Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1910-03-01dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-03-01.pdf · 2012....

Mrs. with at the hospl- better yesterday. W. Ryden, U. S. N., of N. H., spent Friday with Katherine Nebe and Lela are spending the week-end the guests of Miss Elsie 0hI entertained at the chap- Bijou -., ...... Y ...... Three Shows ' Daily (Iul ..... ...... ,) MADELINE SAO)[ last evening. Dr. and Mrs. The Gre&Cl Vlolbdst from tile Dr. and Mrs. TltzeU were A. Rice has returned to In Mapleton where he Is he takes the state board tions In June here. He semester from mTems Show. at .,: U lid p. m.-lOe ud lec. MaUn8a every d&7 but all1 .. at 1 eC, ucept SudaJ Holiday. when evenlD, prl_ w\II charged. BellB Library Unitarian w. Burr, L. '73, of ============ has S"old his law library to Thomas A. Beard- Burr retired from the pursuits of his profes- Cor. GUben &lid Rev. S. S. Loring, SUNDAY MORNING AT 11:. FOUR 8ERMONS: EVOLUTION AND RELImOI Feb. 27. Evolution 8Dd the Ida God. to matters !\larch 6. The ' high POliti. !\(an by Evolution. LDREN L l WEEK COMMENCING nday 28 Feb. TH BROS. COMfDIANS -with- Sport North AND ZO OTHERS - including the - CHICAGO LADIES OIlCHESTRA Prices lOc-ZOc-30c March 13. Evolution 8Dd TtIIb. !\(arch 20. The Place of Ifill Evolution. Study OIa. at 10 WJth lecture on Jonah. YOUNG PEOPLES 800IETf iT With paper on The Tarilf ProbI. !\(r. I. C. Preston. Without doubt gd your meals at the OIYlTIpian Mostly for the ious people. Regular meals Only 25 and cents. MANUFAOl'URIID BY R PURITY CANDY CO. l8Ie b,: Clgar8rore.. York BaIdDg 00., Pordl. DBS MOINB8, lOW 4.. OUR 8PJ1lClALTlE8: Ohocolatel, WbuJ80r Pure 8up1' SUck, U.Qm·JI'.at,.Bm J[fueI WlDclior Pare Butter Seotda, "STUNG." 200 PAIR PARTY PUMPS AND HOUSE SLIPPERS Two, and Three Strap Slippers, Sandala, IUd ... in Patent Leatber, Kid, Demi·Glaze, aDd GUD MetaL lUST IN - LATEST OUT MUELLER BROS., 115 CLINTON ST. do Oollege Printing-We G1W&Iltee Good sn. Procrama, Club Stationery, lIaUl, G_ Boob, We baYe more utided OUItomen tbu cIoIJarI- L Mfl,r.- PIUlft'INQ 00.. D.8I IIOIDI 10W£ DfNIAt CLINIC NtXI WffK - -- , JlAOOII 8 AND 9 ARE DATES SET ... FOR )IEETING. l.aw l11li1 Lo e Kembel'. '1 HAWKIYfS MIfT DRAKI Em""1 . QUI NUT THIS tnNING FIRST APPEARANOE OF VISITING lIJerton L. Ferson, LL.M., SQUAD. NOTED HJ8TOR) AL WJUTEH WILL SPEAK HEHE IN Professor Cox to Addre Hlstonca .&.odatioL Central Bank Discus- sion by Experienced Debaters CLASH fOR DfBA If PBlLO AND IBVJ1fG MEm' TO- NIGHT. Ian of the law college of the unlvet Arranged slty, has permitted his friends to an- Drake SN 8traJcbt LIne at Dtfe&ta I On. ot the .pesken who will ap- pear on the program .ot the Mlsllsslp- pi Valle}' Historical association at of DpbatJng Teams are all to Begin 'l'uesday HonWaac- -LOcal 8tudents Desire TWfl Game With GrbmeIL " president of the Ot.lo Valley Historl- Iowa City In May Is Isaac Joslin Cox, };Xllerlellccd Men-.lrvhac 1B Prt!8eltt Champion. nounce his candidacy for supreme court reporter. Tbe endorsement of the Johnson cal 88soclatlon and J,lToteelOT of hlll- The tblrd annual championship Tonight at 7: 30 the Hawkeye baa- tory In the University of Cincinnati. On March 8 and 9 will be held the County Bar association recently was leventh annual alumni clinic of the ketbalJ squad will m et the five from Prot. Cox Is a "'s torlcal writer an-' debate will be held at the new scl- heartUy given In the following res- IU U college ot dentistry. TIlls Is an Insti- Drake university In the IIrst game speaker ot considerable note and has ence auditorium at 8 o'dock this olutions: "Be It resolved by the Bar titian for both students and alumnI. which tbe two teams have ever been particularly active In the ad- evening. PhlJomathtan and Irving In- association of Johnson county, Iowa, Demonstrations will be given by men ed on the Iowa tloor. vancement of history In the middle that the hearty Indorsement ot this sUtute, the wJnners In the preliminar- Ies, wlJI clash In an elfort to carry oft high In the profession and extensive exhibits of dental tools are made by manufacturing companies. Following are the omcers of the association ot the college of dlllltietry: President, Dr. J. B. Monfort, Falr- fteld; vice-president, Dr. J. G. Hilde- association Is hereby given the dacy of 1I1r. M. L. Ferson for supTeme court reporter. Mr. Ferson's ex per- lence In the c1aBilflcation of law as librarian of the college of law of th e Tbe Hawkeye! met Ithe Blue and west. White aggregation ' at Des MOlrel a year ago and again this lealo, but thi s Is the first time that the ?rake fiv e bas Invalled the local camti. At o the Iowa Professor Cox graduated from the university debating champlon- Dart.mouth In 1896. Since then he ship. haa been connected as graduate stu- The question, "Re80lv d, that the dent or teacher with the University federal government sbould establish of Texas, the University of Pennsyl- a bank 01 the United States, consU- state university, his experience as a t1cceeded In whipping the van4a, the University ot Chicago, the tutlonally granted," will be amrmed. \ practitioner, his scholarly attaln- Uans to the tune of 26 to 8. The vls- University of Wlseonsln, and the Un- by Irving Institute. ments and ability and sterling char- brand, Waterloo; secretary, Dr. H. Itors have also lo st @everal games to .verslty of Cincinnati. He Is the au- All ot t he d ebate rs are men ot ex- acter peculiarly fit him for the work, H. Gardner, Williamsburg; treasur- the Aggie team, and In tact have not thor of "The Early Settlers of San perlenc In public slleal<lng. C. E. and this assoclat1on earnestly and fr, Dr. J. J. Booth, Marlon; Supt. won a game this season. Consequent- Fernando," " The Southwest Bound- Coull r, th leader of the Irving confidently recommends him for nom- 01' clinics, Dr. F. B. James, Wilton Junction; executive committee, Drs. F. E. Miller, E . A. Rogers, W. S. Hosford; ethics and membership, Drs. F. T. Breene, C. 