Daily Express Friday April 29 2011

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Transcript of Daily Express Friday April 29 2011

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  • 2 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011




  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 3

    William gives a wave for delighted Royal fans last night

    The Prince chats to the crowd on his walkabout in The Mall



  • 4 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011

    Police arrest Royal guillotine protesters





    during which THE INTROIT is sung

    I was glad when they said unto me: We will go into the house of the Lord.Our feet shall stand in thy gates: O Jerusalem.Jerusalem is builded as a city: that is at unity in itself.O pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.Peace be within thy walls: and plenteousness within thy palaces.

    All singHYMN Guide me, O thou great Redeemer

    The Dean gives


    Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God himself, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church; which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence, and first miracle that he wrought, in Cana of Galilee, and is commended in Holy Writ to be honourable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly; but reverently, discreetly, soberly, and in the fear of God, duly considering the causes for which matrimony was ordained.

    First, it was ordained for the increase of mankind according to the will of God, and that children might be brought up in the fear and nurture of the Lord, and to the praise of his holy name.

    Secondly, it was ordained in order that the natural instincts and affections, implanted by God, should be hallowed and directed aright; that those who are called of God to this holy estate, should continue therein in pureness of living.

    Thirdly, it was ordained for the mutual society, help, and comfort, that the one ought to have of the other, both in prosperity and adversity.

    Into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined.

    Therefore if any man can shew any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.

    The Archbishop of Canterbury says to Prince William and Catherine:

    I require and charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgement when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment, why ye may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony, ye do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that so many as are coupled together






    29TH APRIL 201111.00 a.m.

    The service is conducted by The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster.

    The marriage is solemnized by The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr Rowan Williams,

    Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England and Metropolitan.


    The Bridegroom and Prince Henry of Wales will be received at the Great West Door by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster and escorted to the




    The Choir of Her Majestys Chapel Royal

    The Choir of Westminster Abbey

    The Organist and Master of the Choristers

    A fanfare is sounded for the entrance of THE QUEEN

    The London Chamber Orchestra plays:

    March from The Birds Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (1848-1918)


    The Deans VergerThe Dean of Westminster

    The Duchess Of Cornwall The Prince of WalesThe Duke of Edinburgh THE QUEEN

    The Sub-Organist plays:Prelude on Rhosymedre

    Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)


    A VergerThe Lord Bishop of London and Dean of Her

    Majestys Chapels RoyalThe Primatial Cross of Canterbury

    The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England and Metropolitan

    A VergerThe Cross of Westminster and Taperers

    The ChaplainsThe Minor Canons of Westminster

    The Canons VergerThe Canons of Westminster


    The Bride, accompanied by her father, enters the Great West Door, is met by the Dean and is joined

    by the Bridesmaids and Pages


  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 5

    _fefliXe[b\\g The Archbishop continues:

    GOD the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen.

    All singHYMN Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

    All sit. Mr James Middleton reads


    I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect. Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

    Romans 12: 1-2, 9-18

    The Choirs singTHE ANTHEM


    The Right Reverend and Right Honourable Dr Richard Chartres KCVO, Lord Bishop of London and Dean of Her Majestys Chapels Royal

    The Couple moves to the High Altar as the Choirs sing


    The Reverend Michael Macey, Minor Canon and Precentor, leads the prayers


    The Dean and the Archbishop address the congregation

    All singHYMN Jerusalem

    The Dean pronouncesTHE BLESSING

    Let us pray.O Almighty Lord, and everlasting God, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to direct, sanctify, and govern both our hearts and bodies, in the ways of thy laws, and in the works of thy commandments; that through thy most mighty protection, both here and ever, we may be preserved in body and soul; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

    The blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you and remain with you always.

    The Choirs sing

    A fanfare is sounded. All sing


    The Bride and Bridegroom and their witnesses move to the Shrine of St Edward the Confessor for the signing

    of the Marriage Registers. The choirs sing. The fanfare is sounded.

    The Bride and Bridegroom proceed to the West Gate of the Abbey which is lined by 24 members

    of the Armed Forces.

    otherwise than Gods word doth allow are not joined together by God; neither is their matrimony lawful.


