DA Request to Assemble and Grant Pay

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Cody has a Federal utiliatrian review badge to report in on imoral or bad feeling things that might be crime loop aka raqueterring.

Transcript of DA Request to Assemble and Grant Pay

Volunteer Statement to District Attorney

Wewoka, Oklahoma & Super Majority RAGA

Jurisdiction Violator DA counsel aka Federal REECH

Utilitarian Badge 0211120

Cody Austin Fitch

Acting As FBI Investigator,

US Army General,

US Air Force General,

Fund Edward Jones

Authority Cong. Lynn Westmoreland

Super Majority GOP Intel officer

Listening DA Tony Rauckus Orange County, CA; growth grid

has growth of child to man file


Cody A Fitch has been voted in as a utiliatrian badge grant. As his advice has made thousands of legislation billions in damages to foreign nations and trillions in income to the USA as a federal economy. Cody A Fitch has been oppressed by a super majority Democrat FCC crime team known as FX. He has been able to prosecute its main fund waddell and reed, ubran logic, jello, and its main cyber seizure permits. In which he has taken over the accounts. He has recently been ablt to prosecute to of its heads of accounts, Peter Odeja EME accountant and my personal staff security actor Jerry A Fitch who is an actor from the Crips as that is what the California Democrats gave me. Which both stole from me oppressed me and starved me of my federal and state grants in California and now Oklahoma.

Cody A Fitch has a long career of military advice and economic warfare over 7 years publically on public interface and over 23 years since he was a kid in SR-71 pysch FCC signal cloak pyschological warfare unit known as Fitch, previously as a kid Fitch tropps now known as Fitch Camp. He is has been granted a utilarian badge which could mean any weapons or tools necessary. At this time he likes the idea of having 10,000 laborers as granted by a general to help him personally with his hearst desire to investigate FCC cloak aka seed and ole programs and also GEO Mapping economic blockaide.

Minor Issues: Probable Cause weak not high enough to lie on a document this statement is based on sequence educated guess. Call lynn and Tony for geo mapping acting actions by criminals if true or not: Mark Mosley [Mismanagement of Funds "interenet public access law, and Commission Federal Pay engineer law", Raqueteering he allowed crime sequence actors to make money in his geo mapping sequences, Influence he told people that it was ok with his pay and geo mapping, Corruption his city management led to corruption and a huge income blockaide, Conspiracy to Obstruct the pay and internet use for justice to let foreign mitiary expand in USA military officers expansion areas, and his city geo mapping blockaide; He has not used COdy as a US expansion set for its local citizens with funds security fun investments etc instead cody has had to fight for over 8 months to survuve by reporting RICO loops crime acts to attack and destroy his person and income from his military career. ] , chinese Shen Yen acting team here to back up the geo mapping blockaide playing in broadway as a light and neural invason team. Crips are with the morality of christianity so is EME not worried. But re occuring crime loop acting has happned under RICO investigation 3 times now.

Request for Intel and Authority

Cody as such acting would like his 10,000 soldiers to line up outside of his house and act like a US army/US air force core for him. With proper GOP intel defense satellite constallation blocking their names so we can still act clandestinly with a small force acting overt aka openly with me to draw fire away from citizens and private laborers. Make it known Codys private org edward jones he owns is more powerful than forced will of super minority Democrat scripts. Then Cody also needs authority to go to Edward Jones from the local DA that this intel is a truth of the law from the congress of the people and the DA's. Then also Cody needs to go to the US air force to assemble his team for Geo mapping blockaide investigation and FCC cloak seed and ole. He prefers only good h igh standing moral christians but not dogmatic typs who do not understand DEA neural toxin necessaries and sometimes a weaken to draw fire to capture to earn more for the people.

Issue: Actor in Wewoka Oklahoma DA territority needs his federal intel to digest.

Solution: Please make network and grant him a piece of paper granting his use of a

local vehicle FBI and a badge to go to Tinker to gather officers to come back and work on his lifes desires Geo mapping blockaide cracking, and Seed and Ole violators aka FCC crime loop actors. Also needs auhtority to go to edward jones to pick up pay check and economic dashboard. 1.Written statement it is ok after speech to Lynn and Tony to go to Tinker and to Edward Jones. Also a gas card and vehicle with lights on it for fun fast driving :)

Please respond in 24 hours Cody will be back in the office to seek a piece of paper signed with authority to go to Tinker, or wait to here how long for delibeartions to get intel authority to go to Edward Jones and then Tinker to pick up workers for his Federal grant to make money and defend the USA. Cody will be back in the same place he dropped off the paper to get his federal note of truth and authority to move and assemble.

Cut and Paste:

Cody A Fitch Officer 0211120 is hereby granted the Authority by the Seminole County and Wewoka Oklahoma and Federal DA Tony Rauckaus to go to Edward Jones to get pay and US air force base Tinker to assemble. Also authority granted right to police car keys and gas card for the use to go to Tinker to assemble intel and workers for his granted officer id will and desire.