'i V. Bruner, Geo. P . Kler; publication cOIllmlttee, Drs. J. J. Cameron, H. H. Gardner, C. A. Inatlon for th office Iy but little fears are entertained 10- ary of Texas," "The Early Explora- team, was a member of the fre shma n of s uprem o cally that the Hawkeyes will have tlon of Louisiana," and nu'meroue team, th Irving championship team any dlmculty whatever In vanqulsh- other monographs and historical con- of '08 and was on the varsity last J\1r. Ferson Is anotber of thp. Ing their opponents this evening. trlbutlons. rear against Wlsconl1n. court reporter." lDany alumni of the univer sity to this year become :t candidate for a state pOSition. In 1896, he enrolle!l A great deal of agJtation Is sUlI The Mississippi Valley Historical Joe McConnell was prominent In going on concerning the state cham- association is fortunate in securing debate at Coe and led the Irving jun- plonsbip 1n basketball circles. But Professor Cox as a speaker. The ex- tor team lut year. In the liberal arts college. He grad- lIdJlderry; entertainment, Dr. R. H. two teams have any claim tp tILe ti- ecutlve committee has reeetved f .... Rue1l Lf,ptt led the Irvin, fresh- uated from that ('ollege in 1900 and Volland; master of exhibits, Dr. H. tIe whatever, Grinnell and Iowa orable replies from oeber promtnent mu ud the victorious Irvfn, cham- In 1901, received the degree of LL.D. Harrow; badges, H. C. Pelton; ClIn- Ing tied for first honors, eaclJ with men, so that exceedingly Interesting plona'llip team lut year. after excellent work in the law col- Ham 111. Tullar lead, the Philo- kal assistants, Drs. C. W. Wilkinson a victory over the other. Students in and a .ttra.ctlve programs are assured. lege. He immediately entered prac- (operative), H. E. Mitchell (opera- both Institution!! are anxious to have The lesslons of the MI88lsslppl Valley mathlan team. He Is an old soclety Uce at Guthrie Center with E. W. ,live)' W. E. Spence (Prosthesis). the decisive contest played oft jn the Historical association will occur on and Intercollegiate debater of U. I. Weeks. In 1902 he became law li- The program of this year's clinic near future . But at prelent It seems Thursday and Frlday, >.lay 26 and 27 . U. brarlan. .. 1\11 commence on Tuesday, Marc'b 8 Ud Is as follows: Tuesday. 9 a. m. Registration-Hail of den- tistry. 9 a. m. Pathological club meeting Room 17. Mr. Ferson has always been char- 2cterlzed by his Industry. While en- gaged In his duties as law IIbrar- ian he also found time to study for his degree of Master of Law which be received In 190 5. Contl'llct Let. Improbable that such a game wlJl be On Wednesday, May 25, there will be 11'. F. Fillhburn i8 a former acade- played on account of the unfavorable II. meeting ot The State Historical So- my debater and led the '09 Philo attitude on the part of the Congrega- ('Iety of Iowa and a conference of the championship' team. Edward Goetch tlonaliats. According to the agree- auxiliary members of this SOCiety Oll was prominent In debate at the Iowa ment a third game should be pulled matters connected with the historical State Teachers' college. oft on the local floor, but the GrJn- Intere ts of tha stato. Th e judges selected by the partlc- nell management has declared Its re- fusal to come to Iowa City. The local H umanJ8t Society Lecture. Ipants are Judge Ney, S. K. Steven- son and Lleut. M. C. Mumma. Ches- 2 p. m. Pathological club meeting. 3:30 P. m. Business meeting of team Is anxious to have a third The Humanist SOCiety met last eve- ter A. orey p Ide t f th In preparation for the annual In- ' ,ce- res n 0 e ga me, thus settling the championship nlng at the home of Professor R. H. Forensic league will preside at t'he Alumni Association. terscholastlc meet to be held here In 3:30. p. m. President's address. May, the university board of athlet- 7:30 p. m. Lecture, "Science and Ics has let the contract for tbe med- Dentistry" by Dr. Geo. Chicago. W. Cook, of als and cups to Keith & McC hesney of this city. Paper, "Dabbling In Arsenic" by F. W. Frahm of Pella. Question beyonn a doubt. Dl'Otnstic Club Announces ea t. Rebearsals for "The GenJus", the three-act comedy made famous by Nat Goodwin nnd Edna GoodI1ch Volland. Profes so r F . . Eastman contest. read a paper cn "Witches In Fiction Much Interest centers around this and In Fact." The paper gave an ac- contest. The hard tought prellmlnar- co unt -ot witchcraft, spiritualism, les give promise of a close tlnal. The spectra Is, and other occult manlfe s- first championship contest was won tations. The most of these were con- hy Zetagathlan. Last year Irving In- Ul1eral arts auditorium . Wrecking Historicul Building. whiCh the Dramatic club Is working sldered as reterable to Innate fear, st'ltute carried oft these honors and One of Iowa City's historical bulld- Wednesday. on are In full swing now. It will be credulity, deceit, legerdermaln , or Is especfal1y desirous of repeating Ings on East Washington street Is 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Clinical llrogram beiJ:g wrecked. It is a three story dental Infirmary. strllct ure built In the early fifties for A tull program of has been It hotel, famous as the "Crummy arranged and the names of the doc- House." In 1860, Stephen A. :Qouglas presented on April 28 at the Coldren. other tr1ckery. The hypothesis 01 the event. It'ollowlng Is the cast of characters mental telepathy and clairvoyance Phllomathlan has survived two out who are working under the dJrection was considered and these posslblUtle of the thTee preliminary contests and of Miss Gertrude Johnson of the pub- taken , together with the known tacts Is determined to fight to a finish. , tora giving them will be printed in an lIc speaktng department: campaigning against Lincoln, ot hynosls, dual selfhood, etc., make The two teams are well balanced tarly l88ue of the Dally Iowan. Twenty exhibitors will have tools 011 all day Tuesday. To Abolish Athletics Gradually. WIlS a guest at the old 'house. Invitation to Wyer. Chief Ulbrarlan Wyer 'has received an Invitation to appear before the It II reported ,In the Des Moines American Library association In July Plpers that the majority of the state with a paper on "Selection and Pur- \aard at education Is In sympathy chase of Books." lltb Chairman Trewln's opinion In rtgard to Intercollegiate athletics. LJbrary Club Notice. Aceorcftnl to report. gradual meas- The Library club will meet Tues- -- 11'111 probably be taken by the day evening, March 1, at the home ot . \aard tending toward the abollah- Miss Shafter. Miss Roberts will read lIIent of all except Interela88 con- the paper on "The InventiOD of pnat. letll at the tbree state schools.. Ing." Jack Sp"nser-Clarkson Miller. the remaining Instances reterable to and after lIeveral months of careful Otto Vogelsberger-Clark Burk- normal or abnormal mental states. research, are prepared to thresh helmer. out the central bank question . Victor LeMercler-Sumner Chase. Bryan McGonegal-F. F. Dugan. Clutterbuct-J. P. Keefe. Cyril Farquar-Roscoe Patch. Cyrus Jentlnl-R. J. Vlgers. Nell Graham-Lucile Emerson. Josephlne-lI,rrl )lorse. Mra. Van Duaen-Jesllca Don Car- los. LlIly--Garrle Bradley. . Mill Trevor""!Neva Sterrett. Professor Plum IDj1tred. Professor H. G. Plum fell on th Iowa lWIe Team Leads. stairs at his home last Saturday eve· Columbia university of New York, nlng, Injuring his back and Is c09 W"bJngton State college and the fined to his home. The seriousness or University of Iowa are tied for first the injury cannot he determined. place In the Intercolleg!ate Indoor rtlle shooting league tournament as Fisher Speab at AaMnblr. result of last week'! matches . Iowa Protessor C. R. FisheT, head of the IIChool of music, will give an address made the highest average, 1786, and on a musical at the regular Wuhlncton State college came next weekly anembly ·Wednesday. with an average of 1183.

