D( £ v o /*-+ • $ ( s j p r M - Historical Papers, Wits ...£ v o /*-+ • $ ( s j p r M. ......

(D £vo /*-+ •$ (sjprM . COMMUNIQUE OB TEE 005YEHENdJ 07 UTTOHMATI01I BUREAd 0T COKMUtflST PARTIES. Cr A conference of the Information Bureau wap held in Hungary in the second half of November, consisting of the repre- sentatives of the Communist Party of Bulgaria. Comrades V. Chervenkoff and V. Poptomoff , of the Rumanian Workers* Party, Comrades G. Cheorghui-Dej.J. Chishinevischi and A. Moghiorosi, of the Hungarian Working People's Party, Com- rades fc. Rakosi, S. Gero, J. Revai and J. Kadar, o the Polish United Workers' 'arty, Comrades J. Berman and A. ^awadski, of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), Comrades H. Sislov end P. Yudin, of the French Communist Party, Comrades J. Duclos, £• Fajon anp G. Gognict, of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Comrades R. Slansky, S. Baotovansky, L. Kopriva, and B. Geminder, 01 the Italian Communist Party, Comrades P. Togliatti, E.d’Onofrio and A. Cicalini. The Conference heard the reports of Comrade Suslov on "The Defence of Peace cad the Struggle Against the War- mongers", of Comrade Togliatti on "The Unity of the Wor- king Class and the Tasks cf the Communist and Workers' Parties”, and of Comrade Gheorghiu-Dej on "The Yugoslav Communist Party in the Po«er of Murderers and Spies". After exchange of opinions on the reports given, the par- ticipants of the Conference reached full agreement and unanimously approved the resolutions that .ere presented at the conclusion of these reports. 3. 1. rnqv DEFENCE OF PSACE AND THE st W gg S ao I inst the wawgsqbbi . The repreuentatives of the Communist Party of Bulgorl the / ••• 2

Transcript of D( £ v o /*-+ • $ ( s j p r M - Historical Papers, Wits ...£ v o /*-+ • $ ( s j p r M. ......

(D£ v o /*-+ • $ ( s j p r M .


A conference of the Information Bureau wap held in Hungary in the second half of November, consisting of the repre­sentatives of the Communist Party of Bulgaria. Comrades V. Chervenkoff and V. Poptomoff , of the Rumanian Workers* Party, Comrades G. Cheorghui-Dej.J. Chishinevischi and A. Moghiorosi, of the Hungarian Working People's Party, Com­rades fc. Rakosi, S. Gero, J. Revai and J. Kadar, o the Polish United Workers' 'arty, Comrades J. Berman and A. ^awadski, of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), Comrades H. Sislov end P. Yudin, of the French Communist Party, Comrades J. Duclos, £• Fajon anp G. Gognict, of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Comrades R. Slansky,S. Baotovansky, L. Kopriva, and B. Geminder, 01 the Italian Communist Party, Comrades P. Togliatti, E.d’Onofrio

and A. Cicalini.

The Conference heard the reports of Comrade Suslov on "The Defence of Peace cad the Struggle Against the War­mongers", of Comrade Togliatti on "The Unity of the Wor­king Class and the Tasks cf the Communist and Workers' Parties” , and of Comrade Gheorghiu-Dej on "The Yugoslav Communist Party in the Po«er of Murderers and Spies".After exchange of opinions on the reports given, the par­ticipants of the Conference reached full agreement and unanimously approved the resolutions that .ere presented at the conclusion of these reports.


rnqv DEFENCE OF PSACE AND THEs t W g g S a o I i n s t t h e w a w g s q b b i .

The r e p r e u e n t a t i v e s of the Communist Party of Bulgorl

the / ••• 2

/ ; , ' . • ' * * * ' : ■ • * V v .• jj3? > «’■**• •*>*th. Buaalaa *.rk.r'. Jurtfk th* Wortdo* PeoplesParty, the Poll A the C<a«mi.t T*r-* .f th. S.vl.t OaU. <lal**vlk.>. th. »r.n.h jart,, th. Italian Co— mlht Part, -a * • *— »i«* « * % of Cieohoelovaki., .ft.r di.cu..ing th. question of th. .d.f.nce of p.a« *nd th. struggle again.t th. warmonger.,

1 reached u ^ a o u s agr.e-.nt of th. follcwing conclu.lons^,h . er e n t e o f th . L e t two ye ere * > « f u l l , c o n f i r m e d

th . correctn e.e o f t h . . n ^ , . l . o f the i n t . m a t l o n a l .I t o a - !

t i o n m a d . b y t h e f i r s t o o a f . r . n o . o f t h . I n f o r m a t i o n B u r . a nj «_Parties in September, 1947.of the Communist and Workers .artie

D u r i n g t h l e p e r i o d t h . t w . l i n e . I n w o r l d p o l i c y n e v .

b e e n e t l l l a o r . c l e a r l y a n d a o r e s h a r p l y r e v e a l e d , t h . l i n e

t h . d e m o c r a t i c a n t i - i m p e r i a l i s t o a a p h e a d e d b y t h e

t h e o s m p w h i c h c o n d u c t a c o n . i a t . n t a n d

f o r p e a c e a m o n g t h e p e o p l e , e n d f o r d e m o c r a c y i

O f t h e i m p e r i a l i s t a n t i d e m o c r a t i c o a a p h e a d e d b y th e n g

o l M l * . O f t h . U n i t e d s t a t e s , t h e o » P w h i c h h a . a s . s m a i n

