Damodar K. Mavalankar, A Theosophical Pioneer

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  • 8/13/2019 Damodar K. Mavalankar, A Theosophical Pioneer


    Damodar K. Mavalankar a theosophical pioneer

    by David Pratt

    2003 Online Teosoiska Kompaniet Malm!

    "#pplement$Contemplation by Damodar

    Correspondence on Contemplation by Damodar

    The Metaphysical Basis of Esoteric Buddhism by


  • 8/13/2019 Damodar K. Mavalankar, A Theosophical Pioneer


    %.P. &lavatsky and %.". Olcott sailed rom 'e( )ork or *ndia at the end o +,-,. *n ebr#ary+,-/ they arrived in &ombay (here they established their temporary head1#arters. e(months later a yo#n %ind# came to help them (ith their theosophical (ork$ Damodar K.Mavalankar.

    Damodar (as born in a (ealthy &rahman amily at hmedabad in "eptember +,4+. %is atherta#ht him the tenets o his reliion and he also received an e5cellent 6nlish ed#cation.&et(een the aes o ten and o#rteen he devoted himsel to the orthodo5 practices o his aith.7ater his reliio#s observances (ere displaced by his academic st#dies b#t his reliio#s ideasand aspirations remained #nchaned #ntil mid8+,-/. *t (as then that he came into contact (iththeosophy by readinIsis Unveiled. %e applied or membership o the Theosophical "ociety in

    9#ly +,-/ and (as admitted on 3 ##st a month beore his eihteenth birthday.:+;*n his childhood Damodar had a very danero#s illness and the doctors despaired o his lie.t (hile close to death he had a vision in (hich a odlike person ave him a pec#liarmedicine ater (hich he bean to recover. "everal years later (hile meditatin he sa( the sameperson and on another occasion the man aain saved him rom the cl#tches o death.:2; ter

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    me in reard to my co#ntry my reliion my d#ty. . . . :*t; has ta#ht me that to en

  • 8/13/2019 Damodar K. Mavalankar, A Theosophical Pioneer


    ter ret#rnin to his body Damodar (ondered (hether the e5perience had been a dream b#t atthat moment a note rom K% dropped o#t o the air conirmin that it had really happened.Damodar helped the masters (ith the occ#lt transmission o letters to .P. "innett and .O.%#me. %o(ever he re#sed to lend any #rther assistance ater %#me acc#sed him o orery.

    %e e5pressed his aner in a letter to "innett in ##st +,,2 protestin that he (as incapable oIs#ch an inamyI :/;. %e (rote$ I* have at least one consolation and that is * stand clear beore myM"T6F"(ho bein clairvoyant can see thro#h me any time. . .I Damodar (as one o thet(elve chelas (ho sined the protest to a letter rom I%I G%#meH (hich acc#sed the masters oIsinninI by not immediately ivin o#t all they kne(. %#meIs letter and the chelasI protest (erep#blished in the "eptember +,,2 Theosophiston the instr#ctions o the Maha >hohan K%Is o(n#r#.:+0;*n 9#ly +,,2 Damodar had to o to Poona or a monthIs rest as his health had broken do(n d#esaid K% to Ihis oolish a#sterities and hard (orkI :++;. *n December +,,2 the T" head1#arters(ere relocated to dyar larely at the s#estion o T. "#bba Fo( a chela o Master M. %e and

    Damodar (orked closely toether@ both (ere hih8caste %ind#s steeped in the traditions oancient NryBvarta and eaer to promote the moral and spirit#al reeneration o their co#ntry.

    Damodar accompanied >olonel Olcott on his lect#re to#r in northern *ndia rom "eptember toDecember +,,3 d#rin (hich he had #rther meetins (ith the masters. On 2E 'ovember he#ne5pectedly disappeared rom the ho#se in 9amm# (here they (ere stayin. %e (as taken to asecret retreat and ret#rned t(o days later a chaned man :+2;. Olcott remarked$ Iseeminlyrob#st to#h and (iry bold and eneretic in manner$ (e co#ld scarcely reali?e that he (as thesame person.I DamodarIs psychic po(ers (ere developin very rapidly d#rin this period. corroborated acco#nt o one o his astral ontrol (hose membersincl#ded three 6#ropeans ran? %artmann Gthe chairmanH Leore 7ane8o5 and .T. &ro(n.9#st prior to her depart#re &lavatsky had th(arted an attempt by the ho#sekeeper Mme.>o#lomb to obtain a lare s#m o money rom Prince %arisinho#lomb (as #rio#sand vo(ed to take revene. "he bean to spread lies and r#mo#rs abo#t ra#d#lent phenomenaand her h#sband secretly bean to make holes in the (alls and constr#ct movable panels. The>o#lombs (ere e5pelled rom the T" on +C May +,,C or dishono#rable cond#ct and lethead1#arters eleven days later.

