons by her. After she died, or according

to a later story, after Phineus had for some reason imprisoned her,

he married Idaea, a daughter of Dardanus of Troy. Idaea falsely

accused Cleopatra's sons of improper conduct and caused Phineus

to blind them. This injustice led Zeus to force on Phineus the

choice of being himself blinded or killed. In this dilemma

Phineus chose blindness, but in so doing he offended Helios, the

god of the sun, because he had chosen not to see the sun again.

Consequently, Helios sent the terrible Harpies to prey on

Phineus. These creatures were the monstrous daughters of the

sea deities Thaumas and Electra, and they had the bodies, wings,

and claws of birds, but the heads of maidens. From their home,

the Strophades islands in the Ionian Sea, they flew into Phineus'

kingdom and each day stole his food or defiled it with their

excrement (see SEA GODS). Tyo of the Argonauts, Calais and

Zetes, who had been his brothers-in-law when he was married to

Cleopatra, drove off the Harpies.

As to the Argonauts' problem, Phineus advised them to release

a dove to fly between the cliffs; the cliffs would then crash

together on the dove, and while they were moving back into

their separate positions, the Argonauts could sail through. This

advice the heroes followed and it worked almost perfectly. The

Symplegades, in crashing together on the dove, missed all the

bird except a few of her tail feathers* The Argo was then rowed

swiftly through the reopening passage, and though the cliffs came

quickly together again, they missed all the boat except its

rudder. Ever after, the two cliffis were united into one rock. The


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incident supplied Milton with a parallel by which to describe

Satan's passage through the realm of Chaos in Paradise Lost

(2. 1013-1018). Satan sprang upward

. . . like a Pyramid of fire

Into the wilde expanse, and through the shock

Of fighting Elements, on all sides round

Environ'd wins his way; harder beset

And more endanger'd, then when Argo pass'd

Through Bosporus betwixt the justhng Rocks . . .

The rest of the Argonauts' passage to Colchis was without

serious incident except for their experience with the Stymphalian

Birds, creatures similar to the Harpies, whose feathers were as

sharp as arrows and whose talons were of iron. These birds,

which attacked the Argonauts by showering down iron feathers

that pierced the heroes' skin, were driven off only by a great

clamor that the Argonauts set up.

The expedition now reached Colchis in safety, and there Jason

found the land ruled by Aeetes, a son of Helios. Aeetes consented

to give Jason the Golden Fleece only on condition that Jason

first perform a task for him, and the task was designed to get rid

of Jason. It consisted of yoking Aeetes' brazen-hooved bulls,

that breathed fire, of plowing the field of Ares, and of sowing it

with dragon's teeth like those sown by Cadmus, teeth that would

spring up into armed soldiers who would attack whoever had

planted them.

Jason, in the manner characteristic of heroes, accepted the task

and set the date on which he would perform it. He then put to

use the experience that he had gained on the island of Lemnos,

and made love to Aeetes' daughter, Medea, whose name means

"the counseling woman," and who was actually a powerful

sorceress. Medea accepted his love and used her magic powers to

provide him with a mixture to make him fire- and sword-proof.


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Athene also came to his aid. Consequently Jason had no trouble

in yoking the fire-breathing bulls to the plow, much to the

astonishment of all who watched. Moreover, he made short work

of sowing the dragon's teeth. When the armed warriors sprang

up from the soil and attacked him, he first displayed an heroic

sprezzatura and fought them off singlehanded. Then he resorted

to what Medea had taught him and threw a stone among them;

this ruse caused them to fight among themselves until they

finally killed one another off.

Now all that Jason had to do was to best the dragon that

guarded the fleece in the sacred wood. Again a woman's wiles

were successful where a man's strength would have failed. Medea

gave him a liquid that, when sprinkled on the old dragon, put

him to sleep for the first time in his life. The fleece itself was

then an easy plunder.

To make sure that Aeetes did not change his mind, Jason and

the other Argonauts, taking Medea and her brother, Absyrtus,

with them, left Colchis secretly Aeetes, however, soon missed

his guests and his children and set out in hot pursuit. He mighthave overtaken them had not Medea thought of another ruse.

She dismembered her brother and threw the pieces out into the

sea as the ship moved along. Not only was Aeetes deeply shocked

by this device, but he felt bound to collect his disjunct son and

give him a decent burial as required by the gods* By the time

he had accomplished this sad task, his daughter and her friends

were safely beyond pursuit.

The Argonauts reached lolcus again without mishap, and

Jason dedicated the Argo to Poseidon, who had given it such fair

passage over his waters. Then Jason demanded the throne of

lolcus from Pelias. According to one story, Pelias refused and

Jason slew him. Another myth is more complicated. Jason, it

seems, asked Medea to restore his aged father, Aeson, to youth-


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fulness by her charms. Medea made elaborate preparations for

the task. She first prayed to numerous deities, including Hecate

and Tellus, the earth Then she called up her magic chariot

powered by twin-winged serpents and flew off to a place where

she could find the mysterious herbs she needed. Nine nights

were taken up in her search, though Jessica, in Shakespeare's

Merchant of Venice, seems to think that Medea took only one,

and consequently says of the enchanted night that she is spending

with her lover Lorenzo (5 1. 12-14),

In such a nightMedea gathered the enchanted herbs

That did renew old

After gathering a collection of items that would put even a

modern drugstore to shame, Medea built altars to Hebe, the

goddess of youth, and to Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, and

began the final ritual. Into a caldron she put herbs, seeds, sand,

the head and wings of a screech owl, the liver of a stag, the

entrails of a wolf, the beak of a crow, and other exotic things.

She had Aeson brought in, put him into a trance with one of

her spells, and laid him out as if dead, on a bed of herbs.

Then, shutting all others from her magic, she marched three

times around her altars, dipping a burning twig into the blood of

a sacrificed black sheep, and performing other rites. When the

caldron had bubbled sufficiently, she cut Aeson's throat and let

his blood drain forth, after which she poured her potpourri into

his mouth and into the wound in his throat. The effect was as

planned, and Aeson rose up a young man again, his hair

and beard youthful in color although they had been white

with age.

Naturally, Medea's success was received as a sensation. Pelias

tcto was growing old, and bis daughters besought Medea to work

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the same rejuvenation on him. Medea pretended to consent, and

actually went through the same motions, but this time she put

only a few odds and ends, together with some plain water, into

the caldron. She then persuaded the daughters to kill their

father and put his body in the caldron. Too late they learned

that they had killed him to no purpose, and Medea had mean-

time escaped.

But Medea's magic, powerful as it was, could not keep for

her the love of Jason. Although she had two children by him,

he fell in love with Creusa, or Glauce, the daughter of Creon of

Corinth, made her his wife, and deserted Medea. Medea's

revenge was ruthless and terrible. She prepared a cursed dress

by steeping it in a deadly poison. This she sent to Creusa as a

reconciliation present. When Creusa put it on, it burned her to

death, and her father, too, who tried to save her. Medea also

burned down Jason's house. As Jason came to her in great anger,

she murdered their two sons and flew away in her serpent chariot

to Athens where Aegeus, the father of Theseus, who hoped that

she could cure his impotence, gave her protection. The story of

Medea's terrible revenge on Jason is the subject of a tragedy by

Euripides, which has recently been freely translated by Robinson

Jeffers. A crime that she attempted in Athens is told in this book

under THESEUS. In The Legend of Good Women (1676-1677),

Chaucer, intent on the feminine faithfulness that is the subject

of the work, omits the violence that Medea did and tells only of

her reproaches to Jason, concluding:

O haddest thow in thy conquest ded ybe,

Ful nukel untrouthe hadde ther deyd with the I

Jason himself came to a sorry end. Despondent over his mis-

fortunes, which he certainly had brought on himself, he set out for

the sacred grove where the Argo had been placed in dedication


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to Poseidon. There he killed himself, or according to another

account, the stern of the Argo fell on him and killed him.

The entire story of Jason is related by the indefatigable

William Morris in a long poem called The Life and Death of

Jason, and Robert Graves has recently retold the voyage of the

Argonauts in a novel, Hercules, My Shipmate.ARGUS (ar'gus) was (1) the hundred-eyed giant who guardedlo on Hera's orders (see ZEUS): (2) the builder of the Argo,the ship of the ARGONAUTS; (3) the dog of ODYSSEUS.ARIADNE (arl'ad'nS) aided Theseus in slaying the Minotaur.

Theseus deserted her on the island of Naxos, but the god Dionysus

fell in love with her and married her. See DIONYSUS, THESEUS.ARIES (a/ri-ez), the Ram, is a constellation and a sign of the

ZODIAC.ARION (d-ri'&n) was (1) a musician (see SEA GODS); (2) a

winged horse (see THEBES).ARISTAEUS (Sr

/is*te/us) is the minor god of beekeeping. See

ORPHEUS, SEA GODS.ARSINOE (ar-sin'6-e) was the first wife of Alcmaeon, one of the

Epigoni. See THEBES.ARTEMIS (ar'tS-mis), or Diana, the twin sister of Apollo, is

the virgin goddess of the moon and the hunt, and the protector

of young persons and wild animals. As goddess of the moon, sh

is also called Phoebe, Selene, Luna, and Hecate. The Titaness

Phoebe, whose name means "the bright one," seems to have been

the first moon goddess; she was the mother of Leto and therefore

the grandmother of Artemis. She was replaced as moon goddess by

Selene, a daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Thea, who were

also the parents of Helios, the sun god, and Eos, the goddess of the

dawn. Selene was gradually overshadowed by Artemis, as Helios

was by Apollo, and Artemis finally assumed all the powers of the

goddess of the moon and all the stories attributed to her. Luna,


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which simply means "moon/* is, like Diana, a Roman name for


The mixture of good and evil that the Greeks and Romans

found in their gods is seen most clearly in the moon goddess,

who is at once the chaste and lovely Artemis and the mysterious

and terrible Hecate, the goddess of the dark of the moon. TheRoman writers sometimes represent Diana as having three natures

as the moon has three phases, she is Luna in the sky, Diana on

earth, and Hecate in Hades. This notion appears in English

literature also. In Paradise Lost (3. 730), for example, Uriel

refers to the moon's "countenance triform"; Robin Goodfellow

in A Midsummer-Night's Dream (5. 1. 391) speaks of "triple

Hecate's team", and Herrick in A Conjuration: To Electra adds

solemnity to his pleading

By silent nights, and the

Three Formes of Heccate.

Dogs howl at the approach of Hecate, as they do in the Aeneid

when the Sibyl of Cumae in the middle of the night sacrifices

four black bullocks to the dark goddess. Hecate is the mistress

of witchcraft, and she is powerful at graveyards and crossroads*

As an attendant of the queen of Hades, she has power over

dreams and fantasies and is able to raise the spirits of the dead.

In Macbeth (3 5 and 4. 1) Hecate is the mistress of the three

witches who offer riddling prophecies and raise apparitions to

trick Macbeth. The enchanter in Milton's Comus (534) does

"abhorred rites to Hecate"; and in Spenser's Faerie Queene

(1.1. 43) an evil spirit who has been sent to get a false dream

from Morpheus frightens the sleepy god into wakefulness with

Hecate's "dreaded name/' The most recent use o this name is in

Edmund Wilson's Memoirs of Hecate County, a book of stories


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that deal with a noticeably sulphurous suburban area of our


Artemis is also called Cynthia and Delia because she was born

on Mount Cynthus on the island o Delos (for stories of her

birth see APOLLO). Under the names of Ilithyia, or Eileithyia,

and Lucina (which are sometimes applied to Hera and sometimes

are the names of a separate goddess), Artemis is the goddess of

childbirth. She is invoked in this capacity by Spenser in his

Epithalamion (374-387). That a virgin goddess is often the

goddess of childbirth is one of the divine paradoxes that the

human authors of this book must leave unexplained. The cypress

is the tree of Artemis, and all wild animals are sacred to her, but

especially the deer. To the Greeks and Romans she was the

ideal of beautiful and vigorous girlhood as Apollo was of robust

and handsome young manhood.

Artemis not only gloried in her own virginity but required a

vow of chastity from the many Nymphs who were her attendants

and her hunting companions. In Pope's The Rape of the Lock

(2. 105-106) the heroine Belinda, who is a follower of Artemis

only in the sense that she is a virgin, is doomed to disaster, but

no one knows

Whether the nymph shall break Diana's law,

Or some frail China jar receive a flaw.

Artemis protected her attendants, as she did Arethusa when the

river god Alpheus attempted to force his love on her (see

NYMPHS); and she punished them if they broke their vows.

When Callisto, an Arcadian follower of Artemis, yielded to Zeus

and bore him a son, Artemis turned her into a bear. (Some

writers say that this punishment wa imposed by Hera, Zeus's

jealous wife.) Years later the transformed Callisto met her son

Areas hunting in the forest. As he raised his spear to kill her,


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Zeus translated them both to the sky, making her the Great

Bear, Arctus, or Ursa Major, more familiarly known as the Big

Dipper, and her son the Little Bear, Arcturus, or Arctophylax, a

giant star that has the North Star or Cynosure at the tip of its

tail. In Milton's Comus (340-341) the Elder Brother, lost in a

black night, recalls this story when he says that a candle flame

would seem like a

. . . star of Arcady,Or Tyrian Cynosure.

Areas was often said to be the father of the inhabitants of Arcadia,

a rural district in the heart of Peloponnesus (see ARCADIA).The goddess of fair and harmless light was quick to resent

slights and insults and terrible in her vengeance. When KingOeneus of Calydon at the festival of harvest forgot to sacrifice to

Artemis, she sent a great boar to ravage his kingdom (see

CALYDONIAN BOAR HUNT); and when Agamemnon, wait-

ing in Aulis to lead the Greeks against Troy, killed a stag sacred

to Artemis, she refused to allow the Greek fleet to sail until

Agamemnon had atoned for his sin by sacrificing his daughter

Iphigenia (see TROJAN WAR).Artemis and Apollo were exceedingly fond of their mother Leto

and fierce defenders of her honor. They killed a Giant named

Tityus because he had insulted Leto (see APOLLO), and they

wiped out the entire family of a woman who boasted that she

was superior to their -mother. Niobe, the daughter of Tantalus,

married Amphion, regent of Thebes, and bore him fourteen sons

and daughters. Her pride in these children stirred in her the

terrible arrogance of her father, and she declared that the

Thebans should worship her rather than Leto. "She has only

two children," Niobe said, "but I have seven times as many."

Urged to vengeance by their mother, Artemis and Apollo with


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their arrows shot down Niobe's seven sons and then her seven

daughters as they wept over their brothers' bodies. Amphion,mad with grief, killed himself. Niobe was changed into a stone

from which flows continually the stream of her tears. In English

literature she is usually a symbol of sorrow rather than foolish

pride. Hamlet, for example, bitterly recalls that his mother, now

remarried, two months before had followed his father's body"like Niobe, all tears" (Hamlet, 1. 2. 149), and in Childe Harold

(4. 79) Byron describes Rome as

The Niobe of nations! there she stands,

Childless and crownless, in her voiceless woe.

Actaeon, a mighty hunter who under other circumstances

might have been a favorite of Artemis, was punished by the god-

dess because through ill luck he offended her modesty. One day

when he was hot and tired from hunting, he went to a tree-

fringed pool on a little stream. He did not know that this was a

favorite bathing place of Artemis, but he surprised the goddess,

naked, on the bank of the pool. SI* * threw a handful of water in

his face and he was transformed into a stag When he tried to run

away, his own hunting dogs tracked him down and killed him.

The significance of this story for the English Renaissance is

clearly represented in a speech by the lovesick Orsino in Twelfth

Night (1. 1. 19-23):

O, when mine eyes did see Olivia first,

Methought she purg'd the air of pestilence!

That instant was I turn'd into a hart,

And my desires, like fell and cruel hounds,

E'er since pursue me

The hart (by a familiar pun that the Elizabethans always en-

joyed) became the human heart awakened by a glimpse of divine

beauty, and the passions that could not be satisfied became the


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hounds that destroyed the heart. Samuel Daniel makes similar

use of the story in Sonnet 5 of Delia. In the nineteenth century

Shelley compares himself to Actaeon in Adonais (274-279):

... he, as I guess,

Had gazed on Nature's naked loveliness,

Actaeon-like, and now he fled astray

With feeble steps o'er the world's wilderness,

And his own thoughts, along that rugged way,

Pursued, like raging hounds, their father and their prey.

Here the myth represents the fate of man when he bursts in on

inner meanings of life and is destroyed by what he has discovered.

Writing in our own time, Robinson Jeffers in a poem called

Science also uses the myth gloomily to predict man's self-annihila-

tion through his increasing knowledge and his misuse of it:

His mind forebodes his own destruction;

Actaeon who saw the goddess naked among leaves

and his hounds tore him.

A little knowledge, a pebble from the shingle,

A drop from the oceans: who would have dreamed

this infinitely little too much?8

John Peale Bishop expresses man's ignorance of the nature of

his guilt and the nature of his quest in Another Actaeon.

John Day, a seventeenth-century poet, writes of

A noise of horns and hunting, which shall bringActaeon to Diana in the spring.

As T. S, Eliot reworks these lines in The Waste Land (197-201),

the noise of industrialism, which has replaced the hunting horns,

heralds a union of vulgarities;'

and although Diana does not

s From "Science," by Robinson Jeffers, in his Roan Stallion, Tamar, andOther Poems. Copyright, 1925, by Bom & Liveright; copyright, 1935, byModern Library. Reprinted with the permission of Random House, Inc.


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bathe, she illuminates some rather extraordinary ablutions. Onehears

The sound of horns and motors, which shall bring

Sweeney to Mrs. Porter in the spring.

O the moon shone bright on Mrs. Porter

And on her daughter

They wash their feet in soda water,4

Though she was the virgin huntress who swore her Nymphs to

chastity and who protected such scorners of love as Atalanta of

Boeotia and Hippolytus, Artemis herself once fell in love. One

night she looked down and saw the shepherd Endymion sleeping

on Mount Latinos in Caria. He was so handsome that even

Artemis' heart was touched. She descended from the sky and

kissed Endymion and lay beside him while he slept Throughher power or that of Zeus, Endymion was given eternal youth

to be spent in eternal sleep, and night after night Artemis re-

turns to Mount Latmos to lie with her sleeping lover.

This myth is referred to incidentally by many English poets.

In The Merchant of Venice (5. 1. 109-110), for example, Portia

explains a moonless night by saying,

. . . the moon sleeps with Endymion,And would not be awak'd.

Two Elizabethans, John Lyly and Michael Drayton, and one Ro-

mantic, John Keats, have developed the theme in detail. Lyly's

Endymion, the Man in the Moon is an allegorical play in which

Endymion forsakes Tellus, the earth, because of his apparently

hopeless love for Cynthia. In revenge Tellus has Endymion put

into an enchanted sleep from which he is released by a kiss from

* From "The Waste JLantf," by T. S. Eliot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-

1935. Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company. Reprinted

with their penmsfcion,


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Cynthia, who accepts him as her admirer but does not grant him

her love.

Drayton in Endimion and Phoebe works out in a more inter-

esting way the relationship between physical and spiritual love,

Phoebe, who is devoted to her worshiper Endymion, makes love

to him in the guise of a Nymph. He refuses to listen to her

because he is "Phoebes servant sworne," but after she leaves him

he is consumed with desire. When she wakens him at dawn, he

pleads his love, still thinking her a Nymph, but she reveals

herself as Phoebe and confesses her love for him. Then she shows

him the divine secrets of the sky, causes him to be deified, and

takes him back to Mount Latmos, where she will often visit himin his immortal sleep.

In Drayton's poem the myth is made Platonic; Phoebe repre-

sents the divine beauty that (according to Plato) all men love

in their souls, and her gifts to Endymion are the rewards of

the spirit. Although the symbolism of Keats's Endymion is some-

what cloudy, it is clear that in this poem, also, Diana represents

the ideal beauty that inspires ideal love. Like Drayton's Phoebe,

Keats's goddess disguises herself, but she leads Endymion throughadventures which cause him to realize that divine love is to be

gained only by vigorous participation in human life and byattainment of human sympathy and human love.

Another love story about Artemisone that was rejected bycertain early scholiasts, perhaps because they felt that one love

story was enough for a virgin goddessis alluded to by Virgil in

the Georges. In three lines he tells how Pan won Luna's love by

offering her a beautiful white fleece of wool. Spenser in his

Epithalamion (378-381) soothes the commentators by attribut-

ing this bribe to Endymion, but Browning in Pan and Luna

moralizes the tale. In Browning's poem the goddess, realizing that

everyone can see her naked beauty, hides herself in a fleecy cloud,


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but the cloud is a trap of wool devised by Pan, thus her modesty

betrays her to his lust.

Artemis has always been a symbol of spiritual beauty, but she

appeared most frequently in English poetry during the Renais-

sance, when she was one of the poetic disguises of Queen Eliza-

beth. The likeness between the two ladies is remarkable: Eliza-

beth in her day was as famous a virgin as Artemis; she demanded

chastity of her maids of honor, as Artemis did of her Nymphs,and punished them if they transgressed; and she, like Artemis,

was suspected of having at least one mortal lover. In Elizabethan

poems most references to the moon goddess are addressed as

much to Elizabeth as to Artemis.

Spenser often alludes to Diana in his poetry, and she appears

in two of the stories in his Faene Queene. In the first of these

(3.6. 1-28) Diana takes Belphoebe, one of the twin daughters

of Chrysogonee, to train "in perfect Maydenhed," and Bel-

phoebe's actions in the poem show how well Diana succeeds.

Belphoebe (whose name means "beautiful Phoebe") is a type

of Diana and Elizabeth; as is Britomart, the warlike virgin who

is the heroine of Book Three. Britomart is named for Britomartis,

a Cretan goddess sometimes identified with Artemis.

Two of the many lyrics that praise the virgin goddess and

the virgin queen are Sir Walter Ralegh's Praised Be Diana's Fair

and Harmless Light and Ben Jonson's song, which begins:

Queene and huntress, chaste and fair,

Now the sun is laid to sleep,

Seated m thy silver chair,

State in wonted manner keep.

Hesperus entreats thy light,

Goddess excellently bright.

Oberon's story in A Midsummer-Night's Dream (2, 1. 163-164)

also illustrates the technique of double reference. He says that


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he once saw Cupid shoot his arrow of love at Artemis, but the

arrow's fire was quenched in her chaste beams,

And the imperial vot'ress passed on,

In maiden meditation, tancy-free.

For the other virgin goddesses see ATHENE and HESTIA.

ASCANIUS (as-ka'ni'us), who was also called lulus, was the son

of AENEAS.ASCLEPIUS (as-kle'pl-us) is the god of medicine. See APOLLO.ASHTOROTH (ash't6-roth), or Astarte, was the Phoenician

name for APHRODITE.ASOPUS (a-so'pus) was the father of Aegina, one of the mis-

tresses of ZEUS.

ASPHODEL (as'fo-del) is the flower that grows in HADES,

ASTARTE (Ss'tar'te), or Ashtoroth, was the Phoenician name

for APHRODITE,ASTRAEA (as-tre'a) is the goddess of human justice, a sym-

bol of innocence and purity. The daughter of Zeus and Themis,

the goddess of divine justice, Astraea lived on earth with mortal

beings during the peaceful Golden Age, the Silver Age, and

the decaying Bronze Age, as did others of the immortals. But,

when the Iron Age came, and with it almost universal wicked-

ness and depravity among mortals, the gods one by one left the

earth in disgust, until only Astraea remained. At last, she, too,

left and was fixed in heaven by Zeus, where she became the con-

stellation of Virgo, or the virgin. Beside her are her scales of

justice, the constellation Libra. Zeus afterward destroyed all

human beings except Deucalion and Pyrrha by a great flood,

for which see DEUCALION. In The Faerie Queene (5. 1. 5-12)

Artegall, the knight of justice, is brought up by Astraea. She

trains him in her discipline, and before she leaves the earth she

gives him the sword with which Jove fought the Titans and


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leaves to him her servant, the iron man Talus, to carry out his

commands. Then she retires to the heavens.

There was a myth among the Greeks that Astraea would some

day return, as would other of the Olympians, and bring with her

a return of the primal virtues that she represents, an event to

which Virgil refers in Eclogue 4 (6).

Jam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia Regna

[Now returns the Virgin, too, the Golden Age returns]

a line that Dryden took as the epigraph of his poem, Astraea

Redux (1660), which celebrates the return to the English throne

ol King Charles II after Cromwell's rule. Dryden could hardly

have expected as much of Charles' reign as would have been

required to recall Astraea, and Charles must have known it; but

with kings, flattery is no vice. Alexander Pope somewhat more

appropriately applies the myth to the advent of the Christ in his

eclogue, Messiah (17-20), which is made up of prophecies about

Christ's coming:

All crimes shall cease, and ancient fraud shall fail,

Returning Justice lift aloft her scale;

Peace o'er the world her olive wand extend,

And white-rob'd Innocence from heav'n descend.

One of Pope's contemporaries, a playwright by the name o Mrs.

Aphra Behn, gave herself the nom de plume Astraea but was

fond of providing rather unmaidenly action in her plays. Pope

refers to this incongruity in a well-known passage of Imitations

of Horace, First Epistle, Second Book (290-291):

The stage how loosely does Astraea tread,

fairly puts all characters to bedl

Wordsworth, reflecting on the past glories of the Swiss people


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(Memorials of a Tow on the Continent, 1820, 24 2. 2), in a

moment ol classical reminiscence seldom repeated in his better-

known poems, writes,

But Truth inspired the Bards of old

When of an iron age they told,

Which to unequal laws gave birth,

And drove Astraea trom the earth.

After this allusion he reverts sharply to a subject of which he

was fonder, a small country boy tending his goats.

ASTYANAX (Ss-tl'fl-n&ks) was the infant son of Hector, the

chief hero of Troy in the TROJAN WAR.ATALANTA OF ARCADIA (at'd-ian'tfl ar-ka'di-a) was the

heroine of the CALYDONIAN BOAR HUNT.ATALANTA OF BOEOTIA (at'fl-ian'td be-o'shd) was the

daughter of Schoeneus. Informed by an oracle that if she mar-

ried she would bring calamity on herself, she avoided amorous

society and gave her time and heart instead to the chase of non-

human quarries In this activity she became extremely fleet of

foot and so found a way to deal with the suitors who, in spite

of her aversion to them, sought her hand. She informed them

that whoever wanted to marry her must first beat her in a

foot race, and that whoever lost to her in the race must lose

his life.

Atalanta was so lovely that many men tried to outrun her, but

Atalanta ran faster than they did, and they were put to death.

For one of these extraordinary races a youth named Hippomeneswas a judge. He immediately fell in love with her and offered

to race her as the others had done. First, however, he prayed to

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, urging her that she protect him

because she was responsible for his ardor. Aphrodite heard his

prayer; and moving unseen, she brought three golden apples


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from her garden on the island of Cyprus and gave them to Hippo-menes with directions for their use.

When the race was under way, Hippomenes, finding himself

about to be passed by Atalanta, dropped one of the golden

apples. It pleased the girl's eye and she slowed down to pick it

up. When she caught up with him again, Hippomenes droppedthe second apple with the same effect, and in like manner the

third. His stratagem worked only narrowly, but it worked; he

reached the finish mark just ahead of Atalanta, and she was his

by contract.

Atalanta was at first reluctant to keep her word and marry

Hippomenes, but she had no alternative. Later the two discovered

such bliss in marriage that they forgot the proper gratitude due

to Aphrodite, and so the word of the oracle came to pass. Aphro-

dite, angry at their neglect, caused them to offend Cybele, and

that powerful goddess turned them into animals, Atalanta into

a lioness and Hippomenes into a lion, after which she yoked

them to her chariot for the rest of time (see EARTH GOD-


Although this, racing Atalanta is probably better known than

her Arcadian namesake, the huntress, she is less famous for what

the poets in our language have made of her. Swinburne gives

fame to the huntress, but William Morris has little to add to the

luster of the racer in his retelling of her feats in Atalanta's Race,

one of the poems in The Earthly Paradise. Morris prefers

to conclude his verse with the happy marriage, omitting the

later misfortune; but in spite of his subject matter, his poem is


ATE (a'te) is the goddess of infatuation. See ARES

ATHAMAS (ath'a-mds) was the husband of Nephele and of


ATHENAEA (Stth'S-ne'd) is another name of ATHENE.


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ATHENE (<i-the/ne), or Athena, or Minerva, or Pallas Athene,

as she is often called, came into the world in an extraordinary

manner. Most accounts agree that Zeus swallowed his first wife

Metis when she became pregnant because it had been decreed

that she would give birth to a child mightier than he. Sometime

later Zeus developed a terrible headache and requested Hephaes-tus to split open his head with an ax. When Hephaestus had




Pandion I

Erechtheus Praxithea Philomela Procne = Tereus

Itys (Itylus)

Pandion II -Pylia Orithyia Creusa Procris


Theseus = (1) Ariadne = (2) Hippolyta (or Antiope) *= (3) Phaedra

Hippolytus I


Acamus Dcmophoon

done so, out of the cleft sprang Athene in full war dress and

with a loud war cry. Thus came into being the virgin goddessof war and of wisdom. This myth seemed to Milton an appropri-ate way in which to describe the birth of Sin from the head of

Satan in Paradise Lost (2. 752-758). In these lines, Sin, unrecog-

nized by her father who is attempting to find his way out of

Hell, reminds him that in the assembly of revolting angels in

Heaven Satan was struck with a headache:


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All on a sudden miserable pain

Surpris'd thee, dim thine eyes, and dizzie swummIn darkness, while thy head flames thick and fast

Threw forth, till on the left side opening wide,

Likest to thee in shape and countenance bright,

Then shining heav'nly fair, a Goddess arm'd

Out of thy head I sprung.

Thus Satan produced sin out of himself, as Zeus was the sole

author of wisdom.

As the goddess of war, Athene seems to represent the cunning

side of conflict that leads to victory, and for this reason she is

usually pictured as holding a small symbolic statue of victory in

one hand. Because of her superior wisdom, she always had the

better of Ares, the god of rough, crude war, when the two clashed.

It was Athene who brought victory to the Greeks at Troy when

she had Odysseus arrange the stratagem of the wooden horse (see

TROJAN WAR), and thus she was instrumental in defeating

the side taken by Ares. Athene is used symbolically on the United

States' victory medal that commemorates our victory in World

War II. On this medal she appears with her no-longer-needed

sword broken and held in her hands, and her foot triumphantly

placed on her helmet.

As the goddess of wisdom, Athene has an even more distin-

guished reputation. She was the mother of contemplation, the

practice of wisdom. Furthermore, she was associated with such

useful household arts as spinning and weaving; and she was

generally credited with having invented the plow, the ship, and

the wagon, as well as the craft of shoemakmg. The myth of

Arachne shows Athene's skill in weaving and also serves as an

example of the swift and terrible ways in which the gods punish

impiety. Arachne was a maiden who was so skillful a weaver

that she boasted her prowess was equal to Athene's. Athene


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thereupon challenged her to a contest. Arachne impudentlywove a tapestry showing the love aftairs of Zeus, and Athene was

forced to admire her skill; but then the goddess put her ownhand to the loom and wove a tapestry showing the dignity of

the gods and the punishments that they inflict on impious mor-

tals. Thereupon she turned the impious Arachne into a spider

that must always stay at the center of its web. This myth is re-

counted by Spenser in Muiopotpnos (257-352) where he invents a

son of Arachne, named Aragnoll, the villain of the poem.In a civilization in which wisdom and skill in war were held

in high regard, as they were in Greece, Athene was bound to be

a popular figure She suggested to Zeus the means by which he

overcame the Giants and thus gained control of the world, and

she seems to have been the undoing of most of the violent mon-

sters that were left after Zeus's mam battle against them, for she

aided Cadmus in overcoming the dragon, Perseus m killing

Medusa, Theseus in slaying the Minotaur, and Heracles in all

his gigantic achievements. She furthermore aided Bellerophonin securing Pegasus, the winged horse; Jason in obtaining the

Golden Fleece; and Odysseus in all his exploits in returning to

Ithaca. A hero with Athene on his side was a hero indeed, a

symbolism by which the Greeks expressed their opinion that

intelligence is an essential in the heroic character. The myths of

her aid to heroes are told elsewhere in this book.

If Athene was popular with the Greeks in general, she was

especially so with the people of Athens, which was named for her.

According to myth, the city originally belonged to the Cecro-

pians. The gods, however, decided that the city should belongto either Poseidon or Athene, whichever produced the thing more

useful to man, Poseidon, striking the rock with his trident,

brought forth the horse; but Athene produced the olive tree,

and Erichthonius or Erechtheus, the king of the Cccropians,


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awarded the victory to her. According to some versions, Cecropswas the king who judged the contest.

In the hazy genealogy of the royal house of Athens, Erich-

thonius is given as the grandfather of Erechtheus, but the same

stories are told of both kings. Like Cecrops, Erichthonius was a

child of earth. Hephaestus, repulsed by Athene, dropped his seed

on the ground and the earth bore Erichthonius. The boy was

protected by Athene, who put him in a covered chest and gave it

to the three daughters of Cecrops with a strict order that it

should not be opened. When two of the girls yielded to their

curiosity and opened the chest, what they saw drove them madand caused them to leap to their death from the Acropolis, the

high tablelike rock on which the city was built. They saw either

a child guarded by snakes or a child with snakes for legs, a sight

which should hardly have had such a devastating effect on girls

whose own father was snake-footed. But after this excitement

Athene took care of the boy herself, and when he reached man-

hood he showed his gratitude by building on the Acropolis a

temple in Athene's honor called the Erechtheum. Later a much

larger and more famous temple called the Parthenon was built on

the Acropolis, and in this was placed the statue of Athene by the

sculptor Phidias. This statue seems to have shown Athene in her

most typical pose, standing with a spear in one hand and a small

figure of victory in the other, and with her shield leaning against

her; on her head a warrior's helmet, and on her breastplate the

head of Medusa (see Gorgons under SEA GODS, and PER-

SEUS). Another statue of Athene by Phidias stood outside the

Parthenon on the Acropolis and was of such colossal size that it

could be seen from miles away at sea.

The oldest statue said to be of Athene was the Palladium, an

image so old, in fact, that it was thought to have fallen from

heaven. A priestly family in Athens kept charge of this sacred


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object, and the belief was common that so long as the statue

remained safe within the city, the city was safe from capture

or destruction In their day, the Trojans had the Palladium, and

their city fell only after the statue had been taken from them,

either because it was stolen by Odysseus and Diomedes, or be-

cause Aeneas removed it when he departed. Because of these

different versions of the story, the possession of the statue was

variously claimed by Athens and Argos, and later by Rome,where the Romans held that it had been brought by Aeneas,

Matthew Arnold, m Palladium, makes the statue, still held bythe Trojans sale m their uncaptured city, a symbol of the soul

that sends on human life a "ruling effluence/' He concludes,

remembering the powers of the Palladium,

And when it fails, fight as we will, we die;

And while it lasts, we cannot wholly end.

The symbols of Athene include the shield, the spear, the

figure o victory, and the aegis (which means "shield"), the

head of Medusa mounted on a breastplate or a shield. The olive,

the cock, the owl, the crow, and the serpent were all sacred to

her. Her other names were numerous. The best known was

Pallas, a name derived from a word meaning "to brandish."

Others were: Soteira, or savior; Parthenos, the virgin; Nike, the

victorious one; Mechanitis, the ingenious one; Promachos, the

forefront of battle; and Tritogeneia, Tritonia, and Athenaea.

The Panathenaea was a festival in Athene's honor celebrated

yearly at Athens.

Well-known appearances of the goddess in English poetryinclude Byron's witty attack on Lord Elgin for removing the

famous marbles from the Parthenon to the British Museum, a

poem called The Curse of Minerva in which he envisions the

goddess, despoiled of her fineness, appearing to him:


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Gone were the terrors of her awful brow,

Her idle aegis bore no Gorgon now;Her helm was dinted, and the broken lance

Seem'd weak and shaftless e'en to mortal glance;

The olive branch, which still she deign'd to clasp,

Shrunk from her touch and withered in her grasp.

Athene's curse on Lord Elgin is typical both of her powers and

Byron's wit:

Be all the sons as senseless as the sire:

If one with wit the parent brood disgrace,

Believe him bastard of a brighter race.

In Poe's poem The Raven this bird of ill omen perches symboli-

cally on a bust of Pallas over his chamber door; and Tennyson,

in Oenone, gives a description of the goddess that conveys all

her chaste and intellectual aloofness from human folly:

. . . Pallas . . . stood

Somewhat apart, her clear and bared limbs

O'erthwarted with the brazen-headed spear

Upon her pearly shoulder leaning cold,

The while, above, her full and earnest eye

Over her snow-cold breast and angry cheek

Kept watch ....

Small wonder then that Paris, to whom she appeared thus with

Aphrodite and Hera, was more affected by the softer charms of

Aphrodite.For the other virgin goddesses see ARTEMIS and HESTIA.

ATHENS (Sth'fenz), the city of Athene, is on the plain of Attica

about three miles from the sea. The first settlement was on the

Acropolis, a large rock that rises nearly two hundred feet above

the plain; later the Acropolis remained the citadel and the town


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spread out around it. Athens was the center of ancient Greek cul-

ture. See ATHENE.ATLAS (t'las), a Titan, holds up the heavens on his shoul-

ders. He was tricked into giving three of the golden apples of

the Hesperides to HERACLES.ATREUS (a'trdos) The sufferings of the house of Atreus mirror

the Greek belief that punishment for sin is visited not only on

the sinner himself but also on his children and his children's

children until the sin is somehow expiated. The founder of this




Amphion = Niobe Pclops Hippodamia

7 sons, 7 daughters

Atreus Aerope Thyestes

Agamemnon -

Clytemnestra Menelaus Helen 2 sons Pelopia-


Orestes Iphigenia Electra

Hermione Aegisthus

tragic family was Tantalus, a son of Zeus. He had great wealth

and power; his marriage was blest with a son and a daughter,

Pelops and Niobe; and the gods were so fond ot him that they

often invited him to attend their banquets and councils. His

good fortune, however, seems to have unbalanced him, and he

became the victim of pride and skepticism: although he doubted

the superhuman power of the gods, he aspired to be a god him-



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In his insolence Tantalus killed his son Pelops, cooked the

body, and invited the gods to a banquet, hoping to prove that

they could not tell human flesh from animal. At this time

Demeter was distracted with the loss of her daughter Persephone,

and she absent-mindedly ate a part of Pelops' shoulder, but all

the other gods recognized the impiety of Tantalus. They resolved

to punish him in a way that would always be an example to

erring men, and they therefore confined him in a special place

in Hades: he always stands up to his neck in water, but the

water recedes whenever he tries to drink; branches loaded with

ripe pomegranates and peaches and figs always dangle in front

of his eyes, but the fruit is snatched away whenever he tries to

pluck it. Sir Guyon, Spenser's knight of temperance, finds Tan-

talus thus tormented (Faerie Queene, 2. 7. 59):

The knight him seeing labour so in vaine,

Askt who he was, and what he ment thereby:

Who groning deepe, thus answerd him agame,

Most cursed of all creatures vnder skye,

Lo Tantalus, I here tormented lye:

Of whom high loue wont whylome feasted bee,

Lo here I now for want of food doe dye. . . .

From Tantalus' punishment comes our verb "to tantalize."

Pelops was restored to life by the gods and given an ivory

shoulder in place of the one that Demeter had eaten. This first

instance of bone surgery is recalled Hghtheartedly by Robert

Herrick when he says in To Electro, that the skin of his mistress

is whiter than "Pelops arme of yvorie." In spite of his unfortu-

nate start in life, Pelops won the girl of his choice and ruled

the southern part of Greece, which was named for him the


He fell in love with Hippodamia, the daughter of King Oeno-

maus of Pisa, who demanded that her suitors risk their lives


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for her. Oenomaus had a pair of miraculously swift horses, a

gift to him from the war god Ares, and he staged a chariot

race with each of his prospective sons-in-law. I he won, he

killed the boy; and if the boy won, he got Hippodamia. Twelve

suitors had tried and failed when Pelops made his challenge,

but he had two special advantages: first, he owned a pair of

winged horses that had been given to him by Poseidon, and sec-

ond, he or Hippodamia bribed Myrtilus, Oenomaus' servant, to

tamper with one of the wheels of the king's chariot, Pelops wonthe race, and Oenomaus was killed in the wreck of his chariot.

But when Myrtilus claimed his reward, Pelops was moved byhis father's violent temper, and he threw Myrtilus in the ocean,

where he drowned, cursing Pelops.

Niobe, Pelops' sister, married Amphion, regent of Thebes, and

bore him seven sons and seven daughters. As she considered her

queenly state and her many children, she was touched by her

father's terrible pride, and she demanded that the Thebans wor-

ship her instead ol Leto, the goddess who was the mother of

Apollo and Artemis. Urged on by their mother, Artemis and

Apollo killed Niobe's fourteen children, and she was transformed

into a stone from which flows continually the stream of her tears.

For further details see Niobe under ARTEMIS.Niobe's end was tragic, but Pelops, although he had tempted

the gods to vengeance by killing Myrtilus, lived a long and

happy life. Yet the family curse fell heavily on his sons, Atreus

and Thyestes. Atreus married ASrope and became king of Myce-

nae, and Thyestes was honored In the country as the brother

of the king; but Thyestes lusted for his brother's wife and

finally managed to seduce her. When Atreus learned of this

crime, he first acted temperately and merely banished Thyestesfrom the country, but he continued to brood ov^r his brother's



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Two of Thyestes' children were still at the court, and Atreus

decided to use them in his revenge. He pretended to pardon

Thyestes and ordered a magnificent banquet to celebrate his re-

turn, but the children of Thyestes were the meat for this cele-

bration, and Thyestes, lacking the insight of the gods, ate his

own offspring When Atreus boasted of his trick, Thyestes cursed

his brother and departed. Later he learned that he might breed

an avenger by mating with his surviving daughter Pelopia; the

son of this incestuous union was Aegisthus.

The gods were so shocked by Atreus' crime that Apollo for

one day turned the course of his sun chariot from west to east.

Milton refers to this action m Paradise Lost (10. 687-691) when,

after telling of Eve and Adam's eating the forbidden fruit, he

describes the rearrangements made in the universe to replace the

perfect climate of Eden with a climate that included the extremes

of heat and cold:

... At that tasted Fruit

The Sun, as from Thyestean Banquet, turn'd

His course intended; else how had the World

Inhabited, though sinless, more then now,

Avoided pinching cold and scorching heate?

In the final scene of Titus Andronicus, Shakespeare's most bloody

play, Titus taking his cue from Atreus revenges himself on the

men who have raped and mutilated his daughter; he kills them

and serves them in a pie to their mother. Louis MacNeice in

Thyestes, pondering the question of the complicity in evil 'of

those who have not willed it, asks:

Did his blood -tell him what his mind concealed?

Didn't he know or did hewhat he was eating?5

s From "Thyestes," by Louis MacNeice, in his Springboard, Poems 1941-

1944. Copyright, 1945, by Random House, Inc., and reprinted with their



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In // Penseroso (97-100) Milton says,

Som time let Gorgeous TragedyIn Scepter'd Pall com sweeping by,

Presenting Thebs, or Pelops line,

Or the tale of Troy divine

It is not surprising that he mentions Pelops' line, for eight of

the surviving tragedies by the three great Greek tragedians con-

cern members of this doomed family: Sophocles' Electra, Eurip-

ides' Iphigema at Auhs, Iphigema among the Tauri, Electra,

and Orestes, and Aeschylus' Agamemnon, Choephoroe, and

Eumenides Aeschylus' three plays are the most importantsource of the myth, for they give a connected account of the

culmination of the curse in terrible violence within the family

of one of Atreus' sons.

Atreus had two sons, Agamemnon and Menelaus, and both

made an excellent start in hie. Agamemnon as king of Mycenaewas the most powerful man in Greece. He married Clytemnestra,

a princess of Sparta; and Menelaus won for his wife Helen, the

hall sister ot Clytemnestra and the most beautiful woman in the

world. She was later called Helen of Troy. The king of Sparta

was so pleased to have Agamemnon and Menelaus as sons-in-law

that he resigned his throne to Menelaus, and all went well with

the young king until three goddesses disputed over who was the

most beautiful and Aphrodite bribed the mortal judge, Prince

Paris of Troy, to choose her. The bribe she offered him was the

most beautiful woman in the world, and she therefore arranged

to have Paris steal Helen from Menelaus. The result was the

Trojan War and, for Menelaus, the painful notoriety o becom-

ing the world's most famous cuckold. After Troy was burned,

Helen was restored to Menelaus and they lived happily to-

gether. (For the birth of Helen and Clytemnestra, the exploits


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of Agamemnon and Menelaus against the Trojans, and the

reuniting of Menelaus and Helen, see TROJAN WAR.)Agamemnon and his children bore the burden of the family

curse. He was the commander in chief of the Greek forces in the

Trojan War, but only three of his actions in that campaign con-

tributed directly to his violent death. When the Greek army had

assembled at Aulis, on the coast of Boeotia, a contrary north

wind blew constantly and prevented the expedition from sailing

toward Troy. The soothsayer Calchas declared that Agamemnonhad killed a stag sacred to Artemis and that the angry goddess

would not permit the fleet to sail until Agamemnon had sacrificed

to her his daughter Iphigenia. The choice was a terrible one.

Agamemnon loved his daughter, but he thought of his brother's

desire for vengeance, the army's eagerness to attack Troy, and

particularly his own prestige as supreme commander. Finally he

sent word to Clytemnestra that he wished to marry Iphigenia to

the hero Achilles; and when the lovely girl arrived in happy

anticipation of her marriage, he allowed her to be sacrificed to

Artemis (for further details see TROJAN WAR).Clytemnestra never forgave him for this deed. She heard also

that in Troy he had taken a girl named Chryseis as his mistress,

and that when he had been forced to give her up he had

demanded and received another Trojan girl who^ had been

awarded to Achilles (for further details see TROJAN WAR).

Finally, when the war was over and Agamemnon returned in

triumph to Argos, he brought with him the Trojan princess

Cassandra. Clytemnestra bitterly, resented this flaunting of his

mistresses, although she herself had long since taken a lover.

Agamemnon had a quick and easy voyage home, and he was

welcomed with all the pomp that befitted a conqueror. He did

not sense the tension that underlay his wife's gracious welcome

and his subjects' songs of triumph. All the people knew that


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Clytemnestra had been living for years with Aegisthus, the sur-

viving son of Agamemnon's uncle and enemy Thyestes, and they

knew that she had not sent him away. But the prophetic Cass-

andra, as soon as she approached the palace, felt all its pent-upevil. Apollo had granted her the power to foretell the future but,

because she would not yield to him, had cursed her with the

terrible sentence that no man should believe her prophecies.

When Agamemnon entered the palace, she lingered outside over-

come by visions. She saw the multiplying sins of the family from

Tantalus to Atreus, and she knew the ugly deed that was even

then being done inside the palace. Finally she, too, went inside,

saying that she was going to her death.

Soon Clytemnestra threw open the palace door. She had a

bloody ax in her hand, and she shouted in wild triumph that

she had killed Agamemnon in his bath because he had murdered

her child Iphigenia, and that she had also killed his paramour,

Cassandra, one of the many paramours with whom he had

destroyed his marriage. Her lover Aegisthus then appeared at

her side and exulted in this vengeance for Atreus' sin against his

father. Thereafter this bloody pair ruled in Argos.

In Sweeney among the Nightingales T. S. Eliot introduces us

to an evening party in a low dive where some tough characters

are plotting against Sweeney. The animality of Sweeney and the

others is constantly emphasized. Then Eliot writes,

The nightingales are singing near

The Convent of the Sacred Heart,

And sang within the bloody woodWhen Agamemnon cried aloud,

And let their liquid sittings fall

To stain the stiff dishonoured shroud.6

e From "Sweeney among the Nightingales/' by T. S. Eliot, in his Collected

Poems, 1909-1935. Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company.Reprinted with their permission.


Page 117: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


The two images remind us of the two great western civilizations,

the Christian and the classical. In spite of nineteen centuries of

Christianity, the low intrigue in the bar is still a typical human

scene, and the song of the nightingale (whose unhappy story of

love and death is described in Aeschylus' Agamemnon by the

Chorus and Cassandra shortly before Cassandra enters the palaceto die) links the sordid crime about to be committed with the

tragic murder of Troy's conqueror. In this sudden vision of man's

history of pain and passion, some critics see the grandeur of the

past contrasted with the squalor of the present, and others see

the sensual Agamemnon equated with the sensual Sweeney. Eliot

has transferred the scene of Agamemnon's death from his palace

in Argos to the sacred grove in Colonus where Oedipus died (see

Oedipus under THEBES).Two children of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra still lived,

Orestes and Electra. Doubtless Aegisthus would have killed

Orestes had the boy been in Argos, but his sister had taken him

to the court of Strophius, the king of Phocis. For seven years

Electra was abused and neglected by her mother and Aegisthus;

she hated them and existed only in the hope that Orestes would

come back. In the seventh year the oracle at Delphi ordered

Orestes to avenge his father's murder. He arrived in Argos in

the company of his good friend tylades, the son of his protector

King Strophius, and he met Electra at Agamemnon's grave, where

she had gone to pray for Orestes' return.

Starved for tenderness, Electra poured out her love to Orestes.

"Four places in my heart are yours," she said. "I see my father

in your face. You have the love that should belong to my mother,

whom I must hate, and to my sister, who is pitifully dead. And

you are my faithful brother, who alone has cared for me/' Their

plan was quickly made. Orestes and Pylades would go to the

palace as messengers come to announce the death of Orestes.

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Aegisthus and Clytemnestra would be eager to hear this news

and to question those who brought it.

Orestes killed Aegisthus and then met his mother. The oracle

of Apollo had ordered him to commit a terrible crime in order

to avenge a terrible crime: he must murder his mother because

she had murdered his father. Clytemnestra held out her arms

and said, "My child, can you kill me?" Deeply moved, Orestes

asked his friend, "May I let my mother live?" But Pylades re-

minded him of the words of the oracle, and Orestes killed her.

As he explained to the people oi Argos that he had done

this deed at the command of Apollo, Orestes suddenly saw in

his mind's eye the Furies, the grisly goddesses who represent the

agonies oi remorse. "They are here/' he shouted, "like Gorgons,

dressed in darkness, twined with snakes. I am hunted. I shall

never rest again." The Furies were agents of a narrow justice

completely lacking in mercy; they pursued anyone who offended

against the old law, without any regard tor his motive. For years

Orestes was tormented by these terrible creatures, but finally

Athene presided at a court in Athens where the Furies accused,

and Apollo defended, Orestes. According to the new dispensa-

tion of Zeus, Orestes was judged to have done a necessary evil

and to have been purified through suffering. In the last play

of Aeschylus' trilogy even the Furies accept the new law of mercyand thereafter are known as the Eumenides, "the kind ones/'

Orestes by the purity oi his intention and by the agonies of his

remorse had atoned not only ior his own sin but for all the sins

of the house of Atreus He had liited the curse.

The passionate and lonely Electra found happiness as the wife

oi Pylades, Orestes' inend; and in a later version of the mytheven Iphigenia was recalled to life. As Euripides tells the story

in Iphigenia at Aulis and Iphigenia among the Tauri, Artemis

took pity on Iphigenia just as she was about to be sacrificed at


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Aulis, snatched her away from the priest's knife, and left a deer

in her place. Iphigenia was transported to the land of a bar-

barian people called the Taurians, and there became the priestess

of Artemis; it was her duty to preside over the sacrificial murder

of all strangers whom the Taurians captured.

According to Euripides, even after the judgment of Athene

some of the Furies were not placated, and Orestes, still suffering,

asked the oracle at Delphi what more he must do to free himself

from guilt. The oracle replied that he must go to the land of

the Taurians, steal a statue of Artemis from the Taurian temple,

and bring it back to Athens. His friend Pylades went with him,

and they were both immediately captured by the Taurians and

sent to Iphigenia to be prepared for death. Orestes and Iphigenia

rapturously discovered that they were brother and sister and,

through a ruse of Iphigenia's, the three managed to steal the

image of Artemis and embark on their ship. Unfortunately at

the mouth of the harbor a contrary wind blew them back toward

the bloodthirsty barbarians.

At this point Athene came down from Olympus and told the

king of the Taurians that he must let the two Greeks and the

priestess go free. He agreed; Poseidon altered the wind; and

Iphigenia like Pearl White in the last sequence of an old serial

movie was rescued by the hero and his faithful friend. Although

Euripides pleased the crowd by bringing Iphigenia back to life

again and by absolving Artemis of cruelty, he did it at the expense

of the tragic dignity of the original story.

Cassandra, the prophetess whom nobody believes, appears most

frequently in English literature as the sad foreseer of the fall

of Troy. She plays this role m Chaucer's Troilus and Cnseyde

and in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida. The Nymph Oenone,

in Tennyson's poem of that name, has been forsaken by Prince

Paris of Troy, who has been promised the love of Helen in


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return for awarding the golden apple to Aphrodite. Oenone

believes that she must die of sorrow, but she feels that she will

not die alone.

... I will rise and goDown into Troy, and ere the stars come forth

Talk with the wild Cassandra, for she says

A fire dances before her, and a sound

Rings ever in her ears of armed men.

What may be I know not, but I knowThat, wheresoe'er I am by night and day,

All earth and air seem only burning fire.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti's two sonnets for a drawing of Cassandra

show her (as does the drawing) predicting the death of Hector

as he sets out to fight Achilles.

In Cassandra (46-60, 91-95) George Meredith writes of her

last prophecy as she stands before the palace of Agamemnon:

Still upon her sunless soul

Gleams the narrow hidden space

Forward, where her fiery race

Falters on its ashen goal:

Still the Future strikes her face.

See toward the conqueror's car

Step the purple Queen whose hate

Wraps red-armed her royal mate

With his Asian tempest-star:

Now Cassandra views her Fate.

King of men! the blinded host

Shout: she lifts her brooding chin:

Glad along the joyous din

Smiles the grand majestic ghost:

Clytemnestra kads him in.


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Captive on a foreign shore,

Far from Ihon's hoary wave,

Agamemnon's bridal slave

Speaks Futurity no more:

Death is busy with her grave.7

When his hero, Don Juan, loses the lovely Haide'e, Byron remem-

bers (Don Juan, 4. 52) that the future which Cassandra foresaw

was invariably miserable:

Here I must leave him, for I grow pathetic,

Moved by the Chinese nymph of tears, green tea!

Than whom Cassandra was not more prophetic;

'Tis pity wine should be so deleterious,

For tea and coffee leave us much more serious

But Robinson Jeffers in his poem called Cassandra delights in

the bitterness of her prophecies and at the same time claims her

gift and her curse for himself. Men hate the truth, he says; of

the poet, the preacher, and the politician they ask only lies.

Therefore he advises the prophetess:

. . . Poor bitch be wise.

No: you'll still mumble in a corner a crust of truth, to men

And gods disgusting, you and I, Cassandra.8

When the Spartans conquered Athens in 404 B.C., they would

have destroyed the city if one of their officers had not sung the

first chorus of Euripides' Electra and reminded them that Eurip-

ides was an Athenian. Milton recalls this story in his sonnet

T From "Cassandra," by George Meredith, in The Poetical Works of George

Meredith. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner's Sons Reprinted with their

Ps From "Cassandra," by Robinson Jeffers,

m his The Double Axe and Other

Poems Copyright, 1948, by Random House, lac Reprinted with the permis-

sion of the publisher.


Page 122: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


When the Assault Was Intended on the City. Most English

writers have felt the same high regard for the tragic story oi

the house of Atreus as told by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Eurip-

ides, but few of them have tried to use the material themselves.

Three contemporary writers, however, have made the attempt:

T. S. Eliot, Robinson Jeffers, and Eugene O'Neill.

In his inadequate verse play The Family Reunion, Eliot tries

to create an Orestes-like character of our own time in the person

of Harry, Lord Monchensey. Harry feels himself responsible tor

the death of his wife: he has murdered her or at least has willed

her death. Pursued by the Furies, he returns to his mother Amyand a houseful ot aunts and uncles To relieve his mind, his

sympathetic Aunt Agatha explains that his father, now long

dead, had loved her rather than Amy and had wished to kill

Amy. Harry seems to have inherited his father's frustrated desire,

and his sense of guilt is for his father as well as himself. Harry

does not kill his mother, as Orestes did, but he causes her death

by leaving home abruptly even though he has been told that any

shock will kill her. He goes off in rather vague pursuit of atone-


Robinson Jeffers in The Tower beyond Tragedy, a long ex-

travagant dramatic poem, retells the action ot the first two plays

of Aeschylus' trilogy, Agamemnon and Choephoroe, which deal

with the murder oi Agamemnon by Clytemnestra and Orestes'

ritual slaying of his mother. The violence and passion of the

story appeal to Jeffers, and his poem deals chiefly with the charac-

ters' feelings and the action, one high point of which is a

remarkable strip tease put on by Clytemnestra* In the conclusion,

however, the poem becomes didactic. Electra oilers herself to

Orestes. (Her incestuous passion, which is symbolically important

to Jeffers, is recogni/ed by psychologists, who have named the

unsatisfied sexual desire of a daughter for her father the Electra


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complex; here Electra has transferred her passion for her dead

father to her brother.) Orestes, however, refuses her, saying that

he has "fallen in love outward/' The attitudes of Cassandra,

Clytemnestra, and Electra are contrasted with that of Orestes.

Cassandra only waits for death, and Clytemnestra and Electra

have become too deeply involved in human relationships (the

commonest symbol of this involvement in Jeffers' poems is incest);

but Orestes has

. . . climbed the tower beyond time, consciously,

and cast humanity, entered the earlier fountain.9

In his poetry Jeffers has never made his central belief more

explicit: that the proper study of mankind is not man but nature.

The best contemporary use of this Greek myth has been made

by Eugene O'Neill. In his formidable dramatic trilogy, Mourning

Becomes Electra, he has worked out the entire tragic story in

terms of the New England family of Mannon at the close of the

Civil War. Depending equally on Aeschylus and Freud, O'Neill

succeeds admirably in recreating the fear and horror and the

sense of implacable fate that belong to the original story. But

like many of his contemporaries, he is unable to imagine Orestes'

purification through suffering as Aeschylus represented it in the

Eumenides. Orin Mannon, the Orestes of O'Neill's play, shoots

himself lo escape from the horrors of remorse.

ATROPOS (at'r6-pos) is one of the three Fates. See FATE.

ATTICA (SLi/Hui) is a region of the Greek peninsula that in-

cludes in its bounds the cities of Athens and Eleusis, as well as

a great many miles of mostly infertile soil. The Athenians were,

naturally, the most prominent inhabitants of Attica, and like

9 From "The Tower beyond Tragedy," by Robinson Jeffers,in his Roan

Stallion, Tamar, and Other Poems. Copyright, 1925, by Bom & Livenght;

copyright, 1935, by Modern Library. Reprinted with the permission of

Random House, Inc


Page 124: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


their fellows, traced their lineage back to Cecrops. Gecrops was

a child of the earth He had a man's body, but his legs were

snakes He began the process of civilizing his people, who called

themselves Cecropians, and some say that he mediated in the

famous dispute between Athene and Poseidon as to which of

these Olympians was to become the patron of the city. Because

Cecrops decided in favor of Athene, the city took her name and

bears it to this day. According to other stories, Erichthonius or

Erechtheus was the king who meditated this dispute (see

ATHENE).Since Athens became the center of the classical world, particu-

larly in literature and philosophy, Attica has survived as a name

for classical purity in the arts. Milton alludes to this significance

in his sonnet to Lawrence (20) when he asks,

What neat repast shall feast us, light and choice,

Of Attick tast, with Wine, whence we may rise

To hear the Lute well toucht. . . ,

and Keats also, when he exclaims of the Grecian urn,

O Attic shape I Fair attitude! with brede

Oi marble men and maid-ens overwrought . . .

AUGEAN (6-je'an) STABLES were cleaned in a single day byHERACLES.AUGEAS (d'je'as) owned the filthy stables that were cleaned byHERACLES.AULIS (cKlis) was the port in Boeotia from which the Greeks

sailed for the TROJAN WAR.AURORA (a-r^rd) is the Roman name of the goddess of the

dawn, EOS.

AUSTER (6s'tr) is the Roman name for Notus, the south

wind. See WINDS.


Page 125: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


AUTOLYCUS (6-toll-kus), a famous thief, was a son of


(o-tSn'6-e) was the daughter of Cadmus. See

THEBES.AVENTINE (av'n-tln) is one of the seven hills of later ROME.AVERNUS (d-vfer'nus) is the cave through which Aeneas entered


BACCHANALIA (bak'a-nali-a) was a celebration of the rites

of Bacchus, or DIONYSUS.BACCHANTES (ba-kSLn'tez) were followers of Bacchus, or

DIONYSUS.BACCHUS (bak'us) is a name of DIONYSUS.BASSARIDS (bSs'ar-Idz) were followers of DIONYSUS.BAUCIS (bc/sis) and Philemon were an aged couple whose

charity and piety were signally honored by ZEUS.

BAYS is a name for the laurel. See Daphne under APOLLO.BELLEROPHON (M-ia/6-fdn), or BELLEROPHONTES

(b-lr/6-f6n/tez), the rider of Pegasus and the slayer of the

Chimaera, was a prince of Corinth. His father, King Glaucus, a

skillful horseman, fed his horses human flesh to make them

fierce. One day they upset his chariot and ate him. Bellerophon

was also a horse fancier, but his great ambition was to ride the

winged horse Pegasus. This magnificent animal, a son of Poseidon

and the Gorgon Medusa, was born of Medusa's blood when she

was killed by Perseus. Pegasus flew at once to Olympus, where he


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was caught and tamed by Athene. He was also the horse of the

Muses, and on Mount Helicon the sacred fountain Hippocrene,which means "horse's fountain," sprang up where he stampedhis hoof.

Bellerophon had little hope that he could master this animal,

but he consulted a wise man who advised him to spend a night

in Athene's temple. There he dreamed that the goddess gavehim a golden bridle, and when he awoke the bridle was beside

him. He rushed out of the temple and found Pegasus grazing

tamely beside the spring Pirene, ready to be bridled. Soon

Bellerophon, astride the marvelous horse, was racing across the

sky. He did not forget to give thanks to Athene, and the wingedhorse never failed him until pride led him into impiety.

Bellerophon killed a man in Corinth, the stories do not say

why, and went to Argos to be purified by King Proetus. Anteia,

the wife of Proetus, fell in love with Bellerophon and, when he

reiused her advances, told her husband that he had tried to

attack her. Because Bellerophon was his guest, Proetus concealed

his jealous anger, and sent the young man with a sealed letter

to Anteia's father, King lobates ot Lycia. The letter asked that

Bellerophon be put to death, but lobates had entertained

Bellerophon for several days before he read the letter, and there-

fore he was in the same dilemma as his son-in-law: the rule of

hospitality forbade him to do violence to a guest.

But finally he thought of an honorable way to get rid of

Bellerophon. He requested him to free Lycia from the Chimaera.

This fire-breathing monster, a daughter of Typhon and Echidna,

was a lion in front, a dragon behind, and a goat in the middle.

In Paradise Lost (2. 624-628) Milton puts Chimaeras amongthe monstrous shapes of hell, and Spenser in The Faerie Queene

(6.1. 8) makes the Chimaera and Cerberus the parents of the

foulest monster that he can imagine, the Blatant Beast. No man


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on foot was a match for the Chimaera; but Bellerophon, mountedon Pegasus, kept out of range of her flames and daws and was

thus able to shoot her with his arrows.

When Bellerophon returned unharmed to the Lycian court,

lobates sent him to fight first against the Solymi, a nation of

mighty warriors, and then against the Amazons. Bellerophon was

successful in both undertakings, and as he returned from the

second campaign he killed a large company of Lycians whomlobates had sent to ambush him. At this point lobates decided

that Bellerophon was not an ordinary mortal, and he gave him

one of his daughters in marriage and half his kingdom. Yet as

time passed Bellerophon found himself unsatisfied with his wife

and his children and his kingship. Filled with a terrible pride,

he declared himself a god, and tried to force Pegasus to carry him

to the top ot Mount Olympus; but Pegasus, wiser than his tem-

porary master, threw him off in midair. Bellerophon was blinded

by the fall but not killed. Thereafter he wandered, bitter and

alone, on the Aleian plain in Asia Minor.

Spenser (Faerie Queene, 3. 11. 42) recalls that Poseidon took

the shape of a winged horse

To snaky-locke Medusa to repayre,

On whom he got faire Pegasus, that flitteth in the ayre.

Sometimes Pegasus is compared with other wonderful horses,

magical or real. In The Squire's Tale (V. 207-208) by Chaucer,

for example, the people marveled at the horse of brass, and

. . . seyden it was lyk the Pegasee,

The hors that hadde wynges for to flee,

and Vernon in 1 Henry IV(4. 1. 108-110) says that Prince Hal

sits his horse with such ease


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As if an angel dropp'd down from the clouds

To turn and wind a fiery PegasusAnd witch the world with noble horsemanship.

Usually, however, Pegasus is a symbol of poetic inspiration.

Spenser, for example, completely disregards the disastrous con-

clusion of Bellerophon's ride toward Olympus in an image in

which Pegasus represents poetry and his rider any noble person

whose fame may be made permanent by a poet (Ruines of Time,


Then who so will with vertuous deeds assay

To mount to heuen, on Pegasus must ride,

And with sweete Poets verse be glonfide.

In An Essay on Criticism (150-153) Pegasus dwindles from horse

to abstraction when Pope declares:

Thus Pegasus, a nearer way to take,

May boldly deviate from the common track;

From vulgar bounds with brave disorder part,

And snatch a grace beyond the reach of art.

Only Milton, remembering (like the others) that Pegasus sym-

bolizes poetic inspiration, also remembers that Pegasus bucked off

Bellerophon. In Paradise Lost (7. 4-20) Milton asks his Muse

Urania, who has helped him to soar "Above the flight of Pegnsean

wing," to help him to descend again:

... Up led by thee

Into the Heav'n of Heav'ns I have presum'd,An Earthlie Guest, and drawn Empyreal Aire,

Thy temprmg; with like safetie guided downReturn me to my Native Element:

Least from this flying Steed unrein'd, (as once

Bellerophon, though from a lower Clime)


Page 129: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Dismounted, on th' Aleian Field I fall

Erroneous, there to wander and forlorne

BELLONA (b-l6'n<i) is the Roman name of Enyo, the goddessof battle. See ARES.BIFRONS (bl'fronz) is another name for JANUS.BLESSED ISLANDS are the equivalent of the Elysian Fields,

which are paradise. See HADES, SEA GODS.BONA DEA (bo'na de'a), or Fauna, a Roman fertility goddess,is the daughter or wife of Faunus, the Roman PAN.BOREAS (bo're-as) is the north wind See WINDS.BOSPHORUS (b6s'f6-rus), which means "the ford of the cow/'

is the strait where the transformed lo crossed to the east. See


BRAZEN AGE preceded the great flood that drowned all man-

kind except Pyrrha and DEUCALION.BRIAREUS (bri'ar'eus), or Aegaeon, was a Hecatoncheire. See

TITANS.BRISEIS (bri-sels), a Trojan girl, was captured by the Greeks

and given to Achilles. When Agamemnon demanded the girl,

Achilles refused to take any further part in the TROJAN WAR.BRITOMARTIS (brit'o-mar'tis) is a Cretan goddess often iden-

tified with ARTEMIS.BRUTUS (broc/tus), or BRUT, according to medieval but not

classical legend, was a great-grandson of Aeneas and the first

king of Britain. See TROJAN WAR.BUSKIN (bus'km), or cothurnus, is a high, thick-soled boot,

once worn by actors in tragic drama and often used as the symbol

of tragedy. Milton says in II Penseroso (97-102):

Som time let Gorgeous TragedyIn Scepter'd Pall com sweeping by,

Presenting Thebs, or Pelops line,

Or the tale of Troy divine.


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Or what (though rare) of later age,

Ennobled hath the Buskind stage.

See Melpomene under MUSES.

CABIRI (ka-bi'ri) are secret deities whose mysteries were cele-

brated at SAMOTHRACE.CACUS (ka'kus) was killed for stealing cattle from HERACLES.CADMUS (kad'mtis) was the founder of THEBES.CADUCEUS (kfl-du'shus), a golden staff with wings at the top

and intertwined with serpents, is the badge of office of HERMES.CAELIAN (se'li-an) is one of the seven hills of later ROME.CALAIS (kal'a-is) was one of the ARGONAUTS.CALCHAS (kai'kas) was a Greek Prophet prominent in the

TROJAN WAR.CALLIOPE (ktf'li'6'pe) is the Muse of heroic or epic poetry.


CALLIRHOE (ka'lir'6-e) was the second wife of Alcmaeon,

one of the Epigoni. See THEBES.CALLISTO (ka-lis'to) was a Nymph of ARTEMIS.CALYBONIAN (kan-do'm-an) BOAR HUNT. Like the ex-

pedition of the Argonauts, the Calydonian Boar Hunt was an

adventure in which many of the great heroes took part; and also

as in irtany another happening of Greek mythology, the final

result of the hero's actions had been predicted as well as deter-

mined by the Fates. The story exemplifies the favorite Greek

concept not only that fate is inescapable but that its decrees


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actually come about through the willful acts of man, even whenhe has been forewarned and has tried to escape his destiny.

The leader of the Calydonian hunt was Meleager, prince of

Calydon, and son of King Oeneus and Queen Althaea. Soon after

his birth the three Fates, spinning their fatal thread, appearedto his mother, and one of them, Atropos, foretold that the life of

Meleager would last only as long as a brand then burning in the

fire. Althaea, who appears to have been a woman of action,

quickly seized the vital brand from the fire and put out its

flames. Then she hid it away, thinking that it and her son's life

would be sate. This experience of Althaea's is used as a conceit

by Shakespeare in 2 Henry IV(2. 2. 94, 96-98). Falstaff's page,

bandying words with red-nosed Bardolph, exclaims at last:

Away, you rascally Althaea's dream, away!

When Prince Hal asks him to explain the allusion, he replies:

Marry, my lord, Althaea dreamt she was delivered

of a firebrand, and therefore I call him her dream.

Althaea's name is preserved to us, too, in the name of a flower

and in the title of Richard Lovelace's well-known lyric, To

Althaea from Prison, but both usages are fortuitous. The word

"althaea" meant originally a marsh plant. Lovelace merely bor-

rowed a classical name as a pseudonym for his mistress, as

Cavalier poets were fond of doing.

As Meleager grew to manhood, his father Oeneus one day

sacrificed to the gods and, through oversight or neglect, failed to

include Artemis in his offerings. The goddess was naturally

quick to resent this slight, and she sent a tremendous and terrible

boar to ravage the land of Calydon. His bristles were spearlike.

and his eyes were red and fiery. He trampled out the crops,

wrecked the vineyards and the olive groves, and terrorized the


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herds of cattle. Obviously there was a hero's job to be done, and

Meleager decided that he was the man to do it.

Meleager therefore issued an invitation, as Jason had done, to

the other heroes of Greece to join with him in hunting the boar.

A number oi great heroes answered, including Jason, Pirithous,

Peleus, Theseus, Telamon, Nestor, Castor and Polydeuces

(Pollux), Idas, Lynceus, Admetus, and Anceus. Most importantto Meleager, there came Atalanta of Arcadia (not to be contused

with Atalanta of Boeotia, whose foot race with Hippomenes is

told under her name), the beautiful and athletic heroine whohad been reared in her early youth by a bear and who conse-

quently had grown up to be a fierce huntress as well as a

lovely woman. She came dressed in an off-the-shoulder tunic

clasped by a buckle of gold, and with a quiver of ivory over her

shoulder, a costume designed to combine the practical needs of

a huntress with the usual feminine advantages.

First, as was customary, Meleager oftered nine days of hos-

pitable entertainment. On the tenth day the hunt began. Theheroes set up a game run by stretching nets between trees, and

they brought their best hounds into the field. Soon the boar was

attracted by the noise of the hunt and rushed to attack the hunts-

men. The first spear cast against him was that of Jason, who

accompanied it with a prayer to Artemis. Artemis acknowledgedthe prayer by allowing the spear to strike the boar lightly, but

only after she had removed its tip while it was in flight. In the

excitement caused by the attack of the boar, Nestor was forced to

climb a tree to escape; and Telamon, rushing forward to cast

his spear, tripped over the roots of a tree and fell. At this point

Atalanta, with feminine calm in the midst of male confusion,

loosed an arrow at the boar and drew first blood, an event which

Meleager, already in love with her, proclaimed with more than

sportsmanly enthusiasm.


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Atalanta's success, slight though it was, excited her masculine

rivals to greater efforts. Anceus rushed the boar, defying in one

breath the beast and the beauty who had sent it, with the result

that he received a mortal wound from the boar's tusk. Both

Theseus and Jason were likewise unsuccessful, the former's lance

being turned aside in flight by a branch and the latter's going

astray to kill one of the dogs. Then Meleager drove his spear into

the animal and killed it. Meleager awarded the boar's head and

hide to Atalanta because she had drawn the first blood, but

this act excited the other huntsmen to unsportsmanlike envy,

and especially Plexippus and Toxeus, the brothers of Mel-

eager's mother, who even seized the trophies from Atalanta's

hands. This rude act enraged Meleager, and he slew his own


The news of her brothers' death reached Althaea as she was

offering victory sacrifices in the temples At first she was grief

stricken; but later she felt a murderous and revengeful anger

toward her son. She took from its hiding place the fated brand

and, after many indecisions in which the love of a mother

fought against sisterly love, she cast it into the fire and it


As the brand caught fire, it gave a moan; at the same moment

Meleager, who was some distance away, was struck with pain.

Then, as the brand was consumed by the fire, his life ran out

its time in agony, and he died, regretful that his death was not a

hero's death and calling the while on his parents and his sisters.

When the act was done, Althaea killed herself; and Meleagefs

sisters gave way to such unremitting grief that Artemis, repenting

the misfortune that she had caused, turned them into birds to

give them solace. Thus again fate found its long way to ful-


The best-known poetic use of this myth is in Swinburne's


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drama, Atalanta in Calydon, in which a famous song to Artemis


When the hounds of spring are on winter's traces,

The mother of months in meadow or plainFills the shadows and windy places

With lisp of leaves and ripple of ram. . . .

CALYPSO (ka-lip'so) for eight years held Odysseus captive. See


CAMILLA (ka-mil'd) was a feminine warrior who fought

against AENEAS.

