Daily yoga practice can save hours of study

Yoga is not only meant for several health benefits, but this ancient practice offers multitude of benefits to a student as well. Students these days may suffer from low attention span and lesser retention ability. This results in spending lot of time in learning and revising things. Practicing Yoga daily for 20 minutes can actually save you hours of study time. Daily Yoga Practice can Save Hours of Study Time

Transcript of Daily yoga practice can save hours of study

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Yoga is not only meant for several health benefits, but this ancient practice offers multitude of benefits to a student as well. Students these days may suffer from low attention span and lesser retention ability. This results in spending lot of time in learning and revising things. Practicing Yoga daily for 20 minutes can actually save you hours of study time.

Daily Yoga Practice can Save Hours of Study Time

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Simple Yoga (asanas) to Enhance Student’s Concentration

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Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

It is a cross legged yoga posture which helps in deepen meditation.

Process: Sit on the floor with cross legs while keeping your back straight. Bend the right knee and place it on the left leg and vice-versa. The tip of your index finger and thumb should combine together with your hands on your knees. Now close your eyes and perform deep breathing.

Benefits: It improves digestion, relaxes the mind to a great extent. It even helps in channelizing all negative energy out of your system.

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Vrikshasana (Tree Posture)

This asana helps you to balance your body and also improves concentration.

Process: Stand straight and shift your entire weight on left leg. Bring your right foot as close as your groin region slowly. Raise your hands up in the air over your head and join them in a namaskar. Maintain your balance while taking long inhales and exhales and then repeat the same for the right leg.

Benefits: It helps you to build balance and alertness. It even builds self confidence and esteem and helps in improving concentration among children.

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Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

This pranayama for 5 minutes daily can help in improving concentration to a great extent.

Process: Sit cross legged with your spine absolutely straight. Close your

right nostril with a finger. Inhale and exhale with your left nostril brining attention to your breathe. Now repeat the same with other nostril.

Benefit: It enhances the ability to concentrate.

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Process: Lie down on a mat with your arms and legs spread. Close eyes and take deep breaths. Now try and feel the rising and falling of your chest and abdomen while you breathe and relax your whole body. Scan your body for any muscular tension and consciously try and release it.

Benefit: This helps a student feel relaxed and handles stress and strain effectively.

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Process: Lie on your back with hands supporting mid back. Then slowly and gradually lift your legs and lower body so that the entire weight is supported by your head, neck and shoulders. Stay in this position till you find it comfortable.

Benefit: This asana helps increasing blood circulation in the body which further

leads to awareness and alertness.

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Routine Yoga or meditation can dramatically help you hone your grasping power and other abilities. It is helpful for all – students, working professionals, entrepreneurs, etc.

In addition to this, to improve scores in exams, students can take home

tuition or online tuition from tutors of highest repute from Eduwizards.com. Working professionals can also help their qualifications by taking help in various certification programs.