    ario#s disareements and personal antaonisms arose amon the head1#arters sta both beoreand ater the >o#lombsI depart#re. On several occasions the masters intervened directly (ithadvice and instr#ctions. On 2 ##st +,,C %artmann received the ollo(in messae rom K%$

    D:amodar; has #ndo#btedly many a#lts and (eaknesses as others have. t he is #nselishlydevoted to #s and to the ca#se and has rendered himsel e5tremely #se#l to pasika :%P&;. %ispresence and assistance are indispensably necessary at the %ead1#arters. %is inner sel has no

  • 8/13/2019 Damodar K. Mavalankar, A Theosophical Pioneer


    desire to domineer tho#h the o#t(ard acts no( and then et that colo#rin rom his e5cessive?eal (hich he indiscriminately brins to bear #pon everythin (hether small or reat.:+C;

    *n another letter to %artmann M (rote$

    One o the irst proos o sel8mastery is (hen one sho(s that he can be kind and orbearin andenial (ith companions o the most dissimilar characters and temperaments. One o the stronestsins o retroression (hen one sho(s that he e5pects others to like (hat he likes and act as heacts.:+E;

    ter their eviction the >o#lombs hristian missionaries 88 the arch8enemies o &lavatsky and the T". The irst part o Mme >o#lombIs attack on &lavatsky appearedin The Christian College Magazinein "eptember +,,C. *t incl#ded e5tracts rom letters alleedly(ritten to her by &lavatsky b#t containin cl#msy interpolations orderin the perormance ora#d#lent phenomena.

    Damodar played a central role in p#blicly co#nterin the >o#lombsI alleations o ra#d anddeception and sho(ed them to be Iabs#rd t(addleI. >.. 7eadbeater (ho arrived at dyar (ith&lavatsky in December +,,C o#nd Damodar

    established in the "ecretaryIs oice cro#ched #p in the seat o the chair in the strane ro8likeattit#de (hich he aected smokin al(ays a b#bblin hookah and (ritin interminably 88 allday lon and into the niht. . . . * can never oret him nor the impression that he made on me.Lrave kindly and co#rteo#s ever.:+4;

    Fichard %odson sent by the &ritish "ociety or Psychical Fesearch to investiate the occ#ltphenomena connected (ith the Theosophical "ociety arrived at dyar on 22 December +,,C

    and remained in *ndia #ntil the end o March +,,E. The inamo#s %odson Feport appeared inDecember +,,E and deno#nced &lavatsky as an impostor and a F#ssian spy. *ncredibly%odson insisted that Damodar (as &lavatskyIs main accomplice despite the act that the>o#lombs 88 his IstarI (itnesses 88 had depicted him as a d#peJ orery e5pert ernon %arrisonsays that the %odson Feport is Ibadly la(edI$ it is Iriddled (ith slanted statements con

  • 8/13/2019 Damodar K. Mavalankar, A Theosophical Pioneer


    The secret >ommittee . . . (as ready (hen a e( 6#ropeans . . . took #pon themselves thea#thority o reversin the decision o the (hole >o#ncil. They declined Gtho#h the reason theyave (as another oneH 88 to receive o#r instr#ctions thro#h "#bba Fo( and Damodar the lattero (hom is hated by Messrs. 7. o5 and %artmann.:+/;

    %artmann later described Damodar as a Imental pimyI (ho Iimained himsel to be the mo#th8piece o an invisible po(er I :20;. %e believed that Damodar had sometimes imitated K%Is(ritin to ive his o(n vie(s reater a#thority. *t appears that d#rin the >o#lomb crisisDamodar did in act precipitate a very important IK% letterI (itho#t K%Is consent :2+;.DamodarIs health (as serio#sly aected by all the tro#bles at head1#arters and by over(ork. %ebean to co#h blood a rec#rrence o his previo#sly arrested t#berc#losis. %e obtainedpermission to o to his masterIs ashram in Tibet and let dyar (ith &lavatskyIs blessin on 23ebr#ary +,,E. ccordin to &lavatsky IDamodar (as ready rom his last birth to enter thehihest PT%and s#spected it. %e had lon been (aitin or the e5pected permission to o toTibet beore the e5piration o the - years :o probation; . . .I :22;. hen he came to bid her

    are(ell he told her$ I* o or yo#r sake. * the Maha >hohan is satisied (ith my services anddevotion %e may permit me to vindicate yo# by provin the Masters doe5istI :23;. &lavatskyhersel (as in poor health at this time and let *ndia a month later never to ret#rn.

    Damodar (as hopin to o to 7hasa the capital o Tibet (ith a certain Tibetan #nctionary@Olcott calls him Ian Qvatari 7amaQ a very inl#ential and mysterio#s Tibetan prelateI (ho Iise1#ally (ell kno(n on both sides o the mo#ntains and makes re1#ent reliio#s

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    The poor boy has had hisall. &eore he co#ld stand in the presence o the IMastersI he had to#ndero the severest trials that a neophyte ever passed thro#h to atone or the many1#estionable doins in (hich he had over8?ealo#sly taken part brinin disrace #pon the sacredscience and its adepts. The mental and physical s#erin (as too m#ch or his (eak rame(hich has been 1#ite prostrated b#t he (ill recover in co#rse o time. This o#ht to be a (arnin

    to yo# all. . . . To #nlock the ates o the mystery yo# m#st not only lead a lie o the strictestprobity b#t learn to discriminate tr#th rom alsehood.:2,;

    &oth &lavatsky and "#bba Fo( received letters rom Damodar ater his arrival in Tibet tho#hnone o them have been preserved :2/;. *n one o them Damodar inormed &lavatsky that themastersI inl#ence at dyar (as steadily (eakenin. &lavatsky also said she had seen Damodarastrally and that the masters had dictated to him several passaes or The !e"ret #o"trine (hich"innett had mistaken or Dharbairi 'athIs (ritin :30;.

    (itness to DamodarIs sae arrival in Tibet (as "riman "(amy a sannyBsin (ho in a letterp#blished in$u"ierin "eptember +,,/ stated that he had visited Tibet t(ice since +,-/ and had

    become ac1#ainted (ith several mahatmas incl#din M and K% (ho conirmed that they andothers (ere interested in the (ork o the T" and that M had been &lavatskyIs occ#lt #ardiansince her childhood. %e (ent on$ Iin March +,,- * sa( Mr. Damodar K. Mavalankar at 7Ihassain a convalescent state. %e told me in the presence o Mahatma QK.%.Q that he had been at thepoint o death in the previo#s yearI :3+;. &lavatsky inormed her riend '.D. Khandalavala thatthis letter contained t(o IibsI$ IGaH Damodar never (as at 7hassa nor "riman "(amy either andnot bein permitted to say (here he sa( Damodar he ave a (ron name@ and GbH My Masternever told him (hat he says o me b#t he heard it rom a chelaI :32;.

    *n pril +,/0 &lavatsky (rote an open letter to IMy &rothers o NryBvartaI e5plainin (hy shedid not ret#rn to *ndia. Feerrin to the T"Is role in the rea(akenin o *ndia she stated$

    Most important o all one at least amon yo# has #lly beneited by :the T";@ and i the "ocietyhad never iven to *ndia b#t that one #t#re dept GDBmodarH (ho has no( the prospect obecomin one day a MahBtma Kali )#a not(ithstandin that alone (o#ld be proo that it (asnot o#nded at 'e( )ork and transplanted to *ndia in vain.:33;

    *n +/30 L. de P#r#cker stated that Damodar (as c#rrently (orkin in "hambhala a secretdistrict in central (estern Tibet (here the head1#arters o the adept brotherhood are sit#ated:3C;."ven 6ek (ho devoted many years to compilin the very val#able (ork#modar and the%ioneers o The Theosophi"al Movement s#mmed #p the key role played by Damodar in theearly history o the T" as ollo(s$

