D38W June Newsletter

Division 38 West Newsletter CNH | KEY CLUB Volume 3| Issue 1 | June 2012 A Letter From the Editor..……...1 Insert from the previous Newsletter Editor...…............... 2 Inserts from Club Members and Alumni…………………………... 3 Meet the Presidents.………..... 6 Meet the DLT………………….. 10 Overview of the DCM………. 11 Event Updates….……………. 13 Contact Information.............. 14 In this Issue: CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West 1 Hello Division 38 West! How are your summer vacations so far? Hopefully you all are well rested after finals! However, remember that Key Clubbers do not only serve during the school year, but also whenever serving is possible. It is our duty to stay active Key Club members. So let’s begin those service projects to transform our community as well as build ourselves into better people. My goal for this year is to keep everyone connected using this newsletter. To carry out my goal, I plan on including your article submissions to increase communication and awareness throughout the division. Therefore, I urge you all to send in articles about a service project, a DCM, or just on your experiences during your Key Club year. This is a new year for Key Club, so let’s review our past experiences, learn from the mistakes we’ve made, and make this year the best year ever. Your Divisional Technology Editor, Jeanie Paek Caring - Our Way of Life


Volume 3, Issue 1 by Jeanie Paek

Transcript of D38W June Newsletter

Page 1: D38W June Newsletter

Division 38 West Newsletter


Volume 3| Issue 1 | June 2012

A Letter From the Editor..……...1

Insert from the previous

Newsletter Editor...…............... 2

Inserts from Club Members and Alumni…………………………... 3

Meet the Presidents.………..... 6

Meet the DLT………………….. 10

Overview of the DCM………. 11

Event Updates….……………. 13

Contact Information.............. 14

In this Issue:

CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West 1

Hello Division 38 West!

How are your summer vacations so far? Hopefully you all are

well rested after finals! However, remember that Key Clubbers

do not only serve during the school year, but also whenever

serving is possible. It is our duty to stay active Key Club

members. So let’s begin those service projects to transform our

community as well as build ourselves into better people.

My goal for this year is to keep everyone connected using this

newsletter. To carry out my goal, I plan on including your

article submissions to increase communication and awareness

throughout the division. Therefore, I urge you all to send in

articles about a service project, a DCM, or just on your

experiences during your Key Club year. This is a new year for

Key Club, so let’s review our past experiences, learn from the

mistakes we’ve made, and make this year the best year ever.

Your Divisional Technology Editor,

Jeanie Paek “Caring -

Our Way of Life”

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CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West


The 2011The 2011The 2011---2012 Editor Says...2012 Editor Says...2012 Editor Says...

Being the Division Newsletter Editor came with so many troubles. I stayed up well past

midnight; I had to learn how to avoid procrastination in order to balance school, Key Club

events, friends, family, and newsletters; I had to be ready at any instant where Peter would

require assistance. But with all the responsibilities and exhausting worries that accumulated

upon my shoulders, I have to say that I don’t regret a single moment of this past year.

Despite all the work, this year was also one of my most favorite years in being with Key Club

so far. By working as one of Peter’s assistants, I was granted the wonderful opportunity to

meet so many people and go to many places that I would not be able to go had I refused to

assume this office. In regards to the newsletter (the birth child of my sweat, tears, and

artificial insomnia), I would like to borrow – or rather, steal – the words of the tech editor

before my term, Veronica Cruz: ―Anybody that knows me personally will recall me always

advocating Key Clubbers to read the newsletter; it has SUCH major potential to keep our

division informed and unified.‖ I, too, support her claim, and I know that with this

upcoming year, Jeanie will display an insuperable work ethic that will yield yet another year

of great newsletters. To anyone else that will be interested in obtaining this position next

year, I invite you to do so, because this experience will be one that you will truly treasure.

Victor Ly

2011– 2012 Supreme Overlord Master

Dictator Division Newsletter/Technology


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CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West


Hi, my name is Susan Chor. I am Highland High School’s KEY Club vice

president and a divisional task coordinator. I just want to say that some of my

best memories of freshman year were with KEY club. I think that will hold true

in all of my years in high school! That is a little beside the point though. I wish to

reach out (especially) to other KEY club vice- presidents on a more personal level.

By doing this, I’d like our division to be brought closer. I understand that we’re

all busy, but a simple e-mail or text would be more than enough to get started.