CAMPUS MARTIUS (km'pus mar'shus) was the field of Mars

in Rome. See ARES, ROME.CANCER, the Grab, is a constellation and a sign of the ZODIAC.CAPANEUS (kaj/d-nus) was one of the Seven against THEBES.CAPITOLINE (kap1-t&-lm) is one of the seven hills o later

ROME.CAPRICORNUS (klp'ri'kdr'nxis), the Goat, is a constellation

and a sign of the ZODIAC.

CARIA (ka'ri-a) was a section of Asia Minor that contained the

cities of Miletus, Halicarnassus, and Cnidus, the river Maeander,

and Mount Latmos, where Endymion sleeps immortally. See

ARTEMIS.CARTHAGE (kar'thij), one of the most famous cities of ancient

times, was situated on a large bay on the northern coast of

Africa. For a time the Carthaginians were the most formidable

rivals of the Romans, with whom they fought the three Punic

Wars, The first war began in 265 B.C., and the last, in which

Carthage was captured and destroyed, began and ended in

146 B c. A myth relates that Carthage was established by QueenDido, who welcomed and fell in love with Aeneas, the homeless

wanderer who was to found the Roman race. Dido committed

suicide when she was deserted by AENEAS.


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CASSANDRA (k#-san'dr0), the Trojan prophetess whom nobody

believed, became a slave of Agamemnon when Troy fell. See

ATREUS, TROJAN WAR.CASSIOPEA (kasl-6-pe'fl) was the mother of Andromeda. See


(kas-ta'li-fl), pursued by Apollo, jumped into a

spring on Mount Parnassus. The spring thereafter was named

for her and was sacred to Apollo and the Muses See ORACLES.CASTOR (kas'tor) and Polydeuces, or Pollux, were twins but

only half brothers. Their mother Leda, the wife of King Tyn-dareus of Sparta, was seduced by the god Zeus in the guise of a

swan, and she produced two eggs: from one came her immortal

son and daughter by Zeus, Polydeuces and Helen, and from the

other her mortal son and daughter by Tyndareus, Castor and

Clytemnestra. All four children were destined for fame.

The twin brothers became inseparable companions and great

heroes Because there were conflicting stories about their parent-

age, they were often called the Dioscuri, the sons of Zeus, and

sometimes the Tyndaridae, the sons of Tyndareus In Roman

times they were frequently called the Castores. Polydeuces was a

fine boxer and Castor a skillful horseman. They joined the Argo-

nauts in quest of the Golden Fleece; and in Bithynia, where King

Amycus insisted on boxing with strangers, Polydeuces represented

the Argonauts and knocked out the pugnacious king. The twins

also took part in the Calydonian Boar Hunt. Their sister Helen,

who was later known as Helen of Troy, was so beautiful even as

a child that the hero Theseus, with the aid of his friend Pirithous,

carried her off to marry her. But he left her before the marriage

in order to help Pirithous, who also wished to steal a bride, and

while he was gone Castor and Polydeuces rescued Helen and took

her back to Sparta.

Finally the twins quarreled with Idas and Lynceus, who were


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also brothers. Either they disagreed over the division of spoils

in a cattle raid, or the Dioscuri stole the girls to whom the other

brothers were betrothed. Whatever the cause of the fight, Castor,

the mortal twin, was killed, as were Lynceus and Idas. Polydeuces

ielt that he could not live without his brother, and he asked Zeus

to let him share his immortality with Castor. Zeus "agreed, and

the twins are always together: they spend one day in Hades and

the next day in Olympus. They are patrons of athletes and

soldiers, and also of mariners, to whom they appear in the form

of what is now called St. Elmo's fire. They are identified with the

constellation Gemini, the Twins; and it is usually as the con-

stellation that they appear in English literature. Spenser's refer-

ence in the Prothalamion is typical; he concludes his praise of

two young men by saying,

. . like the twins of loue they seem'd m sight,

Which decke the Bauldricke of the Heauens bright.

For the adventures of Helen and Clytemnestra, the sisters of these

heroes, see TROJAN WAR, ATREUS.CASTORES (kas-tdr'ez) was a Roman name for Pollux and

CASTOR,CATTLE OF GERYON (je'ri-6n) were captured by HER-ACLES.

CATTLE OF THE SUN lived on the island of Thrinacia. In

spite of Odysseus' warning, his shipmates killed and ate some of

these sacred cattle. Soon after the mariners put to sea again, a

storm destroyed the ship and all the men were drowned except

ODYSSEUS.CECROPIANS (s-kr6'pi*<znz) were the original inhabitants of

the city that became Athens. See ATTICA.CECROPS (se'krSps) was the first king of ATTICA.CELAJSNO (sMe'nd) is one of the Harpies. See SEA GODS.


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CELEUS (sSl'e-us) was the father of a family that befriended

Demeter at Eleusis See EARTH GODDESSES.CENTAURS (sen'torz). The offspring of Ixion and a cloud

(see IXION), the Centaurs were a race of savage monsters, half-

man and halt-horse. In classical mythology and English liteia-

ture they usually appear as fighters, drinkers, and rapists Their

most celebrated brawl occurred at the marriage ot Hippodamiaand Pirithous, king of the Lapiths. The Centaurs came to the

wedding as invited guests, but they soon got drunk; one tried

to violate the bride, and the others went after the remaining

women. The Lapiths, led by Pirithous and his friend Theseus,

killed many Centaurs and drove the rest out of Thessaly.

Heracles, a quarrelsome type himself, had a great deal of

trouble with Centaurs. When he and Deianira were first married

they wished to cross a river at which the Centaur Nessus acted

as ferryman. Nessus insulted Deianira as he was carrying her over

the river, and Heracles shot him with a poisoned arrow Before

he died, however, Nessus gave the bride a fatal charm against

unfaithfulness (see HERACLES). On another occasion Heracles,

who was being entertained by the Centaur Pholus, demanded

some of the wine that was stored in Pholus' cave but that belonged

to the whole community o Centaurs. According to one version

of the story, this wine had been given to the Centaurs by

Dionysus on the understanding that they share it with Heracles;

in another version Heracles has no claim on the wine except his

great thirst But when Pholus reluctantly gave the hero a drink,

the other Centaurs attacked, and Heracles killed a great manyof them. Spenser describes both this fight and the Lapith-

Centaur battle among the tapestries in the house of Ate (Faerie

Queene, 4. 1. 23):

And there the relicks of the drunken fray,

The which amongst the Lapithees befell,


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And of the bloodie feast, which sent awaySo many Centaures drunken soules to hell,

That vnder great Alades fune fell.

In the fight over the wine Heracles not only lost his host

Pholus, who while examining one of the hero's poisoned arrows

dropped it on his loot and died oi the scratch, but inadvertently

caused the death of his good friend Chiron, who had nothingin common with his fellow Centaurs except his appearance. Theson ol Cronus and a sea Nymph, Chiron was renowned for his

kindness and his wisdom Apollo and Artemis taught him the

arts of hunting, music, medicine, and prophecy, and he became

the tutor of such famous men as Asclepius, Jason, and Achilles.

In Matthew Arnold's Empedocles on Etna Calhcles sings:

In such a glen, on such a day,

On Pehon, on the grassy ground,

Chiron, the aged Centaur, lay,

The young Achilles standing by.

The Centaur taught him to exploreThe mountains, where the glens are dryAnd the tired Centaurs come to rest,

And where the soaking springs abound

And the straight ashes grow lor spears,

And where the hill-goats come to feed,

And the sea-eagles build their nest.

He told him of the Gods, the stars,

The tides; and then of mortal wars,

And of the life which heroes lead

Before they reach the Elysian placeAnd rest in the immortal mead,

And all the wisdom of his race.

When he was wounded by one ol Heracles' poisoned arrows,

Chiron found the pain unbearable and achieved death by


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presenting his immortality to Prometheus. Zeus placed

Chiron among the stars as the constellation Sagittarius, the


Not the gentleness ot Chiron but the violence of the other

Centaurs gave the unhappily married Byron a metaphor for

marriage: "that moral Centaur, man and wife" (Don Juan,

5. 158).

CEPHALUS (sef'a-lus), the husband of Procris, was carried off

by the goddess Eos, but he remained true to his wife. Eos at last

allowed him to return to Procris but contrived to ruin their

marriage. See EOS.

CEPHEUS (se'fus) was the father of Andromeda. See PERSEUS.

CEPHISUS (sfrfl'sfts) was the father of NARCISSUS.

CERBERUS (sr'ber-us) is the three-headed dog who guards the

entrance to HADES.

CERCYON (sr'si-6n), who killed all whom he overcame in

wrestling, was defeated and slain by THESEUS.

CERES (se'rez) is the Roman name of the Olympian earth god-

dess, Demeter. See EARTH GODDESSES.

CERMALUS (s&r'md-lus) was one of the seven hills of earliest

ROME.CERYNEIAN (sSrl-ne'yan) STAG was captured by HERACLES.

CETO (se'to) is the wife of Phorcys, one of the SEA GODS.

CEYX (selks), the son of Hesperus, the evening star, was king of

Thessaly. His wife, Alcyone, or Halcyone, was the daughter of

Aeolus, the god of the winds. Two different myths that agree

only in their conclusions grew up about Ceyx and his wife.

According to the first myth, the two were so happily married that

they called themselves Zeus and Hera and thus offended the

gods, who changed them into birds as punishment. The better-

known myth, however, is of a gentler sort. Ceyx, because of

omens attendant on the death of his brother, decided to consult


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an oracle of Apollo in Ionia, and he set out on a voyage to this

place in spite of his wife's direful feminine intuitions. On the waya storm destroyed his boat, and he was drowned with all his men.

Alcyone made constant sacrifices to the gods for her husband's

safety, and especially she implored Hera for his safe return,

until that goddess decided to reveal to the luckless woman that

Ceyx had drowned. So Hera sent Iris to the underworld to

arrange for a vision to inform Alcyone of her husband's death.

Accordingly, Morpheus, the chief god of dreams, appeared to

Alcyone as Ceyx and told her that he had drowned.

Alcyone awoke and went down to the seashore, where she soon

discovered her husband's body floating in on the tide. In her

grief, as she cast herself over the cliff to her death or, according

to another version, as she ran down the sea wall to meet her

husband's body, she was changed into a bird, the halcyon, and

Ceyx likewise. All versions of the myth agree that the two were

mated as birds as they had been as human beings and that

Aeolus quiets his winds during the season when his daughter

sits on her nest, which floats on the waves. These quiet windless

days are still called halcyon days.

Chaucer borrowed this story from Ovid as part of the intro-

duction to The Book of the Duchess, and although he calls

it (60-61)

... a tale

That me thoughte a wonder thing,

after telling it, he observes that reading it put him to sleep.

But since Chaucer was writing a "dream vision," a conventional

poem in which the poet is required to fall asleep, we may

suppose that poetic necessity, rather than the story itself, got the

better of him. Milton turns the myth to a more symbolic use in

On the Morning of Christ's Nativity (61-68):


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But peacefull was the nightWherein the Prince of light

His raign of peace upon the earth began:The Windes with wonder whist,

Smoothly the waters kist,

Whispering new joyes to the milde Ocean,Who now hath quite forgot to rave,

While Birds of Calm sit brooding on the charmed wave.

Also, in that compendium of mythological references, Endymion

(1. 453-455), Keats apostrophizes sleep:

. . . O comfortable bird,

That broodest o'er the troubled sea of the mind

Till it is hush'd and smooth!

an image that misconstrues the cause of the calmness associated

with the halycons but loses nothing of its effect.

CHARICLO (karl-klo) was the mother of TIRESIAS.

CHARITES (kaVHez) are the GRACES.CHARON (ka'ron) is the boatman who ferries the souls of the

dead across the Styx or the Acheron to HADES.

CHARYBDIS (ka-rib'dis) was condemned by Zeus to live under

a rock on the Sicilian straits, where she became a whirlpool.


CHIMAERA (ki-me'ra) was a terrible monster that was killed

by BELLEROPHON.CHIRON (ki'ron), a gentle and learned Centaur, was a tutor of

heroes. See CENTAURS.CHLORIS (kld'ris), or Flora, is the goddess of spring and

flowers and the wife of Zephyrus, the west wind. Her use in

English literature is typified by Herrick's words to his mistress

in Corinncfs Going A-Maymg (15-17):

Rise, and put on your Foliage, and be scene

To come forth, hke the Spring-time, fresh and greene,

And sweet as flora.


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CHRYSEIS (kri-se'is), the daughter of Chryses, priest of Apollo,

was captured by the Greeks and given to Agamemnon. When

Agamemnon refused to release her, her father persuaded Apolloto send a pestilence among the Greeks See TROJAN WARCHRYSES (kri'sez) was a Trojan priest of Apollo. See TROJANWAR.CICONES (si'ko-nez) fought against ODYSSEUS.

CILIX (sil'iks), searching for his sister Europa, gave his name to

Cihcia. See THEBES.CIMMERIANS (si-me'ri'tfnz) lived in perpetual darkness beyondthe great river ol Oceanus. See SEA GODSCIRCE (sir'se) is an enchantress. See ODYSSEUS.

CISPIUS (sis'pi-us) was one of the seven hills of earliest ROME.CLEOPATRA (kle'6-pa'tnz) was die first wife of Phineus, whoaided the ARGONAUTS.CLIO (kll'6) is the Muse of history. See MUSES.

CLOTHO (klo'tho) is one of the three Fates See FATE.CLYMENE (klim'e-ne) was the mother of Phaethon byAPOLLO.CLYTEMNESTRA (kli'tem-ngs'tro), the half sister of Helen of

Troy, murdered her husband Agamemnon. See ATREUS,TROJAN WAR.CLYTIE (kli'te), a Nymph whose heart was broken when Apollodeserted her, was. transformed into a symbol ol faithfulness, the

sunflower. See APOLLO.CLYTIUS (cll'ti-us) was one of the GIANTS.

CNOSSUS (nos'sus) was the capital city of Crete and of the

Cretan civilization. At Cnossus lived King Minos and Queen

Pasiphae, and there Daedalus built the Labyrinth to imprisonthe Minotaur that Theseus slew. Ancient ruins of great arche-

ological interest have been excavated there. See DAEDALUS,,THESEUS.


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COCALUS (kok'tf-lus) was a protector of DAEDALUS.COCYTUS (k6-si'tus) is a river of HADES.COEUS (se'us) is one of the TITANS.COLCHIS (kol'kis) was the place where the Golden Fleece was

located. See ARGONAUTS.CORA (k6

rra) is another name of Persephone, the daughter of

Demeter and the wife of Hades. See EARTH GODDESSES,HADES.CORONIS (k6-ro'nis) was the mother of Asclepius by APOLLO.CORYBANTES (korl-ban'tez) were the half-divine priests of

Cybele. See EARTH GODDESSES.COTHURNUS (ko-thur'nus) is another name for the BUSKIN.

COTTUS (kdt'us) was a Hecatoncheire. See TITANS.

CREON (kre'on) became regent when Oedipus left the throne

of THEBES.CRETAN BULL, the father by Pasiphae of the Minotaur, was

captured by Heracles. See DAEDALUS, HERACLES.

CREUS (kre'us) is one of the TITANS.

CREUSA (kre-u'sa) was (1) a Trojan princess, the wife of

AENEAS; (2) the second wife of Jason, leader of the ARGO-NAUTS.CRONIA (krc/nl-fl) was a harvest celebration in honor of

CRONUS.CRONUS (kro'nus), or Saturn, or Saturnus. Uranus, the sky,

hated nearly all his children by Gaea, the earth. When he con-

fined a large number of them in Tartarus, which is as far

beneath Hades as earth is beneath heaven, Gaea was so angry

that she urged her Titan sons to rebel against their father.

All except Cronus, the youngest, were afraid to attack him.

Armed with a sickle provided by Gaea, Cronus ambushed Uranus

and castrated him. The Furies and the Giants sprang up

irom the blood of the mutilated god, and (according to one


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story) Aphrodite rose from the sea where the bits of his genitals


Cronus married his sister Rhea and ruled the universe for

many centuries. Yet a prophecy troubled him. It had been pre-

dicted that one of his children would overthrow him, as he had

overthrown his father, and to prevent this eventuality he swal-

lowed each of his children as they were born. One after the

other, he gulped down Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon, and

Hades. Rhea, like her mother, preferred her children to her

husband, and she watched the regular disappearance of her

offspring with growing dismay. When Zeus was born, she hid

him away and offered Cronus a stone wrapped in swaddlingclothes.

If the stone lay heavy on Cronus' stomach, it did not do so

for long. Zeus grew up rapidly and soon challenged his father's

power. With the aid of his grandmother, Gaea, he compelledCronus to disgorge the stone and the five children, and then he

and his brothers and sisters fought a great war with Cronus and

the other Titans, for a detailed account of which see ZEUS. TheTitans were defeated, and most of them were hurled into

Tartarus. Comus in Milton's masque of that name (803-804)

recalls that Jove proclaimed

. . . the chains of Erebus

To som of Saturns crew.

Certain Greek writers said that Zeus and Cronus were finally

reconciled, and that Cronus became the ruler of the Blessed

Islands (see HADES, SEA GODS). According to the Romanwriters, when Cronus, or Saturn, was defeated in Greece, he fled

to Italy, where Janus ruled. In Paradise Lost (1. 51&-520)Milton refers to this migration to Italy. There Saturn civilized

the people, taught them the art of agriculture, and made them


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prosperous. Janus, impressed by Saturn's wisdom, shared the

throne with him, and they ruled amicably together. Sometimes

Janus was confused with Saturn (see JANUS).Few stories are told of Cronus. As supreme ruler he is a

remote, crafty, terrible figure who seized the throne by violence

and attempted to hold it by the same means. The Greek Hesiod

calls him Cronus of the crooked counsel. The only sympathetic

portrait of him in English literature is offered by John Keats,

who describes him in defeat (Hyperion, 1. 1-7, 106-112):

Deep in the shady sadness of a vale

Far sunken from the healthy breath of morn,

Far from the fiery moon, and eve's one star,

Sat gray-hair'd Saturn, quiet as a stone,

Still as the silence round about his lair;

Forast on forest hung about his head

Like cloud on cloud.

When he speaks to the Titaness Thea, who tries to comfort him,

Saturn regrets chiefly the loss of his power to do good:

... I am smothered up,

And buried from all godlike exercise

Of influence benign on planets pale,

Of admonitions to the winds and seas,

Of peaceful sway above man's harvesting,

And all those acts which Deity supremeDoth ease its heart of love in.

In English literature Cronus is usually a dark and malignant

god. This interpretation depends partly on classical story but

chiefly on astrological notions concerning the influence of the

planet Saturn. In Spenser's allegorical House of Alma (Faerie"

Queene, 2. 9. 52), for example, Phantastes, the inhabitant of the

first room of the human brain, seems young yet full of melan-



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. . . one by his vew

Mote deeme him borne with ill disposed skyes,

When oblique Saturne sate in the house of agonyes.

(The house of agonies is the twelfth heavenly house, but for

further explanations the authors refer the reader to any stand-

ard work on astrology). In Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus

(2. 3. 32-39) Aaron, the villainous Moor, tells Tamora that

Saturn governs his desires:

What signifies my deadly-standing eye,

My silence, and my cloudy melancholy,

Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand,

Blood and revenge are hammering in my head.

And in The Knight's Tale by Chaucer (I. 2456-2469) Saturn

himself gives a full account of his evil proclivities:

Myn is the drenchyng in the see so wan;

Myn is the prison in the derke cote;

Myn is the stranglyng and hangyng by the throte,

The murmure and the cherles rebellyng,

The groynynge, and the pryvee empoysonyng;I do vengeance and pleyn correccioun,

Whil I dwelle in the signe of the leoun.

And myn-e be the maladyes colde,

The derke tresons, and the castes olde;

My lookyng is the fader of pestilence.

Yet Chaucer, Shakespeare, Spenser, and many others also wrote

of the Golden Age over which a benignant Saturn reigned.

Spenser describes this period of lost innocence in The Faerie

Queene (5. Prologue. 9):


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For during Saturnes ancient raigne it's sayd,That all the world with goodnesse did abound:

All loued vertue, no man was affraydOf force, ne fraud in wight was to be found.

No warre was knowne, no dreadfull trompets sound,

Peace vniuersall rayn'd mongst men and beasts,

And all things freely grew out of the ground:

Justice sate high ador'd with solemne feasts,

And to all people did diuide her dred beheasts

Chaucer, without mentioning Saturn, tells of the delights of this

time in The Former Age, and Shakespeare several times speaks

of the Age of Gold.

This dichotomy in the character of Cronus seems to be the

result of his two functions: the first as the dark supreme ruler and

the second as the gentle harvest god. In Greece, because his

worship coincided with the development of agriculture, he was

recognized as a harvest god; and in Athens, Rhodes, and Thebes

a festival called the Cronia was celebrated in his honor, a happyharvest celebration in which social distinctions were eliminated.

In Roman mythology Saturn was at first a rather humble god

of harvest, and his wife Ops was the harvest helper. Later he was

identified with Cronus, and Ops with Rhea, and the Golden Agewhose departure was lamented by the Greeks was thought by

the Romans to have occurred at a later time when Saturn fled

from defeat in Greece to peaceful reign in Italy. For many years

Saturn shared the rule of Italy with Janus, but one day he

suddenly disappeared. In his honor Janus established the

Saturnalia, which was celebrated in December. As long as the

festival lasted, everyone pretended that the Golden Age had

returned. Declarations of war were forbidden, executions were

postponed, master and man ate at the same table, and people

exchanged presents. The season of this festival was later chosen

by Christians for the Christmas celebration.


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See also TITANS.

CUMAE (ku'me) is the place where Aeneas first landed in Italy.


CUMAEAN SIBYL (ku-me'an sib'il),or Sibyl of Cumae, who

was given the power of prophecy and a thousand years o life by

Apollo, guided Aeneas to Hades. See APOLLO, AENEAS.CUPID (ku'pid) is a Roman name for EROS.

CURETES (ku-re'tez), the half-divine priests of Rhea, protected

Zeus when he was a child. See EARTH GODDESSES.

CYBELE (sib'e-le), or CYBEBE (si-be'be), was the Phrygian

name of the Titan earth goddess, Rhea. See EARTH GOD-DESSES.

CYCLOPES (si-klo'pez; singular, CYCLOPS, si'klops) are huge

one-eyed giants The first Cyclopes were sons ot Uranus and

Gaea. They were confined in Tartarus by Uranus and liberated

by Zeus when the Olympians were overthrowing the Titans. In

gratitude the Cyclopes created for Zeus the thunderbolt, which

became his favorite weapon. When Zeus killed Asclepius with a

thunderbolt, Apollo, Asclepius' father, was afraid to attack Zeus

but took his revenge by killing the Cyclopes. In the Odyssey,

however, the Cyclopes are giant one-eyed cannibals, the sons of

Poseidon, who keep flocks on the volcanic island of Sicily. For

them see ODYSSEUS.

CYCNUS (slk'nus), which means "swan/* was the name of three

young men who were all turned into swans. The first, a son of

Ares, was a thief whom Heracles killed. The second, a son of

Poseidon, was abandoned at birth by his mother but was cared

for by a swan. He was an ally of the Trojans against the Greeks,

and in the first fight the Greek hero Achilles strangled him. The

first two Cycnuses became swans after death, but the third was

simply translated from youth to swan. He was a friend of

Phaethon, the foolish son of Apollo who tried to drive his father's


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chariot of the sun. Zeus killed Phaethon with a thunderbolt, and

Cycnus grieved so bitterly that the gods transformed him into a


These rather vague and unsatisfactory stories are the fore-

runners of many later tales of swan transformation found mEngland and on the continent, both in folk tale and in the

literature of conscious art. The best known is the story of the

Knight of the Swan, who is called Helias, Lohengrin, and various

other names. In 1512, Robert Copland translated from a French

version The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan as a compli-

ment to the noble English families who claimed descent from the

Swan Knight Edmund Spenser made a swan transformation the

central motif of his betrothal poem, the Prothalamion.

CYLLENE (sHe'ne) is the mountain famous as the birthplace of

HERMES.CYULENIUS (sMe'ni-tis) is another name for HERMES.CYNTHIA (sm'thi-fl) is another name for ARTEMIS.CYNTHIUS (sm'thi-us) is another name for APOLLO.CYNTHUS (sm'thus) is the mountain on Delos famous as the

birthplace of Artemis and APOLLO.CYPRIS (sl'pris) is another name for APHRODITE.CYPRUS (si'prtis) contends with Cythera for the honor of being

the island to which Aphrodite floated when she arose from the

foam. See APHRODITE.CYRENE (si-re'ne), a Nymph who liked to wrestle with lions, was

the mother of Aristaeus by APOLLO.CYTHERA (slth'&r'd) contends with Cyprus for the honor of

being the island to which Aphrodite floated when she arose from

the foam. See APHRODITE.CYTHEREA (s!th'r-e>d) is a name for APHRODITE.CYZICUS (sizl-ktis) is the island on which Heracles left the

expedition of the ARGONAUTS.


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DAEDALUS (d&l'tf-lus), the skillful artificer who anticipated

the achievement oi the Wright brothers, was a famous inventor

and artist, and a descendant ol Hephaestus, the god ol craftsmen.

Athens was his native city, and there he created many marvelous

things, including statues that moved of themselves. His nephew,Perdix, or Talus (not to be confused with the Talus who

guarded the shores of Crete, for whom see THESEUS), became

Daedalus' apprentice and eventually his rival. Perdix, after

brooding over the backbone of a fish, invented the saw, and

Daedalus was so filled with jealous rage that he threw Perdix

into the sea. The gods transformed the young man into the

partridge, which still bears his name.

Daedalus fled to Cnossus in Crete, where he was hospitably

received by King Minos. At this time Minos had incurred the

anger of Poseidon. He had prayed to the god for a bull to

sacrifice in his honor; but when Poseidon sent him the Cretan Bull

from the sea, Minos was so delighted with the animal that he kept

it and sacrificed an inferior bull in its place. Poseidon, who

usually took the simplest means of revenge, this time devised a

subtler punishment: he caused Pasiphae, Minos' wife, to conceive

a violent passion for the bull. When Daedalus appeared, Pasiphae

took him into her confidence, and he disguised her as a cow so

that she might satisfy her lust. In due time she bore the Minotaur,

who was half-bull and half-man; and Daedalus, at the commandof Minos, built the famous Labyrinth, an intricate maze in

which the monster was kept. For the story of the human sacrifices

offered to the Minotaur and of his death at the hands of Theseus,

see the article on that hero.


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Daedalus and Ins son Icarus (who at this point suddenly

appears in the story) lived happily in Crete until Minos learned

that Daedalus had helped Pasiphae to indulge her unnatural

passion for the bull. Then the king confined Daedalus and Icarus

in the Labyrinth and thus provided the ultimate proof ot its

effectiveness, for not even Daedalus, its creator, could find his

way out of it. The sky was the only way of escape, and Daedalus

therefore made wings of leathers and wax. Before he and Icarus

tried to fly, he warned the boy that they must hold to a middle

course between sky and sea. if they flew too high the sun would

melt the wax and the wings would fall apart. But after they

had soared into the air, Icarus was so delighted with his new

power that he ranged far up into the heavens. The wax melted,

the wings fell from his shoulders, and he plunged down into a

sea that thereafter was called the Icarian Sea.

Daedalus flew saiely to Sicily and sought the protection of

King Cocalus. When Minos discovered that Daedalus had

escaped, he was furiously angry, and he could not rest until he

had thought of a way to discover the inventor's hiding place. He

sent word through the civilized world that he would give a large

reward to anyone who could string a thread through every spiral

of a sea shell. Daedalus quickly solved the problem He tied a

thread to an ant, bored a small hole in the closed end of a

shell, put the ant in the hole, and then plugged up the hole and

secured the end of the thread The ant worked its way to the open

end of the shell and, in doing so, pulled the thread through every

spiral. When this shell arrived from Sicily with a request for the

reward, Minos was sure that only Daedalus could have accom-

plished the task, and he set sail at once for Sicily to capture

his errant servant. King Cocalus received him with proper

ceremony but refused to surrender Daedalus. Doubtless war

would have resulted if one of Cocalus' daughters had not ended

the dispute by scalding Minos to death in his bath.


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In English literature Daedalus and Icarus are sometimes re-

membered for their boldness. Lord Talbot in Shakespeare's

1 Henry VI (4. 6. 54-57), for example, urges his son to reckless

bravery with these words:

Then follow thou thy desp'rate sire of Crete,

Thou Icarus Thy life to me is sweet.

If thou wilt fight, fight by thy father's side;

And, commendable prov'd, let's die in pride.

More frequently, however, Icarus, like Phaethon, symbolizes

rash and foolish pride. In 3 Henry VI (5. 6. 18-25) King Henry in

an elaborate image describes himself and his son as Daedalus and

Icarus, but his labored comparison is less effective than

Gloucester's contemptuous thrust:

Why, what a peevish fool was that of Crete

That taught his son the office of a fowl 1

And yet, for all his wings, the fool was drown'd.

Similarly, George Santayana in his sonnet On the Death of a

Metaphysician represents the failure of the "unhappy dreamer"

of his poem in terms of the myth:

I stood and saw you fall, befooled in death,

As, in your numbed spirit's fatal swoon,

You cried you were a god, or were to be;

I heard with feeble moan your boastful breath

Bubble from depths of th-e Icarian sea. 1

In Musee des Beaux Arts W. H. Auden uses a painter's treatment

of the story of Icarus as an example of the irony of human suffer-

ing and of human indifference to the suffering of others:

iFrom "On the Death of a Metaphysician," by George Santayana, in

Poems (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925). Reprinted with the per-mission of the publishers.


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In Breughel's Icarus, for example: how everything turns away

Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman mayHave heard the splash, the forsaken cry,

But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone

As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green

Water, and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen

Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,

Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly onJ

Daedalus is often remembered for his inventions: the wings,

the statues that moved of themselves, and what Chaucer (House

of Fame, 1920-1921) calls

. . . that Domus Dedaly,That Laboryntus cleped ys.

Socrates, because he was a sculptor as well as a philosopher,

claimed descent from Daedalus (Plato, Alcibiades I, 121); and

Stephen Dedalus, the aspiring artist who is the hero of James

Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, prays for help to

the first Daedalus: "Old father, old artificer, stand me now and

ever in good stead." Spenser borrowed from Greek the adjective

"daedal," which means "cunningly wrought," and Shelley and

Keats and a number of other poets have also used the word.

DAEMON (de'm&n) is usually the guardian spirit of a person,

society, or place. See HESTIA.

DANAE (dan'a-e) was a mistress of Zeus whom the god visited as

a shower of gold See PERSEUS, ZEUS.

DANAIDS (dan'a-idz) were the fifty daughters of Danaus, who

ordered them to murder their husbands on their wedding night.

Forty-nine of them obeyed, and they suffer a special torment in


2 From "Musee des Beaux Arts," by W. H. Auden, in The Collected Poetry

of W. H. Auden. Copyright, 1945, by W. H. Auden. Reprinted with the per-

mission of the publisher, Random House, Inc.


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DANAUS (dan'a-us) ordered his fifty daughters to murder their

husbands on their wedding night* See HADES.

DAPHNE (da^ne), pursued by Apollo, was transformed into the

laurel, and Apollo adopted the laurel as his tree. See APOLLO.DAPHNIS (daf'nis) was a shepherd who invented pastoral songand story. He loved Piplea and tried to win her from her

master, Lityerses, by defeating him in a reaping contest. Daphniswas losing until Lityerses was killed by HERACLES.DARDANUS (dar'dd-nus) was the founder of the Trojan royal

house. See AENEAS.DEATH. See Thanatos under HADES.DEIANIRA (de'ya-m'ra) was the second wife of HERACLES.DEIDAMIA (de-id'a-mi'd) was the mother by Achilles of

Pyrrhus, or Neoptolemus, who fought in the TROJAN WAR.DEIMOS (dl'mfts) is an attendant of his father ARES.

DEIPHOBUS (de-if'6-bus), a prince of Troy, was a minor hero

in the TROJAN WAR.DELIA (de'li-a) is another name for ARTEMIS.DELIUS (de'li-us) is another name for APOLLO.DELOS (de'16s) is the Aegean island on which Leto gave birth to

Artemis and APOLLO.DELPHI (d&'fl), a Greek town at the foot of Mount Parnassus,

was the place of the most iamous oracle of: Apollo. See ORACLES.DEMETER (d-me'tr) is the Olympian earth goddess. See

EARTH GODDESSES.DEUCALION (du-ka'lr&n). Before the great flood there were

three or four ages of man. First was the Golden Age when Cronus

ruled. This was a time of innocence, peace, and ease, when the

earth provided food without man's labor. For the poets' use

of the Golden Age see the article on Cronus. Next came the

Silver Age in which man suffered from heat and cold and was

forced to cultivate the earth to get his food. Men in this time were


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strong and brave, but their tempers were bad and they often

neglected their duties to the gods. In the next period, the

Brazen Age, mankind was fiercer, crueler, and more impious. One

possible survivor of this time was Talus, the brazen giant whois described in the article on Theseus. Byron alludes to the

characteristics of this age in his satire, The Age of Bronze. Therefollowed the Iron Age, a time of pain, sickness, poverty, war,

and oppression. One by one the gods departed, and finally

Astraea, the goddess of human justice, also abandoned the earth.

According to some stories, the great flood followed the Age of

Brass and the present age is the Age of Iron, a view for which

evidence could be found in ancient Greece and in the world

today. But other stones hold that the flood ended the Iron Age,and that the present time might be called the Age of Stone.

In one of the darkest ages, Brass or Iron, mankind became so

evil that Zeus determined to destroy the race. With the help of

his brother Poseidon, god of the sea and the rivers, he caused

such a great flood that all the earth was covered except the tip

of the tallest mountain, Mount Parnassus Prometheus, the

benefactor of man, had foreseen the anger of Zeus, and he had

instructed his son Deucalion to build a chest or ark and to stock

it with provisions. When the waters rose Deucalion and his wife

Pyrrha were safe in their ark, but all other human beings were


For nine days and nights the two survivors floated on the

desert of waters until their ark touched on the tip of Mount

Parnassus, and there they landed. Zeus, knowing they were a

pious and decent couple, took pity on them and made the flood

recede. As they made their way down the mountain, they came

to an old, partly ruined temple, where they gave thanks for their

deliverance and prayed that the race of man might be restored.

This shrine belonged to Themis, goddess of divine justice, and


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a voice spoke from the temple telling them to throw the bones of

their mother behind them. Pyrrha and Deucalion were shocked

by this apparently impious command, but it soon occurred to

Deucalion that the earth was the mother of all men and that

stones might be called her bones. He and Pyrrha took stones

and threw them over their shoulders; those thrown by her became

women and those thrown by him became men. Thus the race of

man was recreated Pyrrha and Deucalion also had children by

the more familiar method, and one of them was Hellen, epony-

mous father of the Greeks or Hellenes.

The similarities between classical myth and Biblical story

are striking, and Giles Fletcher in Ghnsts Victone and Triumph

(3. 7) speaks for many Christians when he says:

Who doth not see drown'd in Deucalions name,

(When earth his men, and sea had lost his shore)

Old Noah . . . ?

In Milton's Paradise Lost (11. 9-14), when Adam and Eve have

sinned and repented, they pray for forgiveness:

. . . nor important less

Seem'd their Petition, then when th' ancient Pair

In Fables old, less ancient yet then these,

Deucalion and chaste Pyrrha to restore

The Race of Mankind drownd, before the Shrine

Of Themis stood devout

The most effective use of the myth, however, is made by Spenser

in a lament for the decline of civilization in his time (Faerie

Queene, 5. Prologue. 2):

For from the golden age, that first was named,It's now at earst become a stonie one;

And men themselves, the which at first were framed

Of earthly mould, and form'd of flesh and bone,


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Are now transformed into hardest stone:

Such as behind their backs (so backward bred)Were throwne by Pyrrha and Deucahone

DIANA (dMLn'a) is a Roman name ot ARTEMIS.DICTYS (dik'tis), a fisherman who befriended Perseus and his

mother, was later made a king by PERSEUS.DIDO (di'do), queen of Carthage, committed suicide when she

was deserted by her lover AENEAS.DIOMEDES (di'6-me'dez) was (1) one of the Epigoni who con-

quered Thebes and a Greek hero in the Trojan War (see

THEBES, TROJAN WAR); (2) a son of Ares who owned

man-eating horses for which he was killed by HERACLES.DIONE (dl-o'ne) was said by Homer to be the mother of

APHRODITE.DIONYSUS (di'6-m'sus), or Bacchus, or Liber, is a god of the

general fertility of nature, and as such is related to the earth

goddesses, to Poseidon, and to Priapus, but he is doubtless known

best for only one of his many attributes, and that is as the god

of the vine and the wine that it produces Dionysus was the son of

Zeus by Semele. Hera, in her unceasing campaign to discourage

Zeus's amours, persuaded Semele to ask her lover tor a sight of

him in his full splendor. When Zeus accordingly appeared in his

panoply of thunder and lightning, Semele was burnt to ashes

by the splendor of the sight, but Zeus seized her unborn son,

Dionysus, and, as some accounts have it, implanted the child in

his pwn thigh until it was ready for birth. Dionysus' other

name Dithyrambus is thus thought to have meant "twice-born/'

The infant Dionysus was given at first to Ino, his mother's

sister, to tend at Mount Nysa; but later he was reared by Silenus,

a son of Pan. Silenus was a fat old Satyr who loved to drink and

usually appeared riding on a donkey. Hera's anger against

Dionysus did not cease, and while he was still a young man she

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drove him mad and sent him wandering about the world

Dionysus was restored to his senses by the earth goddess Rhea,

and afterward continued in his travels for the purpose of teach-

ing the cultivation of the vine and the use of wine. He was

variously received in different countries. While in the kingdomo Midas in Asia Minor, Silenus became lost during a bout of

drunkenness and was rescued and kindly treated by Midas. For

this courtesy Dionysus granted Midas the choice of his own

reward, and Midas asked that everything that he touched be

turned to gold. He enjoyed his magic touch immensely until he

discovered that the food he wished to eat also turned to the

valuable but indigestible metal. Then he prayed for release

irom the power, and the god directed him to bathe in the river

Pactolus, an act which freed Midas but changed the sands of the

river to gold. (For another story about Midas see APOLLO)

At another time, Dionysus was seized by sailors who wished to

sell him into slavery in Egypt. During the course ol the voyage,

however, vines grew up out of the sea and entwined the mast

of the ship, while Dionysus himself was released fiom his bonds

and appeared in his godly person, attended by his symbolic wild

beasts and crowned with ivy. All the sailors were turned into

dolphins except one named Acetes who had recognized and

attempted to befriend the god. Acetes then piloted the ship to the

island of Naxos, where the god wished to go. Alfred Noyes uses

this myth in Bacchus and the Pirates On Naxos Dionysus found

Ariadne, who had been deserted by Theseus. The god com-

forted Ariadne, made her his wife, and persuaded Zeus to grant

her immortality. The golden crown that was her wedding gift

from Dionysus appears in the constellation of Taurus, and is

called the Corona Borealis.

Dionysus sometimes met with opposition to his teachings. Such

was the situation when he brought them to his own city of


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Thebes. King Pentheus opposed the cultivation of the vine and

the celebration of the god's rites. He even attempted to put

Acetes, whom he captured, to death for celebrating the rites,

but Dionysus rescued Acetes and caused Pentheus to be torn to

pieces by his own mother when Pentheus interrupted the Diony-

sian rites that the women were celebrating on Mount Cithaeron.

A similar fate the god provided for King Lycurgus of Thrace who

opposed him. He drove Lycurgus mad and caused him to slay his

own son under the impression, some accounts say, that his son

was a vine in the need of pruning

By whatever means they were spread, Dionysus' rites and the

worship of the god became general in Greece and later in the

western Mediterranean. Because nature flourishes in the spring

and summer, Dionysus was associated with Demeter as a

seasonal divinity. Consequently he was thought to suffer during

the winter months, and festivals were held to comfort and honor

him. These festivals usually took the form oi orgiastic celebra-

tions by women. One such was held in Athens in December;

another in January was featured chiefly by a nocturnal proces-

sion oi women, a third in February celebrated the opening of

the wine and the pouring of it; and the last of the series In

March ran for six days and was called the Great Dionysia.

These festivals, when they spread to Rome, were called Bac-

chanalia, a name that survives today.

Dionysus, or Bacchus, is well known in our time as the figure

ol a man crowned with ivy leaves and holding aloft a bunch of

grapes in one hand and a cup in the other. In ancient times,

however, Dionysus was sometimes represented as old and some-

times as young and delicate, nearly always crowned with the

traditional ivy and wearing a stag's skin on his shoulders. He

was usually attended by lynxes, tigers, and panthers, and he

carried a staff, called a Thyrsus, tipped with a pine cone. Besides

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Silenus, his inveterate companions were the Satyrs and the older

Satyrs, or Silem, of whom Silenus was the prototype. The Satyrs

were human in form except that they had the ears, legs, and

tails ot horses or goats. They were always inflamed with wine

and sexual passion, so that there are many stories of their pursuit

of the woodland Nymphs (tor further details see PAN). Centaurs,

who had the trunks of men but the full bodies of horses, also

attended the god. The female followers of Dionysus were usually

called Maenads, Bacchantes, or Bassarids. In Ode to the West

Wind (20-23) Shelley uses the disordered hair of a Maenad as an

image of gathering storm clouds:

Like the bright hair uplifted from the head

Of some fierce Maenad, even from the dim vergeOf the horizon to the zenith's height,

The locks of the approaching storm,

and Swinburne in the first chorus (41-44, 49-52) of Atalanta in

Calydon recalls the female followers of the god:

And Pan by noon and Bacchus by night,

Fleeter of foot than the fleet-loot kid,

Follows with dancing and fills with delight

The Maenad and the Bassarid;

The ivy falls with the Bacchanal's hair

Over her eyebrows hiding her eyes;

The wild vine slipping down leaves bare

Her bright breast shortening into sighs. . . .

Dionysus* connection with poetry was a close one. The choral

songs sung in his honor, as Aristotle observes in The Poetics,

led ultimately to the development of the drama, ot which Dio*

nysxas was the patron god, in association with Apollo and the

Muses. At the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens, against the foot


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o the Acropolis, were played the great comedies and tragedies

of classical times. The dithyramb, a wild and vehement song

improvised and sung by the Bacchanals, has given its name to a

kind of poetry that appears to be written under strong inspira-

tion and consequently makes up in fervor what it often lacks in

significance. To Plato all good poetry seemed to be of this sort.

In a famous passage in the Ion, Socrates tells Ion that "all good

poets, epic as well as lyric, compose their beautiful poems not by

art, but because they are inspired and possessed." He comparesthe poets thus to Dionysian maidens "who draw milk and honeyfrom the rivers when they are under the influence of Dionysus,

but not when they are in their right mind," a dictum which has

been the subject of much subsequent debate. Spenser allows one

ol his shepherds to express this idea in The Shepheardes Calender

(October, 103-114).

In English poetry Dionysus appears most frequently as the

god of revelry. Allusions to Bacchanalian festivals are number-

less. Herrick wrote several poems about Bacchus. Milton rejects

the Bacchanalia as a form of pagan idolatry in Paradise Lost

(7. 31-33) in the famous lines where he calls on the Muse to

govern his song and

... fit audience find, though few.

But drive fan off the barbarous dissonance

of Bacchus and his Revellers.

In his poem Upon Drinking in a Bowl, on the contrary, John

Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, declares.

Cupid and Bacchus my Saints are;

May Drink and Love still reign.

Another well-known allusion to Bacchus is in Keats's Ode to a


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Away' Away' for I will flyto thee,

Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards,

But on the viewless wings of Poesy,

lines in which Keats rejects the intoxicating power of wine for

that of poetry, and in which many an American school boy has

iound a mistaken reference to the world of cowboys ("pards"

means "leopards"). Yet in Endymion (4. 193-267) Keats gives a

colorful description of a Bacchanalian procession; and Matthew

Arnold, in a poem called Bacchanalia: or, The New Age, makes of

the Bacchanalia a symbol of the triumph of the future over the

past. Ralph Waldo Emerson, also, wrote a poem called Bacchus,

in which he calls on the god to restore the past in memory through

the power of his wine. Frederick Faust wrote Dionysus in Hades.

DIOSCURI (di'os-ku'ri) were Polydeuces and CASTOR.DIRAE (di're) is a Roman name of the FURIES.

DIRGE (dlr'se) was the wife of Lycus, regent of THEBES.DIS (dis) is a Roman name of the god HADES.

DISCORDIA (dls-kor'dl-d) is the Roman name for Eris, goddess

of discord. See ARES.

DITHYRAMB (dithl-ram) was a wild song sung by the

Bacchanals, followers of DIONYSUS.

DITHYRAMBUS (dithl-ram/btis) is another name for DIONY-


DODONA (dfrdo'nd), a city in Epirus, was the place o the most

famous oracle of Zeus. See ORACLES.DOLPHINS are sacred to Poseidon, the Olympian ruler of the

SEA GODS.DORIS is the wife of Nereus, one ol the SEA GODS.

DRYADS (dri'ad/) are tree NYMPHS.DRYOPE (dri'6'pe),

a mortal girl, was transformed into a Dryad.



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EARTH GODDESSES, The first divinity of the Greeks was

Gaea, or Ge, the goddess of the earth, whom the Romans called

Tellus, or Terra Mater. Her son and husband Uranus, the sky,

was not worshiped, apparently because he was so vaguely im-

agined. Gaea's chief characteristic was fecundity. Not only was

she the mother by Uranus of the creatures of the earth, but she

also mated with her son Pontus and her grandson Poseidon to

produce various creatures ot the sea.

She always sided with a son against his father, but when son

or grandson opposed son or grandson her allegiance wavered.

Because Uranus confined most of his children in Tartarus, Gaea

persuaded her son Cronus to attack and castrate his father.

Cronus then became the supreme ruler and took Rhea for his

queen Knowing that one of his offspring was fated to overthrow

him, Cronus swallowed his first five children; but after Zeus was

born, when Cronus asked for what he had bred, Rhea gave him

a stone.

As soon as Zeus reached maturity, Gaea helped him to compel

Cronus to disgorge the other children, and then the Olympians

and the Titans fought a great war. At first Gaea assisted her

grandchildren against her children, and her excellent advice

was chiefly responsible for the defeat of the Titans; but when

some of the Titans were confined in Tartarus, she mourned for

them and created a monster named Typhon and incited her

children the Giants to fight against Zeus. The Olympians needed

the help of Heracles to subdue the last of Gaea's children.

Rhea, the wife of Cronus and the daughter of Gaea, as-


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sumed all the attributes of her mother. She was called Cybele,

or Cybebe, in Phrygia, and the Romans named her Ops. Like

Gaea, Rhea was inexhaustibly fertile, and she helped her chil-

dren against their father. A part of her plot against Cronus has

already been described. After saving Zeus's life, she sent him to

Crete to be raised by her half-divine priests the Curetes, whodrowned out his cries by beating their spears against their


In Phrygia, where she was worshiped as Cybele, her half-

divine followers were called Corybantes. Like the Curetes, they

honored their goddess with wild and warlike dances; Spenser

(Faerie Queene, 1. 6. 15) speaks of "Cybeles franticke rites.*' In

art Cybele is usually veiled, and she sits on a throne with lions

by her side or in a chariot drawn by lions. Her crown is shapedin the form of towers and battlements. Other priests of Rhea or

Cybele were the Idaean Dactyls, fabulous discoverers of iron

and copper and workers of magic. Their home was on MountIda in Crete or Phrygia, and their number was variously said

to be five, nine, ten, twenty, or a hundred. According to one

writer, there were thirty-two Dactyls who worked evil charms

and twenty Dactyls who prevented the -charms from taking effect.

All of these numbers or combinations of numbers were signifi-

cant in the Pythagorean system, and for explanations the authors

of this book refer the reader to the works of Pythagoras.

When Dionysus was driven mad by Hera, Rhea cured himand taught him her religious rites. This instruction was to be

expected, since Dionysus and the earth goddess, whatever her

name, were both deities of fertility. Because Atalanta of Boeotia

and Hippomenes, in their happiness after their marriage, forgot

to offer sacrifices to Aphrodite, she caused them to offend Cybele,

and Cybele turned them into a lioness and a lion and yokedthem to her chariot.


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Spenser and Milton both remember this goddess as Cybelerather than Rhea, and call her the great mother and the goddess

of cities. Spenser (Faerie Queene, 4. 11. 28) sees her as

Old Cybele, arayd with pompous pride,

Wearing a Diademe embattild wide

With hundred turrets,

and also (Ruines of Rome, 6) as

. . . that great Phrygian mother

Renowm'd for fruite of famous progenie.

In Arcades (21-22) Milton echoes Spenser when he describes

. . the towred Cybele,

Mother of a hunderd gods,

and Byron (Childe Harold, 4. 2) says of Venice:

She looks a sea Cybele, fresh from ocean,

Rising with her tiara of proud towers. . . .

Demeter, or Ceres, a daughter of Rhea and Cronus, is the

Olympian goddess of the earth and especially of agriculture.

Corn and poppies are sacred to her and her daughter Persephone,

and cows, sheep, and pigs are sacrificed to the two goddesses. In

art Demeter is represented as carrying a cornucopia of plenty

filled with ears of corn. Ceres means "corn," and in English poetry

corn is often related to or personified as the goddess of agricul-

ture. Pope, for example, in his Moral Essays (4. 176) sees

"laughing Ceres re-assume the land," and in The Progress of

Poesy (9) Gray speaks of "Ceres' golden reign." Demeter was

associated with Dionysus and Poseidon and other deities of fer-

tility; and because agriculture was the basis of civilization, she

was also a goddess of law and marriage. In the betrothal masque


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of The Tempest (4. 1) Ceres and Juno together bless the troth-

pligfot oi Miranda and Ferdinand

Persephone, or Cora, or Proserpina, or Libera, was the daugh-ter oi Demeter by Zeus Once when Hades, the god of the under-

world, made one oi his mirequent visits to eaith, he saw the

lovely Persephone gatheung fioweis with her attendants in the

vale of Enna in Sioiy The daik god immediately iell in love

with her, caught her up into his chariot, and disappeared beneath

the earth. Demeter heard hei daughter's cries but ariived too

late to save her. Aiter she had wandered nine days in sorrow

looking lor Persephone, Helios, the sun, who sees everything,

told Demeter what had happened.In terrible anger she cursed the earth ioi allowing Hades

passage to the underworld. Thereatter drought and flood and

all sorts oi disasters plagued the earth, and mankind came close

to death through iamine. The fountain Nymph Arethusa, whoin her journey under the ocean had seen Persephone in the

underworld, told Demeter that her daughter looked sad but

queenlike, and begged Demeter to be merciful. The goddess de-

manded that Zeus restore Persephone Although he was reluctant

to assert his authority over his powerful brother Hades, Zeus

agreed to require that Persephone be returned to earth on con-

dition that she had eaten nothing while in the underworld.

Before Hades let her go, he persuaded Persephone to eat four

pomegranate seeds, and thercaiter, according to the decree of

the Fates, she spent four months of each year with "Hades and the

rest of the time with her mother. (For Persephone as the queenof the underworld see HADES, and for another myth about the

annual death and rebirth oi nature see Adonis under APHRO-

DITE).This myth symbolizes the yearly death and rebirth ot nature

and especially ot what the English call coin and we call wheat


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In the winter the seed belongs to Hades, but in the spring it is

restored to Demeter. In the course of her sorrowful search for

her daughter, Demeter was kindly entertained at Eleusis in At-

tica by Celeus and Metanira and their children. Later one of

these children, Triptolemus, became a priest of Demeter. She gave

him a chariot drawn by dragons, and he traveled around the

world teaching men the art of planting. Spenser (Virgils Gnat,

208) speaks of the time before men knew the seed of Ceres,

"which first Tnptoleme taught how to be sowne," and in Swin-

burne's At Eleusis Demeter tells of her stay with Celeus and

Metanira. At Eleusis were established the Eleusinian Festivals

and Mysteries, both of which were celebrated in February and

September. The festivals were open to all, but the mysteries were

restricted to initiates and little is known oi them except that

they probably interpreted the annual death and rebirth of Per-

sephone as a symbol of the immortality of the human spirit.

The myth of Demeter and Persephone is the only tragic story

about the gods. Olympians are often involved in dark and violent

happenings and sometimes they feel intense sorrow, but their

hurts are rather quickly healed. One sentence frequently repeated

by Homer seems to symbolize their lives on Olympus: "Laughter

unquenchable arose among the blessed gods." In English litera-

ture many poets have recalled the rape of Persephone. Milton

(Paradise Lost, 4. 268-272) describes

. . . that faire field

Of Enna, where Pioserpin gathnng flours

Her self a fairer Floure by gloomie Dis

Was gatherd, which cost Ceres all that pain

To seek her through the world.

(Dis is a Roman name tor Hades.) In The Winters Tale (4.4.

1 16-118) Perdita, as the hostess of the sheepsheanng feast, wishes

for spring flowers:


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. . O Proserpina,For the flowers now that, frighted, thou let'st fall

From Dis's wagon'

Shelley wrote a Song of Proserpine, While Gathering Flowers on

the Plain of Enna:

Sacred Goddess, Mother Earth,

Thou from whose immortal bosom

Gods, and men, and beasts have birth,

Leaf and blade, and bud and blossom,

Breathe thine influence most divine

On thine own child, Proserpine.

If with mists of evening dew

Thou dost nourish these young flowers

Till they grow, m scent and hue,

Fairest children of the Hours,

Breathe thine influence most divine

On thine own child, Proserpine.

Tennyson in Demeter and Persephone tells with warm sympathythe story of the rape of the daughter, the mother's search and

sorrow, and their ftnal reunion. In The Appeasement of Demeter

George Meredith alters the myth. In his version, the curse is

lifted from the dying earth, not by the return of Persephone,but by a pitiful attempt at play between a thin stallion and a

thin mare. Instinct stirs faintly in them, Demeter sees and laughs

kindly at their parody ol pleasure, and the earth then revives.

Meredith also makes an addition to mythology in The Day of

the Daughter of Hades. In springtime in the vale of Enna a

mortal boy sees Demeter and Persephone reunited. As their

chariot starts toward Olympus, a girl, Skiageneia, the daughterof Persephone and Hades, leaves the chariot and joins the boy.

They wander about together with the girl delighting in the life

of the *earth. Finally her lovely song of growing things tells her


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father where she is, and the daughter ot Hades and springtime

is taken back to the house of death.

Many poets in English literature, drawing on classical and

other pagan traditions as well as the Christian tradition, have

written of the majesty and fruitfulness of nature. Probably the

most impressive results are Spenser's description of Dame Nature

in The Faerie Queene (7. 7. 5-13) and Milton's account of the

creation of the earth and of the creatures of the earth in Para-

dise Lost (7).

ECHIDNA (fi-kJd'nd) was the wife of TYPHON.ECHO (Sk'6) was a Nymph. See NARCISSUS, NYMPHS.EILEITHYIA (I'li-thi'ya), or Ilithyia, is the goddess of child-

birth. See ARTEMIS, HERA.ELECTRA (-lk'tra) (1) was the daughter of Agamemnon and

Clytemnestra, who aided her brother Orestes in the ritual killing

ot their mother as retribution for the murder of their father

(see ATREUS); (2) is a Pleiad who had a love affair with

Zeus that resulted in the birth of Dardanus, the founder of the

royal house of Troy (see ZEUS); (3) is an Oceanid who mar-

ried Thaumas and became the mother of Iris, goddess of the

rainbow, and of the Harpies (see SEA GODS).


were celebrated at Eleusis in February and September in honor

of Demeter and Persephone. See EARTH GODDESSES.

ELEUSIS (-loc/sis) is a town in Attica where Demeter, searching

for her daughter Persephone, was kindly entertained, and where

the Eleusinian Festivals and Mysteries were established in honor

ot Demeter and Persephone. See EARTH GODDESSES.

ELPENOR (gl-pe'ndr) was a follower of ODYSSEUS.

ELYSIAN (6-lIzh'dn) FIELDS are the paradise m HADES.

ELYSIUM (-lizh'ihn) is the paradise in HADES.

ENCELADUS (Sn-sSi'd-dus) was one of the GIANTS.


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ENDYMION (en-diml-on) is the shepherd who is visited each

night in his immortal sleep by ARTEMIS.ENNA (en

xa) is the vale in Sicily where Persephone was gather-

ing flowers when she was kidnaped by Hades. See EARTHGODDESSES.ENYO (frnl'6) is the goddess of battle. See ARES.

EOS (e'os), or Aurora, or Mater Matuta, each morning opens the

eastern gate of heaven for the chariot of the sun. "Morn," says

Milton (Paradise Lost, 6. 2-4),

Wak't by the circling Hours, with rosie hand

Unbarr'd the gates of Light.

Countless English poets have echoed Homer in describing the

goddess of the dawn as rosy fingered and saffron robed. Manyof these references are mere formal periphrases, but sometimes

they express the deep joy men leel at the coming of day, as

when Herrick happily says (Connna's Going A-Maymg> 3-4),

See how Auiora throwes her faire

Fresh-quilted colours through the air'

The Greek Eos is a daughter of Hyperion, and the sister of

Hehos and Selene, Titan deities of the sun and the moon. TheRomans usually recognized Aurora as the dawn goddess, but

sometimes they gave her office to Mater Matuta, who was also a

goddess ol sea travel. Matuta was identified with Leucothea, a

minor Greek sea goddess, and Milton therefore once speaks of

Leucothea as the goddess of the dawn (Paradise Lost, 11. 135).

According to classical myth, the dawn likes men as much as

men like her. Her most famous love affair was with Tithonus,

a son of King Laomedon-of Troy. Eos persuaded Zeus to make

Tithonus immortal, but she forgot to ask that he be given

eternal youth. Tithonus, like the Sibyl of Cumac, grew old, then


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shriveled with age, finally there was nothing left of him but a

voice. According to one version of the story, Eos transformed

him into a grasshopper. This love affair is mentioned by many

poets, as, for example, Spenser in The Faerie Queen (3. 3. 20):

. . . faire Aurora, rising hastily,

Doth by her blushing tell, that she did lye

All night in old Tithonus frosen bed. . . .

But Tennyson provides the most extended and effective treat-

ment of this myth in Tithonus^ a dramatic monologue in which

the aged mortal addresses the goddess:

The woods decay, the woods decay and fall,

The vapours weep their burthen to the ground,

Man comes and tills the field and lies beneath,

And after many a summer dies the swan.

Me only cruel immortality

Consumes: I wither slowly in thine arms. . . .

In the gentle elegiac mood established by these lines, Tithonus

recalls his love for Eos and begs for death;

Release me, and restore me to the ground,

Thou seest all things, thou wilt see my grave:

Thou wilt renew thy beauty morn by morn;

I earth in earth forget these empty courts,

And thee returning on thy silver wheels.

Among others whom Eos loved and carried off to her palace

in the east were Cephalus and Orion. Cephalus was married to

Procris, a daughter of Erechtheus, and he remained true to her

in spite of Eos' beauty. The goddess finally released him, but

not before she had cast doubt on his wife's fidelity. With the

help of Eos, he disguised himself and made love to Procris. She

did not yield to him, but once she was so tempted that she did

not object to his wooing. At once he revealed his identity and


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accused her of unfaithfulness. Procris, to show her scorn of such

jealousy, became a servant ot Artemis and received from her a

hound that never lost his quarry and a spear that never missed

its mark. Cephalus begged her to take him back, and finally she

did so and gave the unerring spear to him as a proof of her

forgiveness. Soon, however, she became as jealous as he had

been and followed him wherever he went. One day when he

was hunting he saw in the underbrush what he thought was an

animal, hurled his spear, and killed his wife. For Eos' affair with

Orion see the article under his name.

Having many lovers, Eos also has many children. By Tithonus

she was the mother of Memnon and Emathion. Memnon, kingo Ethiopia, fought against the Greeks at Troy and was killed

by Achilles. Eos in great sorrow carried his body back to Ethi-

opia, and the tears that she still weeps for him appear to menas dewdrops. Her grief is recalled perpetually at Thebes, in

Egypt, where a statue of Memnon was erected: when dawn

came and the sun's rays first touched the statue, it made a sound

like the twanging of a harp string. In our day the statue stands

but the sound of grief is no longer heard.

Eos was also the mistress either of the wind god Aeolus, or ot

the Titan Astraeus, by one of whom she became the mother of

the winds and the stars. Her favorite son is Phosphor, the morn-

ing star, whom Shakespeare calls "Aurora's harbinger" (Mid-

summer-Night's Dream, 3. 2. 380) Milton in Paradise Lost (5.

6-7) alludes to the winds as the sons of Eos when he speaks othe sound

Of leaves and fuming rills, Aurora's fan,

Lightly dispers'd . . .

EPAPHOS (Sj/a-i&s) was a son of lo and ZEUS.

EPHIALTES (HTMU'tfa) was one of the GIANTS.


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EPIDAURUS (Spl-d^rus) was a city-state of Greece famous for

its temple of Asdepius. See APOLLO.EPIGONI (-pig'6-m) were the sons of the Seven againstTHEBES.EPIMETHEUS (epl-me'thus) was the brother of PROME-THEUS.EPIRUS (e-pi'rus) was a Grecian kingdom in which was located

the city of Dodona, famous for its oracle of Zeus. See ORACLES.ERATO (Sr'd-to) is the Muse of love poetry and marriage songs.


EREBUS (Sr'e-bus) is a name of HADES.ERECHTHEUM (gr'ek-the'um) was a temple in Athens sacred

to ATHENE.ERECHTHEUS (e-rgk'thus), who is usually identified with

Erichthonius, was an early king of Athens See ATHENE.ERICHTHONIUS (Sr'ik-tho'ni-us), who is usually identified

with Erechtheus, was an early king of Athens. See ATHENE.ERIDANUS (^rid^nus) is the mysterious river into which

Phaethon fell. See APOLLO.ERINYES (-rin1-ez) are the FURIES.

ERIPHYLE (gr'i-fi'le) was the wife of Amphiaraus, one of the

Seven against THEBES.ERIS (e'ris) is the goddess of discord. See ARES.

EROS (ir76s), or Cupid, or Amor, is the god and personification

of love. According to one myth, he is one of the oldest of the

gods, arising out of Chaos and helping to shape the world from

that formless mass. In this origin he is thought of, as in Spenser's

Hymne in Honour of Love, as the organizing and unifying

power of love. According to another and widely accepted myth,

however, he is the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and

beauty, and Ares, the god of war. In either case, the relationship

of Eros to the other gods and goddesses is a symbolic one in


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that he has the power to make any of them fall in love as he

chooses. This power is well illustrated in the stories o Apolloand Daphne, of Aphrodite and Adonis, and of all the love affairs

of Zeus.

Eros was commonly figured as a handsome young man. In

Alexandrian times he degenerated into a fat little boy, althoughhis power was undimimshed. Equipped with a pair of golden

wings, he could fly about at will, and with his bow and quiverof arrows he caused mortals and gods alike to fall uncontrollably

in love. Sometimes he was pictured as blindfolded, to signalize

the unexplamably random quality of some of the affairs that he

caused. In one of his songs Sir Charles Sedley gives a reason for

the troubles of lovers:

Love still has something of the sea,

From whence his mother rose,

No time his slaves from doubt can free,

Nor give their thoughts repose.

They are becalmed in clearest days,

And in rough weather tossed,

They wither under cold delays,

Or are in tempests lost.

Eros' close associates are usually his brother, Anteros, the godof mutual love; Peitho, the goddess of persuasion; Himeros, the

god of desire; Pothos, the god oi longing, and the Muses and


The best-known myth concerning Eros is his love aftair with

Psyche, the personification o the human soul. Psyche was a

young woman of such great beauty that Aphrodite became jealous

of her and sent Eros to make her fall in love with some base

mortal. Eros, gazing on her beauty, accidentally wounded him-

self with his dart and tell in love with her himself. He carried


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her off to a hideaway to live with her, but he came to her only

in the darkness of night. All would have been well had not

Psyche's sisters, the traditional interfering relatives, stirred upher curiosity about her husband on the pretext that he might be

some ugly beast. In the night Psyche arose and lit a lamp. While

she was leaning over Eros, she spilled a drop ot hot oil on him

and woke him. He flew away and left her inconsolable, thoughhe still loved her.

To regain Eros, Psyche wandered about until she came to the

temple of Demeter, whose aid she sought. Demeter advised her

to seek Aphrodite's forgiveness, but Aphrodite agreed to forgive

her only if she would perform a series of difficult tasks. The first

oi these consisted in trying to separate a large heap of mixed

grains into types, an assignment that Psyche accomplished with

the help of ants sent by Eros. The second task required her to

obtain a bit of fleece from each member of a large flock of

sheep; but a river god aided her by suggesting that she gather

the samples from the thorns along the river after the sheep had

watered. Finally she was sent to Hades for a box of the ointment

with which Persephone maintained her beauty. The queen of

Hades gave her the desired box, but warned her not to look

inside it. On the way back, Psyche was overcome by curiosity

and opened the box, tor which act she would inevitably have

had to return to Hades had not Eros persuaded Zeus to rescue

her. Zeus also made her immortal and permitted Eros to marry

her. The daughter of this marriage was Voluptas, the goddess of

pleasure. Spenser (Faerie Queene, 3. 6 50) calls this child Pleasure

and makes her a symbol of ideal love.

According to some mythologists, the story of Psyche represents

the human soul as passing through three conditions- a prenatal

state ot blessedness, followed by life on earth in its difficulties

and struggles, and afterwards by the return of the soul to beati-


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tude. Psyche was so often portrayed as a butterfly, which shows

a similar transition as it passes from the caterpillar stage to the

beauty of the winged insect, that the word "psyche" came ulti-

mately to mean "butterfly/* The butterfly therefore is still a

symbol of the soul.

The myths of Eros naturally appeal to poets, both for their

romantic associations and for their symbolic value. Allusions to

Eros and his power are without number in English poetry. The

story of his love for Psyche has frequently been retold. In The

Faerie Queene (3.11. 29-30, 35) Spenser holds Eros responsible

for all the love affairs of the gods described in the tapestries of

the House of Busyrane the enchanter. John Lyly in Cupid and

My Campaspe Played at Cards for Kisses gives a pleasant account

of how Cupid came to be blind. The song explains that Cam-

paspe, in what appears to have been an early instance of strip

poker, won all of Cupid's accouterments and his eyes as well.

Milton ends Comus (1004-1007) with an allusion to Eros, who

Holds his dear Psyche sweet intranc't

After her wandring labours long,

Till free consent the gods amongMake her his eternal Bride,

and Milton attributes to this marriage not one child but two,

Youth and Joy. In Endymion (2. 535-544), that texture of so

many classic myths, Keats gives a colorful description of Cupid:

. . . Love's self, who stands superb to share

The general gladness, awfully he stands;

A sovereign quell is in his waving hands;

No sight can bear the lightning of his bow;

His quiver is mysterious, none can knowWhat themselves think of it; from forth his eyes

There darts strange light of varied hues and dies:


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A scowl is sometimes on his brow, but whoLook upon it feel anon the blue

Of his fair eyes run liquid through their souls.

In his Ode to Psyche he describes Eros and Psyche in one

another's arms, and pledges to make for them and their love a

shrine in his imagination.

A famous statue of Eros stands in the center of Piccadilly

Circus, London.

ERYCINA (Srl'Si'na) is a Roman surname for APHRODITE.ERYMANTHIAN (gi^-man'thi-an) BOAR was captured byHERACLES.ERYX (e'riks) is a mountain on the northwest coast of Sicily

where there was a famous shrine to APHRODITE.

ESQUILINE (Ss'kwHin) is one of the seven hills of later ROME.ETEOCLES (-te'6-klez) and Polynices, sons of Oedipus, vied

for the kingdom of THEBES.ETHIOPIANS (e'thi-6'pi-anz) lived in the south beyond the

great river of Oceanus. They were burned black on the day that

Phaethon tried to drive the chariot of the sun. See APOLLO,SEA GODS.

EUMAEUS (u-me'us) was the faithful swineherd of ODYSSEUS.

EUMENIDES (u-mgnl-dez) is a name of the FURIES.

EUPHROSYNE (u-fros'i-ne) is one of the three GRACES.

EUROPA (u-ro'pd) was one of the mistresses of ZEUS.

EURUS (u'rus) is the east wind. See WINDS.

EURYCLEIA (u'ri-kle'yd) was the aged nurse of ODYSSEUS.

EURYDICE (u-ridl-se) was (1) the wife of ORPHEUS; (2) the

wife of Creon, king of THEBES.EURYLOCHUS (u-ril'6-kus) was a follower of ODYSSEUS.

EURYNOME (u-rin'6-me), a great ruler, is one of the TITANS.

EURYSTHEUS (u-ris^thus) commanded the labors of HERA-



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EURYTION (u-ri'ti^n), the herdsman of Geryon's cattle, was

killed by HERACLESEURYTUS (u'ri-tus), a renowned archer, was killed by Hera-

cles for refusing to permit his daughter lole to marry that hero.

Iphitus, the son of Eurytus, gave his father's famous bow to


EUTERPE (u-t&r'pe) is the Muse of music See MUSES.

EVADNE (e'vad'ne) was the wile of Capaneus, one of the Seven

against THEBESEVANDER (e-vfcn'der) was an ally oi AENEAS.

FAGUTAL (fa'gu-tdl) was one ot the seven hills of earliest

ROME.FATAE (fa'te) are the three Fates See FATE.

FATE. According to the Greeks and Romans,'

there is a fate

that is stronger than the gods, and there are also three Fates,

or Moerae, or Parcae, or Fatae, who are goddesses. Fate itself is

not personified, but its power is manifest. It has dethroned two

kings of the gods, Uranus and Cronus, and in time it may also

dethrone Zeus. Shelley makes skillful use of the idea of the fall

of Zeus in Prometheus Unbound.

The Moerae are the daughters of Zeus and Themis, the goddess

of divine justice, and thus the Hours are their sisters. II it is

possible to relate the Fates clearly to the universal fate, they are

the part of fate that is known to the gods. They are thought ot

as presiding especially over birth and death, but every moment


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of human life is subject to their decree. Sometimes they appear to

be old and sometimes young, but they are always grave faced and

are dressed in long garments. Clotho carries the spindle, Lachesis

a scroll or globe, and Atropos the shears. The first spins the

thread of life, the second decides how long it shall be, and

the third cuts it.

No mortal can escape the life allotted to him by the Fates, nor

can any god compel them to alter their decrees. At the urging

of Apollo, they agreed to let Admetus live beyond the day fixed

for his death, but only on condition that someone else die lor

him (see ALCESTIS). The mother of Meleager was informed of

her son's doom. When he was a week old, the Fates appeared to

her and said that he would die as soon as a log then burning in

the fire was consumed. She snatdied the log from the hearth,

quenched its flame, and hid it away, but this knowledge, which

made her believe that her son was safe from death, later forced

upon her a tragic choice that involved her death as well as her

son's (see CALYDONIAN BOAR HUNT).In addition to fate and the three Moerae, there is also Tyche,

or Fortuna, the goddess of chance, whose symbol is a wheel that

shows her fickleness. As long as belief in the gods was strong,

Tyche was no more than a servant of the Fates; their eternal

decrees were sometimes hidden behind her giddiness When

men lost their faith, however, Fortune became the ironic sub-

stitute for divine order, ruling by her whims all the mutable

world beneath the moon.

The Furies and Nemesis, the goddesses of vengeance, are also

associated with the Fates (see FURIES). The relation between

the power of fate and these powers of vengeance depends on the

notion that the gods punish sin and that this punishment is part

of a sinner's destiny. The concept involves a profound irony,

for if a man is fated to do evil, how can he be considered


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responsible for his sin? The Greeks and Romans found no satis-

factory solution for this problem of predestination and free will,

and for Christians it is still a major paradox.

English literature has made much use of what Launcelot

Gobbo in The Merchant of Venice(2. 2. 65-67) calls the "Fates

and Destinies and such odd sayings, the Sisters Three and such

branches of learning." One of the commonest images is that of

the thread of human life. In Elizabethan times Thomas Sackville

in his Induction (300-301) writes of Old Age who feared the time

when the Fates would have untwined

His vital thread and ended with their knife

The fleeting course of fast declining life,

and Pistol pleads in Henry V (3. 6. 49-50):

... let not Bardolph's vital thread be cut

With edge of penny cord and vile reproach.

In the seventeenth century George Herbert, in a letter to his

mother, changes the pagan symbol into a thoroughly Christian

one. "I have alwaies observ'd the thred of Life to be like other

threds . . . , full of snarles and incumbrances: Happy is he, whose

bottom [skein] is wound up and laid ready for work in the New

Jerusalem'' And John Donne, using the thread and the shore

Dt the Styx in A Hymne to God the Father, characteristically

alters the image to rob fate of its power and to make him re-

sponsible for his actions:

I have a sinne of feare, that when I have spunne

My last thred, I shall perish on the shore.

In our own time Henry C. Calhoun, a character created by

Edgar Lee Masters, ruminates bitterly on his father, who de-

nanded that his son avenge him on Spoon River:


Page 181: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


. . . what did he do but send me alongThe path that leads to the grove of the Furies?

I followed the path and I tell you this:

On the way to the grove you'll pass the Fates,

Shadow-eyed, bent over their weaving.

Stop for a moment, and if you see

The thread of revenge leap out of the shuttle

Then quickly snatch from AtroposThe shears and cut it, lest your sons,

And the children of them and their children

Wear the envenomed robe.1

(For the envenomed robe see HERACLES).The three witches in Macbeth owe something to the Moerae

but more to the notions of witchcraft in Shakespeare's time. Like

the Fates, the witches have power to foretell the future, and

Macbeth calls them "the weird sisters" ("weird" is the Anglo-

Saxon word for "fate"). There is no suggestion, however, that

the witches control the future, as the Fates do. The Fates, more-

over, are instruments of divine order, whereas the witches, with

their charms and apparitions, are doers of evil and servants of

evil. They offer Macbeth incomplete and riddling prophecies

that are designed to lead him on to further crimes and eventually

to his downfall.