Transcript of Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1910-03-01dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-03-01.pdf · 2012....

  • Mrs.


    at the u~verslty hospl-

    better yesterday.

    W. Ryden, U. S. N., of

    N. H., spent Friday with

    Katherine Nebe and Lela

    are spending the week-end

    the guests of Miss Elsie

    0hI entertained at the chap-

    Bijou -., ...... Y ......

    Three Shows' Daily (Iul ..... ......,)

    MADELINE SAO)[ last evening. Dr. and Mrs. The Gre&Cl Vlolbdst from tile

    Dr. and Mrs. TltzeU were

    A. Rice has returned to

    In Mapleton where he Is

    he takes the state board

    tions In June here. He

    semester from

    mTems Show. at .,: U lid p. m.-lOe ud lec.

    MaUn8a every d&7 but all1 .. at 1 eC, ucept SudaJ Holiday. when evenlD, prl_ w\II charged.

    BellB Library Unitarian w. Burr, L. '73, of ============ has S"old his law library

    to Thomas A. Beard-

    Burr retired from the

    pursuits of his profes-

    Cor. GUben &lid

    Rev. S. S. Loring,



    Feb. 27. Evolution 8Dd the Ida God.

    to matters !\larch 6. The 'high POliti. !\(an by Evolution.



    nday 28 Feb.


    -with-Sport North

    AND ZO OTHERS - including the -CHICAGO LADIES

    OIlCHESTRA Prices lOc-ZOc-30c

    March 13. Evolution 8Dd TtIIb. !\(arch 20. The Place of Ifill

    Evolution. Study OIa. at 10

    WJth lecture on Jonah. YOUNG PEOPLES 800IETf iT

    With paper on The Tarilf ProbI. !\(r. I. C. Preston.

    Without doubt gd

    your meals at the

    OIYlTIpian Mostly for the

    ious people.

    Regular meals Only 25 and 3~



    R PURITY CANDY CO. l8Ie b,:

    Clgar8rore.. York BaIdDg 00., • Pordl.

    DBS MOINB8, lOW 4.. OUR 8PJ1lClALTlE8: ~ Ohocolatel, WbuJ80r Pure 8up1' SUck, U.Qm·JI'.at,.Bm J[fueI

    WlDclior Pare Butter Seotda, "STUNG."


    Two, and Three Strap Slippers, Sandala, IUd ... in Patent Leatber, Kid, Demi·Glaze, aDd GUD MetaL



    do Oollege Printing-We G1W&Iltee Good sn. Procrama, Club Stationery, lIaUl, G_ Boob,

    We baYe more utided OUItomen tbu cIoIJarI-

    L Mfl,r.- PIUlft'INQ 00.. D.8I IIOIDI 10W£

    ~NUAl DfNIAt CLINIC t1)8~[~ts NtXI WffK - -- , JlAOOII 8 AND 9 ARE DATES SET ...


    l.aw l11li1 Lo e




    lIJerton L. Ferson, LL.M., SQUAD.



    Professor Cox to Addre Hlstonca


    Central Bank Discus-sion by Experienced





    Ian of the law college of the unlvet

    Arranged slty, has permitted his friends to an- Drake SN 8traJcbt LIne at Dtfe&ta I

    On. ot the .pesken who will ap-pear on the program .ot the Mlsllsslp-pi Valle}' Historical association a t ~Jembers of DpbatJng Teams are all

    to Begin 'l'uesday HonWaac- -LOcal 8tudents Desire TWfl Game With GrbmeIL " president of the Ot.lo Valley Historl-

    Iowa City In May Is Isaac Joslin Cox, };Xllerlellccd Men-.lrvhac 1B Prt!8eltt Champion.

    nounce his candidacy for supreme

    court reporter.

