Daily Prophet

English III Ulacit Daily Prophet Newspaper 09/12/2012


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English III


Daily Prophet



Page 2: Daily Prophet

English III

Animal Intelligence_______________________

How easy it’s to Get Information____________

Opportunities for Special


Communication with


Did You Know That There Are So Many Sports

For Handicapped People?_______________________

Which Animals are Considered the most

Intelligent Animals in the World?_________________

The Negative Influence of News on People____

How Do Human Beings Copy Animal Intelligence

to Use Them in Technology?______________________

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Animal Intelligence

First we must know what intelligence is, it is defined as the ability to learn or perform, in

short, understanding and resolving activities with respect to the capabilities possessed.

Regarding to animals, many experts ´opinions are divided if animals are able to have the

same skills and reasoning like us, many scientists think they

lack these skills. In fact I can cite many examples where

animals show some skills to work with a degree of difficulty

which implies using some kind of tool or deducting puzzles.

Anyway, these examples and more information will be

detailed below.

One example that I can cite is the crow and everything that

it does they can make tools, remember faces,

communicate with other crows for resolving

puzzles in group, they can teach each other to

use tools, and they can get food for any food

container known to man. I have seen an

example where the crow drops nuts or seeds

on the road so that the cars can break them

and the animal can go for the food and eat it. But remember, crows are birds they are

small or tiny, so we imagine that crows have little brains maybe compare with ours in size

it is different, but obviously they have a good intelligence.

Another example is in the water, more specific ally in the ocean: dolphins. Many experts

conclude that dolphins are the most intelligent animal in this world, because dolphins

come very close to our own brains ´aptitude levels. That

is suggested by expert Lori Marino. There was a dolphin´s

brain scan to know more about it and found these

details. The brain was large relative to its body a part of

the brain, called the neocortex, was more complex than

our and highly structured allowing self-awareness and

having complex emotions.

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Now dogs, what do we know about them? We know that they are the best friends of man

because at the ability of obedience to their masters, with they learn commands, such as

sit or bed down, the best known to man. According to scientific research, it is said that

dogs have a compression level similar to ours, and they also are aware of the good and

bad. Between dogs, the Border collie breed is called the most intelligent. This is a dog is

widely used for grazing.

Finally, in my opinion, these examples previously mentioned can show us the ability of

animals to reason, analyze or do activities which we thought were impossible for them,

but that makes us think, what is their capacity? If we like humans have the ability to learn

more and more and expand the knowledge of our minds, so it is clear that they can too.

And that is important for the growth of this

world, to reach to get a better world we

know and appreciate, and learn more in

deep the wonders that are in it. Now it is a

fact that animals can do the mentioned

actions, so, who knows? Maybe in the

future, we will not be the dominant species

on earth.

Rodinei Céspedes Fonseca

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How Easy it’s to Get Information

It is common to see that general there is a television in each house; this means that all

families can get information from anywhere, but also the technology is growing up with

the pass of time and people have more options where to get the information from.

A lot of devices can help us on this work, first we can get information from Television,

radio, computers with internet, now the new cell phones have all of that, they have radio,

and internet, nowadays with internet you can get a lot of information and finally you can

get information from call centers or by talking with someone.

In the past, this all new devices did not exist, they had newspaper, which is still used in

the present, but without the frequency in the past, and also talk to each other and get

information in that way. That means that are people which in the past were more

connected to each other and the customs was common, like find newspaper at the door

entrance of your house or have a mailbox and thus communicate.

There are some of these devices that you have to control, for example many children

in their homes have computers with internet and can get information or see inappropriate

things and people can be ripped off in dummy pages in the Internet.

In conclusion, there are a lot of ways how you can get information, but it is your

decision if you want to get information, and recognize whether it is good or bad for the

future of their children, then this in their hands wanting to know also about these new

technologies to pass that wisdom either your parents, mine or anyone else's.

Rodinei Céspedes Fonseca

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Opportunities for Special People

In the world there is a lot of people whit some incapacity or

problem that affects their lives, because they was born with it or

had an accident. Sometimes people think that they cannot have a

normal life, but it is not an excuse for not having a life, because

there are a lot of facilities for them, because they have the right to

have a normal life like the others.