    The Archbishop says to Prince William:

    William Arthur Philip Louis, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to Gods law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?

    He answers:I will

    The Archbishop says to Catherine:

    Catherine Elizabeth, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to Gods law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?

    She answers:I will

    The Archbishop continues:

    Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?

    The Archbishop receives Catherine from her fathers hand. Taking Catherines right hand, Prince William says after the Archbishop:

    I, William Arthur Philip Louis, take thee, Catherine Elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to Gods holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth.

    They loose hands. Catherine, taking Prince William by his right hand, says after the Archbishop:

    I, Catherine Elizabeth, take thee, William Arthur Philip Louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer;

    in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to Gods holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth.

    They loose hands. The Archbishop blesses the ring:

    Bless, O Lord, this ring, and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other, and abide in thy peace and favour, and live together in love until their lives end. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Prince William takes the ring and places it upon the fourth finger of Catherines left hand. Prince William says:

    With this ring I thee wed; with my body I thee honour; and all my worldly goods with thee I share: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

    The Congregation remains standing as the Couple kneels. The Archbishop says:

    Let us pray.

    O Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life: send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in thy name; that, living faithfully together, they may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant

    betwixt them made, whereof this ring given and received is a token and pledge; and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    The Archbishop joins their right hands together and says:

    Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.

    The Archbishop addresses the Congregation:

    Forasmuch as William and Catherine have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by joining of hands; I pronounce that they be man and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

    We are both so delighted that youare able to join us in celebrating what

    we hope will be one of the happiestdays of our lives. The affection shown

    to us by so many people during ourengagement has been incredibilymoving, and has touched us bothdeeply. We would like to take this

    opportunity to thank everyone mostsincerely for their kindness.




  • 6 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011

    Cfe^nX`k`j[\jg\iXk\kfEVERYWHERE you looked along the Royal Wedding route yesterday the crowds of well-wishers were there, waving Union ags, clutching asks and cheerily setting up camp to get the best view of William and Kate.

    Two billion people will see the nuptials on TV but to be a true die-hard fan, they said, you had to be there.

    By late afternoon almost every inch of space from Buckingham Palace to Trafalgar Square was taken, as a sprawling tent city sprouted up in the shadows of Westminster Abbey.

    The crowds in The Mall got a special surprise when the Duchess of Cornwall strolled across from Clarence House to say hello.

    When one spectator asked her how she was feeling, she replied: Its won-derful and were all very excited. Its such a great atmosphere here. Its so

    nice to meet people and see the celebrations are getting under way.

    Judy and Chris Rigby from Glas-gow caught an overnight train to be in prime position opposite Clarence House by 6am.

    Judy, 72, said: I just had to be here to soak up the atmosphere.

    I was here for Charles and Dianas wedding in 1981 and shinned up a lamppost to get a good view and came again for Andrew and Sarahs wedding.

    This is what Britain is all about. Where else in the world would you get thousands of people camped out on the streets for a wedding?

    Robyn Marshall, 66, had own in from Victoria, Australia, with her daughter Kyla and eight-year-old granddaughter Ava. She said: The

    Wedding guests David and Victoria Beckham with sons Cruz, Romeo and Brooklyn catching their ight from LA

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    Picture: X17ONLINE


  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 7


    day the wedding was announced my daughter had the plane tickets booked. I have watched every Royal Wedding on TV but to actually be here is just magical.

    Arlene Prinsloo, 45, arrived from Cape Town with just a sleeping bag, inatable mattress and a camera.

    She said: I wouldnt have missed watching this for anything its just a shame Diana isnt alive to see it too.

    Over at the Abbey, Joyce Williams, 68, from Leek, Staffordshire, had been in position with her daughter and grandchildren since Wednesday.

    My husband thinks I have lost the plot, she admitted. We have had no sleep, its cold and there has been loads of trafc at night and helicop-ters but it is all worth it.

    I think Kate is a wonderful girl, they are very well matched and they will do well for England. Ex-Para

    Terry Hutt, 87, from Whaddon, Cambridgeshire, was decked out in a Union ag shirt and hat.