    Tbe endorsement of the Johnson cal 88soclatlon and J,lToteelOT of hlll-The tblrd annual championship Tonight at 7: 30 the Hawkeye baa- tory In the University of Cincinnati. On March 8 and 9 will be held the County Bar association recently was

    leventh annual alumni clinic of the ketbalJ squad will m et the five from Prot. Cox Is a "'storlcal writer an-' debate will be held at the new scl-heartUy given In the following res- IU U

    college ot dentistry. TIlls Is an Insti- Drake university In the IIrst game speaker ot considerable note and has ence auditorium at 8 o'dock this olutions : "Be It resolved by the Bar

    titian for both students and alumnI. which tbe two teams have ever play~ been particularly active In the ad- evening. PhlJomathtan and Irving In-association of Johnson county, Iowa,

    Demonstrations will be given by men ed on the Iowa tloor. vancement of history In the middle that the hearty Indorsement ot this

    sUtute, the wJnners In the preliminar-

    Ies, wlJI clash In an elfort to carry oft high In the profession and extensive

    exhibits of dental tools are made by

    manufacturing companies.

    Following are the omcers of the

    ~umni association ot the college of dlllltietry:

    President, Dr. J. B. Monfort, Falr-

    fteld; vice-president, Dr. J . G. Hilde-

    association Is hereby given the candl~

    dacy of 1I1r. M. L. Ferson for supTeme

    court reporter. Mr. Ferson's ex per-

    lence In the c1aBilflcation of law as

    librarian of the college of law of the

    Tbe Hawkeye! met Ithe Blue and west.

    White aggregation' at Des MOlrel a

    year ago and again this lealo, but

    this Is the first time that the ?rake

    five bas Invalled the local camti. At

    o the Iowa

    Professor Cox graduated from the university debating champlon-

    Dart.mouth In 1896. Since then he ship.

    haa been connected as graduate stu- The question, "Re80lv d, that the

    dent or teacher with the University federal government sbould establish

    of Texas, the University of Pennsyl- a bank 01 the United States, consU-state university, his experience as a

    t1cceeded In whipping the Chrls~ van4a, the University ot Chicago, the tutlonally granted," will be amrmed.\ practitioner, his scholarly attaln-

    Uans to the tune of 26 to 8. The vls- University of Wlseonsln, and the Un- by Irving Institute. ments and ability and sterling char-

    brand, Waterloo; secretary, Dr. H. Itors have also lost @everal games to .verslty of Cincinnati. He Is the au- All ot the debaters are men ot ex-acter peculiarly fit him for the work,

    H. Gardner, Williamsburg; treasur- the Aggie team, and In tact have not thor of "The Early Settlers of San perlenc In public slleal.lay 26 and 27 . U. brarlan. • .. 1\11 commence on Tuesday, Marc'b 8

    Ud Is as follows: Tuesday.

    9 a. m. Registration-Hail of den-tistry.

    9 a. m. Pathological club meeting

    Room 17.

    Mr. Ferson has always been char-

    2cterlzed by his Industry. While en-

    gaged In his duties as law IIbrar-

    ian he also found time to study for

    his degree of Master of Law which

    be received In 1905.

    ~Jedl\l Contl'llct Let.

    Improbable that such a game wlJl be On Wednesday, May 25, there will be 11'. F. Fillhburn i8 a former acade-

    played on account of the unfavorable II. meeting ot The State Historical So- my debater and led the '09 Philo attitude on the part of the Congrega- ('Iety of Iowa and a conference of the championship' team. Edward Goetch

    tlonaliats. According to the agree- auxiliary members of this SOCiety Oll was prominent In debate at the Iowa

    ment a third game should be pulled matters connected with the historical State Teachers' college.

    oft on the local floor, but the GrJn- Intere ts of tha stato. The judges selected by the partlc-

    nell management has declared Its re-

    fusal to come to Iowa City. The local H umanJ8t Society Lecture. Ipants are Judge Ney, S. K. Steven-

    son and Lleut. M. C. Mumma. Ches-2 p. m. Pathological club meeting.

    3:30 P. m. Business meeting of team Is anxious to have a third The Humanist SOCiety met last eve- ter A. orey v· p Ide t f th In preparation for the annual In- ' ,ce- res n 0 e game, thus settling the championship nlng at the home of Professor R. H. Forensic league will preside at t'he ~e Alumni Association. terscholastlc meet to be held here In

    3:30. p. m. President's address. May, the university board of athlet-7:30 p. m. Lecture, "Science and Ics has let the contract for tbe med-

    Dentistry" by Dr. Geo.

    Chicago. W. Cook, of als and cups to Keith & McChesney

    of this city. Paper, "Dabbling In Arsenic" by

    ~. F. W. Frahm of Pella.

    Question beyonn a doubt.

    Dl'Otnstic Club Announces ea t. Rebearsals for "The GenJus", the

    three-act comedy made famous by

    Nat Goodwin nnd Edna GoodI1ch

    Volland. Professo r F . . Eastman contest.

    read a paper cn "Witches In Fiction Much Interest centers around this

    an d In Fact." The paper gave an ac- contest. The hard tought prellmlnar-

    count -ot witchcraft, spiritualism, les give promise of a close tlnal. The

    spectra Is, and other occult manlfes- first championship contest was won

    tations. The most of these were con- hy Zetagathlan. Last year Irving In-

    Ul1eral arts auditorium. Wrecking Historicul Building.

    whiCh the Dramatic club Is working sldered as reterable to Innate fear, st'ltute carried oft these honors and One of Iowa City's historical bulld-

    Wednesday. on are In full swing now. It will be credulity, deceit, legerdermaln, or Is especfal1y desirous of repeating Ings on East Washington street Is 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Clinical llrogram beiJ:g wrecked. It is a three story

    dental Infirmary. strllcture built In the early fifties for A tull program of clln~c8 has been

    It hotel, famous as the "Crummy arranged and the names of the doc- House." In 1860, Stephen A. :Qouglas

    presented on April 28 at the Coldren. other tr1ckery. The hypothesis 01 the event.

    It'ollowlng Is the cast of characters mental telepathy and clairvoyance Phllomathlan has survived two out

    who are working under the dJrection was considered and these posslblUtle of the thTee preliminary contests and

    of Miss Gertrude Johnson of the pub- taken, together with the known tacts Is determined to fight to a finish. , tora giving them will be printed in an lIc speaktng department:

    1V~lIe campaigning against Lincoln, ot hynosls, dual selfhood, etc., make The two teams are well balanced

    tarly l88ue of the Dally Iowan.

    Twenty exhibitors will have tools

    011 ~hlbltlon all day Tuesday.

    To Abolish Athletics Gradually.

    WIlS a guest at the old 'house.

    Invitation to Wyer.

    Chief Ulbrarlan Wyer 'has received

    an Invitation to appear before the

    It II reported ,In the Des Moines American Library association In July

    Plpers that the majority of the state with a paper on "Selection and Pur-

    \aard at education Is In sympathy chase of Books." lltb Chairman Trewln's opinion In

    rtgard to Intercollegiate athletics. LJbrary Club Notice.

    Aceorcftnl to report. gradual meas- The Library club will meet Tues-

    -- 11'111 probably be taken by the day evening, March 1, at the home ot . \aard tending toward the abollah- Miss Shafter. Miss Roberts will read

    lIIent of all except Interela88 con- the paper on "The InventiOD of pnat.

    letll at the tbree state schools.. Ing."

    Jack Sp"nser-Clarkson Miller. the remaining Instances reterable to and after lIeveral months of careful

    Otto Vogelsberger-Clark Burk- normal or abnormal mental states. research, are prepared to thresh

    helmer. out the central bank question.

    Victor LeMercler-Sumner Chase.

    Bryan McGonegal-F. F. Dugan.

    Clutterbuct-J. P. Keefe.

    Cyril Farquar-Roscoe Patch.

    Cyrus Jentlnl-R. J. Vlgers.

    Nell Graham-Lucile Emerson.

    Josephlne-lI,rrl )lorse.

    Mra. Van Duaen-Jesllca Don Car-

    los .

    LlIly--Garrle Bradley. . Mill Trevor""!Neva Sterrett.

    Professor Plum IDj1tred.

    Professor H. G. Plum fell on th Iowa lWIe Team Leads. stairs at his home last Saturday eve· Columbia university of New York,

    nlng, Injuring his back and Is c09 W"bJngton State college and the

    fined to his home. The seriousness or University of Iowa are tied for first

    the injury cannot he determined. place In the Intercolleg!ate Indoor

    rtlle shooting league tournament as Fisher Speab at AaMnblr.

    • result of last week'! matches. Iowa Protessor C. R. FisheT, head of the

    IIChool of music, will give an address made the highest average, 1786, and

    on a musical su~ject at the regular Wuhlncton State college came next

    weekly anembly·Wednesday. with an average of 1183.

  • I


    Every morning except Saturda,. and Mondays. Ot the Vldette-Report· ef the fortY-first year and of the S. U. I. QullJ the elgh teen th year.

    Editor-in-Chief lUJR~ERT M. HARWOOD

    The St8ft: Desk Editors

    Monday ........ Lloyd G. Norman Tuesday . . . . . . . . .. Frank F. S"an Wednesday ...... P . N. Haughtelln Thursday ....... .. . Karl D. Loos Saturdt.)' ...•••.. G. K. ThomplOn

    Associate Editors P. E. Van Nostrand Paul S. ColUer John A. FulJerton Walter Cardin T. H. Tapping Chester A. Corey

    Fred M. Pownall. Women Editors

    India Goodman Audrie Alspaugh Hazel Reddick.

    Reporter, George A, Rice Paul Mather H. C. Langland Frank Jones C. O. Sjulln M. D. RoUer

    "Of all that Is good, Iowa alfords Uae Iteet."

    M. L. FER SON

    For eight years law l\brartan tor the university, and tor three years editor of the Alumnus, he has won many friends among the alumni of the university. This acquaintanceship undoubtedly wUJ be an important factor In his campaign.


    .OBERT B. PIKE, Business Mgr Capital ••.••..••••••••• ,U6.000 Surplu • .t UndlTlded Prol1taU60,OOO

    Address all comDlunlcations to Travelera' cheeks for aale. Good THE DAILY IOWAN, Iowa City, Ia. a, cash; no Idlntll1catlon rlqulred.

    Four per cent interllt paid Oil Um. !!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!! Entered as seconli-clasn mall mat- depollta.

    ter, Nevemb\lr 12, 1903, at the post-olftce at Iowa City, Iowa, under the act et eongreSB of March 3, 1879.

    Per Year, paid before Nov. 15, $2.20 Per Ylar, paid atter Nov. Hi, $2 .7f> Per Semester ....... . . . ... . $1.26 Per Month . .. .... ........ . .30 Par Slagle Copy . ........... .06

    0111ce-23 East Washington Streel. Both Phones

    (Under Name of Iowa City CItizen)

    Announcements and notices should bE In the Iowan otIlce by 6 o'clock to luure publication.

    C.ples for sale and subscriptions taken at the Iowan OtIlCI, Iowa Book Itlre, Wieneke', Arcade boelt eten.


    The danger of losing Law Librar-

    ian M. L. Ferson to the university

    comes as a great surprise. Ot his pe-

    culiar and unusual fitness for the

    lIost of supreme co urt reporter there

    can be no q';1estlon. It Is believed that

    the general sentiment of the univer-

    sity Is voiced when we olfer to him

    SITl'ING DOWN WILL NOT BABM the. shape or set ot your clothing if It has been made by us. We tailor both so they are there to stay, no matter what POSiUOR you assume.


    and top coats for early sprink wear. Come in aud be measured for yours so that it w\1l be ready when you are. The new fabrics are distinctly attractive and the new styles are equally so.

    BUSA,. ~ TAILOR,

    203 College, Cor. Dubuque strong aupport he has already recelv- We

    also do cleaning, pressing, re-

    orr hearty congratulations for the

    ed from the Johnson C.ounty Bar and pairing.

    the local pr!'lss .. Yet ijn the face of

    these facts we cannot rid ourselves

    of the feeUng that he Is too able II A. G. Spalding & Bros. man for the university to lose. The /Ire the lArgest manufacturers in the

    world of very fact that he Is so weJl qualified

    tor court reporter makes him ex-tremely useful to the unIversi ty and

    renders douhly difficult the problem

    of filling his present pOSition.



    According to a report originating

    from Des Moines, Grinnell Is wlJllng

    to playoff the tie with Iowa In bas-

    ketball at the Drake gymnasium and

    that the alumni ot both Institutions

    are anxlous to see the game played at

    the eapital city. While it has al-

    Official Equipment FOR

    All Athletic Sports and Pastimes

    The SPAI.DlNG Trademark

    II Known through-out the world as a

    GUdrantee of

    Qualitv It you are Interested in athletic

    ,port yOU should have a copy ot the Spaulding Catalogue. It'a a complete enclyclopedla of what'B new In Bport and Is sent tree on requeBt.

