DAERWOOD Together We Learn...

October 2016 DAERWOOD SCHOOL Balanced School Day DAERWOOD’S VISION Together We Learn 211 Main Street, Selkirk, MB. R1A 1R7 Phone 482-4326 Fax 482-3033 We believe in building a strong community based on belonging, safety and respect for diversity, which supports l earning, personal growth and achievement. Teaching of the month. Wow. The month of September has come and gone. The staff and students at Daerwood School have settled in and are adjusting well to the balanced school day schedule. Once again I would like to thank parents for packing 2 nutritious meals for their child/children. Your continued support in this area is appreciated as research will show that when students eat well during their school day they are able to concentrate more effectively on learning. During the month of September teachers worked on building a strong classroom community where student expectations were established. Students were busy getting to know their new classmates and establishing routines for the upcoming year. I would like to remind parents of the importance of being at school everyday and on time. Regular attendance is a way of helping your child be more successful in all areas of their school life. It provides daily practice when learning literacy and numeracy skills as well as helping students with their peer relationships. I would like to extend a warm welcome to Mrs. Stewart who has been hired on as our new library clerk. We are so happy to have her join our “dynamite” team. We are also saying goodbye to Mrs. Farrand who will be starting her maternity leave at the beginning of October. We wish her and her hus- band all the best with the arrival of their baby. Please note you can access the entire newsletter on-line at http://daerwoodschool.weebly.com. We are working towards establishing a current email list so the next newsletter can be directly emailed to families. If you prefer to receive a paper copy of the newsletter please contact Mrs. Bostrom at the school to let her know. Thank you! Mrs. Saunders Respect Respect is an attitude. To honour and listen to your Elders, parents and teachers is a sign of respect.

Transcript of DAERWOOD Together We Learn...

October 2016


Balanced School Day DAERWOOD’S VISION

Together We Learn

211 Main Street, Selkirk, MB. R1A 1R7 Phone 482-4326 Fax 482-3033

We believe in building a strong community based on belonging, safety and respect for

diversity, which supports l

earning, personal growth and achievement.

Teaching of the


Wow�. The month of September has come and gone. The staff and students at Daerwood School have settled in and are adjusting well to the balanced school day schedule. Once again I would like to thank parents for packing 2 nutritious meals for their child/children. Your continued support in this area is appreciated as research will show that when students eat well during their school day they are able to concentrate more effectively on learning.

During the month of September teachers worked on building a strong classroom community where student expectations were established. Students were busy getting to know their new classmates and establishing routines for the upcoming year. I would like to remind parents of the importance of being at school everyday and on time. Regular attendance is a way of helping your child be more successful in all areas of their school life. It provides daily practice when learning literacy and numeracy skills as well as helping students with their peer relationships.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to Mrs. Stewart who has been hired on as our new library clerk. We are so happy to have her join our “dynamite” team. We are also saying goodbye to Mrs. Farrand who will be starting her maternity leave at the beginning of October. We wish her and her hus-band all the best with the arrival of their baby.

Please note you can access the entire newsletter on-line at http://daerwoodschool.weebly.com. We are working towards establishing a current email list so the next newsletter can be directly emailed to families. If you prefer to receive a paper copy of the newsletter please contact Mrs. Bostrom at the school to let her know. Thank you! Mrs. Saunders


Respect is an attitude. To honour and listen

to your Elders, parents and teachers is a sign

of respect.


This year we will be once again doing the Lamontagne fundraiser which will start September 28th and will be running until October 17th. Please ask your family and friends to support this effort. The merchandise will arrive in time for Christmas. We will also have many incentives for the top sellers and the class that collectively sells the most. Good luck with this and thanks to all for your anticipated participation.

If you prefer to simply make a donation rather than doing the

fundraising that is also an option. Any donations over $25 will be accompanied by a tax receipt.

A huge thank you to the Selkirk Friendship Centre as well as the Sel-kirk Community Renewal Corpora-

tion for the monetary donations which were put towards our Break-fast Program. We would also like to thank the Soup Kitchen for providing our school with fresh fruit and milk.

A great big thanks to all those that

supported our efforts to raise money

for cancer through the Terry Fox Run!!!

Picture Day will take place on Tuesday, October 11, 2016.

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

Just a friendly reminder of the upcoming AGM ( Annual General Meeting ) on

October 25th @ 6:00pm at Daerwood School in the Staff Room. All parents/

guardians of children attending Daerwood School catchment area, and all current

Council members who are in attendance at the meeting are eligible to vote. We will be voting on The Officers of the Council and

they consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Public Relations Officer. There will also be a draw for Front Row seats at our Annual Christmas Concert for all those in attendance! We hope to see you out on

October 25th.

Daerwood PAC


Time to start: Back to school with a healthy breakfast

“Back to School” is another kind of New Year, and Daerwood School can benefit for a resolution for a healthier start to the day. We know that a healthy breakfast helps children concentrate better in school and makes it easier for them to learn. We all want to give students the power to be their best and the truth is, breakfast plays a big part. A healthy breakfast is a key to learning.

A reminder that we are offering our Breakfast Program everyday starting at 8:20 a.m. Please refrain from sending your children before this time as supervision is not

available. Thanks for your cooperation!

What Does Research Say About Attendance?

It’s the age-old question: ”Why do I have to go to school anyway?” Research shows that school attendance can have a big impact on your child’s academic success. Share these facts with your child.

Studies show:

• A strong link between student grades and attendance. On tests, kids who were in school the most did the best. Students who came to school 93% of the time outscored everyone else.

• Graduation rates for kids with poor attendance are low. In one study, 75% of students who missed school regularly did not earn a high school diploma.

• Being tardy affects academic success. Students who are in class achieve at higher lev-els—and that means being in class on time. Being tardy not only affects the late student, it dis-rupts the entire class.

• Students who aren’t in school tend to get into trouble, including drug use and vandalism.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Flag Football Tournament


3 Day 2

4 Day 3


11:15 am


PAC Meeting

6:00 P.M.

5 Day 4

6 Day 5

Bus Evacuation

7 Day 6




9 10 NO



11 Day 1


12 Day 2

Cross Coun-try Meet Gr 3/4 10am

Gr 5/6 11:45am

13 Day 3


14 Day 4



Fire Prevention


17 Day 5



Raindate for

Cross Coun-try

18 Day 6

19 Day 1

Fire Preven-tion Presen-tation 11:15

Gr K-4

20 Day 2

Gr. 5/6 Human Ec. @ESJH 1:45

21 Day 3




24 Day 4

Gr. 5/6 Hu-man Ec. @ESJH


25 Day 5


6:00 P.M.

26 Day 6 27 Day 1

28 Day 2

Gr. 6 Immun. 10am

Gr 5/6 Hunam Ec. @ ESJH



30 31 Day 3




October 2016