    He said: Princess Diana was a lovely person and she would be proud of William today. He is a gentleman, I think it is excellent he met Kate.

    Meanwhile thousands of spectators have turned up at Camp Royale at Clapham Common, south London, booking for a three-night sleepover, costing 75.

    But one couple who wont be pitch-ing a tent are David and Victoria Beckham. They arrived from Los Angeles for the wedding yesterday with sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz. Other celebrity wedding guests include Elton John and Guy Ritchie.

    In Scotland, nal preparations were under way for a wedding break-fast today in St Salvators Quad - rangle in the heart of the University of St Andrews, where William and Kate met as students.

    Fans with bunting and deck chairs in the shadow of Big Ben

    Larrissa Moran from Perth, Australia, outside the Abbey

    All kitted out for a sleepover Davis and Abbie Richards Flown from the USA... American royalists have a message for William and Kate

    Camilla says hello to fans in The Mall. Right, six-month-old Charlotte Walker

    Picture: M





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  • 8 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011



    BRITAIN got into party mood early yesterday with celebrations for the Royal Wedding a day before the event.

    Some 1,700 pupils gathered for a street party thrown by Brighton College, East Sussex, which was deco-rated with two miles of Union ag bunting. Other schools and councils also decided to celebrate early so their pupils could enjoy the fun.

    In Gravesend, 600 school children dressed up in gold crowns and tinsel-decorated sceptres for their parade. They were also treated to a disco and, in keeping with the royal theme, a Queen tribute band.

    Gravesham Council spokeswoman Melanie Norris said yesterday: Every year we celebrate St Georges Day, but this year we decided to hold a joint celebration for the Royal Wedding. There will be other parties organised by residents on Friday, but we wanted to include the school

    in desperate need of a good clean. Its a pretty street, but quite dirty, she added. Having it cleaned for our party has been the icing on the cake. Its so spotless it looks brand new.

    Her neighbour Brenda Chandler, 62, added: The street looks lovely now and theres a great atmosphere.

    Glii]\Zk%%%df^k`\jk_\befkEVEN Larry the Downing Street moggy has caught Royal Wedding fever. But being kitty-ed out in a Union ag bow-tie will not improve his Premier rodent-catching role. Since arriving in February, he has caught only one mouse.

    RETIRED senior members of the armed forces will take the traditional role of ushers for the Royal Wedding. With the title Gentleman Ushers to the Queen,

    they are tasked with helping members of the Royal Family and foreign dignitaries to their seats in Westminster Abbey. Ushers have been used on royal occasions since the 15th Century.

    DAVID Cameron has given William and Kate a book about Anglesey as a wedding present. The Prime Minister said his gift included beautiful photographs of the

    island where the Prince is based as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot. He told American TV viewers he hoped the wedding would bring happiness, joy and light relief after some dif cult times.

    THE brides wedding ring a simple, slim gold band was fashioned by Welsh jewellers Wartski from Welsh gold given to Prince William by the

    Queen. The custom was started by the Queen Mother in 1923 and Welsh gold has been used for royal brides ever since. Prince Harry, Williams best man, will pass it to the bridegroom.

    A HORSE named Royal Wedding could cost bookies a fortune if it wins the 5.30pm at Fontwell today. Ladbrokes said: It could easily be the best-backed horse

    in ages and land us with a multi-million pound headache. Corals said: Its the most apt name since Party Politics won the Grand National just before the 1992 General Election. The gelding is sired by Kings Best.


  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 9

    j`dgcpZflc[eknX`k Snub for Syrias top envoyAN ambassadors invitation to the wedding was withdrawn yesterday as controversy over his planned attendance threatened to overshadow the big day.

    Amid mounting criticism of the decision to include Syrias Sami Khiyami on the invitation list, Foreign Secretary William Hague decided that his presence would not be acceptable.

    His invitation, when Britain is at loggerheads with Damascus over the bloody crackdown on protesters against President Bashar Assad, had sparked fury particularly among Labour supporters.

    They are angry that former prime ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were omitted from the guest list.