4. A <-Vimarit of Angl0-Am*TiCan WOj5d i0ml~ ai* the forcible establishment orn a t i o n , t h e e n s l a v e m e n t o f f o r e i g n e n t r i e s a n d p . o p l e s , ^

the deectruction of democracy ,and tne unleashing oPOBCBS 0? PEACE 0BOW STBOHGER*

M o r e o v e r , t h e a g g r . s s i v . n e . s o f t h e i m p e r i a l i s t o a a p

.9aall The ruling circles of the Unite centime to increase. a«*res-. v ^ t.ln ar. ©peniy conducting a policy o. aggr States and Britain are .— 4--+

♦ . war. In tlie s ^ S S 1® a«*insti - n ar\A pX*6p6L3TS*tiOn Of &, ! - l a i i s m a n d war, t h . f e r e . s o f p . . c e , d e m o - the oamp of imperial

c r a c y a n d S o o i . l s m h a v . g r o w n e n d h . o o m e ^

further growth of the might of the Soviet , .of the countries ox

l l t l d and . o o m o m l o strengthening o f« n d t h . i r e m b a r k m e n t u p o n t h e r o a d o f

p e o p l . - s d e m o c r a c y a n d t h e i rt k , ii.torlc v*otory o f tn. ^

b u i l d i n g s o c i a l ! , i n t . r n a lR e v o l u t i o n o v e r t h e u n i t e d f o r o . .

5 0 0 . r l a l i s a * t h e c r e a t i o n o f t h er e a c t i o n a n d A m e r i c a n i a p e r i e l i * . ^

— -T Germ** /•*

' ' & 9 ? 0

German D e m o c r a t i c Bepublic, t h e strengthening of the Com­b a t Partiea and ths growth of th. dsmoorstic movemen

of the partisans of peace - all t * . I * * * " a gree widening and strengthening of the a n t i - i m p e r i a l i s t and

democratic camp. ^ ^ m a anti-democraticAt the same time xne

eeBp is becoming — r. « - success of the foroaa of’ and Socialism, the m aturing economic crisis, he

democracy ^ orl8ia of the capitalistfurther sharpening of 6 .

* internal and external contra-eystem, the sharpening of the -

f the system, testify to the increasing " e v e n i n g dictions of the system,

of imperialism* of force8 in the inter-The change in the

r~,-p npace and ciemocra—

cy p r o v o k e s mad fury and rage among the imperialist

■ 3 'T'he Anglo-Am e r i c a n imperialists count upon

“ T . ‘ oI course of historical development by means of

0baT t o solve their internal and external contradictions

i : l l m o u l t i e s , to consolidate the position of monopoly

tB, and to achieve world domination, capital, ana «.uISP3 O A X i s T _ m 2 S S ^ ™ ^ ----------------- - rks against them, the imperialist

Feeling that time works agai.ieenne. various blocs andin"feverish haste are knocking -og reali8a:lon 0f their

: z ^ - • - » -inioerialist hxoc peace settle-, the frustration of a peao

finds its expression in the ^ of the alsmem-ment with Germeny and ap . ,3 vJestern

„ *he transformation oxberment of Oer^any, - into hot-aones and of Japan, occu ^ ^ p i n g - o f f groundsbeds of facism and revanc ism - ^ ^ U o t.

-p +v>a at'pcr e s si ve - for the realisation o. - - ^ ^ jl;Kt extension

!Ue enslaving * h » l - - • ^ . _

Western Union and the North-Atlantic military bloc, directed against all peace-loving peoples, the unrestrained armaments race in the United States and in the Western European coun­tries, the inflated military budgets and the extension of the network of American military bases serve this policy*This policy also finds its expression in the refusal of the Anglo-American bloc to prohibit atomic weapons despite the collapse of the legend of American atomic monopoly, and in the fomenting of war hysteria by all possible means.

This policy determines the whole line of Anglo-%

American bloc in the United Nations organisation, aimed at undermining U.N.O. and transforming it into a tool of American monopolies.

The i perialists* policy of unleaching a new war has also found expression in the plot exposed at the Budapest


trial of Rajk and Brankov, a plot which was organised by Anglo-American circles against the countries of People's Democracy and the Soviet Union, with the assistance of the nationalist facist Tito clique who have become a band of agents of international imperialist reaction. The policy of preparing a new war means, for the masses of the people of the capitalist countries, a continuous growth in the unbearable burdens of taxation, an increase in the poverty of the working masses, side by 3i.de with a fabulous increase in the super-profits cf the monopolies which are enriching themselves from theannaments race.

The maturing economic crisis is bringing still mo poverty, unemployment, hunger and fear of the morrow to the

working people of the capitalist countries. At the aame time the policy of the war preparations is linked “with con­tinuous encroachments by the ruling imperialist circles on

the elementary and vital rights and democratic liberties of the mass of the people. Intensified reaction in all spheres of social, political and ideological life, the use

of fascist methods of club law against the progressive and

/ *' * ' * ( i . > • * - ndemocratic forces o* the posple - lh««« are the nearures by .* ' * 1 /•' - " Vv. >.■ \'which the imperialist bourgeoisie are trying to prepare the

rear fo r a robber war*. f • • Vs.