    A G. SPALDING & BROS. 147 Wabash AYIlBne, OblcalO, ru. ways been the policy of Iowa to ac-

    cede to the wishes of the alumni, It

    ......... Attractive

    and Complete Uae 01

    GROCERIES It IOU appreciate QUALITY aDd

    OOURTEOUS TREAftlENT, we are poeJtlve that we CAD please 1011. Free dellve1'J to all parU of the cltr. :8otlJ 'Phones. 6 aDd 8 South Dubuque 8t.

    Geo. D. Barth


    I I

    Hourly Trains Daily





    SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANG .. : (1II....orporated) I

  • H-I-iI-++olo+-l~""I++++1t ...... OI&J .~ Nil ... A. F. 4 A. Ill. +++ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I , J. 1. Reoord8. W. M. + +

    DDD:ClTOlRtl Bruce Koore. See. + OOIllNG BVDTS + lepJar meetia •• ltd Moad., of ..cia + +

    +++oI+lo+I~oJl+llo+oIl+1''''' lIOatL oH·+oJ+Ioel+l+ I I I • I I I I I PHYSI0I&88. II I I I I I '1. 1_1_1-'1111' 'Inllli II I"I---------... + +

    March 1. Final ulllverlitY champion

    ship debate, PhIlo VI. Irving, at the


    - -'.

    Rogers-The American Newspaper

    Shuman-Practleal Journallam.

    Stillman-Autobiography of a


    Donate John nrown's Pistol.

    John Brown's plltol. together w'lth DRB. DEAN A IlOna Practlc# llmited to d ..... or

    Eye. Ear, NOM aDd n-. + BUSINESS LOOALS + + + 4 1 I I I I 1"1'1' I 'lul"l- ·1"1_1· IllS' I· March 1. Basketball, DTake VI. Iowa Barclay Coppoc's rlOe. have recently •

    1lAKE IT SEEM JUNE And you can get a foretaste of June and her beauty at this or any other season it you let us make you a bon-

    • quet from our greenhouse. The choicest cuttings of Carnations and Roses, and all seasonable P R INC E rareties. OFFICR-122 IOWA AVENUR.

    Both ·phoneB. loft City State Bank. acro .. Itreet at the armorJ. been donated to the State Historical .. --...... ' -------__ ....,; ...... __________ ..... _

    here a merchant (in town

    would:no(gladlyaccept .

    Sole Agency for

    &ISanborn's Coffee

    DR. JI'R&1O[ L. WVI Eye, Ear, Noae aDd ~

    Oftlce over No .... k·1 Drq Both 'Phoaell

    DR. W. H. DONOVAI PhJalc1an ud Sur,toIl 117 1-2 S. Dubuque It

    Oftlce over WlIldnlOll·. 'Phones: Bell 1011, J. O. I".

    ealll anlwered from oa ..

    DR. AUGUSTUS SINmV Dlaeasea of the Elye. Ear. NOlI

    Threat Oftlce with Dr. Mullln 12 1·1 l

    ton St. Sobh ·Pholl ..

    ---------------------JI OBARLES S. GR&NT. II. D. omce 17 14 8. Dub .... II&.

    Over Stach'l Shoe Store Residence 221 SUIJIII. II&.

    Oftlce 'phonea-Bell 880B. J. O. Realdence ·phonea-B.ll 5111. I-


    DR. W. L BYWATBR Diseases of

    Eye. Ear, Noae aad TbroI& No.8 N. OlJDtoD 8t.


    IrOm Interurban ltatlon. tr March3 . 4: 30 Rev. Joseph Newton society by the !.faxson famUy at

    Phone MurphY'1 nvery for Iwell lectures on Howells at the audl- prlngdale near Iowa City. The pls-

    tOnloOuta. torium. tol was lett there by John Brown ar-Go to the Iowa l:1ty State Bank March 5. Basketball. Northwestern ter he had spent the winter In Iowa.

    11th Jour account. VS. Iowa at the armory.

    M1lI1c for dances. recepdonl and ·March 8. 8: 00 p. m. Freehman ora· Glee ClRb Not.Ic:e

    ~th.r occasion8. ViOlin, Piano and torlcal contest, Auditorium. There will be a rehearsal of the

    .------------========-==~==~--1-+ I H JuS I I I HilI I I Jti'++of'+'I"I' "1 I Jut I I I 1 I I I I ++

    FOR SALE:-Typewriter -Ribbons and Oil-8hortband Boob Typewriting Books--Commercial Books.


    114 1-2 W a.rhina ton S.reet ++'1' I I I I 1"1"1"1"1 I I I' JuI'++++'1 '1-1' I I I I I 1 I I 1-." •. ++

    __ tra. F. R. Spevacek, 710 Mar. 8-9. Seventh Annual Dental Clee club this evenJng in the L. A. ~========================= Ch1lrch Itreat. Bell Phone. U Clinic. Assembly at 7 o·clock.

    Joln Gnham'l Putortum clllb. March 10. Graduate club meets in

    Good lenice. Relilonable price.. drawing room. L. A. bullding. at r-------------""T, P1&1101 for eale and rent. F. R. 8 P. M.

    Bpel&eel. 780 Church S\ tr March 15. Men's Glee Club concert

    LOST:-A gold watch with mon- in N. S. Auditorium.

    ogram "H. B. M." on outside and

    aame on Inside. Iowa fob attached. Uberal reward for return to Hazel

    lIontarey. Delta Gamma house. tf

    North Central Branch of the Amer-

    ican Psychological assoclatioD and

    the Western Phllosophleal &110-


    Hile your clothel prelaecr at Gra- .1"arch 24. Fritz Kreisler, violinist at

    UII'I paalterlum. Auditorium.


    Palmetto Chocolates our speci· alty. All Candies Home-made. Ice Cream made in aU saapes and furnished for Parties and Receptions.

    ALL LATEST DRINKS Stud.ate wanUna buk accommo- March 30. 6:00 p. m. University ~ __________ --!

    .. tlO'1 Ibould ,. to lOW A CITY dinner at armory.