In contrast to these "secret, black, and midnight hags," the

Parcae of Ben Jonson's Epitaph on Solomon Pavy are absent-

minded but tenderhearted creatures. Solomon, a thirteen-year-

old actor in one of the children's companies, had played the parts

of old men so well

As, sooth, the Parcae thought him one,

He played so truly.

i From "Henry C Calhoun," by Edgar Lee Masters, in his Spoon Rwer

Anthology. Copyright, 1915, by The Macmillan Company. Reprinted with

the permission of the estate of Edgar Lee Masters.


Page 182: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


They therefore cut his thread. As soon as they discovered their

mistake, they tried to restore him to life, but heaven resolved

to keep him because he was too good for earth.

In the nineteenth century neither Byron nor Browning found

much kindness in the Fates. The three Destinies in Manfred are

servants of Arimanes, the devil. Byron modeled them on the

witches in Macbeth but tried to give them more dignity, with the

unfortunate result that they are much less terrifying than he

intended them to be. In Apollo and the Fates Browning makes

the three goddesses express the idea that life is blank and evil

except when touched by the illusion of Apollo's sunshine. Brown-

ing, disguised as Apollo, argues that life is good. Not with his

argument but with a gilt oi wine, he persuades the Fates to agree

with him that man's struggle is "no defeat but a triumph!" An

explosion from the earth's center ends the discussion, but the

goddesses admit that they have spoken a truth that Apollo can


Since western culture has fostered a belief in free will, it is not

surprising that in English literature the Moerae usually are

regarded either as servants of evil or as powers at best unsym-

pathetic to man and at worst inimical to him. As Atropos says

in Browning's poem*

My shears cut asunder, each snap shrieks "One more

Mortal makes sport lor us Moirai who dangledThe puppet grotesquely till earth's solid floor

Proved film he tell through, lost in Nought as before."

Fate makes free will impossible and reduces man to an ignorant

but obedient actor doing the deeds and saying the words pre-

pared for him by necessity. This view of human life is ex-

pressed, for example, in Lear (4. 1. 36-37) by Gloucester:

As flies to wanton boys are we to th' gods.

They kill us for their sport,


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The same attitude is found in every one of Thomas Hardy's

novels and in John O'Hara's Appointment in Samarra. Most

western writers, however, have refused to accept this idea

A related notion, but one that does not necessarily destroy

the possibility ot free will, is that the punishment for the sin of a

father is visited not only on him but on his children and his

children's children until the sin is expiated (See Masters' poem

quoted earlier.) This belief is a powerful force in both classical

and Christian cultures. It is the cause of the terrible sufferings of

the Greek house of Atreus, and its simplest Christian statement is

In Adam's fall

We sinned all.

Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet uses this notion in an extreme

form. The Prologue explains that the tragedy is the result of the

feud between the Montagues and the Capulets and also the

means of bringing the two families together. Romeo and Juliet

have no opportunity to exercise free will They are "star-

cross'd lovers," the Prologue says, and throughout the play there

are references to the "yoke of inauspicious stars" that dooms

them to unhappiness and violent death.

The stars are Shakespeare's symbol for fate because the Eliza-

bethans inherited from the late classical era and the Middle

Ages a belief that the stars strongly influenced human life. This

notion was systematized into the pseudo science of astrology,

which still has its devotees today. In Christian times the powers

of the goddess Fortune and the stars were reconciled with the

power of God. God's providence was above all. However, when

Adam and Eve sinned, the universe was wrenched irom its

perfect order, and thereafter the planets had evil influences on hu-

man life. Beneath the lowest heavenly body, the mutable moon,

the evil and inexplicable earth was ruled by Fortune. Because


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of his sins, man must suffer on earth the cruel whimsicalities of

Fortune and the malignancy of the stars. Theologians en-

couraged this view. They urged men to withdraw as much as

possible from worldly life and to fix their minds on heaven.

This kind of thinking strongly colored the minds even of menlike Chaucer who found joy and beauty in life on earth.

Chaucer's Monk, for example, tells a series of medieval tragedies,

each designed to show that Fortune capriciously raises men to

great prosperity and then hurls them down again; and the influ-

ence of the stars on the rival lovers is carefully worked out in

The Knight's Tale.

The stars and Fortune's Wheel are common images in medie-

val and Renaissance literature, even though in Elizabethan times

men were rejecting the notion that these influences ruled their

lives on earth, and asserting that they themselves were responsible

for what happened to them. Cassius, for example, says in Julius

Caesar (L 2. 140-141).

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

But in ourselves, that we are underlings,

and Edgar in Lear (1. 2. 128-137) sneers at Gloucester's belief

in fate:

This is the excellent foppery of the world, that, when weare sick in fortune, often the surfeit of our own behaviour,

we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and

the stars; as if we were villains on necessity; fools by

heavenly compulsion; knaves, thieves, and treachers by

spherical predominance; drunkards, liars, and adulterers

by an enforc'd obedience of planetary influence; and

all that we are evil in, by a divine thrusting on

Yet Fortune and the stars continued to be important not only

because they were traditional but also because most men were


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keenly aware of a stream of circumstance that sometimes broughtthem good luck or bad luck without reference to their intentions

or their efforts.

The mournful Alcyon in Spenser's Daphnaida (498-502) offers

the customary warning:

And ye fond men, or fortunes wheele that ride,

Oi in ought vnder heauen repose assurance,

Be it riches, beautie, or honours pride-

Be sure that they shall haue no long endurance,

But ere ye be aware will flit away.

Nearly all the great ones that ebbed and flowed by the moon

spoke their complaint to Fortune at the moment of their down-

fall. Mortimer in Marlowe's Edward II (5. 6. 58-60) uses the

common image:

Base Fortune, now I see that in thy wheel

There is a point, to which when men aspire,

They tumble headlong down,

but Richard II in Shakespeare's play of that name (4. 1. 184-189)

invents a new image to convey the old idea. As he is forced to

offer the usurping Bolingbroke the crown, he says:

Now is this golden crown like a deep well

That owes two buckets, filling one another,

The emptier ever dancing in the air,

The other down, unseen, and full of water.

That bucket down and full of tears am I,

Drinking my griefs whilst you mount up on high.

Only Marlowe's Tamburlaine continues to triumph in spite of

his boast (1. 2. 174-175):

I hold the Fates bound fast in iron chains,

And with my hand turn Fortune's wheel about.


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Yet there is irony in this arrogance, although Tamburlaine is

not aware of it. As Marlowe seems to conceive of the situation,

Tamburlaine's successes have been decreed by the fate that is

stronger than the gods.

Since the Renaissance, Fortune has been represented in various

ways. Tennyson, for example, produces in Enid a typically

Victorian song about the goddess:

Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel with smile or frown;

With that wild wheel we go not up or down;Our hoard is little, but our hearts are great.

Smile and we smile, the lords of many lands;

Frown and we smile, the lords of our own hands;

For man is man and master of his fate.

In our own time Phelps Putnam has written a Hymn to Chance,

whom he celebrates as the masculine creative force of the universe

("We have insulted you as Lady Luck"2),and W. H. Auden in

his poem In War Time has given a witty turn to the traditional


Abruptly mounting her ramshackle wheel,

Fortune has pedalled furiously away. . . .8

FAUNA (fo'na), or Bona Dea, a Roman fertility goddess, is the

daughter or wife of Faunus, the Roman PAN.

FAUNS (fonz), or FAUNI (fo'm), are wood gods, followers of


FAUNUS (fo'nus) is a Roman name for PAN,

FAUSTULUS (fos'tyu-lus), a shepherd, adopted Remus and

Romulus, founder of ROME.2 From "Hymn to Chance," by Phelps Putnam, in his The Five Seasons.

Copyright, 1927, 1931, by Charles Scribner's Sons. Repnnted with the per-mission of the publisher.

s From "In War Time/' by W H. Auden, in The Collected Poetry of

W. H. Auden Copyright, 1945, by W. H. Auden. Reprinted with the per-mission of the publisher, Random House, Inc.


Page 187: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


FAVONIUS (fa-vo'ni-us) is the Roman name of Zephyrus, the

west wind. See WINDS.FLORA (flo'nz) is the Roman name of the goddess of spring,CHLORIS.FORTUNA (f6r-tu'nd) is the Roman name of Tyche, the goddessof iortune. See FATE.

FORTUNE'S WHEEL. See FATE.FURIAE (fu'ri-e) are the Roman FURIES.

FURIES. From the blood of Uranus, castrated by his son

Cronus, sprang the three Erinyes, the goddesses of vengeance,

whom the Romans called the Furiae and the Dirae. Their names

are Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera, and (as Orestes sees them)

they are dressed in black, with snakes for hair, and their eyes

weep blood Cleopatra (Antony and Cleopatra, 2. 5. 40) says to a

messenger who she fears is bringing her bad news of Antony,

"Thou shouldst come like a Fury crown'd with snakes." On earth

the Furies implacably pursue anyone guilty of a crime against the

old law, and in Hades they continue the sinner's punishment.

They are the agents of a narrow justice completely lacking in

mercy, and they represent the agonies of remorse Yet after they

had tormented Orestes for many years, he was judged by Athene

and her court to be purified through suffering, and Athene even

succeeded in persuading the Furies to accept the new law of

mercy. Thereafter they were known as the Eumenides, the kind

ones (see ATREUS). This is one story. It is also said that the

Furies are called the Eumenides in the vain hope of placating


In English literature they are usually seen where Virgil put

them, in hell tormenting the guilty. In Richard III (1. 4. 55-63)

they seize the Duke of Clarence in his dream of damnation, and

in Paradise Lost (2. 596) they are the jailors of the damned. In

Lycidas (75) Milton calls Atropos, the Fate who cuts the threads


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of men's lives, "the blind Fury." The Fates and the Furies are

often linked in classical mythology, and here Milton probablywanted to join the images of terrible violence and doom. W. B.

Yeats in To Dorothy Wellesley represents the Furies in their

greatest dignity:

What climbs the stair?

Nothing that common women ponder on

If you are worth my hope! Neither Content

Nor satisfied Conscience, but that great familySome ancient famous authors misrepresent,

The Proud Furies each with her torch on high.4

A figure closely associated with the Furies is Nemesis, the

personification of the righteous anger of the gods. This terrible

creature punishes mortals who are arrogant because they have

been lucky, especially holders of great place and scorners of love.

Thus Nemesis pursues Agamemnon for his pride in victory and

Narcissus for his contemptuous rejection of the love of Echo.

In the mock-heroic introduction to Muiopotmos (2), Spenser says

that the deadly quarrel he celebrates was stirred up by wrathful

Nemesis. An untraditional Nemesis appears in Byron's Manfred

(2. 3), where she describes her day's work as a servant o

Arimanes, the devil:

I was detain'd repairing shatter'd thrones,

Marrying fools, restoring dynasties,

Avenging men upon their enemies,

And making them repent their own revenge;

Goading the wise to madness; from the dull

Shaping out oracles to rule the world

Afresh, for they were waxing out of date,

And mortals dared to ponder for themselves.

* From "To Dorothy Wellesley," by W. B. Yeats, in his Last Poems and

Plays. Copyright, 1940, by Georgia Yeats. Reprinted with the permission of

The Macmillan Company.


Page 189: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


GAEA (je'a), or Ge, is the first of the EARTH GODDESSES.

GALATEA (gal'a-te'd), the Nereid sister of Thetis and Am-

phitrite, fell in love with a youth named Acis. For this reason,

and doubtless for others, she refused the advances of Polyphemus

the Cyclops, the terrible and crude one-eyed son of Poseidon (for

his other adventures, see ODYSSEUS). Polyphemus nevertheless

continued to yearn for her. He even tried to make himself more

presentable by combing his hair and trimming his beard, and

he sang long laments to her by the seashore; but Galatea con-

tinued to prefer Acis.

One day Polyphemus, in the melancholy of unrequited love,

came suddenly on Galatea and Acis enjoying each other's atten-

tions in the covert of a rock. He was overcome with jealous rage.

Galatea fled into the sea, where she was safe; but Acis could not

escape Polyphemus' violence. Running along the shore and

calling for refuge in the sea, he was crushed by a huge rock

which Polyphemus hurled at him. According to Ovid, his blood

gushed purple at first from under the rock, but gradually it

turned into water that flowed down into the sea. Thus was Acis

finally granted the safety of the sea with Galatea, and the

fountain on the slopes of Mount Aetna in Sicily that originated in

this event still bears Acis' name.

Theocritus, the Sicilian poet, in his Idylls (11) and Ovid in his

Metamorphoses (13) give good accounts of this myth, and both

dwell on the love laments of Polyphemus. English poets have

generally followed their conception of the story. Thomas Lodge


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in Rosalind provides for his character Montanus a lyric that


The lovesick Polypheme that could not see,

Who on the barren shore,

His fortunes doth deplore,

And melteth all in moanFor Galatea gone.

Montanus, a shepherd in love with a maid, wonders whether she

will reject him as Galatea rejected Polyphemus John Gay made

of the myth a light opera, Acis and Galatea, in which Ads'

unfortunate demise is surrounded with many songs and the whole

matter is carried off in the gayest possible fashion. And the

nineteenth-century poet Austin Dobson found for the myth a

sentimental parallel in A Tale of Polypheme, in which he re-

counts the vain love of a one-eyed blacksmith hermit for a young

girl who came to his neighborhood as a tourist. The parallel

ends in a much less intense fashion than its original and is in

fact not much of a parallel nor much of a poem.GANYMEDES (gn1'med

/ez) was the paramour and cupbearer of


GATE OF HORN is the gate through which true dreams come

to men from the cave of Hypnos, god of sleep. See HADES.GATE OF IVORY is the gate through which deceitful dreams

come to men from the cave of Hypnos, god of sleep. See HADES.

GATES, or Pillars, OF HERACLES are two mountains which

face each other across the strait where the Mediterranean Sea

meets the great river of Oceanus, now called the Atlantic Ocean.

These mountains, one of which is now called the Rock of

Gibraltar, were raised by HERACLES.GE

(je), or Gaea, is the Hm of the EARTH GODDESSES.GEMINI (jgrnl-m), the Twins, is a constellation and a sign

of the ZODIAC.


Page 191: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


GENIUS (jen'yus) is the Roman name of the guardian spirit of

a person, society, or place See HESTIA.GERYON (je'ri-dn), a triple man of great strength, owned a herd

of cattle for which he was killed by HERACLES.GIANTS were huge creatures, usually the sons of Titans or

Olympian gods. The best-known group of Giants sprang up from

the blood of the mutilated Uranus as it mingled with Gaea, the

earth, who thus became their mother. These Giants had snakes for

legs. Gaea, by means of a miraculous herb, made them invulner-

able against the weapons of the gods, but she neglected to pro-

tect them similarly against the weapons of mortals. Led by

Porphyrion, they established themselves on the peninsula of

Pallene, near Mount Olympus, and declared war on the gods.

Others in the group included Alcyoneus, the greatest fighter of

them all, and Pallas (not Athene), Enceladus, Polybotes, Ephial-

tes, Rhoetus, and Clytius.

In the war that followed, the gods seemed likely to be defeated

until Athene, remembering that the Giants were not proof

against wounds caused by human weapons, brought Heracles into

the fray. The gods took the precaution of destroying the magic

herb that had given invulnerability to the Giants, and Zeus

extinguished the lights of heaven, the sun and moon. Then

Heracles slew Alcyoneus with his arrows, an event that seems to

have broken the charm, for Athene was then able to slay Pallas

and Enceladus, and Poseidon to kill Polybotes. The rest were

forced to surrender.

A similar myth concerns Ephialtes and Otus, another Giant,

who made a kind of private attack on the gods These two were

the sons of the god Poseidon or of his son Aloeus, whose name

means "the planter/' and their career illustrates the power of

agriculture to produce strength. Ephialtes and Otus were born

small and weak; but, nourished by the grain of the fields, they


Page 192: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


grew rapidly to gigantic size and strength. As farmers, they soon

saw that war and agriculture are enemies; so they captured

Ares, the god of war, and imprisoned him in a large brass jar,

where he might still be had Hermes not released him after

thirteen months.

The brothers now were so confident of their strength that they

decided to attack the gods en masse. In order to reach the abode

of the immortals, they first put Mount Ossa on top of Mount

Olympus, and then Mount Pelion on top of Mount Ossa, but

as they worked, Apollo killed them with his arrows. In his trans-

lation of the Odyssey (9. 387-388) Pope writes:

Heav'd on Olympus tott'ring Ossa stood;

On Ossa Pelion nods with all his wood.

"Piling Pelion on Ossa" still survives as a description of extraor-

dinary activity, and this idea was in Shakespeare's mind when he

caused Hamlet to say (Hamlet, 5. 1. 302-306), as he seeks to rival

Laertes in a demonstration of his love for Ophelia,

Be buried quick with her, and so will I.

And if thou prate of mountains, let them throw

Millions of acres on us, till our ground,

Singeing his pate against the burning zone,

Make Ossa like a wart!

Other well-known Giants were Antaeus, the son of Poseidon

and Gaea, whose story is told under HERACLES; and Tityus,

whose story is told under APOLLO.CLAUCE (glo^ke) was another name for Creusa, the second wife

of Jason. See ARGONAUTS.GLAUCUS (glS'kus) (1) is one of the SEA GODS; (2) was the

father of BELLEROPHON; (3) was a Trojan ally in the

TROJAN WAR.GOLDEN AGE was an age of innocence. See CRONUS.


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GOLDEN BOUGH was the passport to Hades obtained byAENEAS.GOLDEN FLEECE was sought by the ARGONAUTS.GORDIAN (gor'di-an) KNOT was tied by Gordius, the father of

King Midas of Phrygia. Gordius was a plain man who came

riding into Phrygia in a wagon with his wife and son at the

very moment when the people of that land were puzzling over a

message from an oracle which said that their king would come

to them in a wagon. He thus became king. In gratitude he

dedicated his wagon to the god of the orade and tied it in its

dedicated place with an intricate and subtle knot that provided

John Milton with a metaphor in Paradise Lost (4. 347-350).

Describing the blissful condition of Adam and Eve in Eden before

the Fall of Man, Milton writes of the guileful serpent:

. . . close the Serpent sly

Insinuating, wove with Gordian twine

His breaded train, and of his fateful guile

Gave proof unheeded.

After Gordius had tied his knot, the legend grew up that

whoever could untie it would rule over all of Asia. For a long

time no one succeeded, though many tried. Then Alexander the

Great, passing by on his road of conquest, tried his hand at the

project. When he also was unsuccessful, with imperial im-

patience he drew his sword and cut the knot in two. Since he

later became ruler of a great deal of Asia, he appeared to have

fulfilled the legend, and his act has become proverbial. "Cutting

the Gordian knot" is still today the figure for solving a problem

by direct action.

GORDIUS (g6r'dHis) tied the GORDIAN KNOT.GORGONS (gdr'gonz) are monsters whose glance turns men to

stone. See SEA GODS.

GRACES. The three Charites, or Graces, give inward happiness


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and outward charm to those whom they favor. Although they

almost always appear together, they are thought of as represent-

ing different qualities of grace: Euphrosyne mirth (Milton in-

vokes her in L'Allegro), Aglaia splendor, and Thalia bloom.

They are the handmaidens of Aphrodite; the companions of the

Muses, with whom they often dance to the music of Apollo's

lyre; and the close associates of all the other powers who make

hfe delightful.

In English literature the Graces frequently appear dancing

with the Hours in fields of eternal beauty. Milton's description

in Comus (984-991) is typical. To the Elizabethans the Graces

symbolized the ideal of courtesy, which demanded the perfect

fusion of good intentions and good manners. As Spenser says in

The Faerie Queene (6. 10. 23):

These three on men all gracious gifts bestow,

Which decke the body or adorne the raynde,

To make them louely or well fauoured show,

As comely carriage, entertainment kynde,Sweete semblaunt, friendly offices that bynde,And all the complements of curtesie:

They teach vs, how to each degree and kyndeWe should our selues demeane, to low, to hie;

To friends, to foes; which skill men call ciuility.

The hopeless struggle of the dull for the patronage of these ladies

is described by John Donne in The True Character of a Dunce:

", . . the Muses and the Graces are his -hard Mistresses, thoughhe daily invocate them, though he sacrifice Hecatombs, they still

look asquint."

GRAEAE (gre'e) are three hags of the ocean. See PERSEUS,SEA GODS.

GRIFFINS (griflnz) were monsters half-eagle and half-lion.

GYGES (jf'jez) was a Hecatoncheire. See TITANS*


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HHADES (ha'dez) is the name both of the underworld and of its

ruler. The Greeks also called the god Aides, Aidoneus, and

Pluton, or Pluto, which means "giver of wealth" and refers to

the god's ownership of the precious metals under the earth; and

the Romans usually called him Pluto, Dis (which means "rich"),

and Orcus, which is also a name of his kingdom. Frequentlyconfused with Pluto was Plutus, a figure that in ancient times

symbolized agricultural wealth but later came to represent the

wealth of money. In English literature this god of wealth has

been replaced by Mammon, whose name comes from a Syriac

word for riches and who appears in the New Testament as the

personification of wealth and worldliness. The shrewd and

avaricious Mammon has pled his case many times in English

poetry, most brilliantly in Spenser's Faerie Queene (2. 7) and

Milton's Paradise Lost (1. 678-692; 2. 228-298).

After the Titans were defeated, the three male Olympians,

Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus, divided the universe by lot, and

the underworld where men's souls go after death became the

kingdom of Hades. The attributes of this dark god are the

scepter, the horn of plenty, and the helmet that makes its wearer

invisible (the name Hades means "unseen"). Since Hades rules

the land of death, men seldom tell stories about him and

even fear to speak his name. He is not, however, the god of

death (who is Thanatos), and he is not evil. Hades has none of

the qualities of the Christian Satan. He is a stern but just god

who, according to the ancients who believed in judgment after


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death, acts through his chosen judges to reward the good and

punish the wicked. This terrible but kingly figure looks like Jove,

says the Roman Seneca, but like Jove when he thunders.

Except for his deeds in the war against the Titans, Hades' onlynotable action above ground was to acquire a queen. Persephone,or Cora, or Proserpina, or Libera, is the daughter of the earth

goddess Demeter. One day Hades saw this lovely girl gathering

flowers with her attendants in the vale of Enna. He at once fell

in love with her, pulled her into his chariot, and disappearedwith her beneath the ground. When Demeter demanded that her

daughter be returned, Zeus agreed to order Hades to release her

on condition that she had eaten nothing while in the under-

world. Before he let her go, however, Hades persuaded her to eat

four pomegranate seeds, and thereafter she was destined to spendthe four winter months in the underworld and the months of

spring, summer, and autumn on earth (For further details of

this fertility myth see Persephone under EARTH GODDESSES.)Persephone, ruling in Hades, looks forward to the release ot

springtime. To many English poets she is, as Spenser describes

her (Ruines of Time, 373), "sad Proserpina." From a hint in the

Roman poet Claudian, Spenser develops the beautiful but baleful

"Gardin of Proserpina" (Faerie Queene, 2. 7. 51-56), garnished

with herbs and fruits

. . . direfull deadly blacke, both leafe and bloom,

Fit to adorne the dead, and decke the drery toombe,

containing the tree of the golden apples of the Hesperides but

surrounded by the black waters of Cocytus, one of the rivers

of Hades, in which damned souh were tormented for their crimes

on earth. The list of deadly herbs in Spenser may have suggested

to Keats the reference in Ode on Melancholy to "nightshade,

ruby grape of Proserpine."


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Swinburne's version of The Garden of Proserpine (49-52) lacks

the deceptive glamour of Spenser's garden. Here are the plants of

death, but here is no mocking contrast between the glittering

apples of the Hespendes and the damned souls in the black river.

Swinburne in his neopaganism represents Proserpina simply as

the giver of endless sleep:

Pale, beyond porch and portal,

Crowned with calm leaves, she stands

Who gathers all things mortal

With cold immortal hands . .

His Hymn to Proserpine (103-104, 109-110) reaffirms the theme:

Thou art more than the Gods who number the days of

our temporal breath;

For these give labor and slumber; but thou, Proserpina,


So long. I endure, no longer, and laugh not again,

neither weep.For there is no God found stronger than death, and

death is a sleep.

Ernest Dowson, also, in Villanelle of Acheron, looks forward to

"the sleep of immortality":

Life, of thy gifts I will have none,

My queen is that Persephone,

By the pale marge of Acheron,

Beyond the scope of any sun.1

In English poetry, however, these pale romantic echoes of one

a From "Villanelle of Acheron," by Ernest Dowson, in Poems (New York:

Dodd, Mead & Company, 1929). Reprinted with the permission of the pub-



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pagan view of Persephone are much less frequent than references

to her as the terrible queen of the hell of damned souls. Yet in

Thomas Campion's song, Hark, All You Ladies, she is imaginedas the charming ruler of fairyland:

Hark, all you ladies that do sleep I

The fairy queen ProserpinaBids you awake, and pity them that weep.You may do in the dark

What day doth forbid.

Fear not the dogs that bark;

Night will have all hid.

But if you let your lovers moan,The fairy queen Proserpina

Will send abroad her fairies everyone,That shall pinch black and blue

Your white hands and fair arms,

That did not kindly rue

Your paramours' harms.

No one escapes after death from the vast shadowy region ruled

by Hades and Persephone, but six living people one girl and

five heroes went to the underworld on various errands and

returned to earth. These were Psyche, Odysseus, Orpheus,

Theseus, Heracles, and Aeneas (for their stories see Psyche under

EROS and the articles under the heroes' names). From their

adventures come descriptions, sometimes incomplete and con-

tradictory, of the geography of Hades, which is also called

Erebus, Tartarus, and Orcus.

There are various entrances to Hades, one far in the unknownwest and several in Greece and Italy When Odysseus visited

the underworld, he sailed across the great river of Ocean and

past the dark land of the Cimmerians until he found the en-

trance; but Aeneas, guided by the Sybil of Cumae, descended to


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Hades in the volcanic region of Vesuvius, through the cave of

Avernus beside the foul-smelling lake of that name. This cave

has become so well known as an entrance to the underworld that

its name is sometimes given to Hades itself Ezra Pound, for

example, in Prayer for His Lady's Life, a poem based on the

Roman poet Propertius, pleads with Pluto and Persephone:

So many thousand beauties are gone down to Avernus,

Ye might let one remain above with us 2

When a man died, his spirit was claimed by Thanatos, the godof death (who is discussed later on); and Hermes, the messenger

of Zeus, escorted the spirit to the underworld. According to

Virgil in the Aeneid, the dark neutral region between earth and

Hades is filled with terrible monsters that once preyed on man:

Hydras and Chimaeras, and also grim figures representing human

troubles: disease, fear, grief, hunger, poverty, and old age. Hades

itself is bounded by four rivers and contains at least one other

stream. These are Styx, the abhorrent river; Acheron, the river

of woe; Cocytus, the river of lamentation; Phlegethon, or

Pyriphlegethon, the river of fire; and Lethe, the river of forget-

fulness. Milton describes them in Paradise Lost(2. 577-584):

Abhorred Styx the flood of deadly hate,

Sad Acheron of sorrow, black and deep;

Cocytus, nam'd of lamentation loud

Heard on the ruful stream; fierce Phlegeton

"Whose waves of torrent fire inflame with rage.

Fair off from these a slow and silent stream,

Lethe the River of Oblivion roules

Her watrie Labyrinth . . .

The Styx from which comes our adjective "stygian" was the

2 From "Prayer for His Lady's Life,'* by Ezra Pound, in his Personae.

Reprinted with the permission of the publishers, New Directions.


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name by which the gods swore their most binding oaths. Zeus

granted the river this honor because, when the Olympians

fought the Titans, the Styx sent her children to support the

Olympians. The Nymph Thetis dipped her infant son Achilles

in the Styx to make him invulnerable to weapons, but she held

him by one heel and he finally received his death wound there

(see TROJAN WAR), Thinking of the remorse from which all

human beings sufter, Byron comments ironically in Don Juan

(4. 4):

Thetis baptized her mortal son in Styx;

A mortal mother would on Lethe fix.

The Lethe is discussed later in this article.

A spirit of the dead gained entrance to Hades by being ferried

across the river Styx or Acheron by an ill-tempered old creature

named Charon. If the spirit's body had not been given proper

burial, or if he had not been provided with an obolus, or penny,to pay his fare, Charon refused to take him, and he must wait

a hundred years before he was permitted to enter. The second

epigraph of T. S. Eliot's The Hollow Men "A penny for the

Old Guy" refers to Guy Fawkes, whose straw-stuffed effigy is

hung each year in England in celebration of Guy Fawkes Day,but it also refers to Hades' crusty boatman and his fare. ByAcheron, says Spenser (Faerie Queene, 1. 5. 33), "many soules

sit wailing woefully"; these have not come properly preparedfor admission to the underworld. Walter Savage Landor writes

of the death of the beautiful but cruel Dirce (for whose life see


Stand close around, ye Stygian set,

With Dirce in one boat conveyed,Or Charon, seeing, may forget

That he is old, and she a shade.

176 r

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On the other side of the river the spirit of the dead encountered

Cerberus, a three-headed dog with a mane and tail of snakes.

Spenser describes the beast in The Faerie Queen (1. 5. 34):

Before the threshold dreadfull Cerberus

His three deformed heads did lay along,

Curled with a thousand adders venemous,

And lilled forth his bloudie flaming tong.

In Sheridan's comedy The Rivals (4. 2. 296-297) Mrs. Malapropdemands of Captain Absolute, who she knows has been masquer-

ading as Ensign Beverley, "You are not like Cerberus, three

gentleman at once, are you>" This watchdog, a son of Typhonand Echidna, is supposed to allow only the spirits of the dead to

enter and none to leave. There have been some notable excep-

tions, however: Psyche and the Sybil of Cumae, Aeneas' guide,

appeased Cerberus with cakes; Orpheus charmed him with music;

and Herades, having received permission from Hades to capture

the dog if he did so without using weapons, seized Cerberus in

his hands and carried him up to earth but later returned him to

his place.

Beyond the river stretch the shadowy plains of asphodel, the

pale flower of Hades. Sometimes this middle region is called

Erebus, but the name is also applied to the entire underworld.

In this dreary place, according to the belief of many Greeks

and Romans, the spirits of the dead exist as vague shadows of

their former selves. When Odysseus on his visit to Hades en-

countered the shade of the great hero Achilles, Achilles said,

"I would rather be the basest slave on earth than a prince amongthe dead/'

Not all the dead, however, suffer this dull eternity. Some who

are highly favored by the gods are taken to die Elysian Fields, or

Elysium, where they live in endless happiness. This paradise is


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sometimes imagined as the Blessed Islands, located outside of

Hades and far to the west of the great river of Ocean. On the

other hand, those who have greatly offended the gods are thrown

into the abyss of Tartarus, which is as far below the rest of

Hades as Hades is below the earth. Originally this great pit seems

to have been merely a prison for troublesome creatures. WhenUranus ruled the universe, he hurled a number of his children

into Tartarus simply because they annoyed and frightened him;

and when the Olympians finally defeated the Titans, they con-

fined a number of these dangerous older gods in the abyss.

Although many ancients believed that all except the special

favorites and special enemies of the gods must endure the vaguemiserable afterlife that Achilles* shade despises and that A. E.

Housman imagines in To an Athlete Dying Young as the life of

"the strengthless dead," many others influenced probably by the

Mysteries, especially those of Eleusis, and by the Orphic faith

(see ORPHEUS, and Eleusinian Mysteries under EARTHGODDESSES)-believed in an afterlife of rewards and punish-ments. They conceived of the Elysian Fields, not as a place of

privilege for those whom the gods happened to like, but as a

paradise reserved for the virtuous; and of Tartarus, not as a

convenient prison for those who annoyed the gods, but as a placeof torment reserved for the wicked.

Since Hades himself rarely sits in judgment on the souls of

the newly dead, this office is usually performed by the shades

of three celebrated men* Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus.

Rhadamanthus and Minos were both sons of Zeus and Europa.On earth Rhadamanthus had a rather shadowy career as a law

giver, but in Hades he is well established as a judge. He is

perhaps the only Greek whose real career began after death.

Sometimes he or Cronus is represented as the ruler of the ElysianFields. Minos wa$ king of Crete. Because he was the mightiest


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ruler of his time, his name is associated with law and order even

though his actions as related under DAEDALUS and THESEUS

hardly offer a pattern for the just man to follow. Aeacus was the

son of Zeus and Aegina and the grandfather of Achilles. He was

made a judge in Hades because of his great piety.

In Tartarus the wicked suffer all the punishments that the

Furies can devise (see FURIES), but the most ingenious torments

are reserved for the most celebrated sinners. Spenser describes

them in The Faerie Queene (I.5. 35):

There was Ixton turned on a wheele,

For daring tempt the Queene of heauen to sin;

And Sisyphus an huge round stone did reele

Against an hill, ne might from labour lin;

There thristie Tantalum hong by the chin;

And Tityus fed a vulture on his maw;

Typhoeus ioynts were stretched on a gin,

Theseus condemned to endlesse slouth by law,

And fifty sisters water in leake vessels draw.

Typhoeus, or Typhon, a monster who terrified the gods until

Zeus thrust him into Tartarus, is not usually represented as

enduring a special punishment Spenser seems to have invented

this detailand Theseus, though for a long time bound to a rock

for helping his friend Pirithous in an attempt to abduct Perse-

phone, was finally released by the hero Heracles. But the

others named in this stanza of Spenser's are the most famous

sinners suffering their special tortures.

Ixion, who tried to make love to Zeus's wife Hera, is bound

to a fiery wheel that turns forever; for further details see the

article under his name. Sisyphus, a king of Corinth, saw Zeus in

the form of an eagle carrying off Aegina; this affair, as was noted

earlier, produced Aeacus, the third judge in Hades. When

Aegina's' father asked help in finding his daughter, Sisyphus


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revealed what he had seen. Thereafter Zeus was his enemy, and

in Tartarus Sisyphus is compelled to try to roll a huge rock upa hill John Dyer (Epistle to a Famous Painter, 58-61) describes

his eternal frustration:

Sisyphus, with toil and sweat,

And muscles strain'd, striving to get

Up a steep hill a ponderous stone,

Which near the top recoils, and rolls impetuous down.

For the life of the wily Sisyphus see the article under his name.

Tantalus is "hong by the chin" in the sense that he stands alwaysin water up to his neck, but the water recedes whenever he tries

to drink. Both his thirst and his hunger are unceasing. Close

to his hands hang branches covered with ripe fruit, but when-

ever he tries to pick the fruit, the branches move out of his reach.

Tantalus suffers this punishment because he killed his son

Pelops and served his cooked flesh to the gods at a banquet.This terrible crime bred further crimes and caused his descend-

ants for four generations to be cursed; for the details see


Tityus was a Giant who insulted the goddess Leto. Her chil-

dren, Apollo and Artemis, killed him with their arrows, and in

Tartarus he lies chained to the ground while two vultures

eternally eat his liver and his liver is constantly renewed. The

"fifty sisters" whom Spenser mentions are the Danaids, forty-nine

of whom sinned at the command of their father. Danaus and

Aegyptus were brothers; the first had fifty daughters and the

second fifty sons. The brothers quarreled, and Danaus left

Egypt for Argos, but his nephews followed to claim their cousins

in marriage. This was according to Greek law and custom, which,

held that a girl who had no brothers was an encumbrance to the

estate and should marry her next of kin. Danaus pretended ta


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accept his nephews as sons-in-law, but secretly he ordered his

daughters to kill their husbands on the wedding night. All but

one, Hypermnestra, who married Lynceus, carried out their

father's command. The forty-nine Danaids who murdered their

husbands (Spenser was wrong to include Hypermnestra in the

punishment) are condemned in Tartarus always to draw water in

leaky vessels or to fetch water to fill a large jar that is so leaky

that it always remains empty. Chaucer tells the story of Hyperm-nestra in The Legend of Good Women (2562-2723), but he

leaves out her sisters and Lynceus' brothers, and makes her the

daughter of Aegyptus and Lynceus the son o Danaus.

Far from the abyss of Tartarus the virtuous souls enjoy the

eternal felicity of the Elysian Fields. Here, as Robert Herrick

says (The Apparition of His Mistresse Calling Him to Ehzium,

13), "in green meddowes sits eternall May," and all that maycomfort and please the inhabitants has been provided. WhenAeneas visited his father Anchises in Elysium, he saw nearby a

large valley through which flowed the river Lethe, and many

spirits of the dead wandered along its banks. Anchises explained

that these were souls who were to live again on earth and that

while they waited to be reborn they drank of the river and forgot

their former existence. The river of forgetfulness is a symbol

frequently used by English poets. "May this be wash'd in Lethe

and forgotten?" asks the new King Henry in Shakespeare's

2 Henry IV (5. 2. 72); and in Julius Caesar (3. 1. 205-206) the

gushing of the murdered Caesar's blood is described as his own

river of oblivion:

. ^ . here thy hunters stand,

Sign'd in thy spoil, and crimson'd in thy letbe.

John Keats twice uses Lethe to mean death of the senses in for-


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getfulness, once in the well-known opening lines of the Ode to a


My heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains

My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk

Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains

One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk,

and once in the first line of the Ode on Melancholy:

No, No! go not to Lethe. . . .

In our time, John Crowe Ransom in Parting at Dawn ironically

advises two parting lovers

. . if no Lethe flows beneath your casement,

And when ten years have not brought full effacement,

Philosophy was wrong, and you may meet.8

At a remote place on the bank of the Lethe is the cave of the

twin sons of Night, Thanatos, or Mors, the god of death, and

Hypnos, or Somnus, the god of sleep. The Elizabethans were

particularly fond of this symbolic relationship, and Samuel

Daniel in Sonnet 51 of Delia is one of the many poets who putit into verse:

Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night,Brother to Death, in silent darkness born. . . .

As was mentioned earlier, it is th^Juty of Thanatos to claim

the spirits of the newly dead. Once he was defeated by the hero

Heracles, who fought with him for the spirit of Alcestis and

restored her to life (see ALCESTIS), and once he was outwitted

by Sisyphus (see SISYPHUS). When Sarpedon, a son of Zeus,

s From "Parting at Dawn," by John Crowe Ransom, in his Selected Poems.

Reprinted with the permission of the publisher, Alfred A Knopf, Inc.


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fell in the defense of Troy, Thanatos and Hypnos carried his bodyback to his native Lycia for burial.

Hypnos is usually deep in sleep "Flat on the ground and still

as any stone," he appears in Thomas Sackville's Induction to the

Complaint of the Duke of Buckingham (282, 288-294):

The body's rest, the quiet of the heart,

The travail's ease, the still night's fere was he,

And of our life in earth the better part;

Reaver of sight, and yet in whom we see

Things oft that tide, and oft that never be;

Without respect, esteeming equally

King Croesus' pomp, and Irus' poverty

Hypnos' gifts to men are rest and dreams. The gods of dreams

are his sons: Morpheus, who creates dreams of human beings;

Icelus, who creates dreams of birds and beasts, and Phantastus,

who creates dreams of inanimate objects. Morpheus is so well

known that he often takes his father's place. He is "the god of

slep" to Chaucer (Book of the Duchess, 137), as he is to manyother poets and to many less gifted mortals today who say that

when they sleep they are "in the arms of Murphy."The cave of Hypnos and Thanatos has two gates, one of ivory

and one of horn; the dreams that come through the Gate of

Ivory are deceitful, but those that come through the Gate of

Horn are true. In Chaucer's Book of the Duchess (136-213)

Morpheus shows Alcyone in a true dream that her husband is

dead (for the rest of the story see CEYX), and in Spenser's

Faerie Queene (1. 1. 39^4) Morpheus sends a false dream to

delude the Red Cross Knight. The notion that true dreams issue

from the gate of horn and false dreams from the gate of ivory,

which is found first in Homer (Odyssey, 19), is used somewhat

cryptically by T. S. Eliot in Sweeney among the Nightingales,

where "Sweeney guards the horned gate." The image suggests not


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only that Sweeney is an instinctive enemy of true dreams, but

also that he has shrugged off any foreboding that he may have had

of the violent death that awaits him.

HAEMON (he'mon) killed himself for grief at the death of

Antigone. See THEBES.HALCYONE (hal-sl'6-ne), or Alcyone, was the wife of CEYX.HAMADRYADS (hSm'a-dri'adz) are tree NYMPHS.HARMONIA (har-mc/m'0) was the wife of Cadmus, founder

of THEBES.HARPIES are monsters, half-woman and half-bird. See SEA

GODS, AENEAS, ARGONAUTS.HEBE (he'be), a daughter of Zeus and Hera, is the goddess of

youth, and Milton salutes her in this capacity in L'Allegro

(26-29) when he asks for

Jest and youthful Jollity,

Quips and Cranks, and wanton Wiles,

Nods, and Becks, and Wreathed Smiles,

Such as hang on Hebe's cheek ....

She was also the cupbearer of the gods until that job was given

to Ganymedes. When Endymion in Keats's poem of that name

(4. 415-419) dreams of Olympus,

. . . arch Hebe bringsA full-brimmed goblet, dances lightly, sings

And tantalizes long; at last he drinks

And lost in pleasure at her feet he sinks,

Touching with dazzled lips her starlight hand.

After the hero Heracles finished his life on earth, he was taken

to Olympus and made the husband of Hebe. As a reward for his

great deeds, Spenser says (Ruines of Time, 384L-385), the hero


All happinesse in Hebes siluer bowe,Chosen to be her dearest Paramoure.


Page 209: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


HECATE (hk'fl-te) is Artemis in her evil aspect as goddess of

the dark of the moon. See ARTEMIS.HECATONCHEIRES (hSk^-ton-kl'rez) were hundred-handed

monsters. See TITANS.

HECTOR, a royal prince, was the chief hero of Troy in the

TROJAN WAR.HECUBA (hgk'u'txi) was queen of Troy at the time of the

TROJAN WAR.HELEN OF TROY was the daughter of Zeus and Leda. Her

eloping with Paris was the immediate cause of the TROJANWAR.HELENUS (hl''nus) was a Trojan prince who had the gift of

prophecy. The Greeks captured him and forced him to assist

them in the TROJAN WAR.HELIADES (hHi'fl-dez) were the sisters of Phaethon. See

APOLLO.HELICON (hfcl^-kon) is a mountain sacred to the MUSES.

HELIOPOLIS (he'!T-6p'6-lis) was an Egyptian city; the temple

of the sun to which the Phoenix made its regular pilgrimage

was located here. See PHOENIX.HELIOS (he'li-os) is a Titan sun god. See APOLLOHELLE (hl'e) fell off the golden-fleeced ram into the Hel-

lespont. See ARGONAUTS.HELLEN (hl'n), the mythical ancestor of the Greeks, or Hel-

lenes, was the son of Pyrrha and DEUCALION.HELLENES (hgl'enz) are the Greeks. Their mythical ancestor,

Hellen, was the son of Pyrrha and DEUCALION.HELLESPONT (ha

/fes-p6nt) is a narrow strait between Europe

and Asia where the sea of Marmora flows into the Aegean. It was

named for Helle, who fell into it from the golden-fleeced ram

(see ARGONAUTS). Leander swam the Hellespont to see his

lady HERO.


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HEPHAESTUS (h-fes'tus), or Vulcan, or Mulciber, is the god of

fire. The son of Zeus and Hera, he is most famous as the black-

smith of the gods and their chief artificer and builder. He is

supposed to have forges on Olympus; under Moschylus, the nowextinct volcano on the island of Lemnos; and under Mount

Aetna, the Sicilian volcano. Hephaestus' association with fire

and the forge led to his becoming the god of pottery, metalwork,

and the other artifices that make use of fire. He is famed in

Homer and other classical poets for his skill as a metalsmith and

builder, and in these capacities he is supposed to have built

the dwelling places of the gods, to have forged Zeus's scepter and

aegis (shield), and to have made the breastplate of Heracles and

the shield and armor of Achilles. On Zeus's orders, he created

the girl Pandora for the purpose of penalizing man for his

acquisition of fire from Prometheus.

Hephaestus is lame. Some stories attribute this characteristic

to the flickering of fire, his native element. Other stories say

that he was born lame, and that Hera his mother was ashamed

of him and threw him out of Olympus, whereupon he was rescued

by the Nymphs Thetis ancl Eurynome, who kept him under the

sea and reared him. As Hephaestus grew in strength and skill, he

took his revenge by constructing a throne of metal for Hera.

When she sat on it, she found herself held so firmly that only

Hephaestus could release her, and this he refused to do until

Dionysus, his trusted friend, tricked him into returning to

Olympus and releasing her. There is another myth, however,

that Hephaestus' lameness resulted from a fall. He interceded one

day between Zeus and Hera while they were quarreling, and Zeus

in anger seized him by the heel and hurled him from Olympus.Milton tells the end of this story in Paradise Lost (I. 738-746),where he pictures Hephaestus as the architect of Pandemonium,the council hall of Hell,


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Nor was his name unheard or unador'd

In ancient Greece, and in Ausoman land

Men call'd him Mulciber, and how he fell

From Heav'n, they fabl'd, thrown by angry JoveSheer o're the Chrystal Battlements: from MornTo Noon he fell, from Noon to dewy Eve,

A Summers day; and with the setting Sun

Dropt from the Zenith like a falling Star,

On Lemnos th' Aegaean He.

On Lemnos Hephaestus was rescued by the Sintians, and the

island remained one of his principal places of worship.

Accounts vary as to whom Hephaestus married. Some say he

was the husband of Aglaia, one of the Graces, but according to

most accounts he married Aphrodite, whom he afterward trappedin a metal net when she was being unfaithful to him with Ares

(see APHRODITE). Hephaestus seldom appears in English

poetry. In addition to Milton's reference to his fall there is

Hamlet's speech to Horatio, which concerns his own sick imagin-

ings as well as his plot to discover King Claudius* guilt by the

play-within-the-play (Hamlet, 3. 2. 85-89):

... if his occulted guilt

Do not itself unkennel in one speech,

It is a damned ghost that we have seen,

And my imaginations are as foul

As Vulcan's stithy.

The stithy in this image is the forge blackened by smoke and soot.

Volcanoes are named for Vulcan, who is also the source of our

verb "to 'vulcanize/1

which refers to a chemical process for treat-

ing crude rubber.

HERA (he'rd), or Juno, like Zeus, her brother and husband, is

the child of Cronus and Rhea. Less fortunate than Zeus, however,

she was swallowed by Cronus along with her other brothers and


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sisters, and was subsequently rescued by Zeus when he made

Cronus disgorge them all. Zeus -had a particular fondness for

Hera, and after two other marriages that did not satisfy him, he

married her. Hera thus became the queen of all the gods, and in

this capacity she came to represent for the Greeks and the Romans

the great feminine element of motherhood in the natural order

of things.

Like Zeus, however, Hera developed two rather different sets

of characteristics. As the suspicious wife of Zeus, she was imaginedas jealous and demanding, even willing to overthrow her husband

if she could. Zeus gave her many justifications for her jealousy,

and she vented her anger sometimes in reproaches against him

and sometimes in persecutions directed against his lovers and

their children. She plotted so much against Heracles, Zeus's son

by Alcmene, that Zeus in exasperation hung her out of Olympuswith golden chains on her wrists and anvils on her ankles. Onanother occasion, Homer tells us, Hera, in conspiracy with

Athene and Poseidon, attempted to overcome Zeus and nearly


Hera's benignant characteristics, however, are those of the

faithful wife and mother, and she is therefore the patroness of

those who endure the labor pains of motherhood. In this char-

acter, Hera was known as a woman of supreme dignity and virtue.

Her name was variously interpreted to mean "splendor of

heaven" or "the lady," and she was complimented by Homerwith the epithet, "ox-eyed." She was especially fond of Argos,

Mycenae, and Sparta, and every fifth year a festival was held in

her honor at Olympia. The Romans, calling her Juno and em-

phasizing -her connection with childbirth, gave her a festival

called the Matronalia on the first day of , March. The most

famous statue of her was that by Polyditus at Argos, so splendidthat it rivaled Phidias' statue of Zeus at Olympia. Hera's favorite


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companions are the Graces and the Hours, and her favorite bird

is the peacock, whose tail she made brilliant with the eyes of

Argus, the watchman whom she placed ,on guard over lo, and

whom Hermes slew. The Greeks gave Hera many nicknames,

the best known of which, Parthenia, refers to her as a bride. She

bore Zeus four children, Hephaestus, Hebe, Ares, and Ilithyia,

or Eileithyia, who became the goddess of childbirth and who had,

according to Homer, a 'cave dedicated to her in Crete. The func-

tion and the name of Ilithyia, who was called Lucina by the

Romans, were given sometimes to Hera and sometimes to


Hera's faithfulness to her marriage vows and her disapproval

of all who lived loosely outside of wedlock became proverbial.

In the higher sense she became the symbol of married virtue,

and in the lower order of things she became the prototype of the

shrewish and suspicious wife who checks the roving eye of her

husband from following the passing blonde. She was the forceful

personification of monogamy.References to Hera's severe virtues are common in English

poetry. In his Epithalamion (390-397), the song for his own

marriage, Spenser asks for her blessing as the patron of faithful

and happy wedlock. Richard Cleveland strikes a keynote for her

personality when he writes in his poem, Mark Antony, that she

graces Zeus "with embraces more stately than warm." Milton

follows the same vein in Paradise Lost (4. 497-502) when he

lends chasteness to the love of Adam and Eve before the fall by

comparing their innocent embraces to those of Zeus and Hera.


... in delight

Both of her Beauty and submissive Charms

Smil'd with superior Love, as JupiterOn Juno smiles, when he impregns the Clouds


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That shed May Flowers; and press'd her Matron lip

With kisses pure.

Tennyson gives a vivid description of her dignity and grandeurin Oenone, using her advent as a golden cloud that encircles her

sacred bird, the peacock:

On the tree-tops a crested peacock lit,

And o'er him flow'd a golden cloud, and lean'd

Upon him, slowly dropping fragrant dew.

Then first I heard the voice of her, to whom

Coming thro* Heaven, like a light that grows

Larger and clearer, with one mind the Gods

Rise up for reverence.

Robert Bridges is more detailed in Eros and Psyche (October,


Her curling hair with plaited braid and brail,

Pendant or loop'd about her head divine,

Lay hidden half beneath a golden veil,

Bright as the rippling ocean in sunshine:

And on the ground, flashing whene'er she stept,

Beneath her feet the dazzling lightnings lept

From the gold network of her sandals fine.4

HERACLES (hSr'a-klez), or Hercules, the Greek hero and pro-

totype of great physical strength, at the end of his mortal life

gained immortality not alone among the Olympian deities but

among all succeeding generations in Western Europe. His fame

has remained secure, and though shorn of an attribute here and

there by the forgetfulness of time, it has continued remarkablytrue to its original character as conceived by the Greek myth-makers.

The Greeks were apparently unable wholeheartedly to admire

4 From "Eros and Psyche," by Robert Bridges, in his Poetical Works Re-

printed with the permission of the publisher, Clarendon Press, Oxford


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any man for his physical strength alone, and originally the

strength of Heracles was matched by the sturdiness of his moral

fiber. He was an early symbol of patience, determination, and

dutifulness, and he used his great strength primarily to fulfill

the moral obligations that were placed squarely before him by

his destiny. Though he erred occasionally, being half-mortal, he

remained dutiful even in the preparation of his own funeral rites

at the end of his life, and symbolically his immortal half, when

his mortal half had been burned away by the funeral fire, was

carried up to Olympus and immortality.

Heracles was the son of Zeus and of a mortal girl named

Alcmene (the details of this ungodly affair can be found under

ZEUS), though many supposed him to be the son of Alcmene's

husband Amphitryon, and Heracles was therefore sometimes

called Alcides, as a descendant of Alcaeus, Amphitryon's father.

Since Hera, the wife of Zeus and the goddess of matrimony,

habitually and energetically opposed her husband's affairs with

mortals, she resolved to make life difficult for Heracles. First,

having determined the day on which the hero was to be born,

she extracted from Zeus the promise that whatever boy should

be born on that day should have command over all his neigh-

bors. Then she arranged to delay the birth of Heracles and at

once hurried down to Argos, where she caused the wife of

Sthenelus to give premature birth to a weakly son named Eurys-

theus on the day on which Heracles' birth had originally been

scheduled. By this arrangement, she managed to give Eurystheus

command over Heracles, and thus she hoped to deny fame and

importance to Heracles.

Zeus, however, was not without stratagem, too; he had Hermes

bring the infant Heracles to Hera to suckle without telling her

the child's identity. Hera, with a motherly generosity rare in our

times, gave the child her breast, and from it he drew the great


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strength that became his chief virtue. His first use of this strength

was to protect himself and Iphicles, his twin and half brother,

from Hera's wrath. While the boys were still in their cradles,

Hera discovered the identity of Heracles and sent two hugesnakes to kill him and his brother; but he strangled the snakes.

In On the Morning of Christ's Nativity (227-228) Milton by a

kind of parallelism attributes this precocious act to the new-

born Christ, in that Christ's birth put an end to all the pagan

mythologies of false gods:

Our Babe to shew his Godhead true,

Can in his swadling bands controul the damned crew.

Heracles spent the rest of his youth in a manner no less heroic

than its beginning. He was first given to be educated to Rhada-

manthus, the learned and just son of Zeus and Europa, and to

Linus, a famous singer who was a son of Apollo. From the former

he acquired much of his moral character, the latter, from whomhe was learning music, he slew in a fit of anger at being dis-

ciplined Because of his slaying of Linus, the hero was taken

away from more formal training and given over to the herdsmen

of the kingdom to rear. The effect ot his life among these ruggedfellows was to develop Heracles' great physical strength.

The freedom of his youth and the first phase of his life were

brought to an end when he was eighteen, by two remarkable

demonstrations of his strength. First he slew a tremendous lion

that had been ravaging flocks in the vicinity of Mount Cithaeron.

Then, on his way to Thebes to display the skin of the lion as

evidence of his feat, he offended and rejected the ambassadors

of the king of the Minyae who were coming to claim, annual

tribute from Thebes. This offense naturally led to war between

Thebes and the Minyae, and in this war Heracles by his great

deeds gave proof that he was undeniably a hero.


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His prowess and growing reputation were noticed by none

more than Hera, who was annoyed to see her maneuvers comingto nothing. She therefore prompted Eury&theus, her protege, to

claim the service that was due him because of his fateful birth.

Heracles was reluctant to serve Eurystheus. He asked the oracle

at Delphi whether he could refuse and received the reply that he

could not. The oracle informed him, however, that in Eurys-

theus' service he would perform twelve labors that would gain

his immortality; he therefore yielded to his duty and presentedhimself to Eurystheus at Mycenae.

Eurystheus' motives in demanding the services of Heracles mayhave been partly humanitarian, but they appear also to have

been colored with envy and the hope of killing the hero. Manyof the labors that he required Heracles to perform represented

great accomplishments for public welfare, but eath also mightwell have been fatal.

Heracles' first task was to kill the Nemean Lion. This child

of Typhon and Echidna was a terribly destructive beast that was

invulnerable against mortal weapons. It had been sent byHera to terrorize the plain of Nemea and it accomplished its

mission with a success so conspicuous that it was to become pro-

verbial for violent strength. Prince Hamlet, about to accost his

father's ghost, protests against the restraining hands of his friends

(Hamlet, 1. 4. 81-83) with the exclamation:

My fate cries out

And makes each petty artire in this bodyAs hardy as the Nemean lion's nerve.

Heracles, however, bearded the lion in its den and strangled it'

with his bare hands. Its invulnerable hide he tore off and made

into a garment for himselt

His second task was to destroy the Lernean Hydra, a child


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of the same parentage as the lion. This monster had nine heads,

one of which was immortal, and it infested a swamp near the

spring of Amymone where it gave off a foul smell scarcely less

fatal than its heads. Assisted by his nephew and close friend,

lolaus, Heracles first drove the hydra into the open by shooting

arrows at it, and then he began cutting off its heads. To his

dhagrin he found that each head that he lopped off was replaced

by two new heads. With his hands occupied by an arithmetical

progression of monstrous heads, the hero now found his handi-

cap increased by the arrival of a huge crab that took hold of his

foot. He therefore wisely retired to a prepared position to replanhis tactics. First he had lolaus set fire to the woods nearby; then

with a brand from the fire he renewed his attack on the hydra

by cauterizing each stump as he cut off the head. This process

brought him at last to the immortal head, which lie cut off and

buried. The hydra being now dead, he dipped his arrows

into the poison and returned to report his success to Eurys-


Eurystheus was not pleased; he claimed that Heracles, because

he used the aid of lolaus, had not lived up fully to the terms

of his contract. But he sent him off next to capture, as his third

labor, the Erymanthian Boar. As the hydra symbolized the un-

healthy qualities of a swamp, the boar seems to have figured

forth the wild dangers of the mountains, especially of Mount

Erymanthus where it lived. Yet Heracles was native to this rugged

life, and his fulfillment of the task was correspondingly easy and

was even characterized by an element of low comedy. Indeed,

Heracles' chief exertions on this task had little to do with the

boar itself. In searching out the boar he came across the Centaur

Pholus living in a cave on Mount Pholoe and maintaining* guardover the wine supply of the Centaur race. According to one ver-

sion of the story, the wine had been given to the Centaurs by


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Dionysus on the express understanding that Heracles have some

of it when he passed by; in another version this detail is omitted.

However, whether or not Pholus was justified in doing so, he

poured Heracles a drink. The bouquet oi the wine was extremely

powerful, and it soon reached the sensitive noses ot the other

Centaurs, who gathered intent on mayhem. There was a wild

fight on which the clouds, whose children the Centaurs were

(see IXION), poured down torrents of rain Heracles, however,

was equal to the odds against him, and with the aid of his

poisoned arrows succeeded in driving off the enraged Centaurs,

though he killed by mistake his old friend Chiron and lost

Pholus when this inquisitive soul, examining one of the hero's

arrows, dropped it on -his foot and died of the scratch (see

CENTAURS). Capturing the wild boar alive, as Heracles had

been ordered to do, was something of an anticlimax after this

fight; but as he approached Mycenae with it, the sight so

frightened Eurystheus that he hid himself in a great bronze pot.

Heracles, looking about for a safe place in which to confine the

boar, put it into the same pot, and the comic consequences are

easily imagined.

Heracles' fourth labor was to capture alive the Ceryneian

Stag, which was sacred to Artemis. Of this labor little need be

said except that Heracles had to pursue the stag tor a full year,

following it over the open countryside wherever it fled. At one

time it took refuge in a temple of Artemis and had to be routed.

At another time Heracles was on the point of killing it, but

both Artemis and Apollo appeared to prevent him. In the end

he caught it.

His fifth labor was to drive the fierce, destructive birds out of

the vale of Stymphalus. These Stymphalian Birds were similar

to tKe Harpies (see Harpies under SEA GODS). They had iron

talons, and their feathers, which they cast downward, were as


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sharp as arrows; they killed human beings and ate them.

Heracles' method of attack was typically direct. He first rang a

bell to arouse the birds and then fired his arrows at them as

they flew about. Frightened, the birds flew away forever to an

island in the Black Sea from which they flew into mythologyat least once more when they attacked the Argonauts (see AR-

. GONAUTS).For a sixth labor, Eurystheus provided a somewhat less excit-

ing project. Prince Augeas of Elis, a son of Helios, the sun god,

was the owner of a tremendous herd of cattle that he stabled

in buildings on the banks of the river Alpheus. The AugeanStables, partly because they held a large number of cattle and

partly because they had not been cleaned for a long time,

gained a permanent reputation for overwhelming filth, which

William Wordsworth echoed in The Prelude (10. 583-585) when

he described Robespierre's followers in the French Revolution

as a group

. . . who with clumsy desperation broughtA river of Blood, and preached that nothing else

Could cleanse the Augean stable

of French politics. What was a familiar figure to Wordsworth is

even today a continuing figure of speech, for "cleaning out the

Augean Stables" still means cleaning up an awful mess.

Eurystheus made the task doubly hard for Heracles by requir-

ing that he clean out the stables not only by himself but in a

single day's time. When Heracles appeared at Elis, Augeas him-

self was so pleased with the idea that he offered the hero a tenth

of his herds as a reward for completing the job. Heracles then

cleverly diverted the river Alpheus into the stables and the waters

washed them clean within a single day, as required. Augeas,

however, when he discovered that Heracles had been compelled


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by Eurystheus to perform the task, refused to pay the reward he

had offered; Heracles in retaliation killed him and his sons.

Eurystheus now sent Heracles to capture the Cretan Bull, a

magnificent animal that Poseidon, the sea god, had presented to

King Minos of Crete. Minos' wiie, Pasiphae, fell in love with

this bull and bore it a child, the Minotaur, after which the bull

roamed at will over the island of Crete. Heracles captured it

without unusual difficulty and caused it to swim back to Mycenae

bearing him on its back. He presented it to Eurystheus, who

either sacrificed it to Hera or turned it loose again, according to

varying accounts.

For an eighth labor Heracles was sent to fetch the carnivorous

Horses of Diomedes. Diomedes, a fierce warrior who was said to

be a son of Ares, the god of war, customarily fed these horses on

the flesh of men who were shipwrecked on his coast. This diet

imbued the horses with such violence that they 'had to be con-

fined with iron chains. Their fierce wildness, however, was no

protection against the might of Heracles, who first overcame their

keepers and then led the horses away. When Diomedes and his

men sought to prevent him, Heracles not only routed their forces

but retributively fed Diomedes himself to his horses. The horses

did not long belong to Eurystheus, however, for they escaped into

the Arcadian hills where they were thought to have been eaten bywolves.

Eurystheus' daughter, Admete, provided the ninth labor by

desiring the girdle of Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons. This

girdle, an outer garment, Heracles dutifully procured, even

though according to some accounts he had to kill its owner in

the process. He was accompanied on this raid by the hero

Theseus, who brougiht back Hippolyta or her sister Antiope as

his wife (for further details see THESEUS),The tenth labor is tlie story of an anticlimax. Eurystheus de-


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manded that Heracles bring him the Cattle of Geryon. Geryon,

the son of Calhrhoe the Oceanid, was a triple man of great

strength and gigantic size. He possessed three bodies, three heads,

and six arms, not to mention a pair of wings. Furthermore, he

dwelt far beyond the known world in the distant west on an

island called Erytheia, where he kept his cattle in a dark cave,

and where he was aided in protecting them by a two-headed dogand a fierce herdsman named Eurytion.

Heracles made his way westward in a vessel that may have been

the cup in which Helios, the sun, nightly returns to the east,

until he found himself at the point where Europe and Africa

give way to the great stream of Oceanus. Here he set up two

mountains as markers of his progress. These mountains are still

called the Pillars or Gates of Heracles, though one of them is

better known as the Rock of Gibraltar. Spenser in the Protha-

lamwn (147-149), praising the Earl of Essex for a successful raid

against the Spanish, declares that his

. . . dreadfull name, late through all Spaine did thunder,

And Hercules two pillars standing neere,

Did make to quake and feare.

Sailing westward, Heracles ran into a terrible storm and had to

threaten Oceanus himself with his arrows in order to still it.

When he reached Erytheia he was attacked first by the two-

headed dog, which he killed, and then by Eurytion, whom he

also slew. Even Geryon himself quickly fell before the hero's

arrows when he sought to prevent the theft of his cattle. Withthis part of his mission accomplished, Heracles drove Geryon's

cattle into his vessel and set sail again for Mycenae.For some reason he chose to land in Spain and to make a

rather circuitous way back to Greece by crossing the Alps and

making a round trip down the west coast of Italy and up the


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east coast. On the spot that was later to become Rome he had a

curious adventure. While he was sleeping, a son of Hepihaestusnamed Cacus stole some of his cattle. He led them off backward

by their tails, so that when Heracles awoke and missed them,

he found their footprints leading toward him and was deceived.

However, as he was about to abandon the search, he heard the

stolen cattle lowing and found them hidden in Cacus' cave.

Naturally he slew Cacus and retrieved his cattle. The event was

memorialized with an altar by the Romans, who had their cattle

market on this place in later years. Cacus' method of disguising

his theft was the same as that of the infant Hermes when he

rustled some of the cattle of Apollo.

Further south in Italy Heracles had some minor adventures.

At Cumae he fought a set of Giants. Past Rhegium he found

that the grasshoppers interfered with his sleep, and this prayer

that something be done about the nuisance led to grasshoppers

being forever banned from the area by the gods. Later one of

his oxen escaped and swam across the strait into Sicily, so that

to recover it Heracles had to make his way across the strait on

the back of another ox and travel all the way around Sicily.

But in spite of these delays, he succeeded at last in driving

most of the cattle up the east coast of Italy and down the Greek

peninsula to Mycenae, whereupon Eurystheus promptly sacrificed

the entire lot to Hera. What Heracles must have said about this

event has not been recorded.

His eleventh labor, which consisted in obtaining the Apples

of the Hesperides for Eurystheus, involved him in no less varied

adventures. These apples were golden, and they were guarded by

Atlas' daughters, the Hesperides. Atlas, who was a son of the

Titan lapetus, had fought with the Titans against the gods, and

as punishment he was made to hold up the heavens on his

shoulders. The golden apples had been the wedding gift of Gaea


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to Hera, they were tended in an orchard by the Hesperides, with

the assistance of a dragon named Ladon.

Heracles' first problem was to find Atlas, whose habitat was a

matter of much argument at the time, because some averred that

the garden of the Hesperides was in the country of the northern

Hyperboreans, and others held that it lay far to the west. Accord-

ing to one myth, he set out to the north until he reached

the Rhone river, whose Nymphs informed him that Nereus, the

old man of the sea (see SEA GODS), could tell him where to

find Atlas. Nereus had the power to change his form at will,

but Heracles caught and held him in spite of his changes and

forced him at last to reveal the location of Atlas, which provedto be in Libya.

Journeying through Libya, Heracles encountered almost at

one time two extremes of size and strength. The first of tlhese

was Antaeus, the Giant son of Poseidon and Gaea, the Titan

earth goddess; his strength remained unconquerable as long as

he was in actual contact with his mother the earth. Wrestling with

him, Heracles was unable to overcome him, for the Giant's

strength was constantly renewed. At last he conceived the idea of

holding the Giant in the air and strangling him as his powerwaned away. In Spenser's Faerie Queen (2. 1 1. 23-46) the leader of

the evil forces who attack the castle of Temperance is Maleger,a son of earth, whom Sir Guyon finally kills in much the same

way that Heracles killed Antaeus. As Heracles was resting from

this struggle, he was attacked by a band of Pygmies, an unpleas-

ant little folk 13i/ indies in height. Heracles was amused bytheir attack and met it by simply wrapping them up in his lion's

skin; some accounts say that he killed them, and others that he

brought them back to Eurystheus.

In Egypt Heracles was seized by King Busiris, who had the

habit of sacrificing all strangers on his altar. In Heracles, how-


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ever, foe found more of a stranger than he could handle, and

the hero turned the tables by bursting free and sacrificing Busiris

himself. He now made his way to India and thence to the Cau-

casus mountains, where he freed Prometheus, an act related

somewhat perfunctorily by Shelley in his long poetic drama

Prometheus Unbound (3. 3)- In myth, though not in Shelley's

account, Prometheus gave Heracles final instructions as to how

to find Atlas (see PROMETHEUS).Wlhen Heracles at last found Atlas, he conceived a stratagem

to obtain the apples without a struggle. He offered to hold upthe heavens in Atlas' place if the giant would obtain for him

three of the golden apples from the garden* To this the tired

old giant agreed and did so without delay, saving Heracles what

might well have been an impossible task. Berowne, in Love's

Labour's Lost (4, 3. 340-341), seems not to have heard of this

arrangement nor to have regarded tihe difficulties of the project

with much seriousness, because he asks:

For valour, is not Love a Hercules,

Still climbing trees in the Hespendes?

When Atlas had brought the apples back to Heracles, he pro-

posed that he himself should deliver them to Eury&theus. For a

moment the hero's fate hung in the balance, but his sJhrewdness

saved him. He agreed to Atlas' proposal on the condition that

Atlas relieve him of the weight of the heavens long enough for

him to find a pad for his shoulders. Atlas was taken in by this

ruse, and once he had the heavens firmly back on his shoulders,

Heracles took the apples and returned with them to Eurystheus.

^The last labor that Eurystheus provided seemed impossible

even for Heracles. He directed Heracles to bring back from Hades'

kingdom in the underworld the three-headed dog Cerberus,

the guardian, of the entrance to this awful place- Fortunately,


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Athene and Hermes came to the assistance of Heracles and guidedhim down to Hades' presence. Hades granted Heracles permis-

sion to seize Cerberus and carry him to t)he upper world if he

could do so without using weapons. Having first freed his friend

Theseus, who was imprisoned there for having tried to kidnapHades' wife, Persephone, Heracles seized Cerberus with his bare

hands and carried him off to Eurystheus, who ordered that the

monster be returned to the lower regions. Holofernes the Pedant,

in Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost (5. 2. 539), in the manner

of pedants seems to have had the wrong information on

this point, for he says that Heracles killed Cerberus with his


Thus Heracles completed his long term of servitude, but his

heroic life did not end with his obligations to Eurystheus. Indeed,

he appears to have got so habituated to heroic deeds that he

continued to indulge in them as a kind of reflex action up to

the moment of his death, whose circumstances he arranged to

fit the heroism of his inner nature. His rescue of Alcestis from

death, for example, remarkable as it was (see ALCESTIS), was

only a minor action in the course of his obtaining the man-eatinghorses of Diomedes.

When he was free of Eurystheus' yoke, Heracles put aside his

wife Megara because in his first fit of madness he had killed

their children, and he considered that his wedlock must have

been counter to the will of the gods. As if to contradict his

reasoning, however, the gods put on him another fit of mad

violence, during which he committed a murder and even profanedthe oracle of Apollo at Delphi by trying to make off with the

sacred tripod of the temple. When he regained his senses, the

oracle informed him that he must expiate his insane misdeeds

by becoming the slave of Queen Omphale of Lydia for three

years. A curiously mixed affair resulted from his acceptance of


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this second period of servitude. In the first place, Omphale seems

to have made Heracles become extremely effeminate, so that he

gave over to her his lion's skin and took up weaving and spin-

ning with the ladies of her court; but when Omphale fell in

love with him, he caused her to produce a son whom they namedLadus.

As if to counterbalance his effeminacy during this period,

Heracles took an early part in the expedition of the Argonauts

(see ARGONAUTS) and he made war on Troy. Laomedon,the king of old Troy, had promised Heracles the hand of

Hesione, his daughter, in return for Heracles' having rescued

her from a sea monster; but he later changed his mind and would

not live up to his promise. Heracles therefore gathered around

him Telamon, the father of Aias, Peleus, the father of Achilles,

and others, with whom he laid siege to Troy. They capturedthe city and slew Laomedon and all his family except Hesione,

whom Heracles gave as wife to Telamon, and her brother Priam,

who fathered the royal family that was to defend the city

in the major Trojan War of later times (see TROJAN WAR).Heracles also found time to rescue the shepherd youjth Daph-

nis from the cruelty of King Lityerses of Phrygia. This youth

was the son of Hermes and a Sicilian Nymph who brought him

to the favorable attention of Apollo by placing him as a babe

in a grove of laurel, a tree sacred to the god. In return for this

thoughtful compliment, Apollo gave Daphnis a talent for idyllic

song and caused him to invent pastoral song and story. He grew

up an innocent and pure shepherd among the Nymphs and

shepherds who kept flocks near Mount Aetna in Sicily. As even

innocent shepherds will, he fell in love with a maiden. Her

name was Piplea, and she was soon after abducted by robbers

who carried her to Phrygia. Daphnis naturally followed, and

found Piplea in the possession of King Lityerses. Lityerses, it


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seems, was proud of his ability to reap grain, so proud that he

habitually challenged strangers to a reaping contest and killed

them if he won. Daphnis accepted his challenge, and they both

fell to reaping and singing appropriate songs. Daphnis was losing

when Heracles arrived and put an end to the match by cutting

off Lityerses* head and throwing it into the river Maeander.

Matthew Arnold, mourning the loss of his friend A. H. Cloughin his elegiac poem Thyrsis (182-185), recalls the reaping contest:

Patting his sickle to the perilous grain

In the hot cornfield of the Phrygian king,

For thee the Lityerses-song again

Young Daphnis with his silver voice doth sing.

Daphnis, according to the version of the myth that Arnold men-

tions iri a note to his poem, later fell in love with a princess and

was struck blind by jealous Piplea.

Lesser exploits of Heracles are without number. The manner

of his death, however, was in many ways the greatest of his deeds.

Still in search of a wife, he tried to win lole, the daughter of

King Eurytus of Oechalia, but the king refused to permit the

marriage although Heracles fulfilled all the conditions that had

been imposed. He therefore asked the hand of Deianira, the

daughter of King Oeneus of Calydon. To win her, Heracles had

to outwrestle the river god Achelous, who was also her suitor,

but this he was able to do without unusual difficulty. For three

years he lived happily with Deianira. But in the first days of

their marriage, they came to a river across which the Centaur

Nessus offered to ferry them. Heracles swam the river but en-

trusted Deianira to Nessus, who, in a manner native to the lusty

and bestial Centaurs, tried to carry her off for his own pleasure.

Heracles at once killed him with an arrow, but as he died he

confided in Deianira that she should save some of his blood and


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put it on Heracles' garments as a love potion if he should ever

appear to be unfaithful to her.

Later Heracles decided on revenge against King Eurytus. He

besieged Oechalia and with his customary success killed the

king and almost all his family except lole, whom he proposedto sacrifice to the gods. As he was proceeding to this sacrifice,

Deianira, misunderstanding and fearing that she was losing his

love to lole, soaked his sacrificial robe in Nessus' blood and sent

it to him by his friend Lichas. When Heracles put on the robe,

it immediately seized him with its poison and began to kill him.

All his efforts to remove it were in vain, for his flesh itself came

away with the robe. In his agony he threw Lichas into the sea.

The terrible effects oi this robe, or shirt as it is more commonlycalled, have become proverbial for unbearable and inescapable

pain. The use to which Shakespeare puts it in Antony and Cleo-

patra (4. 12. 43-47) is typical; Antony, who considers himself to

be the descendant of Heracles and who finds his fortune runningout in defeat, calls out in despair:

The shirt of Nessus is upon me. Teach me,

Alcides, thou mine ancestor, thy rage.

Let me lodge Lichas on the horns o' th* moonAnd with those hands that grasp'd the heaviest club

Subdue my -worthiest self.

The event served Milton as an image for violent upheaval

when in Paradise Lost (2. 543-547) he described the tumultuous

activities of the reviving fallen angels:

As when Alcides from Oechalia Crown'd

With conquest, felt th' envenom'd robe, and tore

Through pain up by the roots Thessalian Pines,

And Lichas from the top of Oeta threw

Into th* Euboic Sea.