Thus, l ik e the fa s o is t aggressors, the Anglo-American

bloc i s engaged in preparing a m v war in all spheres)7 /' • . •>>*%: >;•'

military strategic measures, political pressure and blaok*jaail f economic expansion and the enslavement of t peoples, idea***

** . i logical stppefaoation of the masses and the strenghtening ofreaction*


IMPERIALISTS OVERESTIMATE tHEIR STBEHGTH*The bosses of American imperialism are making their

plans for unleashing a new world war and for the conqueet of world domination without taking into account the actual relation of forces between-the camp of imperialism and the camp of Socialism*

!fheir plans for world domination have even less foun-idation and are more adventurist than the* plans of the Hit*»

lerite and Japanese Imperialists. The American ImperialistsV.4 ' %clearly overestimate their strength and under-estimate the

growing strength and organisation of the anti-imperialist camp. The historical situation today differs radically from the situation in which the second World War was pre­pared, and in the present international conditions it is• - » v> . *incomparably more difficult for the warmongers to carry out their bloodthirsty plans. "The horrors of the recent warare too fresh in the minds of the people and the social *• * . „ iforces in favour of peace are too great for ChurchiU*s pupils in aggresaiontto bs able to overpowbr and defleot them towards a nsw war" (Stalin}*

The peoples do not want w^r, and hate war* They arebecoming more and more conscious of*the terrible abbyss into

iwhichthe imperialists are trying tp draw them* The con­tinuous struggle of the Soviet Unlon9 the countries of Peoples Damooraoy and the international working class and

the /i#~ ~ v * • -- •

tho demooratio .O T W r t j f fo r tho freedeom and 1 M . .

pendenoo o f n ttion a and ^ i n o t the warmon4.ro, 1 . d o ily

fin d in g OT»r aoro powortnl oupport f r o . tho kroodoot 000.

tions of the population® 4f a l l countrloo o f the world.

Honoo tho development of t * mighty movement of tho •upportoro of poooo. »£movoi»om* include* l a it* rank# * ■ore than 600 Billion people and io broadening and growing, embracing all oountrioo o f the world ahd drawing into ito

ranks ever aoro fightoro agrfinst tho throat of war. The movement of the supporter* *f peace io a vivid indication of the fact that the mase of the people are taking the oause of safeguarding peace into their own hands, are demonstrating their unswerving will to defend peace and to avert war.


However, it would bo miotkon nnd harmful for the causo ' of poaco to undereotlnate the danger of tho now war that ioI

o being prepared by the imperialist Powers, headed by the United States of America and Britain.

The tremendous growth of the forces of the camp of demooracy and Socialism should not evoke in the ranks of the true fighters for peace any kind of complaoenoy.It would be profoundly and unpardonably misleading to con­sider that the threat of war has diminished*

The experience of history teadhes that the more hope­less the oause of imperialist reaction, the more it rages, the greater grows the danger of military adventure. Only the most tremendous viligance on the part of the people, their firm determination to fight actively with all their might and with every poasible means for peace, will smash ffr: atoms the criminal designs of the Instigators of a new war. In the conditiona of intensifying the threats of a new war, a great and historic responsibility rests with the communists and the workers' parties.

The struggle for a stable and lasting peace, for orga­nising and rallying the forces standing for peace against those standing for war, must^occupy the central place in all the work of the Communist Parties and democratic orga­nisations. For the fulfilment of the great &ud noble task of saving mankind from the threats of a new nafa the repre­sentatives of Communist and Workers' Parties regard the following as their most important tasksi

THE MOST URGENT TASKS.1« It is necessary to. work still more stubbornly for

the organisational consolidatien and extension of the move­ment of the supporters of £>eacet drawing into that movement ever-new sections of the population and converting it into a nation-widd movement.

Particular attention should be devoted to bringing into of

the movement/the supporte-s of peace the trade unions, women13, youth, co-operative, sports, cultural and <3ducational, religious and other organisations, as well as scientists, writers, journalists, workers in the field of culture, parliamentary leaders and other political and social leaders who are in favour of peace and who are against war.

Today the tasks loom particularly imperatively of ral­lying all honest supporters of peace, irrespective of reli­gious faiths, political views and party membership, on the broadest platform of the struggle for peace and against the t; reat of a new war which hangs over mankind.

2, For the further development of the movement of the t

supporters of peace, the more active participation of the working class in this movement and the solidarity and unity of its Banks are of decisive importance. For this reason it is a primary task of the Communist and Workers1 Parties to bring into the ranks of the fighters for peace the broad­est sections of the waking class, to create a firm unity of the working class,to organise joint action of the various

sections of the preletariat on the basis of a common plat-

* ■

« ■ *•fern e f the atru g*le fo * p e a o e a a d fo r the national inde-

pendenoe o f th e ir eountrr,

3* tfnity of the woVking olass oan only be won through determined etruggle againet the Right-Wing Sooialiat eplit. tara and die#rganiaera of the working claaa movement, The Right-Wing Sooialiate ?f the type of Bevan, Attlee, Blum,Quy Mollet, Spaak, Sohuaacher, Renner, Saragat, and tha reactionary trade union leadera like Green, Carey, Deaken, oonductiag a emitting, anti-popular policy, are the bit- tereat eneaiee of the working claaa, tha accomplices of the ' warmonger8 and lackeya of iaperialisa, who conceal their be­trayal in paeudo-dooialiet, cosmopolitan phraseology.

