DAFTAR PUSTAKA - repository.unissula.ac.idrepository.unissula.ac.id/10910/5/9. Daftar...

52 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Adriani, K.P. Evaluasi Rasionalitas Penggunaan Antibiotik Pasien Infeksi Saluran Kemih Dewasa di Instalasi Rawat Inap RS Bethesda Yogyakarta Tahun 2015. Aghajani, Samaneh, Mehrdad Kargari, 2016, Determining Factors Influencing Length of Stay and Prediciting Length of Stay Using Data Mining in the General Surgery Departement, Hospital Practice and Research, 1(2), 53- 58. Aristanti, P. A. 2015. Efektivitas Terapi Antibiotik pada Pasien Rawat Inap Penderita Infeksi Saluran Kemih di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember Periode Januari-Desember 2014. Badalato, Gina, Melissa Kauffman, 2016, Adult UTI, dalam https://www.auanet.org/education/adult-uti.cfm Chertow, G. M., Burdick, E., Honour, M., Bonventre, J. V., & Bates, D. W. (2005). Acute kidney injury, mortality, length of stay, and costs in hospitalized patients. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology , 16(11), 3365-3370. Depkes RI, 2014, Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia, Jakarta : Depkes RI. Eliopoulos, George M.; Cosgrove, Sara E, 2003, The Impact of Antimicrobial Resistance on Health and Economic Outcomes, Clinical Infectious Disease 1433-1437, Oxford University Press. Franz, M., & Hörl, W. H. (1999). Common errors in diagnosis and management of urinary tract infection. I: Pathophysiology and diagnostic techniques. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 14(11), 2746-2753. Gibson, Kim., Joseph Toscano., 2012, Urinary Tract Infection Update, American Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol 9 no 2, 82. Gould, I.M. dan Van der Meer, J.W.M. ( 2005 ). Antibiotic Policies : Theory and Practice. New York : Kluwer Academic Publisher Grabe M., et al., 2015, Guidlines on Urological Infections, European Association of Urology (EEU), 11. Grace, Pierce A., Neil R. Borley., 2006, At a Glance Ilmu Bedah edisi etiga, Erlangga : Jakarta, 167

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Page 1: DAFTAR PUSTAKA - repository.unissula.ac.idrepository.unissula.ac.id/10910/5/9. Daftar Pustaka.pdf · Pedoman Pelayanan Kefarmasian untuk Terapi Antibiotik, 2011, Kementrian Kesehatan



Adriani, K.P. Evaluasi Rasionalitas Penggunaan Antibiotik Pasien Infeksi Saluran

Kemih Dewasa di Instalasi Rawat Inap RS Bethesda Yogyakarta Tahun


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