Who knows, I may be stuck on a problem one day and need other vice

presidents’ advice! I encourage all other board members to do the same. In fact,

if need be, anyone can go ahead and contact me (or your DLT) as well for advice

or opinions on matters. I know our divisional leadership team members may be

scary sometimes though… For example, that cute little Korean girl, Jeanie Paek,

especially. Just kidding! Our divisional tech-editor, Jeanie, is awesome!

Susan Chor

HHS Vice President



leaders but valleys

mature them.”

-Winston Churchill

Words of a MemberWords of a MemberWords of a Member

Page 4: D38W June Newsletter

Words from an AlumnusWords from an AlumnusWords from an Alumnus

CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West 4

I have been a member of Key Club since my sophomore year, but never before have I been so motivated to become involved in fundraising and other club activities.

Quartz Hill High School‘s Key Club President, Nikita Bakhru, along with the elected board of officers have truly turned our school‘s key club around. Our school went from having approximately 17 paying members two years ago to 75 paying members last year and received a plethora of awards which included District Tree, Membership Retention, and 100% Membership Increase, along with many individual officer and member awards. This would not have been possible without the incredible support that we have received from the dynamic duo who stepped up to the plate last year as our club‘s new co-advisers, David Brown and Chris Meester.

Last year was my first year going to Fall Rally, DCON, and a DCM. For the first time ever, I witnessed the incredible power that existed in the roaring of key club cheers shouted by clubs from all over the Cali-Nev-Ha district. ‗Exhilarating‘ cannot begin to describe the sheer magic in numbers that exists within Key Club.

The most memorable fundraiser that I participated in required the collective efforts of every single Quartz Hill Key Club member. We organized a pie-throwing booth where students were able to throw pies at teachers—obvious gluttons for punishment, or really devoted Key Club supporters—for $3 or $4 (depending on the distance between the students throwing the pies and the pie-faced teachers).

When asked how she would describe her participation in Key Club this year, 2012-13 D38W LTG, Rashika Choudhary, responded, ―I was really active and did all that I could to better serve those around me as both a club secretary and Executive Assistant for the Division. Key Club was the one thing I could honestly say I was passionate about. I put my heart and soul into serving others. I not only had the opportunity to serve my home club, but I also had the chance to become like family with fellow Robots. I was not just a member or an officer of Key Club; I became good friends with those around me as well. As the year was coming to an end, I was elected as LTG for the 2012-2013 term—a dream of mine since DCON in Anaheim 2011.‖

I will always remember last year‘s DCON as the time when I got to hang out with some of my best friends in a hotel room playing Nintendo 64 video games all night, wake up at the crack of dawn to eat breakfast and quickly hop on a bus headed to the Santa Clara Convention Center to carry out my official duties as SAA, cheer as loud and exuberantly as humanly possible by engaging in spirit battles with other key clubs in the district, attend as many workshops led by motivational key note speaker, Patrick Maurer, as possible, and make new friends from Key Clubs all over California, Nevada and Hawaii.

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I will always remember last year‘s DCON as the time when I got to hang out with some of my best friends in a hotel room playing Nintendo 64 video games all night, wake up at the crack of dawn to eat breakfast and quickly hop on a bus headed to the Santa Clara Convention Center to carry out my official duties as SAA, cheer as loud and exuberantly as humanly possible by engaging in spirit battles with other Key Clubs in the district, attend as many workshops led by motivational key note speaker, Patrick Maurer, as possible, and make new friends from key clubs all over California, Nevada and Hawaii.

Last year was a truly remarkable year and I want to thank my school‘s club advisers, officer board, and members, along with all of the other active clubs and advisers in our division for making my senior year in Key Club the pinnacle of my entire high school experience. I have grown to learn that Key Club is not just a service organization, but an ohana—a family that supports one another—and I could not have asked for a better second family.

Next year I will be moving on to college life at Woodbury University, located in Burbank, CA. I recently contacted Burbank‘s Kiwanis President, Harvey Branman, asking if anyone would be willing to sponsor a Circle K chapter at Woodbury. He informed me that another girl had contacted him as well and he forwarded me to the university president‘s executive assistant/secretary to the board of trustees, who then put me in touch with a soon-to-be second-year Fashion Design major named Asia who already has many faculty members interested in starting a Circle K chapter at Woodbury.