The communist and Workers' Parties, continuously fightingfor peace, must day by day expose the Right-Wing Socialistleaders as the bittereat enemies of peace. It is essentialto develop and consolidate to the utmost the co-operation andunity of action among the lower organisations and rank andfile members of the Socialist Parties, to support all trulyhonest elements in the ranks of these parties, explainingto them the disastrous nature of the reactionary Right-Wing leaders#

4. The Communist and Workers* Parties must oppose the misanthropic propaganda of the aggeesora who are striving to convert the countries of Europe and Asia into bloody battlefields, with the broadest propaganda for stable and lasting peace among the peopl’aa. They must continuously expose the aggesaive blocs and military-politioal alliances - first and foremost, Western Union and North Atlantic Bloc.The: must widely explain that a new war would bring the people most profound disaster afcd collossal destruction, and that the struggle against war and in defence of peaoe is the taak of all peoples of the world. It is necessary to ensure that war propaganda, the preaching of racial hatred and enmity among peoples, which is being oonduoted by the agents of Anslo-AaerieM ,.,t. »!th aharp oondwnation

on the part of the entire democratic public in every coun­try, It is necessary to ensure that not one single action on the part of the propagandists of a new war remains with­out a rebuff from the honest supporters of peace*

forms of mass struggle for peace, such as committeees in de-

have been widely practised in Prance and Italy, publication and distribution of literature exposing the war preparations, the collection of funds for the struggle of peace, the -or­ganisation of boycotts of films, newspapers, books, perio­dicals, broadcasting companies and of the institutions and leaders propagating the idea of a new war* All these con­tribute a most important task of Communist and Workers' Parties*

countries consider it their duty to join in a single whole the struggle for national independence and the struggle for peace, continuously to expose the anti-national, treacherous nature of the policy of the bourgeoisie governments which have become direct agents of aggressive American imperialism; to unite and consolidate all the democratic and pa .riotic forces of the country roun^ slogans calling for abolition of the ignominious subordination to the American monopolies,

'Vi­and for.return to the path of an independent foreign >jnd homenpolicy corresponding to the national interests of the peoples

It is neces ary to rally the widest sections of the people ojl' te capitalist countries in defence o democraticrights and liberties, continuously explaining that in de­fence of peace is indissolubly linked with the defence of the vital interests of the working class and the working masses, with the defence of their economic and political rights. Importat tasks face the Communist parties of

5* To make use of the new, effective and tested

upfence of peace in towns and villages, the drawing/ofpetitions ballots among the population, which

6* The Communist and Workers* Parties in capitalist

'any and other

9? countries, whose peoples the American imperialists want to use as canon fodder in irder to carry out their aggressive plans. Their duty is to develop still further the struggle for peace and for smashing the criminal designs of the Anglo-American warmongers.

7. The Communist and Workers' Parties of the countriesof People’s Democracy and the Soviet Union have, together0

with the tasks of exposing the imperialist warmongers and their accomplices, the task of further strengthening the camp of peace and Socialism, for the sake of defending peace and the security of nations.

8. The Anglo-American Imperialists assign a consider® able role in the execution of their aggressive plans, par­ticularly in Central and South-I^ast Surope, to the nationa­list Tito clique, which is employed in the espionage ser­vice of the imperialists. The task of defending peace and struggling against the warmongers demands the further ex­posure of this clique which has gone over to the camp of the bitter enemies of peace, democracy and Socialism - the camp of imperialism and fascism.

For the first time in the history of mankind there lias arisen an organised peace front, headed by the Soviet Union, the bulwark and standard-bearer of peace throughout the world. The courageous call of the Communist Parties, pro­claiming chat the peoples will never fight against the first land of Socialism in the world, against the Soviet Union, is being spread ever more widely among the mass of the people in the capitalist countries. In the days of the war against fascism, the Communist Parties were the vanguard of the nation-wide resistance to the invaders. In the post­war period the Communist and Workers' Parties are the front- rank fighters for t..e vital interests of their peoples,

against a new war.Uni ed together under the leade ship of the new workir

class /...

j i . > * > ? ? o

daaa, all the oppon«nt« of a®en and women of scierca ^ W°m n ^ People andacione# and culture* * * Peace froat Capable ^ a

8 l 8 M « “ ^ i a l i e t e . The * * - -e w i ° at™ ^ p eae. dependB oe; the deTei° ^

. «>• «ergy and initiati | P a great extent 0„

— « « ! , * * th9 p a m e a -t 0 tra n a ; o n " t h * Possibility Of , 0lll t h 9 eUard flSktera- » M i m t o an actual fsot. M o n g e r s *

The foroes of democracy. th« f°f Pe80e °°"Sito^ exceed the p o . o e ^ T ^ “ “ SUPP°rt8ra8 9ue° « o n of still further in„ faction. It isPeoples towards the »aroo eaalr‘« the vigiianoe of th

- — »ass of i h i m : — - —Pesoe, for the sake of the ... "a ''lV* <’#,enc# °ffor the sake of their life and 1 ^ ” “ ' ^ * * P e °P l e S >


i*The preparation of a fo^ a ne w war* v j h i j

y tl,e ^ l o - . t a e r i o a n imperialists th" " ^ °°“d U C t e '3

reaction against the democratic rirt t °* b o u ^ c i s

°f the v.orking class and t, e a"d ^ lnter« t s° t/ e oaases of n.o* Etr“ =*honing Of the struggle of t, ’ ’

S ^ r d and consoli ,ate peace » " worlilnS olass to safe-ttLe» to Orgfilli qp o ^the warni0ncers and to the onsln ^ . *ClSlV*

aCti°°- »«• guarantee of success ir „ lalJPU11'tln thS rar‘ks °f the working class. ’ ^ "tnJs‘!;le ls u^ t y

Post-war experience shows that ha

the W°rki— s movement occupies one o / l " ^6 °‘ the most impor-

ta«t /...

tant places in the arsdnal of tactical means and methods used by the imperialists for the unleashing of a new war, for the suppression of the forces of democracy and Socialism and for shsqply lowering the standard of living cf the mass of the people.

Nevsx' before in the whole history of the international working-class movement has working-class unity, both withinindividual countries and on a world 3cale, been of such de-vcisive importance as at the present time. Unity in the ranks of the wrrking class is necessary in order to defend peace, to thwart the criminal designs of the warmongers and to foil the imperialists' plot against democracy and Socia­lism, to avert the establishment of fascist methods of domi­nation, to offer decisive rebuff to the campaign of monopoly


capital against the vital interests of the wrrking class and to achieve an improvement in the economic posi.ion of the working masses.

These tasks can be achieved first and foremost on the basis of rallying the broad masses of the working class, irrespective of party-memberchip, trade union organisation and religious faith. Unity from below is the most effective way of rallying a the workers for the sake of tie defence of peace and the national independence of their countries, for the uake of the defence of the economic interests and democratic rights of the working people.

Working class unity i^ fully attainable, despite the opposit cn of the leading MirairxKS centres of all the trade unions and parties, led by splitters and enemies of unity.

The post-war period has been marked by big successes in the elimination of the split in the working class and in the rallying of the democratic forces in general, an expression of which was the formation of the <Vorld fede­ration of Tr^.de Unions, the ./omen's International Demo­cratic Federation, and the World Federation of Democratic Youth, and the convening of the World Congress of Partisans

pf peace /

-12- 4

.. •, - t , y. 't**


of peace. The successes 0* unity are .*pre,..« i» - thening of the General Confederation of Labour in France ^ establishment of a united trade union association in ^the Italian General Confederation of labour -and in . letant activities of the French and Italian proletariat.

* • People’a Democracy historic successesIn the countries of Peoplehave been won as regards unity of the working class** Unitedparties of the working class have been set up, as well ^

united co-operative youth, womens united trade unions and unitedand other organisations. This working class unity play,. decisive role in the successes achieved in- the economic and cultural advance in the countries of People's Democracy, ensured for the working class the leading role in the Stat. and ensured radical improvements tn the material con

of the working passes.m this points to the tremendous urge of the working

class towards consolidating Its rank,, and point, to the

,M 1ities o' creating a united frone.istance of real possibilities o_. fnrres of reaction,• ■ - against the united iorcesof the wor k i n g class agaiua

4-vq "Pi ht —Vti n t i Socialists. ^TNovifiHsts to the aI^ti ’i-iie, from the a m e n c a n inpeiialists-he American and British imperialists and their s a . 1-

u t e . m the countries of Europe are striving to split andth Jorces of the iroletariat and of ti.e pe -P disorganise the .orces

in general, placing particular hopes in theSocialists and reactionary trade union leaders. On - n

Vi sh imperifrilis -s, instructions from the American ana * n -- -list leaders and reactionary trade union the right-wing socialist leadeis

• c, nf ri e working-class mo. “iin"the r a i j-k o ° *leaders are spli ^ in0tr.,lrR to destroy the united organisatl. i.s

from the top and tryinginaa <-h have been set up in :.e of the workin class which ...

post-war ieriod. They have tried to smash the world e<e- ration of :rade Union from within, have organised lr«a -awa5groupings - the force Ouvriere in France, t „ so-called

• Ttpiv - and they are preparing to Federation of Labour in *<-3et up a breakaway international trade union centre.

-14- ■ S

Splitting attempts of this kind have also been made by the leader' of the Catholic organisations in certain countries* The appraisal of the treacherous actions of the Right-Wing Socialist leaders, as the bitterest enemies of working-class unity and the accomplices of imperialism, given by the first conference of the Information Bureau of Communist Parties, hasbeen fully confirmed.

Today the .Right-Wing Socialists act no/ only as agentsof the bourgeoisie in their own countries, but as agents of American imperialism, converting the Social-Democratic par­ties of the countries of Europe into Ameri an parties, di­rect tools of United States imperialist aggression.

In those countries whe-e the Right-.Ying Socialists are in the Government - Britain, France, Austria, and the Scan— dantivian countries - the;: act as the ardent defenders of the Marshall Plan, Western Union and North Atlantic Treaty, and all sin.ilar forms of American expansion. These psuedo-So- cialists carry out the foulest role in the persecution cf working class and democratic organisatirns which defend the interests of the working people. SliSing farther and far­ther down the path pf betrayal of the interests of the wor­king class, democracy and Socialism, and having completely disowned Marxist teaching, the .light—Wing Socialists are now acting as the defendera and propagandists of the robber ideo­logy of American imperialism.

The theory of democratic Socialism, of the third foree their cosmopolitan ravings about the need +o renounce national sovereignty, ard nothing but ideological canoufl- e of the agression of American and British imperialism. 'he w*tched offspring of the Second In'ernati nal (which rt>tted alive) - the sc-culled Committee of International Socialist Confer nces (C.O.K.I .S.C.O.) - has become the iHllyi r. ir,J of the vilest aplottersand di sorgani sers of th • worki n^-class movement. This organisation has become an espionage ofintr« in the employment of the British and American intelli *nce


Only In ddcisive battl* against the ilight-Wing Social!* splitters and disorganiaers of the working-class movement oan working-class ttnity be won.

II.The Information Bureau considers It the primary task

of the Communist Parties to struggle continuously to unite and organise all the forces of the working olass in order to offer powerful resistance to the insolent claims of Anglo- American imperialism, to frustrate their gamble on a new world war, to defend and consolidate the cans., of peaoe and inter­national securitt, to doom to failure the offensive o.' mono­poly cspital against the standard of living of the workingmasses

In the present international situation, it is the direct duty of the Oo .amnlst Parties to explain that if the working class do not secure unity in their ranks, they will deprive themselves of the moet important weapon in the struggle against the jro.nng threat of a new .world war and the offensive of im­perialist reaction on the standard of living of the working people.

While conducting an irreconcilable and consistent struggle in theory and practice against the Sight-.,ing Socialists and ? reactionary trade union leaders and mercilessly exposing them 1 and isolating them from the masses, the Communists should '"fpatiently and persistently explain to the rank-and-file Social Lemocrat workers the full importance of working-class unity, * should draw them into the active struggle for peace, bread and :.emocratic liberties, and should persue a policy of joint action for the achievement of these aims.

-the -ried method of achieving unity for the working class is unity of action on the part of its various sections. Agreed ^ jcint action in individual enterprises, in whole branches of %.

industry, on a town, regional, national and inte national seal*- mobilises the broadest masses for the struggle for the most

immediate /... ►a**


mmed.ate needs which they best understand, and serves to esta

P*“ anent lD th* Proletarian ranks. The achieve­ment of unified worWng-cl.es action from below can be expres in the formation to factories and institutions of committees in defence of peace, in the organisation of mass demonstration* against the warmongers, in joint action on the part of the ,orkare for the purpose of defending democratic rights and impro- ving their economic position.

In the struggle for working-class unity special attention should be given to the masses of Catholic workers and working people and. their organisation, bearing in mind that religious convictions are not an obstacle to working-class unity, par­ticularly when this unity is needed to save peace. Concrete Joint action in the field of economic demands, co-ordination of the struggle of the claas and Catholic trade unions, etc., can be effective means of.bringing the Catholic workers into to common front of struggle for peace.

A most important task of the Communist Parties in every capitalist country is to do everything possible to secure unity of the trade union move ent. Today it is of tremendous j importance to draw unorganised workers into The trade unions and into active struggle. In the capitalist countries these workers comprise a considerable part of the proletariat.I: the Communist Parties prop-rly or anise the work among the unorganised workers, they will be able to achieve impor­tant successes in the task of securing working-class unity.

The information 3uroau considers that it is necessary on the basis of working-class unity, to establish national unity of all democratic forces for the purpose of mobilising the broad masses of the people for the struggle against Angle-Amsrican imperialism and reaction at home. Of extreme impor-

. . , mas3tance is .he day-to-day work in the variou^ organisationso_ the woiking p3ople, women's, youth, peasant, co—operativeand other organisations.



Onlty of the working-olass movement and the rallying of all demoeratlo forces la nfceeaaary not only for the solution of the day-to-day and current taeka of the working class and the mass of the working people, hut alao for the aolution of tha basic questions which confront the proletariat as a class „>ich is leading tha atruggle for the elimination of the power of monopoly capital, for tha Socialist re-oonatmction of

society.on the baaia of the suocessea achieved in aecuring unity

of the working claaa movement ahd rallying all the democratic force, it will become possible to develop the atruggle incapitalist countries for the setting u p of governments which , 1 1 1 rally all the patriotic forces opposed to the enslave

American imperialism, will adopt m ent of their countries by American P ^ a m a m e *the policy of stable peace among people ,race and will raise the.standard of living of the working

« »

ma33eS‘ , «pa of People's Democracy, the CommunistIn the countries of reopxeand 'Workers' Partiea are confronted with the task of a further consolidating the working-claaa unity already a ved and the united trade union-, co-operative, women a, y0uth and other organieations already created.

++-• n Bureau considers that the further sue The Information Bureau oou

of the struggle for working-class unity and the ra - . tic forces depends primarily on improve- lying of the democratic forces y

, ar,* iaeological work 01 in all the organisational and ideol g

ments in all ?Qr the communist andevery communist and Workers --a y. ’Vorkera' Partiea, the ideological exposure of.

liable struggis against, all manifestations of o; por" C cretorianiem and bourgeoisie-nationalism. and the tunlsm, se penetration of enemy agents into .hestruggle against the pene

are of decisive importance, party milieu, ^ 0f the 5ito-

The lessons which Cor™unist. n k o v i c sPy clique imperatively demand that th


and Workers* Parties should inoreaaa revolutionary viliganoe to the utmost. The agents of the Tito clique are today ac­ting as the bitterest splitters in the ranks of the working

■ olass and democratic BOvea$&ta-ahd-are carrying out «k±‘the will of the American imperialiats. A deoisive struggle is neces­sary, therefore, against the intrigues of these agents of

-r Ithe imperialists, wheraver they try to work in workers' and democratic organisations.