First, the law requires that buildings and public places have

facilities for people with disabilities, some of these facilities are: ramps, grip bar,

mechanical lift, elevators, and in the banks or places where on has to line up, they need to

have a special place for these people.

Second, currently there are different types of prosthesis that

can help people who lost an arm or leg to walk without having to

use a wheelchair or another tool, at the same time allowing the

person to practice a sport. Sometimes prosthesis is not enough,

but the technology can help these people to do their jobs easier

like moving or driving a vehicle.

And the last one is that there are a lot of companies that help

special people to complete their dreams, like climbing mountains which most people

cannot do, running big marathons, cycling and more. There are the Olympic Games for

these people in all categories and they broke a lot of records.

Special people can do the same things like others only they

need the support of their family and the people around them.

We can help them to have a normal life. Only people need to

understand them. Sometimes the prosthesis is so expensive,

and the families do not have enough money to buy them. We

can help and we must do it.

Greivin Moreira V.

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Can the animals communicate with humans? Some people refuse that animals can

communicate, because they think that it is a mimic of humans’ gestures or think that

cannot memorize or talk, but some animals can express feelings and needs, in the same

time learn to use machines to communicate, there are animals who can help the humans

and use his bodies for communicate.

First, there are animals like gorillas that have learned

to communicate with their hands. This is the same

language of the deaf people. An example is a gorilla

named Koko who was born in the San Francisco Zoo,

where she learned over a thousand signs and she

came to understand two thousand English words.

Another example is Michael an African gorilla who

learned six hundred signs and who was a painter.

A second example is the African gray parrot, which

proved to be as smart as a monkey or a dolphin and

not just learned words. The parrot can express

coherent ideas. Scientists estimate that it has the

intelligence of a child of five years and comprises a

basic level of English. It learned concepts like: same,

different, number and size, and can use the word No.

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Finally, there are other animals like dolphins who have their

own way of communication among them and who can

communicate with humans by sounds and movements of their

bodies. Some entities dedicated themselves to studying the

intelligence of these animals trying to find a language between

dolphins and humans. The dolphin is the smartest animal after

the human.

These animals have demonstrated that communication between humans and animals

could be possible. It is not to the level of humans, but with more studies and technological

assistance it be possible that these animals acquire a higher level in their communication

and knowledge which maybe could be used with other animals.

Greivin Moreira V.

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Did You Know That There Are So Many Sports For Handicapped People?

There are no more excuses why handicapped people should not do sports. There are some sports

that are becoming more accessible for disabled people. One of the most common

sport is swimming that can be used for kids and adults. Also

basketball on wheel chair is one of the most popular.

Another activity which is not that common but is also

interesting is weight fighting. Those are sports that

everyone can enjoy but also handicapped people can

enjoy it thanks to the options that they now have.

Swimming is a pretty sport that is

recommended by many doctors for disabled people.

In this way they are motivated to increase their

possibility of

movement and the

feeling of independence.

Swimming is one of a few sports where you can work

out almost a hundred percent of your body, internal as well as

external parts. With this sport you can develop the force of

your arms, legs, chest, back, and neck. Your lungs have to be

able to hold your breath under water .If you start since you are

little , you are more able to grow the possibility to improve

your holding breath time as well as you develop your muscles to be stronger

and faster.

Basketball in wheelchair is one of the most common

sports (plural) for disabled people in the United States of America. As well as normal basketball for

normal people, Basketball is a rude sport, the rules are not so different and the same for the

equipment they need. The court is the same size. These one could be harder than the normal

because they have to crush their chair against each other so hard trying to get the opponent to let

the ball fall and sometimes they fall off the wheelchair. They need to have so much strength in

their arms to move anywhere in the court and also to throw the ball to the basket ring.

Weight fighting is also one of the sports that use a lot of strength because they use their

bodies a lot. They are developing the speed of their movements because if not, they might lose.