The incident seems to have been in T. S, Eliot's mind when he


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wrote the fourth movement of Little Giddmg, the final poem of

Four Quartets:

Love is the unfamiliar NameBehind the hands that wove

The intolerable shirt of flame

Which human power cannot remove. 5

Knowing now that death was near, Heracles returned home to

die. Deianira hanged herself when she learned what she had

brought on him, but Heracles prepared to die atop Mount Oeta.

There he had a funeral pyre built, and when it was ready he

gave his bow and arrows to his friend Philoctetes or Philoctetes'

father Poeas and then lay down on the pyre with his lion skin

and his club. At Heracles' signal, Philoctetes or Poeas lighted

the pyre, and the hero was enveloped in its flames (see PHIL-

OCTETES).The gods, however, had not forgotten the promise they made

to Heracles through the Delphic oracle. Zeus permitted only his

body to be burned, he sent down Iris to conduct his spirit to

Olympus where promised immortality awaited him. There he

was at last reconciled to Hera, who became his mother-in-law in

fact, as she had been in practice, by marrying him to her daugh-ter Hebe.

Heracles, like Samson, continues to be a symbol of great

strength. Shakespeare, for example, mentions him thirty-six times;

and ihis figure, clothed in a lion skin and carrying a club, is

today the trade-mark of a manufacturer of explosives. Herculean

labors are still what they have always been: tasks of overwhelm-

ing difficulty required by duty. The gods kept their word when

they promised Heracles immortality.

5 From "Little Giddmg," by T. S. Eliot, in his Four Quartets. Copyright,1943, by T S. Eliot. Reprinted with the permission of the publisher,Harcourt, Brace and Company.


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HERCULES (hSrluHez) is the Roman name of HERACLES.HERMAPHROBITUS (hr-m&f'r&-di'tus), a son of Hermes and

Aphrodite, was united with the Nymph Salmacis and became a

hermaphrodite. See HERMES.HERMES (h^r'mez), or Mercury, is the son of Zeus and Maia.

The exact meaning of his name is not known, but it is thoughtto be "the hastener." His attributes are the most varied and

complex of all the major gods. He is best known as the herald

and messenger of Zeus, but he is also generally thought of as

the god responsible for breeding and increase in the animal

world, especially for the increase of cattle. This latter responsi-

bility led to a whole chain of associated duties. Since wealth

in agrarian Greece consisted mostly of cattle, he became a deity

of wealth; since wealth was derived from trade, ihe became the

god of trade and, by association, of travelers who carry on trade;

since trade in its general form is commerce, he became the godof commerce. From these major fields of responsibility several

other responsibilities were derived. Smoothness of tongue and

shrewdness of mind make for successful trade, and Hermes thus

became the god of oratory. It is but a step from high-pressure

salesmanship to cheating and thievery, of which Hermes also

became the patron. Because he was a god of luck, he became the

protector of gamblers. Somewhere along the line, he became

also the patron of athletes and a god of the wind, with whose

speed he was able to move about.

Hermes' precociousness was as great as his versatility of inter-

ests. He was born on Mount Cyllene, and therefore is often called

Cyllenius. Within a few hours of his birth he had stolen some

of Apollo's cattle by tying brush to their hooves and driving

them backward into a cave at Pylos, so that their tracks made it

appear that they had gone in the opposite direction. Apollo

quickly discovered the thief, however, and haled him before

Zeus for justice. Hermes, meanwhile, had taken a tortoise from


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its shell, stretched strings across the empty shell, and thu

invented the lyre. He so amused Zeus with this instrument an<

with (his feigned naivete that Zeus forgave him on conditioi

that the cattle be returned to Apollo. Hermes also made Apollt

a present of the lyre, in return for which Apollo forgivingly gav<

Hermes the Caduceus, a golden staff with wings at the top anc

intertwined with serpents, the symbol of his authority as mes

senger of the gods, and today the symbol of the medical pro

fession. Apollo also gave him the power to prophesy to humai

beings, though in actions instead of words.

Hermes appears not to have married, but he was the father o

Pan by a Nymph, and he had a son by Aphrodite, whom the;;

named Hermaphroditus. A river Nymph named Salmacis fell ii

love with Hermaphroditus, but he ignored her. One day wher

he was bathing in her river, however, Salmacis seized him anc

prayed the gods to unite her with him. Taking her prayer per

haps more literally than she had intended, the gods fused the

two into a single person having the characteristics both of Her

maphroditus and of Salmacis, and therefore both a male and <

female. The word "hermaphrodite" survives today to mean airj

organism which is able to reproduce by fertilizing its own eggs

or which has both male and female sex organs.

Hermes had another son named Autolycus who became th*

champion thief of the world, an achievement less surprising ir

view of this ability to cast invisibility on himself and wihat h<

stole. He was the grandfather of Odysseus, and he has a name

sake in Shakespeare's play The Winter's Tale (4. 3. 24-28), whc

describes himself thus:

My father nam'd me Autolycus, who being, as I am,

litter'd under Mercury, was likewise a snapper-upof unconsidered trifles. With die and drab I pur-chas'd this caparison, and my revenue is the silly



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For an adventure in which Autolycus was outwitted see SISY-

PHUS.The inventiveness of Hermes was not limited to thievery, for

he was credited with instituting the sacrifice of animals to the

gods and with inventing the alphabet and numbers. His posi-

tion as messenger of Zeus gave him many important duties. Heconducted the souls of the dead down to Hades, for which task

he had the name Psychopompos; he brought Hera, Athene, and

Aphrodite to Mount Ida for the judgment of Pans (see TRO-

JAN WAR); and he was the companion of Zeus in his visit to

Philemon and Baucis. As a constant traveler himself, he was

thought to be the friend of travelers, much as St. Christopher is

in our time, and for this reason many highway posts were made

with his head on the top and called Hermae. His best-known

nickname, however, was Argiphontes, which he earned for kill-

ing the hundred-eyed Argus, whom Hera had set to watch over

lo (see ZEUS). Hermes played to Argus on his pipes and told him

the story of Pan and Syrinx and many other stories. Gradually

Argus closed all his hundred eyes, whereupon Hermes quickly

killed him.

Hermes is pictured typically as a young god. His special sym-

bols are his Caduceus, already described; his low-crowned hat

with wings, called a Petasus; and his winged sandals, which

are called Talaria. Hermes in his hat and sandals, and carrying

his Caduceus, is a favorite symbol for transportation agencies and

telegraph companies today. In English poetry he ihas usually

served as a symbol of the messenger, or of speed and majesty in

flight. Milton uses him to add a note of gaiety in Comus

(963-964), where he pictures him somewhat out of character


With the mincing DryadesOn the Lawns, and on the Leas;


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and he uses him again in Paradise Lost (5. 285-287) to give

vividness to the flight of Raphael, the sociable spirit, sent down

to warn Adam and Eve against the guile of Satan;

Like Mata's son he stood,

And shook his Plumes, that Heav'nly fragrance filld

The circuit wide.

John Keats describes him more fully in Lamia, the story of a

serpent whom Hermes changed into a woman and who nearly

succeeded in entrapping a Corinthian youth named Lycias. The

poem opens with Hermes, "ever-smitten" with love, departing

from Olympus in search of a favorite Nymph. He cannot find

her until Lamia charms his eyes against the Nymph's invisibility.

The poem contains a famous image of Hermes as "the star of

Lethe'* (81), a reference to Hermes' duties in conducting the

souls of the dead to Hades, where the river of Lethe flows. Shel-

ley translated the fourth Homeric hymn, which tells the amusing

story of the infant Hermes, under the title Hymn to Mercury.In our own times, in the New Year Letter (1. 301-306), W. H.

Auden alludes to Hermes' ability to prophesy through actions:

And often when the searcher stood

Before the Oracle, it would

Ignore his grown-up earnestness

But not the child of his distress,

For through the Janus of a jokeThe candid psychopompos spoke.


HERMIONE (hr-mi'6-ne) was the daughter of Helen and

Menelaus. See TROJAN WAR.

e From the "New Year Letter/' by W. H. Auden, in his The Double, Man.

Copyright, 1941, by W. H. Auden Repnnted with the permission of the

publisher, Random House, Inc.


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HERO (hir'o) and Leander were a famous pair of lovers of

later classical times who resided one on each side of the Hel-

lespont, the narrow strait that separates Europe from Asia where

the sea of Marmora flows toward the Aegean. Hero, to the

eternal confusion of her name, was a beautiful woman who

lived in Sestos on the European side of the strait and who

served there as a priestess of Aphrodite. Leander lived in Abydoson the Asiatic side. One day while he was in Sestos to celebrate

a festival in honor of Aphrodite, he saw and fell in love with

Hero. Thereafter, guided by a torch that she placed on a tower,

he swam the strait each night to be with her. At last, however,

he was caught in a storm and drowned, whereupon Hero, dis-

covering his body, cast herself into the sea and was drowned


The most famous treatment of this story in English poetry is

undoubtedly Christopher Marlowe's long and ornately sensuous

poem, Hero and Leander. The meeting of the two lovers pro-

duced one of Marlowe's best known lines (1. 176):

Who ever lov'd, that lov'd not at first sight?

a line that is echoed by Shakespeare in As You Like It (3. 5.

81-82) where he has Phebe exclaim:

Dead shepherd, now I find thy saw of might,

"Who ever lov'd that lov'd not at first sight?"

Since it describes what often happens, "love at first sight" has

become a clich& Marlowe handled the story so brilliantly that

no other English poet has been able to touch it without showing

his influence.

It is not surprising that the tale had an especial appeal for

Romantic and later-nineteenth-century poets. Byron, in The


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Bride of Abydos (2. 1-5), a poem about a different love affair

altogether, was moved by the identity of locale to write:

The winds are high on Helle's wave,

As on that night of stormy water

When Love, who sent, forgot to save

The young, the beautiful, the brave,

The lonely hope of Sestos' daughter.

Briefly he adds that although Hero's "turret-torch was blazing

high" and although the storminess of the weather acted as a

warning, Leander set out to swim the strait and was drowned.

Byron himself had swum this course and was proud of havingdone so.

Keats, too, seeing a gem with Leander's form cut into it, states

the theme in a sonnet, On an Engraved Gem of Leander-,in

which he describes the unfortunate and imprudent youth

Sinking bewilder'd 'mid the dreary sea.

In Hero to Leander*,a poem that is not one of his most success-

ful, Tennyson imagines a plea from Hero to her lover not to

leave her:

No Western odors wander

On the black and moaning sea,

And when thou art dead, Leander,

My soul must follow theel

Oh go not yet, my love I

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, in Sonnet 88 of The House of Life,

makes use of a subsidiary myth, that the torch or lamp which

Hero had lit each night to guide Leander had, after their deaths,

been dedicated in a temple and was not to be relit until some

mortal had experienced a life oi successful love.

A contemporary poet, Malcolm Cowley, resensing the myth,


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says in Leander that the drowned lover returned into the natural

order of things:

his hair is wreathed with algae; his eyes gleamluminous with jellyfishes; coral

blooms on his thighs . . . ,7

lines that recall Ariel's song in The Tempest about the sea

change which he told Prince Ferdinand (had occurred to his


HESIONE (he'-si/6-ne) was rescued from a sea monster by


/ri-d), the western land, was the name by

which Italy was known to AENEAS.HESPERIDES (he'S'pe'r'i-dez), the daughters of Atlas, guard the

tree on which grow the golden apples. See HERACLES.HESPERUS (heVpe>us), or HESPER (heVper), or Vesper, is

the evening star and the king of the west. He is the father of

Ceyx and the grandfather of the Hesperides, who guard the

golden apples that were Gaea's wedding present to Hera, Some-

times Hesperus is said to be the father rather than the grand-

father of the Hesperides; Milton in Comus (980-982) describes

. . . the Gardens fair

Of Hesperus, and his daughters three

That sing about the golden tree ....

Usually, however, Hesperus is seen in English literature as the

evening star. He appears thus in Ben Jonson's song to the moon


Hesperus entreats thy light,

Goddess excellently bright,

7 From "Leander," by Malcolm Cowley, in his Blue Juniata (New York:

Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith, 1929). Copyright, 1929, by Malcolm

Cowley. Reprinted with the permission of the author.


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and in Milton's Paradise Lost (9. 50-51) he is the bringer of

Twilight upon the Earth, short Arbiter

Twixt Day and Night ....

Because in Greek and Roman miters Hesperus is often the

morning star also, taking the place of, or becoming, his brother

Phosphor, Spenser in The Faerie Queene (1. 2. 6) speaks of

him as bringing "forth dawning light."

The star Hesperus is the planet Venus and therefore, as

Spenser says in the Epithalamion (288), the "glorious lampe of

loue." In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries writers of

marriage songs frequently praised Hesperus not only because he

was the lamp of love but also because his coming showed that

the long day of public celebration was past and the married

couple might soon be alone together. John Donne, for example,

writes in his Epithalamion Made at Lincolnes Inne,

The amorous evening starre is rose,

Why then should not our amorous starre inclose

Her selfe in her wish'd bed?

HESTIA (h&'ti-d). The virgin goddess Hestia, or Vesta, the

first-born child of Cronus and Rhea, is the oldest and most sacred

of the Olympians. The Greeks and Romans swore their most

binding oaths in her name. She is the goddess of the hearth and

the symbol of home. Each meal began and ended with prayers

to Hestia. The hearth of every house was sacred to her, and in

each city she had a public hearth on which the fire was never

allowed to go out. Colonists carried with them coals from this

public hearth and used them to kindle the perpetual flame on

the public hearth of the new city that they founded.

In the temple of Vesta at Rome the eternal flame was kept bysix priestesses called Vestal Virgins. These girls, between the ages


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of six and ten, were chosen from the best families of Rome, and

they promised to remain chaste and to serve the goddess for

thirty years. The Vestals were honored by the Romans and given

many special privileges, but anyone who broke her vow was

cruelly put to death. Although there was no statue of the god-dess in the temple, it contained the sacred fire and the Palladium

(see ATHENE), the two symbols essential to the welfare of the city.

Because the chaste protectress of the household is not to be

gossiped about, the Greeks and Romans told no stories of Hestia.

In English literature she is seldom mentioned, yet Milton in

II Penseroso (23-30) makes her the mother of Melancholy. It

seems curious that he should invent this myth about the virgin

goddess, but penhaps he intended to indicate the purity in which

Melancholy was conceived. Vesta's priestesses appear much more

frequently than she does in English literature, but the word

"vestal" loses its relation to the goddess and signifies "dedicated

virgin" or simply "virgin." In Pope's Eloisa to Abelard (207),

for example, "the blameless vestal" is a Christian nun, and

Romeo (Romeo and Juliet, 3. 3. 38) speaks of the "pure and

vestal modesty" of Juliet's lips.

In a Roman household Vesta was worshiped along with the

Penates, the Lar, and the Genius of the father of the family.

Tihe Penates were gods of the storeroom; they watched over the

food supply and the general welfare of the household. The Lar

was a benevolent spirit of the dead, an ancestor who protected

the members of the family and shared their secrets. Each house-

hold had one Lar, but he and the Penates were often referred

to together as Lares or Penates or both. There were public as

well as family Lares and Penates. Herrick in Hymn to the Lares;

worships ihis own household gods

With crowns of greenest Parsley,

And Garhck chives not scarcely,


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and in A Panegenck to Sir Lewis Pemberton (3-4) he sends his

salt and sacrifice

To Thee, thy Lady, younglings, and as farre

As to thy Genius, and thy Larre.

In The Dunciad(4. 366) Pope writes of a dishonest antique

dealer who hopes to persuade each young collector to pay throughthe nose for false antiquities with the ironic result that he will

"keep his Lares though his house be sold." The Romans also

believed in the Manes, the good spirits of the dead in Hades,

and the Lemures, or Larvae, the evil spirits of the dead whowandered on earth at night and haunted the living, Richard

Aldington in his poem Lemures describes man's fear of the spirits

of the dead even in our skeptical age that says, "They are not."

And in James Joyce's Ulysses Stephen Dedalus, in the drunken

scene in Bella Cohen's brothel, sees in his mind's eye his mother,

whose death has haunted him all day. "Lemur," he says in hor-

ror, "who are you? What bogeyman's trick is this?"

The Roman Genius is related to one conception of the Greek

Daemon. The Greeks sometimes applied this term to the godsand sometimes reserved it for spirits like the Satyrs who were

neither gods nor human beings, but they also conceived of the

Daemon as a protective spirit like the Roman Genius. Human

beings, social groups, and places all had these guardian spirits. Aman's Genius came into being at his birth, accompanied him

through life, and became his living soul after death. His Genius

was the essence of him, his personality. Since every Roman family

worshiped a Lar, the benevolent spirit of an ancestor, it was

natural that they should also worship the Genius of the living

head of the household. A Genius of place was represented as a

serpent, but a personal Genius was usually portrayed as a like-

ness of the person whom he protected. Sometimes the Genius


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had wings and sometimes not. In The Comedy of Errots (5.1.

332-334), when the Duke first sees the twin Antipholi and the

twin Dromios together, he says,

One of these men is genius to the other;

And so of these Which is the natural manAnd which the spirit?

In his Epithalamion (398-399) and in his description of the

Garden of Adonis (Faerie Queene, 3 6. 31-32), Spenser refers to

Genius as the god of generation, and three times he uses the

notion of the Genius of place (Rumes of Time, 19; Ruines of

Rome, 27; Faerie Queene, 2. 12. 46-49). Milton describes the

retreat of the pagan gods in On the Morning of Christ's Nativity


From haunted spring, and dale

Edg'd with poplar pale,

The parting Genius is with sighing sent,

and similar references to the Genius of place occur in II

Penseroso (154); in Arcades, where the Genius of the Wood is

one of the characters in the masque, and in Lycidas (182-185),

where Milton imagines Edward King as the local god of the

Irish Sea, in which he was drowned:

Now Lycidas the Shepherds weep no more;

Hence forth thou art the Genius of the shore,

In thy large recompense, and shalt be goodTo all that wander in that perilous flood.

For the other virgin goddesses see ARTEMIS and ATHENE.HIMEROS (hi'mfr-os), the god of desire, is an attendant of


HIPPOCRENE (hip'6-kren) is a spring on Mount Helicon, a

home of the MUSES.


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HIPPODAMIA (hlp'6-da-ml'a) was (1) the mother of Thyestes

and ATREUS; (2) the wife of Pirithous, a friend of THESEUS.HIPPOLYTA (hi-poll'ta) was a queen of the warlike womencalled the Amazons. One of the twelve tasks of Heracles was to

obtain Hippolyta's girdle. Some accounts say that Theseus, whoassisted Heracles in this task, abducted and married Hippolyta.

See AMAZONS, THESEUSHIPPOLYTUS (hi-poll-tus) was the son of Theseus who re-

jected the love of his stepmother Phaedra and was killed because

of her false accusation to THESEUS.HIPPOMEDON (hi-pom'S-don) was one of the Seven against

THEBESHIPPOMENES (hl-pam'4-nez) was the lover of ATALANTAOF BOEOTIA.HIPPOTADES (hi-pdt'tf-dez) is another name of Aeolus, kingof the WINDS.HORAE (ho're) are the HOURS.HORSES OF DIOMEDES (di'6-me'dez), which ate men, were

captured by HERACLESHOURS. The Horae, or Hours, are the daughters of Zeus and

Themis, the goddess of divine justice. The Hours regulate the

days and the seasons, and they stand at the cloud gate of Olympus

through which the gods pass when they descend to the earth.

The happy conjunction of the Hours and the Graces lends beauty

to people and occasions, and therefore these goddesses are at-

tendants of Aphrodite and patrons of every pleasant event and

gracious season. In the Epithalamion (98-105) Spenser asks them

and the Graces to attend on his bride as they do on Aphrodite:

. . . come ye fayre Houres which were begotIn loues sweet paradice, of Day and Night,Which doe the seasons of the yeare allot,

And al that euer in this world is fayre


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Doe make and still repayreAnd ye three handmayds of the Cyprian Queene,The which doe still adorne her beauties pride,

Helpe to addorne my beautifullest bride.

HYACINTHUS (hi'0-sm'thus) was a boy whom Apollo loved but

killed by accident. From his blood grew a flower of mourning.See APOLLO.HYLAS (hl'lds) was the youth for whom Heracles deserted the

expedition of the ARGONAUTS.HYMEN (hi'mtn), or HYMENAEUS (hi'mi-ne'us), the god of

marriage, appears to have been born of an exclamation. Shouts

of "Hymen io Hymen!" were a traditional part of the Greek

marriage festival, and when the meaning of the expression became

obscure, people assumed that Hymen was the god of marriage.

He was imagined as a handsome young man dressed in a saffron-

colored robe and carrying the traditional marriage torch. Apolloand the Muse Urania were said to be his parents. A. E. Housman

in Last Poems XXIV writes,

He is here, Urania's son,

Hymen come from Helicon.8

He has no existence apart from the marriage feast, and the

only story in which he has a dramatic role is that of Orpheusand Eurydice. At the celebration of their marriage, which was

fated to be unfortunate, he arrived without a lucky omen, and

his torch went out in spite of his attempts to keep it burning.

In English literature he appears in marriage songs and masques-

that imitate the classical epithalamia. A typical reference is

s From "Poem XXIV," by A. E. Housman, in his Last Poems. Copyright,

1922, by Henry Holt and Company, Inc Reprinted with the permission of the



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found in Spenser's Epithalamion (25-29) when Spenser asks

that his bride be waked from her sleep:

Bid her awake; for Hymen is awake,

And long since ready forth his maske to moue,With his bright Tead that flames with many a flake,

And many a bachelor to waite on him,

In theyr fresh garments trim.

HYPERBIUS (hi-pr'bi-us) helped Eteocles defend THEBES.HYPERBOREANS (hi'pr-bo

/ri-4nz) lived in perpetual spring-

time to the north of the great river of Oceanus. See SEA GODS.HYPERION (hi-plrl-on) was the first sun god. See APOLLO.HYPERMNESTRA (hi'perm-nes'tra) was the only one of the

fifty Danaids who did not murder her husband on her wedding

night. See HADES.HYPNOS (hip'nos) is the god of sleep. See HADESHYPSIPYLE (hip-sip'Me) was first queen of Lemnos and then a

slave of the king of Nemea. See ARGONAUTS, THEBES.

IAPETUS (I-ap'-tus), a Titan, was the father of PROME-THEUS.ICARIAN (I-karl-an) SEA is the sea in which Icarus fell when

he tried to fly with wings invented by his father DAEDALUS.ICARUS (ik'0-rtis)

was the son of DAEDALUS.ICELUS (is'S-ltis) is a god of dreams. See HADES.IDA (I'da) is the mountain near Troy that was the home of


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Oenone and the scene of the judgment of Pans. See NYMPHS,TROJAN WAR.IDAEA (i-de'0) was the second wife of Phineus, a king who aided

the ARGONAUTSIDAEAN DACTYLS (I-de'an dak'tilz), who lived on Mount Ida

in Crete or Phrygia, were workers of magic and priests of Rhea,

or Cybele. See EARTH GODDESSES.IDAS (I'das) was chosen by Marpessa as her lover, although she

was also wooed by APOLLO.ILIAD (ill-ad) is the epic poem by Homer about the TROJANWAR.ILION (Ill-dn), which was also called Troy, was the chief Trojan

city. See TROJAN WAR.ILITHYIA (ill-thi'ya), or Eileithyia, is the goddess of child-

birth. See ARTEMIS, HERA.INO (I'no), a Theban princess, became the sea goddess Leu-

cothea. See SEA GODS, THEBES.IO (Ko) was one of the mistresses of ZEUS.

IOBATES (I-ot/d-tez) was first the enemy and then the patron of

BELLEROPHON.IOLAUS (i'0-la'us) was the nephew and companion of HERA-CLES.

IOLE (i'o-le) was wooed unsuccessfully by HERACLES.IONIAN (i'0

/nl-n) SEA was named for lo, who wandered beside

it, along the west coast of the Greek peninsula. See ZEUS..

IPHICLES (if'i'klez) was a son of Amphitryon, whereas his twin

Heracles was a son of ZEUS.

IPHIGENIA (if'i-jS-ni'a)was sacrificed to Artemis by her father

Agamemnon. See ATREUS, TROJAN WAR.IPHITUS (if'i-tus) gave the bow of his father Eurytus to

ODYSSEUS.IRIS (I'ris), a daughter of the sea deities Thaumas and Electra, is


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the goddess of the rainbow, and she shows its varied colors on her

dress and on her wings. One of her functions is to fill the

clouds with water so that they may rain on the earth and

fructify the soil, and her rainbow has thus become a symbol

of the blessings of rain, promising the early Greeks as much as

Noah's rainbow promised his people.

Iris' chief duty, however, is as messenger of Hera, the queenof the gods, and in this capacity she is the feminine counterpart

of Hermes, who serves Zeus in the same way. Running errands for

Hera, she uses her rainbow as a pathway from heaven to earth or

to other parts of the mythological world. Paintings of her show

her as a lovely maiden of varicolored clothes and wings, with

sometimes a nimbus behind her head. Naturally the peacock is

her favorite bird.

For poets, Iris provides an image of airy colorfulness. Milton,

for example, uses her for this purpose, once in Paradise Lost

(11. 244) to describe the vestment of the angel Michael and again

in Comus (83) where this malicious spirit says that his "skie robes"

were "spun out of Iris Wooff."

IRON AGE is either the present time or the time just before

the great flood that drowned all mankind except Pyrrha and

DEUCALION.ISMENE (iz-me'ne) was a daughter of Oedipus, king of THEBES.ITYS (i'tfs), or ITYLUS (It'Mus), was the son of Procne and

Tereus. See PHILOMELA.IULUS (i*u/lus) was another name for Ascanius, the son of

AENEAS.IXION (iks-i^n), like Tantalus and Sisyphus, was a celebrated

sinner for whom a special torment was devised in Hades. WhenIxion married, he promised rich bridal gifts that he hated to give.

He therefore murdered his father-in-law, who would have re-

ceived the gifts. No earthly means could purify Ixion of this


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crime; but Zeus, taking pity on him, carried him to Olympus,

purified him, and made him a guest at the banquet of the gods.

Ixion at once began to make love to Hera, Zeus's wife. For this

ingratitude Zeus found ingenious punishment. He created out

of a cloud a phantom that resembled Hera; Ixion made love to

the phantom and fathered the monstrous race of Centaurs (see

CENTAURS). In Hades Ixion was tied to the side of a fiery

wheel that turns endlessly.

Ixion's father and his reputed son Pirithous were also famous

for their impiety. His father Phlegyas set fire to Apollo's templeat Delphi because Apollo had got hdon's sister Coronis with

child (see APOLLO). Phlegyas was put to death by the god,

and in Hades he is forced to stand under a huge rock that is

always on the point of falling, while his food is constantly

befouled by a Fury. For the sin and punishment of Pirithous, whosome say was Ixion's son and some say the son of Zeus, see

THESEUS.In literature Ixion usually appears in Hades on his wheel.

He is seen there by Orpheus, Aeneas, and others, including Duessa

in Spenser's Faerie Queene (1. 5. 35). In Browning's philosophical

poem Ixion the hero gains spiritual insight through his suffering

and becomes conscious of a divine justice higher than that of

Zeus. Pope uses Ixion's punishment charmingly in The Rape of

the Lock (2. 133) and pretentiously in Ode on St. Cecilia's Day.

In one image of Sonnet 45 in Delia, Samuel Daniel recalls

Ixion's deluded love-making and uses it as a symbol of hopeless

passion. Only Herrick, characteristically avoiding the thought of

consequences, takes pleasure in the story of Ixion. He praises the

incomparable whiteness of the skin of his mistress Electra, but

confesses that she will not fully please him

Till, like Ixion's cloud you be

White, wanne, and soft to lie with me.


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JANUS (ja'nus), whose name comes from the Latin word for

"going/' is the most important of the Latin deities who were not

borrowed from, the Greeks. Although Janus was unknown to the

Greeks, the Romans believed that he had come over from Greece

in ancient times and had reigned benevolently as King of Latium,

the region of Italy in which Rome was founded. He was thoughtto have civilized the early Romans, teaching them to farm and

to build buildings, especially temples in honor of the gods.

Because these achievements were also credited to Saturn (see

CRONUS), Janus was sometimes confused with this Titan, whomall agreed he had at least befriended when Saturn, cast out of

Greece by Zeus, fled to Italy and spread his useful arts of hus-

bandry there.

The place of Janus in Roman theology seems to have been

second only to that of Jupiter. Worship of him began in earliest

Roman times not only because of the cultural advantages that

he brought but because he was of material assistance in wardingoff enemies. At a critical moment in a Sabine attack against the

early city, a spring of boiling water appeared by means of which

the Romans were able to beat off their attackers. On the location

of this spring a temple to Janus was built, and thereafter,

whenever Rome was at war, the gates o the temple stood open.

As history has recorded the matter, the gates were in fact almost

never closed. Augustus claimed with pride that during his long

reign (27 B.C.-14 A.D.) they were closed three times.

Janus' significance to the Romans begins in the concrete


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symbol and ends in the abstract. His name is closely associated

with the Latin word "janua," which means a passageway or door.

Thus he is the god of openings and therefore of beginnings.

Moreover, because the beginning of an undertaking has much to

do with its ending (an undertaking well begun has the best

chance of ending well), he is also the god of endings. Like a door,

Janus faces two ways; and he is usually depicted as having two

faces, one that of a youth, to represent the beginning, and the

other that of an old man, to represent the ending. Hence his

other name, Bifrons. His temple also faced two ways, one of its

doors toward the east, where the day begins, and the other

toward the west, where it ends. Naturally, too, the first month

of the calendar, January, was named after him, and the first

day of this month, which looks backward on the old year and

forward into the new one, was his holiday (though the first dayof every month, having the same kind of significance on a

smaller scale, was also a day of sacrifice to him). Every enterprise,

and especially war, was begun with an invocation of his aid; and

even though the final decision as to what must happen was left to

Jupiter, after Jupiter had decided, Janus was in charge.

Though not signally popular in English poetry, Janus has pro-

vided his share of allusions. To Milton (Paradise Lost, 11.

128-129), wishing to describe the Cherubim who were preparing

to descend with Michael and evict Adam and Eve from Eden, he

suggested a simile:

Four faces each

Had, like a double Janus ....

Also, for Salarino, a Venetian gentleman (Merchant of Venice,

1,1. 50-51), he provided an oath suitable to the context:

Now, by two-headed Janus,

Nature hath fram'd strange fellows in her time.


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Dean Jonathan Swift, seeking a vehicle for wit, found the god

adequate to a short poem, To Janus on New Year's Day (1729):

Two-fac'd Janus, God of Time,

Be my Phoebus while I rhime

To oblige your crony S[wif]t,

Bring our Dame a New-Year's Gift:

She has got but half a Face,

Janus, since thou hast a Brace,

To my lady once be kind,

Give her half thy Face behind

Swift apparently wanted the lady to look backward so that she

would not see the ruin that, he said, was coming, but she wittily


Give me Time when coming on-

Who regards him when he's gone?

By the D[ea]n though gravely told,

New Years help to make me old

But she agreed to accept a gift.

In The Faene Queene (4. 10. 12) Doubt, the gatekeeper of

the temple of Venus, has two faces,

Th'one forward looking, th'other backeward bent,

Therein resembling lanus auncient . .

For Spenser the double face symbolizes uncertainty, and for

W. H. Auden, who speaks in the New Year Letter (1. 305) of

"the Janus of a joke/' it suggests a significant ambiguity.

JASON (ja'sfin) was the chief of the ARGONAUTS.JOCASTA (j&'kas'td) was the mother and later the wife of

Oedipus, king of THEBES.

JOVE (jov) is a Roman name for ZEUS.

JUNO (joc/no) is the Roman name of HERA.

JUPITER (j<x/pi'tr) is a Roman name for ZEUS.


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LABDACUS (lab'cta-kus) was a king of THEBES.

LABYRINTH (lab'i-rmth), an intricate maze on Crete in which

the Minotaur was imprisoned, was built by DAEDALUS.LACEDAEMON (las'-de'mon) was the son of Zeus and a

Nymph Taygeta. He married Sparta, and because he succeeded

in uniting the various peoples of Laconia, he became king of the

region and gave both his own and his wife's name to the chief

city and to the area. Thus the Lacomans, famous for their

military prowess, are also known in mythology and history both

as the Spartans and the Lacedaemonians.

LACHESIS (Bk't-sJs) is one of the three Fates. See FATE.

LACONIA (Id-ko'm-d) was a name of the country first ruled by

LACEDAEMON.LADON (Ia'd6n), a dragon, helps to guard the golden apples of

the Hesperides. See HERACLES.LADUS (la'dus) was the son of Omphale and HERACLES.

LAERTES (la-r'tez) was the father of ODYSSEUS.

IAESTRYGONIANS (Igs'tri-go'ni-dnz),or Lestrygonians, fought

against ODYSSEUSLAIUS (la/yus), the father of Oedipus, was a king of THEBES.

LAOCOON (la-6k'6-wSn) was the Trojan priest of Poseidon who

feared the Greeks even when they bore gifts. See TROJAN WAR.LAODAMIA (la'6-dd-mi'd) persuaded the gods to bring her

husband Protesilaus back to her from Hades for three hours. See

TROJAN WAR.LAPITHS (tep'iths) were a Thessalian people who warred con-

tinually against the Centaurs. See THESEUS.


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LAR (lar; plural, LARES, la'rez) is a Roman household god. See


LARVAE (lar've), or Lemures, according to Roman mythology,

are evil spirits of the dead. See HESTIA.

LASTHENES (la$'th-nez) helped Eteocles defend THEBES.LATINUS (Id'tl'nus) was king of the Latians, who fought against

AENEAS.LATIUM (la'shum) was a region in Italy conquered by

AENEAS.LATMOS (lat'mos) is the mountain in Caria where Endymion

sleeps immortally and is visited each night by ARTEMIS.LATONA (Id-to'nd) is the Roman name of Leto, the mother by

Zeus of Artemis and APOLLO.

LAUREL, into which Daphne was transformed, is sacred to

APOLLO.IAVINIA (Ifl-ital-d) was the second wife of AENEAS.

LAVINIUM (la-vim/I-taL) was a city founded by AENEAS.

LEANDER (M-Sn'dAr) was the lover of HERO.LEDA (le'da) was the mother of Helen of Troy. See TROJANWAR.LEMNOS (Im'n6s) is the island on which Hephaestus fell when

Zeus hurled him out of heaven, and the first port of call of the

Argonauts. See ARGONAUTS, HEPHAESTUS.LEMURES (ISm'u-rez), or Larvae, according to Roman mythol-

ogy, are evil spirits of the dead. See HESTIA.

LEO, the Lion, is a constellation and a sign of the ZODIAC.

LERNEAN HYDRA (l&r-n&dn hi'drd), a water serpent with

nine heads, was killed by HERACLES.LESTRYGONIANS (l&'tri-go'ni-dnz), or Laestrygonians, fought

against ODYSSEUS.

LETHE (le'the) is a river of HADES.LETO

(le'to) is the mother by Zeus of Artemis and APOLLO.


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LEUCOSIA (loo-ko'si-a) is one of the three Sirens. See SEAGODS.LEUCOTHEA (Iod-k6th'-d) was the name given to Ino when

she became a sea goddess. See SEA GODS, ODYSSEUS.

LIBER (li'Mr) is a Roman name of DIONYSUS.LIBERA (ll'bfr'd) is a Roman name of Persephone, the daughter

of Demeter and the wife of Hades. See EARTH GODDESSES,HADES.LIBRA (ll'bra), the Scales, is a constellation and a sign of the

ZODIAC.LICHAS (ll'&is), a friend of Heracles, was thrown into the sea

by the hero in his death agony. See HERACLES.LIGEIA (li-ji'a) is one of the three Sirens. See SEA GODS.

LIRIOPE (lir-i'6-pe) was the mother of NARCISSUS.

LITYERSES (litl-Sr'sez) was killed by HERACLES.LOTOS EATERS were visited by ODYSSEUS.

LUCINA (166-si'na) is the Roman name of Ilithyia, the goddess of

childbirth. See ARTEMIS, HERA.LUNA (loc/nd) is a Roman name of ARTEMIS.LUPERCALIA (loo'p&r-ka'H-a) was a festival in honor of Faunus,

the Roman PAN.

LUTINUS (loo-ti'mis) is a Roman name for PRIAPUS.

LYCIUS (lisl-us) is a name of APOLLO.LYCOMEDES (li'k&-me'dez) was the king of Scyros who was

suspected of murdering Theseus. On his island Thetis hid

Achilles disguised as a girl. See THESEUS, TROJAN WAR.LYCURGUS (H-ktir'gus) was driven mad for opposing DIONY-


LYCUS (li'kus) was the husband of Dirce and a regent of

THEBES.LYNCEUS (Inn/sods) was the only one of fifty brothers who was

not murdered by his wife on his wedding night. See HADES.


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LYRE is a musical instrument that Hermes invented by taking a

tortoise from its shell and stretching strings across the emptyshell. He presented the lyre to APOLLO.

MMACHAON (m<2'ka'6n), a son of Asclepius, was a Greek leader

in the TROJAN WAR.MAEANDER (me-an'dr) is a river (now called Menderes) of

central Asia Minor that flows in so circuitous a course that its

name has come down to our times as a symbol for aimless and

involved movement It played a small part in many myths. It

smoked, for example, with other rivers when Phaethon allowed

the chariot of the sun to approach too close to the earth;

Heracles, having rescued Daphnis from bloodthirsty Lityerses,

threw Lityerses* severed head into its stream, and its involutions

were said to have served Daedalus as a model for the complex

passages of the Labyrinth.

The most famous attribute of the Maeander, next to its

wandering course, was its fine swans. Some myths relate that

all swans, when they felt the approach of death, returned to the

banks of the Maeander to sing their dying swan song; and it is

to this idea that Pope alludes in The Rape of the Lock

(5. 65-66) when he describes the fall of Sir Foplmg under the

attack of the enraged virago Thalestris:

Thus on Maeander's flowery margin lies

Th' expiring Swan, and as he sings he dies,

lines that echo the Roman poet Ovid.


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MAENADS (me'nSdz) were followers of DIONYSUSMANES (ma/nez), according to Roman mythology, are the good

spirits of the dead in Hades. See HESTJA.

MARPESSA (mar-pes'a) chose for her lover the mortal Idas

instead of the god APOLLO.MARS is the Roman name of the god of war, ARES.

MARSYAS (mar'si-ds) was a Satyr who entered a musical contest

with APOLLO.MATER MATUTA (ma'tir m<H6c/td), or MATUTA, is a

Roman goddess of dawn and sea travel; in the second aspect she

is identified with Leucothea. See EOS, and Leucothea under


7!!^) was a festival in honor of

HERA.MECHANITIS (mgk'a-m'tis) is a surname of ATHENE.MEDEA (m-de'<i) was the wife of Jason and a powerful en-

chantress. See ARGONAUTS, THESEUS.MEDITERRANEAN SEA was given its name because it lay

in the midst of most of the lands known to the ancients and was

therefore m a sense the middle of the world. Located between the

Dardanelles and Gibraltar on its east-west axis and between

Europe and the continents of Asia and Africa on its north-south

axis, it has not entirely lost title to its name even with the dis-

covery of new lands in later days. Into this sea from its European

side thrust out the Greek and Italian peninsulas, the two great

centers of classic civilization. In early times Greek culture spread

out across its waters into Asia Minor, Egypt, and Sicily, even

before the military genius of Alexander the Great spread its

seeds in the recesses of Asia. Later, from Italy, the Roman

civilization reached out to include all the lands that surround

the sea.

The Mediterranean includes several lesser seas or subdivisions,


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of which the best known are the Aegean Sea, lying between

Greece and Asia Minor; the Ionian Sea, lying off the west coast

of the Greek peninsula; the Adriatic Sea, lying between the

Italian peninsula and the coast of modern Yugoslavia; and the

Tyrrhenian Sea, lying between the west coast of Italy and the

island of Sardinia. In classic times the straits o Gibraltar were

known as the Gates of Heracles and were thought to open out

on a waste of water, the great river of Oceanus, which extended

all the way to the end of the world.

MEDUSA (me-du'sfl) was the mortal Gorgon; the other two are

immortal See PERSEUS, SEA GODS.MEGAERA (m^-je'nz) is one of the three FURIES.

MEGARA (mSg'a-rtf) was the first wife of HERACLES.MEGAREUS (mgg'^rdos) helped Eteocles defend THEBES.MELAMPUS (m'lam/pus) became a prophet because he was

allowed to share some of the wisdom of the serpent. Learning that

his servants had killed two snakes, Melampus burned their bodies

as if they had been human beings and protected their offspring.

When the two young snakes grew up, they came one night where

Melampus was sleeping and licked his ears. He woke up in a

terrible fright, but he soon discovered that he could understand

the speech of all creatures.

Shortly after he acquired this gift Melampus tried to steal

some of the cattle of Iphiclus for his brother, who was forbidden

to see the girl he loved until he presented these cattle to his

prospective father-in-law. The cattle were closely guarded, and

Melampus was captured and imprisoned in a room in Iphiclus'

house. After nearly a year of captivity he heard two termites

chuckling because the beams were almost eaten through and the

house was about to fall. Melampus warned Iphiclus, who humored

his prisoner by taking him outside. At once the house collapsed,

and Iphiclus, with a new respect for Melampus, offered him a


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herd of cattle in return for a cure for his impotence. From a bird

Melampus learned that Iphiclus as a child had been frightened

by the bloody knife with which his father had been castrating

goats. Melampus prescribed a glass of wine mixed with rust from

the knife, and within nine months Iphiclus became a father.

The herd of cattle Melampus gave to his brother, who was thus

able to marry the girl of his choice. Melampus continued his

career as a soothsayer with great success.

MELANIPPUS (mgl'a-mp'us) helped Eteocles defend THEBES.MELANTHIUS (m-lan'thi-us) was the unfaithful goatherd of


MELEAGER (m&l-a'j&r) was the hero of the CALYDONIANBOAR HUNT.MELICERTES (mSll-sfe/tez), a mortal, became the sea godPalaemon. See SEA GODS.MELPOMENE (mgl-pom'i-ne) is the Muse of tragedy. See

MUSES.MEMNON (mSm'non), a king of Ethiopia, fought with the

Trojans against the Greeks. See EOS, TROJAN WAR.MENELAUS (men'Ma'us) was the husband of Helen of Troy.

See ATREUS, TROJAN WAR.MENOECEUS (m*ne's6os), because of a prophecy, sacrificed his

life to save THEBES.MERCURY is the Roman name for HERMES.MEROPE (mgr'6-pe) (1) was loved by ORlON; (2) was the wife



a-m6r'f&-sez), a Greek word meaning

"transformations," is the title of a large group of poems in Latin

hexameters by the Roman poet P. Ovidius Naso or, more

familiarly, Ovid. These poems take their title from the fact

that each story is at least theoretically based on a miraculous

transformation, such as that of Narcissus Into a flower, though


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actually the transformation often plays a rather minor part in the

story. Ovid's tales of transformations range all the way from

the change of Chaos into the created world down to the changeof Julius Caesar into a god, and they include the myths of

Aphrodite and Adonis, Pyramus and Thisbe, Perseus and

Andromeda, Jason and Medea, and Ceyx and Alcyone, to name

but a few (all of these are recounted elsewhere in this book).

Indeed, the Metamorphoses is one of the great sources of informa-

tion about myths of this kind, and it has been a quarry for poets

and prose writers of all succeeding ages.

METANJRA (met'd-mr'a) was the mother of a family that be-

friended Demeter at Eleusis. See EARTH GODDESSES.METIS (mentis) was the goddess of cleverness and the first wife of


MEZENTIUS (me-'zen'shi-us) fought against AENEASMIDAS (mi'dds), king of Phrygia, was given two gifts by two gods.

Because Midas did him a favor, Dionysus granted him one wish.

Midas chose that everything he touched should turn to gold, but

he found this talent so troublesome that he had to ask the god to

take it away from him. On another occasion Midas declared that

Pan's music was superior to Apollo's, and Apollo gave Midas a

pair of donkey's ears See APOLLO, DIONYSUS.MINERVA (mi-ner'vtf) is the Roman name for ATHENE.MINOS (mi'nos), once king of Crete, is a judge in Hades. See

DAEDALUS, HADES, THESEUSMINOTAUR (mm'&'tor) was a monster, half-bull and half-

human See DAEDALUS, THESEUSMNEMOSYNE (n^-mozl-ne) is the goddess of memory and the

mother by Zeus of the MUSES.MOERAE (me're) are the Fates. See FATE.

MOLY (mo'le) is the magic herb that saved Odysseus from Circe's

enchantment. See ODYSSEUS.


Page 259: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


MOMUS (mo'rnus), a son of Night, is the god of faultfinding and

mockery. As the licensed grumbler of Olympus, he blamed Zeus

lor putting the bull's horns on its head rather than on its

shoulders, which were stronger, and he found fault e\en with the

beauty of Aphrodite he criticized her shoes. Finally the gods

tired of his mockery and kicked him out of Olympus. In Ode to

the Comic Spirit George Meredith uses Momus as a symbol of the

healthy criticism that is needed to keep both gods and men sane.

In this poem, after Momus is thrown out of Olympus, all the

other gods degenerate.

MORPHEUS (mor'fus) is the chief god of dreams. See HADES.

MORS (morz) is the Roman name of Thanatos, the god of death.

See HADESMULCIBER (mul'si-ber) is a Roman name for HEPHAESTUS.

MUSES, The Muses, or the Pierides, as they are often called after

their birthplace, the spring Pieria on the slopes of Mount

Olympus, are goddesses whose special nature is to inspire and

encourage the arts. They are supposed to be the daughters of

Zeus and the Titaness Mnemosyne, who is the goddess of memory.

The symbolism is obvious: divine inspiration and memory pro-

duce the arts.

The Muses are nine in number, and each has a single art or

group of related arts as her province. Each also has associated

with her name a symbol or symbols drawn from the art that she

patronizes. The nine Muses with their associated arts and symbols


Clio history wreath of laurel and scroll

Melpomene tragedy tragic mask and buskin, or co-

thurnus (a high, thick-soled boot

worn by actors in tragic drama)


Page 260: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature

Terpsichore dancing wreath, lyre, and cymbals

Traditionally the Muses reside in several springs, Castalia on

Mount Parnassus, and Aganippe and Hippocrene on MountHelicon. Hippocrene sprang from a place where Pegasus, the

winged horse of the Muses, stamped his hoof on dry ground (for

this famous horse see BELLEROPHON). The waters of these

springs were supposed to give inspiration in the arts to whoever

drank of them. Worship of the Muses seems to have been located

originally on Mount Olympus where they were thought to have

been born, but it later spread to Mount Helicon and also to

Mount Parnassus, where Apollo, who is a close associate of the

Muses, had his oracle at Delph} on the steep side of the mountain.

Besides inspiring poets and other artists, the Muses themselves

engage in the arts, sometimes providing entertainment for the

gods on Olympus, and sometimes even appearing at human


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occasions such as the marriage of Peleus and Thetis. They also

engaged in a contest with the nine daughters of a man named

Pierus who boastfully had said that his daughters were their

equals; when the Muses had won, the daughters were changedinto birds.

In English poetry the Muses are referred to probably more

often than any other classical figures, for poets have habitually

called on them to supply the inspiration with which to make good

poetry or have habitually complained about their unreliability

when they were needed most. The Teares of the Muses (1591)

by Edmund Spenser shows them lamenting individually the low

state to which letters in England had fallen at that time, a lament

that must be considered to have had a good -effect in view of the

literary works that were produced in the next fifteen or twenty

years. William Blake expresses a similar complaint about letters

in his own time, in a short poem called To the Muses, in which

he surmises that they must be absent from the scene. Milton,

whose love of things classical was second only to his love of

Christian theology, turns the Muse Urania to special use in the

first book of Paradise Lost where he converts her to Christianity

as the inspirer of the Hebrew prophets and calls her to sing of

man's first disobedience, an invocation that he varies at the

beginning of the seventh book of the same poem. In his Essay on

Criticism (L 215-216) Pope warns the critic,

A little learning is a dang'rous thing;'

Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring;

here he alludes to the ability of the Muses to inspire through the

waters of the spring in which they were born. Nearer to our own

times, in 1807, Lord Byron wrote his farewell to the Muse,

bidding her an "eternal Adieu"; but in 1812 he was still on

familiar terms with her and her sisters and spoke of them in


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admiring lines in Childe Harold (1 62) where he memorializes

Mount Parnassus. It remained for Walt Whitman, beginning his

unclassical yawp, Song of Myself., to invoke himself as his own

Muse, using the poetic formula found in most classical epics and

in other poems. Perhaps the best-known allusion to the Muses

in our own day is Archibald MacLeish's Invocation to the Social

Muse, a poem in which he explains the dangers of being inspired

to write contemporary political events into one's poetry.

MYRMIDONS (mir'ml-dSnz) were the ant people given to

Aeacus by ZEUS.

MYRTILUS (mir'tHus), the servant of King Oenomaus, was

bribed to betray his master by Hippodamia or Pelops, the parents


NNAIADS (na'adz) are water NYMPHS.NARCISSUS (nar-sls'us) was the handsome son of Liriope and a

river god named Cephisus. Many fell in love with him, but he was

indifferent to their advances and rejected their love. The NymphEcho was so fond of him that when he refused her attentions,

she wasted away until only her voice remained (see NYMPHS),whereupon the other unfortunates prayed to the gods that

Narcissus be punished, and their prayer was answered. Some say

the goddess Nemesis, who destroys the arrogant, brought about

his punishment. One day Narcissus saw his own reflection in the

clear water of a fountain and fell in love with it. He became


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himself the victim of unrequited love, finally wasting away until

only the flower that bears his name remained in his place.

Thus did divine irony make the punishment fit the crime,

and thus did it provide also an appealing image to poets. Spenser

in The Faerie Queene (3.6. 45) refers to

Foolish Narcisse, that likes the watry shore,

and Christopher Marlowe in Hero and Leander (1. 74-76), wish-

ing to make a comparison favorable to his hero, writes that

Leander's features exceed his

That leapt into the water for a kiss

Of his own shadow, and despising many,ere he could enjoy the love of any.

Marlowe followed a postclassical version of the myth that at-

tributed Narcissus' death to drowning. The original version

seems to have been in Milton's mind when in Paiadise Lost

(4. 460-467) he has Eve describe how first she saw her own

reflection in limpid water:

As I bent down to look, just opposite,

A Shape within the watry gleam appeerd

Bending to look on me, I started back,

It started back, but pleas'd I soon returnd,

Pleas'd it returnd as soon with answenng looks

Of sympathie and love, there I had fixt

Mine eyes till now, and pm'd with vain desire,

Had not a voice thus warnd me. . . .

John Keats, who left few myths untouched, in 1 Stood Tip-toe

upon a Little Hill (163) summarizes briefly the tale of

Narcissus pining o'er the untainted spring,


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and Shelley, describing other flowers in The Sensitive Plant,

allows three lines to the narcissi (1. 18-20):

. . . the fairest among them all

Who gaze on their eyes in the stream's recess

Till they die of their own dear loveliness.

Doubtless the best-known contemporary use of the myth is

that of the psychologists, who apply the term "narcissism" to the

condition of abnormal self-love

NAUSICAA (no-sik'a-fl) was a lovely Phaeacian princess who be-

friended ODYSSEUS.

NECTAR (nk't*r) is the drink of the gods.

NEMEAN (ne-me'^n) GAMES originated in a funeral celebrated

by the Seven against THEBES.NEMEAN (nfrmMm) LION was killed by HERACLES.NEMESIS (n&n^'Sis) is the personification of the righteous anger

of the gods See FURIES.

NEOPTOLEMUS (ne'op-tol'S-mus), who was also called Pyrrhus,

was the son of Achilles He fought in the TROJAN WAR.NEPENTHE (ne-pSn'the), a magic drink that banished sorrow,

was given by the queen of Egypt to Helen of Troy after the

TROJAN WAR.NEPHELE (nf'-le) was the mother of Phrixus and Helle See

ARGONAUTS.NEPTUNE is the Roman name for Poseidon. See SEA GODS.NEREIDS (mrl-yidz) are the Nymphs of the Mediterranean Sea.

See NYMPHS, SEA GODS.NEREUS (nir'oos) is one of the SEA GODS-

NESSUS (n&'us), a Centaur, tried to attack Deianira, Heracles'

wife, and was killed by Heracles. Before he died, he persuadedDeianira to save some of his blood as a charm against unfaithful-


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ness. A sacrificial robe envenomed with his blood caused the death

ot HERACLES.NESTOR (n&'t&r) was a Grecian councilor in the TROJANWAR.NIKE (ni'ke), the goddess of victory, is one of the aspects of

ATHENE.NINUS (nl'nus) was a king of ancient Babylon; his tomb was

the trystmg place of Thisbe and PYRAMUS.NIOBE (m'6-be) boasted that she was superior to Leto; therefore

Apollo and Artemis, the children of Leto, took a terrible venge-

ance. See ARTEMIS, ATREUS.NOTUS (no'tus) is the south wind. See WINDS.

NUMITOR (num/Hor) was the grandfather of Romulus and

Remus. See ROME.NYCTEUS (nik'tus) was the father of Antiope and a regent of

THEBES.NYMPHS are lesser divinities in the Greek hierarchy, a group of

beings who ihave the form of lovely girls and live in the world

with human beings but are more closely kin to the gods, whose

children or wives they often are. The word "nymph" is derived

from the Greek word for "bride," which became generalized to

mean "maiden."

Specifically, the Nymphs are nature spirits. Each tree, stream,

meadow, and mountain has living in it one such guardian spirit,

and consequently there are thousands of them in the world of

nature. Nymphs are classified by the part of nature that they in-

habit, and of the many such classifications, the most important are:

Oreads mountain Nymphs

Dryads and Hamadryads tree Nymphs

Naiads Nymphs of rivers and foun-



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Oceanids Nymphs of the great river of


Nereids fifty daughters of Nereus whoare the Nymphs of the Medi-

terranean Sea

Greek mythology recounts many involvements between the

Nymphs and the gods and between the Nymphs and the humanrace. The Nymphs were frequent attendants at divine weddings,

or at the weddings of mortals of wihom they were fond. It is with

this in mind that Spenser, having called on the Muses to aid him

in the celebration of his own wedding in his Epithalamion (37-

39), asks these divine ladies to bring with them

all the Nymphes that you can heare

Both of the nuers and the forrests greener

And of the sea that neighbours to her neare,

to deck the bridal bower of his beloved. Also, in the Prothalamion

(34-36), a poem written to celebrate the betrothal of the two

daughters of the Earl of Worcester, he describes the Nymphs of

the Thames River gathering flowers along the riverbank as if all

were brides who wished

To decke their Bndegromes posies

Against the Brydale day, which was not long:

Sweet Themmes runne softly till I end my song.

For Spenser these Nymphs express the spiritual loveliness of

nature, and his description made an impression on T. S. Eliot,

who echoes it ironically when the wishes to express the debase-

ment of values in our own materialistic times (The Waste Land,



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The nymphs are departed.And their friends, the loitering heirs of city directors,

Departed, have left no addresses.

Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my songl

There is irony, too, in Pope's use of the word "nymph" as a

description of Belinda, the heroine in The Rape of the Lock

(2. 19-20):

This Nymph, to the destruction of mankind,

Nourished two Locks, which graceful hung behind.

Among all the thousands of Nymphs who expressed nature

for the Greeks, a good many were the subjects of individual

myths. According to one myth, an Oread named Echo talked so

much that she annoyed Hera, the queen of the gods, who in

exasperation at last laid on her the curse of not being able to

speak at all except to repeat what others said in her hearing.

Subsequently Echo fell in love with Narcissus, and when her love

was unrequited, she gradually faded away until only her voice

remained, still echoing what she heard among the hills and

valleys (see NARCISSUS). Milton has a song about her in his

masque Comus (229-242), and allusions to Echo are frequent in

other English poetry.

Another Nymph, Arethusa, was pursued in passion by the

river god Alpheus. When Arethusa called on Artemis for help,

Artemis changed her into a stream and caused her to flow

under the ground and under the sea to return to the surface

on the island of Ortygia. Alpheus, however, was equal to the

occasion and flowed after her, ultimately mingling his waters

with Arethusa's as he desired. Spenser gives a parallel to this

i From "The Waste Land," by T S Eliot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-

1935 Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company Reprinted with

their permission.


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myth in his story of Molanna and Fanchin, two Irish streams,

in The Faerie Queene (7. 6. 40-55), his purpose being to add the

patina of myth to the countryside of Ireland. He also echoes the

Arethusa story in Colin Clouts Come Home Agame in the story

of Bregog and Mulla. John Keats, in Endymion (2. 936-1017),

takes up where the myth leaves oft and tells a symbolic after-

math in which Arethusa, still treasuring her chastity and still

ebulliently pursued by Alpheus, still refuses and still flees him as

the two streams rush through Keats's fanciful countryside Shel-

ley provides a colorful retelling of this myth in his poemArethusa.

Another Nymph who has been the subject of much attention

in later poetry is Oenone, a Nymph of Mount Ida, who lived

with Prince Paris of Troy for several years. When Paris left her

to marry Helen, she foretold that he would be wounded in the

Trojan War and made him promise to return to her to be healed.

Paris was wounded just as she had foreseen, and he did have

himself carried back to Oenone; but she exercised a feminine

privilege and refused to help him, and he consequently died.

Oenone then regretted her refusal and, according to some ac-

counts, died on Paris* funeral pyre. Tennyson has retold Oenone's

story in two poems. In Oenone the Nymph speaks for herself and,

in her grief at Paris' desertion, recounts all the events leading

up to his departure to seek Helen; she closes with a forebodingof the coming war. In a much later poem, The Death of Oenone,

Tennyson returns to the theme to tell the rest of the story of

Oenone's refusal to see her former lover and of both their deaths.

Several other Nymphs are the subject of notable reference in

English poetry. Three of the Nereids are well known: Thetis

as the mother of the great Achilles, Amphitrite as the wife of

Poseidon, the Olympian sea god; and Panope as the Nymphwhom Milton describes in Lycidas (50-51, 98-102) where he first


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blames the Nymphs for allowing ihis and their beloved friend

T ycidas to drown in the sea:

Where were ye Nymphs when the remorseless deepClos'd o're the head of your lov'd Lycidatf

and then exonerates them of negligence, blaming Lycidas' mis-

fortune on the unlucky ship in which he sailed,

The Ayr was calm, and on the level brine,

Skek Panope with all her sisters play'd

It was that fatall and perfidious Bark

Built in th'echpse, and rigg'd with curses dark,

That sunk so low that sacred head o thine.

Dryope, a mortal girl, was transformed into a Dryad because

she injured the Dryad of the lotus tree. The story illustrates the

ancients' reverence for the spirits who inhabited and protected

the forms of nature. One day Dryope with her child and her sister

was picnicking by a pool on a tree-fringed stream. When the child

cried for a lotus flower, Dryope picked one, but she saw blood

drip from the stem. She had hurt the Dryad Lotis. In horror

Dryope tried to run, but her feet were rooted in the ground and

soon bark covered her body. As she lost the last of her mortality

she begged her sister to teach the child not to pick flowers or tear

branches off trees. Walter Savage Landor tells this story in a poemcalled Dryope.

Calypso, the Nymph of the island of Ogygia, kept the home-

seeking Odysseus as her prisoner of love for eight years and

released him only on orders from Zeus himself. A Nymph of

latter-day creation is Sabrina, whom Milton in his masque Comus

invented to be the resident Nymph of the Severn river. The most

frequent use of Nymphs in English poetry, however, is doubtless

the generalized use of the word to mean merely a beautiful


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woman. It is in this sense that Hamlet uses the word in speaking

to Ophelia (Hamlet, 3. 1. 88-89):

. . . Nymph, in thy orisons

Be all my sins rememb'red.

OCEANIDS (6-se'a-nidz) are the Nymphs of the great stream

of Oceanus. See NYMPHS, SEA GODS.

OCEANUS (o-se'a-nus) was the first of the SEA GODS.

ODYSSEUS (6-dis'dos), or Ulysses, in his heroic character com-

bined greatness of physical strength and skill with greatness of

mind; thus he was the prototype of classical greatness and a

fitting hero for Homer's epic poem, the Odyssey. His huge stature

and his great strength caused strangers constantly to mistake him

for a god, and his resourceful wisdom was responsible not only

for the Greeks' winning the war against Troy but for making

possible his own survival against years of hardships on his way

home, hardships that cost the lives of all his men and left him

a solitary survivor. Perhaps the key to all Odysseus' greatness,

in Greek eyes, was his piety, especially for Zeus and Athene, who

were his patrons, for it was this piecy, added to his wisdom and

strength, that won him the immortal favors necessary to provide

the happy ending to all his struggles. Odysseus was ior the

Greeks the figure of heroic success against all the hardships of

this world, and as such a figure he has survived even to the

twentieth century.


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Odysseus was the son of Anticlia and Laertes, king of Ithaca

and the neighboring islands His young manhood was distin-

guished by at least two incidents that were important to his

later life. The first of these occurred on a visit to his grand-


Prometheus Epimetheus Pandora

Perieres Deion

Icarms Tyndareus Leda Zeus Cephalus Procris

Penelope Castor Clytemnestra Polydeuces Helen Arcesms

Anticlia = Laertes

Penelope Odysseus


parents, who lived on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. Odysseus

killed a great boar, but not before he had been wounded on the

knee by the boar's tusks, a wound that left a scar during his

entire life and made identification of him always possible to all

who knew of it.

The second incident brought him a bow of great strength.

Laertes sent Odysseus as an ambassador to Lacedaemon, and there


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he became friendly with Iphitus, who gave him the bow of his

father Eurytus, a bow that in later rimes only Odysseus himself

had the strength to bend This fact his wife's insolent suitors

found out to their grief.

When Odysseus reached young manhood, his father retired

from the throne and gave over the kingdom to him. Shortly

thereafter Odysseus became a suitor for Helen, the most beauti-

ful woman of classic times (see TROJAN WAR). Because manyother kings of Greece were also suitors for her hand, Odysseus

proposed that she be allowed to make her own choice but that

first all her suitors take an oath to protect and defend her

wedlock. This scheme being agreed, on, Helen chose Menelaus

Odysseus prudently found another object for ihis affections and

married Penelope, a young lady of virtue as great as her wealth,

who in due course bore him a son, Telemachus.

Odysseus for some years found himself in the enviable position

of being 'happily married and in control of a peaceful and pros-

perous kingdom. Such happiness could not last long, and its end

came abruptly. Queen Helen, moved by the mortal charm of

Prince Paris of Troy and the immortal urgings of Aphrodite,left her husband and eloped to Troy. Menelaus therefore de-

manded the fulfillment of the contract that all his fellow kings

had sworn to at the time of the marriage, and -he called on

them to make war against the Trojans for the recovery of his


Odysseus, who had invented the contract, could hardly refuse

the summons; yet he found the leaving of his wife and infant

son too much to face. Moreover, an oracle had told him that if

he went he would return only after severe hardship and the loss

of friends. He therefore resorted to guile and pretended to be

insane; as proof of his insanity, he yoked together a horse and

an ox and set about plowing the sands of the seashore. Yet


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method showed through his madness, for when his friends, to

try him, placed the baby Telemachus in the path of the plow,

he turned aside to spare the child. They accused him of sanity,

and he had to abandon the ruse.

Odysseus' first task was to draw another great hero out of

hiding. This hero was Achilles, who was destined to live a long

undistinguished life or to win fame and die young in the siege

of Troy. His mother Thetis was determined to prevent him from

going to Troy, and she disguised him as a woman and hid him

in the court of King Lycomedes on the island of Scyros. Odysseus

donned a disguise to detect a disguise. Dressed as a trader, he

traveled about seeking Achilles. At the court of Lycomedes, while

showing his wares to the ladies, he showed also a splendid suit

of armor and at the same time had a call to arms sounded.

The martial combination was too much for Achilles, who with

unladylike eagerness seized on the armor and thus revealed his

identity. He readily accepted the invitation to war.

Odysseus' other services to the Greek cause at Troy were nu-

merous. The details are given in the article on the Trojan War;

so here it will suffice to name them briefly. Most of them show

the ingenuity of Odysseus and his skill with words. He was the

chief mediator between the quarreling Greek leaders, Aga-

memnon and Achilles; and later, when Achilles was killed by the

arrow from Paris* bow, Odysseus rescued his body and fought

his way back with it to the Greek camp so that it might have

fitting burial. Achilles' armor was awarded to Odysseus.

Late in the war, when the Greek cause was making little head-

way, a son of King Priam of Troy was captured. His name was

Helenus, and the had the gift of prophecy. To the Greeks he

prophesied that in order to obtain victory they must do three

things: obtain the fighting aid of Achilles' son, Neoptolemus;

procure the bow and arrows of Heracles; and, finally,, secure


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possession of the Palladium (see ATHENE), a sacred statue of

Athene whose presence in Troy guaranteed the security of the city.

Odysseus was able to accomplish all three of these tasks. First

he sailed to Scyros again and won the aid of Neoptolemus by pre-

senting to him his father's armor. Neoptolemus promptly joined

the Greek forces. The second task was more difficult, for Heracles'

bow and arrows belonged to Philoctetes, a wounded hero whomthe Greeks had abandoned on Lemnos because his screams and the

smell of his wound had been too much for Greek nerves, Philoc-

tetes had naturally resented this treatment and was not kindly

disposed to his former friends, but Odysseus and Neoptolemus or

Diomedes persuaded him to join the Greek forces again (see

PHILOCTETES). The third project also was compassed by

Odysseus' wile. Disguised as a beggar, lie made his way into the

citadel of Troy and found where the Palladium was kept. Later

he returned with Diomedes and carried it oft to the Greek camp.The preliminary steps had now been taken, and all that re-

mained was to force the issue with the Trojans, no small problemin view of their resolute refusal to come out of the town.

Prompted by Athene, his patroness, Odysseus proposed the

stratagem of the wooden horse, which carried the day.

When Troy had been captured and sacked and when all the

spoils of the city had been divided, the Greek chieftains set out

for their homes. For some this was only a short journey, but for

Odysseus, who was soon to be cursed by the sea god Poseidon, the

journey ended only aften ten long years and brought him home,

as Poseidon decreed, late, "in evil case, with the loss of all his

company, in the ship of strangers, and [to] find sorrows in his

house" (Odyssey, 9). The story of his travels forms the subject of

Homer's Odyssey, an epic poem whose title has survived as the

modern word for a long adventuresome journey and whose con-

tents have proved a rich quarry for English poets for the past four


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centuries. In the following brief account of this journey, a few

typical literary references have been included.

When Odysseus and ,his men set sail for Ithaca, they began at

once to suffer the hardships foreseen by the oracle that Odysseus

had consulted before he embaiked ior Troy. Landing at Ismarus,

the city of the Cicones, the Ithacans captured it and seized a

great deal of spoil; but the Cicones gathered together a larger

force and counterattacked. In the battle that ensued, Odysseus

lost six of his men from each ship and had to flee seaward. Onthe sea, a tempest beset them for two days and two nights, so

that they had to furl their sails and run before the north wind.

On the third day, the tempest having subsided somewhat, they

tried to sail around Cape Malea, the southernmost point ot the

Creek mainland, and to turn northward toward Ithaca; but the

north wind renewed its fury and drove them off course.

For nine days they were blown across the seas, and on the

tenth they landed in the country of the Lotos Eaters. Here they

weie able to get fresh water, and Odysseus sent a scouting party

inland to see what the inhabitants were like. There they found

men who ate the "honey-sweet*' fruit of the lotos, an enchanted

fruit. These men gave the fruit to some of the Ithacans, and its

magic effect caused them to lose all desire to return home. In-

stead, they wished to remain forever with the Lotos Eaters in

the sweet forgetfulness caused by the fruit. Their feelings are

described by Tennyson in The Lotos Eaters:

They sat them down upon the yellow sand,

Between the sun and moon upon the shore;

And sweet it was to dream of Fatherland,

Of child, and wife, and slave, but evermore

Most weary seem'd the sea, weary the oar,

Weary the wandering fields of barren foam.

Then someone said, "We will return no more";

And all at once they sang, "Our island home

Is far beyond the wave; we will no longer roam."


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Odysseus, however, forced them to return to the ships, where he

had them bound so that they could not escape; and the Ithacans

set out once more. They came next on the island of the Cyclopes

(whose name means "round-eyes"). The Cyclopes, sons of Po-

seidon, were a fierce and unruly race o giants, each ot whomhad but a single eye placed in the middle of his forehead Theywere shepherds who lived on their flocks and on the crops that

grew without cultivation on the island.

Fearing danger, Odysseus left eleven of his twelve ships

beached on a waste island offshore, and in the twelfth ship went

to the mam island to explore, taking along a goatskin full of

wine for a present. On the main island he and his men found a

great cave stored plentifully with cheeses and with young lambs

and kids. Ignoring his men's urgings that they content them-

selves with taking the cheeses and escaping, Odysseus resolved to

await the return of the giant Cyclops to whom the cave belonged.

Soon their waiting was rewarded, and the Cyclops Polyphemuscame back, shepherding his flocks. He drove his flocks inside

the cave and then blocked its entrance with a stone so great that

twenty-two wagons could not hold it.

Polyphemus first milked his ewes and then, discovering his

guests, asked who they were. Odysseus replied that they were

Greeks and asked hospitality in the name of Zeus. Polyphemus

replied that he had no regard for Zeus; and die seized two of

the men, dashed out their brains, and ate them raw. The Ithacans

watched in horror while he finished his dinner, and then waited

until he fell asleep. They took counsel as to whether they should

murder him before he awoke again, but Odysseus perceived that

if they did so they would perish because of the great stone block-

ing the entrance of the cave.

In this dilemma, Odysseus was able to devise a stratagem. Heand his men waited until the Cyclops had left with his flocks


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for the next day, and then they took his club, a large pole o

olive wood, and sharpened its end. When they had hardened the

point in the fire, they put it in hiding until the following night.

The Cyclops took two more Ithacans for his supper Odysseusthen gave him the skin oi wine for dessert; thus Polyphemus went

drunk to sleep. When he was deeply asleep, Odysseus and his mentook out the pointed pole, heated it again in the fire, and

plunged its point into the giant's eye.

Polyphemus awoke in a rage of pain and called on the other

Cyclopes to aid him. Unfortunately for him, the wily Odysseushad assumed the pseudonym of "Noman" in his conversations

with Polyphemus, and when the other Cyclopes asked Polyphe-

mus who was injuring him, the giant replied, "Noman/* to which

his fellows counseled him somewhat dryly to turn tor aid to his

father, the god Poseidon.

On the following morning the Cyclops rolled away the stone

to permit his flock to go out to graze, but he felt the back of

each sheep as it passed by him, Odysseus tied the rams together

in threes, and his men, one by one, suspended themselves under

the middle ram of each group. In this way they all escaped;

Odysseus himself came out under the last ram.

They had embarked safely and were making for the open

sea when pride overcame Odysseus, and he could not resist call-

ing back to the giant to taunt him. He even told Polyphemus

his true identity and thus laid himself open to the wrath of Po-

seidon, whose curse was quoted earlier in this account. Polyphe-

mus cast a great stone that nearly swamped the ship, but Odys-

seus and his men safely rejoined the other Ithacans waiting on

the small island, and all put out to sea, leaving the frustrated

violence of Polyphemus on the receding shore. T. S. Eliot draws

from that brutal personality its essence for ironic use in Sweeney

Erect where he describes Sweeney, the symbol of coarse vulgarity,

in bed with an epileptic prostitute:


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Morning stirs the feet and hands

(Nausicaa and Polypheme),Gesture of orang-outang

Rises from the sheets in steam l

Here (he probably intends a contrast between Sweeney, who

though physically healthy, is all violence and lust, and the

woman, who though epileptic has about her nonetheless some

possibility of the sweet innocence of Nausicaa whom Odysseus

will meet later in his journeyings (For another story about

Polyphemus see GALATEA)

Odysseus and his men next encountered Aeolus, the god of

the winds, on his island The god was kind to the wanderers

from Ithaca, and they stayed to enjoy his hospitality for an entire

month, during which time Odysseus told him about the TrojanWar. Then as a parting gift, Aeolus gave to Odysseus a bag in

which he had enclosed all adverse winds; he also gave him a

favorable west wind to blow him on his way. For nine days the

expedition sailed securely toward home, and the travelers were

actually in sight of their native land when the curiosity of the

men as to what the bag contained overcame them and they

opened it. At once the stormy winds burst forth and blew them

all the way baetf' to Aeolus' island, where the god met them

with disfavor because he interpreted their misfortune to meanthat they were in bad standing with the Olympians. He asked

them to leave his island at once, and they did so, heavy of heart.

After six more days of sailing the seas, they came on the

seventh to the island of the Laestrygonians, or Lestrygonians, a

race of giant man-eaters who, like the Cyclopes, were children

of the god Poseidon A reconnaissance party of three whom

Odysseus sent to examine the place was attacked and one maneaten. There followed a fierce battle in which the Laestrygonians

iFrom "Sweeney Erect," by T. S Ehot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-1935. Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company. Reprinted with

their permission


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fought with huge stones as their cousin Polyphemus had done,

and the outcome was that only Odysseus and his single ship

escaped death and destruction.

This single boatload, escaping in hasty flight, came next to

Aeaea, an island on which lived the enchantress Circe, a daugh-

ter of Helios, the sun. Here they spent a day or two in peace,

but Odysseus while hunting saw the smoke rising from Circe's

house. He divided his men into two groups, and they drew lots

to see which would explore the island. The band led by Eurylo-

chus drew the lot, and they set off in the direction of Circe's

house. There they tound an abundance of wild animals who

fawned about them instead of attacking them, and they heard

Circe singing as she wove her web After some hesitation they

entered and greeted the enchantress, all except Eurylochus, who

suspected a trap Circe gave them magical food, and when they

had eaten it, she turned them into swine and drove them off to

the pigpen.All this Eurylochus reported to Odysseus. The hero decided

therefore that he himself must face the enchantress, and, girding

on his sword, he set off for Circe's house. On the way he was

met by Hermes, the messenger of the gods, who not only fore-

warned him of Circe's power but provided him with a charmed

herb called Moly, which would counteract her enchantments.

When Odysseus reached Circe's house, she prepared a repast for

him also, into which she put the customary charms; and when

these failed, she struck him with her wand and commanded him

to be changed into a hog. At this point, in accordance with

Hermes' advice, Odysseus sprang up, drew his sword, and

threatened to kill her. Circe then fell at his feet and acknowl-

edged him her superior in occult charms, calling him by his

own name and in the same breath inviting him to bed with her.

Carrying out Hermes' instructions, Odysseus first extracted a


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promise that she would try no more mischief and then accepted

her invitation After the lovemaking, Odysseus persuaded Circe

to return his companions to their former selves. Then the entire

company, overriding the objection ot Eurylochus, settled down

to a year of feasting and drinking.

The myth of Circe has been a popular theme for English poets,

who usually have seen it as a symbol of the power of the sensual

life to transform men into beasts. Spenser, modifying it to suit

his needs, embedded it in the final canto of the Second Book

of The Faerie Queene, where it appears as the "Bower of Bliss,"

a wonderful garden ruled over by an enchantress named Acrasia

who has Circe's power. To this bower comes Guyon, the Red

Cross Knight of temperance, guided by a holy man, and violently

destroys it. By a stroke of the holy man's "vertuous staffe" the

victims of Acrasia are returned from beastly to human form, all

of them except a hog named Grill, who so much prefers being

a hog that he is allowed to remain one. Spenser's point is clearly

made by Guyon (2. 12. 87):

. . . See the mind of beastly man,

That hath so soone forgot the excellence

Of his creation, when he life began,

That now he chooseth, with vile difference,

To be a beast, and lacke intelligence.

This fragment of the main theme was also taken up in the nine-

teenth century by Thomas Love Peacock and made into a satiri-

cal novel under the title of Grill Grange.

Milton provides Circe and Bacchus with a son Comus, whose

name is the title of Milton's poem and who was in olden time

a minor god of mirth and orgy. The theme of Comus is the powerof virtue to triumph over vice. The conflict is between a lovely

Lady symbolizing chastity and the licentious and sensual Comus



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Bacchus that first from out the purple Grape,Crush't the sweet poyson of mis-used Wine

On Ctrces Hand fell (who knows not Circe

The daughter o the Sun? Whose charmed CupWhoever tasted, lost his upright shape,And downward fell into a groveling Swine)This Nymph that gaz'd upon his clustnng locks,

With Ivy berries wreath'd, and his blithe youth,Had by him, ere he parted thence, a Son

Much like his Father, but his Mother more,

Whom therefore she brought up and Comus nam'd.

In the poem we find the tempter up to Circe's tricks. Comus,

who (like his mother) has a horde of human beings whom he has

changed into beasts, tries to win the Lady to his way of life.

He is able to imprison her in a magic chair, but he cannot per-

suade her to accept him. Her brothers with the aid of a guardian

spirit who gives them the magic herb (here called Haemony), and

with the help of the river Nymph Sabrina finally rescue their


Circe also appears in Matthew Arnold's poem, The Strayed

Reveller, where she provides a weaker drink whose power does

not transform but merely affords a wonderful vision of pleas-

ure; and her magic is the subject of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's

poem, The Wine of Circe:

Dusk-haired and gold-robed o'er the golden wine

She stoops, wherein, distilled of death and shame,

Sink the black drops; while, lit with fragrant flame,

Round her spread board the golden sunflowers shine.

Doth Helios here with Hecatfc combine

(O Circe, thou their votaress?) to proclaim

For these thy guests all rapture in Love's name,

Till pitiless Night give Day the countersign?

Lords of their hour, they come. And by her knee


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Those cowering beasts, their equals heretofore,

Wait; who with them in new equality

Tonight shall echo back the sea's dull roar

With a vain wail from passion's tide-strown shore

Where the dishevelled seaweed hates the sea

This description is based on a painting by Burne-Jones.

When the seasons began to repeat themselves, the men re-

minded Odysseus that they ought to be getting home. The hero

thereupon called on Circe to fulfill her promise and give them

their freedom. Circe agreed but informed him that first he must

seek out Tiresias, the blind soothsayer, in the underground realm

of Hades. At this news, Odysseus, in a classic manner not fashion-

able in our times, sat down on her bed and wept, but the goddess

was adamant and gave him full instructions as to how to per-

form the task.

Accordingly, the Ithacans set sail again, and the wind broughtthem at last to the entrance of Hades, which was close to the

land and the city of the Cimmerians, on the western side of

Oceanus' stream Here, taking with him Perimedes and Eurylo-

chus, Odysseus made his way into the underworld and, by per-

forming the sacrifices that Circe had specified, caused the strength-

less dead to swarm around him. The first to appear was the spirit

of Elpenor, who had fallen off Circe's roof and broken his neck.

Then came Odysseus' mother, Anticlia, whom he had left alive

when he sailed for Troy. Finally came Tiresias, who prophesied

hardships yet to come on the journey back to Ithaca and whowarned Odysseus that when he and his men should land on the

island of Thrinacia they must avoid doing harm to the cattle

of Helios, the sun. Failure to obey this warning, said Tiresias,

would bring destruction to the ship and death to the men,

though Odysseus himself would escape. The Theban seer also

told Odysseus that his house in Ithaca was filled with unruly


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suitors seeking the hand of his faithful wife, Penelope, and eat-

ing her lord's substance away. These, however, Odysseus was to

overcome and slay in revenge.

Odysseus also held conversation with his mother, who told

him that Penelope remained alive and faithful to him. Whenshe had done, he talked to Achilles and was struck with grief

to hear from Agamemnon the story of Clytemnestra's treachery

(see ATREUS), which had sent Agamemnon's spirit to Hades.

Looking about him, Odysseus saw many of the famous inmates

of Hades' kingdom, such as Sisyphus and Tantalus. Then Odys-seus returned to his ship and set sail with his men again on the

stream of Oceanus.

When they had returned to Circe's isle, their first act was to

carry out a promise made to the spirit of Elpenor: they gave

his body a suitable funeral and burial. Then Circe foretold to

Odysseus how he might escape destruction by the Sirens, whomhe must pass, and how he must deal with the two monsters,

Scylla and Charybdis. The Sirens were mermaids who lived on a

rocky island and sang so enchantingly that passing mariners leaped

in the sea or ran their ships against the rocks and were drowned.

Scylla and Charybdis were two monsters who guarded either

side of a narrow passage of the sea, Scylla with her body half-

sunk into a cliff so that her six dogs' heads reared themselves into

the air over the strait, and Charybdis in a deep cave on the other

side, into which three times a day she sucked down the waters of

the sea and then spewed them up. Both these monsters and the

Sirens are discussed in more detail under SEA GODS.

Before passing the Sirens' isle, Odysseus followed the advice

of Circe and stopped the ears of his men with wax. He also had

them bind him to the mast of the ship, so that he could hear

the fatal song but be powerless to yield to it. The Sirens tempted

him in every way, but his men, following their instructions,


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refused to loose him, and the ship consequently passed safely by.

They now heard the sea roaring and saw the smoke rising above

it; so they knew that they were approaching Scylla and Charyb-

dis. Odysseus ordered the helmsman to steer away from Charybdis,

for that monster would have taken the whole ship, but this course

naturally caused them to pass close by six-headed Scylla, and she

snatched up six of the men and devoured them, to the great

distress of their fellows.

In spite of this disaster, the ship itself escaped and came safely

to the island of Thrinacia where the cattle of the sun lived.

Odysseus, remembering the words of Tiresias and of Circe, urgedhis men not to stop there, but they listened to the persuasions

of Eurylochus and decided to land. There they were delayed

an entire month by the blowing of a southeast wind, which was

unfavorable to their course. During this time they kept their

oath to Odysseus and did not disturb the cattle of the sun as

long as they had corn and wine; but one day, when their provi-

sions were gone, and while Odysseus was asleep, they slew some

of the cattle and prepared to eat them. Odysseus expected the

worst when he discovered what they had done, and Helios on

Olympus demanded revenge from Zeus.

A few days later the unfavorable wind fell off, and the men

put their ship to sea again. Zeus kept his promise to Helios. Hesent a great storm and then struck the ship suddenly with a

thunderbolt. The ship came apart, and the men were drowned;

only Odysseus, who had not offended Helios, survived. He kept

himself afloat by clinging to the mast and keel of the ship, which

he had been able to bind together. Floating along in this man-

ner, he came again to Scylla and Charybdis. Though Charybdisswallowed down the fragments to which he clung, Odysseus was

able to save himself by seizing on a fig tree that grew over her

mouth and waiting there for her to spew up the wreckage again.


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After floating along on the sea for nine days, he came to the

island of Ogygia, which belonged to the Nymph Calypso, who

gave him refuge.

Calypso not only gave him refuge; she also gave him her love,

though Odysseus, remembering Penelope, accepted her love, as

he had that of Circe, only because of necessity. For eight years

the Nymph kept him on her island while he yearned for home.

At the end of this time, Athene set about having him released.

She chose a time when Poseidon was away from Olympus on a

visit to the Ethiopians, and she persuaded Zeus that Odysseushad suffered enough to compensate Poseidon for his anger at

Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus. Zeus accordingly sent Hermes

with orders to Calypso that she not only release Odysseus but

help him on his way.

These orders Calypso received with regret, but she obeyed

them. With her help, Odysseus fashioned a raft and set off again

for home. Unfortunately, Poseidon on his way back from the

land of fche Ethiopians saw Odysseus and stirred up a storm to

destroy him. A great wave turned over the raft and threw the

hero into the sea, where he nearly drowned; but the sea goddess

Leucothea took pity on him. She gave him a veil to wind around

his chest and promised that it would bring him safely to shore.

Thus Odysseus reached the shore naked except for the veil, and

without mortal friend.

The land to which he had come was Scheria, the land of the

Phaeacians, of whom Alcmous was king. While Odysseus slept

off his weariness in a small grove of trees, Athene went to the

house of Alcinous and put into the head of his daughter Nausicaa

the idea that she should go down to the river to wash clothes.

This lovely girl did so, taking along a cart full of clothes and

some maidens as attendants. When they had done their washing,

they played a game of ball, and their shouts awakened Odysseus.


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The hero looked forth from the grove, saw the young ladies, and

decided to throw himself on their mercy. When he approached,

they all fled except Nausicaa, to whom Athene gave courage.

Odysseus used all his guile in a winning speech, and as a result

Nausicaa gave him clothes and took liim back to her father's


Alcinous accorded to Odysseus all the hospitality due a-

stranger. He offered him aid on his homeward journey, although

he did not know who Odysseus was, and on the following dayhe called in his people to celebrate games in Odysseus' honor.

During these games Odysseus, though at first unwilling to take

part, yielded to provocation, seized a large stone, and threw it

far beyond where anyone else had been able to throw it. This

feat proved him a hero, and Alcinous persuaded him then to

tell his long story to the court.

When Odysseus had completed the account of his wanderings,

Alcinous suggested in the manner of the times that all should

give gifts to Odysseus that he might not return home emptyhanded from taheir hospitality. The next morning the Phaeacians

provided a ship and stowed in it all these gifts. For Odysseus

they prepared a pallet so that he might sleep. Odysseus was still

deep asleep when they reached Ithaca, but the Phaeacians car-

ried him and his possessions safely ashore. Thus he at last escaped

the wrath of Poseidon, wiho, discovering the deed, worked his

vengeance on the Phaeacian sailors by turning them to stone

just as they were about to reach their home port.

Meanwhile Athene, in the form of a herdsman, woke up the

sleepy Odysseus and asked him who he was, a question that the

crafty king, who never trusted prying strangers, answered with

an elaborate lie worthy in later days of Huckleberry Finn. Then

the goddess resumed her own form and received with good tem-

per his mistaken reproach that she had for a long time desert* d


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him. Athene instructed him not to go directly to his palace, where

the suitors of his wife were living a violent and debauched liie,

but to go instead to the cottage of an old and faithful swineherd

named Eumaeus; she promised to send him further instructions

there. For a disguise, she changed him into an old man.

When Odysseus reached the cottage of Eumaeus, the old

swineherd did not recognize him but received him hospitably

anyway. He told Odysseus how the suitors were wasting his

master's goods in their riotous ways, and Odysseus gave him a

long fictitious account of his own identity. Soon they were

joined by Telemachus, who had been off searching for news of

his father and who had escaped the murderous hands of the

suitors only by Athene's aid. Telemachus sent the old swineherd

off to the palace to tell his mother of his safe return, and in

Eumaeus' absence, Odysseus disclosed his identity to his son.

Together father and son planned the destruction of the suitors.

Then Telemachus went to the palace and gave his mother

Penelope an account of his trip. Following Odysseus' orders, he

did not tell her that he had seen his father, but he assured her

that Odysseus was still alive, and to this encouragement one of

his companions on the journey added that the omens showed

that Odysseus was actually in Ithaca somewhere.

Soon Odysseus, guided by Eumaeus and in disguise, made his

way toward his palace In the fields he encountered a friend to

the suitors, an unfaithful goatherd named Melanthius, who

kicked Odysseus as he passed; but Odysseus restrained his wrath,

and he and Eumaeus at last came to his palace where the suitors

were as usual in the midst of a party. Pausing before the gate,

Odysseus was recognized even in his disguise by his dog Argus,

now old and outcast, lying on a heap of dung. This wagging of

his tail was his last gesture, for as Odysseus passed on into the

palace, old Argus died.


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Inside the palace Odysseus received hard words and slight

courtesy from the suitors. One of them, Antinous, even struck

him with a stool, but Odysseus invoked the wrath of the gods

against inhospitality to a stranger, and thereafter the suitors

treated him more kindly. When Penelope heard of the presence

of the stranger, she wished to talk with him in the hope of

hearing news of her lord, but Athene put her to sleep and thus

postponed the interview. In the night, Odysseus and Telemachus,

aided by Athene, stowed in a* private room all the weapons that

usually hung in the hall.

Afterward, while the suitors slept, Odysseus remained in the

hall, and there Penelope came to talk to him by the fire. She

did not penetrate his disguise, and he told her an elaborate lie

about his identity. He also told her that her lord was not far

away and would return, word which he reinforced with such a

good description of his real self that Penelope was moved,

though in her despair she did not believe the prophecy. As a

courtesy, however, she ordered Odysseus' old nurse, Eurycleia,

to wash his feet. This old woman, while washing him, recognized

him by the scar that he had received in his youth from the

boar, and Odysseus was barely able to prevent her giving awayhis secret.

The night was a fateful one, for Penelope, despairing of her

lord's return, had agreed to choose from among the suitors a

new husband on the next day, her choice to be based on two

conditions: the first, that they should rival one another to

present lavish gifts to her, her favors to incline to the most

generous; and the second, that she would choose whoever could

bend and string the great bow of Odysseus and with it shoot an

arrow through twelve axheads set in a row. These were the

last of the devices of faithful Penelope to stave off an unwelcome

marriage. Six years after the victory at Troy, when her husband's


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return had begun to seem impossible, she tried to keep off the

suitors with the pretext that she could not marry until she

had completed the weaving of a suitable shroud for old Laertes,

Odysseus' father. For three years each day she worked on the

web, but at night she secretly unraveled her work. During the

fourth year, one of her maidens betrayed her secret, and the

suitors forced her to finish the robe. She had scarcely finished

it and taken it to Laertes when this fateful night forced decision

on her. Thus Penelope became the symbol of the faithful wife, as

she appears, for example, in Spenser's Amoretti (23), though

Thomas Carew in A Rapture (125-130) seeks to impugn her

virtue in order to persuade his mistress to yield to him:

The Grecian dame,

That in her endless web toyl'd for a name

As fruitless as her work, doth there display

Herself before the youth of Ithaca,

And th' amorous sport of gamesome nights prefer

Before dull dreams of the lost traveller.

When the others had gone to bed, Odysseus made himself a

pallet of sheepskins and slept apart. Athene appeared to him,

promised him aid, and gave him sleep. The next day Odysseus

revealed himself to Eumaeus and another herdsman, asking their

help in bolting the doors so that he might come at the suitors

without giving them an opportunity to escape. The suitors now

gathered for the celebration. Penelope had brought before them

the great bow of her lord and set the test. Telemachus placed

the twelve axheads in a row. One by one, each o the suitors

tried his hand at bending the bow, and all failed. They warmed

it by the fire and greased it with lard, but still they could not

bend it. Then they decided to make sacrifices to Apollo, the god

of archery, and to try the bow again the next day.

At this point, Odysseus, in spite of their protests, seized


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the bow. He bent it easily and strung it. Then he fitted an arrow

to the string and pierced the axheads; his second arrow killed

the insolent Antinous A violent fight ensued, in which Odysseus

soon used up all his arrows; but Telemachus supplied him with

other arms and fought by his side. The suitors, too, obtained

arms, through the treachery of Melanthius, the wicked goatherd,

but Athene gave the victory at last to Odysseus and his son. All

the suitors save one or two, for whom Telemachus asked mercy,

were slain. Odysseus then sent for the maidens of the house

who had lived loosely with the suitors. He had them clean out

the mess of battle and stack the dead suitors neatly on the outside.

Then he had Telemachus hang these girls in an outer hall.

When Penelope came down into the hall, she found order

restored. She refused to believe the old nurse Eurycleia, who told

her that Odysseus had returned and won this battle. Only after

a long conversation with Odysseus himself was she at last per-

suaded that the good news was true, he finally convinced her

by his knowledge of the nature of his own bed, which he had

fashioned out of a growing olive tree.

Now there remained for Odysseus only to make himself known

to his father Laertes. With Telemachus, he set off for the old

man's house He found Laertes working in his garden in filthy

old clothes and in great grief of mind that his son was lost.

Odysseus was moved by the sight, and after lengthy conversation,

showed the old man that his grief was now without foundation.

Their reunion was interrupted by the news that the kinsmen of

several of the dead suitors were approaching, armed and intent

on revenge; but these Odysseus and Telemachus, with the aid of

Athene, soon routed, and in fact Odysseus would have slain

them all had not Athene stayed his hand.

Odysseus' troubles, as they are recorded in the Odyssey, were

now over, and he was free to return to Penelope and live out


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his days, awaiting the peaceful death at sea that Tiresias had

foreseen for him. It remained for a poet of a later day, Lord

Tennyson, to take up the story here. In the poem that bears the

Roman equivalent of Odysseus' name, Ulysses, Tennyson imaginesthat the active old hero had been unable to live a quiet and

peaceful life after so much activity. He shows Ulysses setting

forth to seek death at sea on another quest for knowledge and

adventure. Reading this poem, one is more impressed with the

Victorian mind of its author than with the classic personality of

its subject; for Tennyson, tired of the Victorian effort to reconcile

science and religious faith, sees in the figure of Ulysses the personwho must go on learning, though what he learns does not comfort

him. It is restlessness that drives him on, and the final statement

has become famous for its stoic attitude:

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

The use that James Joyce made of the Odyssean myths in his

novel, Ulysses, though conventional in the basic respect that it

represents Ulysses as the symbolic wanderer of the world, is

strikingly unconventional in other respects. Joyce has created a

modern counterpart of Ulysses in the person of Bloom, and for

him he provides a series of incidents that are parallel to those of

the Odyssey; but like the character of the protagonist, the events

have all been translated into modern counterparts as they would

occur in everyday Dublin, and all the incidents occupy the space

of only twenty-four hours. In this way the commonplace and

ineffectual Bloom is ironically contrasted with the heroic and

successful Odysseus, and at the same time the carefully worked

out parallel touches the acts and character of Bloom with pathos

and a certain dignity.

ODYSSEY (Sdt-se) is an epic poem by Homer about the wander-

ings of ODYSSEUS.


Page 292: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


OEDIPUS (gdl-pus) unknowingly killed his father and married

his mother. See THEBES.OENEUS (e'nus) was the father of Meleager, hero of the

CALYDONIAN BOAR HUNT.OENOMAUS (S-no'ma-us) was killed in a chariot race with

Pelops, father of ATREUSOENONE (S-nd'ne) is one of the NYMPHS.OENOPION (g-no'pi-on), avenging an insult to his daughter,

blinded ORION.OETA (e'ta) is the mountain on which Heracles prepared his

own funeral pyre. See HERACLES.OGYGIA (6-j!j1-fl) is the island of Calypso. See ODYSSEUS,

OILEUS (6'wi'loos) was the father of the lesser Aias. See

TROJAN WAR.OLYMPIC (6-lhn'pik) GAMES were established in honor of


OLYMPUS (6-Hm'pus) is the mountain on whose summit the

gods live.

OMPHALE (Sm'ffl-K) was served for three years by HERACLES.OMPHALUS (Sm'ta-lus) is a sacred stone at Delphi. See

ORACLES.OPHELTES (6-fel'tez), who was killed by a serpent, was renamed

Archemorus and given a splendid funeral by the Seven against

THEBES.OPHION (o-fi'&n) is one of the TITANS.OPPIUS (of/i-us) was one of the seven hills of earliest ROME.OPS (ops) is the Roman name of the Titan earth goddess Rhea.

See EARTH GODDESSES.ORACLES. The two most famous oracles of the ancient world

were the oracle of Zeus at Dodona in Epirus and the oracle of

Apollo at Delphi on the slope of Mount Parnassus. Zeus's was

the oldest oracle in Greece, but Apollo's was the most renowned;


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so many pilgrims visited Delphi that it was said to be the center of

the earth. When people were perplexed by fears and uncer-

tainties they took their questions to the oracles and, if the gods

were willing and the attendants of the oracles skillful, they

received the answers of the gods.

At Dodona, in the land of oak trees, Zeus answered questions

by causing a wind to rustle the branches of the oaks. The priests

who interpreted these answers hung brass vessels on the branches

to make the god's voice clearer to them. At Delphi the priestess

of Apollo who was sometimes called Pythia, or the Pythoness,

because a great serpent named Python had possessed the place

of the oracle until Apollo killed him sat on a tripod over a cleft

in the rocks; the vapor rising from this cleft put her into a

trance and caused her to speak with the wisdom of the god.

A. E. Housman writes in The Oracles:

'Tis mute, the word they went to hear on high Dodona mountain,

When winds were in the oakenshaws and all the cauldrons tolled,

And mute's the midland navel-stone beside the singing fountain,

And echoes list to silence now where gods told lies of old. 2

In these lines the cauldrons are the brass vessels that the priests

hung in the oak trees at Dodona; "the cauldrons tolled" when

they were struck together by the wind blowing through the

branches. As the oracular symbol at Delphi Housman uses not the

tripod of the Pythoness but the Omphalus. This is a large stone

pierced with a knifelike piece of iron; the archaic letters carved

on the stone seem to spell "Earth's." Housman calls it "the mid-

land navel-stone" because Delphi, as explained earlier, was con-

sidered the center of the earth, and Omphalus means "central

point." Probably the oracle originally belonged to Gaea, the

2 From "The Oracles," by A. E Housman, in his Last Poems. Copyright,

1922, by Henry Holt and Company, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of the



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ancient earth goddess and the mother of the Titans and many of

the monsters. The Python who guarded the oracle until Apollokilled him was one of Gaea's sons.

The Omphalus was believed to be the stone that Cronus

swallowed, thinking it was Zeus. Cronus learned that one of

his children by Rhea was fated to dethrone him, so he swallowed

the first five as soon as they were born. After the birth of Zeus,

however, Rhea wrapped a stone in swaddling clothes and gave

it to Cronus. As soon as Zeus was grown he sought the aid of his

grandmother Gaea, and together they compelled Cronus to dis-

gorge the five children and also the stone, which was then placed

at Delphi.

The "singing fountain" that Housman mentions is the spring

near Delphi named Castalia for the daughter of a river god whotook refuge in it when she was pursued by Apollo. The spring

thereafter was sacred to Apollo and the Muses, and those whodrank of it or bathed in it were touched by poetic inspiration.

Tennyson in The Talking Oak refers to Dodona when he

speaks of the Thessalian tree

In which the swarthy ringdove sat,

And mystic sentence spoke.

The oracle at Dodona was founded because a black dove alighted

there and commanded the people to establish an oracle of Zeus.

Sometimes the oracles spoke plainly to men, as when the oracle

at Delphi ordered Orestes to avenge his father's murder by killing

his mother and her lover; but often they spoke ifi riddles, as when

Apollo's oracle at Delos told Aeneas, who had asked guidance in

his wanderings, to seek the land of his forefathers: it took time

and trouble and finally the advice of Aeneas' family gods for

him to discover where the land of his forefathers was. Because

oracular utterances were so frequently ambiguous, they required


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the interpretation of wise men; and the wise men's interpretations

were sometimes as obscure as the oracles. In The Winter's Tale

(3. 2. 133-137) the Delphic oracle speaks as clearly as it did to

Orestes. In Cymbehne (5. 5. 443-458), however, the oracle of

Jupiter is so mysterious that it can be explained only by a

^soothsayer, and then only after the events it predicts have taken

place. Similarly, in John Ford's The Broken Heart(4. 3. 35-38)

the dark prophecy of the oracle at Delphi is only partly explained

by the sage Tecnicus As the king and his courtiers attempt to

construe the meaning, one of the councilors declares:

. . . the pith of oracles

Is to be then digested when th* events

Expound their truth, not brought as soon to light

As utter'd Truth is child of Time . . .

An unbeliever would describe the same phenomenon by saying

that any guess about the future, if expressed with sufficient

ambiguity, can by hindsight be made to apply to the events

that it purported to foretell.

In Christian times a belief grew up that Satan and his rebel

angels (as Robert Burton says) "gave oracles at Delphos, and

elsewhere," and that the birth of Christ silenced the oracles

forever. Housman alludes to this silence in the lines quoted

earlier, but he does not describe it as a triumph for Christ, as

Milton does in On the Morning of Christ's Nativity (173-180):

The Oracles are dum,

No voice or hideous hummRuns through the arched roof in words deceiving.

Apollo from his shrine

Can no more divine,

With hollow shreik the steep of Delphos leaving.

No nightly trance, or breathed spell,

Inspires the pale-ey'd Priest from the prophetic cell,


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In English literature, however, the oracles and the prophets

of classical mythology usually represent divine rather than satanic

inspiration. Their utterances, as the illustrations have shown, are

often difficult to understand. In Paradise Lost (10. 163-191)

the words of the Son of God to the serpent are typically oracular

not only because they are spoken by a divinity but also be-

cause they are ambiguous, what the Son means when he

says that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head is

revealed only in the fullness of time Satan misinterprets the

oracle and does not recognize the doom that awaits him.

Describing a considerably less reliable prophet, Byron says of

Rousseau in Childe Harold (3. 81):

... he was inspired, and from him came,

As from the Pythian's mystic cave of yore,

Those oracles which set the world m flame,

Nor ceased to burn till kingdoms were no more.

W. B. Yeats writes of Plotmus' mystical vision of truth in The

Delphic Oracle upon Plotmus.

ORCUS (drTtus) is a Roman name of the god and of the place

HADES.OREADS (6'ri-adz) are mountain NYMPHS.ORESTES (6-rfcs'tez) was ordered by Apollo to kill his mother

Clytemnestra because she had murdered his father Agamemnon.See ATREUS.ORION (O'ri'&n), a son of the sea god Poseidon, was a huge hand-

some fellow and a mighty hunter. His first wife was Side, whose

name means "pomegranate"; she was cast into Hades for boasting

that she was more beautiful than Hera, the queen of the gods.

(For the connection of the pomegranate with the underworld,

see Persephone under HADES.) Orion then fell in. love with

Merope, the daughter of King Oenopion of the island of Chios.


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While he wooed this girl, Orion hunted so successfully that he

practically cleared the island of wild beasts. The king, however,

found many reasons to put off the marriage, and one day Orion

got drunk and seduced Merope. Oenopion caught him in his

drunken sleep and blinded him; but Orion learned that he

might regain his sight from the rays of the rising sun, and he

therefore went to the island of Lemnos and got one of the

attendants of the god Hephaestus to guide him toward the east.

The sun restored his sight, and he hurried back to Chios to

take his revenge on Oenopion, but the king had been hidden

away by Poseidon.

Accounts differ as to Orion's later adventures. Some say that

he went to Delos to become a servant of Artemis, the goddess of

hunting, and that she grew so fond of him that her brother

Apollo disapproved and tricked her into shooting him Accord-

ing to another version, Orion met Artemis on Chios and tried to

rape her. She summoned a huge scorpion which stung him to

death^ and then both he and the scorpion were turned into con-

stellations. Spenser alludes to this myth in The Faene Queene

(7. 7. 39). A third story maintains that while Orion was serving

Artemis, he was seen by Eos, the goddess of the dawn, who fell

in love with him and carried him off. Then Artemis grew

jealous and killed him. The love affair between Orion and

the goddess of the dawn caused Keats to produce his won-

derful line (Endymton, 2. 198), "blind Orion hungry for the


At one time in his crowded life Orion met and desired the

Pleiads, or Pleiades, seven Nymphs who were the daughters of

Atlas. The ladies ran and Orion pursued. Some say that the chase

lasted for years until Zeus, taking pity on the Nymphs, turned

them into stars; but when Orion was killed by Artemis, he became

a constellation, and ever since he has continued to pursue the


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Pleiades across the heavens. It is not surprising that the king of

the gods decided to help these ladies. Before they made a career of

escaping from Orion, three of them had been the mistresses of

Zeus: by him Maia became the mother of the god Hermes;

Electra, of Dardanus, founder of the royal house of Troy; and

Taygeta, of Lacedaemon, the first king of Sparta. In the sky Orion

appears as he did on earth, the mighty hunter with his sword,

club, and lion's skin. According to certain stories, his dog was

also translated to the skies and became the dog star Sinus.

Spenser (Faerie Queene, L 3. 31) calls this star "fierce Onons

hound/' and T. S. Eliot, creating an atmosphere of forebodingin Sweeney among the Nightingales, writes:

Gloomy Orion and the DogAre veiled; and hushed the shrunken seas.3

In English literature Orion is mentioned most frequently as a

constellation, and often in connection with the Pleiades. Since

Orion usually rises in a period of storms, Milton (Paradise Lost,

1, 305-306) speaks of the roiling of seaweed

. . , when with fierce Winds Orion arm'd

Hath vext the Red-Sea Coast. . . .

Tennyson recalls in Locksley Hall (7-10):

Many a night from yonder ivied casement, ere I went to rest,

Did I look on great Orion sloping slowly to the West.

Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade,

Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid.

And in More Poems XI A. E. Housman writes:

s From "Sweeney among the Nightingales," by T. S. Eliot, in his Collected

Poems, 1909-1935. Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and CompanyReprinted with their permission.


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The rainy Pleiads wester,

Orion plunges prone,And midnight strikes and hastens,

And I lie down alone.

The rainy Pleiads wester

And seek beyond the sea

The head that I shall dream of

That will not dream of me.4

The most extended and serious use of the myths about Orion

was made by the nineteenth-century poet Richard Henry Home,

whose long narrative poem Orion is an allegory of spiritual

progress. The hero, a giant of the earth, falls in love with Artemis

and aspires to intellectual and spiritual understanding; but he

is distracted by sensual passion for the lovely Merope, another

creature of earth, until he is blinded by her father's soldiers and

she is taken away from him. His misery, however, leads him to

happiness, for he goes to Eos, and she restores his sight and gives

him her love. This love is not all spirit, like that of Artemis, nor

all passion, like that of Merope, but a blend of the two. Orion

learns that man, to be happy and useful, must achieve this

balance between the intellect and the emotions. As Douglas Bush

points out, Home's poem is strongly influenced by Keats's

Endymwn and Hyperion.

ORITHYIA (or'i-thl'ya) was kidnaped by Boreas. See

WINDS.ORPHEUS (dr'fi-yus) the Thracian, the son of the Muse Calliope

and Apollo, the patron of artists, was the greatest singer and

musician of classical myth. When he sang and played on the

lyre, his father's instrument, he moved men and gods to do his

* From "Poem XI," by A. E. Housman, in his More Poems. Copyright, 1936,

by Barclays Bank, Ltd. Reprinted with the permission of Henry Holt and

Company, Inc.


Page 300: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


bidding and, when he chose, charmed wild beasts and (as JohnFletcher *


. . . made trees

And the mountain tops that freeze

Bow themselves when he did sing.

To his music plants and flowers

Ever sprung as sun and showers

There had made a lasting spring

Lorenzo in The Merchant of Venice (5. 1. 79-82), made wise by

love, moonlight, and music, moralizes the powers of Orpheus:

. . . therefore the poetDid feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones, and floods,

Since naught so stockish, hard, and full of rageBut music for the time doth change his nature.

In ancient Greece, however, all poems were made to be sung,

and Orpheus composed his own poems; thus he has come in

English literature to symbolize the great poet as well as the

great musician.

He sailed with the Argonauts and, as Spenser says in the

Amoretti (44),

When those renoumed noble Peres of Greece,

thrugh stubborn pride amongst themselues did iar

forgetfull of the famous golden fleece,

then Orpheus with his harp theyr strife did bar.

He was called on many times to lift their drooping spirits and

compose their quarrels, but his most notable deed on this expedi-

tion was to outsing the Sirens. These lovely but cruel mermaids

lived on a rocky island and lured mariners to death by their

* This song from Shakespeare and Fletcher's Henry VIII (3. 1. 3-8) is

usually attributed to Fletcher.


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seductive music. On the return voyage the Argonauts passed

close to this island, and they would have wrecked their ship and

drowned if Orpheus had not sung louder and sweeter than the

Sirens and thus persuaded the heroes to hold their course. Some

versions of the story say that the Sirens committed suicide after

this failure, but there is contrary evidence (see Sirens under SEA

GODS). William Morris (The Life and Death of Jason, 14) in-

vented antiphonal songs for the Sirens and Orpheus, but the

songs seem oddly interchangeable, and are not good enough to

make men either wreck a ship or keep on rowing.

Orpheus married a beautiful Dryad named Eurydice, but their

time of happiness was short. Aristaeus, a half brother of Orpheus,

lusted for Eurydice, and one day when he found her alone he

tried to force his attentions on her. As she ran from him she

stepped on a poisonous snake, and its bite killed her. Orpheus

found his sorrow unbearable, and finally he resolved to go to the

underworld and beg the return of Eurydice. This journey was

forbidden to any living man, but Orpheus subdued the guards

with his music and presented himself at the palace of Pluto and

Persephone. As he sang his grief for Eurydice, the Furies wept

and the spirits tormented in Tartarus forgot their own suffering.

His song touched the heart of Persephone and, as Milton says

(II Penseroso, 107-108),

Drew Iron tears down Pluto's cheek,

And made Hell grant what Love did seek.

Pluto gave him permission to take Eurydice back to life on

condition that she follow behind him and that he refrain from

turning to look at her until they reached the upper world. He

kept his word. They passed all the perils of Hades, but although

he feared for her safety and yearned to see and touch her, he

looked straight ahead. At last he stepped out into daylight and


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turned to embrace her, but he turned too soon. She was still in

the darkness; and as his arms went around her, she faded. She

could only whisper, "Goodbye." Even Orpheus' great courage and

genius had not, in Milton's words (UAllegro, 149-150),

... set free

His half-regain'd Eurydtce.

Robert Browning in Eurydice to Orpheus, writing about a paint-

ing of the couple by Lord Leighton, imagines the thoughts of

Eurydice at the parting:

But give them me, the mouth, the eyes, the brow I

Let them once more absorb mel One look nowWill lap me round forever, not to pass

Out of its light, though darkness lie beyond:Hold me but safe again within the bond

Of one immortal look! All woe that was,

Forgotten, and all terror that may be,

Defied, no past is mine, no future: look at mel

When Orpheus found that he could not return to Hades, he

abandoned himself to despair. He avoided other people and

wandered in the wild places of Thrace, singing his songs. One

day he was found near Mount Rhodope by a band of Maenads

who were drunk in* the celebration of the rites of Dionysus.

They drowned out his music with their shouts, killed him, and

tore his body to pieces. His lyre and his bloody head were thrown

in the river Hebrus, and they floated to the island of Lesbos.

Milton, lamenting in Lycidas (58-63) the untimely death of a

fellow poet, first asks the Nymphs (in the traditional fashion of

the pastoral elegy) why they could not save Lycidas, and then he

realizes the emptiness of his question:

What could the Muse her self that Orpheus bore,

The Muse her self, for her inchanting son


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Whom Universal nature did lament,

When by the rout that made the hideous roar,

His gory visage down the stream was sent,

Down the swift Hebrus to the Lesbian shore?

Musing on duty and fame and the uncertainty of human life,

Milton relates the myth of Orpheus not only to Edward King, the

Lycidas of his poem, but also to himself.

Later, when he writes Paradise Lost(7. 26-27, 32-39),

On evil days though fall'n, and evil tongues;

In darkness, and with dangers compast round,

he returns to the death of Orpheus. He asks his own Protestant

Muse Urania to guide his song,

But drive farr off the barbarous dissonance

Of Bacchus and his Revellers, the Race

Of that wilde Rout that tore the Thracian Bard

In Rhodope, where Woods and Rocks had Eares

To rapture, till the savage clamor dround

Both Harp and Voice, nor could the Muse defend

Her Son. So fail not thou, who thee implores:

For thou art Heav'nlie, shee an empty dreame.

Even when classical myth moved Milton most deeply, he never

forgot to point out that to a Christian mind it was false. Yet

in this particular myth he found a partial parallel between the

circumstances of Orpheus' death and his own immediate cir-

cumstanceshe was also a successful artist but a deeply dis-

appointed man to whom many of his countrymen were hostile;

and he found a poetic truth more important than the parallel.

Orpheus, with his supreme accomplishment, his terrible failure,

and his violent death at the hands of his own people, was a

symbol of the tragic fate of human greatness.

Though Orpheus' life was sad and his death shocking, he and


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Eurydice were reunited for eternal happiness in the Elysian

Fields, and his lyre, according to certain versions of the myth, was

translated to the heavens to become the constellation Lyra.

Lamenting the death of Sir Philip Sidney in The Rumes of

Time (607-615), Spenser tells this story of the lyre but transfers

its ownership to Sidney, whom he calls Philisides, "the lover of

the star," a name that Sidney invented for himself because his

love poems were addressed to Stella, Spenser sees floating down a

river a harp made of gold and ivory,

The harpe, on which Dan Orpheus was scene

Wylde beasts and forrests after him to leade,

But was th' Harpe of Philisides now dead.

At length out of the Riuer it was reard

And borne aboue the cloudes to be diuin'd,

Whilst all the way most heauenly noyse was heard

Of the strings, stirred with the warbling wind,

That wrought both icy and sorrow in my mind:

So now in heauen a signe it doth appeare.

In later times an oracle of Orpheus was established on Lesbos,

the island to which his bloody head had floated, and Orpheuswas endowed with magical and prophetic powers and made the

center of the Orphic religion, which flourished from about the

sixth century before Christ until the coming of Christianity. The

Orphic worshipers believed in the divine origin of man, original

sin, reincarnation, and the ultimate translation of the virtuous

soul to paradise. The Renaissance poet Giles Fletcher in Chnsts

Victorie and Triumph (3. 7) has in mind the religious figure of

Orpheus when he writesf

But he that conquered hell, to fetch againeHis virgin widowe, by a serpent slaine,

Another Orpheus was then dreaming poets feigne.


Page 305: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


ORPHIC (dr'fik) religion was centered on the figure of

ORPHEUS.ORTYGIA (dr-tijl-fl) is the island on which the waters of

Arethusa and Alpheus were finally joined. See NYMPHS.OSSA (6s'd) is a mountain which two Giants placed on Mount

Olympus, then they piled Mount Pelion on top in their attempt

to reach and attack the gods. See GIANTS.OTHRYS (oth'ris) was the mountain stronghold of the Titans.


OTUS (o'tus) was one of the GIANTS.

PACTOLUS (pak'to'lus) is the river whose sands turned to gold

when Midas bathed in it. See DIONYSUS.

PAEAN (pe'dn) is a name given to Apollo and also Asclepius.

Paeans were songs of praise or triumph addressed to APOLLO.

PALAEMON (pd-le'mSn) was the name given to Melicertes when

he became one of the SEA GODS.

PALATINE (pSQ'dtm) is the hill on which Romulus founded

ROME.PALATIUM (pd'la'shiim) was one of the seven hills of earliest

ROME.PALINURUS (pSll-nu'rus), a steersman, was washed overboard

from one of the ships of AENEAS.

PALLADIUM (pd-la-di-ftm),which was reputed to guarantee

the security of any city that held it safely, was an ancient image



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PALLANTIDES (pal'an-ti'dez) were the fifty sons of Pallas

whose attempt to put their father on the throne of Athens was

defeated by THESEUS.PALLAS (pJLl'fls) (1) is another name for ATHENE, (2) was one

of the GIANTS; (3) was a brother of Aegeus who tried to usurpthe throne of Athens but was defeated by THESEUS.

PAN (pan), or Faunus, or Sylvanus, the son of Hermes and a

Nymph, is the Arcadian god of the fields and woods and the

patron of hunters and shepherds. He protects flocks and herds,

and he inspires travelers in wild and lonely country with panic.

He has the legs and hooves of a goat but the trunk and arms of a

man. Goat horns sprout from his head, his ears are pointed, and

his bearded face is jovial and ugly. Because he has the gift of

prophecy, the Romans established a shrine to the prophet

Faunus at Lupercal, at the foot of the Palatine Hill, where the

festival of Lupercalia was held in his honor. Usually, however,

Pan has no temples, offerings of milk, honey, and lambs are

made to him anywhere in the woods and fields. As Swinburne

explains, rather feverishly, in The Palace of Pan (36-40), this

god has

A temple whose transepts are measured by miles,

Whose chancel has morning for priest,

Whose floor-work the foot of no spoiler defiles,

Whose musical silence no music beguiles,

No festivals limit its feast.

As a symbol of the vital powers of nature, Pan is associated

with Dionysus, the earth goddesses, and Aphrodite. He is a simple

god, lustful and playful, short tempered only if disturbed in his

midday nap. He appears in scenes of rustic beauty surrounded

by a happy crew of Satyrs, Fauns, Sileni, Sylvans, and Nymphs,In Virgils Gnat (178) Spenser imagines the vale of Tempe where

"Woodgods, and Satyres, and swift Dryades" play together on the


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grassy green, and Milton says in Paradise Lost (4. 705-708),

describing the nuptial place of Adam and Eve,

... In bhady Bower

More sacred and sequesterd, though but feignd,

Pan or Silvanw never slept, nor Nymph,Nor Faunus haunted

Pan is always lecherous. The lecherous old churchman in

Browning's The Bishop Orders His Tomb at St Praxed's

Church understands this side oi Pan's nature well enough when

he asks that the bas relief on his tomb show the god "Ready to

twitch the Nymph's last garment off." But Pan is usuall) an

unfortunate lover, probably because he is ugly. His rumored affair

with Artemis is described in the article on that goddess. When

he fell in love with a Nymph named Pitys, she fled from him,

prayed for protection, and was transformed into the pine tree,

which thereafter was sacred to Pan. Another metamorphosis

thwarted his passion for Syrinx, a Hamadryad. When Pan ran

after her, she jumped in the river Ladon and asked the river

god to save her. He turned her into a bunch of reeds, and

Pan took a melancholy satisfaction in cutting reeds of various

lengths, tying them together, and creating his musical instru-

ment, the syrinx, or pipes of Pan. As he says in Phelps Putnam's

Ballad of a Strange Thing,

Sometimes there's music in these girls,


Keats retells this myth in the first poem (157-158) of his 1817


. . . how fair, trembling Syrinx fled

Arcadian Pan, with such a fearful dread.

i From "Ballad of a Strange Thing," by Phelps Putnam, in his Trine,

Copyright, 1927, by Charles Scribner's Sons. Reprinted with their permission.


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Andrew Marvell gives the myth fresh meaning in The Garden

(31-32) when he implies that Pan intended the change:

. . . Pan did after Syrinx speed,

Not as a Nymph, but for a Reed.

Pan was proud of his skill on the pipes, and the tale of his

unsuccessful musical contest with Apollo is told in the article

on that god. On one occasion he turned warrior and fought for

the Athenians at Marathon. His exploits are described by

Browning in Echetlos:

Nor helmed nor shielded, he' but, a goat-skin all his wear,

Like a tiller of the soil, with a clown's limbs broad and bare,

Went he ploughing on and on he pushed with a ploughman's share.

Bid the steady phalanx falter? To the rescue, at the need,

The clown was ploughing Persia, clearing Greek earth of weed,

As he routed through the Sakian and rooted up the Mede.

After their victory, the grateful Athenians built a shrine to Pan

under the Acropolis. Ordinarily, however, Pan is no warrior but

the simple god of nature whom shepherds worship He has this

familiar aspect in, for example, John Fletcher's The Faithful

Shepherdess and the last eclogue of Spenser's ShepheardesCalender (7-18), in the prayer of Colin Clout:

O soueraigne Pan thou God of shepheards all,

Which of our tender lambkins takest keepe:And when our flocks into mischaunce mought fall,

Doest saue from mischiefe the vnwary sheepe:Als of their maisters hast no lesse regarde,Then of the flocks, which thou doest watch and ward:

I thee beseche (so be thou deigne to heare,

Rude ditties tund to sbepheards Oaten reede,


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Or if I euer sonet song so cleare,

As it with pleasaunce mought thy fancie feede)

Hearken awhile from thy greene cabinet,

The rurall song of carefull Colinet.

Along with this idea of the god, however, there grew up another

more exalted conception in which Pan is the symbol of the

universe. The notion depends largely on a mistaken etymology;

the name "Pan" means "the feeder," that is, the feeder of flocks,

but it was taken to mean "all." This conception lies behind

Milton's image (Paradise Lost, 4. 266-267) of the eternal spring

led on by

. . . Universal Pan

Knit with the Graces and the Hours in dance.

The exalted notion of the god was given force in English litera-

ture by the elaborate allegory of pastoral poetry. In The

Shepheardes Calender, as we have already seen, Pan sometimes

appears as the mere rustic god of shepherds; but more frequently

he represents Christ (May, 54; July, 49) or the Christian God

(May, 111; September, 96). Since Christian poets wrote of their

contemporaries as shepherds, the pastoral disguise necessarily

turned Christ or God into Pan. In On the Morning of Christ's

Nativity (89-90) Milton speaks of the simple shepherds who were

still unaware

That the mighty Pan

Was kindly com to live with them below.

In the same poem, however, Milton describes the retreat of

the pagan gods at the birth of Christ, and in Paradise Lost he

represents Greek gods and other pagan deities as deceiving

shapes taken by the fallen angels. On the one hand, then, Pan

became a symbol of the Christian God; and on the other hand,

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he or Apollo or Dionysus became the symbol of all false religions

defeated by the spread of Christianity. Plutarch tells a story of

the days when Tiberius ruled the Roman empire. A ship piloted

by a man named Thamuz sailed from Greece toward Italy but

was becalmed near the island of Paxi. A voice from the shore

three times shouted, "Thamuz!" and when the pilot finally

replied, the voice said, "When you reach Palodes, tell them that

great Pan is dead." Thamuz did as he was told, and was answered

at Palodes by a great wail of surprise and sorrow.

This story was often repeated by the poets of triumphant

Christianity. In the seventeenth century Abraham Cowley in

On the Death of Mr. Crashaw (19-22) used it in his reproof to

his fellow poets:

Nor have we yet quite purg'd the Christian land;

Still idols here, like calves at Bethel, stand.

And though Pans Death long since all oracles broke,

Yet still in Rhyme the Fiend Apollo spoke.

In the nineteenth century the contest between Christ and Pan

was revived; and while sturdy Christians like Elizabeth Barrett

Browning declared with delight that Pan was dead, neopagans

like Swinburne lamented the triumph of Christ ("Thou hast

conquered, O pale Galilean; the world has grown grey from

thy breath").

Much more important to literature was the fresh imaginative

use of Pan in the works of such poets as Wordsworth and Keats.

In The Excursion (4. 883-887) Wordsworth writes of the presence

that the shepherd of pagan Greece felt, heard, and saw in nature:

And, sometimes, intermixed with stirring horns *

- Of the live deer, or goat's depending beard,

These were the lurking Satyrs, a wild brood

Of gamesome Deities; or Pan himself,

The simple shepherd's awe-inspiring God!


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Keats in his hymn to Pan (Endymwn, 1. 232-306) invokes the godas the lover and protector of woods, meadows, and cultivated

fields, the hunter, the tender of flocks, the king of Fauns and

Satyrs, and, finally, the universal Pan:

Be still a symbol of immensity;A firmament reflected in a sea;

An element filling the space between;

An unknown but no more we humbly screen

With uplift hands our foreheads, lowly bending,

And giving out a shout most heaven rending,

Conjure thee to receive our humble Paean,

Upon thy Mount Lyceanl

Although Ezra Pound titled one of his poems Pan Is Dead, he

seems to have been mistaken. Pan is active enough, for example,

in the novels and tales of E. M. Forster (ior a brilliant evocation

of Pan-inspired fear see The Stoiy of a Panic). In the first of

E. E. Cummings' Chansons Innocentes





baloonMan whistles




And Harpo Marx always plays the role of Pan.

Silenus, the son or brother of Pan, is an old fat Satyr who

loves to drink and who usually has to ride on a donkey because

2 From "Chansons Innocentes, I," by E E. Curamings, in his Collected

Poems (New York- Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1938). Copyright, 1923, by

E. E. Cummings. Reprinted with the permission of Brandt & Brandt


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he is too fat and too drunk to walk. He was the tutor and later

the follower of Dionysus, and his adventures are related in the

article on that god. The Sileni, of whom, Silenus is the prototype,

are old Satyrs. The Satyrs, or Satyri, are first represented as

human in form but with the tails of horses; later they have the

goathke ears, horns, legs, and hooves of Pan. The Fauns, or

Fauni, the sons of Faunus, are Roman Satyrs. Fauna, or Bona

Dea, the daughter or wife of Faunus, is a Roman fertility god-

dess. The Sylvans, or Sylvani, who are named for Sylvanus, are

Roman spirits of the woods.

Although the Sileni are usually drunk, they are skillful

musicians and they have a certain amount of homely wisdom.

In Ben Jonson's Oberon, a masque for Prince Henry, there is a

Silenus who explains the action to a chorus of Satyrs; these were

the stock characters of the Satyr-drama of classical Greece. In

English literature the Satyrs usually represent two different but

related qualities. Sometimes they symbolize brutish disregard for

art and ethics, and brutish lust. In Spenser's Teares of the

Muses (265-282) Ignorance leads a rout of Fauns and Satyrs to

tear down the bowers of the Muses, and Sir Satyrane in The

faerie Queene (1. 6. 22) is the son of a modest matron and a

Satyr who found her wandering in the woods,

And kindling coles of lust in brutish eye,

The loyall linkes of wedlocke did vnbmde,And made her person thrall vnto his beastly kind.

This interpretation of the Satyr is reflected in the modern English

term for uncontrollable sexual desire in men, satyriasis. Yet

sometimes the Satyr symbolizes the morally unconscious child of

nature. In Hawthorne's The Marble Faun Count Donatello is

such a man until tragedy awakens his moral sense.

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PANATHENAEA (pan'th--ne'a) was a festival celebrated

yearly at Athens in honor of ATHENE.PANDARUS (pan'da-rus) was a foolish Trojan who fought in

the TROJAN WAR.PANDION (pan-dl'on) was the father of Procne and PHILO-MELA.PANDORA (p^n-dc/ra), the first woman, was the wife of

Epimetheus. See PROMETHEUS.PANIC is a sudden fear inspired by PAN.

PANOPE (p-:n'op-e) is one of the Nereids. See NYMPHS.PAPHIA (pa'fl-a) is a name for APHRODITE.PAPHOS (pa'fSs) was the son of Pygmalion whose name the

Cyprians gave to their city because of Aphrodite's miraculous gift

to PYGMALION.PARCAE (par'se) is a Roman name of the Fates. See FATE.

PARIS (pr1s), a prince of Troy, eloped with Helen and thus

provided the immediate cause of the TROJAN WAR.PARNASSUS (par-nas'us) is a mountain sacred to the Muses and

to Apollo. See MUSES, ORACLES.PARTHENIA (par-the'm-a) is another name for HERA.

PARTHENON (par'the-n6n), on the Acropolis at Athens, was

the chief temple of ATHENE.PARTHENOPAEUS (par-th'n6-pe

/us) was one of the Seven

against THEBES.PARTHENOPE (par-thgn'6-pe) is one of the three Sirens. See

SEA GODS.PARTHENOS (par'the--n6s) is a surname of ATHENE.PASIPHAE (p^-sif'a-e)

was queen of Crete and mother of the

Minotaur. See DAEDALUS.PATROCLUS (pa-tro'klus) was the retainer and close friend of

Achilles in the TROJAN WAR.PAVOR (pa'vdr) is the Roman name for Phobos, an attendant

of ARES.


Page 314: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


PEGASUS (peg'a'sus), the winged horse, is a symbol of poetic

inspiration. He was the horse of: the hero BELLEROPHON.PEITHO (pi'tho), the goddess of persuasion, is an attendant of

EROSPELAGIA (pA-la'jta) is a name for APHRODITE.PELEUS (pe'lods) is usually remembered as the husband of

Thetis and the father of Achilles, but not all his accomplishmentswere connubial He was the king of Phthia in Thessaly, and he

sailed with the Argonauts, took part in the Calydonian Boar

Hunt, and helped Heracles conquer Troy in the days when it was

ruled by Priam's father Laomedon.

At one time Peleus unintentionally killed a man and went to

be purified of his blood guilt at the court of King Acastus of

lolcus. The wife of Acastus took a fancy to the handsome hero,

but he paid no attention to her. When she spitefully told her

husband that Peleus had tried to seduce her, Acastus plotted

revenge. He took Peleus hunting on the wild slopes of Mount

Pelion, and soon established the custom of resting for an hour or

two at noontime, with only two or three hunters keeping guard

against Centaurs and wild beasts One day, in the middle of the

siesta, Acastus hid Peleus' sworcl and then he and the other

hunters stole away, leaving Peleus asleep and weaponless. Doubt-

less the hero would have perished there if Chiron, the wise and

gentle Centaur, had not waked him and returned his sword.

With this much aid, Peleus acquitted himself well against wild

beasts and fierce Centaurs. Zeus, when he heard the whole story,

praised Peleus for his chastity, a virtue which the king of the gods

frequently admired in others.

This adventure recommended the hero to Zeus as a husband for

the Nereid Thetis, a fateful lady whose charms almost lost Zeus

his godhead. Thetis was destined to have a son greater than his

father; and if Zeus had made love to her as he intended, his

universal rule would soon have ended. Thetis' destiny was known


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only to Prometheus and his mother Themis. According to some

stories, Prometheus refused to reveal the secret in spite of his

constant torment; other stories say that he told Zeus and thus

regained the god's favor. Whoever his informer was, Prometheus

or his mother, Zeus learned the decree of fate, gave up his court-

ship of Thetis, and decided that she should marry the mortal


Although the heavens favored Peleus' suit, Thetis was a sea

Nymph, and before he could marry her he had to catch and tame

her. This was no easy task because she*, like her father Nereus

and Poseidon's son Proteus, could change her shape at will; but

Peleus persisted and at last Thetis yielded. Their magnificent

wedding, which was attended by the gods, is frequently men-

tioned in English literature. Edmund Spenser, for example, says in

The Faerie Queene (7. 7. 12),

Was neuer so great ioyance since the day,

That all the gods whylome assembled were,

On Haemus hill in their dmme array,

To celebrate the solemne bridall cheare,

Twixt Peleus and Dame Thetis pointed there;

Where Phoebus self, that god of Poets hight,

They say did sing the spousall hymne full deere,

That all the gods were rauisht with delight

Of his celestiall song, and Musicks wondrous might.

The only goddess not invited was Eris, the goddess of discord,

and she threw into the assembly a golden apple inscribed "For the

fairest." This spiteful gesture began the contest among the god-

desses that caused the Trojan War. The rich wedding presents

included a pair of immortal horses, the gift of Poseidon; these

horses drew Achilles' chariot at Troy.

Because Thetis was immortal, she wished to have an immortal

child; and as her first seven children were born she threw each


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one into fire or boiling water to burn away its mortal part. This

was the usual way in which goddesses conferred immortality, but

Thetis somehow failed to wind up the charm because when the

mortal part of her babies was burned away, nothing was left. The

eighth child was Achilles. Peleus refused to have him treated as

the others had been, and Thetis, in the fashion of supernatural

brides, departed in great anger. But she was always very fond of

Achilles who, in spite of her efforts to protect him, became, as

fate had decreed, much greater than his father. For what hap-

pened to the golden apple, Thetis' efforts on behalf of Achilles,

'and Achilles' brief glory see TROJAN WAR.PELIAS (pe'li-ds) was the father of Alcestis and the uncle of

Jason, the leader of the Argonauts. See ALCESTIS, ARGO-NAUTS.PELION (pe

/li6n) is a mountain that two Giants piled on top

of Mount Ossa and Mount Olympus in their attempt to reach

and attack the gods. See GIANTS.

PELOPIA (pfc'lo'pi'a), the daughter of Thyestes, bore him a son,

Aegisthus. See ATREUS.PELOPONNESUS (pgl'd-p6-ne'sus), the southern peninsula of

Greece, was named for its first ruler Pelops, the father of

ATREUS.PELOPS (pe'lops) was the father of Thyestes and ATREUS.PENATES (pg-na'tez) axe Roman household gods. See

HESTIA.PENELOPE (p-nl'6-pe) was the faithful wife of ODYS-


PENEUS (p^-ne'tis), the principal river of Thessaly in Greece,

flows through the lovely vale o Tempe. The most famous lines

about the vale and the river occur in Spenser's Prothalamion

,(78-80), where Nymphs had thrown flowers on the waves of the

Thames River


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That like old Pencm Waters they did seeme.

When downe along by pleasant Tempes shore

Scattred with Flowres, through Thessaly they streeme.

Peneus is also the name of the god of the river. For the story of

his daughter Daphne see APOLLO.PENTHESILIA (pSn'th^sMe'0), a queen of the Amazons, was

an ally of Troy in the Trojan War. See TROJAN WAR, AMA-ZONS.

PENTHEUS (pSn'thus), a king of Thebes, was killed by his

mother Agave in a Dionysian frenzy. See DIONYSUS, THEBES.

PERDIX (pr'd!ks), or Talus, who invented the saw, was a

nephew and apprentice of DAEDALUS-PERIBOEA (pSr'i-be'a) was foster mother of Oedipus, king of

THEBES.PERIMEDES (pSrl-me'dez) was a follower of ODYSSEUS.

PERIPHETES (p&r'i-fe'tez),a brigand of Epidaurus who killed

travelers with his iron club, was slain by THESEUS.

PERSEPHONE (pSr-sSf'6-ne) is the daughter of Demeter and the

wife of Hades. See EARTH GODDESSES, HADES.

PERSES (pr'sz), from whom the Persian kings claimed descent,

was a son of PERSEUS.

PERSEUS (pfer'soos). The story of Perseus, which culminates in

his winning of Andromeda and the rescue of his mother from the

fell intent of an island king, is one of the best known and

pleasantest of the Greek myths. It is a story that begins in miracle

and ends in domestic commonplace. To King Acrisius of Argos,

who had no children, the Delphic oracle sent word that he would

have a daughter whose son would cause the death of Acrisius.

Therefore, when Ms daughter Danae was born, he imprisoned

her underground, or, according to some accounts, in a brazen

tower, so that she might never have a son; but Zeus fell in love

witfe her beauty ancE manifested himself to her in a skower of

Page 318: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


gold. As a result of this visit, Danae bore a son who was

named Perseus. (For the poets' use of this myth see ZEUS.)


Zeus = Io


Poseidon = Libya

Belus of Egypt

Aegyptus Danaus Cepheus I

49 other Lynceus Hypermnestra 49 other




Danae = Zeus Cepheus II = Gassiopea


Perseus =Andromeda

Perses Electryon Alcaeus

Zeus =Alcmene=Amphitryon

Heracles Iphicles


When Acrisius heard of the birth of his grandson, he was greatly

worried. Not believing Danae's story of the cause of the event, he

put both mother and child into a wooden chest that he set adrift

on the sea. The chest floated to the island of Seriphos where


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Danae and Perseus were rescued by a fisherman named Dictys,

who cared tor them and later introduced them to his brother, King

Polydectes. Polydectes fell in love with Danae, and when he

found that Perseus was likely to hamper his intentions, he

persuaded Perseus to seek the head of Medusa, the Gorgon,

whose glance turned men to stone (see SEA GODS).In his project Perseus was aided by both Hermes and Athene.

Hermes led him first to the Graeae, sisters of the Gorgons, three

old women who had only one eye and one tooth, which they

passed about from one to another in turn. Perseus seized their

prized accessories and returned them only after they had told

him where to find the Nymphs who kept the miraculous

wallet, winged sandals, and helmet of Hades. The magical

helmet made whoever wore it invisible. When Perseus had

obtained these articles, Hermes added the curved sword with

which he had slain Argus, and Athene gave him a shield of

polished brass.

Thus accoutered, Perseus sought the abode of the Gorgons and,

looking in the mirror of his brazen shield in order not to be

affected by the petrifying glance of Medusa, he cut off her

head and put it in his wallet. The two other Gorgons pursued

him for revenge, but he escaped in his invisibility.

As he was returning to Seriphos, Perseus saw a beautiful girl

chained to a rock by the seashore. This was Andromeda. Her

mother Cassiopea, who after death was made a constellation, had

boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids, and

Poseidon, to punish her, had sent a sea monster to lay waste her

husband's kingdom of Ethiopia. Cepheus, the king, learned that

the only way in which he could save his kingdom was to sacrifice

his daughter to the monster, and under protest he finally had

Andromeda chained to the rock where Perseus saw her.

Perseus rescued her, after turning the sea monster into stone


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by causing it to look on the head of Medusa, and then he claimed

Andromeda's hand. Cepheus consented, but he had previously

promised Andromeda to Phineus, who arrived at the crucial

moment to claim his rights. After a fight, Perseus turned Phineus

and his followers into stone and carried off Andromeda.

When Perseus and Andromeda reached Seriphos, they found

that the king was about to force Danae to marry him against

her will. It was no difficult matter for Perseus to turn Polydectes

to stone with Medusa's head, a trick that he followed by placing

the good Dictys on the vacant throne. Then the three, Perseus,

Andromeda, and Danae, set out to return to King Acrisius. This

unfortunate king, however, still seeking to avoid his decreed

fate, had left Argos and gone to Larissa. At Larissa, Perseus, in

his search for him, entered the athletic games, and during the

contests hurled a discus an extraordinary distance. It fell on the

foot of Acnsius and caused his death. Thus was the oracle ful-

filled, and the Greek belief expressed that man can never avoid

his determined fate

Perseus became king of Argos, but as he preferred the town

of Tiryns, he traded towns with Megapenthes, the king of

Tiryns. Thereafter he settled down and raised a family consist-

ing of Gorgophone, Alcaeus, Electryon, Mestor, Sthenelus, and

Perses, from the last of whom the Persian kings claimed descent.

In English literature Andromeda has been more popular than

Perseus; but the Elizabethan playwright, George Chapman, retold

the entire story in a long poem called Andromeda Liberata, in

which, according to Douglas Bush, Perseus is made to represent

the Earl of Somerset and Andromeda the Countess of Essex,

whom the earl figuratively rescues from "the ravenous multitude,"

a representation that gives undeserved virtue to both the earl

and the countess. In the Epithalamion (189-190), which cele-

brates his own wedding, Spenser, wishing to describe the trans-

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fixing quality o the spiritual beauty of his bride, writes that if

one could gaze on it direct, he would

. . . stand astonisht lyke to those which red

Medusaes mazeful hed,

and the Dauphin in Shakespeare's Henry V (3. 7. 21-24), ecstati-

cally praising his horse's mettle, exclaims,

It is a beast for Perseus: he is pure air and fire, and the

dull elements of earth and water never appear in him . . . ,

lines in which the vain prince seems to have confused Perseus

with Bellerophon. Robert Browning describes Andromeda's

plight in Pauline (636-641), though here the symbolism is vague,

if indeed the passage is not merely a description of a picture of

Andromeda that Browning knew. Among the other Victorians,

William Morris, Charles Kingsley, and Gerard Manley Hopkins

all wrote poems about the story. Morris retells it at length in

The Doom of King Amsius, and Kingsley in Andromeda. For

Hopkins, however, in his difficult sonnet Andromeda, the girl

is possibly a symbol of the church awaiting rescue in the second

coming of the Christ. In our time Louis MacNeice makes of

Perseus with the Gorgon's head a symbol of the power of friends

in their own mortality to remind a man of the relentless passage

of time that petrifies all human values:

Ever to meet me comes, in sun or dull,

The gay hero swinging the Gorgon's head

And I am left, with the dull drumming of the sun,

suspended and dead. . . .*

PETASUS (pfa-sus) is the winged cap of HERMES.

s From "Perseus/* by Louis MacNeice, in his Poems, 1925-1940. Copyright,

1940, by Random House, Inc. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.


Page 322: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


PHAEA (fe'a), a wild boar of Crommyon, was killed byTHESEUS.PHAEACIANS (fe-a'shanz) were a seafaring people who be-

inended ODYSSEUS.

PHAEDRA (fe'dnz) was a wife of Theseus and the betrayer of

her stepson Hippolytus. See THESEUS.PHAETHON (fa''th6n) was Apollo's foolish son who insisted

on driving the chariot of the sun for one day. See APOLLO.PHANTASTUS (&n-ts'tus) is a god of dreams See HADES.

PHEGEUS (fe'joos), whose daughter married Alcmaeon, had him

killed lor deserting her, and Alcmaeon's death ended the long

chain of events that began with Zeus's abduction of Europa and

led to the founding and the eventual destruction of THEBES.PHILEMON (fHe'mbn) and Baucis were an aged couple whose

charity and piety were signally honored by ZEUS.

PHILOCTETES (fil'6k-te'tez) or his father Poeas helped to put

Heracles out of his misery by lighting the funeral pyre of that

great hero, and received from him, in return, his famous bow

and poisoned arrows Philoctetes was regarded as the greatest

archer in Greece when he joined the expedition against the Tro-

jans On the way to Troy, he and his companions landed on a

small island to offer sacrifice to an obscure goddess, and Philoc-

tetes was bitten by a snake or scratched by the point of one of his

own arrows Whatever the cause of his wound, it did not heal,

and the stench of it became so terrible and his cries of pain so

depressing that his companions marooned him on the island of


For nearly ten years he existed alone on the island, enduring

the torment of his wound and struggling to control his anger

and despair. But in the last year of the Trojan War the Greeks

captured the Trojan prophet Helenus, who told them that they

could not win until they had obtained, among other things, the


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bow and arrows of Heracles. The crafty Odysseus and Neoptol-

emus or Diomedes (accounts differ as to Odysseus' companion)were sent to get the bow and arrows. In Philoctetesf a tragedy

by Sophocles, Odysseus tries to persuade Neoptolemus to trick

Philoctetes into giving up the bow and arrows, but Neoptolemus

reluses to do so. The conflict is resolved by the deified Heracles,

who appears to Philoctetes and tells him that it is his destiny to

fight at Troy. When Philoctetes arrived at the Grecian camp, he

was cured of his wound by Machaon, a son of Asclepius, and

the first victim of his arrows was Paris of Troy

In his rare appearances in English literature Philoctetes has

been a symbol of lonely suffering. Thomas Russell in the eight-

eenth century imagined Philoctetes' years of exile in Suppos'd

to Be Written on Lemnos:

On this lone Isle, whose rugged rocks affright

The cautious pilot, ten revolving years

Great Paean's Son, unwonted erst to tears,

Wept o'er his wound* alike each rolling light

Of heaven he watch'd, and blam'd its lingering flight,

By day the sea-mew screaming round his cave

Drove slumber from his eyes, the chiding wave,

And savage howlmgs chas'd his dreams by night.

Hope still was his in each low breeze, that sigh'd

Thro' his rude grot, he heard a coming oar,

In each white cloud a coming sail he spied,

Nor seldom listened to the fancied roar

Of Oeta's torrents, or the hoarser tide

That parts fam'd Trachis from th' Euboic shore.

Trachis lies at the foot of Mount Oeta, the peak where Philoc-

tetes or his father lighted the funeral pyre of Heracles. Russell

mistakenly calls Philoctetes' father Paean, probably because of

the variant Latin spelling "Paeas" for "Poeas."


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The Philoctetes of Lord de Tabley's nineteenth-century play

of that name is an exemplar not only of pagan fortitude but

also of Christian forgiveness. Sophocles would have been aston-

ished to see Philoctetes forgiving Odysseus. Edmund Wilson in

our own time has used the myth of Philoctetes as a symbol of

what he considers to be the plight of the artist or, at least, of

some artists. In The Wound and the Bow he develops "the idea

that genius and disease, like strength and mutilation, may be

inextricably bound up together."

PHILOMELA (fil'6-me'la), or Philomena, and Procne were the

daughters of Pandion. They avenged the crime of their mutual

husband, King Tereus, with one of the most terrible acts recorded

in classical mythology. Tereus had first married Procne, who had

been offered to him by Pandion as a reward for his assistance in

a war that Pandion fought against King Labdacus of Thebes.

After their son Itys, or Itylus, was born, Tereus grew tired of

Procne. He therefore cut out her tongue and imprisoned her

in a cage in a forest. Telling Philomela that her sister was dead,

he persuaded her to marry him.

Procne, however, wove the story of her plight into a tapestry

and sent it to Philomela. Then the two sisters took their ven-

geance on Tereus by killing and cooking Itys and serving him to

Tereus at dinner. When Tereus discovered that he had eaten

his own son, he set out in pursuit of the two sisters. The gods,

horrified by the affair, changed Philomela into a nightingale,

Procne into a swallow, and Tereus into a hawk or lapwing, so

that symbolically the pursuit still continues.

The Latin poets sometimes reversed the role of the two sisters;

some accounts specify Philomela as the sister who lost her tongue

and thus explain the fact that the nightingale at some seasons is

silent. Chaucer prefers this version in the partial account of the

myth that he gives in The Legend of Good Women (2228-2393),


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an account that makes its moral point that men are not always

to be trusted and that stops short of telling what subsequently

happened to Itys.

The story was so interesting to Elizabethan poets and their

successors that by the eighteenth century the musical cry of

Philomela had become a thoroughly worn cliche, and it was

restored to poetic use only by a renewed insight that occurred

among nineteenth- and twentieth-century poets. The Elizabethan

poet, Sir Philip Sidney, for example, makes a rather typical use

of the myth when in a short song (The Nightingale) he com-

pares the nightingale's experience in love with his own:

The nightingale, as soon as April bnngethUnto her rested sense a perfect waking,

While late bare earth, proud of new clothing, springeth,

Sings out her woes. .

Edmund Spenser in Virgils Gnat (401-403), alluding to many

Greek myths, remembers

. . . those two Pandionian maides,

Calling on Itis, Itts euermore,

Whom wretched boy they slew with guiltie blades.

Shakespeare makes the story one of the elements in his bloody

tragedy Titus Andronicus, in which Titus' daughter Lavinia is

raped and mutilated by the lustful sons of the empress Tamora.

In // Penseroso (56-62) John Milton, wishing to be rid of vain

deluding joys, calls for silence unbroken

'Less Philomel will deign a Song,

In her sweetest, saddest plight,

Smoothing the rugged brow of night,

While Cynthia checks her Dragon yoke,

Gendy o're th'accustom'd Oke;

Sweet Bird that shunn'st the noise of folly,

Most musical, most Melancholy!


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Whereafter for two centuries the name of Philomela was goodfor an ounce of unfortunate love and fine bird music wherever

it was thrust in.

It is remarkable that John Keats, as full of classical lore as he

was, and as moved by the song of a nightingale, should ignore

the myth altogether in Ode to a Nightingale. To him the bird

is but a "light-winged Dryad of the trees" that

Smgest of summer in full-throated ease,

references that relieve the bird of all its mythical sorrow and

give it instead a free spiritual blissfulness.

Matthew Arnold in Philomela, however, hears in the bird's

song again its classic sadness:

O wanderer from a Grecian shore,

Still, after many years, in distant lands,

Still nourishing in thy bewildered brain

That wild, unquench'd, deep-sunken, old-world pain-Say, will it never heal?

And can this fragrant lawn

With its cool trees, and night,

And the sweet, tranquil Thames,And moonshine, and the dew,

To thy rack'd heart and brain

Afford no balm?

Dost thou tonight behold,

Here, through the moonlight on this English grass,

The unfriendly palace in the Thracian wild?

Dost thou again peruseWith hot cheeks and sear'd eyes

The too clear web, and thy dumb sister's shame?

Arnold concludes that the song expresses

Eternal passion 1

Eternal pain!


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as much in his own day as in the day of its origin. Thus, because

he found the emotional center of the myth, he was able to give

it poetic life again.

Swinburne, striving for the kind of realization that Arnold

had been able to achieve, puts into his poem Itylus an echo of

the myth itself but does not approach the intensity of Arnold's

feeling. Itylus is occupied with Philomela's reproach to Procne

for seeming to forget

The woven web that was plain to follow,

The small slain body, the flowerlike face,

and concludes,

Thou hast forgotten, O summer swallow,

But the world shall end when I forget.

If the tragic feeling is weaker in Itylus, it is almost entirely

missing in Oscar Wilde's The Burden of Itys, where

. . . that throbbing throat which once I heard

On starlit hills of flower-starred Arcady

gives Wilde the occasion to review, as Spenser had done, a great

many Greek myths. But Wilde lacks the poetic finesse of Spenser,

and he seems frequently to be drawing on Keats for his effects.

As remarkable in its way as Keats's ignoring of the myth is the

revivification of it that T. S. Eliot accomplishes in two poems,

Sweeney among the Nightingales and The Waste Land. The

myth provides a poignant irony in the context of both poems.In the first, a seduction is going on in a cheap dive, probablyto be followed by a murder, while outside

The nightingales are singing near

The Convent of the Sacred Heart,


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And sang within the bloody wood

When Agamemnon cried aloud,

And let then: liquid siftrngs fall

To stain the stiff dishonoured shroud.4

Here the nightingales form one of Eliot's favorite points of ref-

erence, the theme of the conversion of meaningful suffering

into significance and beauty. The modern cheap vulgarity of

Sweeney's behavior in toying with sensuality is ironically con-

trasted with the classically tragic but now lovely suffering of

Philomela. (For further comment on these lines see Agamemnonunder ATREUS and Oedipus under THEBES.)The theme is given fuller expression in the second section

of The Waste Land, A Game of Chess (98-103). Here the neu-

rotic lady, who is for the moment the poem's protagonist, sits

uncomprehendingly before a mantel above which a picture


As though a window gave upon the sylvan scene

The change of Philomel, by the barbarous kingSo rudely forced, yet there the nightingaleFilled all the desert with inviolable voice

And still she cried, and still the world pursues,

"Jug Jug'* to dirty ears.*

The lady, like the other inhabitants of the waste land in which

she lives, has failed to grasp what the myth makes clear, that

refusal for high moral reasons to submit to sensuality may lead

to a tragic fate, but that the tragedy itself may lead to a higherkind of existence and to an inviolability of spirit, whereas the

4 From "Sweeney among the Nightingales," by T S. Eliot, in his Collected

Poems, 1909-1935. Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company.Reprinted with their permission.

s From "The Waste Land/' by T S Eliot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-1935. Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company Reprinted withtheir permission.

