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304 Subkhan Rojuli, 2017 STUDI TENTANG PEMBELAJARAN OBSERVASIONAL, KOMUNIKASI, PEMECAHAN MASALAH, DAN KESIAPAN KERJA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu DAFTAR PUSTAKA Jurnal Adapa, S. (2015). Three-step approach for developing integrated workready assessment tools to foster student’s learning and satisfaction. Education Research and Reviews, 10(9), hlm. 1347-1353 Adelman, H. S., MacDonald, V. M., Nelson, P., Smith, D. C., & Taylor, L. (1990). Willingness and minors’ participation in psychoeducational decision making. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 23, hlm. 171-176. Adesoji, et al. (2013). Information and communication technology as a vehicle for improving the collection development of school libraries resources in Nigeria. International Journal of Library and Information Science, 5(9), hlm. 262-266. Agusta, Y. N. (2015). Hubungan Antara Orientasi Masa Depan dan Daya Juang Terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik di Universitas Mulawarman. eJournal Psikologi, 3 (1), hlm. 369-381 Amogne, D & Yigzaw, A. (2013). Oral communication apprehension, competence and performance among maritime engineering trainees. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 5(1), hlm. 5-11. Anderson, R & Campbell, M. J. (2015). Accelerating Skill Acquisition in Rowing Using Self-Based Observational Learning and Expert Modelling During Performance. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 10( 2- 3), hlm. 425-4375. Angouri, J & Chiappini, F. B. (2011). ‘So what problems bother you and you are not speeding up your work?’ Problem solving talk at work. Discourse & Communication, 5(3), hlm. 209229. Ani, C., et al. (2014). College and Career. International Education Studies, 7(8), hlm. 1-10. [Online] http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1070424.pdf Anja, S., N. (2007). Information and communication technology as synergy for sourcing distance education: the feasibility in Cameroon education system. Educational Research and Review, 2(12), hlm. 296-301. Akpinar, S. (2012). A study about problem solving skill variable in terms of some variables of footballers who play football professionally. Educational Research and Reviews, 7(25), hlm. 537-542. 304

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Subkhan Rojuli, 2017 STUDI TENTANG PEMBELAJARAN OBSERVASIONAL, KOMUNIKASI, PEMECAHAN MASALAH, DAN KESIAPAN KERJA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



Adapa, S. (2015). Three-step approach for developing integrated workready assessment tools to foster student’s learning and satisfaction. Education

Research and Reviews, 10(9), hlm. 1347-1353 Adelman, H. S., MacDonald, V. M., Nelson, P., Smith, D. C., & Taylor, L.

(1990). Willingness and minors’ participation in psychoeducational decision making. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 23, hlm. 171-176.

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Akpinar, S. (2012). A study about problem solving skill variable in terms of some variables of footballers who play football professionally. Educational

Research and Reviews, 7(25), hlm. 537-542.


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Subkhan Rojuli, 2017 STUDI TENTANG PEMBELAJARAN OBSERVASIONAL, KOMUNIKASI, PEMECAHAN MASALAH, DAN KESIAPAN KERJA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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2016 Dokumen Direktorat Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Dalam Negeri, Ditjen Pembinaan

Penempatan Tenaga Kerja dan Perluasan Kesempatan Kerja Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Tahun 2016