    DBmodarIs siniicance to the Theosophical Movement lies not merely in his consistent hard(ork or in his intellient deense o the embattled "ociety b#t primarily in the act that he set astandard or Theosophic cond#ct. O the seventy odd Theosophists (ho presented themselves ordiscipleship DBmodar (as virt#ally the only complete s#ccess. desire to see the depts inperson or to (itness phenomena ca#sed many to accept the riors o chelaship b#t one by one

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    as they placed their o(n personalities and idiosyncracies above the common ood o theMovement ailed. One o the cornerstones #pon (hich the s#perstr#ct#re o the Theosophical "ociety has beenreared is inscribed (ith the name o DBmodar. The desin may be altered as each enerationmakes its contrib#tion b#t the o#ndations laid by the early pioneers (ill remain #ntil Phoeni58

    like a ne( dispensation is iven to the pilrims o this earth and then perhaps o#r chela (illret#rn as an dept in his o(n riht redeemin the an#ished hopes o the many (ho believethat IThere is no reliion hiher than Tr#th.I:3E;


    :+; "ven 6ek Gcomp.H#modar and the %ioneers o the Theosophi"al Movement TheosophicalP#blishin %o#se GTP%H +/4E pp. +3/8C0 C/3@ Michael Lomes IDamodar a %ind# chelaIThe Theosophist "ept. +/,E pp. CC-8E+.:2;#modar p. C/4.:3; *bid. p. C.

    :C; *bid. pp. +C08+ +C3.:E; *bid. p. -@ .T. &arker Gcomp.H The Mahatma $etters to A.%. !innett Theosophicalniversity Press GTPH 2nd ed. +/24 p. C42.:4;#modar pp. C,E84.:-; *bid. pp. EE8,.:,; *bid. pp. 408+@ see "ylvia >ranston R >arey illiams&.%.'.( The )*traordinary $ie +Inluen"e o &elena 'lavats,y TarcherSP#tnam +//3 pp. //8+0+.:/;#modar pp. 2428E@ see >. 9inarB.9inarB

  • 8/13/2019 Damodar K. Mavalankar, A Theosophical Pioneer


    :2C; >harles 9. Fyan&.%. 'lavats,y and the Theosophi"al Movement TP 2nd ed. +/-E p.+00@#modar p. ++.:2E; *bid. p. +E.:24; *bid. p. +4.:2-; *bid. pp. +4 E33.

    :2,; *bid. p. +,@$etters rom the Masters o the -isdom +$4C@ ictor . 6ndersby The &all oMagi" Mirrors %earthstone +/4/ pp. 2//8300.:2/;&.%. 'lavats,y Colle"ted -ritings TP% +/,0 +2$+43@#modar p. +,@'lavats,yColle"ted -ritings +/E0 4$2-2.:30; The $etters o &.%. 'lavats,y to A.%. !innett pp. +E- 2C,8/.:3+; I'e(s o DamodarI &lavatsky rchiveshttp$SS(((.blavatskyarchives.comSsrimans(amy.htm@ Leorey . &arborka The Mahatmasand Their $etters TP% +/-3 pp. 3-38C.:32; I'e(s o DamodarI.:33;'lavats,y Colle"ted -ritings +2$+E/840.:3C;#ialogues o G. de %uru",er TP +/C, +$+CE84.

    :3E;#modar pp. 2+82.

    Source: Exploring Theosophy The Synthesis of Science Religion and !hilosophy

    Da"id !ratt#s $omepage% first published &uly '(((


    The -ritings of Damodar .+Ma"alan/ar:Damodar astes *n *ndiaQ H.

    Damodar: The -ritings of a $indu Chela compiled by S"en E/Castes in 0ndia

  • 8/13/2019 Damodar K. Mavalankar, A Theosophical Pioneer



    by Damodar .+ Ma"alan/ar

    L6'6F7 mis#nderstandin o this term seems to prevail. The pop#lar idea appears to be toconine onesel or hal an ho#rUor at the #tmost t(o ho#rsUin a private room and passivelya?e at oneVs nose a spot on the (all or perhaps a crystal. This is s#pposed to be the tr#e ormo contemplation en

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    elt (orse yet he co#ld never reain his oriinal normal and healthy state o mind and body.'OT6UThis article by Damodar p#blished in the Theosophist dre( correspondence and t(o #rther replies byhim.U6ds.

