Daily Schedule – April 29th, 2013

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Transcript of Daily Schedule – April 29th, 2013

  • 7/30/2019 Daily Schedule April 29th, 2013


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    Monday, 29 April 2013

    Bonn Climate Change Conference April 2013

    ADP 2

    Bonn, 29 April

    3 May 2013

    Daily Programme

    Plenary meetings

    Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP)(Open meeting)


    stmeeting (webcast link)

    Plenary Hall

    Clickherefor the full ADP provisional agenda, all corresponding documents and

    the informal notes by the Co-Chairs of the ADP.

    Participants are kindly reminded to consult the CCTV monitors for any last-minute changes. In order to

    reduce paper consumption, the Daily Programme is only made available electronically.

    1. Opening of the session[Item 1 of the provisional agenda]


    2. Organizational matters

    [Item 2 of the provisional agenda]


    Adoption of the agenda

    [Item 2(b) of the provisional agenda]

    Organization of the work of the session

    [Item 2(c) of the provisional agenda]

    3. Implementation of all the elements of decision 1/CP.17

    [Item 3 of the provisional agenda]

    Matters related to paragraphs 2 to 6;

    [Item 3(a) of the provisional agenda]

    Matters related to paragraphs 7 and 8.

    [Item 3(b) of the provisional agenda]

    4. Other matters

    [Item 4 of the provisional agenda]

  • 7/30/2019 Daily Schedule April 29th, 2013


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    Contact Groups, informal consultations, workshops and other meetings of

    the Convention and Protocol bodies


    15.0018.00 Workshop on scope, structure and design of the 2015 agreement*

    (Open to Parties and observers)

    Plenary Hall

    * Additional information on the workshop is available at .

    List of participants

    The provisional list of registered participants will be available electronically on . Reminders for

    verification of Party delegation will be placed at the delegation seat in the plenary prior to the afternoon session

    on Monday, 29 April 2013. Any corrections should be given to Ms. Vera-Lynn Watson (Registration Counter)

    by noon, at the latest, on Wednesday, 1 May 2013.

    Groups other than the Convention and Protocol bodies(Closed meetings)

    Please note that this schedule of daily meetings of Groups other than the Convention and Protocol bodies

    will not be reprinted during the session. Participants are kindly requested to retain their copies of this

    document, and to consult the CCTV monitors for changes or updates.

    08.0009.00 Alliance of Small Island States (WCCB) Meeting

    Room F

    08.0009.00 The Independent Association of Latin America and theCaribbeanCoordination Meeting

    (WCCB) MeetingRoom A

    09.0010.00 Environmental Integrity GroupCoordination Meeting (WCCB) Meeting

    Room A

    09.0010.00 Group of 77 and China (WCCB) Wasserwerk

    09.0010.00 Umbrella Group (LEU) Meeting Room


    13.0014.00 Least Developed CountriesCoordination Meeting (LEU) Meeting Room


    14.0015.00 Group of 77 and China (WCCB) Wasserwerk

    18.0019.00 Alliance of Small Island States (WCCB) Meeting

    Room F

    18.0019.00 African Group (LEU) Meeting Room


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    Welcome reception

    Monday, 29 April 2013 at 7 p.m.

    A welcome reception, hosted by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, nature Conservation and

    Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the City of Bonn and open to all participants, will be held in theBenisch-building of the World conference Centre Bonn.


    This information is available in theInformation for Participants (IFP)brochure.

    Key contacts

    Please note that the information in this section will not be reprinted during the sessions. This information is

    available in theInformation for Participants (IFP)brochure.

    Executive Secretary Ms. Christiana Figueres

    Deputy Executive Secretary Mr. Richard Kinley

    Director for Implementation Strategy Mr. Halldr Thorgeirsson

    Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced

    Action (ADP)

    Mr. Andrew Higham

    Coordinator, Conference Affairs Services Ms. Salwa Dallalah

    Coordinator and Principal Legal Adviser Mr. Dan Bondi Ogolla

    Liaison with Government delegates and registration;

    funding for delegations

    Mr. Horacio Peluffo

    Liaison with observer organizations Ms. Megumi Endo

    Conference Spokesperson Mr. Eric Hall

    Published by the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention

    on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany
