D union disjoint length - UC Santa Barbara

Homework 5 Solutions Katy Craig 2020 We proceed by induction Base case n 0 Co Eo D is the union of 20 1 disjoint closed interval of length 64 Inductive step Assume the result holds for Cn i By definition Cn is formed from Cn i by removing the open middle third of each interval Thus the number of intervals doubles and the length of each interval is a third of what it used to be Also all of the intervals remain closed and disjoint Thus Cn is the union of 2 2n 1 2 n disjoint closed intervals each of length E Est i CIM First note that part ensures Cnt BIR Hence C E BR E ell zoo

Transcript of D union disjoint length - UC Santa Barbara

Homework 5 Solutions

Katy Craig 2020

Weproceed by induction

Base case n 0 Co Eo D is the union of20 1 disjoint closed interval of length64

Inductive step Assume the result holds

for Cn i By definition Cn is formedfrom Cn i by removing the open middlethird of each interval Thus thenumber of intervals doubles and the

length of each interval is a third ofwhat it used to be Also all of theintervals remain closed and disjoint ThusCn is the union of 2 2n 1 2 n

disjoint closed intervals each of lengthE Esti CIM

First note that part ensuresCnt BIR Hence C E BR E ell zoo

IR 1 X

Also bydefinition CZ Cz Z and

2K Nco D L Thus by continuityfrom above

NC HAICnl nFo Hcn

line.AE HsT tinI.EsY O

First we show f is nondecreasing The problemstats that f is nonde

creasingon G DIC

Thus for all to t c Co DX with tottiIto Ef Iti


Fix x ye Co I withxcy.caseix yE0 Dlc ByLtd with tox try

fhdeflyCasey XECO DX and yEC Since XELo BK Kyf Ix E

ypgfit te LO DIC fly

Case3 X EC and yet DK If x O thensince ft 0 for all te fo DIC fade ftpSuppose x 0 By G with tryfor all to c o DIC to y

f Ito E fgSince to ex implies tody

f txt f It tea Dlc Efly

Case 4 exec and yEC

CLAIM There exists toEG Dl C sit XL todyPf of CLAIM Assume for the sake of contradictionthat for all to CCx

yto c C Then C

gontainsan open interval of le.ngth y x o

thus XD Vx yD y x 0 whichcontradicts

By the CLAIM and Cases 2 and 3f x Effto Ef

gNext we show f is continuous

Since f is nondecreasing Jiffy and gTx Kyexist and f is discontinuous at a

point Xo iff ligFxofly C yifxofly If xo O

we use the convention xoflg7 fCo and similarlyif Xo L we take ligIxofly f 1 I

Suppose f is discontinuous at Xo ECO D Then

finkoflyl glifxofly 4 f CEO D

However every open intervalin LEED

contains a point of the form In for some

KEIN n ft 2n D Thus I KEIN n ft 2n Dand X E fo DX sit


E finkoflyl glifxofly

This is a contradiction Thus f is

continuous at Xo for all Xo E G D

Since Hx is non decreasing gCx fHtxis strictly increasing hence injective

Since ffx is continuous gtx fCxHx is

continuous By the intermediate value theorem


it attains all values in the interval

glo gaD 0,23 so it is surjective

To show g is continuous fix UE Lo B openIt suffices to show g D YU gCU is

open Since K Eo Dl U is compactandg

is continuousgk is compact

Thus the following set is open

0,231 gCK GEO DIK gluThis gives the result


First note that gktgnhcnlnfgknscn.gsa countable union ofKy

ftp.iiitnii gaingbijective

Since g is continuous gckin is compactThus ga E BR

Now by countable additivity2 260,231 160,23Igcc Nyce

i g i gA Thus it suffices to show 160,2 lg4D 1

To do this note that 8,231gcctgco.DKand recall that co Dic Ii whereIi are disjoint open intervals andf is constant on each interval i e fCIit Ci


Neidigd Algae Dich Ngl tillH go.IE EFffitgiIIiD EHffIDtIil

translation invariance

EE Nci t Ii NII HE Iit No BKcountable additivity

By part b and countable additivity1 NEO D Ko Dlc tx c HEO Blato

Thus No 2 Igcc 160,1314 1 B CHthis gives

the result Y

By HW4 Q5 there exists kid s t

X Amc D 216 d Note ctd

It suffices to show E An Cgdsatisfies that E E contains an open interval

First note that Cc d Cc d containsthe interval l l l where l d c Wewill show f E E EE E This is equivalentto showing that t X Etf E there existsee ez EE s t ee ez X S e Eez TXIn other words it's equivalent to show thatE h E tx 0 for all xefE E

Assume for the sake of contradiction thatthere exists x El E E sit Eh Etx pSince EEE d Et x E c E ITE

Then bymonotonicityand countable additivityZe Nk E dt ET Z NEUE txNE t XEtx 2 XIE Il


This is a contradiction

Recall from HW4 Q6 land as shown inclass there exists AEEO B with the

property that for all ER there is

exactly one YEA sit x ye Q

Also as shown in class A Heth To see this

suppose A Cethos and recall that we showed1 Hits

3 iguana 8 fee HE I

G implies 7CA 0 which contradicts GH

Forany a

beA a b is either 0 or irrationalThus A A does not contain an intervalso the result of part doesn't hold

It suffices to show h Ha to is open

for all a ER By definitionhe Ca t D gf ka tog which is a

countable union of open sets bythelower semicontinuityof F hence open

For any xot IR I Exo is lowersemi continuous