    nother case came #nder the (riterVs observation at 9#bb#lpore. The entleman concerned ater

    readin Patan

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    correct comprehension o the above scientiic process (ill ive a cl#e to the esoteric meanino meditation or contemplation. "cience teaches #s that man chanes his physical bodycontin#ally and this chane is so rad#al that it is almost imperceptible. hy then sho#ld thecase be other(ise (ith the inner manZ The latter too is constantly developin and chaninatoms at every moment. nd the attraction o these ne( sets o atoms depends #pon the 7a( o

    inityUthe desires o the man dra(in to their bodily tenement only s#ch particles as are enrapport (ith them or rather ivin them their o(n tendency and colorin.

    or "cience sho(s that tho#ht is dynamic and the tho#ht8orce evolved by nervo#s actione5pandin itsel o#t(ardly m#st aect the molec#lar relations o the physical man. The innermen ho(ever s#blimated their oranism may be are still composed o act#al not hypotheticalparticles and are still s#b

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    is said to have attained=irvana. %earin o his (idespread ame a e( sectarian biots (ent tohis >o#rt to test his 9oga8po(er. s soon as they entered the co#rtroom the kin havin readtheir tho#htUa po(er (hich every chela attains at a certain staeUave secret instr#ctions tohis oicials to have a partic#lar street in the city lined on both sides by dancin irls (ho (ereordered to sin the most vol#pt#o#s sons. %e then had some haras GpotsH illed (ith (ater #p

    to the brim so that the least shake (o#ld be likely to spill their contents. The (iseacres each(ith a #llgharaGpotH on his head (ere ordered to pass alon the street s#rro#nded by soldiers(ith dra(n s(ords to be #sed aainst them i even so m#ch as a drop o (ater (ere allo(ed tor#n over.

    The poor ello(s havin ret#rned to the palace ater s#ccess#lly passin the test (ere asked bythe Kin8dept (hat they had met (ith in the street they (ere made to o thro#h. ith reatindination they replied that the threat o bein c#t to pieces had so m#ch (orked #pon theirminds that they tho#ht o nothin b#t the (ater on their heads and the intensity o theirattention did not permit them to take coni?ance o (hat (as oin on aro#nd them. Then9anaka told them that on the same principle they co#ld easily #nderstand that altho#h bein

    o#t(ardly enaed in manain the aairs o his state he co#ld at the same time be an Occ#ltist.%e too (hile inthe (orld (as not othe (orld. *n other (ords his in(ard aspirations had beenleadin him on contin#ally to the oal in (hich his (hole inner sel (as concentrated.

    a8 9ogaenco#raes no sham re1#ires no physical post#res. *t has to deal (ith the inner man(hose sphere lies in the (orld o tho#ht. To have the hihest ideal placed beore onesel andstrive incessantly to rise #p to it is the only tr#e concentration reconi?ed by 6sotericPhilosophy (hich deals (ith the inner (orld o noumena not the o#ter shell ophenomena.

    The irst re1#isite or it is thoro#h p#rity o heart. ell miht the st#dent o Occ#ltism say(ith Aoroaster that p#rity o tho#ht p#rity o (ord and p#rity o deed these are the

    essentials o one (ho (o#ld rise above the ordinary level and

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    passivity they in act allo( the development o medi#mistic ac#lties in themselves. s (asrepeatedly statedUthe dept and the Medi#m are the t(o Poles@ (hile the ormer is intenselyactive and th#s able to control the elemental orces the latter is intensely passive and th#s inc#rsthe risk o allin a prey to the caprice and malice o mischievo#s embryos o h#man beins andUthe 6lementaries.