The organisational and ideological-political strei^he-. ning of the Communist and Workers' Parties on the basis of the principles of Marxism-Leninism is a most important con­dition for the successful struggle of the working class for unity^nin their ranks, for the oause of peace, for the natio­nal independence of their countries, for democracy and Socialism*



The Information Bureau, composed of representatives of the Communi t Party of Bulgaria, the Rumanian V/orkersf Party and the Hungarian Working People's Party, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bdbhevika), the French Communist Party, the Communist Party of Chechoslovakia and the Italian Commu­nist Party, has discussed the question of the Yugoslav Com­munist Party which is in the power of assassins and spies, and has agreed unanimously on the following conclusions:

If the conference of the Information Bureau of the Com­munist Parties in 1948 recorded that the Tito-Rankovic clique had passed from democracy and Socialism to bourgeois-nationa- lism, then during the period which has elapsed since that conference of the Information Bureau, the passage of this clique from bourgeois nationalism to fascism and direct be- trayql* of the national interests of Yugoslavia has been ac­complished .

»■ # * - f- * »J, . ***. ■ •' » • . . . .

Reoent events have shown that the Yugoslav Government Is completely dependent upon foreign Imperialist circles and has become a tool of their aggressive policy, which has led to the elimination of the independence and sove­reignty of the Yugoslav Republic#

The Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Government of Yugoslavia have completely linked themselves with imperialist circles against the entire camp of socia­lism and democracy, against the Communist Parties of the world, against the countries of People's Democracy and the

U.S.S.R.The clique of Belgrade's hired spies and assassins

have openly concluded a deal with imperialist reaction and entered its service, as was shown perfectly clearly by the Budapest trial of Rajk and Brankov. This trial showed that the present rulers of Yugoslavia have gone over from the camp of democracyand soclAism to the camp of capitalism and reaction and have become the direct accomplices of the instigators of a new war, and are stri­ving by their treasonable actions to '.vin the praise o. theimperialists and carry favour with them.

The dese tion of Tito’s clique tofascism is not ac­cidental. It was done on orders from their masters, the Anglo-American imperialists, whose hirelings, it now pires, this clique has been for a long time.

The Yugoslav traitors, carrying out the will of the imperialists, maJe it their task to oreate political bands of reactionary, nationalist, clerical and fascist elements in the countries of People-s Democracy, in order, with their support, to bring about a counter-revolutionaryooup in these countries, detach them from the Soviet Union and the eintire SocM-ist camp, and subordinate them

to the forces of imperialism.The Tito clique has' made Belgrade an American centre

of espionage and „nti-Communist propaganda. YJhereas alltrue /...

true friend. of peace, democracy and Socialism regara tn»U.S.S.B. ae the powerful fortress of Socialism, theloyal snd un.hakable d.fend.r of 'the liberty and independence of peoples, the main bulwark of peace, the Tito-Ranko c i r w h i c h climbed to power in the d i s u s e of friends of the u.S.S.R., conducts, on the matructions o Anglo-American imperialists, a slanderous and provocativecampaign against the U.S.S.B.. using the foulest fsbrica-tlons borrowed from the arsenal of the Hilterltss.

The conversion of the Tito-Rankovic clique into* into accomplices of the warmongers

acency of imperialism and into accompxd m the Yugoslav Government openly Joining

culmina e U n l t „d Nations Organisation,with the imperialist bloc in

* *.11. Djilaaee and Beblers form a united front „here the Karde , important questionswlth the American reactionaries on the

of international polic^ rtault cf the

k r r t:i::::— .— » - r -II effect, of the people, democratic ayetem in

Yugoslavia* counter-revolutionary policy of the

“ 3 T ue which haa uaurped power in the partyTito-Rankovic cliq , 8tate regime of aand the State, an anti-communi.t po

has been establiahed in Yugoslavi . fasciat type ana capitalist elements in the

Kulaks in the ^ ^ ^ reglme. Power in Yugo- towns form the eocia ^ ^ anti-popular, reactionaryslavia is actually in the hande^ o a ffed by active

The central and local bodies are elements. fculak and other ele

. , v,mirceois parties, by Kuxt^leaders of the ol The fagci3t upper

antOn's democracy.Denta hoatile to ^ e P lnflated military policestrata are ' of ^ th9y opporesa the people ofapparatus, with the ^ country into a military camp,Yugoslavia, have con ^ ^ working people anddestroyed the ddmocratic righ

4 r out all free expression of thought, are stamping out aii

a. ^\

The Yugoslav rul.r.<„gogle«ll,- and insolently deoei- ving the people, alleging that they are building socialism in Yugoslavia. In aotual fact it is clear to every Marxist that there can be no question at all of building Socialism in Yugoslavia in circumstances in which the Tito clique have broken away from the Soviet Union, from the entire camp of Socialism and democracy, thus depriving Yugoslavia of its main support in building Socialism, in circumstances in which it has subordinated the country, economically and politically to the Anglo-American imperialists.

In the economy of Yugoslavia, the State sector has ceased to be the property of the people, since State power is in the hands of the people's enemies. The Tito-Rankovic clique have offered extensive opportunities for the penetra­tion of foreign capital into the economy of the country and have placed it under the control of capitalist monopolies.

glo-American industrial and financial circles are inves« ting their capital in Yugoslavia economy and making Yugo­slavia into an appendage of foreigh capital producing agrian and raw materials. The ever-increasing shackling dependence of Yugoslavia on imperialism is leading to in­creased exploitation of the working class and a sharp de­terioration in their material position.