Asia and I had correspondence and she asked if I would be the founding Vice President for the Circle K that we will be starting at Woodbury University next year. I gladly accepted, and I hope to employ my love for Key Club and the skill set that I have acquired during this most memorable year during my term as Vice President of the Circle K chapter at Woodbury. Thanks in part to some kind words of encouragement offered by our division‘s Kiwanis advisor, Ms. Jenn Skidmore, one day I hope to become Circle K‘s Division 16 Lieutenant Governor, and eventually Circle K‘s CNH District Governor. I will forever remember the lessons I have learned in key club and most importantly, I will continue to serve and treat others like family.

Thank you for your love and support, D38W Kiwanians.

Words from an AlumnusWords from an AlumnusWords from an Alumnus

CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West 5

Michael Giovanni Durso

Key Club Alum of 2012

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CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West


Meet the PresidentsMeet the PresidentsMeet the Presidents

My name’s Brentyn Hewitt and I’m Lancaster High School’s Key Club

President. My goals this upcoming school year for Lancaster is to boost

member spirit throughout the year, increase membership, make sure we serve

the community, and have fun doing so. I look forward to being Lancaster's

president and meeting all the other fellow Key Clubbers in the division

including the DLT. Go Division 38 West Robots!!

Brentyn Hewitt

LnHS President

“Though no one can go back and

make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a

brand new ending.”

-Carl Bard

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Meet the PresidentsMeet the PresidentsMeet the Presidents

CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West 7


I'm the president of the Sherman E. Burroughs High School Key Club,

and I have been a member for 2 years going on 3.

My goals for this year are to increase my members attendance to DCM

meetings, increase my members attendance of weekly meetings by an occa-

sional party throughout the year, and also raise more money for the service

projects that we take part in and have more fundraisers so we can afford to

send more members to DCON!

Daniel Villarreal

Sherman Burroughs President

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Meet the PresidentsMeet the PresidentsMeet the Presidents

CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West 8

Hello! My name is Ashlee Davis and I am SOAR High School's Key Club

President for the 2012-13 school year. Last year I was on SOAR's Key Club execu-

tive board as treasurer, and it being only our first year as a club, things were

thrown together quite haphazardly. But this is a new year, and I would really

like to see our club take off and become more active. I also hope to boost club

meeting attendance because in our first year not many people knew what Key

Club was all about. Finally, because our home club is so new to the game, I would

like to organize and hold events with other Key Clubs, such as Highland High

School's Key Club, which has already graciously offered a helping hand should we

ever need it.

Ashlee Davis

SOAR High School President

“We are in the business of exceed-

ing people’s expectations.”

-Michael Eisner

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Meet the PresidentsMeet the PresidentsMeet the Presidents

CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West 9

Hello, this is Jannah Villaflor from Highland HS Key Club! Serving my

presidential term as a sophomore will definitely be a demanding feat, but it

will be a challenge that I look forward to face. With a large portion of our

active members graduating along with inheriting our new adviser, I realized

that it will be a "build-up" year for us. During the 2012 - 2013 school year, I

hope to gain at least a 20% increase in my club's member count. I also want

to spread our spirit to accumulate more active members because it does not

matter how many members you have if none of them are active. Performing

more community centered service will also be one of my main objectives. I

feel that we've been focusing more on fundraising and providing the members

some simple, doable service projects will be the push we need to getting us

closer to our full potential. Having my club mingle with other school clubs

during service and fundraising projects is also something I am excited to

accomplish in the upcoming year. I look forward to working with my club as

well as the rest of the division during my 2012 - 2013 term!

Jannah Villaflor

HHS President

“ The best way to

find yourself is to lose yourself in the

service of others.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

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CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West


Meet the DLTMeet the DLTMeet the DLT

You know our LTG, Rashika, but do you know the rest of the Division Leadership Team?

Cecilia Nguyen

Position: Executive Assistant

School: Highland High School

Grade: Sophomore, 10th

“Stop thinking of what could

go wrong and start thinking of

what could go right.”