    D4M1D4R .+ M484342.4R

    C1RRES!12DE2CE 12 9C12TEM!34T012by Damodar .+ Ma"alan/ar


    * reret the (hole article is totally mis#nderstood. ll * meant to say (as that temporaryestranement rom amily or riends does not constit#te an essential 1#aliication oradvancement in occ#ltism. This o#ht to be plain to one (ho (eihs care#lly my ill#stration o9anaka. ltho#h inthe (orld to be not oit. ailin to reali?e the meanin o this importantteachin many people r#sh in rom a sentimental dis#st o (orldliness arisin probably o#t osome (orldly disappointmentUand bein practisin (hat they consider to be a tr#e orm o"ontemplation. The very act that the motive(hich leads them to o in or this practice is asdescribed . . . this act is a s#icient indication that the candidate does not kno( theWcontemplationX o aa8a 9ogi. *t is th#s impossible in the nat#re o thins that he can ollo(the riht method@ and the physical practice (hich he necessarily #ndertakes leads him to thedisastro#s res#lts adverted to in the article.

    ny reader (ho has int#ition eno#h to be a practical st#dent o occ#ltism (ill at once see thatto (ork #p to perection is the hihest ideal that a man can have beore him. That is not the (orko a day nor o a e( years. WThe dept be"omes@ he is 'OT MD6XUis a teachin (hich thest#dent m#st irst reali?e. The aspirant (orks #p to his oal thro#h a series o lives. >ol. Olcottsays in his'uddhist Cate"hism$UX. . . >o#ntless enerations are re1#ired to develop man into addha and the iron (ill to become one runs throughout all the su""essive births.X

    That >iron ;ill?to become perect m#st be in"essantlyoperatin (itho#t a sinle momentVsrela5ation as (ill be apparent to one (ho reads "areully the arti"le as a ;hole.hen it isdistinctly said that d#rin the time that this contemplation is not practiced i.e. the iron (ill isnot e5ertin the process o the emission and attraction o atoms is not stopped and that the

    desires instinctive or other(ise m#st be so re#lated as to attract only s#ch atoms as may bes#ited to his proressU* cannot #nderstand my correspondent (hen he asks me (hat he sho#lddo at a partic#lar ho#r in the mornin. %e sho#ld c#ltivate only s#ch tho#hts as (o#ld not beincompatible (ith the hihest ideal he has to (ork #p to.

    &y perection (hich sho#ld be his hihest ideal G* m#st addH * mean that divinemanhood (hichthe Occ#lt Philosophy contemplates the seventh race o the seventh Fo#nd (ill attain to. This asevery tyro kno(s depends larely #pon a c#ltivation o the eelin o niversal 7ove and hence

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    an earnest desire to do some practical philanthropic (ork is the irst re1#isite. 6ven this state *admit is not absolute pere"tion$ b#t that ma5im#m limit o #ltimate "pirit#al perection isbeyond o#r comprehension at present. That condition can only be intellect#ally reali?ed as apractical ideal by those divine menUDhyan8>hohans. To be identiied (ith T%6 77 (e m#stlive in and eel thro#h it. %o( can this be done (itho#t the reali?ation o the eelin o

    niversal 7oveZ O co#rse deptship is not (ithin the easy reach o all. On the other handocc#ltism does not i5 any #npleasant place or locality or those (ho do not accept its domas. *tonly reconi?es hiher and hiher evol#tion accordin to the chain o ca#sation (orkin #nderthe imp#lse o 'at#reVs imm#table la(. The article on WOcc#lt "t#dyX in the last n#mber :';ives the necessary e5planation on this point.

    :'; The Theosophist March +,,C pp. +3+83.U6ds.

    *t is pain#l or me to ind that the very thin * attempted to point o#t in that article to bemischievo#s in its res#lts is aain p#t or(ard as a desirable attrib#te or ad

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    ass#med the a?in is the ca#se (hich prod#ces contemplationJ &earin this (ell in mind let #sno( see (hat kind o contemplation Gor meditationH the)li*ir o $ierecommends or theaspirants ater occ#lt kno(lede. *t says$

    UWFeasonin rom the kno(n to the #nkno(n meditation m#st be practised and enco#raed.X

    That is to say a "hela

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    *t may no( be not o#t o place to recapit#late (hat has already been said. The irst thin to bedone is to st#dy the a5ioms o Occ#ltism and (ork #pon them by the ded#ctive and the ind#ctivemethods (hich is real contemplation. To t#rn this to a #se#l p#rpose (hat is theoreticallycomprehended m#st be practically reali?ed. *t is to be hoped that this e5planation may make themeanin o the ormer article on this s#b