This activity also helps to get rid of all kinds of stress and depression from their daily lives. They

also develop speed time of reaction from one movement to another.

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Finally, I think handicapped people have lots of opportunities to overcome their obstacles.

If somebody knows people with a disability, whether mentally or physical, you can tell them that

they can enjoy sports that are available to develop their abilities. They could also be able to have a

social life with others just like them. Handicapped people can increase their participation in

competitive sports and equal access to them. We all have to think in favor of this kind of people

because in anytime we can have somebody near us who

wants to participate in this kind of activities so we can

encourage them to be part of thousands of people

who practice sports.

Maria Calderon Mora

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Which Animals Are Considered the Most Intelligent Animals in the World?

It is not a secret that scientists have done lots of researches about animal intelligence. As a result

of those experiments, we have seen that animals are so much like humans. All different kinds of

animals have showed at least one type of emotion, such as playfulness, happiness, sadness, joy,

mourning, etc. We can see that animals can be so attached to us,

just like a member of a family. If you have a dog, you can see

that by the time you get home the dog gets so excited to see

you, but when you leave, you also can see his/ her sad face.

Animals can do lots of things, such as imitating someone or

something. They are so intelligent. In this essay I will show you,

the smartest three animals in the world that are elephants,

dolphins and chimpanzees.

Elephants are considered the most intelligent animals in

the world. Elephants have a huge brain that can weigh over five kilograms. These animals are so

intelligent that can express emotions and feelings. Elephant are also capable of learning new facts

and also new behaviors just like humans. They can mimic sounds, they can display compassion,

play, perform artistic activities and even paint. Elephants as well as humans are

not born with survival instincts but in the process of growing up within

10 years, they get to know and learn all those instincts, and they are

considered them as adults once they have developed them. Elephants

have the capacity to learn and remember facts they have lived and that

is why they also can feel depressed for someone of their herd. But

they are also very playful animals because they have a great sense of

humor, for example they fill in their trunks with water and throw it

out like a fountain.

The second animal is the dolphin. The dolphin is considered the

second smartest animal in the world because their intelligence,

capacity to learn and memory. They also have a very huge ability to

learn and remember and scientist also have discovered that dolphins have long-term memory.

That means that they can remember so many memories from several years ago. Dolphins do not

imitate human movements but they can communicate through sounds and body gestures.

Dolphins can know when food such as fish and other see animals are nearby via ultrasounds

because they have a huge sense of audience. Scientists have also discovered that dolphins can live

30 to 40 years and may have their own dialect.

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The third smartest animal is the chimpanzee. Scientists have discovered that chimpanzees

are like humans. They tend to be in groups, participate in aggressive activities and also help each

other. They are sociable animals capable of empathy and make relationships with others. They are

also so intelligent that can learn what is wrong or right from experiences they have lived and

through examples and repeating what others do. It has also been

seen that chimpanzees have overcome humans in

some memory tasks. Chimpanzees just like other

animals have experienced the feeling of mourning

when a member of a group dies. Happiness, joy and

playfulness have been also felt by these creatures.

In conclusion, we all must think and

investigate about these animals that I just talked

about. This essay shows us a little bit of what

animals can do. Things as painting show their

emotions and playing with a human being. We also must think that we do not have to mistreat

them because they are creatures that deserve respect and love just like a human. There are some

animals that have been killed just to make a sweater out of their skin or purses etc. We must think

that animals are so capable of doing lots of smart moves and tricks. We have to take really good

care of our animals.

Maria Calderon Mora

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The Negative Influence of News on People

Throughout the years, news has been our main information channel. People consider it useful

because they get informed about what is happening outside the country or in the country. News

can help us to know good acts of citizens or things like that. However, media competition is not

only good, indeed it can be negative for people.

News makes people think about if news can affect them. Constant crimes and traffic

accidents are shown and create a sense of insecurity among people. They believe that something

could happen to them. A related fact happens if people see on the news that many people are

being fired. They go to apply for a job, but without any expectation of acquiring it. An example of

this is when an economic crisis affects a country. When people see it on the news people

immediately stop buying, as a consequence the economy falls quickly.