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indulgence of sensuality with no other aim than self-gratification

leads to a neurotic and meaningless existence. The idea is given

a brief echo in The Fire Sermon (203-206), the third section

of the poem. After a mocking account of the dalliance of

Sweeney and Mrs. Porter, the poem continues:

Twit twit twit

Jug jug jug jug jug jugSo rudely forc'd.


lines that might appear meaningless if the final word did not

make clear that they represent the song of the nightingale. In

Elizabethan times the word "jug" was used to indicate the note

of a bird's song, and the word "tereu" is not only a shortened

form of King Tereus' name but a word that the Elizabethan

writer, George Gascoigne, in his poem, The Complaynt of Philo-

mene, identified as a trill in the song of the nightingale. Thus

again Eliot makes the myth provide an ironic contrast 'between

Philomela's agony because of Tereus' lust and the easy submis-

sion of Mrs. Porter to Sweeney.

PHILOMENA (fil'6-me'nfl) is another name for PHILOMELA.PHINEUS (fi'nus) was (1) Andromeda's first fianc who was

turned to stone by PERSEUS; (2) a man of many troubles who

was aided by the ARGONAUTS.PHLEGETHON (flg'-th6n), or Pyriphlegethon, is a river of

HADES.PHLEGYAS (flSjI-ds) was the father of IXION.

PHOBOS (fo'bos) is an attendant of his father ARES.

PHOEBE (fe'be), whose name is often given to Artemis, was the

first moon goddess and the grandmother of ARTEMIS.

e From "The Waste Land," by T. S. Eliot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-

1935. Copyright, 1934/1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company Reprinted with

their permission.


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PHOEBUS (fe'bus) is a name of APOLLO.PHOENIX (fe'niks). (1) Phoenix, a brother of Cadmus, gave upthe search for their sister Europa and settled at last in a land that

was thereafter called Phoenicia. See THEBES. (2) The Phoenix

is a miraculous bird of wonderful red and gold plumage that

inhabits an earthly paradise in Arabia where it sits on or near

a specially reserved tree. Only one of the species is supposed to

be alive at any one time, but this single Phoenix lives to an ex-

traordinary age, according to some accounts, five hundred years,

and according to others, a thousand or more. At the end of its

life span, the Phoenix builds itself a nest of spice and aromatic

woods, settles on it, and sets fire to it. From the ashes of this

fire arises a new Phoenix. Some say that the new bird then takes

up the remains of the old bird and carries them to the templeof the sun at Heliopolis in Egypt, where it either buries them

or sacrifices them on the high altar. But others say that it is

the same bird that arises from the ashes of the fire, regenerated

by the fire which it created, and that this bird then makes a

pilgrimage to Heliopolis. In either event, the bird is supposedto be visible to mortals only while it is on its flight to and from


The early Egyptians were first to see in the myth a symbol of

immortality. To them the life cycle of the Phoenix symbolized

the life cycle of the sun, which dies every day at sunset and is

reborn every morning; consequently they held that the bird was

sacred to the sun. Other people interpreted the myth as a more

general symbol for the regeneration of life after death, and this

is the interpretation usually given it.

The symbolic bird naturally appealed to Christians because of

the parallel between its rebirth and the resurrection of the Christ.

The Phoenix thus became a favorite early Christian symbol. It

is used to this end in The Phoenix, one of the few poems in


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Old English that have survived. The bird also appears in a

poem of Shakespeare's, The Phoenix, and the Turtle, the meaningof which is obscure, but a much moie typical Shakespearian use

of the symbol is the remark of Sebastian in The Tempest (3. 3.


Now I will believe

That there are unicorns, that in Arabia

There is one tree, the phoenix' throne, one phoenixAt this hour reigning there.

Sebastian has just seen a vision of strange shapes sent by Pros-

pero, the magician, and his credulity has been considerably en-

larged by the experience, as the quoted lines indicate.

A typically metaphysical use of the symbol appears in The

Canonization, where John Donne, expressing the mystic unity

that love has made of him and his mistress, writes:

The Phoenix ndle hath more wit

By us, we two being one, are it.

To Milton, the bird's remarkable flight to Egypt seems an apt

simile for the flight of the angel Raphael from Heaven to Eden

in Paradise Lost(5. 272-274), sent to warn Adam, Raphael as

he flies downward looks like

A Phoenix, gaz'd by all, as that sole Bird

When to enshrine his rehques in the Sun's

Bright Temple, to Aegyptian Theb's he flies.

Milton obviously is following a variant that locates the templeat Thebes rather than at Heliopolis.

In our own time the Phoenix was a personal symbol for the

poet and novelist D. H. Lawrence, and his posthumous papers are


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appropriately entitled Phoenix. Maurice Cramer's novel, Phoenix

<it East Hadley, published in 1941, suggests in a light mood what

might happen to a quiet Massachusetts town if three Phoenixes

took up residence there.

PHOLUS (fo'lus), who guarded the wine of the Centaurs,

provoked a battle by giving Heracles a drink. See CEN-

TAURS.PHORCYS (for'sis) is one of the SEA GODS.

PHOSPHOR (6s'for), the morning star, is a son of EOS.

PHRIXUS (frik'sus) rode on the golden-fleeced ram to Colchis.

See ARGONAUTS.PIERIA (pHr'ivi) is a spring on the slopes of Mount Olympus,near which were born the MUSESPIERIDES (pi-e'rl-dez) are the, MUSES.

PILLARS, or Gates, OF HERACLES (hSr'd-klez) are two moun-

tains which face each other across the strait where the

Mediterranean Sea meets the great river of Oceanus, now

called the Atlantic Ocean. These mountains, one of which

is now called the Rock of Gibraltar, were raised byHERACLES.PIPLEA (pip'le'd) was loved by Daphnis, who was saved from

death by HERACLES.PIRENE (pi're'ne) was a famous spring at Corinth near which

Pegasus was bridled by BELLEROPHON.PIRITHOUS (pi-rith'6'us) was a close friend of THESEUS.PISCES (pis'ez), the Fish, is a constellation and a sign of the

ZODIAC.PITYS (pitls) was a Nymph whom Pan loved. When she fled

from him, she was transformed into the pine tree, which there-

after was sacred to PAN.

PLEIADS (ple'yads), or PLEIADES (ple'yd-dez^ are always run-

ning away from ORION.


Page 333: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


PLUTON (ploc/ton), or PLUTO (ploc/to), is another name o

the god HADES.PLUTUS (ploc/tus) is a god of wealth frequently confused with

the god Pluto, or- HADES.PODALIRIUS (po'd^Hirl-us), a son of Asclepius, was a Greek

leader m the TROJAN WAR.PODARGE (po-dar'je) is one of the Harpies. See SEAGODS.POEAS (pe'as) was the father of PHILOCTETES.POLLUX (pol'uks) is the Roman name of Polydeuces, the twin

brother of CASTOR.POLYBOTES (pSl'i-bo'tez) was one of the GIANTS.POLYBUS (pol'i-bus) was foster father of Oedipus, king of



i-dam'na), queen of Egypt, entertained

Helen of Troy. See TROJAN WAR.POLYDECTES (p6H-dgk'tez), who tried to force Danae to

marry him, was turned to stone by PERSEUS.

POLYDEUCES (poll-du'sez) was the twin brother of CASTOR.POLYDORUS (p511-d6r-us) was (1) the son of Cadmus, founder

of THEBES; (2) one of the Epigoni (see THEBES); (3) a young

Trojan prince (see AENEAS).POLYHYMNIA (p611-him'm-0}, or POLYMNIA (p6*lim'ni-a),

is the Muse of sacred song and oratory. See MUSES.POLYNICES (pSll-m'sez) and Eteocles, sons of Oedipus, vied

for the kingship of THEBES.POLYPHEMUS (poll-fe'miis) was the Cyclops who loved

Galatea and was blinded by Odysseus. See GALATEA, ODYS-


POLYPHONTES (p61'i-f6n'tez) helped Eteodes defend

THEBES.POLYXENA (po-lik'sfe-nd), a Trojan princess, was sacrificed on


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the grave of Achilles at the demand of Achilles' ghost. See TRO-

JAN WAR.POMONA (pd-mo'nfl), the Roman goddess of fruit trees, is the

mistress of VERTUMNUS.PONTUS (p6n'tus) is one of the SEA GODS.

PORPHYRION (p6r-fir1-6n) was one of the GIANTS.

PORTUNUS (por-tu'nus), the Roman god of harbors, is identi-

fied with Palaemon. See SEA GODS.

POSEIDON (pfrsi'd&n) is the chief Olympian god of the sea.


POTHOS (po'thos), the god of longing, is an attendant ot


PRIAM (pri'am), or PRIAMUS (prl'a-mus), was king of Troyat the time of the TROJAN WAR.PRIAPUS (pri-a'pus), or Lutinus, a god of fertility in nature

and man, is the son of Aphrodite or Chione, the Titaness, by

Dionysus or Zeus. He is a guardian of all who cultivate the soil

and a friend and protector, as well, of travelers, shepherds, and

mariners. Statues of him were erected in gardens to increase

the fertility of the soil and to ward off thieves. On these, short

humorous poems, Priapea, were often carved. Eighty of the

poems were collected in the time of Augustus. The narrator in

Chaucer's Parliament of Fowls (253-259) remembers:

The God Priapus saw I, as I wente,

Withinne the temple in sovereyn place stonde.

Priapus "with his company" is in the procession of deities and

animals in Shelley's Witch of Atlas (41-88). Swinburne's Dolores

("Our Lady of Pain") is the "daughter of Death and Priapus"

(53). D. H. Lawrence wrote a Hymn to Priapus, and Mr. Apol-

linax, the foreigner, in the poem that bears his name, reminds

T. S. Eliot of


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. . . Priapus in the shrubbery

Gaping at the lady in the swing.7

PROCNE (pr6k'ne) was the sister of PHILOMELA.PROCRIS (pro'kris) was the wife of Cephalus, who was carried

off by EOS.

PROCRUSTES (pr6-krijs/tez) had a way of making all his guests

fit his guest bed. He was made to fit it also by THESEUS.PROETUS (pre'tus) tried to bring about the death of BEL-

LEROPHON.PROMACHOS (pr6m'd-kos) (1) is a surname of ATHENE;

(2) was one of the Epigoni (see THEBES).PROMETHEUS (pr6-me'thus) was the son of the Titan, lapetus,

and either the goddess Themis, who later married Zeus, ^orthe

Oceanid Clymene. By a rather doubtful etymology, his name was

commonly taken to mean "forethought," and with his brother

Epimetheus, or "afterthought," he was credited with a substan-

tial part in the creation of mankind. Though accounts vary

widely in detail, they all agree that Prometheus gave fire to

mankind against the will of Zeus, and that for this act he was

severely punished.When the world was first organized out of Chaos, it was ruled

by Uranus, the sky. Uranus was overthrown by his son Cronus,

and for ages he and his fellow Titans were supreme. Finally

Zeus and the other Olympian children of Cronus challenged

their father's might, and a great war ensued between the Titans

and the Olympians. In this struggle Prometheus had the fore-

thought to side with Zeus against his own kind, since the Olym-

pians were destined by fate to win, and therefore Prometheus

and his brother were not cast into Tartarus with other defeated


T From "Mr. Apollmax," by T. S Eliot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-1935.

Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company Reprinted with theil



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Instead, he and Epimetheus were charged with the creation

o the animals and of mankind. Epimetheus gave his chief atten-

tion to shaping animals and endowing them with their various

natures. Prometheus, however, took earth and shaped it with

water, he gave to man the form of the gods themselves, so that

man, of all the animals, alone stands upright and is always

able to look at the heavens, whereas his animal kindred gaze

downward at the earth. Meantime Epimetheus had been so-

generous in endowing animals with faculties such as strength

and swiftness and courage that there appeared to be little left

for man. Prometheus therefore determined to endow man with

the use of fire, the sacred property of the Olympian gods. With

the aid of Athene he obtained it, probably by lighting a torch

at the chariot of the sun. The gift was a magnificent one, for it

enabled man to warm his house against the inclemency of the

weather, to cook his food, to shape utensils and weapons out of

metal, and in many ways, to bring about his own advancement.

In fact, it put man so far above the animals and so close to the

gods themselves that the gods were alarmed, and a great debate

ensued on Mount Olympus as to the proper portion of mankind

-in the world.

Prometheus was by now in disfavor with Zeus, but he was

ordered to decide what portion of a sacrificial bull was due to

man and what to the gods. Still determined to favor man, he

wrapped the edible parts in the hide and concealed them with

useless entrails, and at the same time wrapped the skeleton in

fat so that it appeared to be rich. When Zeus was asked to

choose between these two portions, he was not taken in by the

stratagem; but he chose the skeleton and the fat, thus leaving

the better portion to man. Then, as a punishment, he deprivedman of the use of fire. Prometheus, however, stole the fire again

from heaven in a hollow reed and gave it back to man. Where.


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upon Zeus determined to punish both the race of man and its

creator and friend, Prometheus, in more terrible ways.

As a punishment for man, he ordered Hephaestus to con-

struct the first woman. According to this cynical myth, Hephaes-tus built a creature named Pandora, whom the various gods and

goddesses then endowed with suitably dangerous qualities;

Athene gave her womanly skill in handicrafts, Aphrodite gaveJtier beauty, and Hermes gave her guile. Then, when she was

fatally complete, Hermes led her down to Epimetheus to begin

her work of causing the downfall of mankind, an occasion

aptly remembered by Milton in Paradise Lost (4. 713-719)

when he wished to describe the fatal glamour of Eve, who was,

he says,

... in naked beauty more adorn'd,

More lovely then Pandora, whom the Gods

Endowd with all thir gifts, and O too like

In sad event, when to the unwiser Son

Of Japhet brought by Hermes, she ensnar'd

Mankind with her faire looks, to be aveng'dOn him who had stole Joves authentic fire.

^Here Japhet is lapetus.) The first woman met with the same

success that has been hereditary in her beautiful descendants

ever since; she at once caught the eye of Epimetheus who, ignor-

ing his brother's warning (a trait also hereditary in his descend-

ants), made her his wife.

Pandora had brought with her as a gift a magic box into

which the gods had put multifarious woes from all of which

blissful mankind was at that Dearly time wholly free. Epimetheuswas warned not to open the box. Some stories say that it belonged

to Epimetheus and contained\he ills which had not been

distributed in the creation of man and that Pandora was warned

against opening it. In any event, the box was opened, and


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immediately out flew all the grievous things it contained, painand sickness, envy and anger, sorrow and despair. Hope alone

was kept in, so that it might still remain to man, although the

nineteenth-century poet, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, in his poemPandora, asks a pertinent question even about hope:

What of the end? These beat their wings at will,

The ill-born things, the good things turned to ill,

Powers of the impassioned hours prohibited.

Aye, clench the casket now! Whither they goThou mayst not dare to think nor canst thou know

If Hope still pent there be alive or dead.

Thus did Zeus penalize man for the possession of fire, and thus

did the Greeks symbolize their adherence to the timeless mascu-

line conviction that all man's troubles begin with woman.

For Prometheus Zeus provided a cruel fate. He had Hephaestuschain the Titan to a crag in the Caucasus mountains, where

every day an eagle or a vulture visited him and ate out his

liver, which grew back daily. At this point again there are

variables in the myth. One story says that Prometheus had re-

ceived from his mother Themis information that Zeus would

have a son who would overthrow him. Because Zeus knew that

Prometheus had this information, he did not cast the Titan into

Tartarus, and he would have freed him if Prometheus had been

willing to tell what he knew. Prometheus' prophetic gift, how-

ever, told him also that a descendant of Zeus in the thirteenth

generation would free him, and he therefore preferred to await

this rescue. It came in the person of Heracles, who shot the hun-

gry eagle and broke the confining chains to free the Titan, in

return for which Prometheus told Heracles where to find Atlas

and the garden of the Hesperides.

According to another story, Prometheus seems to have divulged


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to Zeus, who was about to make love to Thetis, the vital infor-

mation that Thetis' son was destined to be greater than his

father. Zeus therefore decreed that Thetis should marry a mor-

tal, she did so, and her son Achilles fulfilled the prophecy b)

becoming much greater than his father Peleus. Prometheus was

released for saving Zeus from disaster. He also received immor-

tality from Chiron, the Centaur, who, in trying to make peace

between Heracles and the other Centaurs, was wounded with

a poisoned arrow; the agony was so great that he offered to give

his immortality to Prometheus so that he might die of his

wound. This arrangement was permitted, and Prometheus joined

the gods on Olympus.As a champion of mankind against the ruling forces of the

universe, Prometheus has always had a great attraction for poets,

especially for Romantic poets. Beginning with the ancient Greek

dramatist, Aeschylus, who seems to have written two plays about

him, Prometheus Bound and Prometheus Unbound, the second

of which has been lost in the passage of time, Prometheus has

been the subject of many symbolic poems.His more idealistic values are ignored by Jonathan Swift, who

accuses him in Prometheus of stealing the golden chain that

hung from the throne of Zeus and who uses this story to belabor

an eighteenth-century Irish patentee named Wood:

Say, who is to be understood

By that old thief Prometheus? WOODFor Jove, it is not hard to guess him;

I mean his m[ajesty], God bless him.

Swift says that Prometheus substituted a brass chain for the

golden one, and it is clear that in this poem Swift himself, steal-

ing from his own sovereign, has replaced the gold of the mythwith both brass and irony.

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Byron gives Prometheus more his due in a poem to which he

gave the Titan's name:

Thy godlike crime was to be kind,

To render with thy precepts less

The sum of human wretchedness,

And strengthen Man with his own mind.

Here the poet follows the common idea that the fire which

Prometheus stole for man was intellectual and not physical. Headds, generalizing his symbol:

Like thee, Man is in part divine,

A troubled stream from a pure source;

And Man in portions can foresee

His own funereal destiny;

but like Prometheus, man does not give in, and thus (says Byron)he makes of his own death a victory.

Shelley, too, in the best known of all the English poetic uses

of the myth, represents the idealistic symbolic value of Prome-

theus' resistance to Zeus. In Prometheus Unbound, a poetic

drama inspired in part by Aeschylus, he identifies Zeus with

the principle of evil in the world, and the old Titan, Saturn,

with good. Prometheus he sees as a regenerative power able to

assist mankind in returning to the state of early innocence. Shel-

ley describes Prometheus as refusing to yield to Zeus the secret

that would prevent his overthrow, so that Zeus makes the fatal

error of marrying Thetis and is deposed by Demogorgon, wholeads him down to dwell in Tartarus. Hercules, who typifies

strength, frees Prometheus, and the world returns to an ideal

state. The poem ends with a speech by Demogorgon, a character

introduced into the myth by Shelley:


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To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite,

To forgive wrongs darker than death or night;

To defy Power, which seems omnipotent,To love, and bear, to hope till Hope creates

From its own wreck the thing it contemplates;Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent;

This, like thy glory, Titan, is to be

Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free;

This is alone Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory.

To Longfellow, Prometheus seems a good symbol of the poet.

In his poem Prometheus, or The Poet's Forethought he writes:

All is but a symbol paintedOf the Poet, Prophet, Seer;

Only those are crowned and sainted

Who with grief have been acquainted,

Making nations nobler, freer.

Although he wonders whether all the work of poets has beent

in vain in this unyielding world, he decides that it has not; and

he concludes that the poets must continue to hold their torches,

on high. In Epimetheus, or The Poet's Afterthought, he expresses

puzzlement that the gods created Pandora so lovely and so>

destructive, and relief that she did at least save hope for the


Prometheus provided a similar inspiration for James Russell

Lowell, and for Robert Bridges he offered the opportunity to

see, somewhat dimly in spite of two thousand years of hind-

sight, the coming of Christianity as the overthrow of Zeus. Thestate of the world in recent decades, however, has not encouraged

poets to use a myth that foresees so clearly an end to woe.

PROSERPINA (pr&'seY'pi'iui) is a Roman name of Persephone,the daughter of Demeter and the wife of Hades. See EARTHGODDESSES, HADES.

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PROTESILAUS (pr&-ts'Ma'iis) was the first Greek to land on

the Trojan shore and the first to die in the TROJANWAR.PROTEUS (pro'tl-us) is the shepherd of Poseidon's herd of seals.

He can change his shape at will, and he is skilled in prophecy.

See SEA GODS.PSYCHE (si'ke), the personification of the human soul, married

the god of love, EROS.

PSYCHOPOMPOS (si'ko-pom'pos) is another name for

HERMES.PYGMALION (pig'ma'li'&n) was a mythical sculptor of enor-

mously good fortune. A scorner of women and of lascivious living,

according to Ovid (Metamorphoses 10), he lived apart from the

daily life of Cyprus, his native isle. One day he carved out of

ivory a statue of a woman so beautiful and so perfect that he

fell in love with it. As his ardor grew greater he began to wish

earnestly that the statue had life, and at last he went to the

temple of Aphrodite and prayed to the goddess to grant his wish.

Aphrodite was moved by his prayer and caused the statue to come

to life. Pygmalion was naturally overjoyed and made this extraor-

dinary woman his wife. The result of their union was a son

named Paphos, whose name the Cyprians gave to their city

as a memorial of Aphrodite's miracle.

Pygmalion's experience has appealed to many poets. Some of

them, congenitally of the opinion that women are as fair and

as unyielding as ivory, see in it the symbol of their frustration.

One of them whose name has not come down to us but whose

poem, The Tale of Pigmalion, survives in Tottel's Miscellany,

a famous Elizabethan anthology, recounts the story to his mis-

tress in order to conclude pointedly,

Since that this ymage dum enflamde so wyse a man:

My dere, alas since I you loue, what wonder is it than?


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A later Elizabethan, John Marston, takes a somewhat more

worldly view of the story in his poem, The Metamorphosis of

Pygmalion's Image. According to his version, Pygmalion made

such violent love to the statue that Aphrodite's act was less of

a miracle. "Tut," he writes,

. . . women will relent

Whenas they find such moving blandishment.

And in his sonnet prefatory to this poem he promises his mistress

Then when thy kindnes grants me such sweet bhsse,

He gladly write' thy Metamorphosis.

As might be expected, William Morris expands the myth of

Pygmalion to considerable length in The Earthly Paradise, his

long collection of mythical stories in poetic form, but he has

little to add to the story except length. On the other hand,

Thomas Lovell Beddoes' Pygmalion, as Douglas Bush points

out, makes the sculptor a symbol of the artist who lives remote

from the world about him. The artist is frustrated by his experi-

ence with the world, and Beddoes' modifications show this; in

his version Pygmalion's prayer is unanswered until he dies, and

then the statue comes to life.

The best-known modern use of the myth is Bernard Shaw's

play Pygmalion. In this play the statue is represented by a

Cockney girl of the lowest social caste, and Pygmalion is a

learned professor of phonetics. The girl is in effect transformed

into an elegant lady and an equal of high-born snobs when she

is taught to speak upper-class English. Thus the giving of life

to an inanimate figure is ironic in the play, and Shaw turns

his parallel of the myth into a witty satire on snobbery.

PYGMIES (pig'mez) attacked Heracles, who wrapped them upin his lion's skin. See HERACLES.


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PYLADES (pil'd-dez) was the faithful friend of Orestes. See

ATREUS.PYRAMUS (pir'fl-mus) and Thisbe were two lovers in ancient

Babylon during the reign of Queen Semiramis. Their story

was not originally a classical myth, but it became closely asso-

ciated with classical mythology when Ovid incorporated it in his

Metamorphoses, a series of tales of transformations. The two

lovers lived in adjoining houses but were forbidden by their

parents to see each other. With an independence familiar to

readers of romances, they contrived to make love in spite of

their parents and held converse through a chink in the wall

that separated their two dwellings. At last they agreed to run

away together, and they arranged to meet outside the city at

the tomb of King Ninus. Thisbe arrived first; and while she

waited, a lioness, fresh from a kill, approached and frightened

her into fleeing for refuge in such haste that she dropped her

veil. The lioness drank at a near-by spring and tossed with its

bloody mouth the veil that Thisbe had dropped.When Pyramus arrived, the lioness had left, but Thisbe had

not dared to return from her refuge. Seeing the bloody veil,

Pyramus hastily concluded that a wild beast had slain Thisbe

and eaten her, bones, gristle, and all. After blaming himself in

lover's fashion for having brought so unkind a fate on her,

he killed himself with his sword. Thisbe, when she returned,

found this incontrovertible evidence of Pyramus' death, and after

an appropriate lover's speech, she also killed herself, first pray-

ing that her ashes and those of Pyramus be mingled in the

funeral obsequies. In the meantime the mingled blood of the

two lovers, soaking into the ground, caused the berries of a

near-by mulberry tree to turn purple, though previously they

had been white.

Ovid's version of this myth has been retold countless times.


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Chaucer relates it in medieval style in The Legend of Good

Women (921-923) as an example of "A man that can in love

been trewe and kynde" and of a woman who "dar and can as

wel as he"

Doubtless the best-known later rendition is Shake-

speare's burlesque of the story in the last act of A Midsummer-

Night's Dream. In this small play within the play, pathos is

made bathos by Bottom, Quince, and the other low comic charac-

ters. To spare the ladies' feelings, Bottom suggests that the pro-

logue say (3. 1. 19-23)

We will do no harm with our swords, and that Pyramus is

not kill'd indeed, and for the more better assurance, tell them

that I Pyramus am not Pyramus, but Bottom the weaver.

Bottom and his fellows manage to personify even the separating

wall and the moonlight, and they make each moment of feeling so

explicit that Hippolyta, watching them, is moved to exclaim,

This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard

(5. 1.213).

PYRIPHLEGETHON (pir'i-flgg'-th6n), or Phlegethon, is a

river of HADES.PYRRHA (pir'd) was the wife of DEUCALION.PYRRHUS (pir'us), who was also called Neoptolemus, was the

son of Achilles. He fought in the TROJAN' WAR.PYTHIA (pithl-a) is a name of Apollo's priestess at Delphi.

See ORACLES.PYTHIUS (pith/i-us) is a name given to Apollo in reference to

his killing the Python. See APOLLO.PYTHON (pi'th6n), a son of the earth goddess Gaea, was a great

serpent who guarded the Delphic oracle until he was killed by


/th6-ne's) is a name of Apollo's priestess at

Delphi. See ORACLES.


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QUIRINAL (kwir'i'ndl) is one of the seven hills of later ROME.

QUIRINAUA (kwir'i-na'li-fl) was a festival in honor of Romulus.


QUIRINUS (kwi-rl'nus) is the name under which Romulus was

deified as a minor god of war. See ARES, ROME.

REMUS (re'mus) was the brother of Romulus, founder of

ROME.RHADAMANTHUS (rM'4-man'thto), a son of Zeus and Europa,became a judge in HADES.RHEA (re'd) was the Titan earth goddess. See EARTH GOD-DESSES.

RHEA SILVIA (re'd sil'vi-a) was the mother of Remus and

Romulus. See ROME.RHOETUS (re'tus) was one of the GIANTS.

ROME, or ROMA, the capital of the Roman empire and

civilization, was founded by Romulus, according to mythology,on a date that corresponds to April 21, 753 B.C. on the Christian

calendar. According to tradition, also, the city was built on seven

hills, and consequently it is often referred to as the City of the


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Seven Hills; but the seven hills on which the ancient city was

built are not the seven that became famous in later times, chiefly

because the ancient Romans subdivided several of the larger

hills in their system. The seven hills of the earliest city were

Palatium, Cermalus, Velia, Oppius, Cispius, Fagutal, and Sucusa.

The Palatium and the Cermalus were both peaks of the

Palatine hill of later fame; the Velia was the saddle ridge that

connected the Palatine with the Esquiline; the Oppius and

Cispius were both spurs of the Esquiline; the Fagutal was the

highest part of the Oppius; and the Sucusa was a spur of the

Caelian hill. In the much larger city of a later day, the famous

hills include the Palatine, Esquiline, and Caelian hills already

mentioned, and the Aventine, Capitoline, Viminal, and Quirinalhills.

The Romans maintained that before their capital city was

founded, the area was dominated by the town of Alba Longathat had been founded by Aeneas' son, Ascanius, and ruled over

ever since by his descendants. One of these, King Numitor, was

deposed by his younger brother, Amulius, who also arranged to

have Numitor's son killed on a hunt and then forced Numitor's

daughter, Rhea Silvia, to become a Vestal Virgin. Rhea Silvia,

however, was visited by Mars, and as a result had twin boys,

Romulus and Remus. This annoyed Amulius, who put the lady

in prison and the two boys into a basket which he had thrown

in^o the Tiber River.

The basket floated along to the Palatine Hill, where it came

to rest. There a she-wolf took care of the boys and suckled them.

They were rescued and adopted by one of the king's shepherds

named Faustulus. One day when they had grown to youth, the

twins and some of their fellow shepherds quarreled with the

shepherds of Numitor, and in the ensuing fray Remus was taken

prisoner and afterward brought before Numitor, who recognized


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him as his grandson because of Remus' bearing. Faustulus, who

had long suspected the relationship, now confirmed it. Romulus

joined Remus in his grandfather's house, and the three of

them plotted to restore the throne of Numitor, a project that

they at length successfully completed, slaying Amulius in the


Romulus and Remus now decided to found a city of their

own, to which one of them was to give his name. Since they were

twins, this intention led to trouble. They chose the Palatine Hill

as the site for the new city, and Romulus set out to define the

locations of the walls by driving a plowshare with a bullock

along the lines. Remus, to show his contempt for these walls,

leaped over them in mockery, and Romulus in a fit of angerkilled him. Thus Romulus was free to name the city after himself,

and he called it Roma.

Romulus now set out to build up the population of his city.

He had his own group of followers, and some of the Alba

Longans had moved with him, but the population was small

Romulus therefore declared the city a refuge for slaves and

homicides and anyone else who cared to live there, a device that

brought a great many men to Rome, but very few women.'He

then invited the neighboring towns to send women in marriage,

but they declined for reasons that are not hard to imagine As a

stratagem, Romulus invited the same towns to a celebration in

Rome. A large number of the Sabine tribes came, bringing th.eir

wives and families, according to the custom of the time. At an

appropriate moment, the Romans seized the daughters and made

off with them into the city, where they settled down to married


This act, famous as the rape of the Sabine Women, broughtwar on the city. The Romans were generally successful in defend-

ing themselves until attacked by an army under the Sabine king,

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Titus Tatius. The capable generalship of this king brought the

Sabines to the very walls of Rome, and at the critical moment,the city was betrayed to them from within by one of their

women named Tarpeia, after whom in later days was named the

famous Tarpeian Rock from which condemned criminals were

cast down to their destruction. In the battle that followed, the

day was saved for the Romans partly by the intercession of

Jupiter in response to a prayer of Romulus; partly by an accident

that befell a Sabine leader named Mettius Curtius, who fell into

a mire and had to be rescued; but chiefly by the Sabine womenwhom the Romans had stolen, who rushed between the com-

batants to make peace.

The Sabines now agreed to join the new city and to add to it

by settlements on adjoining hills, over all of which, however,

Romulus was to be sole king. Romulus subsequently ruled in

comparative peace for nearly forty years, during which time he

founded, according to the myth, most of the Roman institutions

such as the Senate, the Patrician and Plebeian classes, the system

of patrons and clients, and the army. One day while reviewing

the army on the Campus Martius, or Field of Mars, a large

training ground, Romulus was seized up into heaven in the

midst of a great thunderstorm. Later, however, he appeared to a

Roman named Julius Paterculus and predicted the future

greatness of Rome. He warned his people to become proficient

in arms so that they might live up to their destiny, and he

directed that he be worshiped as Quirinus, a lesser Mars. Al-

though some suspected that Romulus had been killed by the

Senators in the darkness of the storm, most accepted the story of

the miraculous seizure into heaven, and consequently Romulus

was considered to be a god. A religious festival called the

Quirinalia was established in his honor.

The famous statue that represents Romulus and Remus being


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suckled by the she-wolf has become emblematic of the city of


ROMULUS (r6m'u-lils) was the founder of ROME.RUTULIANS (roo-toc/li^nz) were a people of Italy who fought

against AENEAS.

SABINE (sa'bin) WOMEN were stolen from their families bythe Romans in the early days of ROME.SABRINA (sa-bri'na) is a river Nymph invented by Milton. See


SAGITTARIUS (sajl-ta'ri-us), the Archer, is a constellation and

a sign of the ZODIAC.

SALMACIS (s&Fmd'Sis) was the Nymph whose union with

Hermaphroditus produced the first hermaphrodite. See HERMES.SAMOTHRACE (sm'6-thras), an island in the northern part of

the Aegean Sea, was famous in ancient times for its religious

mysteries. The Cabiri, deities whose nature and worship were

kept so secret that nothing definite is known of them, were some-

times called Samothracian gods because of the celebration of their

mysteries on the island. In the third poem of Hugh Selwyn

Mauberley, in which Ezra Pound contrasts the gimcrack presentwith the beauty of the past, he observes that the Christian mysteryis inferior to that of Samothrace. Exploration of the ancient ruins

of the island recovered a statue which has become famous as the

Victory of Samothrace. It is in the Louvre at Paris.


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SARPEDON (sar'pe'don) fought valiantly against the Greeks in

the TROJAN WAR.SATURN (sat'urn), or SATURNUS (sa-tur'nus), is a Romanname for CRONUS.SATURNALIA (sat'ur-na'li-a) was a harvest celebration in honor

of Saturn, the Roman CRONUS.SATYRS (sa'tirz), or SATYRI (sa'tir-i), are wood gods, followers

of PAN and DIONYSUS.SCAEAN (se'dn) GATES were the chief entrance to Troy. See

TROJAN WAR.SCAMANDER (sk-man'dr) was a river of Troy. See TROJANWAR.SCHERIA (ske'ri-d) was the land of the Phaeacians. See ODYS-SEUS.

SCHOENEUS (ske'nf-us) was the father of ATALANTA OFBOEOTIA.SCIRON (si'r6n) was a robber who kicked travelers into the sea.

He suffered the same fate at the hands (or feet) of THESEUS.SCORPIO (skor'pi-o), the Scorpion, is a constellation and a sign

of the ZODIAC.SCYLLA (sil'a), a sea Nymph, was transformed into a monster,

and thereafter she preyed on the ships that sailed through the

Sicilian straits. See SEA GODS, ODYSSEUS.SCYROS (si'r&s) is the Aegean island to which Theseus retired.

He died and was buried there, but his bones were later removed

to the Theseum in Athens. Scyros is also the place where Thetis

hid her son Achilles, disguised as a girl, to save him from his

fated death at Troy. See THESEUS, TROJAN WAR.SEA GODS, The first sea god was Oceamis, a Titan. After the

great war in the heavens, he did not lose his place to an Olympian,as most of the Titans did. He retained his power partly because

he declined to fight against the younger gods and partly be-


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cause his domain was remote from that of Poseidon, the

Olympian who became the god of the sea. Oceanus rules the

mighty river that flows in a circle around the edge of the

world and forms the boundary of earth, heaven, ap.d Hades. Heis mysterious, powerful, but kindly.

He usually appears (as he does in Ben Jonson's Masque of

Blackness) with his head horned and garlanded with seaweed.

Sometimes he rides on a seahorse and sometimes in a chariot

beside his wife Tethys, by whom he is the father of the

Oceanids, the Nymphs of the ocean, and all the river gods.

Spenser says (Faene Queene, 6. Prologue. 7), "So from the Ocean

all riuers spring." Oceanus and Tethys took care of Hera when

she was a child and sheltered her when the Olympians were at

war with the Titans.

This royal pair has an honored place in the marriage procession

of the Thames and the Medway in The Faerie Queene (4. 11, 18):

Next came the aged Ocean, and his Dame,Old Tethys, th' eldest two of all the rest.

At Whitehall in 1610 the Queen of England played the part of

Tethys in Tethys' Festival, a masque by Samuel Daniel; and in

Milton's Comus (866-869) the Spirit invokes the river NymphSabrina:

Listen and appear to us

In name of great Oceanus,

And Tethys grave majestick pace.

Keats in Hyperion presents Oceanus as the only one of the

Titans who understands and accepts their defeat at the hands of

the younger gods. His speech to his fellows (2. 173-243) is the


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central expression of the theme of progress, which is the philo-

sophical basis of the poem.

Poseidon, or Neptune, is the Olympian god of the sea, the

one who was feared and worshiped by the seafaring Greeks and,

to a lesser extent, by the land-loving Romans. After the defeat of

the Titans, the sons of Cronus Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon-

divided the universe by lot. Zeus became god of the heavens

and earth, Hades of the underworld, and Poseidon of the ocean.

Poseidon is the supreme sea god, but the Greeks apparently con-

ceived of him as active only in the waters on which they sailed, the

Mediterranean and the Euxine Sea (now the Black Sea). Un-

navigated waters were still ruled by Oceanus and Pontus, another

Titan as old as Oceanus but much more shadowy, memorable

only because of his children, who will be described later.

''..With his wife Amphitrite, a daughter of Nereus/jPoseidon lives

in a golden palace at the bottom of the sea. His chariot, entirely

of gold, is drawn by horses with brass hooves and golden manes,

and the ocean waters grow calm as he approaches !Jigf*ymb01 of

kingship is the trident, a three-pronged spear, and the dolphinis sacred to him. He is a strong and moody spirit, with great poweron land as well as at sea, for he is also the lord of inland water-

ways and therefore one of the gods of fertility. Sometimes in

sudden rage he raises a storm on the ocean or strikes the land with

his trident and causes an earthquake; yet, in spite of his occa-

sional delight in destruction, he is also a god of birth and a pro-

tector of cities. Because he created the horse and became the

patron of horse racing, millions of people today are aware of his

uncertain temper, now benign and now malignant.In spite of his strength on sea and land, Poseidon was seldom

successful in contests with other gods. When he disputed with

Athene for Athens, it was agreed that the one who created

the more useful gift for man should possess the city. Poseidon


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struck a stone with his trident and produced the horse, but

Athene invented the olive tree, and the city was awarded to her.

Poseidon also failed in his attempts to win Argos from Hera,

Corinth from Helios, and other places from other gods.

The quick anger and terrible destructiveness of the sea are

described in several stories ol Poseidon's vengeance. Once, because

he had disputed the power of Zeus, Poseidon was compelled to

work for Laomedon, a king of Troy. For a fixed price Poseidon

and Apollo, who also had offended Zeus, built the walls of Troy;

and when Laomedon refused to pay them, Poseidon sent a

monster who killed so many Trojans that Laomedon finally

offered his daughter Hesione as a sacrifice to the god. Hesione

was saved by Heracles as Andromeda was saved by Perseus from

another monster sent by Poseidon to ravage the shores of Ethiopia

but Poseidon never lost his enmity for Troy. When the Greeks

under Agamemnon attacked the city, Poseidon aided them until

they had burnt the topless towers of Ilium to the ground.

On his way home from this victory Odysseus, one of the Greek

heroes, was compelled to blind the one-eyed cannibal Polyphemusin order to escape death at his hands; but Polyphemus was a son

of Poseidon, and thereafter the god pursued Odysseus with

implacable fury and for ten years prevented him from returning

to his kingdom of Ithaca. When King Minos of Crete prayed

for favor, Poseidon sent him a bull, but the animal was so

beautiful that Minos kept it and sacrificed another bull to

Poseidon. The god responded to this impiety with a terrible and

(for him) rather subtle punishment (see DAEDALUS). Yet

Poseidon was as kind to some people as he was cruel to others.

He helped Pelops to win Hippodamia, and he gave to Peleus,

Achilles' father, the famous talking horses that drew the chariot

of Achilles.

^Poseidon is a lusty god whose love affairs are almost as


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numerous though not so celebrated as those of Zeus. The ancient

earth goddess Gaea, the younger earth goddess Demeter, Aphro-

dite, the Gorgon Medusa, and many Nymphs and mortal girls

were his mistresses. Among his illegitimate sons (some of whomwere horses) were Amycus, Antaeus, Anon, Orion, Pegasus, and

Polyphemus. Most of them inherited from their father great

strength and uncertain tempers. Their exploits are related else-

where in this book.

In Spenser's Faerie Queene (3. 11. 40-42) the house of the

enchanter Busirane is hung with tapestries depicting all the wars

of Cupid, and prominent among them are some of Neptune's love

affairs. The marriage procession of the Thames and the Medwayin the same poem (4. 1 1. 1 1-16) is led by Neptune and Amphitrite,

and they are followed by such a crowd of Neptune's sons that

Spenser needs five stanzas to list them. Several times he refers

to the sacrifices offered to Neptune by those who have returned

safely from perilous voyages, and in Muiopotmos (305-336) he

retells the story of the sea god's contest with Athene.

Among the sons of Neptune, Spenser names Albion, sea god of

England. This addition to classical mythology is natural enough,for Neptune was the king of islands. The Queen in Shakespeare's

Cymbehne (3. I. 19-20) recalls his sovereignty when she describes


As Neptune's park, ribbed and paled in

With rocks unscalable and roaring waters;

but, as the Spirit says in Milton's Comus (18-29), Neptune graced

"his tributary gods" by allowing them to reign on his isjands.

Neptune often appears as a character in the masques of the late

sixteenth and the early seventeenth centuries; see, for example,Ben Jonson's Neptune's Triumph and the masque in the first act

of The Maid's Tragedy by Beaumont and Fletcher. In Paradise


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Lost (9. 18-19) Milton speaks of the god's persecution of Odysseus.

Yet Poseidon is used most commonly in English literature as the

ruler or merely the personification of the ocean. Macbeth's words

are typical (Macbeth, 2. 2. 60-61):

Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood

Clean from my hand?

vlThe dolphins are Poseidon's favorite fish, probably because

a dolphin helped him to win his wife. Amphitrite at first rejected

Poseidon and tried to hide from him in the great river of

Oceanus, but a dolphin found her and brought her back, and

Poseidon in gratitude placed the fish in the heavens as the

constellation Delphinus. Dolphins are always represented as

friendly and helpful to gods and men. When Hera learned that

Leto was with child by Zeus, she commanded that no land give

refuge to her rival; but Poseidon sent a dolphin to take Leto to

the floating island of Delos, and Zeus or Poseidon anchored the

island for her in the Mediterranean (see APOLLO).The poet and harpist Arion (not to be confused with Poseidon's

son Arion, the horse, for whom see THEBES) once sailed with

a piratical crew who decided to murder him for his money.

After singing one last song, Arion leaped overboard, and a

dolphin that had been attracted by his music carried him to

land. Spenser had this musician play at the marriage of the

Thames and the Medway (Faerie Queene, 4. 11. 23-24), and

Milton may have remembered Arion's story when h"e asked the

dolphins to bring the drowned Lycidas to shore (Lycidas, 164):

And, O ye Dolphins, waft the haples youth.

It seems more likely, however, that Milton had in mind the

story of Melicertes, whose drowned body was brought to Corinth

by a dolphin but whose spirit became a patron of sailors and


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the god of harbors. As T. O. Mabbott has recently pointed out,

both youths were drowned, both became genii of the shore, and

the parallel would have been complete, as Milton seems to

indicate, if the dolphins had brought the body of Lycidas to

land. In addition to these myths, there are many later stones of

dolphins that saved men from the sea or brought their drowned

bodies into harbor. Out of these myths and tales although again

the myth of Melicertes is the closest parallelWilliam Butler

Yeats in Byzantium created his symbol of the dolphin that carries

the souls of the dead to Paradise, through

That dolphin-torn, that gong-tormented sea 1

Since Melicertes has been mentioned, it will be convenient to

discuss him and his mother here, although they are less importantthan several of the sea gods described hereafter. When Hera

learned that Semele was with child by Zeus, she successfully

plotted the girl's death, but Zeus saved the child, the god Di-

onysus, and put him in the care of Semele's sister Ino, who was

married to Athamas. Hera drove Athamas mad and caused him to

kill his son, Learchus. Ino snatched up the other son, Melicertes,

and closely pursued by her husband, leaped from a high cliff

into the sea. There she was transformed into the goddess

Leucothea and Melicertes into the god Palaemon.

Leucothea and Palaemon were minor deities who protected

seafarers, but the Romans identified Palaemon with Portunus,

who was the god of harbors, and Leucothea with Mater Matuta,

who was the goddess of sea travel and especially of the dawn.

Milton therefore once mentions Leucothea as the dawn (Paradise

Lost, 11. 133-136). Usually, however, she and her son are

remembered as sea deities, as they are in Comus (875-876).

i From "Byzantium/' by W B. Yeats, in his The Winding Stair. Copyright,1938, by The Macmillan Company, and used with their permission.


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Spenser (Faerie Queene, 4. 11. 13), following a confused version

of the story, speaks of

. . . tragicke Inocs sonne, the which became

A God of seas through his mad mothers blame

Now hight Palemorij and is saylers frend

For Leucothea's most notable exploit, see ODYSSEUS; and for

another story of Ino and Athamas, see THEBES.An older but less powerful god than Poseidon is Nereus, a

son of the shadowy Pontus and the earth goddess Gaea. He is a

wise and gentle old god who possesses the gift of prophecy, but

his greatest distinction came to him through his wife Doris, an

Oceanid, by whom he is the father of the fifty Nereids, the

Nymphs of the Mediterranean. One of these is Amphitrite,

and Nereus is thus the father-in-law of Poseidon. In The Faerie

Queene (4. 11. 18-19) Nereus' skill in prophecy and his great

virtue are emphasized:

. . . none more vprightNe more sincere in word and deed profest;

Most void of guile, most free from fowle despight,

Doing him selfe, and teaching others to doe right.

Milton pictures Nereus as the kind old god who revives the

drowned Sabrina and gives her immortality as the Nymph of

the Severn River (Comus, 823-841). The story of course has no

classical authority.

Proteus and Triton are both sons of Poseidon by Amphitrite.

Triton, who has a dolphin's tail instead of legs, is the herald

and trumpeter of the seas. His trumpet is a conch shell with

which he can calm the ocean or rouse it into storm. He is his

father's messenger and attendant. Proteus is the keeper of

Poseidon's herd of seals, and he carries a shepherd's crook as


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the symbol of his office. He has the power of prophecy but also

the power to transform himself into a hundred different shapes,

and anyone who wishes to question him about the future must

have the strength and courage to hold him fast while he turns,

for example, from lion to snake to tree to water to panther to fire.

At noon Proteus often drives his herd of seals ashore and takes

a nap on the beach. When Aristaeus, the god of beekeeping and a

son of Apollo, pursued Eurydice in lust and caused her death (see

ORPHEUS), the Nymphs killed his bees to punish him His

mother Gyrene told him that Proteus could help him to recover

his bees and she warned him of the sea god's tricks. Aristaeus,

finding Proteus asleep, tied him so securely that in spite of his

transformations he could not escape. At last he admitted his

defeat and told Aristaeus to sacrifice cattle and to return to their

bodies after nine days. Aristaeus followed instructions and on

the ninth day found swarms of bees in the decayed carcasses. (This

folktale, based on the likeness of a certain carrion fly to the

bee, is an important part of Samson's riddle in Judges. W. B.

Yeats alludes to the story in his poem Vacillation.) WhenMenelaus was stranded in Pharos after the Trojan War, he also

caught Proteus and held him fast until the god told him how to

return to Greece.

In English literature Triton usually appears as the herald or

messenger of Poseidon. At the marriage of the Thames and the

Medway in The Faerie Queene (4. 11. 12) he marched in front of

Neptune and Amphitrite and "his trompet shrill before them

blew", in Milton's Comus (872) his symbol is his conch-shell

trumpet; and in Lycidas (89-94) he is "the Herald of the Sea"

who, in Neptune's defense, questions his father's servants about

the cause of the death of Lycidas.

The myth of Proteus is richer and more productive. His powerto transform himself, and his knowledge, reluctantly revealed


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to the brave and the persistent, have touched the imaginations

both of die relativist who believes that for a hundred men truth

has a hundred faces and of the idealist who believes that

truth can be discovered behind the countless shifting disguises

of mutability. Our adjective "protean" is derived from the god.

In The Faerie Queene (1. 2. 10) the great deceiver Archirnago

can take

As many formes and shapes in seeming wise,

As euer Proteus to himselfe could make,

and Milton in Comus (871) calls Proteus "the Carpathian wisard"

because, according to Virgil, Proteus spent most of his time in

the Carpathian Sea between Crete and Rhodes.

Francis Bacon in The Wisdom of the Ancients interprets

Proteus as a symbol of the primary substance that he thought

might be obtained by distilling various materials in alembics, and

in Paradise Lost (3. 603-605) Milton refers to the philosophers

who try to

. . . call up unboundIn various shapes old Proteits from the Sea,

Draind through a Limbec to his Native forme.

The unfaithful friend in Two Gentlemen of Verona is appropri-

ately named Proteus because he changes his loyalty as rapidly

as the sea god changes his shape, and Pope in The Dunciad

(1. 37-38) speaks of the Cave of Poverty from which the bad poets,

. . . like Proteus long in vain tied down,

Escape in Monsters, and amaze the town.

Two contemporary poets have made interesting use of the

myth. In Men of My Century Loved Mozart Archibald MacLeish

describes Mozart's music as having power to make men discard

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their disguises "All cheats and falsehoods"~and become them-

selves, and in Proteus, or the Shapes of Conscience Rolfe

Humphries offers a convincing interpretation of the myth in

terms of modern psychology.

Proteus and Triton are often seen together, especially as

attendants at any formal appearance of their father Poseidon,

but in Colin Clouts Come Home Againe (244-248) Spenser writes

of both of them as shepherds of the flocks of the ocean:

. . . the shepheard which hath charge in chief,

Is Triton blowing loud his wreathed home

And Proteus eke with him does driue his heard.

Critics agree that Wordsworth must have had these lines in

mind when he wrote The World Is Too Much with Us:

. . . Great Godl I'd rather be

A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;

So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,

Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;

Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;

Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.

Today we think that we have explored the earth pretty

thoroughly, but the sea is still mysterious to us. The Greeks and

the Romans, who were more ignorant of facts than we are,

believed that both the earth and the sea spawned monsters and

that fabulous lands existed on the farther side of the great river

of Oceanus. Beyond the great river the melancholy Cimmerians

inhabited a region of continual night; in the north the Hyper-boreans lived in happiness and endless springtime; in the south

dwelt the Ethiopians, whose banquets were often attended bythe gods; and in the west were the Blessed Islands, a paradise


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where heroes enjoyed their immortality. (For another location

of this paradise, see Elysian Fields under HADES).Spenser in The Teares of the Muses (256) uses Cimmerian

blackness as an image of man's ignorance:

Darknesse more than Cymenans daylie night;

and in L'Allegro (10) Milton banishes Melancholy to find her

dwelling place "in dark Cimmerian desert." The Song of a Hyper-borean by Thomas Moore represents the delights of a life in

eternal springtime, and Milton in // Penseroso (17-21) describes

the dark majesty of the Ethiopians. These people were burned

black by the terrible heat of the chariot of the sun when Apollo's

horses refused to be guided by Phaethon and ran wild in the

heavens (see APOLLO). As Ulysses, in Tennyson's poem of that

name (63-64), prepares to sail beyond the sunset on his last

voyage, his reference to the Blessed Islands is typical:

It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,

And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.

In addition to Nereus, the dim sea god Pontus and his mother

Gaea had two other sons, Phorcys and Thaumas. These two are

just as shadowy as their father, but they begot most of the

monsters of the sea. The daughters of Thaumas by Electra, an

Oceanid, were the charming Iris, goddess of the rainbow, and the

hideous Harpies. The Harpies had the bodies, wings, and claws

of birds but the faces of girls. Sometimes these creatures were con-

ceived of as spirits of the wind; the talking horses of Achilles

were the children of the Harpy Podarge (which means "fleet foot")

and the west wind, Zephyrus. But more often the Harpies were

thought of as ravenous, filthy creatures who stole from travelers all

the food they could eat and defiled the rest.


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In The Faene Queeve (2. 12. 36) Spenser calJs them "The

hellish Harpies, prophets of sad destiny/' probably in reference

to the doleful prophecies that the Harpy Celaeno made to Aeneas,

and earlier in the same book (2. 7. 23) this Harpy perches with

other birds of ill omen at the gate of Mammon's cave:

. . . sad CelenOj sitting on a clift

A song of bale and bitter sorrow sings.

In Comus (603-605) Milton associates the Harpies with the

creatures of Hell, and in Paradise Regained (2. 403) the banquetcreated by Satan vanishes "With sound of Harpies wings, and

Talons heard." For other stories about the Harpies see AENEASand ARGONAUTS.

If his performances in Renaissance masques are exceptedat Elvetham in 1591, for example, in an entertainment presented

to Queen Elizabeth, he rose from a pond in the company of

Neptune, Oceanus, Nereus, and Glaucus, "with a pinnace, in

which three virgins played Scottish jigs" Phorcys is notable in

English literature only as Spenser describes him (Faerie Queene,4. 11. 13):

... the father of that fatall brood,

By whom those old Heroes wonne such fame.

Themselves children of incest, Phorcys and his sister Ceto pro-

duced more terrifying daughters than the Jukes and the Kallikaks

together. They were the parents of the Graeae, the Gorgons,the Sirens, and Scylla.

The Graeae, three gray-haired crones who acted as sentries

for the Gorgons, were of necessity the first practicers of planned

economy: they had one eye and one tooth among them, and they

passed these about so that each of them could do a little seeing

and chewing. Their sisters, the three Gorgons, lived in a cave


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far at sea; they were shaped like women, but they had wingsand bra2en claws, and snakes for hair. Anyone who looked at

their faces was turned to stone. Two of the Gorgons could not

die, but the third, Medusa, was mortal. For her death and the

confusion of the Graeae see PERSEUS.In classical story the three Sirens Parthenope, Ligeia, and

Leucosia had the heads of girls and the bodies and wings of

birds, but in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance they were

pictured as girls with fishes' tails. They lived on a treacherous

reef in the sea, and when a ship passed by they sang so enchant-

ingly that the sailors leaped overboard and were drowned, and

the steersman turned toward the reef and wrecked his ship.

According to certain storytellers, these lovely enticers committed

suicide on three separate occasions: once when they lost a singing

contest with the Muses, again when Orpheus defeated them in

song, and finally when the wily Odysseus managed to hear them

sing and yet avoid the penalty. If all these stories are true, the

Sirens were born again each time, for they have never ceased to

sing. Centuries after their last reported suicide, they were haunt-

ing the Rhine, where the Germans renamed them the Lorelei;

and if other reports are veracious, they have not confined their

activities to that river or that section of the world.

Milton is inclined to glorify these ladies as "the celestial

sirens" (Arcades, 63; At a Solemn Music, 1); in Comus (877-881)

Sabrina is invoked by calling not only on the attributes of the

benevolent sea gods but also on

. . . the Songs of Sirens sweet,

By dead Parthenope's dear tomb,

And fair Ligea's golden comb,

Wherewith she sits on diamond rocks

Sleeking her soft alluring locks.

Other English poets are more traditional and more strict than


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Milton. Since they conceive of all sea maids as girls with fishes'

tails, and of all as dangerous, they are likely to call the Sirens

simply mermaids, and to attribute to all mermaids the power of

seductive song. Thus Chaucer (Nun's Priest's Tale, VII. 3270)

writes of a lady who "soong murier than the mermayde in the

sea"; Spenser describes the mermaids' unsuccessful attempt to

entice Sir Guyon by their melodies (Faerie Queene, 2. 12. 17,

30-34); Samuel Daniel skillfully arranges for the defeat of the

mermaid in Ulysses and the Siren; John Donne in his ironic

Song urges his listeners to teach him, among other impossibilities,

"to heare Mermaides singing"; and the hero in T. S. Eliot's

Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (124-125) remembers with

regretful irony:

I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.

I do not think that they will sing to me 2

In each of these poems, except those of the ordinarily stern

Milton, the Sirens are the symbol of physical desire. Only the

contemporary poet John Manifold, in The Sirens, has suggested

that business is sometimes more seductive than sex:

Odysseus saw the sirens; they were charming,

Blonde, with snub breasts and little neat posteriors,

But could not take his mind off the alarming

Weather report, his mutineers in irons,

The radio failing, it was bloody serious.

In twenty minutes he forgot the sirens.8

2 From "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock/1

by T S. Eliot, in his Col-

lected Poems, 1909-1935. Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Com-pany. Reprinted with their permission

From "The Sirens," by John Manifold, in his Selected Verse. Reprintedwith the permission of the publisher, The John Day Company.


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For other stories of the Sirens see ORPHEUS and ODYS-SEUS.

Scylla was the only child of Phorcys and Ceto who had a* fair

start in life. She was a pretty and good-tempered sea Nymphand doubtless would have remained one if a newly created sea

god named Glaucus had not fallen in love with her. Glaucus

had been a fisherman, but one day he emptied his net on the

beach, and the fish he had caught, instead of flopping helplessly

about, touched a strange herb that grew there and immediately

leaped back into the sea. Glaucus ate a bit of the herb and at

once felt a passionate desire to jump in the ocean. He did so

and was made immortal. Although he kept his man's body, his

legs became a fish's tail, and seaweed, stones, and mussels always

hung rather untidily about him. He had the gift of prophecy-Milton (Comus, 873) calls him "old sooth-saying Glaucus" and he

was kind to unlucky sailors.

Scylla haughtily rejected Glaucus* advances, and he asked the

enchantress Circe for a love potion. Circe, however, fell in love with

him herself; and when he paid no attention to her, she poisonedthe water of the bay where Scylla bathed, and Scylla was trans-

formed into a monster. From head to waist she remained a

beautiful girl, but below she was disfigured with various ap-

pendages, including six dogs' heads on long necks. Filled with

hatred, she lived in a cave on the straits between Italy and Sicily

and preyed on passing ships.

The myth of Scylla and Glaucus has been interpreted in

several ways by English poets. In Scillaes Metamorphosis by the

Elizabethan Thomas Lodge the transformation of Scylla is a

punishment visited on her for scorning the love of Glaucus. Acommoner explanation, which depends entirely on the appear-

ance of Scylla the monster and not on the cause of her transforma-

tion, is that she is a symbol of uncontrolled lust. George Sandys

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(as Douglas Bush observes), commenting on his translation of

Ovid's Metamorphoses, says the upper part of Scylla's body "is

feigned to retaine a humane figure, and the lower to be bestiall;

[which] intimates how man, a divine creature, . . . can neuer

so degenerate into a beast, as when he giueth himself over to the

loe delights of those baser parts of the body." In the nineteenth

century, however, Keats (Endymion, 3. 421-472) represents

Glaucus as seduced from his pure love of Scylla by the sensual

enchantress Circe.

Scylla was not the only peril of the straits between Sicily and

Italy. On the other side of the narrow passage was the monster

Charybdis. A daughter of Poseidon and Gaea, she was an,

obstreperous girl with a big appetite. Because of some notable

display of intemperance, Zeus condemned her to live under a

great stone on the straits. Her gluttony caused her to swallow

as much water as she could hold and then spew it out again.

Mariners who sailed through the straits had to risk the whirlpool

of Charybdis or the six ravenous dogs' heads of Scylla. Spenser's

description (Virgils Gnat, 539-542) of the sailor's dilemma is

typical: he must choose between

. . . greedie Scilla, vnder whom there bayManic great bandogs, which her gird about:

And deep Charybdis gulphing in and out.

Naturally this dilemma was allegorized into that of the temperateman steering between the two extremes of excess and defect; in

The Faerie Queene (2. 12. 9) Scylla and Charybdis are de-

scribed as

. . . th* ensamples in our sights,

Of lustfull luxurie and thriftlesse wast.

For other stories about Charybdis and Scylla see ODYSSEUS.


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SELENE (se-le'ne) was the Titan moon goddess. Her name is

often given to ARTEMIS.SEMELE (sm'e-le) was one of the mistresses of Zeus. See


SESTOS (s&'t&s) was the home of HERO.SIBYL OF CUMAE (sib'il ku'me), or Cumaean Sibyl, who was

given the power of prophecy and a thousand years of life by

Apollo, guided Aeneas to Hades. See APOLLO, AENEAS.

SIBYLLINE (sib'Min) BOOKS were prophetic books written bythe Sibyl of Cumae See APOLLO.SIDE (sid'e) was the first wife of ORION.

.SILENI (sHe'm) are wood gods, followers of PAN and DIONY-SUS.

SILENUS (sHe'nus) is the son or brother of Pan and the tutor

and follower of Dionysus. See DIONYSUS, PAN.

SILVER AGE preceded the great flood that drowned all mankind

except Pyrrha and DEUCALION.SIMOIS (sim'6-is) was a river of Troy See TROJAN WAR.SINIS (smls) was a murderer who became the victim of his

own trick when he tried to kill THESEUS.SINON (si'n&n) assisted Odysseus with the ruse of the wooden

horse, which brought victory to the Greeks in the TROJANWAR.SIRENS are three enchantresses whose sweet songs lure sailors

to disaster. See SEA GODS, ODYSSEUS, ORPHEUS.SISYPHUS (sis'i-fus), a king of Corinth, was a famous sinner who

suffers a special torment in Hades. He was also the shrewdest of

men. He outwitted even Autolycus, the thief who could make

himself and his loot invisible or cause whatever he had stolen to

assume a new shape or color. Autolycus took some of Sisyphus'

cattle and changed their appearance so that Sisyphus could not

recognize them. When more of his cattle disappeared, Sisyphus


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exposed the thief by examining all the cattle in Autolycus' herd

and identifying his own by a small mark that he had cut in the

bottom of their hooves.

Although Greek and Roman writers agree that Sisyphus was a

rascal and often accuse him of large but vague crimes, his first

mistake seems to have been to tell the truth. He saw Zeus in the

form of an eagle carrying off Aegina, and when her grieving

father asked help in finding her, Sisyphus told him what he had

seen. Thereafter the king of the gods hated Sisyphus, but he suc-

ceeded in escaping punishment for many years. Thanatos, the godof death, was sent to take him, but the wily king trapped

Thanatos and held him captive until Zeus had him freed by force.

Then Thanatos seized his victim, but not before Sisyphus had

instructed his wife Merope to perform none of the required

funeral rites but simply to throw his body out in the street. This

impiety so shocked Hades that he told Sisyphus to return to life

for a few hours in order to punish his wife. Sisyphus gladly

rejoined the living, but he never punished Merope and thus he

was able to live to a triumphant and impious old age. In Virgils

Gnat (390) Spenser says that the sin of Sisyphus was "scorning

to the sacred Gods to pray," but perhaps Sisyphus felt that

nothing could help him short of a revolution on Olympus. Whenhe died at last, he was thrust into Tartarus. There he must

eternally try to roll a big rock to the top of a hill; whenever he

gets it near the top, it tumbles down to the bottom again. ManyEnglish and American writers have commented on the punish-

ment of Sisyphus. John Dyer's description of it is quoted in the

section on famous sinners in HADES.SLEEP. See Hypnos under HADES.SOCK is a light thin-soled shoe once worn by actors in Greek

and Roman comedy, and therefore a symbol of comedy, as it

appears in Milton's L'Allegro (131-132):


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Then to the well-trod stage anon,

If Jonsons learned Sock be on.

See Thalia under MUSES.SOLYMI (sol'i'me) were a race of mighty warriors who fought

against BELLEROPHON.SOMNUS (som'nus) is the Roman name of Hypnos, the god of

sleep. See HADES.SOTEIRA (so-ti'ni) is a surname of ATHENE.SPARTA (spar'ta) and her husband Lacedaemon both gave their

names to the land they ruled, Laconia. See LACEDAEMON.SPARTAE (spar'te) were the sons of the serpent's teeth. See

THEBES.SPHINX (sfingks) was a monster whose riddle was finally an-

swered by Oedipus, later king of THEBES.STHENELUS (sthgn'-lus) was (1) the father of Eurystheus, who

commanded the labors of HERACLES; (2) one of the Epigoui

(see THEBES).STROPHIUS (stro'fi-us) was the father of Pylades and the

protector of Orestes. See ATREUS.STYMPHALIAN (stim-fa'li-dn) BIRDS were driven from the

vale of Stymphalus by Heracles. They flew to an island in the

Black Sea from which they attacked the Argonauts. See ARGO-NAUTS, HERACLES.STYX (stiks) is a river of HADES.SUCUSA (su-ku'sa) was one of the seven hills of earliest ROME.SYCHAEUS (sl-ke'us) was once the husband of Dido. See

AENEAS.SYLVANS (sil'v^nz), or SYLVANI (sil-va'm), are wood gods,

followers of PAN.

SYLVANUS (sil-va'ntis) is a Roman deity of the woods who was

identified with PAN.


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SYMPLEGADES (sim-plgg'a-dez) were two cliffs floating at the

entrance to the Black Sea. They imperiled the ARGONAUTS.SYRINX (s!r

/!ngks), who gave her name to Pan's pipes, was a

Hamadryad loved by PAN.

TALARIA (tMa'rrd) are the winged sandals of HERMES.TALUS (ta'lus) was (1) the inventor of the saw and a nephewof DAEDALUS; (2) a bronze giant who guarded the island of

Crete (see THESEUS).TANTALUS (tan'fcHus) was the earliest ancestor of the tragic

house of ATREUS.TARPEIA (tar-pe'yfl) was a Sabine woman who tried to betray

ROME.TARPEIAN (tar-pe'yan) ROCK was a rock from which con-

demned criminals were cast to their destruction in the city of

ROME.TARTARUS (tar'td-rus) is the place of punishment in HADES.TAURUS (td'rus), the Bull, is a constellation and a sign of the


TAYGETA (ta-ij'e-ta) was the mother of LACEDAEMON.TELAMON (tel'd-mon) was the father of the greater Aias. See

TROJAN WAR.TELEMACHUS (tft-lm'<Hkfls) was the son of ODYSSEUS.TELEPHASSA (tH'ft-a'sd) was the mother of Cadmus. See



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TELLUS (tl'us) was a Roman name of the first earth goddess,

Gaea. See EARTH GODDESSES.TEMPE (tem'pe) is a vale in Thessaly through which flows the

river PENEUS.TEREUS (tir'oos), the husband of Procne, deceived Procne's

sister, PHILOMELA.TERPSICHORE (terp-sik'6-re) is the Muse of dancing. See

MUSES.TERRA MATER (ter'a ma'tr) was a Roman name for the first

earth goddess, Gaea See EARTH GODDESSES.TETHYS (te'this) is the wife of Oceanus. See SEA GODS.

THALIA (thd-H'd) is (1) one of the GRACES; (2) the Muse of

comedy and pastoral poetry (see MUSES).THANATOS (tb&n'd-tos) is the god of death. See HADES.

THAUMAS (tho'ims) is one of the SEA GODS.

THEA (the'a) was the mother of Helios, Eos, and Selene, the

predecessor of ARTEMIS.THEBES (thebz). A whole fabric of myth surrounds the city of

Thebes from the day of its foundation by the hero Cadmus until

the day of its destruction by the Epigom, a fabric that provided

the matter for some of the great tragedies of Aeschylus and

Sophocles, The myth had its beginning in one of the love indis-

cretions of Zeus. When Zeus, in the form of a bull, swam off with

Europa (see ZEUS), the maiden's father, King Agenor, sent his

three sons, Phoenix, Cilix, and Cadmus, to find her, and ordered

them not to return without her. Phoenix wandered through a

land that later bore his name, Phoenicia, and Cilix through the

land that came to be called Cilicia after him. Both were unsuc-

cessful in their quest, and consequently settled down to new lives

among strangers.

Cadmus, with his mother, Telephassa, set off among the Greek

islands and finally reached Thrace, where his mother died. In


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despair, he consulted the oracle at Delphi and was told to

abandon his search. The oracle directed him to follow a cow that

he would encounter and to build a city on the spot to which she

led him. Cadmus accepted this strange order, and as he left the

oracle, he at once saw a cow and followed her. She led him

through Boeotia to the plain of Panope where at last, lowing

meaningfully, she lay down. Cadmus, having examined the

place and observed the mountains around it, decided to sacrifice

the fateful cow to Athene, his patroness. He sent his followers

for pure water for the ceremony, and they entered a dark wood

where they found a pure spring. When they dipped in their

vessels, the sound of the water rushing into them aroused a ter-

rible serpent, sacred to Ares or possibly even his offspring,

which plunged forth and slew them all. When the men did not

return, Cadmus went to look for them. Near the spring he, too,

was attacked by the terrible monster. First, aided by Athene, he

cast his javelin at it and wounded it in the body. The serpent,

writhing in pain, turned back on itself and tried to draw out the

javelin with its teeth, but succeeded only in breaking it off.

As the snake pursued Cadmus through the wood, he waited his

moment and caught it at last with its head near a tree. Hurling

his spear full at the monster, he pinned its head to the tree and

so killed it.

While Cadmus contemplated his success, he heard a voice,

doubtless Athene's, telling him to sow the teeth of the dragon in

the ground. Had not Cadmus been suggestible, he would never

have followed the cow in the first place; and he now made fur-

rows and planted in them the teeth of his dead enemy. No

sooner had he done this than the teeth began to grow. First

there appeared spear points, breaking through the soil; next

helmets; and finally a tribe of fierce, fully armed men. Cadmus

expected them to attack him, but they did not. One story says

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that they exclaimed to him, "Don't meddle in our civil war/'

and straightway fell to fighting among themselves. According to

another version, Cadmus, at the suggestion of Athene, threw a

stone among them and touched off their strife. In any event, the

men (who were called Spartae, which means "sown men") fought

each other violently until all except five were dead. Then one

threw away his weapons and invited his fellows to make peace,

an offer that they accepted. These five then joined Cadmus in

constructing a citadel, and from them the oldest families o

Thebes in later times traced their lineage.

But before Cadmus could settle down in peace to found his city,

he had to serve Ares for eight years because he had killed the

god's serpent- At the end of this period, Ares, fully appeased,

gave his and Aphrodite's lovely daughter Harmonia to Cadmus

in marriage, and Athene made Cadmus king of Thebes. The

marriage was celebrated in heaven and attended by all the Olym-

pian gods, and music for the occasion was provided, fittingly, bythe Muses themselves, who sang a marriage song. Among the

wedding gifts were a peplos, or splendid dress, made by Athene,

and a necklace wrought by Hephaestus; some say that these gifts

were responsible for Cadmus' later misfortunes.

The wedlock of Cadmus and Harmonia was as fertile of

children as of myths The royal pair had four daughters: Agave,

Autonoe, Ino, and Semele; and one son: Polydorus. Agave mar-

ried one of the five surviving Spartae, a man named Echion, and

their son, Pentheus, became king of Thebes after Cadmus.

Autonoe married Aristaeus and had a son named Actaeon, the

story of whose unfortunate encounter with a goddess in desha-

bille is told under ARTEMIS. Ino married Athamas, and they

had two children. Athamas had previously married a goddessnamed Nephele, under orders from Hera, and he had had two

children by her. When he abandoned her for Ino, Nephele


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brought a drought on the land, and Ino declared that an oracle

demanded the sacrifice of Nephele's children to relieve the

drought. The story of the children's rescue is told in the article on

the Argonauts. For a time Ino cared for Dionysus', the divine son of

her sister Semele, and thus brought on herself the wrath of Hera.

Because she hated Athamas for deserting Nephele, and Ino for

taking care of one of Zeus's illegitimate children, Hera drove

Athamas mad and caused him to turn against Ino. He killed his

son Learchus and pursued Ino until she threw herself and their

other son, Melicertes, into the sea, where they were changed into

sea deities under the names of Leucothea and Palaemon (see SEA

GODS).For Semele was reserved the doubtful privilege of illicit sexual

relations with Zeus; her story can be found in the article on that

god. Her son, Dionysus, was nursed by Ino, but she and Semele's

other sisters, Autonoe and Agave, refused to believe that Zeus was

the boy's father. Some years later, however, when Dionysus re-

turned in triumph to Thebes, Agave led the other women in the

celebration of his rites; and in a frenzy she killed her son, King

Pentheus, when he opposed the worship of the frenzy-inspiring

god (see DIONYSUS). When she recovered her senses, she fled

to Illyrium.

These fatal misfortunes that fell on their children made Thebes

a sad place for Cadmus and Harmonia. Consequently they left

the city and went to Illyrium, where they were well received and

Cadmus was accepted as king. Even there, however, they could

not forget their woes. One day Cadmus, remembering his troubles

and blaming them all on his having slain the serpent, exclaimed,

"If a serpent's life is so dear to the gods, I wish I were a

serpent." His prayer was answered. Harmonia wished to share

his fate and was allowed to do so. This miraculous change is

referred to by Milton in Paradise Lost (9. 503-506) in lines

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where he describes the attractive air of Satan disguised as a


. . . pleasing was his shape,

And lovely, never since of Serpent kind

Lovelier, not those that in Illyna chang'dHeimione and Cadmus . . . ,

though Milton seems to have thought that Cadmus' wife was not

Harmonia but Hermione. The incident is also the subject of a

song sung by Callicles in Matthew Arnold's long poem, Empedo-cles on Etna:

There those two live, far in the Illyrian brakes.

They had stay'd long enough to see,

In Thebes, the billow of calamityOver their own dear children roll'd,

Curse upon curse, pang upon pang,For years, they sitting helpless in their home,A grey old man and woman; yet of old

The Gods had to their marriage come,

And at the banquet all the Muses sang

Therefore they did not end their daysIn sight of blood; but were rapt, far away,To where the west-wind plays,

And murmurs of the Adriatic come

To those untrodden mountain-lawns, and there

Placed safely in changed forms, the pair

Wholly forget their first sad life, and home,And all that Theban woe, and stray

For ever through the glens, placid and dumb.

The curse did not leave their line, however, until five genera-tions later when almost all the family were destroyed in the war

of the Seven against Thebes.

After the death of Pentheus, the throne of the city passed


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through the regencies of Nycteus and Lycus and of Amphion and

Zethus to Polydorus' son, Labdacus. (The shadowy Polydorus

should have ruled when Pentheus did, but instead he simply

provided a genealogical link between Cadmus and Labdacus.)

During this period Thebes owed most to the twin brothers,

Amphion and Zethus. These two were sons of Zeus, who had

approached their mother, Antiope, in the form of a Centaur.

When Antiope became pregnant, her father, Nycteus the regent,

would not believe her story that Zeus was to blame. She fled to

the court of King Epopeus of Sicyon; but Nycteus, before com-

mitting suicide because of his shame, demanded that his wayward

daughter be punished, and Lycus compelled Epopeus to return

Antiope to Thebes. On the way back she gave birth to twin sons,

Amphion and Zethus, in the vicinity of Eleutherae, and left them

to be cared for by a herdsman. In Thebes Antiope received such

cruel treatment from Lycus and Dirce, his wife, that she fled again

and this time found temporary safety in the house of the very

herdsman who was rearing her youthful twins on the slopes of

Mount Cithaeron, though she did not recognize him or them.

Soon after, Dirce, who had arrived in the same neighborhood to

celebrate the rites of Dionysus, found Antiope. The unrelenting

woman ordered Amphion and Zethus to bind Antiope to the

horns of a wild bull and allow her to be dragged to death. At this

point, however, the herdsman realized the identity of the in-

tended victim and made it known to the boys, who in anger

gave Dirce the fate that she had intended for Antiopfe. Dirce,

after her death, was transformed into a fountain.

Antiope and her sons returned to Thebes, and the boys killed

or intimidated Lycus, who gave over the regency of the city

to them. Their most famous accomplishment was the building

of new walls for the city, which had outgrown the smaller

enclosure built by Cadmus and the Spartae. Zethus was a man


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of great physical strength, and as his share of the work he

dragged huge stones in for the wall; but Amphion was so

greatly skilled in the use of the lyre which Hermes had given

him that when he played on it he could persuade equally great

stones to move of their own accord to be fitted into the wall, a

power that Tennyson made the subject of a somewhat heavily

humorous poem called Amphion, which contains the following


'T is said he had a tuneful tongue,

Such happy intonation,

Wherever he sat down and sungHe left a small plantation,

Wherever in a lonely groveHe set up his forlorn pipes,

The gouty oak began to move,

And flounder into hornpipes.

This is only another of the many Greek myths which show that

intellectual skill is the equal, if not the superior, of mere physical

strength, and it is a close parallel to the myth that describes the

building of Troy's walls by Apollo and Poseidon. In the walls of

Thebes, Amphion and Zethus built seven gates, symbolic of the

seven strings of the lyre. These gates were later to be attacked bythe Seven against Thebes.

Amphion married Niobe, the daughter of Tantalus, and had

fourteen children by her. The story of Niobe's pride in these

children and how it brought down on her the wrath of Leto and

her son and daughter is told under ARTEMIS. On the deaths

of Amphion and Zethus, the kingship of Thebes came to

Labdacus. For him the curse on the house of Cadmus seems to

have remitted its effect, because he had a peaceful reign; but the

curse returned in full force on his descendants.

Laius, the son of Labdacus, became the next Theban king. He


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and his wife, Jocasta, had a single son, of whom they were in-

formed by an oracle that he would be the death of his father

if he grew to manhood. Following an old Greek custom, Laius

therefore "exposed" the child; that is, abandoned him on the

wild slopes of Mount Cithaeron, expecting him to die of exposure.As was so often the case in Greek myths, the child did not die.

Instead, he was found by herdsmen and brought to King Polybusand Queen Periboea of Corinth. They named the child Oedipus,which means "swollen foot," because his feet had been pierced

with a spike before he was abandoned; and they raised him as

their own son, for they were childless. Shelley's dramatic satire

on the matrimonial difficulties of King George IV is called

Oedipus Tyrannus, or Swellfoot the Tyrant.

When he reached young manhood, Oedipus consulted an oracle

to learn, if he could, who his parents were. The oracle told him

that he would cause the death of his father and marry his mother.

Oedipus, not unnaturally, wished to avoid the fulfilment of this

prediction. On the chance that it referred to his foster father

and mother, he left Corinth and became a wanderer. Fate,

however, was not so easily to be avoided. On a narrow road in

the mountains, Oedipus met King Laius, his real father, who was

returning from the oracle at Delphi. Neither recognized the

other. Oedipus angrily blocked the road, and he would not

yield passage to Laius. In the altercation a servant of Laius

killed one of Oedipus' horses. In a rage, Oedipus attacked and

slew not only the servant but Laius himself. Thus, though

Oedipus did not know it, the first half of the oracle was ful-


The second of the oracle's predictions came about in a

similarly unexpected way. In Thebes, where Oedipus arrived soon

after slaying Laius, he found great distress resulting from the

ravages of a monster called the Sphinx. This winged monster


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had tiie body of a lion and the head and breasts of a woman;she infested one of the highways. Crouching on a rock above

the road, she blocked the way of travelers and asked them a

riddle. If they could answer it, she permitted them to pass; but

if they could not, she killed them by throwing them from

her high rock. Oedipus determined to overcome her. When he

approached, she asked him her question, "What animal is it

that in the morning goes on four feet, at noon on two, and in

the evening on three?" Oedipus answered that the animal was

man, who in childhood crawls on hands and knees, in manhoodwalks on two feet, and in old age must use a staff. The Sphinx,

her riddle answered correctly, in chagrin threw herself off the

high rock and was killed. Much later a statue of the Sphinx was

carved in Egypt, and of this enigmatic figure W. H. Auden


Did it once issue from the carver's hand

Healthy? Even the earliest conquerors saw

The face of a sick ape, a bandaged paw,A Presence in the hot invaded land.

The lion of a tortured stubborn star,

It does not like the young, nor love, nor learning:

Time hurt it like a person; it lies, turningA vast behind on shrill America,

And witnesses. The huge hurt face accuses,

And pardons nothing, least of all success.

The answers that it utters have no uses

To those who face akimbo its distress:

"Do people like me?" No. The slave amuses

The hon: "Am I to suffer always?" Yes.*

i "The Sphinx," by W. H. Auden, in The Collected Poetry of W. H. Auden.

Copyright, 1945, by W. H. Auden. Reprinted with the permission of RandomHouse, Inc


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See also Caesar's address to the Sphinx in the first act of

Bernard Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra.

Returning to Thebes, Oedipus was greeted with considerable

gratitude and accepted as king. The Thebans also gave him

Queen Jocasta for his wife; and so he came to marry his own

mother, although he was ignorant that he was doing so. Oedipusand Jocasta lived together for many years, and had two daughters,

Antigone and Ismene, and two sons, Eteocles and Polynices.

Retribution for their incest finally came, however, in the form

of a famine and pestilence that wasted the land. To know the

cause of this misfortune, they sent to the oracle and received

the answer that it would continue until the man who had killed

King Laius should be found. Oedipus therefore sent for Tiresias,

the blind prophet (see TIRESIAS), and asked him who had killed

Laius. Tiresias was at first reluctant to discuss the matter, but on

being urged, he revealed that Oedipus himself had com-

mitted the crime and that in killing Laius, he had killed his

own father.

Both Oedipus and Jocasta were horrified to learn what they

had unintentionally done in marrying Jocasta at once committed

suicide, and Oedipus blinded himself. The throne of Thebes

was given over to Jocasta's brother Creon as regent until Eteocles

and Polynices should be old enough to rule. Oedipus desired to

leave the kingdom but Creon, acting on instructions from the

oracle, refused to let him go Later Creon changed his mind and

exiled Oedipus, who set forth for the second time in his life as a

wanderer, this time accompanied by his faithful daughter,

Antigone. The curse of the House of Cadmus had not, however,

reached its end. This first phase of Oedipus' unfortunate life is

the subject of Sophocles' great tragedy, Oedipus Tyrannus, often

called Oedipus Rex.

The struggles of Eteocles and Polynices for the throne of


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Thebes set off the last phase of the curse, and this phase, known

as the story of the Seven against Thebes, provided the subject

matter for a tragedy by Aeschylus that bears that title. Thetwo brothers at first could not agree as to which should be king,

until at last they reached the compromise that they would both

reign, though in alternate years. Eteocles took the throne first

because he was the elder; but at the end of his year of the

kingship he refused to turn it over to Polynices and instead

expelled him from Thebes.

Polynices betook himself to the court of King Adrastus of

Sicyon, where he found not only sympathy for his grievance

but a fellow exile, Tydeus, who hoped for the throne of Argos.

The two exiles married the daughters of Adrastus and thus formed

an alliance. Plans were formed to attack first Thebes, to rein-

state Polynices, and then Argos, to instate Tydeus; and Adrastus

raised a large and powerful army for the purpose. Four other

heroes joined the expedition to make up the Seven. The four

consisted of Capaneus of Argos, Hippomedon of Argos, Parthe-

nopaeus of Arcadia, and Amphiaraus, the brother-in-law of Ad-

rastus. Amphiaraus, who was a soothsayer, foresaw that disaster

would befall the enterprise and that only Adrastus would

survive it, since Polynices, though wronged, had no moral right

to invade his native city with an army of foreigners. Consequently,

Amphiaraus demurred at joining the campaign; but Adrastus

urged him to do so with such vigor that at last the two agreedto leave the decision to Amphiaraus' wife and Adrastus' sister,

Eriphyle. Polynices bribed Eriphyle by giving her the baleful but

beautiful necklace of Harmonia, and she therefore decided in

favor of Amphiaraus' participation in the war, though he had

told her that he could not return from it alive. As he departed,

Amphiaraus cursed his wife and called on his son Alcmaeon to

avenge his death.


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When the forces of the Seven were gathered for the attack, an

oracle was consulted to learn who would be the victor. Theoracle stated that whichever side had Oedipus in its camp would

win. Polynices thereupon traveled into Attica where the old manand his faithful daughter Antigone had taken refuge, and there

he besought Oedipus for his blessing on the attack. Oedipuscursed it instead. Eteocles, hearing of the oracular prophecy, sent

Creon to bring back Oedipus by force if necessary, but Oedipuswas protected by Theseus of Athens, who drove out Creon and

his followers. Oedipus cursed both his faithless sons, declaring

that they should each die by the other's hand, and soon thereafter

he died himself in the grove sacred to the Eumenides at Colonus,

not far from Athens, leaving Antigone to return with her grief to

Thebes. The story of this attempt to involve Oedipus in the

war and of his refusal and death is the subject of Sophocles'

tragedy, Oedipus at Colonus. It is interesting to note, also, that

T. S. Eliot 'borrows from Sophocles' tragedy the account of

Oedipus' death in the grove and transfers it to Agamemnon in

the climax of his famous poem, Sweeney among the Night-


The nightingales are singing near

The Convent of the Sacred Heart,

And sang within the bloody woodWhen Agamemnon cried aloud,

And let their liquid siftings fall

To stain the stiff dishonoured shroud.2

Agamemnon was murdered in his bath (see ATREUS), but Eliot

borrows for him the death scene of Oedipus, in order to make a

2 From "Sweeney among the Nightingales," by T. S. Eliot, in his Collected

Poems, 1909-1935. Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company.

Reprinted with their permission.


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closer connection between the symbolic nightingales and the

murdered hero.*

The expedition against Thebes was attended by misfortune

from the first. When the heroes reached Nemea, they found that

Dionysus, the protective deity of Thebes, had brought a droughton the land; so there was no water to drink. In the midst of this

misfortune they met Hypsipyle, once queen of Lemnos, who was

tending to Opheltes, the child of King Lycurgus of Nemea, whose

slave she was. Under their persuasion, she led them to a well,

but she foolishly left Opheltes on the ground. When they returned

to him, they found a snake had killed him in its coils. Tydeusand Capaneus wanted to kill the snake, but Amphiaraus warned

them that it had probably been sent as an omen by Zeus;

perhaps heedful of Cadmus' experience, they withheld their

hands. Amphiaraus renamed the child Archemorus, which means

"beginner of death," because his death was the first of many on

the ill-fated expedition; and the army then put on a tremendous

funeral celebration to soothe his angry parents The athletic con-

tests at this funeral are reported to be the origin of the NemeanGames. (For the earlier life of the child's nurse Hypsipyle see

ARGONAUTS.)When the army arrived at Thebes, an attempt was made to

settle the dispute without bloodshed. Tydeus was sent to demand

that Eteocles surrender the throne, but Eteocles set an ambush

for him, and Tydeus barely escaped with his life, having killed

forty-nine of the fifty men sent against him The siege of the

city now began, and its progress was a series of calamities for

both sides. Thebes' seven gates were defended by seven heroes

within: Eteocles, Melanippus, Polyphontes, Megareus, Hyper-* T.S E : "I arbitrarily revised the circumstances of Agamemnon's death

because it suited my convenience to do so I'm surprised that no one has

pounced on this They have pounced on everything else." Conversation withP.R. on May 20, 1947.


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bius, Lasthenes, and Menoeceus; and attacked by the Seven from

without. Early in the contest Eteocles consulted the soothsayer

Tiresias and was told that Thebes would be successfully defended

if a descendant of the Spartae would give himself as a voluntarysacrifice. Accordingly, Menoeceus, a son of Creon, allowed himself

to be killed early in the attack.

In one engagement Amphiaraus, after fighting bravely, was

forced to flee along a river when Zeus hurled a thunderbolt that

opened the ground before his chariot, and he was swallowed up,to be seen no more. Capaneus, in an excess of zeal, declared that

he would burst into the city in spite of Zeus himself. While he

was scaling the wall on a ladder, Zeus killed him with a thunder-

bolt for his impiety His wife, Evadne, cast herself on his

funeral pyre and died in its flames. The intransigence of Capaneusis attributed by Ezra Pound to his character Mauberley, in HughSelwyn Mauberley, I. Fighting with his usual reckless courage,

Tydeus was fatally wounded. Athene intended to grant him im-

mortality, but when she found him on the battlefield he had

yielded to wild anger and was chewing on the head of one of his

fallen enemies. The goddess left him to die.

The siege lasted so long and was so indecisive that finally

Eteocles and Polynices decided to settle the issue by personal

combat. Thus they fulfilled the curse of their father, for each

killed the other. Then the two armies joined in combat again,

and the invaders were at last forced to flee without even burying

their dead. The Seven against Thebes were defeated. OnlyAdrastus survived, and he only because of the swiftness of his

winged horse Arion, the son of Poseidon and Demeter.

But the curse on the house of Cadmus had not yet reached

its end Creon now became king of Thebes, and he ordered that

the body of Eteocles the patriot be buried with all fitting

obsequies but that the body of Polynices the traitor lie unburied.


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He promised death to anyone who disobeyed his order, but even

this threat could not frighten Antigone, who determined in

sisterly piety to bury her brother's body. When Ismene proved

too timid to help her, she set out alone and buried Polynices.

Caught in the act and condemned by Creon to be buried alive,

she declared that she had acted in compliance with laws made

by Zeus himself Creon, however, was adamant, and his sentence

was carried out Creon's son, Haemon, Antigone's lover, killed

himself in grief for her; and Eurydice, wife of Creon, killed

herself in grief for Haemon. Thus Creon was pun shed for his

sternness. The story of Antigone's devotion is embodied in a

tragedy by Sophocles that bears her name.

The curse had only one more act to play. In that last act the

city of Thebes was destroyed by the sons of the Seven, called the

Epigoni, which means "offspring." These sons consisted of

Aegialeus, the son of Adrastus; Diomedes, the son of Tydeus;

Promachos, the son of Parthenopaeus; Sthenelus, the son of

Capaneus; Thersander, the son of Polynices; Polydorus, the

son of Hippomedon; and Alcmaeon, the son of Amphiaraus.

Although Alcmaeon's mother Eriphyle had sent Amphiaraus to

his death, as he had foretold, the son had not yet carried out

his father's command and killed his mother. When the oracle

at Delphi ordered him to undertake another expedition against

Thebes, this order was reinforced by his mother's persuasion, for

she had been bribed again, this time by Thersander, who gaveher the peplos of Harmonia as his father had given her

Harmonia's necklace.

The second expedition against Thebes had the sanction of the

gods, and it succeeded completely. Only one of the Epigoni,

Aegialeus, was killed. The city was leveled and remained an

empty plain for years. Its inhabitants, on the advice of Tiresias,

fled to other lands, and Tiresias died in the flight. Alcmaeon


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returned to Argos and killed his mother, as his father had com-

manded, though in doing so he incurred the same fate as Orestes

(see ATREUS). The Furies drove him mad and pursued him

until he fled to Psophis in Arcadia, where he was cleansed of his

guilt by King Phegeus. He married Phegeus' daughter, Arsinoe,

and gave her as wedding gifts the fateful peplos and necklace of

Harmonia, which he had taken from his mother.

King Phegeus' lands, however, now became sterile because of

Alcmaeon's presence. The oracle at Delphi, always ready with

an answer, told Alcmaeon to travel to a land that had not existed

when he committed his crime. Alcmaeon solved this problem

by settling on land that was formed by silt in the mouth of the

river Achelous. Here he married Callirhoe, the daughter of the

river god, and she required of him the peplos and necklace.

Alcmaeon accordingly returned to Psophis and persuaded Phegeus

to return the two gifts to him on the pretext that they would

restore him to his right mind. When Phegeus learned later that

Alcmaeon had deceived him and had given the gifts to Callirhoe,

he sent his sons to slay Alcmaeon.

Alcmaeon's death brought to an end the long chain of events

that began with the abduction of Europa by Zeus and that

destroyed cities and men. As for the peplos and necklace, they

were at last placed in the temple at Delphi where they could no

longer bring mortals under their terrible influence.

THEMIS (the'mis) is the goddess of divine justice and the second

wife of ZEUS.

THERSANDER (thr-san'der) was one of the Epigoni. See

THEBES.THERSITES (thfcr-sl'tez) was a crippled and foul-mouthed

Greek who fought in the TROJAN WAR.THESEUM (the-se'fim) was a temple in Athens that contained

the bones of THESEUS.


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THESEUS (the'soos) was the great hero of the Athenians and

one of their early kings. The story of his life is a blend of the

historical and the mythical in which the governmental activities

of a primitive city ruler merge with the prodigious exploits of a

superman. He was born in faraway Troezen, the son of Aethra, a

princess of that place, and of Aegeus, who was king of Athens.

Before Theseus' birth, his father left Troezen to return to Athens,

but at his parting he hid his sword and sandals under a hugestone and directed Aethra to send her son to Athens with them

when he became strong enough to lift the stone.

The lifting of this stone was not the first of Theseus' feats of

strength. He had been taught to hunt by Chiron, the Centaur

who trained other famous heroes such as Asclepius and Achilles,

and his proficiency in athletics was such that he was later credited

with inventing certain forms of sport. He dared to face even

Heracles himself when Heracles appeared in Troezen and was

mistaken for a lion because of his lion-skin garb. Thus the dayon which Theseus lifted the stone and recovered his father's

sword and sandals was the climax of a vigorous youth and the

beginning of a heroic manhood.

In traveling to Athens to meet his father, Theseus declined to

take the easy way by sea and chose instead to make his hard way

through all the perils of the land route. On his way he performedsix famous exploits and rid the world of six violent destroyers of

men. The first of these was a brigand, Periphetes of Epidaurus,whose custom it was to kill with his iron club all travelers whocame his way. Theseus killed him. The next was Sinis, a manwho induced travelers to help him bend down a great pine tree

and then unexpectedly released it so that the helpful travelers

were catapulted into the air and killed. Theseus, however,

released his grasp first, and Sinis was thrown to his own death.

In Crommyon, Theseus killed a wild sow named Phaea that


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made dangerous the countryside there. As he walked along a highcliff by the sea, he met a robber named Sciron who was fond of

forcing travelers to wash his feet near the edge of the cliff. While

he was receiving this unwilling service, he customarily pushedthe unfortunate foot washers over the cliff into the sea, where a

great tortoise ate them. Sciron, however, met his match in

Theseus and consequently became food for the tortoise by his

own device. At Eleusis, Theseus wrestled with King Cercyon, whomade a practice of killing all whom he overcame at the sport.

When Theseus won, he naturally killed Cercyon.

The last of Theseus' exploits on the road to Athens was his

most famous. The giant Procrustes had an iron bed on which he

made all passers-by lie down. If they were longer than the

bed, he accommodatingly lopped them off to size, or if they

were too short, he stretched them to fit. With his usual sense of

appropriateness, Theseus eliminated the giant on his own bed,

and passed on to Athens. Procrustes' bed has been commonlyused as a symbol of tyranny and of enforced order. Ben

Jonson, for example, in his Conversations with Drummond

of Hawthornden, "cursed Petrarch for redacting verses to

Sonnets, which he said were like that Tirrants bed, where

some who were too short were racked, others too long cut short."

Since the trip to Athens had caused the hero to shed the blood

of five men and one wild sow, on reaching the city he first felt

the need of purifying himself. Later, as he was proceeding to his

father's house, his long hair and the strangeness of his garb

provoked several workmen to laugh at him for being effeminate,

but Theseus put an end to their merriment by throwing their

loaded wagon into the air.

When Theseus reached his father's house, he was at first

recognized only by Medea, the sorceress, who was living with his

father. This contriving Asiatic woman, wishing to be rid of the


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hero for fear that he might diminish her influence with the king,

persuaded Aegeus that Theseus would be the cause of trouble

in the kingdom and that he should be poisoned. As Theseus

accepted the poisoned cup, however, Aegeus recognized his sword

and knew that Theseus was his son. Medea, for her plotting, had

to flee from Athens.

Theseus was now proclaimed to be the son and heir of Aegeus.

He soon had to fight against his uncle Pallas who, with his fifty

sons, the Pallantides, attacked Athens in the hope of obtaining the

throne for himself, but Theseus defeated him. He also over-

came a great bull that was ravaging the country near Mara-

thon, and sacrificed it to Athene. At this time the people of

Athens were required to send each year seven maids and seven

youths to Crete to be eaten by the Minotaur, a monster with

the body of a man and the head of a bull (for details of his

strange origin, see DAEDALUS). This penalty had been exacted

of the Athenians by King Minos to avenge his son, who had been

killed in a war between the Athenians and the Cretans in which

the latter were victorious. Theseus volunteered and, with the

consent of his father, went off to Crete as a member o this


The island of Crete was guarded by a great living bronze giant

named Talus, who either was the last survivor of the Age of

Bronze or had been made for King Minos by Hephaestus, the

god of craftsmen. Talus patrolled the shores of the island three

times a day, and when he found intruders he burned them to

death by heating himself red-hot and throwing his arms around

them or by tossing them into a fire. In the fifth book of TheFaerie Queene an iron man named Talus serves Artegall, the

knight of justice. Talus allowed the Athenian ship to reach

Crete safely, and at the capital city of Cnossus Theseus and his

companions presented themselves to King Minos as the annual


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tribute. At this point Theseus offered himself as the first victim,

and his action endeared him to Minos' daughter, Ariadne, whowas present. When Theseus was taken off to confinement until

he should be given to the Minotaur, Ariadne found her way to

him and offered him her aid in overcoming the monster and in

escaping from the island.

The Minotaur was kept in a maze that had been built byDaedalus (see DAEDALUS), and the intricacies of this maze

were such that no one could find his way out of it alone. But

Ariadne gave Theseus a ball of thread that he unrolled as he

went, and when he had slain the Minotaur, he found his wayout again by following the thread back to the gate. TakingAriadne along, Theseus and the other Athenians then set sail on

their return trip to Athens. On the way, Theseus abandoned

Ariadne on the island of Naxos, some say because he was ordered

to do so by the goddess Athene. Whatever the circumstances, the

harshness of Ariadne's fate was lessened when the god Dionysus

fell in love with her and married her. Theseus had left Athens

with black sails on his ship and with the agreement that the

ship would return with white sails if he had been successful in

killing the Minotaur; but he forgot to make the change of sails,

and Aegeus, who had watched every day for the ship, sighting

the black sails from afar, threw himself over a cliff into the sea

and was killed. Theseus thus became king of Athens on his

arrival there.

Theseus brought about a great flourishing of the city. There

appears to be historical basis for some of the achievements with

which he was credited. He was thought to have united the cities

of Attica into a single state, and to have introduced the coinage

of money, and in other ways to have organized the city into its

greatness. Yet he could not be content, hero that he was and

accustomed to a strenuous life, with a peaceful overlordship.


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Consequently, he joined m the expedition o the Argonauts with

Jason, and he participated in the Calydonian Boar Hunt. More-

over, he joined Heracles in his expedition against the Amazons,

the renowned female warriors, and carried off their queen

Hippolyta, or as is more oiten said, her sister Antiope. In order

to rescue Antiope, the Amazons made war against Athens and

almost entered the city. But Antiope had fallen in love with

Theseus, and while fighting by his side she was killed, though not

before she had borne him a son called Hippolytus. This boy

grew up to be a hunter, a favorite of Artemis and a scorner of

Aphrodite, who marked him for destruction.

After the death of Antiope, Theseus mdefatigably married

Phaedra, another daughter of King Minos of Crete. Unfortu-

nately, this lady fell in love with Theseus' son, Hippolytus.

When the young man rejected her love, she told Theseus

that Hippolytus had made love to her, and Theseus prayed to

Poseidon for revenge. Poseidon caused a sea monster to frighten

the horses drawing Hippolytus' chariot, and Hippolytus was

killed in the ensuing wreck. His innocence, however, became

known to Theseus, and Phaedra, who had given him two sons,

Acamas and Demophoon, killed herself. According to some

stories, Artemis persuaded the great physician Asclepius to restore

Hippolytus to life, and Zeus killed Asclepius for this act of


About this time, Pirithous, king of the Lapiths, decided to test

Theseus' character. He stole some of Theseus' cattle, and as

Theseus was about to engage him in a fight, Pirithous was struck

with admiration for the hero. The same feeling for Pirithous

touched Theseus, and the two united in a firm contract of friend-

liness. Theseus attended the marriage of Pirithous and Hippo-damia. At this wedding the Centaurs also attended, all became

drunk, and one attempted to violate the bride. With Theseus'


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help, Pinthous and his other friends routed the Centaurs.

When Hippodamia died, Pinthous and Theseus decided to find

themselves other wives who should be daughters of Zeus himself.

First, for Theseus, they kidnaped Helen of Lacedaemon, later to

become famous as Helen of Troy, and made off with her. Then

they went down to Hades to attempt the kidnaping of Persephonefor Pinthous, but Hades himself caught them and imprisoned

them, some accounts say by fastening Pirithous to the fiery wheel

with his father Ixion. (Pirithous was the son of either the daring

and impious Ixion or Zeus.) Theseus was later rescued by Hera-

cles, and he returned to Athens. He found that during his absence

Menestheus had become king with so much continuing popular

support that supplanting him appeared impossible. Helen, too,

had been rescued by her brothers Castor and Polydeuces. Thus

without his kingdom or his prospective wife, Theseus retired to

Scyros, where he had lands. He was well received by Lycomedes,the king of the island, but later he fell in a mysterious manner

over a cliff into the sea and was killed. There were some

who thought that Lycomedes was responsible; in any event, the

career of the Athenian hero came to a close as dramatically as

it had begun. Theseus' bones were later removed to Athens,

where they were placed in a temple called the Theseum and

made the subject of religious ceremonies.

For the Athenians, Theseus represented all that they could

admire in a man vigor, strength, bravery, intelligence, and a

keen desire for the active and adventurous life So closely did

they identify their native spirit with him that centuries after

his death, at the battle of Marathon when the fate of the city lay

in the balance, they thought they saw the figure of Theseus

fighting with them against the Persians.

Of Theseus, Nicholas Grimald writes epigrammatically but in-

accurately in Of Friendship,


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Down Theseus went to hell, Pirith, his frend, to finde:

O that the wives in these our dayes, were to their mates so kind.

The marriage of Theseus to Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons,

is the chief event of Shakespeare's Midsummer-Night's Dream,

though in this play Theseus is much more of a Renaissance noble-

man than an early Athenian; and in Two Gentlemen of Verona

(4.4. 172-173) Julia, disguised in boy's clothes, professes to have

acted a "lamentable part":

Madam, 'twas Ariadne, passioningFor Theseus' perjury and unjust flight.

This is one of Shakespeare's many ironies that depend on the

Elizabethan custom of having young boys play women's parts.

Here, on the Elizabethan stage, a boy playing the part of a girl

who has disguised herself as a boy speaks of having taken the

part of a girl m a play. The theme of Ariadne's desertion is

perhaps the favorite poetic reference to Theseus, and echoes of

it are to be found in Christina Rossetti's Ariadne to Theseus, as

well as in later poems. In Sweeney Erect T. S. Eliot remembers

the desertion:

Display me Aeolus above

Reviewing the insurgent gales

Which tangle Ariadne's hair

And swell with haste the perjured sails,8

lines that provide an ironic contrast to the animal quality of

the love affair that he is about to describe. In Casino Auden

compares modern life to the maze from which Theseus escaped

by means of Ariadne's device:

s From "Sweeney Erect/' by T. S Eliot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-1935

Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company. Reprinted with their



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The labyrinth is safe but endless, and broken

Is Ariadne's thread.4

Phaedra's involvement with Hippolytus has been the subject of

tragedies by the Greek Euripides and the Roman Seneca.

THESSALY (thes'<He) was in the northeast section of ancient

Greece. Its mountains included Olympus, Pehon, and Ossa.

Through it flowed the river Peneus, creating the famous vale of

Tempe, and its chief plain was a grain-producing area. In ancient

myths Thessaly figures as the home of the Centaurs and the

Lapiths, among others, and it was famous for its magicians.

THETIS (thesis), a Nereid, was the wife of Peleus and the

mother of Achilles. See PELEUS, TROJAN WAR.THISBE (thiz'be) was the lover of PYRAMUS.THRACE (thras), the birthplace of Orpheus, was the region

north of Greece. The Hebrus was its principal river and Rhodopeits principal mountain range. The Thracians aided the Trojans

in their war against the Greeks.

THRINACIA (thri-na'sha) was the island of the cattle of the

sun. See ODYSSEUS.THYESTES (thl-gs'tez) was the brother of ATREUS.

THYRSUS (thlr'sus), a staff tipped with a pine cone, is a symbol

of DIONYSUS.TIBER (ti'ber) is the river of ROME.TIRESIAS (tl-re'si-ds), the famous Theban prophet, was de-

scended on his father's side from one of the Spartae, the five sons

of the dragon's teeth who helped Cadmus found Thebes; his

mother was the Nymph Chariclo. One day on Mount Cithaeron he

saw two snakes mating and killed the female. At once he became

a woman. Sometime later he saw another pair of snakes mating;

this time he killed the male and was turned into a man again.

* From "Casino," by W. H. Auden, in The Collected Poetry of W H Auden.

Copyright, 1945, by W. H. Auden. Reprinted with the permission of Random

House, Inc.


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This unique experience made Tiresias the only person whocould settle an argument that had arisen between Zeus and Hera.

Zeus said that women get more pleasure from sex than men do,

and Hera maintained that the opposite is true. When they called

on Tiresias for his expert opinion, he declared that a woman has

nine times as much pleasure as a man. The queen of the gods

became so angry that she blinded Tiresias, but Zeus made it

easier for him to endure this infirmity by giving him the powerof prophecy and promising him an extremely long life. Accordingto Hesiod, he lived for seven generations.

Another myth accounts for Tiresias' blindness and prophetic

powers by relating that he once surprised Athene bathing, as

Actaeon had surprised Artemis, and that the goddess blinded

him but granted him the gift of foreknowledge. The blind seer,

such as Tiresias, and the blind poet, such as Homer, are familiar

figures in primitive societies. Unable to work or fight beside his

fellows, the blind man spends most of his time with his own

thoughts; his leisure and his introspection produce visions and

works of the imagination.In the course of his long life Tiresias foresaw much evil and

some good. He prophesied the future greatness of Heracles in the

childhood of that great hero. When King Pentheus of Thebes

forbade the newly introduced worship of Dionysus, Tiresias told

him that Dionysus was a true god; but Pentheus refused to listen

and thus brought about his own death. Reluctantly Tiresias re-

vealed that King Oedipus of Thebes had killed his father and

married his mother. When the Seven attacked Thebes, Tiresias

foresaw that the city might be saved by the sacrifice of a de-

scendant of the Spartae. Menoeceus, a son of Creon, allowed

himself to be killed, and the siege of the Seven failed. Later

Thebes was again attacked, this time by the Epigoni, the sons of

the Seven. Knowing that the city was fated to fall, Tiresias urgedthe Thebans to put the besiegers off guard by pretending to nego-tiate for peace and then to flee from the city secretly at night.

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His advice was taken and many Thebans escaped, but Tiresias

died on the journey. In Hades he still retained his prophetic

power, and the enchantress Circe sent Odysseus to Hades to con-

sult Tiresias about the dangers that would face him on his

journey from Aeaea to Ithaca. (For a detailed account of the

events mentioned in this paragraph see the articles on Heracles,

Thebes, and Odysseus.)

In The Strayed Reveller by Matthew Arnold, the youth whohas drunk of Circe's enchanted cup sees a vision of Tiresias

Sitting, staff in hand,

On the warm, grassy

Asopus' bank,

His robe drawn over

His old, sightless head,

Revolving inly

The doom of Thebes.

Tiresias in Tennyson's dramatic monologue of that name is en-

gaged in prophesying that Thebes will be saved from the Seven,

who are at the city gates, if a descendant of the Spartae will give

his life a prophecy that is to be followed by Menoeceus' sacrifice

of himself. Tennyson accepts the myth that Tiresias was blinded

and given the gift of foreknowledge by the goddess Athene, whomhe saw naked, and the prophet describes this experience in the

course of the monologue.Swinburne alludes to the same myth in his poem Tiresias, in

which he imagines the old man at the grave of Antigone, filled

with sad thoughts about the house of Cadmus but firmly con-

vinced that joy, love, truth, and freedom will finally prevail. In

the second part of the piece the poet, looking at the prophet,

observes that the face is "not of Tiresias"; instead it is the face

of Dante and some other Italians. In this poem Tiresias' habit of

becoming other people is confusing, and his fervent hopes for the

future make him seem remote from the old Greek soothsayer.


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In T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land Tiresias, although only a

spectator of one scene, is, according to a note of Eliot's, "the most

important personage in the poem, uniting all the rest." His im-

portance seems to come from his gift of foresight and from his

experience of both femaleness and maleness (218-219):

. . . Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives,

Old man with wrinkled female breasts,5

in witnessing the weary and casual surrender of the typist to "the

young man carbuncular," understands the joyless lust and foresees

the spiritual death of a whole generation.

TISIPHONE (ti-sif'6-ne) is one of the three FURIES.

TITANS (ti'tanz), or TITANES (ti-tan'ez), or TITANI

(tHanl). The Titans were the children of Uranus, the sky, and

Gaea, the earth. Although their nuifcber varies in different ac-

counts, the theory gradually developed that there were twelve of

them, as there are twelve of the Olympian gods. The Titans were

gigantic figures that personified the many forces of nature, some

of them constructive, but most of them destructive. The sig-

nificance of some of their names has survived:

Cronus the harvester

Rhea the earth

Oceanus the river of Ocean

Tethys the nourisher or nurse

Hyperion the wanderer on high, the sun

Thea the divine one

Phoebe the bright one

Themis justice or law

Mnemosyne memory

lapetus* the hurler or wounder

5 From "The Waste Land," by T. S. Eliot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-1935.

Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company. Reprinted withtheir permission.


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Others were Coeus; Creus; Ophion, a great serpent; and Eury-

nome, a great ruler. Fourteen are here accounted for. Classical

lists vary from the two, Cronus and lapetus, mentioned by Homer,

to the thirteen named by Hesiod.

Uranus and Gaea, the parents of the Titans, had other children

also. The three Cyclopes were reputed to be theirs, though in

the Odyssey Homer names Poseidon as the father of the best-

known Cyclops, Polyphemus. The Hecatoncheires, hundred-

handed monsters named Aegaeon (or Briareus), Cottus, and

Gyges, were certainly children of Uranus and Gaea. The Cyclopes

seem to represent the violence of the thunderstorm and the vol-

cano, and the Hecatoncheires to embody the terrors of the stormy

sea. No wonder that Uranus became nervous about the hundred-

handed monsters and thrust them down into Tartarus, the great

depth in Hades that always served as a catchall for those unwanted

by the ruling gods. This act, however, alienated the affections of

Gaea, who urged her other children, the Titans, to revolt.

Cronus led the revolution, destroyed his father, and became

master of the world, though a tradition to which Milton refers

in Paradise Lost (10. 582-583) says that Ophion and Eurynome

. . . had first the rule

Of high Olympus

and had also to be displaced. See CRONUS for an account of his

revolt and long rule. The Titans under Cronus were finally

attacked and defeated by. Cronus' children, the Olympians, led

by Zeus. See ZEUS for the story of that heavenly warfare.

Zeus cast most of the Titans except Oceanus, Tethys, Themis,

Mnemosyne, Prometheus, and Epimetheus intp Tartarus. In the

battle between the Olympians and the Titans, Oceanus and his

wife Tethys took no part, and under Zeus they continued to

rule the great river of Ocean (see SEA GODS). Themis, too,


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must not have fought against Zeus, for he chose her for his.

second wife, and Mnemosyne also had his favor, for she became

by him the mother of the Muses. Prometheus and Epimetheus,

the sons of lapetus, actively sided with Zeus and thus were

saved from Tartarus; but Prometheus because of his kindness to-

man later endured a fate equally terrible. For his life and his

brother's, see PROMETHEUS.Of all the Titans, Hyperion, the sun god, has been perhaps

the best known to English poets. For him, see APOLLO; for

Rhea, see EARTH GODDESSES; for Mnemosyne, see MUSES;for Phoebe and Thea, see ARTEMIS, for Themis, see ZEUS.

TITHONUS (tHho'niis) was the most famous lover of EOS.

TITUS TATIUS (ti'tfts ta'shi-us) led the Sabines against ROME.TITYUS (titl-us), a Giant, insulted Leto, and was killed by her

children, Artemis and APOLLO.TMOLUS (t-mo'lfts) judged the music contest between Pan and

APOLLO.TRIPTOLEMUS (trip-tSl'-mus), a priest of Demeter, traveled

about the world teaching men the art of planting. See EARTHGODDESSES.TRITOGENEIA (trit'6-j-ni'a) is another name of ATHENE.TRITON (tri'ton) is the trumpeter and the messenger of

Poseidon. See SEA GODS.TRITONIA (tri-to'm-fl) is a surname of ATHENE.TROEZEN (tre'z&a), a city of Peloponnesus about forty miles

southwest of Athens by sea, was the birthplace of THESEUS.TROILUS (troi'ltis), a prince of Troy, was one of the minor

heroes in the TROJAN WAR.

TROJAN WAR. A thousand years or so before the birth of

Christ the Greeks made war on the Trojans, a people who in-

habited a section of Asia Minor near the Hellespont. The war was

probably the result of trade rivalry; the Greek strategy apparently


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o g


















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consisted of blockading the Trojan fortress city, and the economic

and military exhaustion of the Trojans seems finally to have

given the victory to the Greeks. As soon as the war was over,

the Greeks began to turn history into legend, and of all their

stories none is richer than that of the Trojan War. Its events


Oceanus -Tethys


Zeus = Aegina



Telamon - (1) Eriboea (or Periboea) = (2) Hesione

Aias Teucer

Peleus =Thetis

Achilles - Deidamia


and its consequences provided the material for the three clas-

sical epics, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid;

for plays by the three great tragedians, Aeschylus, Sophocles,

and Euripides; and for scores of tales and commentaries in

Greek and Latin.

The cause of the war, according to the poets, was not trade

rivalry between Greeks and Trojans but personal rivalry between

three powerful goddesses. When Peleus, a mortal hero, married

the Nereid Thetis, all the gods and goddesses were invited to the

wedding except Eris, the goddess of discord. Angered by this

social slight, Eris threw into the midst of the happy party a


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golden apple inscribed "For the fairest." Naturally, all the god-

desses claimed the apple, but finally the rivalry narrowed to

Hera, Athene, and Aphrodite These three demanded that Zeus

choose the most beautihil, but the king of the gods knew better

than to judge a beauty contest in which the candidates were his

wife and two of his daughters. He referred them to Paris, a

Trojan prince who, because his mother dreamed that she had

been delivered of a firebrand when he was born, had been lett

to die on Mount Ida; but he had been suckled by a she-bear,

brought up by shepherds, and now kept sheep on Mount Ida and

enjoyed the favors of a lovely Nymph named Oenone.

The goddesses appeared before Paris dressed in their most

gorgeous attire, and each one offered him a bribe in accordance

with her nature. Hera promised him royal dominion, Athene

prowess in war, and Aphrodite the most beautiful woman in the

world for his wife. Although this point is never made by the

storytellers, Paris may simply have chosen the most beautiful

goddess in spite of the delights and dangers attendant on his

choice. Whatever his motives were, he awarded the golden

apple to Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty Spenser says (Faerie

Queene, 2. 7. 55):

. . . partiall Paris dempt it Venus dew,

And had of her, faire Helen for his meed,

That many noble Greekes and Troians made to bleed.

The most beautiful woman in the world was Helen, the wife

of King Menelaus of Sparta, and Helen's story is full of the

tragic irony of divine ordination of human destiny. Helen's

mother Leda, the wife of the Spartan king Tyndareus, found

favor in the eyes of Zeus, and he visited her one day in the

guise of a swan. Leda produced two eggs: from the first were

hatched her immortal daughter and son by Zeus, Helen und


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Polydeuces, or Pollux; and from the second her mortal daughter

and son by Tyndareus, Clytemnestra and Castor. (For the ex-

ploits of the two boys see CASTOR.) In English poetry the matingof Leda and Zeus is described in every key from Spenser's lux-

urious stanza in The Faerie Queene (3. 11. 32):

Then was lie turnd into a snowy Swan,

To win faire Leda to his louely trade:

O wondrous skill, and sweet wit of the man,

That her in daffadillies sleeping made,

From scorching heat her daintie limbes to shade:

Whiles the proud Bird ruffing his fethers wyde,And brushing his faire brest, did her inuade;

She slept, yet twixt her eyelids closely spyde,

How towards her he rusht, and smiled at his pryde

to Sir John FalstafFs sly comment (Merry Wives of Windsor,

5. 5. 7-9): "You were also, Jupiter, a swan for the love of Leda.

O omnipotent Love! how near the god drew to the complexionof a goosel" But the most effective use of the myth is made

by W. B. Yeats in Leda and the Swan. Having described the

strange coupling of the woman and the divine bird, Yeats


A shudder in the loins engenders there

The broken wall, the burning roof and tower

And Agamemnon dead.

Being so caught up,So mastered by the brute blood of the air,

Did she put on his knowledge with his powerBefore the indifferent beak could let her drop?


Zeus, while about his pleasure, knew the great and terrible events

in which Leda's children would take part, for which they would

e From "Leda and the Swan," by W. B. Yeats, in his The Tower. Copyright,1928, by The Macmillan Company and used with their permission.


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in a sense be responsible. Helen, whose abduction by Paris would

be the immediate cause of the Trojan War and the fall of Troy,and Clytemnestra, whose hatred of her husband Agamemnonwould lead her to murder him after he returned in triumphfrom this war (see ATREUS). Yeats leaves us to wonder whether

Leda for an instant shared the god's knowledge. Zeus not only

foresaw but ordained the Trojan War; he believed that the

human population of the world should be reduced.

Even as a child Helen was so lovely that she was kidnaped

by Theseus and had to be rescued by her brothers Castor and

Polydeuces, and as she grew up she became so beautiful that every

bachelor king in Greece wished to marry her. Because the rivalry

was so intense, Odysseus of Ithaca wisely proposed that he and

all the other suitors swear to support the husband whom Helen

chose and to avenge any wrong done him because of his marriage.

This agreement was made, and Helen chose Menelaus, whose

brother Agamemnon was already the husband of her sister

Clytemnestra. Well pleased with Helen's marriage, Tyndareus

resigned the crown of Sparta to Menelaus.

Helen and Menelaus lived happily together and had a daughter

whom they named Hermione. But Helen was the most beautiful

woman in the world, and after Pans awarded the golden apple

to Aphrodite the goddess kept her promise and led him to Sparta.

There he was entertained in friendly fashion by Menelaus and

Helen until Menelaus was called away on business. Because custom

and religion demanded that host and guest deal honorably with

each other, Menelaus did not fear to leave Paris with Helen; but

when he was gone, Aphrodite caused Helen to give her love to

Paris and the two lovers set sail for Troy.

As soon as Menelaus discovered that his wife was gone, he

called on the kings of Greece to fulfill their promise and avenge

the wrong done to him because of his marriage. All the heroes


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responded except Odysseus and Achilles. Although Odysseus had

proposed the oath that bound him to support Menelaus, he now

had a wife and an infant son whom he was loth to leave. Hetherefore pretended to be mad; and when messengers arrived to

urge him to join the expedition, they found him plowing the

seashore and sowing it with salt. To test him the messengers

laid his infant son in front of the plow. Odysseus stopped plow-

ing, admitted his ruse, and reluctantly joined the army.

He was then given the job of finding Achilles and persuadinghim to fight. Achilles, the son of Peleus and Thetis, was destined

to live a long undistinguished life or to win glory and die youngin the siege of Troy. While he was still a baby his immortal

mother tried to make him invulnerable to weapons by dippinghim in the River Styx in Hades, but she held him by one heel, and

the arrow that finally killed him struck him in that place. Today

any man's unhideable weakness is still described as his Achilles'

heel. Achilles was trained in the arts of peace and war by Chiron

the Centaur, who was also the tutor of such heroes as Asclepius

and Jason. Thetis was determined to save her son from any death,

no matter how glorious, and when she heard of the preparations

against Troy she sent Achilles to' the island of Scyros to live dis-

guised as a girl among the daughters of King Lycomedes. Achilles

fell in love with Deidamia, one of Lycomedes' daughters, and

they had a son named Pyrrhus, who was afterward called Neoptol-emus ("the recruit") because he joined the Greek forces late in

the war.

The army, however, needed Achilles because the prophetCalchas had said that without him the Greeks could not defeat

the Trojans. Odysseus, learning that Achilles was on Scyros,

disguised himself as a peddler and offered Lycomedes' daughtersa fine collection of dresses and jewels and also a few handsome

.weapons. Achilles revealed himself by handling the weapons,


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and Odysseus had no trouble in persuading him to disregard

his mother's warnings. Karl Shapiro's poem Scyros concerns a

man newly drafted into the army, and the title alludes to

Achilles' hiding place as a symbol of every man's reluctance

to leave civilian life to enter a war.

Under the leadership of Agamemnon, the Greek kings and

their followers mobilized at Aulis, a town on the eastern coast

of Boeotia. The army was huge, and the preparations were

elaborate. Seeing a vision of Helen, Marlowe's Faustus asks

(Dr. Faustus, 13. 112-113),

Is this the face that launched a thousand ships,

And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?

According to tradition, a thousand vessels were used to transport

the expeditionary force to Troy. At Aulis the soothsayer Calchas

interpreted a portent. A snake climbed a tree to get at a bird's

nest, it devoured the eight young birds and the mother bird

that tried to protect them, and then was turned to stone byZeus. The meaning of this, said Calchas, was that nine years

would be fruitlessly consumed by the war but that in the tenth

year the Greeks would be victorious.

At length the expedition was ready, but a strong north wind

day after day prevented it from sailing. When Calchas was con-

sulted, he declared that the goddess Artemis was angry because

Agamemnon, diverting himself while the army assembled, had

killed a stag sacred to her. If Agamemnon wished a safe passage

to Troy, he must appease the goddess by sacrificing his eldest

daughter Iphigenia. There was no alternative, and in deep

sorrow Agamemnon made his decision. He sent a false message

to his wife Clytemnestra that he wished to marry Iphigenia to

Achilles before the army sailed for Troy; and when the lovely

girl arrived, happily anticipating her wedding with the hero,


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she was ceremonially put to death. The pathos of this death has

been represented many times in English poetry. Walter Savage

Landor, for example, in Iphigeneia and Agamemnon shows the

girl pleading gently for life, yet when the priest's knife was raised

Then turn'd she where her parent stood, and cried

"O father! grieve no more, the ships can sail."

In Tennyson's A Dieam of Fair Women, however, she appears

still full of hate for Helen, who she says was the cause of her


My father held his hand upon his face;

I, blinded with my tears,

Still strove to speak- my voice was thick with sighs

As in a dream. Dimly I could descry

The stern black-bearded kings with wolfish eyes,

Waiting to t>ee me die.

The high masts flicker'd as they lay afloat,

The crowds, the temples, waver'd, and the shore;

The bright death quiver'd at the victim's throat;

Touch'd, and I knew no more.

According to Euripides' version of the story, Artemis pitied the

girl and, as she was about to be sacrificed, took her away and

left a deer in her place. For Iphigenia's further adventures

and for the effect of her sacrifice on the relations between

Clytemnestra and Agamemnon see ATREUSIphigenia and her mother were only the first of thousands

of women who suffered because of the Trojan War. An oracle

had predicted that the first Greek to land on the hostile shore

should be the first to die; to land first therefore became a pointof honor. The honor fell to Protesilaus, who had left behind him


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in Greece a bride of only one day, Laodamia. The oracle was

fulfilled, and when the news reached Laodamia, she was incon-

solable. In her grief the gods took pity on her, and granted her

urgent prayer that Protesilaus might return to her from death

for three hours. When the time was up, she joined her husband

in Hades by committing suicide. Wordsworth tells this story in

Laodamia, an overmoralized poem but nevertheless his best

excursion into classic myth.After landing and establishing themselves on the windy plains

of Troy between the rivers Simois and Scamander (the second

was sometimes called Xanthus after the god who inhabited it),

the Greeks spent nine years in subduing minor cities and besieg-

ing without success the capital and fortress city of Troy, or Ilion

(from which the title of Homer's epic, the Iliad). Besides Agamem-non, the commander in chief, and Menelaus, the celebrated

cuckold, the leaders in war and council in the Grecian campwere Achilles, Odysseus, Diomedes, the two Aiases, or Ajaxes,

Nestor, Machaon, Podalirius, and Calchas. Diomedes, king of

Argos, was almost the equal of Achilles and the greater Aias in

warfare, and of Odysseus in wisdom. As a favorite of Athene, he

was successful in battle and respected in council; he assisted

Odysseus in several of the clever exploits that helped to bring

about the fall of Troy.

The greater Aias, the on of King Telamon of Salamis,

was usually called Telamonian <Aias to distinguish him from

his lesser namesake, the son of King Oileus of the Locrians.

Telamonian Aias was a stupid man, but he had Unshakable

courage and great skill in battle. In the Essay on Criticism

(370-371) Pope describes the sort of verse which he considers

appropriate to this warrior:,

When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw,

The line too labours, and the -words move slow.


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Unfortunately, Aias was as proud as he was slow witted, and his

pride caused his tragic death. The lesser Aias was a brave manwith bad manners; he was disliked by the gods and by Homer,who told his story. Nestor, the king of Pylos, was sixty years old

at the beginning of the war. He was full of good advice and

rather too fond of reminiscence, though the stories he remembered

were almost always interesting. Machaon and Podalirius were

sons of Asclepius who inherited their father's skill in medicine

and therefore were able to save many Greek heroes from death.

Odysseus was a great warrior, but he was chiefly valued for his

shrewdness and piety. He became equally famous for his exploits

in the war and for his adventures on his long journey home,

which are related in a separate article under his name. The chief

Grecian hero was Achilles, and he had all the shortcomings that

accompany his sort of greatness He was an inspiring leader and

an invincible fighter, passionate and tender in his loyalties; but

he was also self-centered, moody, quick to take offense, and a

great nurser of grudges. While these brave Greeks competedwith the Trojans and with one another, the crippled and ugly-

minded Thersites delighted in every misfortune and tried to

turn each noble action to ridicule. He is best represented for

English readers in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida.

The Trojans had a magnificently fortified city and a number

of capable defenders. King Priam, or Priamus, was an old manwhen the war began, but his wife Hecuba had borne him many

strong sons, among whom were Hector, Paris, Troilus, Deiphobus,and Helenus; and three daughters, Cassandra, Creusa, and

Polyxena. One of Priam's chief councilors was Antenor, who

urged from the first that Helen be returned to Menelaus but

whose advice was disregarded. Aeneas, a son of Anchises and

the goddess Aphrodite, married Princess Creusa and distinguished

himself not only in the defence of Troy but also in his later


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adventures, which ended in his founding the Roman race and

which are told in a separate article under his name. The most

important allies of the Trojans were Sarpedon, a son of Zeus;

his companion Glaucus; Memnon, king of Ethiopia; and Penthe-

silia, queen of the Amazons.

Of Priam's sons, Paris won the name of Alexander (whichmeans "champion") when he lived among shepherds, but he

was really a cowardly man who was more concerned with Helen

than he was with the war. On the battlefield he was as aptto run away as he was to fight. Troilus, Deiphobus, and Helenus

all fought bravely, but Troilus was soon killed and Helenus

(who had the gift of prophecy) was finally captured by the

Greeks and forced to reveal the obstacles to their victory. Thechief Trojan champion was Prince Hector, a brilliant and

chivalrous fighter and a loving husband and father. At his

moment of greatest crisis he was moved equally by his duty to

maintain his honor on the battlefield and by his love for his

wife Andromache and his infant son Astyanax.

The events that Homer relates in the Iliad occurred in the

tenth year of the indecisive siege of Troy. In one of their raids

on a minor Trojan stronghold the Greeks had captured two girls,

Chryseis and Briseis. The first was awarded to Agamemnon and

the second to Achilles. Chryseis, however, was the daughter

of Chryses, a priest of Apollo. When Agamemnon refused to

release her, Chryses prayed to Apollo for yengeance, and the

god sent a pestilence among the Greeks. When the plague was at

its height, Achilles called a conference of the Greek leaders and

said that they must either appease Apollo or give up the war.

The prophet Calchas, after begging the protection of Achilles,

declared that Chryseis must be returned to her father. Agamem-non was forced to agree, but he insisted that Briseis, who had

been awarded to Achilles, must then be given to him. Although


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he had become fond of the girl, Achilles yielded to the order

of the commander in chief, but he announced that hereafter he

and his Myrmidons would take no part in the fighting. (For the

meaning of the name of Achilles' followers see the account of

Aeacus under ZEUS.)Fate had decreed that the Greeks would win if they persisted,

but several of the gods used their power to protect their favorites

and even to influence the outcome of the war Aphrodite of

course favored the Trojans, and she enlisted the help of her

lover Ares, the god of battle. Athene and Hera championed the

Greeks. Poseidon aided the Greeks because he and Apollo had

built the walls of Troy but had received no payment from

Laomedon, Priam's father. Apollo, more forgiving in this in-

stance, simply protected his favorites. Zeus preferred the Trojans,

but he tried to remain neutral to avoid trouble with his wife.

The Nereid Thetis, however, angered by Agamemnon's treat-

ment of her son, came to Olympus and begged Zeus to assist the

Trojans so that the insult to Achilles might be avenged. Zeus

allowed himself to be persuaded, and he sent a false dream to

Agamemnon that promised him victory. Agamemnon addressed

the troops and, in an effort to inspire them to great deeds, spokeso movingly of home and peace that the common soldiers, under

the leadership of Thersites, demanded that they give up the siege.

Nestor and Odysseus, however, managed to quell the revolt, and

the next day the Greeks attacked in force.

Sitting above the battle on the walls of Troy, Priam and his

advisors looked at Helen, who sat with them, and said in their

hearts that it was right that men should fight and die for her.

Suddenly the fighting was stopped by Pans, who challenged anyGrecian champion to single combat. A truce was declared,

Menelaus accepted the challenge, and for a time it looked as if

the war might be brought to a sensible conclusion by a fight


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between the two men most concerned. While the armies watched,

Paris threw his spear, but Menelaus turned it aside with his

shield. Menelaus' spear only ripped the tunic of Paris, and the

two champions drew their swords. At the first exchange Menelaus

broke his sword, but in the next instant he grabbed Pans bythe helmet and was dragging him toward the Greek side when

Aphrodite cut the chin strap of the helmet, wrapped Paris in

a cloud, and carried him off to Helen's bedroom.

Agamemnon, addressing the armies, argued that Menelaus had

won and that Helen should be returned to him. The Trojansall agreed, and the war would have ended there if Athene, urgedon by the implacable Hera, had not persuaded a foolish Trojannamed Pandarus to shoot an arrow at Menelaus It wounded

him only slightly, but because of this treacherous breaking of the

truce the battle was resumed.

Many Greeks fought well, but Diomedes seemed invincible.

He killed Pandarus with his spear and then felled Aeneas with

a great stone. Aphrodite tried to protect her son Aeneas, but

Diomedes, knowing that she was a cowardly goddess, dared to

wound her in the hand, and she fled, weeping, to Olympus.

Aeneas' life was saved by Apollo, who carried him to Artemis

and Leto to be healed Cheated of this victory, Diomedes sought

out Hector but found that the war god Ares was fighting beside

the Trojan champion. Diomedes called for an orderly retreat,

but Athene, seeing his plight, stood beside him and urged him to

strike the war god himself. Athene guided his spear and it

wounded Ares in the belly The blustering but cowardly god

screamed like a stuck pig and rushed off to Olympus to com-

plain to Zeus, but Zeus told him to stop whining.

As Diomedes raged about the field and the Trojans retreated,

Hector returned to the city to urge the women and old men to

pray for victory. On the wall he met Andromache and Astyanax.


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"My dear," she said, "stay here with us. Do not make our boyan orphan and me a widow." Deeply touched, Hector admitted

(as he never had before) that he expected death for himself and

defeat for Troy. But his greatest fear was that harm would

come to Andromache and Astyanax. He took the boy in his

arms and prayed to Zeus, "May men sometime say of my son

that he is greater than his father." To Andromache he said, "I

must do my part until my time comes." Then he returned to the

battle and fought so brilliantly that the Greeks, until then

victorious, were driven back almost to their ships.

That night the Greeks built a wall to protect their ships,

and Agamemnon was so disheartened that he was ready to give

up the war; but Nestor pointed out that Agamemnon alone was

responsible for the defeat because he had insulted Achilles.

Agamemnon admitted that he had been foolish, and he sent

Odysseus and Telamonian Aias to take Briseis back to Achilles,

to offer his apologies, and to urge Achilles to fight again. No one

could have asked for a fuller confession of fault or a hand-

somer apology, but Achilles, still filled with black anger, re-

fused to be reconciled with Agamemnon. He was sailing for

home, he said, and he advised all the other Greeks to do


The next day the Greeks fought with desperate courage, and

for a time a ruse of Hera's brought them success. Knowing that

Zeus was helping the Trojans, she used every queenly art to

make herself beautiful and then offered herself to Zeus. Surprised

and delighted, the king of the gods enjoyed his wife and then

fell into a deep sleep. While he slept Telamonian Aias beat down

JHector, and although Hector was rescued by Aeneas, the Tro-

jans had to retreat. At this point Zeus awoke, snarled at Hera

for her trickery, and ordered Poseidon, who was helping the

Greeks, to leave the battlefield. Apollo then revived the wounded


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Hector, and the Trojans drove the Greeks before them and

breached the wall that protected the ships.

Not even this disaster touched the heart o Achilles, but

his retainer and friend Patroclus (the relation between them

was so close and so intense that it may have been homosexual)

asked to wear Achilles' armor and to lead the Myrmidons into

the fight A Greek ship burst into flame as he spoke, and

Achilles gave his permission but cautioned Patroclus to do no

more than defend the ships. The appearance of a man dressed

in Achilles' armor and followed by the Myrmidons rallied the

Greeks, and they soon drove the Trojans away from the ships.

Patroclus seemed Achilles himself on the battlefield. The lesser

Trojans fled before him, and when he encountered Sarpedon, a

son of Zeus, he gave him a mortal wound (for Sarpedon's burial

see Thanatos under HADES). Then he met Hector. The Trojan

hero killed him, stripped from him the armor of Achilles, put it

on, and returned to the fight. Aias and Menelaus managed to

save the body of Patroclus, but otherwise the victory belonged to

the Trojans.

When Achilles learned of the death of Patroclus, he was

overwhelmed with grief. Only his desire for revenge seemed to

keep him alive. His mother Thetis came to comfort him and to

make one last effort to avert his destiny. She reminded him that

he was fated to die soon after Hector, but he answered, "I mil

accept death when I have avenged the death of Patroclus." At

the request of Thetis, the god Hephaestus built a new mag-

nificent suit of armor, and at dawn the goddess brought it to

her son's tent.

Agamemnon and Achilles were formally reconciled, and Aga-

memnon in a gracious speech blamed their disagreement on Ate,

the goddess of infatuation. As Achilles drove his chariot toward

Troy, one of his immortal horses, which had been given to his


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father by Poseidon, spoke and warned him of his approaching

death; but Achilles was undisturbed. The Trojans fought bravely

but futilely, Achilles slew all who opposed him. The gods still

fought with one another, although they knew how the battle

would end. Finally the Trojans retreated, and the Scaean Gates,

the chief entrance to Ilion, were thrown open to receive them.

Hector stood alone to meet the victorious Achilles. His mother

and father shouted from the walls and begged him to take refuge

in the city, but he refused. The general fighting was over, and

the Greeks watched from the field and the Trojans from the

walls as Achilles approached Hector. But the Trojan's courage

failed, and he ran three times around the city with Achilles in

pursuit. At last he stood, and threw his spear, but it rebounded

harmlessly from the magic shield of Achilles. He realized then

that his time had come to die, and he drew his sword and rushed

at his enemy. Since Hector wore Achilles' old armor, Achilles

knew its weakness, and he thrust his spear through Hector's

throat. As a final humiliation to the Trojans, he stripped Hector's

body, tied it to his chariot, and dragged it around and around

the city.

Zeus was angered by Achilles' treatment of the corpse of his

enemy, and he sent word to King Priam that he should go to

Achilles and ask for Hector's body. Hermes guided the old man to

Achilles' tent. There Priam kissed the hands of the Greek, and

said, "Remember your father, who is perhaps as old and as

wretched as I am, but remember that I am more pitiable than

he, for I have stretched out my hands in entreaty to the killer

of my son." Achilles was moved to pity and admiration, and he

ordered that Hector's body be given to King Priam. For nine

days the Trojans lamented the death of their hero, and on the

tenth day they lighted his funeral pyre.

Homer's Iliad ends with the funeral of Hector, but the siege of


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Troy dragged on. Achilles met and killed two of Troy's principal

allies. One was Penthesilia, queen of the Amazons, a warlike

race of women whose right breasts were cut off so that they

would have the free movement of their fighting right arms. TheAmazons were dangerous warriors, and as beautiful as they

were brave; when Achilles had killed Penthesilia he wept for

her beauty. The foul-mouthed Thersites chose this moment to

make jokes, and Achilles killed him, but nobody was sorry. In

Spenser's Faerie Queene (5. 5. 6-17) Artegall, knight of justice,

defeats the Amazonian queen Radigund; but when he unlaces

her helmet he is so struck by her beauty that he allows her to

make him captive, and he remains her thrall until he is released

by his warlike fiancee Britomart.

Achilles' other victim was Memnon, the king of Ethiopia,

a son of Tithonus and Eos, the goddess of the dawn. That the

allies of Troy came from as far east or south as Ethiopia and

as far north as the kingdom of the Amazons indicates that the

Trojan War was a world conflict. When Memnon fell, his

mother Eos in great sorrow carried his body back to Ethiopia,

and at Thebes in Egypt a miraculous monument was erected to

him (see EOS).

Shortly after his victory over Memnon, Achilles himself died

from an arrow wound in his vulnerable heel. Ironically, the arrow

was shot by Paris, the lion in love and the dastard in war.

According to one story, Achilles had fallen in love with the

Trojan princess Polyxena, and he was killed when he kept a tryst

with her in the temple of Apollo. After Troy fell, the ghost of

Achilles demanded that Polyxena be sacrificed on his grave.

Achilles was given a magnificent funeral, and then his arms were

claimed by Telamonian Aias and Odysseus. Athene presided

over a solemn meeting of the Greek army at which Trojan

prisoners testified that Odysseus rather than Aias had done more

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harm to Troy. The army therefore voted that Achilles' arms

should be awarded to Odysseus. This was a triumph for Odysseus

but a disgrace for the brave and stupid Aias, who could not

accept this blow to his pride. Filled with anger, he determined to

murder Agamemnon and Menelaus; but as he approached their

tents, Athene touched him with madness and he attacked a flock

of sheep, believing them to be his enemies. When the madness

left him and he saw the slaughtered sheep lying about the field,

he was overcome with shame and committed suicide. Sophocles

describes this tragic death in his play Aias.

Now the Greeks had lost two of their greatest heroes, and the

Trojans, although their best fighters were also dead, were

still protected by the walls of Ilion. At this point, the Greeks cap-

tured the Trojan prince Helenus, who had the gift of prophecy.

He revealed that the Greeks could win the war if they would'

fulfill three conditions: first, Achilles' son Neoptolemus must

join their army; second, they must have the bows and arrows of

Heracles; and third, they must remove from Troy the Palladium,

a statue of Athene which, guaranteed security to the city that

possessed it (see ATHENE).Odysseus, the Greek strategist, made the necessary arrange-

ments. He sailed to Scyros and persuaded Neoptolemus to join

the army by offering him his father's armor. It was a more

difficult job to obtain the bow and arrows of Heracles, for they

belonged to Philoctetes, a great archer who had joined the

expedition against Troy but who had been wounded on the wayand marooned on the island of Lemnos because Odysseus and

his other companions could not stand the smell of his woundand his cries of pain. For more than nine years Philoctetes, whose

wound had never healed, had existed in pain on Lemnos and

cursed the companions who had deserted him. Nevertheless

Odysseus, with the aid of Neoptolemus or Diomedes (accounts


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vary as to who was his helper), succeeded in persuading Philoctetes

to come to Troy. There his wound was healed by Machaon, the

son of Asclepius, and Philoctetes fought skillfully for the Greeks.

For a fuller account of this archer see PHILOCTETES.The first victim of Philoctetes' arrows was Pans. Dying of the

wound, Paris asked his men to carry him to Oenone, the Nymphof Mount Ida whom he had deserted when Aphrodite promisedhim Helen. Oenone, although she had made him promise to

return to her when he was wounded, refused to save him because

of his unfaithfulness; but when he was dead she killed herself

(for further details see Oenone under NYMPHS). The third

exploit, the stealing of the Palladium from Ilion, was carried

out by Odysseus and Diomedes, some say with the help o Helen.

Even though Odysseus had fulfilled the three conditions neces-

sary to a Grecian victory, Troy continued to hold out. Odysseus

finally proposed that they abandon the siege and try to win the

city by a trick. On his orders a wooden horse was built big

enough to accommodate in its hollow belly Odysseus and a

picked group of warriors. One morning the Trojan watchers

were astonished because a huge wooden horse stood before the

Scaean Gates, and the Greek camp was empty and every ship was

gone. In the abandoned camp the Trojans found a Greek named

Sinon, a pitiful wretch who swore that he had escaped the night

before from his cruel countrymen, who had intended to sacrifice

him to Athene in order to appease her anger because of the

theft of the Palladium from Troy. He also said that the wooden

horse was a Greek offering to Athene and that the Greeks hoped

the Trojans would destroy it and thus bring the wrath of the

goddess on Ilion. If the Trojans took the horse into the city,

Sinon said, they would win the favor of Athene.

It was a plausible story, and only two Trojans disbelieved it.

One was the prophetic princess Cassandra, to whom no one ever


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listened; the other was a priest of Poseidon named Laocoon. Hesaid that he feared the Greeks even when they bore gifts, a

remark that has since become proverbial; but as he spoke, two

terrible snakes came out of the sea and strangled him and his

two sons. Since Laocoon was a priest of Poseidon and his

destroyers came from the sea, the Trojans drew the obvious in-

ference that Laocoon was wrong. The serpents' attack on the

priest and his sons is the subject of a famous sculpture now in

the Vatican at Rome, and in Chtlde Harold (4. 160) Byrondescribes Laocoon's death:

. . . Vain

The struggle; vain, against the coiling strain

And gripe, and deepening of the dragon's grasp,

The old man's clench; the long envenom'd chain

Rivets the living links, the enormous aspEnforces pang on pang, and stifles gasp on gasp.

The Trojans pulled the wooden horse inside the city, and for

the first time in ten years they failed to post a guard as the

entire city celebrated the end of the war. When the last revelers

had gone drunk to bed, Sinon opened the trap door in the

wooden horse, and Odysseus and his warriors hurried to open the

gates of the city. The Greek fleet of course had gone only far

enough away to hide its sails from Trojan watchers; in the

dark the fleet returned, and the entire Greek army entered

the city.

The rest was butchery. The well-organized Greeks set fire to

various parts of the city and then proceeded to exterminate the

Trojans. Some were slaughtered in their beds, some seized their

weapons and fought desperately for a time; but before the nightwas over the city was burned to the ground, and all the Trojanheroes except one had been killed. The surviving hero was

Aeneas, who fought until he saw that the cause was lost, and

then tried to save his family and retainers. His wife Creusa was


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lost, but with the aid of his mother Aphrodite, Aeneas led out

of the carnage his aged father, his son, and a few followers.

Cassandra tried to take refuge in the temple of Athene, but

she was dragged from the sacred building and raped by the

lesser Aias, who on his way home was finally punished for this

and other crimes. His ship was wrecked, but with the aid of

Poseidon he managed to swim to shore, and there he boasted that

he had saved his life in spite of the gods. Poseidon smashed the

big rock he stood on, and he was drowned. Priam and Hecuba

sought the protection of Zeus's temple, but Neoptolemus, Achilles'

son, found them there and killed the aged king. In Hamlet

(2. 2. 472-541) the First Player and Hamlet, quoting from a play

about Dido, describe Priam's death and Hecuba's tears.

When day came, the only Trojan survivors were a handful

of weeping women and children. Queen Hecuba, with her sons

and her husband dead and her city destroyed, was a figure of

heroic sorrow. Hamlet, comparing his own real grief for his

murdered father with the First Player's artistic assumption of

sorrow for the Trojan queen, asks himself (2. 2. 585-586),

What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,

That he should weep for her?

In Antic Hay Aldous Huxley lets his characters dance in a

smart cabaret to the latest jazz tune: "What's he to Hecuba?

Nothing at all." This ironic recollection of Hamlet's words that

contrasts the cheapness of the present with the tragic dignity of

the past may have been suggested to Huxley by what T. S. Eliot

in The Waste Land (128-130) calls

. . . that Shakespeherian Rag-It's so elegant

So intelligent.7

7 From "The Waste Land," by T* S. Eliot, in his Collected Poems, 1909-

1935. Copyright, 1934, 1936, by Harcourt, Brace and Company. Reprintedwith their permission.


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Achilles' ghost claimed the life o Hecuba's daughter Polyxena,

and she was put to death on his grave. Andromache, the wife

of Hector, became the slave of Neoptolemus, and her little son

Astyanax, for whom Hector had prayed that he might be a

greater man than his father, was thrown from the wall of

Troy to his death. Cassandra, whom Apollo graced with the

gift of foresight and then cursed (because she would not love

him) with the terrible sentence that no man should believe her

prophecies, became the slave of Agamemnon. For his death and

hers see ATREUS.

Helen, the lovely cause of all this woe, was returned to her

husband Menelaus, who accepted her without question. The ship

of this royal pair was driven from its course by adverse winds

and touched on Cyprus, Phoenicia, and Egypt before Menelaus

captured and held the sea god Proteus and forced him to reveal

the proper course to steer for home. In Egypt Queen Polydamna

gave Helen a magic drink called Nepenthe which had the powerto banish sad recollections (Milton mentions this draught in

Camus, 675-677); and apparently Menelaus and Helen lived

happily together after their return to Sparta. Few were inclined

to blame Helen for what had happened. Indeed, a Greek poetnamed Stesichorus, having been blinded for speaking ill of

Helen, invented in his Palinode a myth that excused Helen

entirely. According to this story, Paris carried her off by force

but lost her to the king of Egypt, who kept her safe until

Menelaus came to claim her after the war. Meantime a phantomof Helen accompanied Paris to Troy, and it was for this

phantom that the war was fought. Most poets did not acceptStesichorus' invention but thought of Helen as the hapless

possessor of fatal beauty. Spenser describes her thus in TheFaerie Queen (3.

9. 35):

Faire Helene, flowre of beautie excellent,

And girlond of the mighty Conquerours,


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That madest many Ladies deare lament

The heuie losse of their braue Paramours,

Which they far off beheld from Trotan toures,

And saw the fieldes of faire Scamander strowne

With carcases of noble warrioures,

Whose fruitless hues were vnder furrow sowne,

And Xanthus sandy bankes with bloud all ouerflowne.

Thomas Nashe in a song in Summers Last Will and Testament,

showing the power of death over human beings, chooses as his

most poignant symbol the extinguishing of Helen's radiance:

Beauty is but a flowre,

Which wrinckles will deuoure,

Brightnesse falls from the ayre,

Queenes haue died yong and faire,

Dust hath closde Helens eye.

And Poe's To Helen owes its classical imagery to Helen of Troy,

even though she is not the Helen of his poem.It is true that Helen seems as powerless to understand as to

avert the disasters caused by her loveliness; and she is sometimes

represented, as in Ovid's Heroides, as a personification of lust,

a shallow courtesan who delights in the death o the heroes and

in the final destruction of Troy. Men have usually taken her

seriously, either as a girl of innocent and fatal charm or as a

heartless courtesan; but Dorothy Parker produced this gay

quatrain (Words of Comfort to Be Scratched on a Mirror):

Helen of Troy had a wandering glance;

Sappho's restriction was only the sky;

Ninon was ever the chatter of France;

But oh, what a good girl am II 8

"Words of Comfort to Be Scratched on a Mirror," by Dorothy Parker,

in her Enough Rope. Copyright, 1926, by Boni & Liveright. Reprinted with

the permission of The Viking Press.


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Rupert Brooke in Menelaus and Helen adds a footnote to

Helen's history:

So far the poet. How should he behold

That journey home, the long connubial years?

He does not tell you how white Helen bears

Child on legitimate child, becomes a scold,

Haggard with virtue. Menelaus bold

Waxed garrulous, and sacked a hundred Troys'Twixt noon and supper. And her golden voice

Got shrill as he grew deafer. And both were old.

Often he wonders why on earth he went

Troyward, or why poor Paris ever came.