    BT!TBl BANK, uader Opera Bou.. AprU 6·U. Spring race ... LOST:-Sunday, black lyDX fur. April 8-9. Meeting Central Branch HOPKINS BROS. 00.


    \~~. BOOK STUDENTS SUPPLIES ...,-~ Text Boob for ali Colleiel. fancy c;.,octe. STORE Laraelt Stock, Lowell Price.

    John T. Rir.s U c::.~

    I.- __ ___

    Winter Styles In I ~'-"""---"-

    Artistic Footwear ' ---~ I ·

    ~. -.... --The Collelfe Pattern

    A combination of Beauty, Euellalce and e GROCER DRB. WASHBURN .t ... 111 .... Return to this otllce. Reward. 2-27 of American society of Zoologists. Style at prices you can afford to pay II H - At _

    We&tem HeadqaarWn for ~ ___ .. ____ ... B. E. Washburn, D. O.

    Evelyn S. Wu)a~UJ'l. D. O.


    .... .

    Oftlce ud residence. 102 8. LIla Iowa City, Iowa. Both 'Phull


    JOHN V08I, D. D. L The Studeat·. Dentllt

    16 1-2 South Dub_Que 8t. Both 'Phones low, Cit"


    RALPH UWTOJ Teacher of Piolno. Orpa.

    Thtlory of Music. AvailaWe. Concerts. Recitals and MUilcala STUDIO 19 1·2 WABBINClroI

    Reading List on Journalism. Glee Club Plana Trip.

    References to books in journaMsDl The University Glee club. under

    In the university library are as fol-tbp management of George Fisher, is

    lows: planning an extensive concert tour

    Alden-Magazine Writing and the for the spring holidays. The ltinery

    New Literature. wlJl probably be made up of towns

    In the north and central 'part of the


    Bourne-English Newspapers.

    Grant-The Newspaper Press, ita

    Origin. Progress and Present Posi-

    tion. Newton Here Thnrsday.

    Greeley. Horace-Life by Inger-Rev. Joseph Newton will give his


    Hudson-Journalism in the U. S.

    1909 @ ! iii i " SPORT- IfYV.I' ~




    Our Itock il one of the mOlt dealrabl. liDe ia the west. because we carry in Itock all the time, all .. aa-onable Iportln" "ooll •.


    Write for New Fall Catalope 618·620 LOCUST

    lecture on "Howells" postponed from

    last week on Thursday afternoon in

    the auditorium at 4: 30 p. m . Ralph-The Making of a Journal- .-----Dee""'-... M .... o~£.··ea-. -lo-w-a-.--


    I ~ ! ' ~ MORTON'S Corner Clinten and Washin"ton Streete

    4 ltest results, send your work to The C. O. D.

    LAUNDRY Our prices are right and we are equipped to handle your laundry

    in a mannel' tha. cae not help but be satisfactory.

    OWENS & GRAHAM 211-213 Iowa Avenue ~. ANNA D~R ~~DV.I ======~~~====~==~==========~==========~====~~==========~~~==================~==~==~~~==~~====~~

    Music Studio 21 North Dubuque Street

    W1l1 receive pup1l8 in Irgan and Theory. Studio honn

    I!'I 1.; 1I1 ~' I~ :- I'j;; a. m. to 12 m. ~.fternVOD hours

    k - I =. I appOintment. J. C. PhODI' 415S ta e p easure dlo. 521 Residl!D('e.

    an" .. a .... u ..... that our en-of spring woolens

    ready for your in-This early show-

    due to the fact that comes unusually

    and in order to fill all

    Soprauo Pupil of Chas. W. Clark ud

    Hamlin. Concerts, Recltala. struction. Studio. 114 South St. J. C. Phone 663.


    city resIdences. vacant by that date we have farms. Also stocks of meflcbud_.

    assortment your approval at ~.


    portion of our -to-W ear1clothing is

    Select your suit NOW, be glad to hold it for you are ready to buy.

    Coast & Sons

    n .. SURANOE


    Des Moinel. low. F. W. HOHMANN. "-

    528 N. Dubuque St., 10"1 CUr,


    SPRING no longer first manifests itself in nature. Men announce it in the HATS they wear. We have been at some pains in selecting our showing of "1910 STYLES" . We believe you will appreciate our efforts when yon examine these hats with your hand and eye. Before the mirror try on some of the dozen diJferent blocks which make OUR HATS distinctive. This is the test we submit to you to apply to the hat you pick out, as you ~oon will do, for the Spring SEASON •.

    Combine Style and Service Will you s&dy these pictures? We let them speak for themselves for they do 88

    much as we could do- HERE. But if you will come into the store we will show you the "REAL THING". Every one of these hats shown here is a KNAPP-FELT HAT and you will find them in Iowa City only at this store. We have the late Stetsons, too, and recommend them heartily to critical dressers.

    But this AD is only intended 88 an invitation to you -- an announcement that our GREAT STOCK of choice hats for Spring is here for you: Will you see the HATMAN?

    Full Value For Any Price You Want To Pay

  • "r + 1·1"1"1"lnllll"I"I"1 IJlllnlnlllll++ .~"''''111 ••• __ •••• ~ ••••••• _._ ••• ed or is reglstered. + i 1I1JP, "Appeals-Any student convicted t PERSONAL and SOCIAL by the court can appeal to the facultY ... + 1 I 1'1'1,,1-,1,,1001'01,,1"1-" I"J,+t dJsdlpllne committee on any groundJ.

    lllJl1 a t. Epsilon Tau will hold .. Bupper

    ~j, re d Tuesday at 5: 30 at Close hall.

    M 811 Bertha Hall who visited the I

    :::1 ~:;: °t~:rd::;:: :h;h:a:O::J Is the dean of the college In which 11flElJl~I)A

    fi8s s ..Purvla over Sunday returned

    to her home In West Liberty.

    Mias Ada. B~eCIl was called to hell bonie in Fort Dodge because of the

    Illness of her mother.

    . the student Is registered. The only

    grounds on wMc'h he can appeal Is

    tbat there Is new and unheard evi-

    dence in the case.