News makes people have a wrong perspective about things. Sometimes news is biased and

says things that people like to hear. For instance, much news goes against the government, or in

some cases the reporters do not do a correct investigation and affect a company. People become

news addict, what obviously causes the reporters to concentrate on creating biased news. It

causes people to have a biased thought which is very hard to destroy. As a consequence, we have

a country without critical thought which prefers that people do not think.

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There is also show business news.

This kind of news makes people get

addicted seeing what happens with his or

her favorite celebrity. Occasionally, it

becomes like the principal topic of

conversation among some people who

convert this into gossip. However, most of

the news shown on these television shows

is not true which make us think whether these shows are good for people. Besides some people

try to copy their behaviors, their clothes and many other things which makes people lose their

identity. Finally, the copying of the celebrities could make people imitate dangerous behaviors

that could damage their bodies like anorexic or bulimic behaviors.

As mentioned above, the fact that the news is not only good is absolutely true. News can

lead people to adapt many bad behaviors, like the ones seen on show business television shows or

an inefficient critical thought. However, it is up to us if we really take this information and avoid

being news junkies or if we keep doing the same.

Jonathan Josías Mora Ramírez.

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How Do Human Beings Copy Animal Intelligence to Use Them in Technology?

Some people say animals are not intelligent, but they are wrong. Animal intelligence is not known

at all; every single day, animals show us that we do not know anything about them. Day after day,

we are shocked about an electronic appliance that a group of engineers developed, and have you

ever wondered if they were copying animal characteristics? Many people would say that it is not

true, but evidence proves that contrary to people’s opinion, we every day copy them to develop

better and more accurate appliances. I will show three examples how humans copy animal

characteristics to use them to human service.

The first is about sharks. Many

swimmers broke world records, and it

has a close relation with sharks. Its

swimsuit was inspired by shark scales

and how it makes them swim faster than

many other aquatic animals. Its scales

are so small; indeed, sharks have ten

scales per millimeter which make lots of

micro-turbulences where water rotates

close to the body surface and reduces

the drag effect. The Speedo swimsuit

was designed with an imitation of shark

scales that allow swimmers to swim

faster and without the drag effect. Also,

this technology is applied to ships with a special hull paint named Haifischhaut which reduces the

drag effect and make ships glide better on water.

The second is the gecko. They are known

by their capacity to climb vertical walls challenging

gravity laws, but its secret is on their feet. Their

feet have many micro hairs which make them

stick on a wall. Also, this is possible because every

wall or place has micro irregularities where the

micro hairs are inserted. Researchers are

developing a tape that can stick and be peeled off

without any loss of sticking capacity. Moreover,

they are trying to create gloves and shoes with

this ability. It would not be strange to see someone cleaning windows at a building like Spiderman.

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The final one is about fish and how engineers are copying them to avoid car accidents. It is

very interesting to analyze how they do not crush with another fish while they are swimming in

the shoal. They can see a fish around them due to their eyes and a special sense organ called

lateral line. Then they react first matching the speed of the fish beside and taking distance from

them. Second, they draw nearer to a fish that is farther, and finally they avoid the contact

changing the direction. As a consequence, a Japanese car manufacturer created tiny robot cars

that can travel in group without having a car accident. Instead of eyes, they have communication

technologies and instead of lateral line they use a laser. The goal of the company is to use this

technology for

real cars, and to

finish with the car

accidents which

cause suffering to

people and their


As we

could see there

are many

examples how

technology is

copied by

humans to

develop better

appliances used

in daily life,

sports and many

other fields. It is a

fact that we have to use those wonderful characteristics to human service. It is remarkable to see

how useful has become for instance the Speedo swimsuit to get the best from swimmers and as a

consequence improve amazingly the world records. The examples mentioned before and above

show us that, contrary to people who believe that we cannot learn anything useful about them,

we can learn a lot from them! Now I think more than before that we have to take care of animals

because it could be the solution to all human problems and with every can or bottle we throw to

the environment, we are destroying our best allies to live better.

Jonathan Josías Mora Ramírez