d8 Wedding Date

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choosing a wedding dateSo youre engaged congratulations! Now that you have decided to tie the knot and plan your wedding, one of your first tasks is setting the date.People who dont understand astrology assume that one date is just as good as another. They choose according to weather or travel conditions. Without a doubt, these are important considerations. But we who do understand and use astrology, even a little bit, know that some days are simply better than others. Whether its a church wedding with all the trimmings, a small commitment ceremony, or an elopement in Vegas, the planets will have their say!Astrological wisdom holds that the beginning of something, whether a human life or a marriage, is a crucial moment which contains within it the seeds of what is to come. It pays to know in advance whether there will be a hallelujah chorus or a trainwreck in the sky (or something in-between) on the day of your celebration. As above, so below. While astrology cannot guarantee the newly married couple will see their golden anniversary, having a good astrological date is excellent insurance that the caterer shows up, the flowers are perfect, and everything goes as planned.This good wedding day then becomes the marriage chart for the newlyweds they are off to a good start.The same principles apply to all commitment ceremonies, legally recognized or not, gay or straight. The planets do not discriminate.The basics The first thing I do is check the synastry between the two charts for an astrological glue that holds the relationship together. I also look for any potential trouble spots. I will be looking for a date that supports the glue, and does not irritate the trouble spots. I am looking for an easygoing day. I want a chart that, if it were a person, would be a kind, gentle, well-adjusted person who would get along well with both members of the couple. We all know that there are days when everyone seems to be in an easy mood, and there are days when folks are more tightly wound. As above, so below these markers of stress and ease are constantly forming and releasing in the heavens, and we can look ahead to see what the planets will be doing on a potential wedding day. We have individual kiss and quack days as well. As the planets move around the skies, they zing areas that are sensitive _just for you_ shown by your birth chart. Some of these transits are easy, and others are difficult. Look for easy, peaceful transits, and avoid harsh ones for both partners. Planets in angular houses are the most powerful planets in the chart. Pick a time for your ceremony when the benefics, Venus and Jupiter, are angular and well aspected in the wedding chart.Good Waxing Moon trine or sextile Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, or Neptune. Moon conjunct Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune. Venus is strongest in the signs of her rulership and exaltation: Taurus, Libra, Cancer and Pisces. One of the easiest ways to strengthen the chart is to pick a time when Venus or Jupiter is close to the Ascendant, Midheaven or 7th house cusp of the chart. The Midheaven is especially important. Venus (love) trine or sextile Saturn (stability, endurance and tradition). Other planets in easy aspect to Saturn are also good. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter. Venus, Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Saturn trine, sextile, conjunct, or opposite Jupiter is lucky, optimistic and bounces back from trouble easily. Mars with Jupiter is especially lucky. Venus conjunct, trine, sextile or opposite Mars supports a healthy sex life. Venus, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, or Saturn in easy aspect to Neptune supports compassion and spiritual growth.