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    re1#ire dierent details in trainin and dierent men can better rasp the idea clothed indierent e5pressions. This necessity has iven rise to dierent schools o Occ#ltism (hosescope and ideal is the same b#t (hose modes o e5pression and methods o proced#re dier.'ay even the st#dents o the same school have not necessarily a #niormity o trainin. This (illsho( (hy it is that #ntil a certain stae is reached the Chelais enerally let to himsel and (hy

    he is never iven verbal or (ritten instr#ctions reardin the tr#ths o 'at#re. *t (ill also s#estthe meanin o the 'eophyte bein made to #ndero a partic#lar kind o sleep or a certainperiod beore each initiation. nd his s#ccess or ail#re depends #pon his capacity or theassimilation o the bstract Tr#th his hiher sense perceives. %o(ever

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    hiher orm o evol#tion and s#ch other important (ork on a spirit#al plane. They have to do andare doin that (ork no(. 7ittle thereore do the p#blic kno( (hat in reality it is that they ask or(hen they apply or Chelaship. They have to th#s pleded themselves to assist theM%TM" in that spirit#al (ork by the process o sel evol#tion or the enery e5pended bythem in the act o sel p#riication has a dynamic eect and prod#ces rand res#lts on a spirit#al

    plane. Moreover they rad#ally it themselves to take an active share in the rand (ork. *t mayperhaps be no( apparent (hy WT%6 D6PT &6>OM6" %6 *" 'OT MD6X and (hy he isthe Wrare elorescence o the ae.X The oreoin considerations sho#ld never be lost siht o bythe reader o)soteri" 'uddhism.

    The reat diic#lty (hich an ordinarily philosophic mind has to contend aainst is the idea thatconscio#sness and intellience proceed o#t o non8conscio#sness and non8intellience. ltho#han abstr#se metaphysical intellect can comprehend or rather perceive the point s#b

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    oranic rather than inoranic orm. This is a very s#estive idea in reard to the s#bosmic 7a( (hich m#st have its co#rse$ and the nat#ral res#lt is annihilation thro#h thethroes o disinteration. This it is (hich constit#tes the bride the danero#s point in evol#tionreerred to by Mr. "innett in his)soteri" 'uddhism.nd this is (hy selishness (hich is theres#lt o a stron sense o personality is detri8mental to spirit#al proress. This it is thatconstit#tes the dierence bet(een (hite and black maic. nd it is this tendency to (hichreerence is made (hen talkin o the end o a Face. t this period the (hole h#manity splits #p

    into t(o classes the depts o the ood 7a( and the "orcerers Gor#ugpasH. To that period (eare ast r#shin@ and to save h#manity rom a cataclysm (hich m#st overtake those (ho oaainst the p#rposes o 'at#re the M%TM" (ho are (orkin (ith her are endeavo#rinto spread kno(lede in a manner to prevent its ab#se as ar as possible. e sho#ld thereoreconstantly remember that the present is not the ape5 o evol#tion and that i (e (o#ld not beannihilated (e m#st not allo( o#r selves to be inl#enced by a sense o personal isolation andconse1#ent (orldly vanities and sho(s. This (orld does not constit#te ininity nor does o#rsolar system nor does the immeas#rable e5panse o#r physical senses can take conisance o. llthese and more are b#t an ininitesimal atom o the bsol#te *ninity. The idea o personality islimited to o#r physical senses (hich belonin as they do to theupa $o,aG(orld o ormsHm#st perish since (e see no permanent orm any(here. ll is liable to chane and the more (elive in transient personal8ity the more (e inc#r the daner o inal death or total annihilation. *tis only the seventh principle theAdi 'uddha that is the bsol#te Feality. The ob

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    Parabrahm (hich at the time oManvantaraemanates rom itsel%urushaand%ra,riti and(hich th#s #nderoes chane d#rin the period o cosmic activity. s%urushais orce (hichremains imm#table thro#ho#t it is that aspect oMulapra,riti(hich is identical (ith%arabrahm. %ence it is that%urushais said to be the same as%arabrahm or theAbsoluteeality. hile%ra,riti the di8erentiated cosmic matter constantly #nderoes chane and is

    th#s impermanent ormin the basis o phenomenal evol#tion. This is a p#rely s#b

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    dierent portions m#st evidently have been (ritten at dierent times. *t is #ndo#btedly aval#able addition to the e5istin literat#re on the s#b

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  • 8/13/2019 Damodar K. Mavalankar, A Theosophical Pioneer


    C128E2T012 >R1handra &ancr