Jeanie Paek

Position: Technology Editor

School: Highland High School

Grade: Sophomore, 10th

“Forgiveness liberates the soul. It re-

moves fear. That is why it is such a

powerful weapon.” - Nelson Mandela

Ashley Beltran

Position: Divisional Secretary

School: Lancaster High School

Grade: Sophomore, 10th

“Shoot for the moon, even if you

miss, you’ll land among the

stars” - Les Brown

The Division Leadership Team looks forward to working with all the members in our

division! We thank you for being the basis of our division and hope for members to stay

active during the school year. Our goal as the DLT is to help unite the division as well as

advise our LTG in any circumstance. We hope you know that we will put immense efforts

into our actions. Thank you for all your support and let’s make this a year to remember!

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CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West


For those of you who missed it, there was a DCM (Divisional Council Meeting)/Service Project at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 9th. Key Clubbers from our division gathered for the DCM and then Key Clubbers participated in a trash pick up. Dur-ing the DCM, members from Highland, Quartz Hill, Eastside, and Lancaster gathered as the 2012– 2013 Division Leadership Team was introduced, the basic idea of DCON 2013:

A Million Waves of Service was discussed and our PTP fundraising goal of $1,000 was established.

The June DCMThe June DCMThe June DCM

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CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West

The June DCMThe June DCMThe June DCM


Attendance Point System

Another topic that was discussed at the DCM is the new Attendance Point System. The goal of

the Point System is to help increase member attendance and participation at DCMs and other


The goal of a member is to gain as many points as possible. At the end of the year, we will

have several gift baskets to raffle off. So, the more points you have, the better chance you have

of winning a gift!

You can gain points from the following actions:

1 point for every DCM attended.

1 point for every fundraiser & event attended.

1 point for bringing things such as cookies, drinks, etc. for everyone to share at a DCM/event.

2 points for every friend you get to join Key Club.

3 points for attending events such as RTC, DCON, ICON, etc.

The points will be recorded, so remember to sign in at events and meetings!

T-Shirt Design Submissions

Also, remember that all submissions must be received by no later than 6 PM on

July 1st. Please contact Rashika for any further questions.

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CNH District | Region 5 | Division 38 West


Event UpdatesEvent UpdatesEvent Updates

ICON 2012

The 69th Annual Key Club Interna-

tional Convention will be held in the city

of Orlando, Florida on July 4th - 8th, 2012.

Here, Key Clubbers from all over the world are

given the opportunity to meet each other, start

new friendships, and learn more about other

Key Clubs. It is also where the 2012—2013

International Board will be elected. To those

who are attending ICON: We hope you have a

fun and safe trip! To those who are not: Don’t

worry; there will always be next year!

To learn more about ICON, please visit the

following sites:


international-convention hkeyclub.org/




Officer Training Conference


Meet other members and club officers at O.T.C!

O.T.C is an annual training conference held by

lieutenant governors for club members and

officers. Here, you will be trained by LTGs

including the topics of positional leadership,

committee structure, how to lead meetings, and

service opportunities. Attendance is highly


Region Training Conference


Mingle with members within the region! R.T.C

is held yearly by the current LTG in the

division in conjunction with other Lt.

Governors in the same region or group of re-

gions. At R.TC. you will meet Key Club mem-

bers from all the other clubs in your region and

division and learn new icebreakers. You will

leave this conference knowing so much more

about Key Club and how to be a more effec-

tive officer and /or member. Workshops may

include membership development, service pro-

jects, fundraising, member recognition, run-

ning for office, all officer workshops, District

Projects, Kiwanis Family, Major Emphasis Pro-

ject, and Key Club 101.

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Contact InformationContact InformationContact Information

Divisional Board

Lieutenant Governor Rashika Choudhary

[email protected]


Divisional Executive Assistant Cecilia Nguyen

[email protected]


Divisional Secretary Ashley Beltran

[email protected]


Divisional Technology Editor Jeanie Paek

[email protected]


Regional Advisors

Ms. Jenn Skidmore

[email protected]

Mrs. Alyson Palmer

[email protected]

Club Presidents

Burroughs President

Daniel Villarreal

[email protected]

Eastside President

Maribel Hernandez

[email protected]

Highland President

Jannah Villaflor

[email protected]

Lancaster President

Brentyn Hewitt

[email protected]

Quartz Hill President

Niki Bakhru

[email protected]

SOAR President

Ashlee Davis

[email protected]

Key Club International: www.keyclub.org

CNH Cyber Key: www.cnhkeyclub.org

D38W Reflector: groups.google.com/group/div38w