Oft she weeps, gummy-eyed and impotent;Her dry shanks twitch at Paris' mumbled name.

So Menelaus nagged; and Helen cried;

And Paris slept on by Scamander side.9

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance the significance of

the Trojan War for English poets was strongly colored by two

medieval legends. The first of these, as recorded in Geoffrey of

Monmouth's Latin History of the Kings of Britain, Layamon's

Middle-English Brut, and elsewhere, maintains that the first kingof Britain was Brutus, or Brut, a great-grandson of the TrojanAeneas. The English therefore, when they described the Trojan

War, favored the Trojans as much as possible.

The second legend concerns the love affair of Troilus and

Criseyde, which was added to the story of the Trojan War byBenoJt de Sainte-Maure in Le Roman de Troie (1160), and re-

peated by Guido delle Colonne in his Historia Trojana (1287).

In // Filostrato (1341-1346) the Italian writer Boccaccio added

Troilus' wooing and winning of Criseyde (Benoit's episode be-

gins with the separation of the lovers) and made the story com-

9 "Menelaus and Helen/' II, by Rupert Brooke, in The Collected Poems of

Rupert Brooke Copyright, 1915, by Dodd, Mead & Company. Reprinted withthe permission of Dodd, Mead & Company.


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plete in itself. In Boccaccio's tale the fall of Troy becomes a

background for the tragic love affair. The English poet Chaucer,

making some use of the earlier versions but relying chiefly on

Boccaccio, wrote in Troilus and Griseyde a subtle, witty, and

touching account of a doomed love.

In this tale the Trojan prince Troilus (in the classical account

an unimportant son of Priam who was killed early in the war)falls desperately in love with Criseyde, the daughter of the

prophet Calchas who, in this version, is a Trojan who deserts

to the Greeks because he foresees the fall of Troy. Pandarus,

the Trojan who in Homer's Iliad is distinguished only for his

foolish breaking of the truce after the duel between Menelaus

and Paris, in Chaucer's story is responsible for bringing the lovers

together. As Criseyde's uncle and Troilus' friend, he is the

kindly ironist whose irony is finally turned on himself, for he

stakes his life on the faithfulness of Criseyde. Almost as soon

as she yields to Troilus, Criseyde's father Calchas arranges that

Antenor, who has been captured by the Greeks, shall be

exchanged for his daughter, and she is compelled to leave her

lover. They vow eternal faithfulness, but in the Greek camp

Criseyde finds her heart turning toward Diomedes, and finally

she gives her favors to him. Troilus and Diomedes fight one

inconclusive duel, and later Troilus is killed by Achilles.

Chaucer shows Criseyde as a faithless woman, but he under-

stands her so well and pities her so much that he is finally driven

to say (5. 1093-1099):

Ne me ne list this sely womman chydeForther than the storye wol devyse.

Hire name, allasl is punysshed so wide,

That for hire gilt it oughte ynough suffise.

And it I myghte excuse hire any wise,

For she so sory was for hire untrouthe,

Iwis, I wolde excuse hire yet for routhe.


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Later poets were less kind. The Scot, Robert Henryson, in the

Testament of Cresseid shows her as a whore soon deserted byDiomedes and finally deprived of her beauty and stricken with

leprosy. In the final scene she sits by the road with her beggar's

cup and Troilus, riding by, tosses her a coin. He does not recog-

nize her nor she him; but when she learns who has befriended her,

she sends him a nng that he once gave her and then she dies. In

the Elizabethan Age her name is so debased that Pistol in Henry V

(2. 1 80) represents the popular opinion when he describes the

whore Doll Tearsheet as a "lazar kite of Cressid's kind."

Working with this degraded tradition, Shakespeare wrote his

bitter play Troilus and Cressida, The evil-tongued Thersites

is a revealing chorus. Of the war he says, "All the argument is

a whore and a cuckold. . . . Now, the dry suppeago on the

subject, and war and lechery confound alll" (2. 3. 78-82).

And the argument is not one whore but two: Cressida as well

as Helen. Although Cressida, as she leaves Troilus, promises

prettily to be true to him, Ulysses, when he first sees her at the

Greek camp, recognizes her for what she is (4. 5. 54-57):

Fie, fie upon her!

There's language in her eye, iher cheek, her lip;

Nay, her foot speaks Her wanton spirits look out

At every joint and motive of her body.

Pandarus is reduced to his lowest possible denominator. He

says (3. 2. 208-212) that if Cressida and Troilus prove false,

let all pitiful goers-between be call'd to the world's endafter my name; call them all Pandars. Let all constant menbe Troiluses, all false women Cressids, and all brokers-

between Pandersl Say 'Amen/

Most of the other characters are equally degraded. Troilus is a

soft fool, Achilles is an unscrupulous fighter, and Ajax is "Mars


Page 429: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


his idiot" (2. 1. 59). Thersites makes the common Elizabethan

pun when he says (2. I. 70), ". . . whomsoever you take him to

be, he is Ajax [that is, a jakes or outhouse]/* Sir John Haringtoncracks this joke in the title of his famous book on privies, The

Metamorphosis of Ajax. In Shakespeare's play very few characters

retain the heroic stature that Homer gives them.

TROY was conquered by Greece in the TROJAN WAR.TURNUS (tur'nus) fought against AENEAS.TYCHE (ti'ke) is the goddess of fortune. See FATE.

TYDEUS (ti'dus) was one of the Seven against THEBES.TYNDARIUS (tin-da'ii-us) was Leda's husband. See TROJANWAR.TYPHOEUS (ti-fe'us) isTYPHON.TYPHON (ti'f6n), or Typhoeus, was a monster with a hundred

dragon heads, fiery eyes, and a loud voice. He was made especially

for causing trouble in the world, and he carried out his mission

with terrible success. His father was Tartarus, the great abyss

at the very bottom of Hades, and his mother was Gaea, the earth,

who brought him into the world to fight against Zeus when

that newly powerful god had just overcome the Titans and was,

in the opinion of Gaea, mistreating them by confining some of

them in Tartarus. Typhon made war against Zeus in the most

violent manner, throwing against the Olympian everything that

came to hand, even mountains. According to a late story, Zeus

at first was terrified and he and the other gods and goddesses fled

to Egypt, where they disguised themselves as animals, Artemis

as a cat, Hera as a cow, Aphrodite and Eros as fish, and so on-

Later Zeus returned to Greece, struck Typhon with a thunderbolt,

and confined the monster in Tartarus, where his struggles to

escape still cause earthquakes.

Not all of Typhon's troublemaking was direct. He married

Echidna, a monstrous creature half-woman and half-snake, and

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by her sired a family of children who would have seemed

hopeless even to modern child psychologists. One of them was

the Chimaera whom Bellerophon slew; another was the Sphinxwhom Oedipus overcame; third and fourth were the NemeanLion and the Lernean Hydra whom Heracles killed. Typhon was

also the father of Cerberus, the three-headed dog who guards the

realm of Hades, and (according to some stories) of all the fierce,

destructive winds.

Typhon appears in Egyptian mythology, where he is credited

with being the brother of the benevolent Osiris, whom he

murdered, and for whose wife Isis he made almost as muchtrouble as he caused for Zeus.

The many loud and dangerous heads of Typhon seemed to

Dryden an apt figure for the multiheaded mob that deposed

King Charles I. In Astraea Redux (37-40), a poem celebrating the

restoration of this king's son, Charles II, Dryden describes the

action of the rabble against the king as having been like the


. . . when the bold Typhoeus scal'd the skyAnd forc'd great Jove from his own heaven to


(What king, what crown from treason's reach is free,

If Jove and heaven can violated be?).


ULYSSES (xHis'ez) is the Roman name for ODYSSEUS.URANIA (u-ra'ni-d) is the Muse of astronomy. See MUSES.


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UEANUS (u'rd-nus), the sky, was the son and husband of the

earth goddess Gaea, and the first ruler of the universe. By Gaea

he was the father of many creatures, including the Titans, the

Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires. The Titan Cronus, urged on

by Gaea, attacked and castrated Uranus, and succeeded him as


vVELIA (ve'li'd) was one of the Seven Hills of earliest ROME.VENUS (ve'nus) is the Roman name of APHRODITE.VERTUMNUS (vr-tum'nus), whose name means "the changing

one," is a minor Roman god who is connected chiefly with the

crops of the changing seasons and with the plants' transformation

from blossom into fruit Sacrifices were made to him of garlands

of budding flowers and the first fruits of the garden. He fell in

love with Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit trees, but she had

refused many suitors and for a long time refused Vertumnus also.

Milton (Paradise Lost, 9. 394-395), describing the innocence of

Eve before the fall, says,

Likeliest she seemd, Pomona when she fled

Vertumnus ....

The god, using his power to change his shape, approachedPomona in many guises; but nothing he did or said pleased her

until he assumed the form of an old woman and eloquently pled

his cause. At the climax of the speech he appeared in his own

person as a handsome young man, and Pomona at last accepted

him as her lover.


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VESPER (v&'pSr) is the Roman name of the evening star,

HESPERUS.VESTA (v&'tfl) is the Roman name of the goddess of the hearth,


VESTAL VIRGINS were priestesses of the temple of Vesta at

Rome. See HESTIA.

VIMINAL (viml-nal) is one of the seven hills of later ROME.VIRGO (vlr'go), the Virgin, is a constellation and a sign of the


VOLUPTAS (v&'ltip'tas), the goddess of pleasure, is the daughterof Psyche and EROS.

VULCAN (vtil'kan) is a Roman name of HEPHAESTUS.

wWINDS. The four winds are brothers: the north wind, Boreas,

or Aquilo; the west wind, Zephyrus, or Favonius; the south wind,

Notus, or Auster; and the east wind, Eurus. Their king Aeolus,

who is also called Hippotades, lives a gay life on the island of

Aeolia where he carouses perpetually with his six sons and six

daughters. He keeps the winds imprisoned in a cave and releases

them at his pleasure, at the command of a god, and sometimes at

the request of a mortal. He once gave Odysseus the storm winds

in a bag to assure the safe return of Odysseus' ship to Ithaca; and

at the urging of Juno he sent the winds to wreck Aeneas' fleet,

which was saved by Neptune. In Lycidas (97) when Triton seeks

the cause of Lycidas' drowning, sage Hippotades replies that

"not a blast was from his dungeon stray'd," and T. S. Eliot in


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Sweeney Erect writes of Aeolus "Reviewing the insurgent gales."

In imitation of Pindar, the famous Greek writer of odes, Thomas

Gray invokes the Aeolian lyre (The Progress of Poesy, 1), a

stringed instrument on which the winds produce musical tones.

The parents of the winds are usually said to be Astraeus or

Aeolus and Eos, the goddess of the dawn, but according to one

story all the winds but Zephyrus and Notus are the sons of

Typhon, the terrible monster created by Gaea, the ancient earth

goddess, to fight against the Olympians. This myth is the basis

of an amusing poem called The Weather of Olympus by the

contemporary poet Robert Graves:

Zeus was once overheard to shout at Hera:

"You hate it, do you? Well, I hate it worse-

Boreas all May, Sirocco all the Summer.

Hell take this whole impossible Universe 1"

A scholiast explains this warm rejoinder

Which seems too manlike for Olympic use,

By noting that the snake-tailed Chthonian winds

Were answerable to Fate alone, not Zeus.1

("Chthonian" means "of the earth.")

Most of the stories about the winds are of Boreas and Zephyrus,

the fiercest and the gentlest. Boreas fell in love with Orithyia, but

the match was opposed by her father, the king of Athens. One

day when Orithyia was playing with her sisters on the bank of a

river, Boreas roared down and carried her away. Donne refers to

this story in Elegy 16. Zephyrus, at the bidding of Eros, gently

transported Psyche from the mountain top where she awaited her

fate to the valley where Eros made love to her. Zephyrus is also

i "The Weather of Olympus/' by Robert Graves, in his Poems, 1938-1945.

Reprinted with the permission of the publisher, Creative Age Press, Inc.


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the lover of Chloris, or Flora, the goddess of spring. Chaucer

(Canterbury Tales, I. 5-7) wrote of the time

Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth

Inspired hath in every holt and heeth

The tendre croppes,

and countless other poets have related Zephyrus to the spring-

time and any time of gentle weather. In Spenser's Prothalamion

(1-4), for example,

Calme was the day, and through the trembling ayre,

Sweete breathing Zephyrus did softly playA gentle spirit, that lightly did delay

Hot Titans beames. . . .

And Sappho, in Herrick's The Apron of Flowers, bringing home

spring flowers in her apron,

. . . lookt as she'd been got with child

By young Favonius.

WOODEN HORSE was the device invented by Odysseus that

brought victory to the Greeks in the TROJAN WAR.

xXANTHUS (zfri'thus) is the god of the Scamander river of Troy.See TROJAN WAR.


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ZEPHYRUS (zf'ir-us) is the west wind. See WINDS.ZETES (ze'tez) was one of the ARGONAUTS.ZETHUS (ze'thus) and his twin brother Amphion were regents

of THEBES.ZEUS (zoos), or Jupiter, or Jove, is the son of Cronus and Rhea,

'and the supreme power of all the Olympianv

gods. Cronus,

Having been told that he would be supplanted by one of

his children, swallowed each of them at its birth. By the time

Zeus was born, Rhea was tired of losing offspring to her hus-

band's digestive tract, so she gave Cronus a stone wrapped like



child and hid Zeus in the island of Crete on Mount Ida.

There he was fed by the milk of a goat named Amalthea, while

Rhea's servants, the Curetes, made a continual clatter with their

weapons to prevent Cronus from hearing the young god's crying.

Zeus is said to have grown up in a single year. When he reached

maturity, he turned to his grandmother Gaea for aid, and

together they succeeded in making Cronus disgorge his five other

'children Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, and Hera. He also

'disgorged the stone he had swallowed in the mistaken idea that

it was Zeus, and this Zeus placed at Delphi where it became a

sacred treasure (see Omphalus under ORACLES). Zeus then with

the support of his brother and sister gods overthrew his father

and replaced him in control of the world. This usurpation led

to a war with the other Titans, most of whom opposed Zeus (see

TITANS). The Titans established themselves on Mount

Othrys, and the gods of course held Mount Olympus. The war

was waged inconclusively for a long time, until Zeus again turned


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to his grandmother Gaea for help. She advised him to liberate

her sons the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires whom Uranus/

her husband, had imprisoned in Tartarus. The Cyclopes pro-

duced a secret weapon for Zeus, the thunderbolt, which thereafter

remained his chief destructive force, and the hundred-handed

Hecatoncheires lent their enormous strength. As a result, the

(Titans were defeated; m their ruin some were destroyed and

^some imprisoned underground-Zeus thus became the ruler of the world, but he was soon faced

another danger in the form of an insurrection led by Gaea,

turned against him because of his treatment of the Titans.

Saea created a terrible monster called Typhon, who very nearly

>vercame the gods but was at last defeated by Zeus's thunderbolt.

Then Gaea stirred up her sons the Giants to attack the Olympians,

but the gods with the help of Heracles subdued them also, and

peace was again established. Zeus then created order in the

tmiverse. First he accepted his brother and sister gods as part of

his divine government. He and his brothers divided the universe

by lot; Poseidon became the ruler of the seas, and Hades of the

underworld. The others Zeus took with him into the Olympian

household, where they assisted or advised him when necessary

and fostered projects among men.

Having gained control of the world of gods and men, Zeus's

next preoccupation was to raise a family. He first married Metis*

whose name means "cleverness," but he was informed by fate

that Metis would bear him a child who would be more powerful

than he. Fearing a fate like his own father's, he swallowed Metis

when she became pregnant. Soon after, he was overcome with a

terrible headache. Hephaestus at his request split open Zeus's

Jiead, and out of the opening' tbere sprang a goddess in full

($piendor with a load battle cry. This was Pallas Athene, the

goddess of war atid o wisdom, vho became otie of Zeus's favorites.

Page 438: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Zeus's second wife was Themis, the goddess of divine justice.

She bore him six children the three Fates and the three Horae.

or Hours. But apparently Zeus had always favored Hera, his sister,

and at last he married her; they became the parents of Ares, the

god of war, Hephaestus, the god of fire, Hebe, the goddess of

youth, and (some say) Ilithyia, the goddess of childbirth. Zeus's

lust was as great as his power, and his marriages never accounted

for much of his sex life. In his affairs with other goddesses and

with human girls he became the father of a great number of

distinguished children. By the goddess Leto, he had Apollo and

Artemis; by Mnemosyne, the Muses; by Demeter, Persephone; byDione (according to one story), Aphrodite; and by Maia, Hermes.

Of Zeus's illicit affairs, all of which enraged Hera, the best

known were with Nymphs or human beings. Because of Hera's

jealousy, and for other reasons too, Zeus often approached his

paramours in disguise. One to whom he appeared as an eagle was

Aegina, the daughter of a river god named Asopus. Zeus sur-

reptitiously flew off with this young lady, but his abduction of

her was seen by Sisyphus, the king of Corinth, who suffers

eternally for not keeping the secret (see HADES). Aegina bore

Zeus a son named Aeacus, and the small island on which the

birth occurred was named after Aegina. Hera, in jealousy, sent a

plague to the island and destroyed most of its inhabitants.

Aeacus, by then the island's king, called on Zeus for aid, and '

Zeus changed a number of ants into human beings to repopulate ,

the island, for which reason the people were afterward known as

Myrmidons, which means "of the ant." Aeacus was the father of

Peleus and the grandfather of Achilles; after his death he became

one of the three judges in Hades.

Another young lady whom Zeus loved was Alcmene, his own

great-granddaughter by a previous affair. She was the grand-

daughter of Perseus and Andromeda and the wife of Amphitryon*


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Zeus fell in love with her and, on the night when Amphitryonwas to return from war, appeared to her as her own husband

and, to prolong his pleasure, made the night three times its

usual length. In the Epithalamion (328) Spenser asks that his

wedding night may be

Lyke as when loue with fayre Alcmena lay ....

Later in the same night the real Amphitryon returned to his wife.

From this affair twin sons were born: Heracles, the son of Zeus,

and Iphicles, the son of Amphitryon. The central situation, the

appearance of two connubially inclined Amphitryons in a single

evening, has always appealed to writers of sophisticated comedy.The Roman Plautus made a play of it, and later both Moli&re, the

French playwright, and John Dryden followed suit. A few years

ago this myth appeared on Broadway under the title Am-

phitryon 38, the thirty-eighth version of the story, by a French-

man, Jean Giraudoux.

By a girl named Antiope Zeus had two sons out of wedlock.

Their names were Amphion and Zethus, and they rebuilt the

walls of the city of Thebes, Zethus by lifting and carrying stones

and Amphion by charming them into position with the music

of his lyre (see THEBES). By Callisto, a Nymph of the train of

Artemis, Zeus became the father of a son named Areas and

thereby the cause of two constellations and (according to some

stories) a whole tribe of Greeks. For this story see ARTEMIS.Milton alludes to both Antiope and Callisto in Paradise Regained

(2. 184-187) where he has Satan accuse Belial, another fallen

angel, of having sought in other guises,

In Wood or Grove by mossie Fountain side,

In Valley or Green Meadow ito way-lay

Some beauty rare, Calisto, Glymene,

Daphne, or Semele, Antiopa. . . .


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One o the best known of Zeus's love involvements was with a

princess named Danae, the daughter of King Acrisius of Argos.

An oracle foretold to King Acrisius that his daughter's son would

destroy him. After giving thought to the matter, Acrisius shut

Danae inside a brass prison; but brass was not proof against the

desires of Zeus, who visited Danae in the form of a shower of

gold. The result of this unusual metallurgy was Danae's son,

Perseus. Danae's adventure has been one of the favorite stories of

English poets. Spenser in The Faerie Queene (3. 11. 31) describes

many of Zeus's love encounters as tapestries in the House of

Busyrane, an enchanter who for Spenser symbolizes illicit love*

Of Zeus and Danae, Spenser writes,

. . . into a golden showre

Him selfe he chaung'd faire Danae to vew,

And through the roofe of her strong brasen towre

Did raine into her lap an hony dew,

The whiles her foolish garde, that httle knewOf such deceipt, kept th'yron dore fast hard,

And watcht, that none should enter nor issew;

Vaine was the watch, and bootlesse all the ward,

Whenas the God to golden hew him selfe transfard.

In the 1860's, William Morris retold the story at length and with

full imaginative detail in a poem called The Doom of KingAcrisius in The Earthly Paradise, and Tennyson made of it a

distinguished metaphor in one of the songs added to his long

poem, The Princess, in 1853:

Now lies the Earth all Danae to the stars,

And all thy heart lies open unto me.

It is also alluded to by the contemporary poet W. H. Auden in the

speech of Herod in For the Time Being.

By Electra, the Pleiad, Zeus had one of the most important of


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his extramarital sons. This son was Dardanus, founder of the

royal house of Troy. One of the main reasons for Hera's unre-

mitting enmity for the Trojans was this unfaithful act by Zeus. To

Europa, the daughter of Agenor, king of Tyre, Zeus appearedas a snow-white bull who played so gently before her and her

companions that she was tempted at last to sit on his back,

whereupon the bull arose and swam off with her into the sea

to the island of Crete, where he made love to her. From Crete,

Europa went ultimately to the mainland of Europe, a continent

that still bears her name. The amour produced for Zeus three

sons, Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon. This myth is fre-

quently used in English poetry. Europa's ride is one of the

subjects of Busyrane's tapestries in The Faerie Queene (3.II. 30),

and Spenser also describes the scene more fully in Muiopotmos

(277-288), where Arachne wove the story to show

how loue did abuse

Europa like a Bull, and on his backe

Her through the sea did beare; so liuely scene,

That it true Sea, and true Bull ye would weene.

She seem'd still backe vnto the land to looke,

And her play-fellowes aide to call, and feare

The dashing of the waues, that vp she tooke

Her daintie feete, and garments gathered nearer

But (Lord) how she in euerie member shooke,

When as the land she saw no more appeare,

But a wilde wildernes of waters deeper

Then gan she greatly to lament and weepe.

In later times, Walter Savage Landor in his poem Europa and

Her Mother gave a full account, in rather stilted terms, of

Europa's departure on her unorthodox voyage.

Zeus appeared to lo in his own form, but he became aware

that his attentions to this girl were about to be discovered by

Page 442: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Hera. He therefore transformed lo into a heifer. Hera, arriving

on the scene, asked the origin of the beast; and when Zeus swore

that he had just created it, she begged it of him. Zeus could

hardly refuse so small a gift without disclosing his guilty secret;

so he turned poor lo over to Hera, who put her under the guardof Argus, the watchman with a hundred eyes, some of which

were always awake. lo was rescued by Hermes, who sang and told

stories until all the eyes of Argus were asleep, and then killed

him. Hera put Argus' eyes into the tail of the peacock, but she did

not abandon her jealousy. She sent a gadfly to sting lo, whowandered in torment over half the classical world. The Ionian

Sea, which lies off the west coast of the Greek peninsula, was

named for her; and she crossed to the east at the Bosphorus,"the ford of the cow." Arriving at last in Egypt, she bore a son

named Epaphos. Robert Bridges gives a colorful recounting of

this myth in Prometheus the Firegiver (1883) where Prometheus

prophesies to Inachus what will happen to his daughter lo.

The story of Zeus's love affair with Leda, which is one of the

most important myths, is related in the article on the TrojanWar. Another mistress of Zeus was Semele, who was the daughterof Cadmus and Harmonia. Since Harmonia was the daughterof Ares and Aphrodite, and since Ares and perhaps Aphroditewere Zeus's children, in this affair Zeus was again adventuringwithin his own family. To Semele, Zeus appeared as himself,

though without his full splendor. Hera, by way of revenge, per-

suaded Semele to insist on seeing the god in his glory, and he

reluctantly consented. The sight was so overwhelming that mortal

Semele fell to the ground in ashes, though not before Zeus had

rescued their unborn son, Dionysus.

The most questionable of Zeus's love affairs was with a hand-

some youth named Ganymedes, who was the son of King Tros of

Troy and his wife Callirhoe. Zeus saw this young man on the


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slopes of Mount Ida, and in the form of an eagle he seized him

and carried him off to Olympus to be his paramour and cup-

bearer, in the latter of which functions he replaced Hebe, the

earlier holder of the office. This scandalous behavior of Zeus did

not escape his wife nor English poets. The former appears to

have been able to accept it without comment, but the latter

have frequently alluded to it publicly. Christopher Marlowe, in

Hero and Leander (1. 148-149), a poem not noted for constraint

in its treatment of passions, describes the affair of Ganymedesas one of the pictures in the glass floor of the temple of Venus

at Sestos:

Jove slyly stealing from his sister's bed

To dally with Idalian Ganymed.

The nineteenth-century poet, Robert Lytton, devotes an entire

poem to the love affair, and in Sonnet 11 of In Time of War

W. H. Auden alludes to the myth.

To understand the Greek idea of Zeus, one must turn away

from the -myths of his licentious private life, for Zeus to the

Greeks represented a personage of great and compelling dignity,

the upholder of justice and the punisher of wrong, and the con-

troller of the natural order, of the coming of day and night and

the seasons. He was the overlord of Olympus who made the

other gods as subject to his wishes as were mere mortals. It was

to this majestic power that the great temple at Olympia was

erected, with its statue of the god forty feet high, made of ivory

and gold by the renowned sculptor Phidias. In Zeus's honor the

Olympic Games 'were celebrated every fourth year at the stadium

in Olympia; all other occupations, even war, were laid aside

while the athletes competed. The oldest oracle in Greece was

Zeus's oracle at Dodona in Epirus, where the god made known

his will by rustling the leaves of the oak trees (see ORACLES).


Page 444: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


The respectable character of this regal Zeus is perhaps best

illustrated by the story of Philemon and Baucis, an aged couplewho dwelt in poverty on the outskirts of a village. Zeus and

Hermes, traveling in human disguise through the country, sought

hospitality at many houses and were refused; but Philemon and

Baucis welcomed them, though they were strangers, and gavethem the best that their house had to offer. As a reward Zeus

offered them the fulfillment of their most cherished desire.

Philemon and Baucis asked that neither of them should survive

the other, and by way of granting their wish, Zeus transformed

their house into a temple and made them its custodians. At the

end of their lives, he changed both of them into trees growing

by the temple, so that they could continue in each other's

company. Thus did Zeus reward piety and fitting charity.

One must recognize a duality of character in the chief of all

the gods. On the one hand, there is the philandering Zeus whose

amours have been one of the favorite subjects for poets even

down to our own day. On the other hand, there is the Zeus who,second only to fate, represents supreme power in the universe;

he is the wielder of the thunderbolt and the source of order

and justice among men and gods. How the two characters of

Zeus, conflicting as they are,- came into existence is a question for

an oracle to answer. Plato blamed the disreputable Zeus on the

poets such as Homer, who, Plato said, told lies about the gods,

for which reason he decided to expel poets from his ideal

republic. Whatever the justice, of Plato's accusation, Homer's

successors in English have continued to tell his kind of story.

ZODIAC (zo'di-ak) means "relating to animals," and it was

applied by ancient astronomers to an area of the celestial spherebecause the constellations that fill this area were named after

animals and were supposed partly to outline them in configura-tion. If one imagines the celestial sphere as enclosing the earth


Page 445: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


at its center, then one can also imagine that it would have

coordinates such as a north and south pole and an equator

similar to the earth's which would be located immediately out-

ward from the earth's. Thus the north-south pole of the earth,

extended to intersect the celestial sphere, would become the

north-south pole of the sphere; and the earth's equator Would be

a circle concentric with and in the same plane as the equator of

the celestial sphere.

With these coordinates in mind, one can visualize the Ecliptic

also, for it is the path of the sun moving in its annual course.

As every one knows, the sun follows an annual course that moves

from south to north and back to south again, bringing summer

with it and leaving winter behind. This path is a circle on the

celestial sphere concentric with the celestial equator, but inter-

secting it at an angle; and it is called the Ecliptic.

The Zodiac is a band 16 degrees in width, whose center line

is the Ecliptic. It was imagined to be 16 degrees in width in

order that it might include the paths of the five planets (Mercury,

Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) known to the ancients, as well

as the path of the sun; and it was subdivided into twelve arcs of

30 degrees each in such a way that a major constellation was

included in the area of each arc.

The sun in moving along its path from summer to winter each,

year, passes through each of these twelve areas of the Zodiac, and

so also do the five planets. Beginning at the point where the

suti's path crosses the sphere's equator going from south to

north, and following around the Zodiac in order, the twelve areas,

or "celestial houses/' are:

Aries the Ram Cancer theCrab

Taurus the Bull Lea the Lion

Gemini theTwins Virgo theVirgin


Page 446: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Libra the Scales Capricornus . . . the Goat

Scorpio the Scorpion Aquarius the Water-Bearer

Sagittarius the Archer Pisces the Fish

Each of these houses gets its name from the constellation that

it includes, and each is commonly represented by the appropriate

figure derived from the mythological origin of the constellation.

The Ram is the golden-fleeced one that carried off Phrixus and

Helle (see ARGONAUTS); the Bull is the form in which

Zeus made love to Europa (see ZEUS) and which he afterward

placed in the heavens as a constellation; the Twins are Castor and

Polydeuces (see CASTOR); the Crab is the one dispatched byHera to bite the toes of Heracles while he was fighting the

Lernean Hydra; later Hera placed this crab among the stars

(see HERACLES); the Lion is the Nemean monster slain byHeracles (see HERACLES); the Virgin is Astraea, the goddessof human justice, who fled the earth when the Iron Age came;

and the Scales belong to her and are the symbol of her justice

(see ASTRAEA); the Scorpion was summoned by Artemis to

bite Orion, the huntsman, when he tried to rape the goddess

(see ORION); the Archer is Chiron the Centaur (see CEN-

TAURS); the Goat is the nanny named Amalthea whose milk

fed the infant Zeus (see ZEUS); the Water-Bearer is the young

boy Ganymedes, the gods1

cupbearer, whom Zeus snatched upfrom among mortals (see ZEUS); and the Fish are the two forms

that Aphrodite and Eros assumed to hide from Typhon in Egypt

(see TYPHON).The Zodiac was first invented by the Babylonians, but its use

spread ultimately over the classical world of ancient times, andit was the chief means of telling calendar time. Later astronomical

discoveries, chiefly that of Copernicus, which revealed that the

earth moves around the sun (instead of the sun around the earth)


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and that even the apparent path of the sun should be an ellipse

instead of the true circle which the Zodiac represented, caused

the Zodiac to be abandoned by the astronomers before it was

abandoned by the poets. Chaucer uses it in his treatise, The

Astrolabe, which describes the operation of a mechanical device

for indicating planetary movements; and in the Prologue to

The Canterbury Tales to indicate the season of the year:

Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote

The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,

. . . and the yonge sonne

Hath in the Ram his halve cours yronne ....

Spenser, in the second of the two cantos of Mutabilitie that are

appended to The Faerie Queene (7. 7. 32-43), gives a symbolic

description of the months riding by in procession each on or

with the appropriate figure from the Zodiac, March astride a ram,

April on a bull, and so on.

In Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (L 3. 144-147) Sir Andrew

Aguecheek asks,

Shall we set about some revels?

and Sir Toby Belch replies:

What shall we do else? Were we not -born under Taurus?

by which he means that they were born in April, or in astrological

language, under the sign of Taurus. According to astrological

medicine, Taurus ruled conditions of the throat and neck, and

Sir Toby is inferring that revelry means drinking and is therefore

appropriate to this sign of the Zodiac and to people born under

its influence.

A fine poetic use of the Zodiac is to be found in Paradise Lost


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(10. 671-679) where the angels of Heaven, obeying the com-

mands of the Almighty to make the world less comfortable after

the fall of man, arrange for the heat of summer and the cold of

winter to replace the equable climate of Eden:

. . . Som say the Sun

Was bid turn Reines from th' Equinoctial RodeLike distant breadth to Taunts with the Seav'n

Atlantick Sisters, and the Spartan Twins

Up to the Tropic Crab; thence down amaine

By Leo and the Virgin and the Scales,

As deep as Capricorne, to bring in changeOf Seasons to each Clime; else had the Spring

Perpetual smil'd on Earth with vernant Flours. , .


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Page 450: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature
Page 451: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature

Acis and Galatea (Gay), 166

Adonais (Shelley), 72

Aeneid (Virgil), 15, 17, 21, 32, 55,

68, 163, 175, 380

Aeschylus, 316, 380

Agamemnon, 90, 93, 98, 99

Choephoroe, 90, 98, 99

Eumenides, 47, 90, 94, 99

Prometheus Bound, 315

Prometheus Unbound, 315

Seven against Thebes, 349, 360

Agamemnon (Aeschylus), 90, 93, 98,


Age of Bronze, The (Byron), 131

Aht Sunflower (Blake), 46

Aias (Sophocles), 396

Alcestis (Euripides), 24-25

Alcibiades (Plato), 129

Aldington, Richard

Lemures, 216

Amaryllis (Robinson), 54

Amorettt (Spenser), 265, 276

Amphion (Tennyson), 356

Amphitryon (Dryden), 415

Amphitryon 38 (Giraudoux), 415

Amphitryon (Moliere), 415

Amphitryon (Plautus) , 415

Anatomy of Melancholy, The (Bur-

ton), 271

Andromeda (Hopkins), 297

Andromeda (Kingsley), 297

Andromeda Liberata (Chapman), 296


Beowulf, 10

Phoenix, The, 306-307

Pnapea, 310

Tale of Pigmalion, The, 318

Another Actaeon (Bishop), 72

Antic Hay (Huxley), 399

Antigone (Sophocles), 349, 364

Antony and Cleopatra (Shakes-

peare), 163, 205

Apollo and the fates (Browning),


Apparition of His Mistress Calling

Him to Elizium, The (Her-

nck), 181

Appeasement of Demeter, The

(Meredith), 144

Appointment in Samarra (O'Hara),


Apron of Flowers, The (Herrick),


Arcades (Milton), 52, 141, 217, 341

Arcadia (Sannazaro), 51

Arcadia (Sidney), 51

Areopagitic Oration (Isocrates), 56

Areopagitica (Milton), 56

Arethusa (Shelley), 4, 244

Ariadne to Theseus (C. Rossetti),



Poetics, The, 136

Arnold, Matthew

Bacchanalia: or, The New Age,



Page 452: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Arnold, Matthew (cont.)

Empedocles on Etna, 39, 48-49,

114, 354

Palladium, 84

Philomela, 302-305

Strayed Reveller, The, 257, 375

Thyrsis, 204

As You Like It (Shakespeare), 51, 211

Astarte Synaca (D Rossetti), 35

"Astraea" (Mrs Aphra Behn), 77

Astraea Redux (Dryden), 77, 406

Astrolabe, The (Chaucer), 423

At Eleusis (Swinburne), 143

At a Solemn Music (Milton) , 341

Atalanta in Calydon (Swinburne), 5,

79, 109-110, 136

Atalanta's Race (Morris), 79

Auden, W. H.

Casino, 372-373

For the Time Being, 416

In Time of War, 419

In War Time, 162

Musee des Beaux Arts, 128-129

New Year Letter, 210, 226

Sphinx, The, 358

Venus Will Now Say a Few

Words, 34


Bacchanalia: or, The New Age (Ar-

nold), 138

Bacchus (Emerson), 138

Bacchus and the Pirates (Noyes), 134

Bacon, Francis

Wisdom of the Ancients, The,337

Balaustion's Adventure (Browning),25-26

Ballad of a Strange Thing (Putnam),283


Bartholomew Fair (Jonson), 38

Beaumont, Fr-anos, and John Fletcher

Maid's Tragedy, The, 332

Beddoes, Thomas Lovell

Pygmalion, 319

Behn, Mrs Aphra ("Astraea"), 77

Believe Me, If All Those Endearing

Young Charms (Moore), 46

Benoit de Sainte MaureRoman de Troie, Le, 402-403

Beowulf (anon), 10

Bible, 10, 11

Bishop, John Peale

Another Actaeon, 72

When the Net Was UnwoundVenus Was Found Ravelled

with Mars, 30

Bishop Orders His Tomb at St. Prax-

ed's Church, The (Browning),283

Blake, William

Ah, Sunflower, 46

To the Muses, 237

Boccaccio, Giovanni

De genealogia deorum gentihum,7

11 Filostrato, 402-403

Book of the Duchess, The (Chaucer),

116, 183

Bride of Abydos, The (Byron), 211-


Bridges, Robert, 317

Eros and Psyche, 190

Prometheus the Firegiver, 418

Broken Heart, The (Ford), 271

Brooke, RupertMenelaus and Helen, 402

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 286

Browning, Robert

Apollo and the Fates, 158

Balaustion's Adventure, 25-26

Page 453: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Browning, Robert (cont.)

Bishop Orders His Tomb at St.

Praxed's Church, The, 283

Echetlos, 284

Eurydice to Orpheus, 278

Ixion, 223

Pan and Luna, 74r-75

Pauline, 297

Brut (Layamon), 402

Burden of Itys, The (Wilde), 303

Burton, Robert

Anatomy of Melancholy* The,


Bush, Douglas

Mythology and the Renaissance

Tradition in English Poetry,

296, 344

Mythology and the Romantic

Tradition in English Poetry,

2, 25, 275, 319

Byron, George Gordon

Age of Bronze, The, 131

Bride of Abydos, The, 211-212

Childe Harold, 71, 141, 237-238,

272, 398

Curse of Minerva, The, 84-85

Don Juan, 34, 97, 115, 176

Farewell to the Muse, 237

Manfred, 34-35, 158, 164

Prometheus^ 316

Byzantium (Yeats),, 334

Caesar and Cleopatra (Shaw), 359

Campion, Thomas

Hark, All You Ladies, 174

Canonization, The (Donne), 307

Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer),

41, 410, 423

Carew, Thomas

Rapture, A* 265

Casino (Auden), 372-373

Cassandra (Jeffers), 97

Cassandra (Meredith), 96-97

Cassandra (D. Rossetti), 96

Catiline (Jonson), 37

Chansons Innocentes (Cummmgs),287

Chapman, GeorgeAndromeda Liberata, 296

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 122

Astrolabe, The, 423

Book of the Duchess* The, 116,


Canterbury Tales, The, 41, 410,


Clerk's Tale, The, 22

Complaint of Mars, The, 30

Former Age, The, 123

House of fame, The, 129

Knights Tale, The, 55, 122,


Legend of Good Women, The,

18, 24, 60-61, 66, 181, 300-

301, 321

Monk's Tale, The, 160

Nun's Priesfs Tale, The, 342

Parliament of Fowls, The,, 310

Squire's Tale, The, 103

Troilus and Cnseyde, 95, 403

Wife of Bath's Talc, The, 40-


Childe Harold (Byron), 71, 141, 237-

238, 272, 398

Choephoroe (Aeschylus), 90, 98, 99

Christs Victorie and Triumph

(Fletcher), 132, 280

Claudian, 172

Clerk's Tale, The (Chaucer), 22

Cleveland, Richard

Mark Antony, 189

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 48


Page 454: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Colin Clouts Come Home Agatne

(Spenser), 51, 244, 338

Comedy of Errors, The (Shakes-

peare), 217

Complaint of Mars, The (Chaucer),


Complaynt of Philomene9 The (Gas-

coigne), 305

Comus (Milton), 4, 8-9, 44-45, 52,

68, 70, 120, 152, 170, 209, 213,

222, 243, 245, 256-257, 328, 332,

334, 335, 336, 337, 340, 341-

342, 343, 400

Conjuration: To Electra, A (Her-

nek), 68

Connolly, Cyril

Unquiet Grave, The, 19

Conversations with Drummond of

Hawthomden (Jonson), 367

Copland, Robert (trans)

History of Helyas, Knight of the

Swan, The, 125

Corinna's Going A-Maying (Herrick),

35, 117, 146

Cowley, AbrahamOde upon Dr. Harvey, 45

On the Death of Mr. Crashaw,286

Cowley, Malcolm

Leander, 212-213

Cowper, William

Hope, 53

Crabbe, George

Village, The, 53

Cramer, Maurice

Phoenix at East Hadley, 308

Cummings, E. EChansons Innocentes, 287

Cupid and My Campaspe Played at

Cards for Kisses (Lyly), 152

Curse of Minerva, The (Byron), 84-85


Cymbehne (Shakespeare), 271, 332


Daniel, Samuel

Delia, 72, 182, 223

Tethys* Festival, 328

Ulysses and the Siren, 342

Dante Alighieri

Dwtna Commedia, 12

Daphnaida (Spenser), 161

Day, JohnParliament of Bees, The, 72

Day of the Daughter of Hades, The

(Meredith), 144-145

De genealogia deorum gentilium

(Boccaccio), 7

Death of Oenone, The (Tennyson),


Delia (Daniel), 72, 182, 223

Delphic Oracle upon Plotinus, The

(Yeats), 272

Demeter and Persephone (Tennyson),144

Deserted Village, The (Goldsmith), 53

Dido and Aeneas (Purcell), 18

Dionysus in Hades (Faust), 138

Dirce (Landor), 176

Dwina Commedia (Dante), 12

Dobson, Austin

Tale of Polypheme, A, 166

Dr. Faustus (Marlowe), 385

Dolores (Swinburne), 310

Don Juan (Byron), 34, 97, 115, 176

Donne, JohnCanonization, The, 307

Elegie 12, 33

Elegy 16, 409

Epithalamion Made at Lincolnes

Inne, 214

Hymne to God the Father, A, 156

Page 455: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Donne, John (cont.)

Song ("Goe, and catche a falling

starre"), 342

True Character of a Dunce, The,170

Upon Mr. Thomas Coryats

Crudities, 42

Doohttle, Hilda ("H. D.")

Helios, 36

Doom of King Acrisius, The (Mor-

ris), 297, 416

Dowson, Ernest

Villanelle of Acheron, 173

Drayton, Michael

Endimion and Phoebe, 73-74

Dream Days (Grahame), 2

Dream of Fair Women, A (Tenny-

son), 386

Dryden, John, 44

Amphitryon, 415

Astraea Redux, 77, 406

Dryope (Landor), 245

Dunciad, The (Pope), 41, 216, 337

Dyer, John

Epistle to a famous Painter, 180,


Earthly Paradise, The (Morris), 7,

79, 319, 416

Echetlos (Browning), 284

Eclogues (Virgil), 51, 77

Edward II (Marlowe), 161

Electro* (Euripides), 90, 97, 98

Electra (Sophocles), 90

Elegiae (Propertius), 175

Elegie 12 (Donne), 33

Elegy 16 (Donne), 409

Eliot, T. S.

Family Reunion, The, 98

Eliot, T. S. (cont.)

Four Quartets, 205-206

Hollow Men, The, 176

Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,

The, 342

Mr. Apollinax, 310-311

Sweeney Erect, 253-254, 372,


Sweeney among the Nightingales,

92-93, 183-184, 274, 303-304,


Waste Land, The, 17, 43, 72-73,

242-243, 303-305, 376, 399

Eloisa and Abelard (Pope), 215

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Bacchus, 138

Empedodes on Etna (Arnold), 39,

48-49, 114, 354

Endimion and Phoebe (Drayton),


Endymion (Keats), 1, 4, 73-74, 117,

138, 152-153, 184, 244, 273, 275,

287, 344

Endymwn, the Man in the Moon

(Lyly), 73-74

Enid (Tennyson), 162

Epimetheus, or the Poet's After-

thought (Longfellow), 317

Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (Pope), 41

Epistle to a Famous Painter (Dyer),

180, 346

Epitaph on Solomon Pavy (Jonson),


Eptthalamion (Spenser), 33, 38, 69,

74, 189, 214, 217, 218-219, 220,

242, 296-297, 415

Epithalamion Made at Lincolnes

Inne (Donne), 214

Eros and Psyche (Bridges), 190

Essay on Criticism, An (Pope), 20,

104, 237, 387


Page 456: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Eumenides (Aeschylus), 47, 90, 94,

98, 99

Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit

(Lyly), 41

Euripides, 380

Alcestis, 24-25

Electra, 90, 97, 98

Hippolytus, 373

Iphtgenia at Aulis, 90, 94-95,


Iphtgenia among the Tauri, 90,


Medea (See Jeffers, trans.)

Orestes, 90

Europe and Her Mother (Landor),


Eurydice to Orpheus (Browning),278

Excursion, The (Wordsworth), 286

Fletcher, Giles

Chrtsts Victone and Triumph,132, 280

Fletcher, JohnFaithful Shepherdess, The, 52,


, and Francis BeaumontMaid's Tragedy, The, 332

, and William Shakespeare

Henry V1U, 276

For the Time Being (Auden), 416

Ford, JohnBroken Heart, The, 271

Former Age, The (Chaucer), 123

Forster, E. M.

Story of a Panic, The, 287

Four Quartets (Eliot), 205-206

Freud, Sigmund, 99

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay(Greene), 44

Fable for Critics, A (Lowell), 45

Faerie Queene, The (Spenser), 4, 7,

15-16, 22, 31-32, 33, 36, 38, 44,

47, 56, 57, 68, 75, 76, 87, 102,

103, 113-114, 121-122, 122-123,

132-133, 140-141, 145, 147, 151,

152, 170, 171, 172, 176, 177, 179,

181, 183, 200, 214, 217, 223,

226, 239, 243-244, 256, 273, 274,

288, 291, 303, 328, 332, 333, 335,

336, 337, 340, 342, 344, 368, 381,

382, 395, 400-401, 416, 417, 423

Faithful Shepherdess, The (Fletcher),

52, 284

Family Reunion, The (Eliot), 98

Fan, The (Gay), 18

Farewell to the Muse (Byron), 237

Faust, Frederick

Dionysus in Hades, 138


Ganymede (Lytton), 419

Garden. The (Marvell), 45, 284

Garden of Proserpine, The (Swin-

burne), 173

Gascoigne, George

Complaynt of Philomene, The,305

Gay, JohnActs and Galatea, 166

Fan, The, 18

Geoffrey of Monmouth

History of the Kings of Britain,


Georgia (Virgil), 74

Gilbert, W. S.

lolanthe, 54

Giraudoux, Jean

Amphitryon 38, 415

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Goldsmith, Oliver

Deserted Village, The, 53

Grahame, Kenneth

Dream Days, %

Graves, Robert

Hercules, My Shipmate, 67

Weather of Olympus, The, 409

Gray, Thomas

Progress of Poesy, The, 35, 141,


Greene, Robert

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay,44

Gnll Grange (Peacock), 256

Grimald, Nicholas

Of Friendship, 371-372

Guido delle Colonne

Histona Trojana, 402


Hamlet (Shakespeare), 35, 71, 168,

187, 193, 246, 399

Hardy, Thomas, 159

Harington, John

Metamorphosis of Ajax, The, 405

Hark, All You Ladies (Campion), 174

Harvey, Gabnel, 56

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Marble Faun, The, 288

Wonder Book, 7

Helios (Doolittle), 36

/ Henry IV (Shakespeare), 103-104

2 Henry IV (Shakespeare), 107, 181

Henry V (Shakespeare), 35, 156, 297,


1 Henry VI (Shakespeare), 128

2 Henry VI (Shakespeare), 128

Henry VIII (Shakespeare and

Fletcher), 276

Henry C Calhoun (Masters), 156-157

Henryson, Robert

Testament of Cresseid, 404

Herbert, George, 156

Hercules, My Shipmate (Graves), 67

Hero and Leander (Marlowe), 211,

239, 419

Hero to Leander (Tennyson), 212 v

Heroides (Ovid), 230, 401

Hemck, Robert, 137

Apparition of His Mistress Call-

ing Him to Elizium, The,


Apron of Flowers, Thev 410

Conjuration: To Electro, A, 68

Corinna's Going A-Maying, 35,

117, 146

Hymn to the Lares, 215

Panegerick to Sir Lewis Pember-

ton, A, 216

To Electra, 87, 223

Hesiod, 374

Theogony, 29, 121

Hippolytus (Euripides), 373

Hippolytus, or Phaedra (Seneca),


Historia Trojana (Guido delle Co-

lonne), 402

History of Helyas, Knight of the

Swan, The (Copland, trans.),


History of the Kings of Britain

(Geoffrey of Monmouth), 402

Hollow Men, The (Eliot), 176

Homer, 5, 7, 13, 143, 186, 188, 189,

210, 388, 420

Iliad, 55, 380, 387, 389, 391-392,

394, 403

Odyssey, 14, 124, 177, 183, 246,

250, 266, 267, 377, 380 (See

also Pope, trans.)

Hope (Cowper), 53


Page 458: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Hopkins, Gerard ManleyAndromeda, 297

Spelt from Sibyl's Leaves* 42

Home, Richard HenryOrion, 275

House of Fame, The (Chaucer), 129

House of Life* The (D. Rossetti), 212

Housman, A. ELast Poems XXIV, 219

Merry Guide, The, 2

More Poems XI, 274-275

Oracles, The, 269-271

To an Athlete Dying Young, 178

Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Pound),

326, 363

Humphries, Rolfe

Proteus, or the Shapes of Con-

science, 338

Huxley, Aldous

Antic Hay, 399

Hymn of Apollo (Shelley), 48

Hymn to Chance (Putnam), 162

Hymn to the Lares (Herrick), 215

Hymn to Mercury (Shelley), 210

Hymn of Pan (Shelley), 40

Hymn to Priapus (Lawrence), 310

Hymn to Proserpine (Swinburne),173, 286

Hymne to God the Father, A(Donne), 156

Hymne in Honour of Beautie, An(Spenser), 33

Hymne in Honour of Love, An(Spenser), 149

Hyperion (Keats), 48, 121, 275, 328-


/ Did But Prompt the Age, Sonnet 12

(Milton), 36


I Stood Tip-Toe upon a Little Hill

(Keats), 239, 283

Idylls (Theocritus), 2, 51, 165

I/ Filostrato (Boccaccio), 402

// Penseroso (Milton), 90, 105-106,

215, 217, 277, 301, 339

Iliad (Homer), 55, 380, 387, 389, 391-

392, 394, 403

Imitations of Horace (Pope), 77

In Time of War (Auden), 419

In War Time (Auden), 162

Induction to the Complaint of the

Duke of Buckingham (Sack-

ville), 156, 183

Invocation to the Social Muse (Mac-

Leish), 238

lolanthe (Gilbert), 54

Ion (Plato), 137

Iphigenia and Agamemnon (Landor),386

Iphigenia at Aulis (Euripides), 90,

94-95, 386

Iphigenia among the Tauri (Euripi-

des), 90, 94-95


Areopagitic Oration, 56

Itylus (Swinburne), 303

Ixion (Browning), 223

Jeffers, Robinson

Cassandra, 97

Medea (free trans, of Euripides),66

Science^ 72

Tower beyond Tragedy* Thet


Johnson, Samuel, 6

Jonson, Ben

Bartholomew Fair, 38

Page 459: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Jonson, Ben (cont.)

Catiline, 37

Conversations with Drummond

of Hawthornden, 367

Epitaph on Solomon Pavy, 157

Masque of Blackness, 328

Neptune's Triumph* 332

Oberon, 288

"Queene and Huntress," 75, 213

Joyce, JamesPortrait of the Artist as a Young

Man, A, 129

Ulysses, 216, 267

Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 56, 57,

160, 181

Keats, John, 129

Endymton, 1, 4, 73-74, 117, 138,

152-153, 184, 244, 273, 275,

287, 344

Hyperion, 48, 121, 275, 328-


/ Stood Tip-To upon a Little

Hill, 239, 283

Lamia, 210

Ode on a Grecian Urn, 100

Ode on Melancholy, 172, 182

Ode to a Nightingale, 137-138,

181-182, 302, 303

Ode to Psyche, 153

On an Engraved Gem of Lean-

der, 212

On First Looking into Chap-man's Homer, 39

King Lear (Shakespeare), 158, 160

Kingsley, Charles

Andromeda,, 297

Knight's Tale, The (Chaucer), 55,

122, 160

L'Allegro (Milton), 10, 170, 184, 278,

339, 346-347

Lamia (Keats), 210

Landor, Walter Savage

Dirce, 176

Dryope, 245

Europa and Her Mother, 417

Iphigema and Agamemnon, 386

Laodamia (Wordsworth), 387

Last Poems XXIV (Housman), 219

Last Oracle, The (Swinburne), 49

Laus Venens (Swinburne), 34

Lawrence, D. H.

Hymn to Priapus, 310

Phoenix, 307-308

LayamonBrut, 402

Leander (M. Cowley), 212-213

Leda and the Swan (Yeats), 382

Legend of Good Women, The

(Chaucer), 18, 24, 60-61, 66,

181, 300-301, 321

Lemures (Aldington), 216

Life and Death of Jason, The

(Morris), 67, 277

Locksley Hall (Tennyson), 274

Lodge, Thomas

Rosalind, 51, 165-166

Scillaes Metamorphosis, 343

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Epimetheus, or the Poefs After-

thought, 317

Prometheus, or the Poet's Fore-

thought, 317

Lotos Eaters,, The (Tennyson), 251

Love of Alcestis, The (Morris), 26

Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The

(EUot), 342

"Love Still Has Something of the SeaM

(Sedley), 150


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Lovelace, Richard

To Althaea from Prison, 107

To Lucasta, Going to the Warres,


Love's Labour's Lost (Shakespeare),

39, 201, 202

Lowell, James Russell, 317

Fable for Critics, A, 45

Lycidas (Milton), 10, 37, 39, 52, 163-

164, 217, 244-245, 278-279, 333-

334, 336, 408

Lyly, John

Cupid and My Campaspe Playedat Cards for Kisses, 152

Endymion, the Man tn the Moon,73-74

Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit,


Lytton, Robert

Ganymede, 419


Mabbott, T. O., 334

Macbeth (Shakespeare), 57, 68, 157,

158, 333

MacLeish, Archibald

Invocation to the Social Muse,238

Men of My Century Loved

Mozart, 337

MacNeice, Louis

Perseus, 297

Thyestes, 89

Maid's Tragedy, The (Beaumont and

Fletcher), 332

Manfred (Byron), 34^35, 158, 164

Manifold, JohnSirens, The, 342

Marble Faun, The (Hawthorne), 288Mark Antony (Cleveland), 189


Marlowe, ChristopherDr. Faustus, 385Edward II, 161

Hero and Leander, 211, 239, 419

Tamburlaine, 161-162

Marpessa (Phillips), 43

Marston, John

Metamorphosis of Pygmalion'sImage, The, 319

Marvell, Andrew

Garden, The, 45, 284

Nymph Complaining for the

Death of Her Faun, The, 47

Masque of Slackness (Jonson), 328Masters, Edgar Lee

Henry C. Calhoun, 156-157Medea

(Euripides, free trans, by1

Jeffers), 66

Memoirs of Hecate County (Wilson),68-69

Memorials of a Tour on the Conti-

nent, 1820 (Wordsworth),77-78

Men of My Century Loved Mozart

(MacLeish), 337Menelaus and Helen (Brooke), 402Merchant of Venice, The (Shakes-

Peare), 18, 59-60, 65, 73, 156,

225, 276

Meredith, George

Appeasement of Demeter, The,144

Cassandra, 96-97

Day of the Daughter of Hades,The, 144-145

Ode to the Comic Spirit, 235Phoebus with Admetus, 22

Merry Guide, The (Housraan), 2

Merry Wives of Windsor, The

(Shakespeare), 382Messiah

(Pope), 77

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Metamorphoses (Ovid), 31, 116, 165,

233-234, 318, 320, 344

Metamorphosis of Ajax, The (Har-

ington), 405

Metamorphosis of Pygmalion's Image,The (Marston), 319

Michael (Wordsworth), 53-54

Midsummer-Night's Dreamt A(Shakespeare), 68, 75-76, 148,

321, 372

Milton, JohnArcades, 52, 141, 217, 341

Areopagiticaf 56

At a Solemn Music, 341

Comus, 4, 8-9, 44-45, 52, 68, 70,

120, 152, 170, 209, 213, 222,

243, 245, 256-257, 328, 332,

334, 335, 336, 337, 340, 341-

342, 343, 400

/ Did But Prompt the Age(Sonnet 12), 36

II Penseroso, 90, 105-106, 215,

217, 277, 301, 339

L'Atlegro, 10, 170, 184, 278, 339,


Lycidas, 10, 37, 39, 52, 163-164,

217, 244-245, 278-279, 333-

334, 336, 408

On the Morning of Christ's Na-

tivity, 116-117, 192, 217, 271,


Paradise Lost, 5-6, 7-8, 9, 11,

38, 57, 63, 68, 80-81, 89, 102,

104-105, 120-121, 132, 137,

143, 145, 146, 148, 163, 169,

171, 175, 18&-187, 189-190,

205, 209-210, 214, 222, 225,

237, 239, 272, 274, 279, 283,

285, 307, 313, 332-333, 334,

837, 353-354, 377, 407, 423-


Milton, John (cont.)

Paradise Regained, 9, 340, 415

Sonnet 20, 100

Sonnet 23, 24

When the Assault Was Intended

on the City (Sonnet 8), 97-38

Mr. Apolhnax (Eliot), 310-311

Mohere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

Amphitryon, 415

Monk's Tale, The (Chaucer), 160

Moore, ThomasBelieve Me, If All Those En-

dearing Young Charms>


Song of a Hyperborean, The,339

Moral Essays (Pope), 141

More Poems XI (Housman), 274-


Morris, "William

Atalanta's Race, 79

Doom of King Acrisius, The,

297, 416

Earthly Paradise* The, 7, 79, 319,


Life and Death of Jason, Thef 67,


Love of Alccstis, The, 26

Mourning Becomes Electro, (O'NeiU),


Muiopotmos (Spenser), 82, 164, 332,


Musee des1 Beaux Arts (Auden), 128-


Mutabilitie Cantos (Spenser), 423

Mythology and the Renaissance

Tradition in English Poetry

(Bush), 29$, 344

Mythology^ and the Romantic Tradi-

tion in English Poetry (Bush),

2, 25, 275, 319


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Nashe, ThomasSummers Last Will and Testa-

ment, 401

Neptune's Triumph (Jonson), 532

New Year Letter (Auden), 210, 226

Nightingale, The (Sidney), 301

Noyes, Alfred

Bacchus end the Pirates, 134

Nun's Priest's Tale, The (Chaucer),


Nymph Complaining for the Death

of Her Faun, The (Marvell),


Oberon (Jonson), 288

Ode to the Comic Spirit (Meredith),


Ode upon Dr. Harvey (A. Cowley), 45

Ode on a Grecian Urn (Keats), 100

Ode on Melancholy (Keats), 172, 182

Ode to a Nightingale (Keats), 137-

138, 181-182, 302, 303

Ode to Psyche (Keats), 153

Ode on St. Cecilia's Day (Pope), 223

Ode to the West Wind (Shelley), 136

Odyssey (Homer), 14, 124, 177, 183,

246, 250, 266, 267, 377, 380

(See also Pope, trans.)

Oedipus at Colonus (Sophodes), 349,


Oedipus Tyrannus, or Oedipus Rex

(Sophocles), 349, 359

Oedipus Tyrannus, or Swellfoot the

Tyrant (Shelley), 357

Oenone (Tennyson), 85, 95-96, 190,


Of the Courtier's Life (Wyatt), 41

Of Friendship (Grimald), 371-372


O'Hara, John

Appointment in Samarra, 159

On the Death of a Metaphysician

(Santayana), 128

On the Death of Mr. Crashaw (A.

Cowley), 286

On an Engraved Gem of Leander

(Keats), 212

On First Looking into Chapman'sHomer (Keats), 39

On the Morning of Christ's Nativity

(Milton), 116-117, 192, 217,

271, 285

O'Neill, Eugene

Mourning Becomes Electra, 98, 99

Oracles, The (Housman), 269-271

Orestes (Euripides), 90

Orion (Home), 275

Ovid (P. Ovidius Naso), 6, 8

Heroides, 230, 401

Metamorphoses, 31, 116, 165,

233-234, 318, 320, 344

^Palace of Pan, The (Swinburne), 282

Palinode (Stesichorus), 400

Palladium (Arnold), 84

\foan Is Dead (Pound), 287

VPan and Luna (Browning), 74-75

Pandora (D Rossetti), 314

Panegenck to Sir Lewis Pemberton,A (Herrick), 216

Paradise Lost (Milton^ 5-6, 7-8, 9,

11, 38, 57, 63, 68, 80-81, 89,

102, 104-105, 120-121, 132, 137,

143, 145, 146, 148, 163, 169, 171,

175, 186-187, 189-190, 205, 209-

210, 214, 222, 225, 237, 239, 272,

274, 279, 283, 285, 307, 313,

332-333, 334, 337, 353-354, 377,

407, 423-424

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Paradise Regained (Milton), 9, 340,


Parker, DorothyWords of Comfort to Be

Scratched on a Mirror,


Parliament of Bees, The (Day),


Parliament of Fowlsf The (Chaucer),310

Parting at Dawn (Ransom), 182

Pastorals (Pope), 53

Pauline (Browning), 297

Peacock, Thomas Love

Grill Grange, 256

Pericles (Shakespeare), 38

Perseus (MacNeice), 297


Satyricon, 43

Phaedra, or Hippolytus (Seneca),


Phillips, Stephen

Marpessa, 43

Philoctetes (Sophocles), 299

Philoctetes (Tabley), 300

Philomela (Arnold), 302-303

Phoebus with Admetus (Meredith),


Phoenix, The (anon), 306-307

Phoenix (Lawrence), 307-308

Phoenix at East Hadley (Cramer),


Phoenix and the Turtle, The (Shake-

speare), 307

Pindar, 409

Plato, 420

Alcibiades, 129

Jon, 137


Amphitryon, 415

Plutarch, 286

Poe, Edgar Allan

To Helen, 401

Raven, The, 85

Poetics, The (Aristotle), 136

Pope, Alexander

Dunciad, The, 41, 216, 337

Eloisa and Abelard, 215

Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot* 41

Essay on Criticism, An, 20, 104,

237, 387

Imitations of Horace, 77

Messiah, 77

Moral Essays, 141

Ode on St. Cecilia's Day,, 223

Odyssey (trans, of Homer), 168

Pastorals, 53

Rape of the Lock, The, 18, 33-34,

69, 223, 230, 243

Portrait of the Artist as a YoungMan, A (Joyce), 129

Pound, Ezra

Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, 326, 363

Pan Is Dead, 287

Prayer for His Lady's Life, 175

Praised Be Diana's Fair and Harmless

Light (Ralegh), 75

Prayer for His Lady's Life (Pound),


Prelude, The (Wordsworth), 196

Priapea (anon), 310

Princess, The (Tennyson), 416

Proem (Thomson), 12

Progress of Poesy, The (Gray), 35,

141, 409

Prometheus (Byron), 316

Prometheus (Swift), 315

Prometheus Bound (Aeschylus), 315

Prometheus the Firegiver (Bridges),


Prometheus, or the Poefs Fore-

thought (Longfellow), 317


Page 464: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Prometheus Unbound (Aeschylus),


Prometheus Unbound (Shelley), 4,

154, 201, 316-317


Elegiae, 175

Proteus* or the Shapes of Conscience

(Humphries), 338

Prothalamion (Spenser), 33, 35, 112,

125, 198, 242, 292-293, 410

Purcell, HenryDido and Aeneas, 18

"When I Am Laid in Earth," 18

Putnam, PhelpsBallad of a Strange Thing, 285

Hymn to Chance; 162

Pygmalion (Beddoes), 319

Pygmalion (Shaw), 319

Pythagoras, 140

"Queene and Huntress" (Jonson), 75,


Robinson, Edwin Arlington

Amaryllis, 54

Roman de Troie, Le (Benott de

Sainte Maure), 402-403

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 159,


Rosalind (Lodge), 51, 165-166

Rossetti, Christina

Ariadne to Theseus, 372

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

Astarte Syriaca 35

Cassandra, 96

House of Life, The, 212

Pandora* 314

Venus Vtctrix, 34

Wine of Circe, The, 257-258

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 272

Ruines of Rome, The (Spenser), 141,


Ruines of Time, The (Spenser), 104,

172, 184, 217, 280

Russell, Thomas

Supposed to Be Written on

Lemnos, 299

Ralegh, Walter

Praised e Diana's Fair andHarmless Light, 75

Ransom, John Crowe

Parting at Dawn, 182

Rape of the Lock, The (Pope), 18,

33-34, 69, 223, 230, 243

Rapture, A (Carew), 265

Raven, The (Poe), 85

Rehearsal, The (Villiers), 44

Richard II (Shakespeare). 47, 56,


Richard III (Shakespeare), 163

Rivals, The (Sheridan), 177


Sackville, ThomasInduction to the Complaint of

the Duke of Buckingham,156, 183

Sannazaro, Jacopo

Arcadia, 51

Santayana, GeorgeOn the Death of a Metaphysician,


Satyricon (Petronius), 45

Science (Jeffers), 72

Scillaes Metamorphosis (Lodge), MSScyros (Shapiro), 385

Page 465: Dan Norton--Classical Myths in English Literature


Sedley, Charles

"Love Still Has Something of

the Sea," 150

Seneca, 172

Phaedra, or Hippolytus, 373

Sensitive Plant, The (Shelley), 240

Seven against Thebes (Aeschylus),

349, 360

Shakespeare, William, 122, 123, 206

Antony and Cleopatra, 163, 205

As You Like It, 51, 211

Comedy of Errors, The, 217

Cymbehne, 271, 332

Hamlet, 35, 71, 168, 187, 193, 246,


1 Henry IV, 103-104

2 Henry IV, 107, 181

Henry V, 35, 156, 297, 404

1 Henry VI, 128

3 Henry VI, 128

Juhus Caesar, 56, 57, 160, 181

King Lear, 158, 160

Love's Labours Lost, 39, 201, 202

Macbeth, 57, 68, 157, 158, 333

Merchant of Venice, The, 18,

59-60, 65, 73, 156, 225, 276

Merry Wives of Windsor, The^


Midsummer-Night's Dream, A,

68, 75-76, 148, 321, 372

Pencles, 38

Phoenix and the Turtle, The,


Richard II, 47, 56, 161

Richard HI, 163

Romeo and Juliet, 159, 215

Tempest, The, 142, 213, 307

Titus Andronicus, 89, 122, 301

Troilus and Cressida, 44, 56, 95,

388, 404-405

Twelfth Night, 71, 423

Shakespeare, William (cont.)

Two Gentlemen of Verona, The

47, 337, 372

Venus and Adonis, 31

Winter's Tale, The, 143-144, 208,


, and John Fletcher

Henry VIII, 276

Shapiro, Karl

Scyros, 385

Shaw, George Bernard

Caesar and Cleopatra, 359

Pygmalion, 319

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 5, 129

Adonais, 72

Arethusa, 4, 244

Hymn of Apollo, 48

Hymn to Meicury, 210

Hymn of Pan, 40

Ode to the West Wind* 136

Oedipus Tyrannus, or Swellfoot

the Tyrant, 357

Prometheus Unbound, 4, 154,

201, 316-317

Sensitive Plant, The, 240

Song of Proserpine, While Gath-

ering Flowers on the Plain

of Enna, 144

Witch of Atlas, 310

Shepheardes Calender, The (Spenser),

51, 56, 137, 28^-285

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

Rivals, Thet177

Sidney, Philip

Arcadia, 51

Nightingale, The, 301

Sirens, The (Manifold), 342

Song, "Goe, and catche a falling

starre" (Donne), 342

Song of a Hyperborean, The (Moore),



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Song of Myself (Whitman), 238

Song of Proserpine, While GatheringFlowers on the Plain of Enna

(Shelley), 144

Sonnet 20 (Milton), 100

Sonnet 23 (Milton), 24

Sophocles, 98, 300, 380

Aias, 396

Antigone, 349, 364

Electra, 90

Oedipus at Colonus, 349, 361

Oedipus Tyrannus, or Oedipus

Rex, 349, 359

Philoctetes, 299

Spelt from Sibyl's Leaves (Hopkins),42

Spenser, Edmund, 122, 129

Amorettt, 265, 276

Colin Clouts Come Home Againe,

51, 244, 338

Daphnaida, 161

Epithalamion, 33, 38, 69, 74, 189,

214, 217, 218-219, 220, 242,

296-297, 415

Faerie Queene, The, 4, 7, 15-16,

22, 31-32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 47,

56, 57, 68, 75, 76, 87, 102,

103, 113-114, 121-122, 122-

123, 132-133, 140, 141, 145,

147, 151, 152, 170, 171, 172,

176, 177, 179, 181, 183, 200,

214, 217, 223, 226, 239, 243-

244, 256, 273, 274, 288, 291,

303, 328, 332, 333, 335, 336,

337, 340, 342, 344, 368, 381,

382, 395, 400-401, 416, 417,


Hymne in Honour of Beautie,

An, $3

Hymne in Honour of Love, An,149


Spenser, Edmund (cont)

Muiopotmos, 82, 164, 332, 417

Mutabihtie Cantos, 423

Prothalamwn, 33, 35, 112, 125,

198, 242, 292-293, 410

Rumes of Rome, The, 141, 217

Rumes of Time, The, 104, 172,

184, 217, 280

Shepheardes Calender, The, 28,

51, 56, 137, 284-285

Teares of the Muses, The, 39, 47,

237, 288, 339

Virgils Gnat* 47, 143, 282-283,

301, 303, 344, 346

Sphinx, The (Auden), 358

Squire's Tale, The (Chaucer), 10S


Palinode* 400

Story of a Panic, The (Forster), 287

Strayed Reveller, The (Arnold), 257,


Summers Last Will and Testament

(Nashe), 401

Supposed to Be Written on Lemnos

(Russell), 299

Sweeney Erect (Eliot), 253-254, 372,


Sweeney among the Nightingales

(Eliot), 92-93, 183-184, 274,

303-304, 361-362

Swift, Jonathan

Prometheus, 315

To Janus on New Year's Day,226

Swinburne, Algernon Charles

At Eleusis, 143

Atalanta in Calydon, 5, 79, 109-

110, 136

Dolores, 310

Garden of Proserpine, The, 175

Hymn to Proserpine, 173, 286

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Swinburne, Algernon Charles (cont.)

Itylus, 303

Last Oracle, The, 49

Laus Veneris, 34

Palace of Pan, The, 282

Tiresias, 375-376

Tabley, Lord de (John Byrne* Leicester Warren)

Philoctetes, 300

Tale of Pigmahon, The (anon), 318

Tale of Polypheme, A (Dobson), 166

Talking Oak, The (Tennyson), 270

Tamburlaine (Marlowe), 161-162

Teares of the Muses, The (Spenser),

39, 47, 237, 288, 339

Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 142, 213,


Tennyson, Alfred

Amphion, 356

Death of Oenone, The, 244

Demeter and Persephone, 144

Dream of Fair Women, A, 386

Enid, 162

Hero to Leander, 212

Locksley Hall, 274

Lotos Eaters, The, 251

Oenone, 85, 95-96, 190, 244

Princess, The, 416

Talking Oak, The, 270

Tiresias, 375

Tithonus, 147

Ulysses, 5, 267, 339

Testament of Cresseid (Henryson),


Tethys* Festival (Daniel), 328

Theocritus, 54

Idylls, 2, 51, 165

Theogony (Hesiod), 29, 121

Thomson, James

Proem, 12

Thyestes (MacNeice), 89

Thyrsis (Arnold), 204

Tiresias (Swinburne), 375-376

Tiresias (Tennyson), 375

Tithonus (Tennyson), 147

Titus Andromcus (Shakespeare), 89,

122, 301

To Althaeafrom Prison (Lovelace), 107

To an Athlete Dying Young (Hous-

man), 178

To Dorothy Wellesley (Yeats), 164

To Electra (Hernck), 87, 223

To Helen (Poe), 401

To Janus on New Year's Day (Swift),


To Lucasta, Going to the Warres

(Lovelace), 57

To the Muses (Blake), 237

Totters Miscellany, 318

Tower beyond Tragedy, The (Jef-

fers), 98-99

Troilus and Cressida

44, 56, 95, 388M

Troiluswd Criseyde (Chaucer), SSr

True Character of a Dunce, The

(Donne), 170

Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), 71, 423

Two Gentlemen of Verona, The

(Shakespeare), 47, 337, 372


Ulysses (Joyce), 216, 267

Ulysses (Tennyson), 5, 267, 339

Ulysses and the Siren (Daniel), 342

Unquiet Grave, The (Connolly), 19

Upon Drinking in a Bowl (WUmot),137


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Upon Mr. Thomas Coryats Crudities

(Donne), 42


Vacillation (Yeats), 336

Venus and Adonis (Shakespeare), 31

Venus Victnx (D. Rossetti), 34

Venus Will Now Say a Few Words

(Auden), 34

Village, The (Crabbe), 53

Vtltanelle of Acheron (Dowson), 173

Villiers, George

Rehearsal, The, 44

Virgil, 6, 7, 9, 18, 19

Aeneld, 14-15, 17, 21, 32, 55, 68,

163, 175, 380

Eclogues, 51, 77

Georgics, 74

Vtrgils Gnat (Spenser), 47, 143, 282-

283, 301, 303, 344, 346

WWaste Land, The (Eliot), 17, 43, 72-

73, 242-243, 303-305, 376, 399

Weather of Olympus, The (Graves),409

When the Assault Was Intended on

the City, Sonnet 8 (Milton),97-98

"When I Am Laid in Earth"

(Purcell), 18

When the Net Was Unwound Venus

Was Found Ravelted with

Mars (Bishop), 30

Whitman, Walt

Song of Myself, 238

Wife of Bath's Tale, The (Chaucer),40-41

Wilde, Oscar

Burden of Uys, The, 303


Wilmot, John

Upon Drinking in a Bowl, 137

Wilson, EdmundMemoirs of Hecate County, 68-


Wound and the Bow, The, 300

Wine of Circe, The (D. Rossetti),


Winter's Tale,, The (Shakespeare),

143-144, 208, 271

Wisdom of the Ancients, The

(Bacon), 337

Witch of Atlas (Shelley), 310

Wonder Book (Hawthorne), 7

Words of Comfort to Be Scratched ona Mirror (Parker), 401

Wordsworth, William

Excursion, The, 286

Laodamia, 387

Memorials of a Tour on the

Continent, 1820, 77-78

Michael, 53-54

Prelude, The, 196

World Is Too Much with Us,

The, 338

World Is Too Much with Us, The,

(Wordsworth), 338

Wound and the Bowf The (Wilson),


Wyatt, Thomas

Of the Courtier's Life, 41

Yeats, William Butler

Byzantium, 334

Delphic Oracle upon Plotwus,

The, 272

Leda and the Swan, 382

To Dorothy Wellesley, 164

Vacillation, 336

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