    The ambassador said he found the withdrawal of the invitation a bit embarrassing but he was not surprised or disappointed.

    Mr Blair said he did not mind missing the wedding. Speaking during a visit to Colombia, he wished William and Kate every happiness.

    Streets ahead... the early Gravesend party for 600 school children yesterday

    Picture: G


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    Mrs Mary Bonham Christie, 96, Queen of Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour, Dorset, dies in a mainland nursing home.

    It is the rst time she had left the island which she bought in 1927 for 127,000 in 25 years.

    The radiation nightmare the world has been dreading becomes terrifying reality as the second of four reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, north of Kiev in the Ukraine, is

    suspected of leaking radioactivity.

    Ten passengers die when their train falls over an embankment while travelling at 50mph. The accident, at Easton, Pennsylvania, trapped the victims who were

    teachers on the way to Washington under the wreckage.

    Millionaires wife Mrs Hazel Draper, 42, is questioned by ofcials at Tilbury after stowing away on the Cunard White Star liner Georgic from New York, hiding for nine days in a

    tank room and living on fruit.


  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 11

    284 die in tornado terror

    =ifdAfXeeXNXck\ij`eE\nPfibAT least 284 people were killed and thousands injured by tornadoes that roared across the southern United States yesterday.

    In worst-hit Alabama at least 194 died, including 37 killed by a mile- wide twister that devastated the city of Tuscaloosa.

    A total of 160 tornadoes swept across 13 states, reaching terrifying

    speeds of 200mph and sucking up debris to heights of 10,000ft.

    Teacher Sylvia Brown, of Birming-ham, Alabama, said: I cant believe Im alive. I saw the storm on the horizon and I didnt know which way it was going. Then it roared straight for us. I ran for the basement and

    when I came back up everything was devastated. States of emergency were declared in several areas.

    President Barack Obama called the death and destruction nothing short of catastrophic. He plans to visit the most devastated parts of Alabama today.

    In an address from the White House last night, he said: The loss

    of life has been heartbreaking, espe-cially in Alabama. In a matter of hours, these deadly tornadoes, some of the worst we have seen in dec-ades, took mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, friends and neigh-bours, even entire communities.

    The storms began on Wednesday evening. The twisters ripped through towns and cities, destroying homes

    and buildings and bringing down power lines and trees.

    By last night as many as a million people were without electricity as 2,000 National Guard soldiers helped scour the wreckage for survivors.

    Deaths were also reported in Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia and Kentucky in the worst series of storms since 1974.

    Picture: DON KAUSLER, JR / AP

    A twister nearing Tuscaloosa and, inset, the ruins of Birmingham


  • 12 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011

    are some people who come out with the most witheringly vituperative remarks about other individuals or sometimes whole nations and then retreat behind the I was only joking excuse. But why is it funny to put other people down?

    Mr Cameron, with his trips to see polar bears and comments about hugging hoodies, is more aware than anyone of the importance of presen tation. He is also rather touchy about being perceived as a toff.

    Well, toff-dom equates with a world of privilege in which the little woman is subject to the will of the man. In some eyes thats how the Tories are still seen too. David Cameron has done sterling work in making the Conservative Party into a modern organisation reecting the make-up of the country but hes just undone a good deal of that, scored an own goal in fact.

    Angela Eagle should be addressed as the honourable member. Leave the endear-ments for Sam.

    @ T IS indisputably true that telling someone who is in a state of agitation to calm down usually achieves the opposite result. Being an intelligent man Mr Cameron knew this full well when he addressed that aside to the chuntering Angela Eagle in the Commons on Wednesday.

    So the Prime Minister was certainly guilty of attempting to provoke somebody who had attempted to provoke him.

    But being deliberately provocative is not the most serious charge being ung at Mr Cameron. The accusation that is really intended to hurt in these politically correct times is that of sexism. This charge is levelled because Cameron did not just tell Ms Eagle to calm down but also called her dear. Labour leader Ed Miliband has made an accusation of male chau-vinism while Ms Eagle has said that no modern man would address a woman in this way.

    But we can acquit the PM of the charge of sexism straight-away because nearly four years ago, when leader of the oppo-sition, he deployed precisely the same calm down dear phrase at David Miliband in the Commons. Like Eagle, Miliband had been chuntering while Cameron was at the Despatch Box, attempting to throw him off his stride.

    So this week Cameron used the very same phrase in the very same circumstances against a woman that he had earlier used against a man. It must be a very strange denition of sexism that


  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 13

    =i\[\i` Zb =fijpk_SETTING the record straight is usually the excuse of a failed politician. But sometimes it means exactly what it says and I was delighted to see that BP is nally suing for many billions of pounds the American companies whose negligence and defective products were really behind the blow-out of the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico last year.

    The simple fact is that the Deepwater Horizon rig was owned and operated by Transocean Inc of the USA. It was their staff who switched off the warning siren in case it kept them awake at night. BP only leased the rig.

    More to the point, when the pressure a mile down under the ocean bed built up, the vital blow-out preventer failed in every one of its functions. In other words it was junk. It was built and serviced by Cameron International of the USA. During the furore the American media en masse followed the lead of some nakedly anti-British senators on a path of raw xenophobia. In the resulting mania to blame the foreigner hardly a mention was made of the two American corporations whose incompetence was behind the disaster. The fault of BP was in wimping out and grovelling instead of defending themselves before the kangaroo court of vote-grabbing senators and TV cameras. From the USAs point of view it was a disgrace.

    VERY predictably the Lords have nally objected to the hundreds of riffraff who these past 15 years have been dumped upon their benches. There are now 792 of them with hardly room to move. Imitating Blair again, David Cameron has appointed another 117 since last year.

    There is talk of this reform or that and all immediately tempered with the assurance that it will take years. Actually there is something that could be done in a simple one-page Bill within a year: an age-cap.

    Just agree that peers retire as they pass 75. That would cut out between 200-300 and make the place a bit less like deaths vestibule. On December 31 all peers who are over 75 or have passed that birthday depart.

    After the rst year there would be a certain number the same as the departers but no more who could arrive as newcomers in the New Year Honours List. It would be very healthy for all parties to have a ration.

    Then they would have to pick the cream of the cream the seriously talented such as Julian Fellowes while ignoring the useless placemen. With a smaller and better quality House the pressure for elected peers (meaning more party-backed wannabes and forelock tuggers) would abate.




    Time to nail the five lies about AVI

    T IS going to be tiresome and boring and it is the referen-dum no one but the Lib Dems wanted. But even if there is no local voting in your area please toddle down to the

    polling booth and help defeat the utterly cynical conspiracy to alter our tried and trusted voting system. Just let me list below the ve main lies behind the Yes To AV campaign.

    ( The Lib Dems want it. Actually they have spent decades telling anyone who would listen that it is a rubbish system. So why have they these past 12 months done a complete U-turn? Because they have always wanted full-blown proportional representation but couldnt have it.

    So they accepted AV as a subs titute but they were right before. It is a rubbish system.

    ) It is fair and simple. No, it can be in places like Australia where (as with the USA) they only have two parties. We have three main parties and three or four minor ones. Maybe seven or eight on the ballot paper.

    It would take a computer to work out the computations and permu-tations and then the real winner would probably be pipped at the post by the true second favourite. And it would all cost millions more to fund.

    * The Electoral Reform Society favours it. Do not please con-fuse this organisation with the Elec-toral Commission, which is the unbiased one. The ERS has made a huge donation to the AV campaign and has a subsidiary Electoral Reform Services Ltd which could readily undertake the multi-million-pound contract for the computers and software to sort out the results if this incomprehensible system came into being.

    + It does not really benet any one party. Oh yes it does. The Lib Dems would probably double their seats in the Commons to close to 100 and remain as coalition partner (probably with Labour) for ever. That is the point.

    , It would make MPs work harder for your vote. No, it would make them lie harder. Every candidate, knowing the voter he is talking to may well not vote for him rst but might give him the second vote, must seem to appear all things to all voters.

    You are opposed to the EU? So am I, I assure you. You are in favour

    of the EU? A great benet to Britain as we both agree. Etc etc on every issue. There is a good old saying that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Australia has the AV system because they have only two parties and compulsory voting.

    And polls show a majority of voters even there want to switch back. The only other two on the

    planet to use AV are Fiji and Papua New Guinea. Two tiny, impover-ished Pacic Island groups. Every single major democracy in the world has considered all the options.

    Some have chosen system A or B or C. But they have all rejected AV. And yes, there is a reason why: its a junk system.

    Next Thursday lets do the same.


  • 14 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011

    GARADISE comes in many forms and I discovered mine last week when I rose with the sun to have Cumbrias Little Langdale Valley all to myself. Well, almost. For more than an hour there was not a single human sound no cars, no voices, no doors slamming.

    Low mist traced the River Brathays tumbling descent from the peaks, the air was lled with the dawn aroma of damp earth, peat and sheep and I savoured one of natures nest performances.

    As my dogs snufed in the daffodils or chased a roe deer through a marsh I was treated to natures orchestra: the dawn chorus was in full song.

    I shared the valley with hundreds of male birds all singing their hearts out to win a bit of love.

    The rhythm section was domi-nated by great tits belting out their teacher-teacher calls backed by great spotted woodpeckers on the drums. Occasionally the manic laugh of a green woodpecker provided the percussion.

    But for the most part the singers just opted for self-indulgent solos the repetitive phrases of the song thrush, the discordant ramblings of a mistle thrush and all around the plaintive downward trill of willow warblers fresh from Africa.

    Even birds with as little musical ability as me I was asked to leave the school recorder society when it had only two members couldnt resist joining in the crescendo. House sparrows chirped and long-tailed tits sneezed while a buzzard mewed overhead.

    I was actually ahead of the game. International Dawn Chorus Day is on Sunday and the RSPB and Wildlife Trust websites offer guided walks over the coming days.

    If I had got up a bit earlier and walked up the north side of the valley I would have heard wood warblers, whose song is like a coin spinning on a table, and pied y-catchers, both newly arrived from south of the Sahara.

    But identifying birds by their song is a hit and miss affair. You only have your word for it that you are right. Often when I heard a new song I found the same songster a great tit.

    And in a way the musical feast is best enjoyed as one big production rather than driving yourself mad trying to pick out the nches from the thrushes.

    After all, you wouldnt go to Swan Lake and spend the evening trying to pick out the second violins.

    So if you do manage to get up dont fret just enjoy the show. Youll have earned it.

    l To identify birdsong try the RSPB website or the books/CDs of either Geoff Sample or Dave Farrow. For dawn chorus walks try www.idcd.info

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    WE may be in for a good year for insects. Record numbers of the rare pearl-bordered fritillary (pictured left by Gary Pilkington) have been seen at Devon Wildlife Trusts Marsland reserve. More than 300 have emerged much earlier than usual.

    The hot spring has also triggered a small invasion by Saharan dragonies. For the rst time since 1998 vagrant emperors whose males are brown with a blue ring have reached Britain. The British Dragony Society says they were carried on southerly winds that have even taken some to the Faroe Islands. So keep your eyes peeled you never know whats about.

    GREEN TIP: A drought is looming so water the garden in the evening to reduce evaporation. Put pots on a saucer so the water does not run away.

    HOUSE martins are the nearly birds of our summer visitors not as iconic as swallows or as sleek as swifts. But they are in decline and the British Trust for Ornithology wants to know how many are nesting under our eaves and whether former colonies have been abandoned.l To help go to www.bto.org

    A SURE sign that summer is round the corner: Icelands rst whaling boat of the year has left harbour. As the days lengthen the slaughter of up to 216 minke whales will commence. I hope Iceland is proud of itself.

    THE blue tit has returned to my camera nestbox and laid seven pearly eggs. She looks exhausted even before the feeding frenzy.

    THREE adult cheetahs have been given a new lease of life by London

    Zoo. They were seized in Tanzania from a wildlife

    trader who kept them in tiny cages. Destined to be pets in the Middle East they were instead released, complete with tracking collars, back where they belong in a national park packed with prey.

    ITS not just elephants that never forget. Monkeys also use the little grey cells. US researchers tell Current Biology that rhesus monkeys can remember shapes and also reproduce them on a computer. But if they can use a computer theyll never be happy with the jungle again. At least theyll never forget it.

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  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 15

    Council jobs for union staff cost taxpayers 35m

    18k benefit cheat worked at a JobCentre


  • WorldMagsWorldMags

  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 17

    Calm down, Labour, PM was only joking

    Rosie Wilshere, 22, sister of England star Jack, above, and the pub where the attack happened

    Ms Eagle hit back as Mr Cameron made light of the furore yesterday


    Sister of England soccer star guilty of smashing glass into barmans face

    THE nal cost of the Royal Navys two new aircraft carriers will not be known until the end of next year, the MoD said yesterday after reports it was set to soar by as much as 2billion.

    Defence Secretary Liam Fox insisted he would take a fairly stiff view of any increases but defended changes to make the vessels usable by US and French jets.

    Mr Fox spoke amid claims that the cost of the carriers had risen to as much as 7billion, against the 5.2billion forecast last autumn.

    The rst ship is now due to enter service by 2020 six years later than rst envisaged, and after the last of our three existing carriers, HMS Illustrious, is taken out of service in 2014.

    Shadow Defence Secretary Jim Murphy said speculation of rising costs was more evidence that the Governments defence review had not been properly costed.


  • 18 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011


  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 19


  • 20 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011

    PRINCESS ANNE spotted near Waterloo in London carrying a box

    of Krispy Kreme Gold Ring doughnuts... MICKEY ROURKE chatting on his mobile while dining al fresco at Nellos restaurant in New York City



    KENNETH BRANAGH is to return to

    Shakespearean acting next month and has an unlikely collection of co-stars helping him.

    The 50-year-old will appear with WILLIAM SHATNER, ERIC IDLE, TRACEY ULLMAN and TOM HANKS in a charity performance of The Merry Wives Of Windsor in LA.

    The staged reading on May 9 is being held in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Shakespeare Center of Los Angeles.

    The night before the stage show Branagh is being honoured in the city for his Shakespeare lms with an American Cinematheque tribute.

    DESPITE being

    pregnant KELLY BROOK is not

    missing a trick when it comes to her career. The 31-year-old model, who is expecting her

    rst child with rugby player boyfriend THOM EVANS, 26, is already plotting a maternity range for high street

    chain New Look and has been getting busy making

    toys too. Kelly, who already has her

    own underwear and swimwear collections,

    says: A few fun projects have come about

    because I am pregnant. New Look want me to do

    a maternity range for them to come out in June and I have also been designing some

    rag dolls for a friend of mine who makes childrens toys.

    She also says that she dresses her

    bump according to her location. When Im in London I like dressing up in Fifties-style prom

    dresses and pencil skirts because they really

    atter my gure, says Kelly. But right now

    Im living in LA so Im wearing lots

    of jeans and T-shirts.





    WITH two Oscar nominations under her belt Brenda Blethyn is one of the UKs most highly regarded

    actresses. But for her new show Vera she needed a bit of accent coaching from a surprising source: Cheryl Cole.

    Blethyn, 65, stars as Northumberland policewoman DCI Vera Stanhope in the new ITV drama. And the Kent-born actress found the Geordie dialect a struggle.

    The accent is notoriously dif cult, she told the Weekly News.

    But fortunately Our Cheryl was on TV to act as an unof cial voice coach.

    I listened to Cheryl a lot, Brenda says. I was always saying things like, Right up my street and, Lovely little voice, pet.

    Just as long as she didnt also ape Cheryls fashion sense. We cant see her in a military jacket and leotard.

    & &

    DIALECT: Brenda Blethyn

    Picture: REX FEATURES


  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 21

    Secrets... WHICH two well-known veteran British actors had a drunken row at a friends birthday party, resulting in one threatening to punch the lights out of his rival?

    MIGHT Dermot OLeary one day ditch The X Factor for a career on US TV? The host of the hit show is moonlighting today as he

    presents coverage of the Royal Wedding for American network E! Entertainment Television and it sounds like hes getting the Hollywood bug.