The policy of the Yugoslav rulers in the countryside is of a kulak-capitalist nature. The pseudo-co-operatives, forcibly planted in the villages, are in the hands of the kulaks and their agents, and are a weapon for exploitation of the broad masses of the peasantry.

The Yugoslav hirelings of imperialism, having seized the leade ship of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, have now launched a terrorist campaign against the ireal com­munists who are true to the principles of Marxism-Leninism and are fighting for Yugoslavia's independence from the imperialists. Thousands of Yugoslav patriots, loyal to Co munism are expelled Ifrom tne Party, thrown into prison and

22. "to ^ P ©. » jr* •

concentration damps, and many of them have beez tortured and killed in prison*, or shot in the baok, as in the case of the well-known Yugoslav Communist* U*eo Javanovic* *'

The cruelty with which the annihilation of consistentfighters - fighters for Comnraal&m r is taking place in

tYugoslavia can only .be compared with the brutalities of the Hitlerite fascists, the hangmen of Tsaldaris, in Greece, or of the Franco butchers in Spain.

By expelling from the ranks of the Party 1hfi communists who are true to proletarian internationalism, by annihi- ting them, the Yugoslav fascists have thrown the Party's doors wide open to bourgeois and kulak elements. As a re­sult of the fascist terror of the Tito band against thehealthy forces of the Yugoslav Communist Party, the leader-

[\ a *. ship of the ‘.'Cfemmunist Party was left entirely in the hands of spies and assasins, hirelings of imperialism.

The Yugoslav Communist Party is controlled by counter­revolutionary forces, who, without authority, speak in the name of the Party. It is known that the bourgeoisie have long used the old method of recruiting their spies and pro­vocateurs from the ranks of the Party and the working class.By this means the imperialists try to demoralise the Party from within Ike and subordinate it to themselves. In Yugoslavia they have succeeded in achieving this aim.

The fascist ideology, fascist home poliay, as well as the treacherous foreign policy of the Tito clique, which is


entirely subordinated to foreign imperialist circles, have created an abyss between the Tito-Rankovic clique of spies and fascists and the fundamental interests of the freedom-loving peoples of Yugoslavia.

Therefore, the anti-popular and treacherous activities of the Tito clique are encountering ever-increasing resis­tance both from the Communistsiho have remained faithful to Marxism-Leninism and also from the working class and working peasantry of Yugoslavia,

C -A 1 i • >• ' ■ ' t Arising /...

23. < 0 < ? ? € >

Arising from the immutable facts proving the final passing of the Tito-clique to fascism and their desertion to the camp of international imperialism, the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers* Parties considers*•

(1) The espionage group of Tito, Hankovic, Kardelj, Djilasf Pijade, Gosnjak, Maslariio, Behler, Mrasovic, Vuko— manovic, Koca Popovic, Neskovic, Zlatic, Velebit, KidricKolishevski, and others, is the enemy of the working class

t. —and peasantry, the enemy of ttie peoples of YugoslaWa.

(2) This espionage group expresses, not the will of the peoples of Yugoslavia, hut the will of the Anglo-American imperialists, and that is why it has betrayed the interests of the country and liquidated the political sovereigntyand economic independence of Yugoslavia.

(3) The Communist Party of Yugoslavia, with its presentcomposition, havingfellen into the hands of the enemies oftthe people, of assassins and spies, has lost the right to be called a communist Party and is nrely an apparatus ful­filling the espionage assignments of the Tito-Karaelj, lian- kovic-Djilas clique.

The Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers1 Parties therefore considers that the struggle against the Tito clique, hired spies and assassins, is the international duty of all Communists and workers’ Parties. It is the duty of the Communist and Y/orcers' Parties to give the utmost assistance to the Yugoslav working class and working peasan­try who are fighting for Yugoslavia's return to the camp of damocracy and Socialism*

An essdntial condition for the return of Yugoslavia to the Socialist Camp is the active struggle of the revolu­tionary elements both inside She Yugoslav Communist Party and outside it for the rebirth of a revolutionary, genuine ly Communist Party of Yugoslavia, true to I.iarxism-Leninis true to the principles of proletarian internationalism fighting for Yugoslavia's independence from imperialij

a . for... of Iug08lavla Biioh arehavi^ in the conditions of the cruel, * ,no opportunity of working terrotolious P,nly aSalnSt the ^o-Bankovioclique, have been 00B* led tQ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^io

for Communism as that taken by the Communists th

r,: : : . r: ~ r ~ a ~

-ill be fo h P6aSa,lte °f YUS0SlaTia ^ e foross un capable cf securing victory over the bourgeois

oration and espionage clique „f the Iit0 and at th9 worklng people of Yugosiaviai ^

e working class, will be able to retore ^ hig

achievements of people's demo racy, won at the cost of heavy

Yugoslavia, and will take the road of the building of Socia- lism.

The Informati „ * r e a u 00nsiJer3 ^ ^ of ^ ^

important tasks of the Communist and Workers' Parties is to increase revolutionary vigilance in their ranks tc the utmost,O expose and eradica e bourgeois- nationalist elements andi.-enta of imperialism, no matter under what flag they conceal


The information Bureau redognises the need tc- atrenghten ideological work in the Communist and Workers' Parties, the ! work of training Communists in the spirit of loyalty to pro- I letarian internationalism, of irresonoilability towards all I deviations from the principles of Marxism-Leninism, in the f spirit of loyalty to the people's democracy and Socialism. i

Collection Number: AD1812


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