    "Finality ot decision- If there is no appeal by either student or dean, VJ Tanp r Beem (If Marengo I

    : ....... .-..................... 1 ••• ___ • the decision of the court goes dlrect-chaperoned at the Sl~/lla Chl partr Saturday. ~========~==~=r=r======== Iy to the faculty for enforcement. In

    clay In teres and to make h s mater. reference work In locating the bellt case of appeal by either student or

    ial quickly available has prepared ;I. and most reliable information on dean, the faculty discipline commH- Matlnee. everY, da, ...... I.U"._ ... : N I de I Libra..... j ' allY aeat 10c. ucept • e", II x or ,. card Index to all articles ~lIteirtey subjects tor debate-special study. tee reviews the cUe. U they fl'nd the Holiday. when evenlnr '.I...u.,--"-"",

    The leg'lslatlve reference depart- In H. This Index Is very useful be- etc., and In serving as a guide for the appeal groundless, the decision goes eharpd.

    mlmt of WIsconsIn was established III cause It IndIcates the best articles purchase of books in this direction. to faculty for enforcement. If there

    1901 for the purpose of aidIng legls- which are to be found treating on appears to be cause sufficient for a ============:::::1 latora and legislative committees to all questions ot current political In- STUDENT COURT INSTITUTED new hearing, the discIpline commlt- Without doubt get

    your meals at the secure promptly all available infor-

    mation bearing upon proposed legils-

    IaUon. The department has built up

    terest, such as railroad control, In-

    come tax, factory legislatJon, munic-

    Ipal problems, etc. The university 11-a valuable collection of books and brary has secured a copy of this In-

    lIamphlets on all subjects of present dex and It wl11 be of great help In

    ~be Brt 'Sbop FINE PHOTOS AlfD ft ...


    AT WISOONSIN UNIVERSITY tee remands the case to the student

    court with with recommendations.

    Connell May Recommend ExpuJslon They can take no action. The court

    of Students. aga~n considers the case and Its final

    decision goes to the faculty for en-

    Protessor C. H. Weller, ohalrman torcement."

    of the committee on student council, The plan Is one that Is being ad·

    has presented tbe following artfcle vocated throughout the country and

    from The Dally Nebraskan: one which requires a marked degree

    "The Dally Cardinal explains of success to warrant Its orga.nlza-

    the workings of the student court, tlon. Such at least would be the case

    recently Instituted at Wisconsin as at Nebraska, where so little cause ex-

    follows: Ists for any change In the present "Complalnts- Any student can system."

    bring a complaint, but It must be

    OlYl11 pian Mostly for the

    ious people.

    Regular meals Only 25 and

    cents. brought with the approval of the -~~~~==~~~~~~~~..!!!!~--~-!'!'--.-----':'"'"'

    dean In whic'h the student complalnj

    The Iowa Electric Shoe Repairing Co.



    }I'or sale by: 000 8PEOIALTIE8:




    SN&iPIr will be JJy t;l1\S~LediC6 bnprOvemeut Le glle to Serve.

    Progl'llm of Toasts.

    Dean W. J. Teeters has

    ejlarge of the general supervisIon of

    the university dinner at the request

    01 the Greater University cOIlln»ttee,

    lid plansJlT-e.. now being carried for-

    lard i%'l~pI9~tion forf1l.s1PWent. J8 liHunUb ,,~ 63QSb'hieSi

    loio~Il!lt~mgltfEt[tIeI.lleB8ROit\pt~tIM lie·liai3F,3ct~hrtftftllP,L{6alft%lI~8.

    ,,_ .!all elt-l',h will ........ 1161~ sntlrely

    trom ttMW~~:~~~!!,j;{te1msidents -"n"'AQI." 01 tIwsHflOtuiJ;i¥MMiIj'Ji@fl,U,.rent to11eges ~icl!o.)~o~d1ne~ one

    ~~ftl.t{OftB~e, which 1111 then be dlylded Into s\lb-commit-

    lIJD8lWltWe 4es~ftMM ~vll~ . .o.a ,~'Jud-!!p~W .t!I .8

    piace~O .~?O'ru'd\fuW'-~1IWs.t!lDean 'llt!JJIUoJ8)t~".iu8I~dtn.~~

    tJoDs"ee£%ieg0lt~.a~~h~~.tlO awol

    As anno~~If~~¥6.f:If(T the dinner wlli be given on ~iarch 30, beginning

    prompt1~ :'Ii .b ~~rJl1~Ot.s not to interfeOlIJ'll.t:b. allllJbottrM engage-

    men~~'1W8~~~uW~~~&I!l,Mdtie.s IwoI,"(mj-awo- E9aol1l:t'v I1j08 11'111 be asked to dispense with their

    usua1;)~T1J«'3eal ~d i;TN their

    206 South Dubuque St. Atheu Ofgar Store, New York BaldDg 00 .• L. w. Porch.

    Purity Chocolates, support to the dinner. An effort will

    We Guarantee Ftnrt 01 ... Work at Lowen PrIces

    lilt B1I7 .. d 8eII 8eeoad BII.1l4 O1otb1Dg.

    Ofi'lZJllNS' 8A VING8 TR'U1ft' 00.

    MARSHALL-O'BRlEN·WORTIlEN COMPANY Dental and Surgical Supplies

    B.lNXJIIlS Capital ......... ......... eI08Otyle, but •

    a good, substantial Uleal, especially

    adapted t9r stude Ls tired of the us-ual boarding hon e menu, will be


    • Tbe seating wlJl bf' bY classes In-

    Itead of optiona I as 'IVa the case last

    fear. Th (ll'chestl'a wi/I furnish

    music during the meal, fo llo\\ ing

    wblch thel'e will be a short toast pro-

    f m by ' 1l1~mbers of the student body. TJle students are tQ be primar-


    ily respon Ible fbI' the whole affair OllllnaUQus

    Ind its ultim at success 01' failure

    depends upon the support they give

    10 It.

    Would Uetllin .-\1'1, Sl'hool.

    The Greater Des Jlloiues committee

    '01 soon devise plans to keep the


    Cumming Art School in Des Jloines. ing probably

    C. A. Cummings, who for thirteen state board of

    "'rs has conducted the school, Is ing In Cedar 1

    11ft the head of the art department of a dlscusslor

    lithe s~e unlverslly here. He come must b met b: II Iowa CIty one day of every week. desIres to sha

    I he Carnegie I

    Henry S. Pril,

    of the co mmI ttee will

    lOIlIIl1lII.v dellvElred a lecture last ot the board I

    tlons 0 be uiet.



    IU ." f' -