    Its quite scary but in a good way, he told Absolute Radios Christian OConnell. If the Beeb had asked me to do something, or ITV, I might not have been able to get my head around it because I think theyd have wanted something a bit more serious . With the Americans its more fun, I think.

    Dermot, 37, signed for another UK series of The X Factor after missing out on the chance to host the US version. But he sounds a bit put out at the mystery over who will replace Simon Cowell and Cheryl Cole. All I know is Ive signed and I dont know who the judges are, still, he complained. The Cowell phone is not red hot right now.

    We reckon Simon should ring and offer his host an update, pronto in case a better offer comes along

    Nightemail us at [email protected]


    JXm`e^dfe\p`jXeXik]fi:c\\j\AT THE private viewing of a sculpture exhibition in which his girlfriend Jennifer Wade, 40, is one of the nude subjects, John Cleese tells us that contrary to reports he is not spending the remainder of his wealth on her.

    Cleese, 71, who is still on the road with his comedy tour (dubbed the Alimony Tour) which he undertook after his 12.5million divorce from third wife American psychotherapist Alyce Faye Eichelberger, spoke to Day & Night at the V&A Museum in London where he was playing a supporting role to Jennifer.

    Wade posed naked for renowned sculptor Jonathan Wylder earlier this year and the works of art are on display at his Motcomb Street gallery in Londons swanky Belgravia.

    But while gossips presumed Cleese was spending 30,000 to keep one of the art works he told us hes not splashing his newly earned cash. Jonathan gave us one. Weve got a head, which is beautiful. Its just on the table in

    the main room. Its a nice one with her hair swept back. People said I was planning to buy one but thats a complete invention.

    He added that he wrote some text for the exhibition. I do seminars on creativity so I thought it was interesting to talk to a sculptor and really hear about his process from the inside. Hes totally focused. Its the real artists temperament, much more than I have.

    Cleese was reportedly ordered by a Californian court to pay Eichelberger 612,000 a year until 2016, despite the fact that the couple had no children. In 2009 he said going back on tour was a necessity: I have to nd $1million a year until Im 76 so you dont get that sort of money by sitting at home.

    But he appears to be thriving on his travels and begins his rst ever UK tour next week, telling us: Im getting ready for my tour and Ive just come back from Sweden. I was doing three shows there cheering up suicidal Swedes.

    CHRISTINA AGUILERA says she fears shell be remembered for ever as a Trivial Pursuit

    question after she forgot the lyrics of the American national anthem at the Super Bowl.

    Christina, 30, uffed the words to The Star Spangled Banner at the start of this years Super Bowl in February in front of a TV audience of an estimated 111 million people.

    That night I knew I just made myself a Trivial Pursuit question, she told US chat show host ELLEN DEGENERES. In 2011 what female singer ubbed the lyrics? Its just insane.



    BEAUTIFUL: Jennifer Wade with Wylders sculpture of her; inset, Cleese with Day & Nights Lisa Higgins

    Picture: DAVE BENETT


  • 22 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011

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  • Daily Express Friday April 29 2011 23


    9pJXiX;`ofeTHESE rabbits are denitely for the high jump as they are put through their paces in the latest animal sport craze.

    Devised by Swedes and based on equestrian events, the sport of rabbit- jumping, or kaninhop, has sprung up worldwide, hopping from Europe to the US, Canada and Japan.

    Champion jumpers like black-and-white bunny Snoopy, pictured right, and James, below, have such a spring in their step they can easily clear fences many times their height.

    Snoopys owner Claudia Fehlen said: He can jump about 2ft high. He

    has done well in tournaments. He came in second once and third another time.

    Claudia, 23, founded a bunny-hopping club in the German city of Jena after discovering the sport on the internet ve years ago.

    Under the rules, which differ from country to country, the height of the jumps varies from 15 to 20 inches.

    The more jumps a rabbit clears the higher its score. There is also a time element to some contests.

    Picture: ACTION PRESS / REX


  • 24 Daily Express Friday April 29 2011

    FAMILY PRIDE: Charles and Diana with baby William

    NEW BOY: First day at Eton aged 13
